Coordinate Geometry Mind Map

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1. Straight Line
Equation of Co-ordinate axes ~ Sarai
I Straight Line I Y2 --------------, B(x2, Y2)

:' Y2 - Y1
.._, 2. Slope ''
-~ Combined equation of Also called Gradient
., coordinate axes is xy = 0 If a straight line makes an angle ' 0'
>. XI
with the positive direction of x-axis (in
anti clockwise direction), then the slope
0 x-axis (y~0)
of the line is denoted by ' m' = tan0.
Note m = tan0
m = tan0
1. If 0 = o0 means line is m=O
Equation of Straight L ine Parallel
0° ~ 0 < 180°, 0 * 90• parallel to x-axis
to Axes 2. If 0 = 90° means line m does not exist
Equation of a line parallel to x axis at is parallel to y - axis.
a distance 'a' from it y = lal 3. For acute angle m is positive
Equation of a line y (0° < 0< 90°)
parallel to y axis 4. For obtuse angle m is negative
at a distanee 'b' (90° < 0 < 180°)
from it x· = lbl (y=a) Slope of the line passing through 5. Line equally inclined to both axes
a A(xi, y 1 ) and B(x2, Y2) y
X 0 = 45° or 135°
0 a Y2 - yl m= tan0
b b
(y= -a) m=tan0 = - - -
X2 -X1
(x=-b) (x=b) = difference of

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6. Let m1 and m2 be slopes of 2 given lines.
~ Sarai 4. Standard Fonus of Equations of
Straight Lines
(a) If lines are parallel
m 1 = m2 and vice versa.
I Straight Line I Slope-intercept Form
I B(x, y)
(b) If lines are perpendicular
m1 = tan0 I y-c
m2 = tan(90 + 0) = - cot0 /T,I:""'-'···"'-···c.::·
··"'···c.::····""···"'· ,;D
· ··::.·
m 1.m2 = -1 and vice versa.
7. Condition for collinearity of three 1. Line making equal non zero intercepts
points A(xi, y1), B(x2 , y2) , C(x3, y3) on axes (equal intercept means equal
y in magnitude and sign). v
tan0 = m = _x-0
y -_c _.., = mx
•y _ + c_, I
__ __
C(x3, Y3) ⇒ m=-1
Intercept For111
B(x2, Y2) _ _ _ _.....,__.,~- x Line making intercepts a & b on x &
y-axis respectively
2. Line making equal non-zero length of
intercept on axes v
m,ui = m8 c = mAc ⇒ Y2 - Y1 = Ys - Y2
⇒ m=±l.
x 2 - x1 x3 -x2
3. Intercept of a straight line on the
coordinate axes
OA and OB with proper sign are called
the intercepts of the line AB on x and y

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Slope Point F orni
~ Sarai ( coefficient of x)2 + (coefficient of y)2 = 1
andp>O Y
Line passing through point (xi, Yi)
and having the slop e = 10 I Straight Line I y

Y I Y- Yi = m(x - xi) I Line p assing through hvo points

(xi, Y1) and (x2, Y2)
P(x, y) CL

I Y- Y1 = Y2 - Y1
X2 - X 1
(X - X1)
X y 1
determinant form X1 Y1 1 =0
Xz Yz 1 ---+......,...___,,.,.___x
Normal Form
Tw o Point Fonn y (0,0) Xa
Line passing through two points
x cosa. + y sina = p
(xi, Y1) and (x2, Y2)
y ~,
y - y1 = m(x-x1) , ,a.
X 0 a < 21t and p is always positive
m = Y2-Y1 0
Xz-Xl Parametr ic Forni
(x2, y
Y2 ···············
p : length of the perpendicular from
! Y2-Y1
· · ••( the origin to the line
a : angle which the perpendicular to the
line makes with positive x axis in
anticlockwise direction
The normal form can be identified by
checking that


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5. General Form of Equation
Ax + By+ C=O
~ Sarai (iii) AC = AB + BC.
(iv) Equation of line AB, is satisfied by
Reduction of the general equation to
different standard forms
I Straight Line I point C.
8. Length of The Perpendicular Fro1n
The straight line ax + by + c = 0 divides a Point on a Line
Slope of the line Ax+ By + C = 0 is - : the line joining the points A (x1, y1) and
. . ax +byl+c The length of the p erpendicular
. (coefficient ofx) B (x2, y2) m the ratio - 1 b
1.e. - . axi+ y1 +c fro1n the point P (xl , y l ) on the
coefficient ofy
y intercept of the line = - C/B
6. Point and Line
If L(x1,y1) and L(x2 ,y2) are of opposite
sign, then division is internal.
line ax + by + c = 0
P (,., Y,l

Position of a Point Relative to a

Given Line Y
ax + by + c = 0 ♦

9. The Angle Behveen Two Straight

Note tan♦ = _m-=2_-n
7. Collinearity of three given points l+m1m2
If L( P1 ). L(P2 ) > 0 (l\1eans of same sign) Three given points A, B, C are collinear
: Points P 1 and P2 are on sa1ue sides if any one of the following conditions is
of the line L = 0 satisfied.
If L(P1 ) . L(P2 ) < o (Means of opposite (i) Area of triangle ABC is zero.
sign) : Points P 1 and P2 are on opposite (ii) Slope of AB= slope of BC= slope of
sides of the line L = 0 AC.

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1. If the lines are parallel
~ Sarai
9z = 81 and cp = 0
I I Straight Line I
tan =
cp I 1n2 - 1n1
1 + n11m2
=O l m = m 111. The
1 2
Distance Between Two Parallel
2. If the lines are perpendicular L 1: ax + by + c1 = 0 and Lz: ax + by + Cz = 0

==-;a===== ISi
d2 =-.====== 180 - a.
¥1la2 + b2 ~
✓ a• + -
0 lc -c,I if lines are y = m1x + c1 & y = m 1x + d 1 and
d = d1 -dz= I •
Jal+ b2
The lines are -
• a1 b1
(1) Parallel ~ - = -
a2 b2
*- C1
if p1 = p 2 then parallelogram will be a
(ii) Perpendicular ~ a1a2+b 1b2 = 0 rhombus.
(iii) Coincident ~ a
= b
= c
1 12. Equation of any straight line
a2 bz Cz through the point of intersection
10. Eq of Lines Parallel And Note of two given straight lines
The coefficients of x and y in both the
Perpendicular to a given line equations should be same while applying L3
Eq. of line, // to the line ax + by + c = 0 this formula
ax + by + 11,= 0 Area of Parallelogra111
p 1 and p1 are the distances between the L2
Eq. of line, .l to the line ax + by + c = 0 parallel sides . - - - - - - .
11, is a parameter which can be evaluated
bx - ay + 11, = 0 Area= PJP2 specifically using given conditions

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12. Equation of any straight line through
the point of intersection of two given ~ Sarai \.Vhether both given lines are perpendicula1
or not, but the angle bisectors of these lines
straight lines
Conversely, Any line of the form Lr +
I Straight Line I will always be mutually perpendicular
16. Discrilnination between acute /
AL2 = 0 passes through a fixed point 15. Bisectors of The Angles Between obtuse angle bisector
which is the point of intersection of the Two Given Lines Method - I AB 2
lines L r = 0 and L 2 = 0. p.\\ 'J.
13. Concur rency of Straight Lines '
q\,, ,._
,, ' ..,-,,_.,,,,.
The condition for Concurrency of ...
⇒ Pl.VI=PN , ' .....

three lines
arx + brY+Cr =O ....................
a2X + b2Y + Ci = 0
a3X + b3y + C3 = 0 If
L2 IP1I > IP2I ⇒ AB 2 is obtuse angle bisector
The three lines are a1 b1 c1
az bz cz = 0. IP1I < IP2I⇒ AB 2 is acute angle bisector
concurrent if a2 x + b 2 y + c2
a3 b3 c3
If determinant= 0 then it is not always
.Ja~ + b~
IP1I = I P2I ⇒

Method - II
the lines are perpendicular

necessary that lines are concurrent but L AB2 L

may be parallel.
14. Bisectors of The Angles Between
T·wo Given Lines ' - - -A BI
Angle bisector is the locus of a point
which moves in such a way so that its
distance from two intersecting lines 29 + 2a. = 180"
remains same. 9+a.=90"


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OR Find !\'lid point of PQ
Method - II
m1 -m2
Find tan0 =I I
~ Sarai Shifting of origin without rotating
Iftan0 > 1
1 +m1m2
0> 45° I Straight Line I the axes new axes are parallel to
the original ones X= x- h Y=y - k
AB 1 is the bisector of the obtuse angle New = Old - h, k
and AB 2 will be the bisector of the y Old = New + h, k
acute angle Y'
• P(x, y) P(X, Y)
If O < tan0 < 1 0 < 45°
AB 1 is the bisector of the acute angle X :1.:.:
, I

h x-h\>.,
The equation of the bisector of (h, k)•o• i X
the angle between the two lines 17. Optics AB2 P( )
containing the point (a,b) X1 , Y1 - -+-----,x,,.......- ----x
(0, O)'VJo------
Rewrite the equations making C 1 and
C 2 positive 18. Rotation of The Axes
If a1a.+ b1 J3 + c1 and a2 a. + b2 J3 +~are A~B Rotation of The Axes, Without
:I ax+ by+ c = 0
of the same signs I Changing The Origin Both Systems

•Q of Co-ordinates Being Rectangular


Image x = x' cos0- y' sin0 y = x' sin0 + y' cos0

ax1 + by1 + c
Or of opposite signs Image Q
= b =- 2 aZ + bz [xY] = [c~s0 - sin0] f x;]
sm0 cos0 lY
Foot of Perpendicular l\'I It is easy to deduce the equivalent form
x-x1 Y-Y1 ax1 + by1 + c x' = xcos0 + ysin0
- =- y' = ycos0- xsin0
a b a2 + b 2


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Ho1nogeneous Equation of Second
~ Sarai (4) If a and b are of opposite sign
⇒ ab <0 ⇒ h2 -ab >0

y I Straight Line I Hence, lines are always real.

The condition that these lines are
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 2h a (1) Equally inclined to the x axis
m1 + m2 = -- m 1m,. = -b
b h=0
The Angle Behveen Two Lines coefficient of xy = 0
2✓h 2
tan0 = + - - - -
The condition that these lines a re a+b

(l)At right angles to each other Note

m 1m2 =-=-1
⇒ a + b=0
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0

D = 4h2 -4ab = 4(h2 -ab)

coefficient of x2 + coefficient of y2 = 0.
(2) Coincident
These line will be 19. The co1nbined equation of angle
tan0 = 0 1111 = 1n2
bisect ors b eh veen the lines
⇒ h2 - ab = 0 h2 = ab (1) Real and different ifD > 0 ⇒ h2 - ab > 0
ax2 + 2hxy + b y2 = 0
Homogeneous equation of 2nd
(2) Real and coincident if D = 0 ⇒ h2 - ab = 0 x2 -y2 xy
represents combined equation of pair of
straight lines passing through the origin. a-b h
(3) Imaginary but with real point of
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 intersection (0, 0) if D < 0 ⇒ h2 - ab < 0

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The given line equation may be written as
~ Sarai
I Straight Line I lx+my

Point of intersection of two lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + (2gx + 2fy)

Li represented by
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
The points P & Q satisfy the line, curve
Get equation of two straight lines and and eqn ...(i)
20. The con1bined equation of angle
bisectors between the lines
Equation (i) is homogeneous and of the
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 2nd degree, it represents 2 st. lines

Partially differentiate the equation passing through the origin and points P
Represents a pair of straight lines in ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c =O &Q
general if:
Angle Between T,vo Lines
abc + 2fgh - at1 - bg2 - ch2 =0 represented by
a h g ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
h b f =O called discriminant of
g f C
equation 2~
tan0= + - - - -
- a+b
This is necessary but not sufficient
condition for lines to be real. 21. (Hon1ogenisation)
Curve: ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
The sufficient conditions for lines to be
real are li = 0 and h2 - ab ~ 0. Line : Ix + my = n

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(iii) If g2 +
1. Circle
A circle is the locus of a point ~ Sarai y
f2 - c < 0 equation represents
an imaginary circle with real centre
which moves in a plane in such
a way that it's distance from a
f"Ixed point remains constant.
ICircle I O,b
(iv) If c is negative, circle is always real
because g2 + f2 - c > 0
Fixed Point C: centre
Distance r : radius ..::o::::¾:::::::....... x Circle Touching Circle Touching
Y X - Axis Y - Axis
2. Eq. of the Circle In Various (ii) Centre lies on y-axis and radius r
Fonns c = (a, b) =
C (0, b) ⇒ x2 + (y - b}2 = r2
cp2 = r2
y .---... P = (x, y) (iii) Point circle (r = 0)
⇒ (x - a)2 + (y - b}2 = 0
P(x, y)
r 3. General Eq. of Circle
The general eq. of the 2 nd degree
(a,b)C (X + .,a)2 + ()., + 1)2 = a.,2
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 (x + g)2 + (y + 1)2 = f2
x' -----4-----------+ x Represent a circle if, Circle Touching Both Axes
(i) Coeff"Icient of x2 = Coefficient of y2
0 I (x-a)l + (y -b)2 =r2 (ii) There is no l.J ' term
y' ~ - - - - - - - -
General eq. of the circle : x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
If centre C (0,0) & radi~s =r Radius = jgz+ f 2 - c Radius = r

I x2 + y2 = r2 I _·_____ -+-+
(i) If g2 + f2 - c > O equation represents
a real circle
(- r ,- r)
(+ r, + r)
(i) Centre lies on x-axis and radius r (ii) If g2 + f2 - c = O equation represents
C =(a, 0) ⇒ (x - a)2 + y2 = 1.2 a point circle (x + r) 2 + (y + r)2 = r 2

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Circle Passing Through the Origin
~ Sarai ►

\\'llere, 0 is a parameter (0 ~ 0 < 21t)
The point (acos0, asin0) is also
x2 + y 2 - 2hx - 2ky = 0
ICircle I ►
referred to as the point ' 0'.
0 is the angle which the line joining
C =(h, k) 5. Dian1eter Fonn the point to the centre of the circle
makes with the x-axis.
+-*---:-..J...._-----:-1=--➔ X
r = ✓112 + kz P (x,y)
(X- X1)(X- X2) + Circle: (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = a2
(2h,0) (y - Y1)(y - Y2) = 0
y x = h + acos0
intercept cut on x-axis, OP =2h
y = k+ asin0
intercept cut on y-axis, OQ = 2k C
a • 0
~ --1...:9 ~ asm
4. Intercept 111ade by the circle ti-- I acose t
x2 + y2+ 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 (x - X1)(x - X2) + (Y - Y1)(y - Y2) = 0 k: X
on x-axis on y-axis is the circle of smallest radius
passing through (xi, y1) and (x2, y2).
Circumcentre : (0,0)
6. Para111etric. Fonn l: cos0 1 l: sin0 1
Centroid : - - ~, ---=-
Circle: x2 + y2 = a 2 3 3
y (ii) If gz = C (iii) If g2 < c Orthocentre : (l: cos0i ; l: sin0i)
(i) If g2 - C > 0

(x 1= X2)
0 a

-1-----.-::~:.......J"+--.:...__ _,. X
7. Position of a Point w.r.t. a Circle
•Outside the circle
S =x2 + y2 + 2gx +
Circle cuts the
x-axis at 2
distinct points
Ci rcle
the x-axis
Circle lies completely
O acos0

!x = acos0, y = asin0
Inside the

On the
2fy+ c= 0

P(h, k)
above or below the x-axis.

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7. Position of a Point ,v.1:t. a Circle
S =x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 P(h, k)
~ Sarai Condition of tangency:

c=±r ✓c1+1112 )
S1 (P) = h 2 + k2 + 2gh + 2fk + c
(i) S1(P) = 0 Point lies on the circle
ICircle I 1

Eq. of Tangent =I y = mx ± r

✓c1 + 1112) I
(ii) S1(P) < 0 Point lies inside the circle (i) p < r ⇒ The line intersects the circle Note :
in two distinct points
(iii) S1(P) > 0 Point lies outside the circle D = 4(mc)2- 4(1 + m2 )(c1 - r 2 ) = o
(ii) p = r ⇒ The line touches the circle
Nu1nber of Tangents (i) D > 0 ⇒ (Secant)
(iii) p > r ⇒ The line passes outside the (ii) D = 0 ⇒ (Tangent)

circle (iii) D < 0 ⇒ line will not intersect the
(iv) p = 0 ⇒ the line passes through the circle in any point.
11. Equations of Tangents Fron1 an
2, 1 or No Tangents can be drawn from 10. Equation of Tangent
Circle: x2 + y2 = r2 , - - - - - - - External Point to a Circle
a point lying outside, on or inside the
circle respectively. Point: (xi,y1) XX1 + YY1 = r

8. Po,ver of A Point w.r.t. a Circle Circle: x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0

S =x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 <x, Point: ,y,)
Point: P(x1, y1) xx1 + yy1 + g(x + x 1) + f(y + y1) + c = 0 B
S1 = Xi + Yi
+ 2gx1 + 2fy1 + C Parametric form , - - - - - - - - - Method-I
S1 is called power of point P(x1, y1)
w.r.t. the circle S
Circle: x2 + yl = a2 !
x cosa + y sina= a ! Step-1 : Assume equation of tangent
as y -y1 = m(x-x1)
Point: (a cosa., a sina)
9. Position of a Line w.r.t. a Circle Slope Fon n Step-2 : Equate p = r
r : Radius Circle: x2 + y2 = rl C(0,0) Step-3 : Square both sides & solve
p :Length of the ..1 quad. in 'm' whose roots are m 1 & m2
-+- -+--+-Diameter Line: y = mx + c
__,.,__--'IJ'--J.- Secant from the centre on Step-4 : Equation of tangent will be
the line Y - Y1 = m1(x - X1) & Y - Yi = m2(x - X1)

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11. Equations of Tangents From an
External Point to a Circle ~ Sarai (ii) Area of Quad.
PAOB (Formed by
Step-1 : Assume equation of tangent ICircle I pair of tangents &
pair of radii)
as y = mx ± r✓ 1 + 1112 (ii) For circle in general form
Step-2 : Passes from (x1,y1) x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 - g, /)
Step-3 : Solve quadratic in 'm' whose Chord of Contact will be
roots are m1 & m2 XX1 + YY1 + g(x + X1) + f(y + Y1) + c = 0
Step-4 : Equation of tangent will be (iii) If chord of contact is given &
Y- Y1 = m1(x- X1) & Y- Y1 = mi(x - X1) corresponding point is to be found then (iii) Length of 2RL
12. Chord of contact 1. Assume point (x1, y1) chord of AB - -;::::==
✓ Rz + Lz
The chord AB joining the points of 2. Find chord of contact for this point contact AB
contact A and B of the tangents from 3. Now compare the coefficients of eq. with (iv) Area of Af>AB (~ formed by pair of
P is called the Chord of Contact of given chord equation. tangent & corresponding C.O.C.)
P(xl, yl) with respect to the circle. 13. S0111e IInportant Points
It is ..l to the line joining P to the (i) Length of Tangent from an external Area of Af>AB RZ + LZ
centre of the circle. ~-.... point P(xi, y1)
Eq. of Chord of ::>eE:c - - -~'½1 S = x1 + y2 + 2gx + 2/y + c = 0 (v) Angle between the pair of tangents
_1 ( 2RL )
xx1 + YY1 = r2 29 = tan LZ _ RZ
Note (a) Formula is applicable when coefficient of (vi) Eq. of the circle circumscribing the
(i) The eq. has the same appearance x2 & y2 is unity. Af>AB or quadrilateral PAOB (cyclic)
as the eq. of the tangent for which (b) The lengths of both tangents drawn Circle described on OP as diameter
the point of contact is (x1, y1), i.e. from point Pare equal, i.e. PA= PB
T=O 1 ~-~~ + ~+~-~~ + n=o l

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13. So111e Important Points
(vii) Power of a point
B ~sa ra I 18. L ength of the Chord Intercepted
by a Line on the Circle

p.c..4-=------ts,I Circle I
Length of the chord = AB
Square of the length of the tangent
from the point Pis called power of • • n = 2AD = 2 ✓ r2 - pz
the point P w.r.t. a given circle
15. Eq. of the Chord With Given Mid
PT2 = S1 =L2
Point M (x1 , y1)
S1 = Xi + Yt + 2gx1 + 2fy1 + C
Power of a point remains constant AB = lx1 - x2 I 1 + m2
w.r. t. a circle.
PA.PB= PA1. PB1 = PA2. PB2 = (x1,Y1)A --- B (x2,Y2)
···· = PT2 = S1 Note: Of all the chords which passes through a 19 E f . .. .
14. Pair of Tangents SS 1 = T2 given point l\ll(a, b) inside the circle, the shortest . q. o a C~o1 d of a Cu cle ID
Combined equation of the pair of
chord is one whose middle point is (a, b). Paran1etnc Forni
2 2 2
tangents drawn from an external 16. Director Circle P __ Circle x + y = a
point 'P' to a given circle. Locus of the point of ,,,,---- ·-.,, Joining Points: (acosa., asina.) ;
I '
intersection of 2 mutually J_ (acosp, asinj3)

P(x 1 y 1)
tangents to a given curve is ,
called the director circle of \,


; x cos a+ll • a+ll a- ll
+ Y s in - 2- = a cos - 2-
the given curve. \, ...... .__.- .,.,,/ 20. Point of intersection of tangents
(i) S = x 2 + y2 - a1 S1 = Xi + yf - a2 Eq. of Director 2
I 2_ ,
. x + Y - lr- .
I ·------- at the points (a cosa., a sina.) &
T = xx1 + YY1 - a2 (a cosf3, a sinf3)
17. Condition for a given Line to cut a
(ii) S = X2 + y2 + 2 gx + 2 fy + C Circle
S1 = + Yt + 2gx1 + 2fy1 + c AB: Chord of the circle
Condition: p < r
T = xx1 + yy1 + g (x + x1) + f (y + y1) + c

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21. Nonnal to the Circle
Circle: x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = O
,,..--,/..<x 1,y1) ~ Sara I
Pt. lying on the circle: P (x1, y1)
Eq. of the Normal at P: C
', _ ICircle I
Y1 +f T
y - yl _;::_- ( X - X1) ❖ If one
circle is contained in
X1 + g ,.,.
other circle (not concentric),
Every normal passes then radical axis lies outside ,.,.,.

_+_g_ _
_X1 X -_X1
through the centre of of both circles.
_.., the circle. R.A.
❖ If circles are concentric then the radical axis
22. Radical Axis P(h,k)
does not always exist but if circles are not A circle can be drawn with centre as
concentric then radical axis always exists. radical centre and radius equal to the
The radical axis of the 2
❖ length of tangent from radical centre
circles is .l to the line joining to any of the circle, will cut the three
Two circles: the centre of two circles. circles orthogonally.
S1 = x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2f1y + c1 = 0 PA - PB ❖ Radical axis (if exist) bisects
S1 = x2 + y2 + 2g2 x + 2f2 y + ez = 0 - common tangent of two 24. Coaxial Systen1 of Circles
circles. R.A.
Note: To get the eq. of the radical axis,
❖ Length of tangents
first make the coefficient of x2 and y2 in from radical axis
both circles = 1 are equal.
P rop erties of Radical Axis
❖ If circlestouch each other, then radical R.A.
23. Radical Centre
axis is the common tangent to both the
circles. The common point of
A system of circles, every two of which
❖ \Vhen the two circles intersect 011 real intersection of the radical
have the same radical axis is called
points, then extension of common chord axes of 3 circles is called the RA 2 RA3
is the radical axis of the two circles. Radical Centre of 3 circles. Coaxial System of circles.

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25. Fan1ily of Circles ,,,--------,, ,,--------,\ ,•,,sa ra I Condition for Orthogonality of 2 Circles
\"'e -=-=;.:..::.-=.::..::..
Type-1 : The eq. of the family of /
circles passing through the points \
of intersection of 2 circles Circles: \,_
,, ,',
s, (, ) ) s,
_,: : _______ ,,/
) ICircle
: I ,,-----,, cos0 =
2g1g2+2f1f2- C,- C2

2 J g~+fi-C1 J g~+fi-Cz

S1 = 0 & 82 = 0 -----
Treat P as point circle. \
l I 2glg2 + 2f1f2 = C1+ C2
I· Family:S 1 +AS2 =0; (A *-1) .---.....-----.--... '
(x -x1)2 + (y - Y1f + ··: P(x,,y), Circle orthogonal
Type-2 : The equation of the family A [y - y 1 - m (x - x 1) ] = 0
\,.. ___ ../
: to 3 given circles s,
of circles passing through the point Let the equation of •
of intersection of a circle S = 0 & a 26. Angle of Inter section of 2 Circles circle be x2 + y2 + 2gx +
lineL=O. Cp
s L The angle b/w the tangents of 2 circles at the 2/y + c = 0 orthogonal
I8 +AL= o, A E R I t'" -,,,) point of intersection of the 2 circles is called
angle of intersection of 2 circles.
to 8 1 = O· 8, = O· S3 = 0
' . '
Get 3 relations in g, f,
Converse is also true. , , .... __ .,,,,,,
And, angle between tangents is equivalent to c and solve
angle between radii (normals). 28. Co nun on Chord of 2
2g1g2 + 2f1f2 - c1 - c2 Intersecting Circles
cos0 = S-1 -- 8-2 =
-1 - 0- ,
2 jgi + ff - Ct jg~+ f} -c2

--- 2
(-g,,-f1) -gz,-f

' coefficients of x2 and

Provided that the
27. Orthogonality
y2 are 1 in both S1 and 82•
Type-4 : The equation of a family of circles of 2 Circles
touching a fixed line y - y1= m (x - x1) at Two curves are said to be orthogonal if Length of the common chord : PQ
the fixed point P(x1,y1) lying on it they intersect each other at 90° wherever PQ = 2PM = Jc2 p 2 - C2 M 2
the ' intersect.
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29. Direct Co1nmon Tangent (D.C.T)
External common tangent
~ Sarai D.c. r.
D.C.T. ICircle I
·------ ------------------- ---· 31. Position of The Circles & Number
of Co1nmon Tangents

0 .c .r.
(1) If2 circles are separated, then
The centre of both the circles lie on the d > r1 + r2 T.C.T.
same side of the tangent line
Tangents do not intersect the line (3) If both the circles touch each other
joining the centres internally, then d = I r 1 - r 2 I
30. Transverse Co111n1on Tangent
(T.C.T) D.C.T.
1 common tangent - I D.C.T.
Internal common tangent / 2 0 .C.T. At their point of contact
4 common tangents ~
2 T .C.T.
(2) If 2 circles touch externally, then
d = r1 + r2

The centre of both the circles lie on / 2 D .C.T.

the opposite side of the tangent line 3 common tangents ~
Tangents intersect the line joining the 1 T.C.T.
centres At their point of contact


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31. Position of The Circles & Nun1ber
of Con1111on Tangents ~ Sarai s,
~ ~ P

(4) If two circles intersect each othe1;

then I r 1 - r 2 I < d < r 1 + r 2
ICircle I \ ••••.•..d~r:.:·-~---~c,'.::\ _,t-- -
r ,_• _:·;i.?--- D.C.T.
Direct Common Tangent
_,,,,, 2 0.c .T. 32. Length of com111on tangents PC (D.C.T.) meet at a point which
2 common tangents ~ 1
PC = ri divides the line joining the
OT.C.T. 2 l"z centre of circles externally in
the ratio of their radii.

Lext = Jd 2 - (r1 - r2 ) 2
Transverse Common Tangent (T.C.T.)

(5) If one circle is contained in
Lint = Jd 2 - (r 1 + r2 ) 2 meets at a point which divides the line
joining the centre of circles internally
in the ratio of their radii.
other, then d < I r 1 - r 2 I
:. No common tangent
----......, ......... rl I
constitute a harmonic range
~ .,,, ............... t ,...J'
- - ~ _I
i.e. C 1Q, C1C 2, C 1P are in H.P.
Equation of D.C.T / T.C.T.
Ci, C 2, P lie in a same line
. 9 r1 - r2 r1 - rz
Slll = -=---=- = -=---=-
C1 C2 d

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1. Equation of Standard Parabola
y ~ Sarai 3. Four Standard Parabolas
Parabola: y2 = 4ax

Using the property of

IParabola I D Y.
L1 y 2 = 4ax

parabola : PS = PlVI
---+'-~,_..,...____ fq. of Standard Parabola :
N O S (a,0) Axis
Y2 = 4ax 2. Parabola at a Glance
y x +a = O
Directrix Parabola: y2 = - 4ax
y D
x + a=O
- -+---+---+x
\ Focal
S(- a 0) A N

Chord 90° x-a = O

N(-a,O) Vertex
--- -- -- ----41~ - ~ ---, _ _ _ _ __ ........_ _-+ X Parabola: x2 = 4ay
Foot of A(O,O) Axis o parabola
y x 2 = 4ay

" Double
_ _...::::.+:::::.._--+x
----+-N- - - - 0
y+ a=O
x+a=O E

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3. Four Standard Parabolas
Parabola: x2 = - 4ay
Case (b)
General Parabola : ~ Sarai
y- a = O
Focus (p, q) and
directrix: I
Parabola I If S1 < 0 Point Plies inside the parabola.
If S 1 = 0 Point P lies on the parabola.
D lx+my+ n=O If S 1 > 0 Point Plies outside the parabola.
A A Parabola is the locus of a point having equal 6. Parametric Coordinates
distances from Focus and Directrix. Parabola Parametric Coordinates :
2 2
y = 4ax x = at2, y = 2at
(x _ ) 2 + ( _ ) 2 = (lx + n1y + 11)
S(O- a) P Y q .e2 + 1112 y2 = - 4ax x = - at2, y = 2at
x2 = ~ay y x2 = 4ay x = 2at, y = at2
x2 = -4ay x = 2at, y = - atl
4. Shifted Parabola
(y - 13)" = 4a(x - a.) x = a.+at,, y = f3+2at
Case (a) (x - a.)2 = 4a(y - 13) x = a.+2at, y = f3+at2
\\'hen vertex of the parabola is not origin but
shifted to (h, k) and its axis is parallel to x-axis. R, x + my + n = o 7. Chord Joining Two Points t 1 & t 2
y y -------x Parametric equation of a chord joining
two points 't1' and ' ti' of the parabola
5. Position of a Point y2 = 4ax is
X y y Relative To a Parabola,..l-2 _x __y_(_t_i _+_t_ _) _+_2_a_t_ _t _=_0___,,I
r h,k) : (a+h,k) Y2 = -4aX 2 1 2
For memory x - y (A. M.) + a (G. M. ) 2 = 0
X X y
(0,0) (h,k)
(y - k) 2 = 4a(x - h) h (0,0)

(y - k)2 = - 4a(x - h)
• p Outside
(att 2at 2 )

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(i) Length of the chord :
~ Sarai
I = a lt1 - t2 I.JCt 1 + t2) 2 + 4 I IParabola I
C1 = at2 + a (use focal distance property)
(ii) If chord is Focal Chord (V. Imp.)
a y y 2 = 4ax
(OR ti,~. (a, 0) are collinear) Cz = zt +a
⇒ Chord passing through (a, O)
(vii) If the chord subtends 90° angle
at the vertex of parabola then
⇒ 1 t1t2 =-11⇒ ~=-t: --+---+,!:--x
(0,0) 1'
(t1~ = --4) and it passes through
a fixed point (4a, 0) on the axis.
Hence, if one end of the focal chord
2 2
is 't' 1
' the other end is - -
Coordinates of focal chord can be
(;,- ;) n1 1 = -
n1 2 = -
(vi) If the chord joining 't 1' , 't 2' , 't3' and
taken as (at2, 2at) and(~ , -¥) 't/ passes through a point (c, O) on
the axis, then y (4a,0) X

(Note : Only one variable)

(iii) Length of the focal chord I
. t 1t 2 = t3t4 ac
= __ I
--+----¥---- X
(at1z , B
2at 2 )
(0,0) 2x - y(t1 + t z) + 2at1t2 = 0
fr = a (t 1 - t2 )2 = a ( t + ¼)
2 Parabola : y2 = 4ax (viii) If ~ approaches to t1 (t2 ➔ t1)
t2 chords ➔ tangent at t
Line : y = mx + c
(v) If 11 , 1 2 are the length segments of a
focal chord made by focus then length Solving them together (mx + c)2 - 4ax = o
= x + at21
4 ➔ equation of tangent at the point 't' of
of its latus rectum is .f1 C2 i.e. = 4a. m2x2 + 2mcx + c2 - 4ax = 0 the parabola y2 = 4ax.
f1 + .fz

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(Tip for Point of contact : Interchange
Re1narks: Y ~ Sarai x ~ y and m ~ 1/m)

IParabola I 10. Equation of tangents fro1n any

point outside the parabola
D = 4(mc - 2a)2 - 4m2c2 D = 16a(a - me) a
Equation of Tangent : y = nix + -
t2 Ill
Length of Chord of Parabola Intercepted on Line Point : (h, k)
D> O
Parabola: y2 = 4ax & Line: y = mx + c Secant D= 0 ⇒ k = mh+ -
a ⇒ m·h-mk
' +a= O
(a - me > 0) T t 111
Y angen D< O k
(a - me = O)Neither intersect ⇒ 1111 + 1112 = h &

nor touch These relations can

y (a - me< O) be used to compute
the locus of a point
y 2 = 4ax - + - - 1 - - ---+x
D< o D= o o > o from which pairs of P(h,kJ
Ta ngent tangents are drawn.
9. Tangents to The Parabola Slope Forni
Tangent to The Parabola x2 = 4ay 11. Tangents to The Parabola
y2 = 4ax
= mx + c
y Parabola : y2 = 4ax x2 = 4ay Cartesian Fonn
8. Line and Parabola Parabola: y2 = 4ax x2 = 4ay
Line : y = mx+c y = mx+c
Intersection of
y a Point: (Xi, Y1) (xi, Y1)
Line and Parabola Condition of C= - c = -am2
Tangency: Ill
Replace: Y2 ➔ YY1 & X2 ➔ XX1 &
X Equation of y = 111x+ - y = mx-am2 X ➔
y +y1
111 2
Tangent: 2
( a 2a) Equation of yy1 = 2a(x + x1) XX1 = 2a(y
y2 = 4ax Point of Contact: (2am, am2)
1112 ' Ill Tangent: +y1)
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(3) If the normals to parabola y2 = 4ax
Para1netric Fonn
Parabola : y2 = 4ax
~ Sarai at the points t 1 & t 2 intersect again

Point : (at2, 2at)

Eq.u ation of tangent at the point (at , 2at) : ~ e , = ,l
IParabola I on the parabola at the point 't/ then
14. Chord of Contact
Equation of the chord of contact of
y.2at = 2a(x + at2) L:lii;I S - ) - 4ax pair of tangents from (x1, y1)
⇒ l yt =x + at2 1
g" S1 =y12 -4ax1 yy 1 = 2a(x + x1)
Note Slope m = 1/t Ii(' T = yy1 -2a (x +yX1)

15. Area of The Triangle PAB
:. Xrea = (yf - ~:x1)3/ 2 - (S~:/ 2
13. Equation of the pair of tangents (i) t1ti = 2
Parabola : y2 = 4ax (2) If the normals to the parabola
y2 = 4ax at the point ti, meets _ _ x (ii) t3 = - (t1 + t 2) and
Point : (xi, y1) (Outside) the parabola again at the (iii) The line joining t1 &
Combined Equation of pair of 2 t2 passes through a
tangents from the point (x1, y1) point fz, then t 2 = - t 1 - -
y t1 fixed point (-2a, 0).
V \.'.-2:)- -

(-Za, O)

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16. Director Circle
The locus of point of intersection ~ Sarai Method:
(i) Take the equation of normal in slope
of pair of perpendicular tangents
is Director Circle.
IParabola I form y = mx-2am- am3
(ii) Put the given point (h, k)
Paramehic Forni (iii) Form cubic in m
The locus of the points from which
Parabola: y2 = 4ax am3 + (2a-h)m + k= 0
two perpendicular tangents can be
drawn on the parabola. Point : ( at2, 2at) (iv) Solve form and find the equation of
Director circle of the parabola is
x + a=O
!y=-tx + 2at + at3 ! at(at ,2at)
2 normals.

i.e. parabola's own directrix. \-Vith slope m = - t

17. Nonnals To The Parabola Note
A line perpendicular to the tangent Product of ordinates at t 1 and½=
at a given point Pis called Normal 2at1 x 2a½ = 4a2.t1½ = 8a2 Analysis:
at point P _1 Product of abscissa: y' = 4ax
ati2. a½2 = 4a2 am3 + (2a-h)m + k= 0
Slope of Norn1al = SI f Let m1, m2 & m3 are the slopes of the
y ope o tangent Slope Forni
three concurrent normal, then
Parabola: y2 = 4ax Point: (at2, 2at)

(i) m 1 + m 2 + m 3 = 0
Equation of normal at (at2, 2at) 2a-h
y = - tx + 2at + at 3 Slope m = - t n11m2 + mznl3 + n13nl1 = - - -
Replace t by (-m) k
lll1IDznl3 = - -
Cartesian Forni
Parabola : y2 = 4ax 1Y= mx-2am- am3 j At point (am2, -2am)(ii) Foot of the nor~als of three concurrent
:. Equation of Norn1al at the point normals are called conormals points.
18. Equation of Normal Froni a Point
(x1, Y1) I Y-Y1 = - ~ (x-x1) I
And Its Analysis
Parabola: y2 = 4ax
At the most three normals can be
Atleast one real normal can be drawn .

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Analysis :
(iii) P = ( amI, -2am1) Q = ( amt-2am 2 ) ~ Sarai If the tangent & normal at any point 'P '
of the 1>arabola intersect the axis at T &
R= (am t -2am3)
(iv) ·: m1 + m1 + m3 = 0 20. Dian1ete~
I Parabola I G, then
ST= SG = SP where 'S' is the focus.
Algebraic sum of the slopes of three The locus of the middle points of a system · 2
concurrent normals is zero. of parallel chords of a Parabola is called
-2am1-2am1 - 2am3 = 0 its Diamete1: Za
Sum of orclinates of the three Eq. of the diameter is y = -
conormal points on the parabola m
is zero. Line parallel to the axis of the parabola
(v) ·: m1 + m2 + m3 = 0 a 2a) Y
Q: ( -z , -
Centroid of the triangle PQR m m

= =
(l:amr -2al:m1) (l:amr o) And chord at Q -..!:lJ~!:::;!=/:.:=::::::.~ x
becomes tangent
3 ' 3 3 ' to parabola. Circle circumscribing the triangle
11TGP formed by any tangent, normal
ln1portant Highlights of Parabola and x-axis, has its centre at focus.
1. y 3. y
D: x+a=O

y2 = 4ax
19. Equation of chord ·with a giv en + tx = 2at + at3
Mid Point
Parabola: y2 = 4ax l\'Iid Point: (h, k) G (2a+at2,0)
. a+at2
Equation ofChorcl with mid 1>0int (h, k)
T= S1 ⇒ , ky-2a(x+h)=k2 -4ah I
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ln1portant Highlights of Parabola
The tangent at a t>oint Pon the 1>arabola is the
~ Sarai 7. y

internal angle bisector of the angle between the focal I Parabola I

D: x+a=O

radius SP & the perpendicular from Pon the • •

directrix. L. STP = L SPT= L TPJVI = a Reflection Property
4. 0 : x+a=0 All rays emanating from Swill become
parallel to the axis of the parabola after
-~,..+iif-:+-+,--=-ff-...L.:>._..,,,--➔ X 6.

The normal at a point Pon the parabola The portion of a tangentto a parabola
is the external angle bisector of the cut off between the directrix & the curve
angle between the focal radius SP & the subtends a right angle at the focus.
perpendicular from Pon the directrix.
5. y
⇒ L.KSP=90°

8. /1 SPK ;;;; /1 l\'IPK

---,-t--,,,,..-----➔ X
All rays coming parallel to the axis will
⇒ L.PMK=L.PSK=90°
pass through focus after reflection from
parabola La.=La.

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8. y y

D: x+a=O
~ Sarai
Parabola I
D: x+a=O

Any tangentto a parabola & the

1>erpenclicular on it from the focus meet
x on the tangent at the vertex
Locus of the feet of the ..1 clrawn from
9. y
D: x+a=O focus upon a variable tangent is the
tangent clrawn to the parabola at its
1 vertex.
12. Y

1 11 SQT ;; 11 SQP
⇒ m 1 m 2 = - - = -1
- - - f,➔f-!--:----:--------+X t1 tz ·: ST= SP
Also x coordinate of point p:

x = at1tz =-a -,:;:"-~18~ ~ - - - - - - x
:I Cho rel of contact of tangents clrawn
from any point on directrix of ⇒ LSQP = LSQT = 90°
The tangents at the extremities of a
parabola will be its focal chorcl ancl
focal chorcl intersect at right angles on
tangents will be at right angle.
the directrix.
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1. General Equation of an Ellipse
Locus of a point P moving in such a
~ Sarai (ii) The entire curve is confined within
the rectangle bounded by the lines
way that ratio of its distance from a
fixed point F (Focus) and fixed line
(Directrix) is always constant.
I Ellipse I x = ± a and y = ± b.
y y =b
2. Standard Equation of Ellipse x=a
~ 1 Derived using property: x=-a
M Locus of a point moving in such a way 0
that sum of its distances from two fixed
points (called Focus) is always constant. (0, - b) y= -b
0: Centre F i, F 2 : Focus
(iii) if p 1 and p 2 are the lengths of the
i.e. I PF1 I + I PF2 I = 2a
I perpendicular from any point P on the
i x + my+ n = 0
PF1 I PF1 I+ I PF2 I > F1 F2 ellipse to minor and major axis then
- = e where, 0 < e < 1 y 2 2
PM Pl + P2 _ l
a2 b2-
Focus : ( a, 13) y
Directrix : l x + my + n = 0
(- a,O)
(PF1)2 = e2(Pl.\iI)2
(- a,0) 0 (a,0)
2 ( )2 2 (ix+ m y + u)2 x2 y2
(x-a) + y-~ = e ------'---
12 + m 2 -+-=1
a2 b 2 (0, - b)
This simplifies to
Note: In Standard Equation (a> b) 3. Eccentricity
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2/y + c = 0
(i) It is a 2 nd degree equation with
. powers of d"1st ance f rom centre t o f ocus
in which fl* 0, h2 < ab
x and y both even and hence 1s symmetric e = - .- - - - - - - - - - -
& if (h = 0 then a* b) about both the x and y axis. distance fron1 centre to vertex

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3. Eccentricity
~ Sarai Focal Chord
Any chord passing through focus is

I Ellipse I
2 2
b n1)
e2 = 1 - a2 Hence, e 2 = 1 - (M called a Focal Chord.
Double Ordinate
m : minor axis length Principal Axes Any chord perpendicular to the focal
M : major axis length l\.'Iajor and minor axes together are axis is called Double Ordinate.

1b2 = a2(1- e2) I known as Principal Axes of the ellipse.

Point of intersection of the major and
Latus Rectu111
A particular double ordinate through
focus or a particular focal chord
minor axis is called the Centre of the perpendicular to focal axis is called its
ellipse. Latus Rectum.
Vertices Ends of Latus Rectun1
The points of intersection of the curve
with focal axis are called the Vertices of
( ± ae, -+ -a
the ellipse. A1(a,0) & A2 (-a,0)
(0, - b) 8 2 Length of Major Axis
Note: Distance between the two vertices i.e. 2a
Two ellipses are said to be similar if they is the length of the l\.'I ajor Axis.
have the same value of eccentricity. Length of Minor Axis (0, 0)

Degree of flatness of ellipse is defined as The distance 2b i.e. B1B2 is

the length of Minor Axis. ( b2 )
o => b -+ ⇒ ellipse getting thicker & ➔ circle F lA . - ae, - a Li
< 1
b -+ o ⇒ ellipse getting thinner & ➔ lineThe line containing the two fixed points
segment between the two foci (called focii) is called the focal axis. Length of Latus Rectu1n

Definitions & Basic Terminologies Focal Length 4b 2 (1uinor axis) 2

St d ·d Elr x 2
y 2
a> b The distance between F 1 & F2 is called Lengfh of L.R.= Za = ma,· or axis
an ai ipse + bz = 1 the Focal Length (= 2ae)

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Foot of Directrix
The point of intersection of the focal axis ~ Sarai (2) The sum of the focal radii of any point
on the ellipse is equal to the length of
with directrix is called the Foot of the
Directrix. I Ellipse I the major axis. PF1 + PF2 = 2a
Any chord of the ellipse passing through
the centre, gets bisected by it and is
called the Diameter.
I (-ae,0) A
: a a
x= - - x =-
e e
The length of the Latus Rectum can
Note: alternatively be expressed as (a < b)
Distance of every focus from the L1 L2 = 2e (F1N1)
extremity of minor axis is equal to 'a'. i.e. 2e times the distance between focus
=> F 1B 1 = a and corresponding foot of the directrix
4. Directrix And Focal Directrix y (-: ,be)i: (
a2 )

P roperty x· -a,o A' A a0

0 (0,0)
(1) It is possible to define two lines,
a O (ae, A I
, 0) L, ' ----- •••• L (
s· '

b ·
x = ± - corresponding to each
(-: ,-be)
focus, which satisfy the focal :a
B' ( 0, -b)
Directrix----------- ---------- Y= - b/e
directrix property of the ellipse e Y'

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BB' = lVIajor axis = 2b
x2 y2
~ Sarai y
---,,Q(acos9 , asi n9)
- + - = 1 (a < b)
I Ellipse I ',

a2 = b2 (1 - e2)
e- n y y'l'
'' X
Focus= (0, +be) ◄------ ------- --♦--- -------------►x
: (a, 13)
Ends of the latus rectum

L (:, be) I L' ( - : , be) Q = a cos0, asin0

Equation of Ellipse: P = (acos0, bsin0) 0 < 0 < 21t.
L1(: , -be) , L/ (- : , -be)

Length of LR= LL' = L 1Li'
(x - a) 2
(y - 13)2
+ b2 = 1
P and Q are called corresponding points.
0 is called the eccentric angle of the point P.
6. Auxiliary C ircle And Eccentric N ote:
2 2 2 1. P (acos0, bsin0) are called the
a ( a )) 2 2a Angle
(b - - b - (be - be)2 = b . x2 y2 parametric coordinates of a point
Elllpse: a Z + b 2 = 1 on the ellipse.
Equation of directrix y= + - Circle described on the major axis of an 2. Parametric Equation of Ellipse :

5. Shifted Ellipse
e ellipse as diameter is called the Auxiliary
Circle. I
x = a cos0 & y = b sin0 I
If center is shifted to (a., 13) and axes Equation of the auxiliary circle is PN bsin0 b
xl + y2 = al 3. PQ = . b . = b = constant
being parallel to coordinate axes & a> b as1n 0 - s111 0 a-

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7. Equation of Chord In Parametric
~ Sarai
_ x2 y2
Ellipse : 2 + 2 = 1
a b Now,
I Ellipse I
Points :
For focal chord passing through (-ae, 0)
P(a.) = (acosa, bsina) y 6 e+ 1
tan tan ... (2) Tangent Secant Outside
Q(l3) = (acosl3, bsinl3) 2 2 e-1
10. Tangent to Ellipse in Slope Fonu
- x (a + 13) y . (a + l3) (a _ l3) Multiplying (1) &(2) we get, _ x2 y2
- - cos + - su1----=-'- = cos _ _...:....:... a 13 y 6 Elhpse : aZ + b 2 = 1 .... (1)
a 2 b 2 2 tan-tan-tan-tan-= 1
------ y ---------~ 2 2 2 2 Line : y = mx + c ....(2)
(acosa, bsina)
--t---- p


z' = 1 solving (1) and (2) ai =a
b1 x2 + a2(mx + c)2 = a2b 2

8. Position of A Point ,v.r.t. Ellipse ⇒ (a2m2 + b2)x2 + 2a2cmx + a2(c2 - b2) = o

Let P = (x1, y1)
⇒D = 4a4m 2c2 - 4a2(c2 - b 2) (b2 + a 2m2)

o• x2 y2 x2 y2
Note: (a~os(J, bsin(J) S = aZ + b 2 -1 S1 =a~+ b; -1 D>O
For chord passing through (d, 0) Point Plies on the Ellipse. If S1 = 0 Secant D=O
tan a tan 13 = d - a Point Plies inside the Ellipse. If S1 < 0 Tangent
2 2 d +a . t P 11es
P om . outside
. the Ellipse. If S1 > 0 U D<O
c2 = a2 m2 + b2Neither intersect
& For focal chord passing through (ae, 0)9. Tangent to Ellipse
nor touch
tan a tan 13 = e - 1 ... (l) Line and Ellipse
2 2 e+1 Intersection of Line and Ellipse Condition of Tangency : D = o

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10. Tangent to Ellipse in Slope Fonn
⇒ c2 = a2m2 + b2
~ Sarai Then, locus of the point A is the director
circle of the ellipse.

Hence, equation of tangent I Ellipse I

Iy = nix ± ✓ a 2 1112 + b 2 I
(m E R)
12. Director Circle
. xZ
Ellipse : aZ + bz = 1
There are two parallel tangents for a Tangents : y = mx ± ✓'""a_2_m_2_+_b_
given value of m.
if 13 = 90° then, Tangent to Ellipse in Car tesian Fonn
11. Tangents fro1n external point
. xZ yZ
Passing through a given point there can Ellipse: aZ + bz - 1 = O; S = O
be maximum of two tangents.
Point : (xi, y1)
Also: 1111 + lllz = h z - az Equation of Tangent; T = 0

& 1111 1112 =

kz- bz
11 2 - a 2
' '\,., ''

I. xxazl + YY1
b 2 -1 = 0 I
..... .....
................ ..,..,
Hence Director Circle of an ellipse is a
circle whose center is the center of
ellipse and whose radius is ✓ a 2 + b 2
If a right triangle ABC, right angled at
A circumscribes an ellipse,

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Tangent to Ellipse in Parametric
Forni ~ Sarai Point: P(acos0, bsin0)

Ellipse: 2
+2 = 1
I Ellipse I Equation of Normal at point P:

Point : (a.cos0, b.sin0) 13. Nonnals to Ellipse !ax sec0 - by cosec 0 =(a2 - b2) !
Cartesian Forni
xcos0 ysin0 14. Pair of tangents & Chord of
a + b =l x2 y2
Ellipse: aZ + b 2 = 1 Contact
Note: x2 y2
Hence the tangents are parallel Point : P(xi, y1)
Ellipse: a 2 + b 2 = 1
(a.cos8, b.sin8) Point : P(xi, y1) (Outside)
0 I Pair of tangents: SS1 = T2 I
The eccentric angles of point of contact Eq. of Normal at point P: xZ y2
of two parallel tangents differ by 7t. S= - + - - 1
a2 b2
Point of intersection of the tangents
at the points a & b
Si =aZ
Xi Yi
- +b2
2 13 . a+
Sill2 13)
Para1netric Fonn
P= a , b a-.,a x2 y2
( cos a- 13 cos 2
2 Ellipse: a 2 + b2 = 1

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Pair of tangents
~ Sarai T=S 1
hx ky h2 k2
I Ellipse I ⇒ - + -=-+­
a2 bz

⇒ m=-- · -·
a2 k '

Hence ly = -?m xi is the diameter of

ellipse. y
Chord of contact AB: T = 0

XX1 +YYl = i Dia1neter

a2 b2
The locus of the middle points of a system
Chord with given Mid Point of parallel chords with slope 'm' of an Note:
. x2 y2
ellipse is a straight line passing through
the center of the ellipse, called its The tangents at the extremities of
Elhpse : aZ +bz = 1
'Diameter'. y system of parallel chords intersect
Mid Point: (h, k) on the extended Diameter.
Equation of Chord with mid point (h, k)

!T=Sd Diameter
Equation of diameter :
xh yk
T=-+--1 Equation of Chord with mid point (h, k)
a2 bz


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1. General Equation of Hyperbola
D2 D1 (x + my+ n = O ~ Sarai Remember:
• a2e2=a2 + b2 • bl=a2(e2-1)

'' PF1
I Hyperbola I • Two hyperbolas are said to be similar if
they have the same value of eccentricity.
'' Note: xZ y2
:O ' 1 (a, P) where,
• This is same as the standard eq. of
• Equation of hyperbola a2 - b2 = 1 in
'' e>l
'' ellipse except. b2 which has been terms of eccentricity can be written as
'' replaced by'- b2 '. x2 y2
Locus of a point P moving in such a way • This is a 2 nd degree eq. in which the --~--- 1
that ratio of its distance from a rixed point a 2 a 2(e 2 - 1)
powers of x and y are even, hence the
F (Focus) and med line (Directrix) is cun'e is symmetric about both the 4. Latus Rectun1
always constant. axes. b Hyperbola : .--+Latus Rectum +---,
Focus : (a, 13) •y= +- ✓x2-a2

a x2 y2 L, y L
Directrix : ix + my + n = 0 ⇒ x e (--oo, -a) v [a , oo)
-az--bz =l '
1l = e2(PM)2
(PF 3. Eccentricity y
2 --;:-~ ,_..~......,-t~ ~-x
2 (t x + 1ny + n) 1
- e .ez + m2 A (ac,0)
this simpliIIes to (a, 0) F1 bz
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2/y + c = 0 Substituting x = ae, x = + ae, Y = + -
in which ll.*O, h2 > ab a
2. Standard Equation of Hyperbola
y Derines the curvature of the hyperbola
e = ~istance fro1n centre to focus
+ ba2) I
Coordinates of the ends of Latus Rectum

Latus Rectum L1L2

(c, O) x Distance fro111 centre to vertex '-·_ _ _ _ _ ___,_ = Zb = 2a(e2 _ l )
x2 y2
---=1 0~ C ~>1) a
a2 bz = OAi = ;;: ⇒ c = ae ( Conjugate Axis) 2
Hence, the foci are (ae, 0) & (-ae, 0) Transverse Axis

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5. Directrix D
'I t
X =-
e ~ Sarai 6. Hyperbola at a Glance
Corresponding to
each focus, there
are 2 lines
:M I Hyperbola I -'?2
Y ;onjugate Axis
I +; I
x= _)_F.,.2"'-Ht:-:-1~r.♦.:--•1-(a-e➔,0)
(-ae, O
I , __

I Latus
which are known M I - Hl -- ~
, -
as Directrices. 2 : --
Note: Focal --- =a-o Transverse
1. The difference of the focal radii of any point Axis Axis
on the hyperbola is equal to the length of its
transverse axis. Hence, I PF1 - PF2 1 = 2a
2. Foot of the directrix (N1 and N2).

'·-- - 0 -b) " - Double
! !! I ' I
(-ale, 0) (ale, 0) - --+l~T.A = 2al!---___.. Ordinate
.I a I
I a
7. C onjugate Hyp erbola x= -- x= -
Diameter e e General Chord
For the Hyperbola,
x2 y2
2 - 2 =1 ....(1) 1 1
a b And, -+-=1
Also, e2
with eccentricity : e1
x Conjugate Hyperbola is, bz a2 + bz
x2 y2
e21 -1
+ -a2 -- - -
- Note : The focii of a hyperbola & its
a2 - b2 = - 1 •.••(2) conjugate are concyclic & form the
a2 a2 + b2 vertices of a square.
with eccentricity : ~ e~ = 1 + bz = bz
Conjugate Hyperbola ⇒ F 1F 3F 2F 4 is a square

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11. Parametric Coordinates of Hyp erbola
8. Shifted Hyperbola
If center is shifted
Yf ~ Sarai x2 y2

to (a, 13) and axes

being parallel to
_ ________ t--. ------------>x
' (a n)

2 2

I Hyperbola : 2 - 2 = 1
a b
Parametric Coordinates :
coordinate axes : x y where 0 is a
----+--+-~f-_,:_ _ _-+x Hyperbola : 82 - b 2 = 1 P = (asec0, b tan0) parameter
Auxiliary Circle : '"I_x_2_+_ y_2_=_ a_2_ 9 X y Point P lies on
Eq. of Hyperbola:
Y iary Circle (o,i) + + Right Upper Branch
~2 - ~2 =l ~1-(_x_: _: _)_2_ (_y_~- 2-~)- 2- -
1- x2+y2= a2
(i ,n) - - Left Lower Branch

9. Generalized Version - - -~:----4===~-:---x 1t,2

3n - + Left Upper Branch
Eq. of tr ansverse axis ix + my + n = 0
Eq. of conjugate axis mx - fy + p = 0 (3;,21r) + -
Right Lower Branch
Length of transverse axis = 2a Note: P & Q are known as
Length of conjugate axis = 2b (X)2 (Y) 2 corresponding points of each other. 12. Position of a Point w.r.t. Hyp erbola
Equation of the Hyperbola : - b2 = 1 p

mx - f y + p)2
-ex + my + " )
( ,J-ez + m Z
2 Inside
(withi n)
,J-ez + m 2 X
2 -~---- = 1
bz • 0 Inside
L QON = eccentric angle of point 'P' (within)
10. Auxiliary Circle
Circle described on the transverse axis as L QON = 0 * LPON ❖ Point P lies on the Hyperbola.
diameter is called the Auxiliary Circle of
the hyperbola o~e< 21t, e*{; , 3;} ❖

Point P lies inside the Hyperbola.
Point Plies outside the Hyperbola.

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13. Line and Hyperbola y Note :
x2 + yZ = a2 - b z > O, < O, = 0
(not possible)
Not a
tangent If -t'(TA) > -t'(CA) i.e. a> b
...·· Director Circle is real with finite radius
Outside If -t'(TA) = -t'(CA) i.e. a = b
Solving them together we Tangent ----+.,..,;r..1--",~::.:,_-- X Director Circle is a point circle
get a quad. eq where, ·····•.. Not a
If -t'(TA) < -t'(CA) i.e. a < b
D = 4a2b 2 [b2 + c2 - a2 m2[
No real circle
Tanoent Tangent
D>O D= O D<O " 16. Tangent - Cartesian Forni
Secant Tangent 2kb k z + bz
Neither intersect x2 y2
m1 + mz= h2 - a 2 m1m2 = h 2 _ aZ
nor touch Hyperbola : aZ - b z = 1
14. Tangent - Slope Fonn
x2 y2 15. Director Circle
Point : (xi, y 1)
Hyperbola : aZ - b = 1 Line : y = mx + c The locus of point of intersection of

Condition of tangency : c 2 = a 21n2- b 2 (m E R)

pair of ..l tangents is called director .._xx
Eq. of Tangent : 1 ~
a_/__ r;~1
2_ _ _1__,

Eq. of Tangent: y = 1ux ± ✓a2n12 - b2 I circle.
x2 + y2 = a2 _ bz
17. Tangent - Para1netric fonn
x2 y2
Tangent fro1n an External Point Hyperbola: a Z - b Z = 1
If tangent passes through (h, k) then
Point : (a.sec0, b.tan0)
k = 111h + ✓a2n12 - b2
Eq. of Tangent in Parametric form
On simplifying we get a quad. Eq. in 'm '.
Hence, passing through an external point xsec0 ytan0
there can be max. 2 tangents. a b

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18. Chorcl of Hyperbola - Parametric
2 2
y ~ Sarai Parametric Form : ~ + _l'.__ = 2a
sec9 tan9
Hyperbola: ~_!_ = 1
a2 b 2

P(a.) = (aseca, btana)

-----::.+-+-~ -+-+::---x I Hyperbola I 21. Pair of Tangents & Cho rel
of Contact
20. Normal to Hyperbola - Hyperbola :
Q(l3) = (asecl3, btanl3) x2 y2
Equation of the chord PQ : Hyperbola : - 2 - - 2 = 1 x2 y2
· a b a 2 - b 2 = 1 __F-+
2_.._ _ __ _ _x
x (a - 13) y . (a + 13) (a + 13) Cartesian Form Point : (xi, y1)
acos 2
- b sin
= cos
Point : (xi, y 1)
If this particular chord a 13 a-d
tan-tan- - - -
!Pair of tangents: S81 = T 2 Where,
passes through (d, 0) 2 2 a+d x2 y2 xy 2
S1 = a2 - ~~ - 1
19. Point of Intersection of Tangents S = a2 - b2 - 1
y Equation of Normal at point P: T = XX1 - YY1 - 1
a2 b2
a 2x b 2 y
- + - = a2 + b 2 = a2e2
X1 Y1
!Chord of contact: T = o 1
- ~ =1

Parametric Form Point: P(asec9 , btan9) 22. Chorcl ·w ith given Micl-Point
ax by Eq. of Chord y
2 2 2 2
sec9 + tan9 = a + b = a e with mid point
Point of intersection of tangents atA(a.) &B(f3): - - - - - - - - - -2- -2- ' 2 (h, k)

X1 =a
a_ l3
cos 2
a+l3 ' Y1 =b
. a + l3
Sill 2
a + l3
Rectangular Hyperbola: x - y = a
X y
Cartesian form: -+-=2
I T = S1 I
, - - - - - , --:F:-1-+--.-4---,1--1- - x
I I F1

cos 2 cos 2 . X1 Yl .

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23. Asymptotes
If the length of the .l let fall from points on a
~ Sarai Geometrical construction of asymptotes
❖ The asymptotes of a hyperbola are

hyperbola move to oo along the hyperbola, then the I

hyperbola to a st. line tends to 0 as the point on the
Hyperbola I the diagonals of the rectangle
formed by the lines drawn
st. line is called the Asymptote of the Hyperbola. through the extremities of each
0 atoo axis parallel to the other axis.
y ❖ Hyperbola & Conjugate Hyperbola
b y
both have the same asymptotes. y= - - x
❖ For rectangular hyperbola
Asymptotes are at right angles.
That is why a hyperbola with .l X

asymptotes is called rectangular

or equilateral hyperbola.

Eq. of asymptote are: I

y~ I + x x2 y2
❖ If Hyperbola : aZ - b Z = 1 (H)
y= - x
X y X y x2 y2
-+-=0 & ---=0 Asymptotes : a Z - b 2 = 0 (A)
a b a b
Combined eq. of x2 y2 Conjugate x 2 y 2
- - b-z- Hyperbola : ~ - j;z = - l (CH)
the asymptotes : a2 - 0
Highlights of Asy1nptotes Then, ! A - H = CH - A ! (0, -b)
❖ The asymptotes pass through the centre of
A hyperbola is said to be rectangular
the hyperbola. ❖ If the angle between the asymptotes
hyperbola if its transverse axis is
of the Hyperbola is 29 then,
❖ The bisectors of the angles between the equal to its conjugate axis.
asymptotes are the axes of the hyperbola. e = sec 9 i.e. b = a ⇒ e = ,,fl,


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24. Rectangular H yperbola
Equation of Rectangular Hyperbola:
~ Sarai □ Parametric

xZ yZ
aZ - aZ = 1
..- - - - - - .
l⇒ x2 - yl =az I I Hyperbola I X = ct, .Y
= -

Asymptotes are coordinates axes: xy = 0 '\' ..,,,

Note: In rectangular hyperbola t E R-{O}
asymptotes are ..l to each other & Equation of the Rectangular Hyperbola
\,',,, y =- x
their equations are aZ aZ
is reduced to xy = k =
2 or xy = - 2 26. Analysis of Rectangular H yperbola
i.e. xy = cl or ~J' = -c2 Rectangular Hyperbola : xy = c2 c
❖ Equilateral Hyperbola ¢:::} □ Eccentricity = ../2 Parametric Coordinates :x = ct, y = t
Rectangular Hyperbola □ Asymptotes: x = 0; y = 0 (i)Chord Joining Two Points P(t1) & Q(t 2)
❖ If a Hyperbola is equilateral then □ Transverse axis : y = x x + t 1tz. Y = c(t1 + tz)
\\'here, Slope 111 = - 1/ (t 1t 2)
its Conjugate Hyperbola is also O Conjugate Axis : y = -x O Centre : (0, 0)
equilateral. (ii)Tangents - x y
□ Vertex : (c c) and (-c -c) c a rtes1·an Form: xi + Yi = 2
25. Rectangular H y p erbola (xy = c2) ' '
·, ,,Y
, , ~ ,,' ' ,y,,,,' □ Foci: (c--fi., c../2) & ( - c--fi., - c--fi.) Parametric Form:-x + ty = 2c Slope = - 21
□ Length of Latus Rectum : 2--fi.c t t
-=~---llt'-,-....;;;;+x -----J~--➔ □ Eq. of Auxiliary Circle : x1 + y2 = 2c2 (iii)Normal - Parametric Form:
--X ',,,, ,,,,,,, -~ x □ Eq. of Director Circle : x2 + y2 = al - b2 = o Eq. of the normal : xt 3 - yt = c( t 4 - 1)
/ ) xy=c2 xy=- c2 ( ' □ Equation of Directrices Note: If P(t1), Q(t2), R(t3) & S(t4) are

If the axes of rectangular Hyperbola are Eq. Of DI .. (y- ~ = _

) 1 (x _ v~~ )
four co-normal points then = - 1.
Tt Tt (iv)Chord with given Mid Point
rotated by an angle - or about the ⇒x + y r;; c
4 4 = v 2~ Mid Point : (h, k)
same origin then, Eq. of Dz: x + y = - --tic Eq. of Chord: T = S1⇒ kx + hy = 2hk

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