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Cot 1english 4 Q2-Week 2 2022-2023

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School: ANTONIO A.

OROZCO ES Grade Level: 4

Teacher: IRISH A. PENASO Learning Area: ENGLISH
LESSON PLAN Teaching Dates/Time: NOVEMBER 16, 2022 Quarter: SECOND/WEEK2

I. OBJECTIVES Knowledge: Understand the different kinds of nouns;

Skills: Use kinds of nouns in a sentence; and
Affective: Work cooperatively with the group.

A. Learning Competency Use clear and coherent sentences employing appropriate grammatical
structures: Kinds of Nouns – Mass Nouns and Count Nouns,
Possessive Nouns and Collective nouns


A. Integration Mathematics, ESP, Science

B. Value focus Unity and Cooperation
C. Strategy Discussion, Game-based learning
A. References Grade 4- Learning Activity Sheet (LAS),Second Quarter – week 2,

B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, power point, magic box, cut out pictures, chart, pentelpen,
A.Daily Routine 1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of attendance
4. Presenting the classroom standards
 Be kind, polite and courteous to others.
 Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
 Be respectful of classmates, teachers and property.
 Listen to the teacher and classmates and follow directions.
 Raise your hand when you would like to speak in class,
when leaving you seat or if you need to leave the classroom
for a

B.Reviewing past lesson or presenting Who can recall nouns?

the new lesson What are the examples of nouns surrounding us?

C. Establishing a purpose of the new “ Name It “

lesson ( Motivation) Let the pupils give the name of the pictures inside the magic box.
D. Presenting examples/ instances of the The teacher presents these pictures
new lesson
Here are some nouns.

 Can you count them?

E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher defines count nouns and mass nouns.
practicing new skills no. 1
 Count nouns- can be counted.
 Mass nouns- cannot be counted.

Then ask pupils to give examples of count nouns and mass nouns.

F. Discussing new concepts and Present the new concept:

practicing new skills no. 2 Possessive Nouns
Defining Possessive nouns
Possessive nouns - are formed by adding either an apostrophe and a
letter s (‘s), or only an apostrophe (‘ )

Collective Nouns

Defining collective nouns.

Collective nouns – are names of groups of people, things, or animals
considered as a single unit.

Ask pupils to give more examples of Possessive and collective nouns?

 For further understanding about the kinds of nouns.
(Insert video lesson )
G. Developing Mastery (Leads to The Teacher will Present the Objectives of the lesson
Formative Assessment)
 Understand the different kinds of nouns.
 Use kinds of nouns in a sentence.
 Appreciate the importance of using different kinds of
-The Teacher were grouping the class into 3 groups.
-In every groups have differentiated activities.
-Let the groups answer the given activities within the 5 minutes.
-The group will finish first and answer correctly the activity will
receive a reward.
-Post on the board the rubric to be used in the activity.

You will be given points based on the

Accuracy……………………………5 points
Cooperation ……………………. 3 points
Pass the output on time…… 2 points
Total……………………………………10 points

Group 1
Let the pupils present their group work. The teacher will have to assess
their performance based on the rubric.

Group 2

Group 3

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct possessive noun. Encircle

the correct answer.
H. Finding Practical Application of The teacher presents similar topic on the bulletin board which pupils
concepts and skills in daily living. can look into to review the concept.

Count your blessings

and thank to the LORD for these.
I. Making Generalization and What then will you tell your parents about what you have learned
abstraction about the lesson today?

Read the posted tarpapel on the board.

Count nouns- are nouns can be counted.

 Example: boy, girl, books, fruits
Mass nouns- are nouns cannot be counted.
 Example: rice, water, sugar

Possessive nouns - are nouns formed by adding either an apostrophe

and a letter s (‘s), or only an apostrophe (‘ )
 Example: Girl’s books, Kids’ ball
Collective nouns – are names of groups of people, things, or animals
considered as a single unit.
 Example: a bunch of banana

J. Evaluating learning

Who got 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? O?
K. Additional activities for application In your notebooks, list down
and remediation. 2 examples of count and mass nouns and 1 example of possessive and
collective nouns.

A. No. of learners who earned 75% in
the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my Teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solved?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared & Demonstrated by:

__________IRISH A. PENASO_________
Teacher I

Observed by:
________MANUEL T. CUTAMORA______________
School Head

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