Lecture Notes in Mass Transfer
Lecture Notes in Mass Transfer
Lecture Notes in Mass Transfer
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Mass Transfer
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Mass transfer is the net movement of a component in a mixture from one location
to another location where the component exists at a different concentration. Often,
the transfer takes place between two phases across an interface. Thus, the
absorption by a liquid of a solute from a gas involves mass transfer of the solute
through the gas to the gas-liquid interface, across the interface, and into the liquid.
Mass transfer models are used to describe processes such as the passage of a
species through a gas to the outer surface of a porous adsorbent particle and into
the pores of the adsorbent, where the species is adsorbed on the porous surface.
Mass transfer is also the selective permeation through a nonporous polymeric
material of a component of a gas mixture. Mass transfer is not the flow of a fluid
through a pipe. However, mass transfer might be superimposed on that flow. Mass
transfer is not the flow of solids on a conveyor belt.
Molecular diffusion occurs in solids and in fluids that are stagnant or in laminar or
turbulent motion. Eddy diffusion occurs in fluids in turbulent motion. When both
molecular diffusion and eddy diffusion occur, they take place in parallel and are
additive. Furthermore, they take place because of the same concentration
difference (gradient). When mass transfer occurs under turbulent flow conditions,
but across an interface or to a solid surface, conditions may be laminar or nearly
stagnant near the interface or solid surface. Thus, even though eddy diffusion may
be the dominant mechanism in the bulk of the fluid, the overall rate of mass transfer
is controlled by molecular diffusion because the eddy diffusion mechanism is
damped or even eliminated as the interface or solid surface is approached. Mass
transfer of one or more species results in a total net rate of bulk flow or flux in one
direction relative to a fixed plane or stationary coordinate system [1].
Diffusion depends on:
1. Driving force (ΔC), moles per unit volume (kmol/m3).
2. The distance in the direction of transfer (Δz), meter (m).
3. Diffusivity coefficient, unit area per unit time (m2/s).
JA = −DAB …………………….………………..(1)
JA: is the molecular diffusion flux of A , (moles per unit area per unit time)
CA: is the concentration of A (moles of A per unit volume) kmol/m 3 .
DAB: is known as the diffusivity or diffusion coefficient for A in B (unit area per unit
time) m2/s
z: is distance in the direction of transfer (m).
Diffusion with bulk of mass in motion:
Mass flux NA + NB m2 . s m
Mass transfer velocity (V) = = = =
Concentration CT kmol s
Total diffusion equation in the form of concentration (normally used for liquids):
NA = −DAB + CA (NA + NB )……………………….(3)
dz T
Total diffusion equation in the form of partial pressure (normally used for gases):
NA = − + PA (NA + NB )……………………….(4)
RT dz T
Total diffusion equation in the form of mole fraction (used for gases and liquids):
NA = − + xA (NA + NB )……………………….(4)
RT dz
NA = Ln [P ]…………………………….(5)
RT dz T −PA1
When the mass transfer rates of the two components are equal and opposite the
process is said to be one of equimolecular counter diffusion. Such a process
occurs in the case of the box with a movable partition. It occurs also in a distillation
column when the molar latent heats of the two components are the same (λA =
Ex. 1: Ammonia gas is diffusing at a constant rate through a layer of stagnant air
1 mm thick. Conditions are such that the gas contains 50 percent by volume
ammonia at one boundary of the stagnant layer. The ammonia diffusing to the
other boundary is quickly absorbed and the concentration is negligible at that
plane. The temperature is 295 K and the pressure atmospheric, and under these
conditions the diffusivity of ammonia in air is 0.18 cm 2/s. Estimate the rate of
diffusion of ammonia through the layer.
If the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the two sides of the stagnant layer and the
subscripts A and B refer to ammonia and air respectively, then the rate of diffusion
through a stagnant layer is given by:
NA = Ln [ ]
RT dz PT − PA1
Δ𝐳 = 𝐳𝟐−𝐳𝟏 = 1 mm = (1)10−3 m
kj cm2 m2
R = 8.314 kmol .K, T = 295 K and DAB = 0.18 = 1.8 X 10-5
s s
Ex. 2: In an air-carbon dioxide mixture at 298 K and 202.6 kPa, the concentration
of CO2 at two planes (3 mm) apart are 25 vol.% and 15 vol.% respectively. The
diffusivity of CO2 in air at 298 K and 202.6 kPa is 8.2 X10-6 m2/s. Calculate the rate
of transfer of CO2 across the two planes, assuming:
a. Equimolecular counter diffusion.
b. Diffusion of CO2 through a stagnant air layer.
b. Stagnant diffusion.
NA = Ln [P ]
RT dz T −PA1
1.2 Distillation
In distillation (fractionation), a feed mixture of two or more component is separated
into two or more products, including, and often limited to an overhead distillate and
a bottom, whose compositions differ from that of the feed. Most often, the feed is
a liquid or vapor – liquid mixture. The bottoms products is almost always a liquid,
but the distillate may be a liquid or a vapor or both. The separation requires that
(1) a second phase be formed so that both li quid and vapor phases are present
and can contact each other on each stage within a separation column, (2) the
components have different volatilities so that they will partition between the two
phases to different extents, and (3) the two phases can be separated by gravity or
other mechanical means. Distillation differs from absorption and stripping in that
the second phase is created by thermal means (vaporization and condensation)
rather than by the introduction of a second phase that usually contains an
additional component or component does not present in the feed mixture. The
word distillation is derived from Latin word destillare, which means dripping or
trickling down. By at least the sixteenth century, it was known that the extent of
separation could be improved by providing multiple vapor-liquid contacts (stages)
in a so-called Rectificatorium. The term rectification is derived from the Latin words
recte facere , meaning to improve. Modern distillation derives its ability to produce
almost pure products from the use of multistage contacting.
Binary Mixture: mixture contains only two components differ in boiling point.
Equipment and Design Consideration Industrial distillation operations are most
commonly conducted in trayed towers, but packed columns are finding increasing
use. Occasionally, distillation columns contain both trays and packing. Types of
trays and packing are identical to those used for absorption and stripping.
A schematic diagram for the distillation column for binary mixture is presented
below [1].
Let the mass transfer being from gas phase to liquid phase:
̅ A = G (yA1−yA2) = L (XA1−XA2) ………….………………(7)
̅̅̅A: is the total mole rate diffusion along the column.
yA and xA : are the mole fraction of component (A) in gas and liquid phase,
G : is the mole flow rate of gas (kmol/s).
L : is the mole flow rate of liquid (kmol/s).
𝐤𝐋 is the individual liquid film mass transfer coefficient.
𝐤𝐠: is the individual gas film mass transfer coefficient.
𝐊𝐎𝐋: is the overall mass transfer coefficient based on liquid phase.
𝐊𝐎𝐆: is the overall mass transfer coefficient based on gas phase.
𝐏𝐀𝐢: is the partial pressure of the gas (A) at the interface.
𝐂𝐀𝐢: is the concentration of the liquid (A) at the interface.
𝐏*𝐀: is the partial pressure of the gas phase which is in equilibrium with the liquid
phase 𝐂𝐀.
𝐂*𝐀: is the concentration of the liquid phase which is in equilibrium with the gas
phase 𝐏𝐀.
H: Henry's constant
∆P1 −∆P2
∆PLM = ∆P1 ……………………………………(7)
ΔP1 = PA1−P*A1 , P*A1=H CA1
ΔP2 = PA2−P*A2 , P*A2=H CA2
We can rewrite the Eq.(6) in the mole fraction form instead of partial pressure as
̅ A = 𝐊𝐎𝐆 .𝐀 . Δy𝐋𝐦 ……………………………………………….(8)
∆y1 −∆y2
∆yLM = ∆y1 ……………………………………(7)
Δy1 = yA1−y*A1 , y*A1=H XA1
Δy2 = yA2−y*A2 , y*A2=H XA2
Ex. 3: A wetted wall column is used to absorbed NH3 by water from 6 vol.% in
air. The gas flow rate is 1.2 kmol/min at 1 atm and 20oC. Calculate the overall
mass transfer coefficient. The data given are:
• The water flow rate to gas flow rate ratio is 1.4.
• The outlet gas concentration is 1.5 vol.%.
• The column height is 100 cm.
• The column diameter is 2 cm.
• Henry's constant is 1.3.
A = 0.06283 m2
∆y1 − ∆y2
∆yLM =
Ln ∆y1
To find ( XA1):
G (yA1−yA2) = L (XA1−XA2)
XA1 = L (yA1−yA2) + XA2
XA1 = (1.4 ) 0.06 − 0.015 + 0
XA1 = 0.0321
y*A1 = HXA1 = (1.3) (0.0321) = 0.04173
y*A2 = HXA2 = (1.3) (0) = 0
0.01827 − 0.015
∆yLM = = 0.0165
̅ A = 𝐊𝐎𝐆 .𝐀 . Δy𝐋𝐦
Gas absorption it is a mass transfer operation in which one or more gas solutes is
removed by dissolution in a liquid. The inert gas in the gas mixture is called “carrier
gas”. In the absorption process of ammonia from air-ammonia mixture by water,
air is carrier gas, ammonia is „solute” and water is absorbent. An intimate contact
between solute gas and absorbent liquid is achieved in a suitable absorption
equipment, namely, tray tower, packed column, spray tower, venture scrubber, etc.
Desorption or stripping operation is the reverse of absorption. Absorption operation
is of two types: physical and chemical.
For the determination of driving force in any mass transfer operation, the solubility
of a species in a solvent, i.e., equilibrium distribution between phases is important.
With the increase in temperature, solubility of a gas in liquid decreases. Hence,
absorption is done at lower temperature. On the contrary, desorption is done at
higher temperature. The equilibrium characteristics of a gas-liquid system was
discussed in chapter 1 (Mass Transfer Coefficient).
2.2 Selection of solvent for absorption and stripping
If the objective of absorption is separation of a particular component from a
mixture, selection of absorbent plays a great role and when absorption operation
is used to prepare a solution, solvent is selected according to final product.
(A) Gas Solubility: High solubility of a gas in the solvent is preferred, utilizing
low quantity of solvent. Absorbent should not dissolve carrier gas.
Similar chemical nature of solute and absorbent (solvent) gives a good
solubility. If chemical reaction takes place between solute and solvent,
rate of absorption is extremely high. But the reaction should be
reversible to recover solvent during desorption.
(B) Volatility: Low volatility or low vapor pressure of the solvent enhances the
adsorption operation as solvent loss with carrier gas is very small.
Sometimes, a second less volatile solvent is used to recover the first
(C) Viscosity: For better absorption, a solvent of low viscosity is required. In
mechanically agitated absorber, greater amount of power is required for
high viscous solvent and flooding is also caused at lower liquid and gas
flow rates.
(D) Corrosiveness: Non-corrosive or less corrosive solvent reduces
equipment construction cost as well as maintenance cost.
(E) Cost: The solvent should be cheap so that losses will be insignificant and
should be easily available.
(F) Toxicity and Hazard: The solvent should be non-toxic, non-flammable,
non-hazardous and should be chemically stable.
2.3 Design of single stage counter-current flow
absorption tower (packed tower)
Two common gas absorption equipments are packed tower and plate tower. Other
absorption equipments are, namely, spray column, agitated contactor, venture
scrubber, etc. The gas and the liquid phases come in contact in several discrete
stages. Thus, a stage wise contact is there in a plate column. But in packed tower,
the up-flowing gas remains in contact with down-flowing liquid throughout the
packing, at every point of the tower. Therefore, packed tower is known as
“continuous’’ differential contact equipment It is different from the stage-wise
distillation column. In the stage distillation column, the equilibrium in each stage
will vary not in a continuous manner whereas in the packed column the equilibrium
is changed point wise in each axial location [2].
The following items and variables should be known for design of a packed
absorption tower:
(a) Equilibrium data; (b) Gas and liquid flow rates; (c) Solute concentration
in two terminals; (d) Individual and overall volumetric mass transfer
coefficients (Ky𝑎̅, Kx𝑎̅, KG𝑎̅, KL𝑎̅, etc.).
2.3.1 Packing materials:
Packing materials are utilized to provide large interfacial area of contact between
two phases. These are made from either of ceramics, metals or plastics. A number
of packing materials with various size, shape and performance are available.
These are classified into three types, namely, dumped or random, structured
and grid.
(a) Cost: The cost of the packing materials should be very low.
(c) Void volume: A high void volume is needed to maintain low pressure drop.
(d) Fouling resistance: Packing materials should not trap suspended solids
present in liquid. Bigger packing materials generally give low fouling
(f) Uniform flow of streams: Stack of packing materials should have uniform
void spaces through which both the streams (gas and liquid) can flow
uniformly. Non-uniform flow of streams leads to stagnant liquid pool which
in turn gives low mass transfer.
(a) Raschig rings; (b) Lessing rings and (c) Berl saddle
modified Raschig rings
(Cross-partition rings)
The second-generation random packing materials are mainly (a) Intalox saddle
(modified); (b) Pall ring (modified). Intalox saddle is the modified version of Berl
saddle and offers less friction resistance due to particular shape (two saddles will
never nest). Pall rings are modified version of Raschig rings. These are shown in
Figure 5.
The third-generation random packing materials are numeral; (a) Intalox Metal
Tower Packing (IMTP); (b) Nutter ring; (c) Cascade Mini-Ring (CMR); (d) Jaeger
Tripac; (e) Koch Flexisaddle; (f) Nor-Pac; (g) Hiflow ring, etc. These are shown in
Figure 6.
(a) Intalox metal (b) Nutter ring (c) Cascade
tower packing Mini ring
(d) Jaeger Tripac
18 Grid packing materials: This packing material is used for high gas
or vapor capacities at low pressure drop. Mellagrid series; Flexigrid series;
Snap grid series are among these grids.
Fig. 9 Industrial gas absorption processes [2].
2.4 Calculation of tower height
The physical absorption process can be carried out in counter/current flow
process, which may be carried out in packed or tray column:
Where: Where:
HOG: is the height of H: is the distance between
transfer unit (HTU) based two trays, and it is given
on gas phase, and it can (0.3 - 0.7 m).
be calculated from the
equation below: N: is the number of trays,
and it can be calculated
𝐇𝐎𝐆 = (in meter) based on equilibrium data.
KOG .a. PT
Note: If the tower type is not mentioned in the problem, we can take it as a
packed tower.
Ex. 4: Ammonia is to be removed from a 10 percent ammonia–air mixture by
counter current scrubbing with water in a packed tower at 293 K so that 99
percent of the ammonia is removed when working at a total pressure of 101.3
kN/m2. If the gas rate is 0.95 kg/m2.s of tower cross-section and the liquid rate
is 0.65 kg/m2.s, find the necessary height of the tower if the absorption
coefficient KoG . a = 0.0008 kmol/m3.s. kPa., The equilibrium data are: Y∗=0.8
𝑦1 0.1
𝑦1 = = = 0.11
1 − 𝑦1 1 − 0.1
𝑦 0.001
𝑦2 = 1−𝑦2 = = 0.001
2 1−0.001
0.0312 m2.s
̅𝐬 = G
The mole flux of the inert gas, G ̅ (𝟏−𝐲𝟏) = (0.0312) (1−0.11) = 0.027
m2 .s
The mole flux of the inert liquid, L̅s = L̅ (𝟏−𝐱𝟐 )= (0.0361) (1−0) = 0.0361 m2.s
G 0.027
𝐇𝐎𝐆 = = = 0.333 m
KOG . a . PT ( 0.0008) (101.3)
mGs (0.8) (0.027)
∅= ̅̅̅
= = 0.598
Ls (0.0361)
1 (1 − ∅)y1 + ∅y2
NOG = ln [ ]
(1 − ∅) (1 − ∅)y2 + ∅y2
1 (1 − 0.598)0.1 + 0.598(0.001)
= ln [ ] = 9.2
(1 − 0.598) (1 − 0.598)0.001 + 0.598(0.001)
2.5 Mass transfer coefficient from empirical
Several workers have measured the rate of transfer from a liquid flowing down
the inside wall of a tube to a gas passing counter currently upwards. Gilliland
and Sherwood vaporized a number of liquids including water, toluene, aniline
and propyl, amyl and butyl alcohols into an air stream flowing up the tube in
order to measure the individual mass transfer coefficient (kg). Gilliland and
sherwood used the empirical relation below to measure the individual mass
transfer coefficient (Kg) and this relation in forms of dimensionless [3].
Ex. 5: Calculate the gas film coefficient for the absorption of sulpher dioxide
from a dilute mixture with air in a wetted wall column using Gilliland and
Sherwood correlation for wetted wall column for the following data:
• Gas velocity = 2.5 m/s.
• Gas temperature = 293 K.
• Gas viscosity = 1.78 X 10-5 N.s/m2.
• Gas density = 1.22 kg/m3.
• Gas diffusivity = 1.22 X 10-5 m2/s.
• Inside column diameter = 25 mm.
Kg. d 25 X 10−3
Sh = = kg = = 2049 k g
D 1.22 X 10−5
μ 1.78 X 10−5
Sc = = = 1.1959
ρ. D (1.22)1.22 X 10−5
Kg = 0.545 s
Design of dryers
Moisture content of the solid which exters an equillibrium vapour pressure equal
to that of pure liquid at the given temperature is the unbound moisture.
3.3 Classification of dryers
Drying equipment is classified in different ways, according to following design
and operating features:
To reduce heat losses most of the commercial dryers are insulated and hot air
is recirculated to save energy. Now many designs have energy-saving devices,
which recover heat from the exhaust air or automatically control the air humidity.
Computer control of dryers in sophisticated driers also results in important
savings in energy.
3.4 Drying equipment
3.4.1 Batch type dryers Tray dryer
Schematic of a typical batch dryer is shown in figure 11. Tray dryers usually
operate in batch mode, use racks to hold product and circulate air over the
material. It consists of a rectangular chamber of sheet metal containing trucks
that support racks. Each rack carries a number of trays that are loaded with the
material to be dried. Hot air flows through the tunnel over the racks. Sometimes
fans are used to on the tunnel wall to blow hot air across the trays. Even baffles
are used to distribute the air uniformly over the stack of trays. Some moist air is
continuously vented through exhaust duct; makeup fresh air enters through the
inlet. The racks with the dried product are taken to a tray-dumping station.
These types of dryers are useful when the production rate is small. They are
used to dry wide range of materials but have high labor requirement for
loading and unloading the materials and are expensive to operate. They find
most frequent application for drying valuable products. Drying operation in
case of such dryers is slow and requires several hours to complete drying of
one batch. With indirect heating often the dryers may be operated under
vaccum. The trays may rest on hollow plates supplied with steam or hot water
or may themselves contain spaces for a heating fluid. Vapour from the solid
may be removed by an ejector or vacuum pump. Freeze-drying involves the
sublimation of water from ice under high vacuum at temperatures well below
0oC. This is done in special vacuum dryers for drying heat-sensitive products.
28 Pan dryer
The atmospheric pan drier has a jacketed round pan in which a stirrer or mill
revolves slowly, driven from below. The slow-moving stirrer exposes fresh
surfaces and thereby raises the rate of evaporation and, hence, of drying. The
pan drier is a batch machine and is limited to small batches. Pan driers may
be used first to evaporate a solution to its crystallizing concentration and then
can function as a crystallizer by sending cold water instead of steam into the
jacket. The effect of the stirrer during crystallization prevents the growth of
large crystals and promotes formation of small, uniform crystals. The mother
liquor is then drained off and the crystals dried in the same apparatus [3].
Fig. 13 Agitated pan dryer [3].
A choice of the agitator design which can be arranged with or without heating
depends on the material characteristics and process requirements. While
designing the shell one has to consider the external pressure and the shaft
designing includes fatigue consideration. Designing the impeller needs
consideration of characteristics of the material before and after drying [3].
heated air or gases, and their temperature are so regulated that the solid is
dried just before discharge.
The shell fits loosely into a stationary housing at each end. The material is
brought to a chute that runs through the housing; the latter also carries the
exhaust pipe. The revolving shell runs on two circular tracks and is turned by
a girth gear that meshes with a driven pinion. The inclination is one in sixteen
for high capacities and one in thirty for low ones. As the shell revolves, the
solid is carried upward one-fourth of the circumference; it then rolls back to a
lower level, exposing fresh surfaces to the action of the heat as it does so.
Simple rotary driers serve well enough when fuel is cheap. The efficiency is
greatly improved by placing longitudinal plates 3 or 4 in. wide on the inside of
the cylinder. These are called lifting flights. These carry part of the solid half-
way around the circumference and drop it through the whole of a diameter in
the central part of the cylinder where the air is hottest and least laden with
moisture. By bending the edge of the lifter slightly inward, some of the material
is delivered only in the third quarter of the circle, producing a nearly uniform
fall of the material throughout the cross section of the cylinder. The heated air
streams through a rain of particles. This is the most common form of revolving
rotary cylinder. It has high capacity, is simple in operation, and is continuous.
31 Drum dryer
In drum dryers (Figure 15) a liquid containing dissolved solids or slurry carrying
suspended solids forms a thin layer on the outside surface of a large rotating
drum. For a single drum unit thickness of the film can be controlled by an
adjustable scraping blade. In case of a double drum unit thickness can be
controlled by the gap between the drums (Figure 16). A gas, normally air may
be blown over the surface for rapid removal of moisture. The rotation of the
drum adjusted so that all of the liquid is fully vaporized, and a dried deposit
can be scrapped off with the help of flexible or adjustable knife. This type of
dryer mainly handles the materials that are too thick for a spray dryer and too
thin for a rotary dryer. The solid collects on an apron in front of the knife and
rolls to a container or to a screw conveyor. The operation of the drum drier is
continuous. The drum is rotated continuously by a gear driven by a pinion that
receives its motion through a belt, a chain, or a reduction gear from. The speed
of the drum may be regulated by a variable-speed drive to adopt the speed to
any slight variation in the feed quality. The speed of the drum regulated
depending upon the nature of materials (i.e wet or dry), if the product material
is wet/dry quite a distance before the knife is reached, the speed should be
decreased/increased. The design of the components is similar to that of drum
filter. The knife may be held just against the surface. It may be brought closer
by turning the adjusting wheels. The knife supports may be turned through
part of a circle so that the angle of the blade of the knife relative to the drum
surface may be selected for the greatest shearing effect. In recent years,
double drum dryers have replaced single drum dryer in several applications
(Figure 15), due to their more efficient operation, wide range of products and
high production rates [4].
Fig. 15 Single drum dryer [4].
33 Flash dryer
The flash driers (Figure 17), also called pneumatic dryers, are similar in their
operating principle to spray dryer. The materials that are to be dried (i.e. solid
or semisolid) are dispersed in finely divided form in an upward flowing stream
of heated air. These types of dryers are mainly used for drying of heat sensitive
or easily oxidizable materials. The wet materials that are too dried can be
passed into a high-temperature air stream that carries it to a hammer mill or
high-speed agitator where the exposed surface is increased. The drying rate is
very high for these dryers (hence the term flash dryers), but the solid
temperature does not rise much because of the short residence time. A flash
dryer is not suitable for particles which are large in size or heavy particles. The
special advantage of this type of dryer is that no separate arrangement is
required for transporting the dried product. The fine particles leave the mill
through a small duct to maintain the carrying velocities (drying gas) and reach
a cyclone separator. A solid particle takes few seconds to pass from the point
of entry into the air stream to the collector. The inlet gas temperature is high
and varies from 650oC to 315oC, for example, in 2 seconds, or from 650oC to
175oC in 4 seconds. The thermal efficiency this type of dryer is generally low.
A material having an initial moisture content of 80 % may be reduced to 5 or 6
% in the dried product [4].
34 Fluidized bed dryer
Fluidized bed dryer consists of a steel shell of cylindrical or rectangular cross
section. A grid is provided in the column over which the wet material is rests. In
this type of dryer, the drying gas is passed through the bed of solids at a velocity
sufficient to keep the bed in a fluidized state. Mixing and heat transfer are very
rapid in this type of dryers. The dryer can be operated in batch or continuous
mode (Figure 18). Fluidized bed dryer is suitable for granular and crystalline
materials. If fine particles are present, either from the feed or from particle
breakage in the fluidized bed, there may be considerable solid carryover with
the exit gas and bag filters are needed for fines recovery. The main advantage
of this type of dryer are rapid and uniform heat transfer, short drying time, good
control of the drying conditions.
35 Screen conveyor dryers
Screen conveyor dryer is also called a direct heat continuous type dryer. The
solid to be dried are fed on to endless, perforated, conveyor belt through which
hot air is forced. The belt is housed in a long rectangular drying chamber or
tunnel (Figure 19). The chamber is divided into series of separate sections,
each with its own fan and air heater. Air may be recirculated through and vented
from each section separately or passed from one section to another counter
current to the solid movement. The solid is carried through the tunnel and
discharged at the opposite end. In order to prevent the higher flow rate of hot
air through thinner regions of the bed a uniform feeding rate and distribution of
the material over the conveyor is necessary. Coarse granular, flakey, or fibers
materials can be dried by through circulation without any pretreatment and
without loss of material through the screen. High drying rate can be achieved
with good product quality control. Thermal efficiency of this type of dryer is high
and with steam heating, the steam consumption for heating the drying gas can
be as low as 1.5 kg per kg of water evaporated. Only disadvantage of this type
of dryer are high initial cost and high maintenance cost due to the mechanical
3.5 Novel drying technologies
Newer technologies focus on saving in energy consumption that result in
considerable overall improvement in energy efficiency. In addition, the final
quality of the product is greatly influenced by the drying technique and strategy.
A brief overview of some novel drying techniques is given below:
3.6 Design consideration of driers
3.6.1 Design of dryer
Design of a rotary dryer only on the basis of fundamental principle is very difficult.
Few of correlations that are available for design may not prove to be satisfactory
for many systems. The design of a rotary dryer is better done by using pilot plant
test data and the full-scale operating data of dryer of similar type if available,
together with the available design equations. A fairly large number of variables
are involved such as solid to be dried per hour, the inlet and exit moisture
contents of the solid, the critical and equilibrium moisture contents, temperature
and humidity of the drying gas. The design procedure based on the basic
principles and available correlations is discussed below. In this case we assume
that the solid has only unbound moisture and as shown in Figure 20 in stage II
the solid is at the wet bulb temperature of the gas [4].
Fig. 21 Scanning electron microscopy images of the cross section of a
flat sheet: (a) Hollow fiber (b) Membrane prepared from a modified poly-
ketone [4].
For applications on large scale, membranes are efficiently packed in small and
compact Plate-and -frame modules make use of flat-sheet membranes (in
sandwich configuration) separated by support plates. These modules have low
packing densities and are correspondingly expensive; they are for examples
used to produce potable water in small-scale applications.
Spiral-wound modules allow the efficient packaging of flat-sheet membrane in a
convenient cylindrical form. They consist in an arrangement of two rectangular
membranes placed back-to-back and sealed on three sides. They are rolled
around a collector tube connected to the fourth side which remains open. The
solution to be treated is brought to one end of this cylinder and the product
circulates between both membranes to the collector tube. A spiral-wound module
is contained in a pressure vessel assembly, consisting of a cylindrical housing
for the modules, a plumbing [4].
Fig. 22 Scheme of a plate and frame membrane module [4].
Fig. 24 Scheme of tubular modules with different operative design.
In a membrane separation process two main operative designs are possible: crossflow
and dead-end.
A schematic representation of a crossflow and a dead-end membrane separation
stage is reported in Figure 25.
Fig. 25 Schematic drawing of a membrane separation stage: (a) Crossflow, (b) Dead-
In the crossflow mode, the feed stream flows parallel to the membrane and is
separated in the dead-end the feed is forced–perpendicularly the membrane leading
to a concentrate phase (retentate) and a permeate. This operative modality is
characterized by a higher tendency to fouling phenomena than crossflow mode, and
so crossflow operation is generally preferred for industrial applications.
Fig. 26 Two pass membrane separation system.
1. Coulson J.M. & Richardson J.F., Chemical Engineering, Volume 1, six edition,
ELBS, Pergamon Press. 2002.
2. Coulson J.M. & Richardson J.F., Chemical Engineering, Volume 2, fifth edition,
ELBS, Pergamon Press. 2002.
3. Rousseau R. W., Handbook of Separation Process Technology, John Wiley &
Sons, 2009.
4. Seader J. D.& Henley E. J., Separation Process Principles. John Wiley & Sons,