Structure Reporting Verbs Examples

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Reporting verbs are verbs that are used to report what someone said. The most commonly used
ones are say, ask and tell. However, some verbs are more descriptive and report ideas rather
than just the actual words.


agree, decide, offer, They agreed to meet on Friday.

VERB + INFINITIVE promise, refuse,
He refused to take his coat off.

advise, convince, Tom advised me to go home early.

INFINITIVE encourage, invite, She reminded me to telephone my
remind, warn mother.

They recommended taking the bus.

VERB + GERUND deny, recommend,
She suggested meeting a little

VERB + OBJECT + He accused me of taking the

accuse, blame, money.
congratulate They congratulated me on
passing all my exams.

VERB + PREPOSITION + They apologised for not coming.

GERUND apologise, insist
He insisted on having dinner

admit, agree, decide, Sarah decided (that) the house

VERB + (THAT) + deny, explain, insist, needed cleaning.
SUBJECT + VERB promise, recommend, We recommended (that) he take the
suggest train to Paris.
1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1. He _______ me to stop buying so much stuff 2. He didn't blame me for _______ to move to
online. another house.
a. convinced a. want
b. said b. you wanting
c. recommend c. wanting

3. I suggested _______ the police right now. 4. She _______ us not to drink that water, as it
a. you to call wasn’t filtered.
b. you call a. decided
c. to call b. insisted
c. warned
5. She _______ anything to do with what happened.
a. said not to have
b. denied having
c. insisted not having

2. Report the following sentences using the information given in brackets. Make any necessary
changes to the structure.
a. “Don’t forget to buy milk!” said Antonio to Lucia. (remind, using infinitive)
b. “You shouldn’t go into the water” said the coast guard. (advise against)
c. “I’ll go to France on holiday” said John. (decide, using infinitive)
d. “I think you should go to the dentist” Julie said to Tom. (advise, using infinitive)
e. “Watch out for the weak bridge” he said. (warn, using ‘about’)
f. “You should apply for the job” said Jack to Stella. (encourage)
g. “Okay, Keiko can go to the party” said Keiko’s mum. (agree, using clause)
h. “The class will start later on Tuesdays” said the teacher to us. (explain + clause)
i. “It’s a great idea to go to the beach” said Maria. (recommend + verb-ing)
j. “Don’t cross the road there” she said to the children. (warn, using infinitive)
3. Choose the correct reporting verb from the list below and finish the reported speech for each
of the following examples.

told said advised warned

suggested asked offered ordered

a. "I'd go and see a doctor if I were you," Julie said to me.

Julie _________________________________________________________________________________
b. "Can you come and help me with this box?"
John _________________________________________________________________________________
c. "This is an exam Mr. Jenkins!! Shut up now!!!"
The headmaster ______________________________________________________________________
d. "That road is very dangerous so just be very careful!"
His mother ___________________________________________________________________________
e. "Liverpool won the match last night."
The journalist ________________________________________________________________________
f. "Why don't we go and see that new film at the cinema."
Bill ___________________________________________________________________________________
g. "I can come and look after the children tomorrow night."
Jane _________________________________________________________________________________
h. "The lesson starts at six o'clock in the evening."
The teacher __________________________________________________________________________

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