Course Syllabus Final

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COURSE TITLE: Philippine Culture and Society
SEMESTER : Second Semester 2020-2021
CREDIT : Three (3) Units
TIME DURATION: Three (3) Hours/week (54 Hours, 18 weeks)
DATE UPDATED: January 2, 2021
Subject In-Charge: Irene S. Angway

Vision : A Knowledge and Technology Hub in Asia-Pacific Region

Mission: Kalinga State University shall primarily provide higher and advanced education, professional instruction and training in the arts,
agriculture, forestry, social and natural sciences and technology, and other relevant fields of study. It shall also promote and undertake
research and extension services, and provide progressive leadership in its areas of specialization.
Quality Policy:
Kalinga State University is committed to provide quality education and engage in relevant researches, effective extension
services, and viable income generating projects that satisfy the needs of its stakeholders and other interested parties towards sustainable
development through good governance;
Steadfast to develop the Human resource of Kalinga, the Philippines and the Asia Pacific; and,
United to comply with statutory and regulatory requirements and to continuously implement a monitoring and evaluation system
to improve the effectiveness of its Quality Management System.

College of Education Goals

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Quality education through efficient implementation of relevant and responsive teacher education curricular programs for great
equity and access to clientele for the local and global competitiveness

MAED Social Studies Program Objectives

1. To provide quality instruction & training for excellence
2. To equip students with managerial skills & competencies needed for efficient & effective educational leadership
3. To transform students into productive & service-oriented professionals who are imbued with positive values and attitudes.
4. To enhance the capabilities in the conduct of educational researches & scholarly works along basic & higher education that could
contribute towards educational development for the province, region & the nation
5. To strengthen skills of students in the conduct of extension service projects within the context of educational development geared
towards transforming Kalinga into modern countryside communities.

Course Description: This course is designed to assist students to develop needed skills to be responsible, successful, efficient and
effective educational leaders of this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) world. It will help develop their personal and
professional attributes to understand Filipinos and the society we live in. This understanding will help them as teachers and leaders in molding
the young into holistically-rounded Filipinos ready to face challenges in the Philippines. Emphasis is given to how our society influences us and
how to make things better to develop educators with better mindsets that would help them give better solutions to challenges. Knowing and
understanding the Filipino culture and society will stimulate the students to be innovative, creative, driven to do what is best to improve the
Filipinos through their own teachings.
This course will also help them develop skills in making wise and proper decisions and working on practical solutions as educators, as
well as members of the community and even as individuals for them to effectively function in their world of life, work and in the education
sector in particular.

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II. Course Requirements:
Project A: Ethnographic Reports
Project B: Documentary Report and Analysis of the Contemporary Philippines Society
Project C: Reflection Papers on Given Topics
Project D: Review of an Anthropological or Ethnological Monograph/ Books/ Research Written By A Filipino
Midterm and Final Examinations

III. Grading System

1. Midterm Grade = Class standing (60%) + Midterm Examination (40%)
2. Tentative Final Grade = Class standing (40%) + Final Examination (60%)
3. Final Grade = 1/3 Midterm Grade + 2/3 Tentative Final Grade
Class Standing (CS):
Attendance: 5%
Assignment/Quiz: 40%
Recitation: 15%
IV. Teaching Approaches/Methods/Strategies
1. Reflective Learning
2. Direct Instruction
3. Research Method

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4. Project Method
5. Solutions-based Reaction
6. Integrative Technique
7. Discussion boards and forum
8. ICT Integrated Teaching Learning Process
9. Inquiry based Approach
10. Individual PowerPoint Presentation

V. Course Outcomes
Course Outcomes Summative Evaluation Tasks

1. Explain the various frameworks and Reflection/Reaction Papers - Research, analyze and submit
levels of analysis of Philippine Culture and complete reports and requirements
Society; on time

2. Identify the cultural factors influencing the - Reflect on how the Philippine
internal and external environment of the Education System affects the Filipino
country from Spanish, American and Ethnographic reports
Japanese colonial periods in the Philippines,
to post-war and succeeding administrations

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by Filipino presidents, and the contemporary Documentary Report and Analysis of the - Incorporate knowledge in ICT in their
and global Filipino diaspora; Contemporary Philippines Society outputs and in the class interactions
through the use of google classroom
3. Draw insights into the social role of and other relevant ICT programs and
culture in selected indigenous ethnic tools
communities in the Philippines, and in rural
and urban societies in the country; - Take the midterm and final
examinations on their scheduled
4. Transcribe a first-hand experience of
Problem Solution Paper date and time
Philippine culture through simple
ethnographies and fieldwork; and
- Write and submit a Problem Solution
5. Examine anthropological studies on Paper
Philippine value system, Filipino family and
kinship, Filipino indigenous ethnic Midterm Examination
communities, and other important cultural
beliefs in the country.

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Final Examination

VI. Course Outline with Time Frame

Week Topic

Week 1 Introduction: Scope, Coverage, and Expectations of the Course

Week 2 Development of Anthropology

Week 3 Theories in Anthropology and Anthropological Approaches in Writing Ethnographies

Week 4 Philippine Prehistoric Society and Culture and Precolonial Period

Week 5 Philippine Culture and Society during the Spanish, American, and Japanese Colonial Periods

Week 6 Philippines’ Indigenous Peoples

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Week 7 Actual Legal Cases Pertaining to IPs and Ethnic Minorities in the Philippines

Week 8 Philippine Tourism and Hospitality

Week 9 Filipino Values and Post-war Philippines and Martial Law

Week 10 Midterm Examination

Week 11 Post-Martial Law to Contemporary Period

Week 12 Filipino Life Cycle and the Future of Philippine Society and Gender and Development

Week 13 Marriage in the Philippines (Cultural and Historical)

Week 14 Legal Implications; Actual Cases and Philippine Jurisprudence on Annulment, Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, and Legal

Week 15 Filipino Languages, Education, Games, Art, and Inventions

Week 16 Folk Religions in the Philippines and Legal and Actual Cases Related to Religion in the Philippines

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Week 17 Review and conclusion of the entire course

Week 18 Final Exam

VII. Course Content

Intended Learning Topics Teaching and Learning Assessment of Resource Remarks

Outcomes (ILO) Activities (TLAs) Tasks Materials

Be oriented on University KSU VMGO & Academic Read KSU Handbook Reflection on
VMGO and School Policies Policies before Class Meeting KSU VMGO
Google Classroom
Discussion on the VMGO

Overview of the Course

Group Chats
Clarified anthropology and Definition of Anthropology and Class Discussion Participation in
ethnography definitions Ethnography Class

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Used theories in Theories in Anthropology Active discussion on the Discussion Internet

anthropology and and Anthropological theories in anthropology connections
anthropological Approaches in Writing and anthropological
approaches in writing Ethnographies approaches in writing
ethnographies in context of
discussions ethnographies SLIDES
Traced the development Development of Class discussion on the
of anthropology in the Anthropology in the development of Group Project
Philippines Philippines anthropology in the
Analyzed selected a. “The Barrio Folk” by Juan Report on the selected
ethnographic articles Flavier articles related to
b. “Wisdom from a ethnography
Rainforest: A Spiritual
Journey of an
Anthropologist” by Stuart
Schlegel Course Guide
c. “Anthropology a Science?
Statement Deepens a Rift

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by Nicholas Wade
d. The Star-Spangled
Curtain, essay by William
Henry Scott

Explain the prehistoric and Philippine Prehistoric Society Article Analysis: Selected
precolonial society and and Culture Relevant papers
culture through selected - “The Age of Fire and Ice” by
articles and video clips Rosario Cruz

- “The Austronesia
Connection” By Wilfredo

- “Indigenous Filipino Writing”

Antoon Postma

- “A Preliminary Study on Early

Indian and Chinese Influences
in Philippine
Ethnomathematics” by Chester

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Discuss the Philippine Philippine Culture and Society Group Reporting and Individual
culture and society during during the Spanish, American, discussion Research
the Spanish, American and and Japanese Colonial Project
Japanese Times Periods

- Group 1: Spanish Period

- Group 2: American Period

- Group 3: Japanese Period

Individual Paper
Trace the Philippine Philippines’ Indigenous Individual activity and Presentations
Indigenous Peoples and Peoples reporting
their knowledge systems
- “Distribution of Filipino
Indigenous Ethnic
Communities” by F. Landa

- “Indigenous Peoples and

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National Security” by Rudy


- “Ethnography of the Muslim

Filipino” by Realidad Rolda

- “The Internationalization of
Ethnic Minority Movements in
the Philippines” by Nestor

- “ Mouthpiece
of the Bangsamoro in
Southern Philippines” by
Chester Cabalza

- “No DRR, No Lasting Peace

and Development in the
South?” by Cesar Pobre

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- “Is the ICJ Opinion a Boon or

Bane to the MILF?” by Zoilo

Analyzed actual legal Actual Legal Cases Pertaining Group reporting of the
cases pertaining to IPs and to IPs and Ethnic Minorities in selected relevant legal Group Paper
Ethnic Minorities the Philippines cases Presentations

- Sec 22, Art II, 1987

Constitution; IPRA Law (1997)
or RA 8371, ILO 107 & ILO
169; UN Declaration on the
rights of the IPs (2008)

- UP vs CA, Ortiz, Elizalde,

Balayem, et. al., G.R.No.
97827, February 9, 1993

- Rubi vs Provincial Board of

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Mindoro, 39 Phil 660 (1919)

- Carino vs Insular
Government, 212 US 449

- Cruz vs Sec of DENR, G.R.

No. 135385, December 6,

- Province of North Cotabato

vs GRP Peace Panel on
Ancestral Domain, G.R. No.
1833591, October 14, 2008

- Abbas vs Comelec, 179

SCRA 287 (G.R. No. 80391)

- Ordillo vs Comelec, 192

SCRA 100 (G.R. No. 89965)

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Determines Philippine Philippine Tourism and Individual activity and Individual Paper
Tourism and Hospitality Hospitality reporting Presentations
practices in the country
- “The Filipino Perspectives on
Caring and a Caring Society”
by Cora Anonuevo

- “Is there a Culture of Tourism

in the Philippines?” by
Realidad Rolda

- “Threats and Opportunities to

the Tourism Industry in the
Asean Region” by Chester

Identified common Filipino Filipino Values Discussion of the Common Individual Paper
values through selected Filipino Values Presentations
- “The Study of Values” by

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articles Frank Lynch

- “Notion of Value in Filipino

Culture” by F. Landa Jocano

- “Filipino Values” by Alfredo

and Grace Roces

- “Reciprocity as a Filipino
Value” by Mary Racelis

- “The Dimensions of the

Filipino Character” by
Prospero Covar

Traced the impact of the Post-war Philippines and Individual Recitation on the Individual Term
Post-war Philippines and Martial Law impact of the post-war Paper
Martial Law Philippines and Martial
Law in the society

Determined the effects and Post-Martial Law to Group Reporting and Individual Term

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influences of the Post- Contemporary Period discussion Paper

Martial Law to
contemporary period

Analyzed the Filipino Life Filipino Life Cycle and the Thematic mapping and Group Paper
Cycle and the Future of Future of Philippine Society group discussion Presentation
Philippine Society
- “Life Circle” by Alfredo

- “Desiring the Other: Cross-

Border Sexuality and the
Filipino Male” by Soledad
Natalia Dalisay, Michael Tan,
and Raul Ting

- “State Policies and Practices

around Transnational
Marriages in the Philippines”

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by Joseph Ryan Indon

- “Will China and India Lead

the Asian Century? A
Philippine Perspective” by
Chester Cabalza

- “Does Overpopulation Affect

Development and Security” by
Galileo Kintanar

- “How Do We Achieve the

Millenium Development
Goals?” by Wilfredo Nuqui

Analyzed marriage Marriage in the Philippines Group reporting and Group Paper
practices in the Philippines (Cultural, Historical and Legal individual recitation Presentation
Implications; Actual Cases and
Philippine Jurisprudence on
Annulment, Declaration of

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Nullity of Marriage, and Legal


Identified Filipino Filipino Languages, Education, Class recitation and Individual

Languages, education, Games, Art, and Inventions reporting Recitation
games, arts and inventions
- “Conceptual Categories in
Primitive Language” by
Edward Sapir

- “Language and Education:

Colonial Legacy and the
National Imperative” by
Macario Tiu”

- “Games for Filipino Children”

by Nicanor Tiongson

- “Modernism and Nationalism

in Philippine Art” by Rod Paras

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- “Colonialism, Decadence and

Orientalism: Problematizing
Philippine and Southeast
Asian Cinema and Literature”
by Chester Cabalza

- “Filipino Scientists” - various


Reflected on folk religion in - “Folk Catholicism in the Group Reporting and Group Paper
the Philippines Philippines” by Frank Lynch discussion Presentation

- “Folk Islam in the Life of

Jama Mapun” by Eric Casiño

- “Pasyon and Revolution” by

Reynaldo Ileto

Analyzed relevant legal Legal and Actual Cases Group debate and Group Paper

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and actual cases related to Related to Religion in the discussion Presentation

religion in the Philippines Philippines

- Sec 5, Article III, 1987


- Aglipay vs Ruiz, 64 Phil 201


- Islamic Da’wah Council vs

Executive Secretary, G.R. No.
153888, July 9, 2003

- American Bible Society vs

City of Manila, 181 Phil 386

- Iglesia ni Cristo vs Court of

Appeals, 259 SCRA 529

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- Victoriano vs Elizalde Rope

Workers Union , 59 SCRA 54

VIII. References

Anonuevo, Cora:“The Filipino Perspectives on Caring and a Caring Society”

Cabalza, Chester: “A Preliminary Study on Early Indian and Chinese Influences in Philippine Ethnomathematics”
Cabalza, Chester: “Colonialism, Decadence and Orientalism: Problematizing Philippine and Southeast Asian Cinema and Literature”
Cabalza, Chester: “ Mouthpiece of the Bangsamoro in Southern Philippines”
Cabalza, Chester: “Threats and Opportunities to the Tourism Industry in the Asean Region”
Cabalza, Chester:“Will China and India Lead the Asian Century? A Philippine Perspective”
Casino, Eric: “Folk Islam in the Life of Jama Mapun”
Castro, Nestor:“The Internationalization of Ethnic Minority Movements in the Philippines”
Covar, Prospero:“The Dimensions of the Filipino Character”
Cruz, Rosario; “The Age of Fire and Ice”
Diah, Nurazzura M., Overview of Anthropological Theories. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 4, No. 10 (1)
Flavier, Juan ,“The Barrio Folk”
Ileto, Reynaldo: “Pasyon and Revolution”
Indon, Joseph Ryan:“State Policies and Practices around Transnational Marriages in the Philippines”

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Jocano, F. Landa:“Distribution of Filipino Indigenous Ethnic Communities”

Jocano, F.Landa: “Notion of Value in Filipino Culture”
Kintanar, Galileo:“Does Overpopulation Affect Development and Security”
Lynch, Frank: “Folk Catholicism in the Philippines”
Lynch, Frank:“The Study of Values”
Mckemy, Miles. Getting Started. Writing in the Disciplines: Anthropology - Getting Started (
MMogology. Defining Anthropology. Youtube Video
Natalia, Soledad, “Desiring the Other: Cross-Border Sexuality and the Filipino Male”
Nuqui, Wilfredo:“How Do We Achieve the Millenium Development Goals?”
Perez, Rod Paras:“Modernism and Nationalism in Philippine Art”
Poblre, Cesar: “No DRR, No Lasting Peace and Development in the South?” by Cesar Pobre
Postma, Antoon: “Indigenous Filipino Writing”
Racelis, Mary: “Reciprocity as a Filipino Value”
Roces, Alfredo and Grace Roces: “Filipino Values”
Roces, Alfredo: “Life Circle” by Alfredo Roces”
Rodil, Rudy: “Indigenous Peoples and National Security”
Rolda, Realidad:“Is there a Culture of Tourism in the Philippines?”
Rolda, Realinda “Ethnography of the Muslim Filipino”
Ronqquillo. Wilfredo: “The Austronesia Connection”
Sapir, Edward: “Conceptual Categories in Primitive Language”

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Schlegel, Stuart, “Wisdom from a Rainforest: A Spiritual Journey of an Anthropologist”

Scholastic Youtube Videos on Anthropology and Ethnography
Tiongso, Nicanor: “Games for Filipino Children”
Tiu, Macarion: “Language and Education: Colonial Legacy and the National Imperative”
University College London. Anthropology and ethnography | Why We Post - UCL – University College London
Velasco, Zoila:“Is the ICJ Opinion a Boon or Bane to the MILF?”
Wade, Nicholas, “Anthropology a Science? Statement Deepens a Rift
Writeawriting (2011). How to write an ethnography. How to Write an Ethnography? (
IX. Course Policies

1. Attend class regularly and to take all examinations on scheduled dates

2. Prepare assigned works before the class and to actively participate in class discussions.

3. Be academically honest; cheating, lying and other forms of immoral and unethical behavior will not be tolerated.

4. Observe proper conduct when entering and leaving the classrooms.

5. Be guided by the student handbook at all times.

6. Submit completed term papers before or on the agreed deadline for submission

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X. Accommodation for Special Students

If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting accommodations, please contact both your Professor and the Office of
Student Services, as early as possible in the semester. You must have documentation from the Office of Student Services before
accommodations can be granted
XI. Consultation Hours
By appointment every 12:00-1:00 or 5:00-6:00 Monday to Friday at the Schools Division Office or Saturdays at the Kalinga State

Prepared by: Reviewed: Approved by:


Subject Professor MAED Chairperson College Dean

This is to acknowledge that this syllabus was presented/ discussed/ photocopied at the beginning of the semester.
Name of Student Signature Date

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