English Iv Quarter I Teacher: Janice V. Sameon Subject: ENGLISH IV Date: Content Standard Performance Standard

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Teacher: Janice V. Sameon

Subject: ENGLISH IV Grade Level: IV

Date: February 17, 2022 Session: 2
Demonstrate understanding of the conventions of standard English
Content Standard
grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
Speaks and write using good command of the conventions of
Performance Standard standard English.

Identify concrete and abstract nouns in sentences. EN4G-Ig-6


Knowledge:  Identify concrete and abstract nouns in sentences. EN4G-Ig-6
Skills:  Use concrete and abstract nouns in sentences.
Affective:  Always show politeness.
Me and My World
Concrete and Abstract Nouns


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English 4 TM pages 79 – 80

2. Learner’s Materials LM English Grade 4 pp. 71 –73

3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
5. Learning Resources
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Ppt, video, visual aids, manila paper, activity card
A. Reviewing or presenting * Let the pupils view the short video “Spread Happiness”.
the new lesson After the film showing asks the following:
- What is the video all about?
- Do you like it? Why?
- What are the things that we see on the video?
*List all the answers.

B. Establishing a purpose for * Have pupils read the words inside the box. These are the words from
the lesson the possible pupils’ responses.
Direction: Read the words inside the box.
People heart sadness pain loneliness

Gift girl/boy/children happiness flower dog

-Which nouns can be seen, heard, smelled?

- Which nouns cannot be seen, heard, smelled, tasted/felt?

- Which word shows virtues, traits, characters, or qualities?

C. Presenting examples of the Directions: Arrange the following words according to their type of
new lesson nouns. Do this orally.
1.People 2.heart 3. sadness 4. pain

5. loneliness 6. gift 7. happiness 5. flower

Concrete Nouns Abstract Nouns

D. Discussing new concepts Edrian’s mother Group activity

and practicing new skills bought apples, grapes and *Each group should have a
#1 mangoes for him and his reporter to present your answer.
-G1 Tell the concrete nouns found in
the sentence.
- G2 Pick-out the the abstract noun in the sentence.
Courage is a vital element
of her success.
-G3 Act- out the ff. Abstract nouns.

Anger, joy, fear

- G4 Draw the ff. Concrete nouns

flower, apple, banana


4 3 2 1
All group All group Some group Only 1 or 2
members members members group
Participated Participated. participated. members
equally. participated.
Information is Information is Information Information is
presented in presented in an may be presented in a
very organized way. only partially disorganized
organized way. organized. way.
Group output Group output Group output Group output
contains all contains 1 contains 1 -2 contains 4-5
correct error. errors. errors.
Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is
visually organized. complete. disorganized
organized. or

E. Discussing new concepts Tell the abstract nouns found in each sentence.
and practicing new skills 1. I should have patience when waiting for Christmas.
#2 2. Humility is seen in her words and actions.
3. Albert has much pride in his heart.
F. Developing Mastery Directions: Say “Mahal Kita” if the underlined word is an abstract
noun and say “Palangga Tikaw” if it is concrete noun.
1. I will bring a glass of milk and cookies for my morning snacks
2. A new baby brings joy to a family.
3. The team Gilas Pilipinas won a trophy for being the first
runner-up during the FIBA World 2014 competition.

a. Finding practical  Read the sentences carefully. Choose the correct concrete or
applications of concepts abstract noun inside the box to complete the sentence.
and skills in daily living Honesty ball children

1. Be sure to catch the _____ that I’m going to throw.

2. ____________ is the best policy.
3. Teach your _________ to work in the house.

b. Making generalizations Ask:

and abstractions about the What is an abstract noun?
lesson What is a concrete noun?
-Concrete nouns are nouns that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or
Ex.: cat, bird, stone, water

- Abstract Nouns shows virtues, traits, characters, or qualities. They

cannot be seen, heard, smelled, or tasted.

Ex.: peace, contentment, frightened

c. Evaluating learning Direction: Tell whether a noun is abstract or concrete.

1. beauty
2. ball
3. peace
4. faith
5. paper

d. Additional Activities for Use the ff. abstract or concrete nouns in a sentence.
application or - cat - sad -birds

A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
and supervisor help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teacher?

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