Lesson 1 - Disease Prevention and Control (Communicable) : Health 8

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Lesson 1 – Disease Prevention and Control (Communicable)

Most Essential Learning Competencies

• Analyzes the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines (H8DD-IIIa-16)
• Discuss the most common communicable diseases (H8DD-IIIb-c-17, H8DD-IIIb-c-18, H8DD-IIIb-c-
• Demonstrate self-monitoring skills to prevent communicable diseases (H8DD-IIIf-h-21)

Disease prevention and control is a very important health concern because it affects the quality
of people’s life. Communicable diseases not only threaten the sick person but also his/her family and
the society in general. Thus, protecting ourselves and our families from diseases is both a personal and
social responsibility.
This material will introduce you to the nature of communicable diseases and their prevention
and management. You will discover that the spread of communicable diseases to the environment
threatens the populace, so each one must understand how to prevent the spread and learn how to
manage it.
There is a very popular saying “Prevention is better than cure.” As you go along, you will notice
that the diseases you are experiencing, or encountering can be prevented if you only know how to
control them. Accordingly, if you lack self-discipline, then prevention and control of diseases will be
difficult to attain.
One thing is sure after learning from this material, you will be challenged to become a catalyst
for the control and prevention of communicable diseases. Start with yourself, family, neighbor,
community and extends it to the nation. You just need to consistently demonstrate personal
responsibility and healthful practices to prevent and control communicable diseases.
Our target is to let this knowledge be seen in your actions, words, and way of life. This is the best
legacy you can contribute not only to you and your family but to the whole nation.
Lastly, I hope that you will enjoy going through this material.

Learning Task 1- How Well Do You Know the Nature of Diseases?

Read very carefully each statement about the nature of communicable diseases. The teacher will
guide whether the statement is true or false by putting a check (√) mark on the appropriate box. Do
this in your activity notebook.


1 Organisms like bacteria and viruses are all over the environment.
2 Many of the most common diseases are caused by tiny
microorganisms called pathogens.
3 Communicable diseases come from one infected person to
4 Stomachache is one symptom that can be manifested by a
communicable disease.
5 Viral hepatitis is caused by a virus that affects the liver.
6 Rabies virus can enter only the brain cells while polio virus attacks
only the nervous system.
7 Malaria is a sickness caused by a carrier mosquito.
8 Pinworm hatch and live primarily in the intestines of a person.
9 Stagnant water is a reservoir for mosquitoes to multiply.
10 It is the nature of pathogens to invade its host through certain points
of entry to cause morbidity.


10 TRUE Advanced You really know, understand, and practice the prevention of getting

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7 – 9 TRUE Very Good You need to review someone so that you will know, understand, and
practice the prevention of getting infected.
4 – 6 TRUE Good You are prone to get infected easily.
1 – 3 TRUE Poor You must do something because you are in danger of getting sick easily.


I – DIRECT - Hand, Foot, and - Adopt proper isolation for the
1. Contact Transmission mouth disease sick, no human contact
A. (Kissing)
B. Handshakes with sick - Acute Conjunctivitis - Keep both hands clean and
person (Sore Eyes) perform hand hygiene
- Scabies (Galis) - Clean and disinfect properly
the items used by patients.
- Do not share towels and
C. Sleeping with someone - Head Lice (Kuto) other personal items.
with lice - Wear gloves when
- Chickenpox contacting patients.

2. Food-Borne/Water- - Viral gastroenteritis - Ensure all food is adequately

Borne Transmission - Food Poisoning cooked especially high-risk
- Cholera food like shellfish.
- Perform hand hygiene
- Bacillary Dysentery before meals and after going
to the toilet.
- Handle vomitus and excreta
- Hepatitis A and E properly
- Sick food handlers should
refrain from work and seek
medical advice early
3. Vector-Borne - Dengue Fever - Maintain environmental
Transmission (usually hygiene to prevent breeding
insects) of insect’s mosquitoes, e.g.,
Prevent accumulation of
stagnant water.
- Take personal protection to
A. Mosquito bites and - Malaria present insect/mosquito
Insect bites - Japanese bites, e.g., wear light-
Encephalitis colored, long-sleeved
clothes and trousers/pants
and use insect repellants
II – INDIRECT - Influenza - Maintain good indoor
1. Droplet Transmission ventilation.
A. Coughing - Common Cold - Keep both hands clean.
Perform hand hygiene
properly and immediately
after contacting sick persons
having respiratory secretions.
- Cover mouth and nose when
sneezing or coughing. Use
B. Sneezing - Streptococcus tissue papers to contain
respiratory secretions and
dispose them in garbage bins
with lid.
- People with respiratory
infection symptoms and their
close contact/aids should
- Pneumoniae wear surgical masks.
Infection - Keep a distance of at least
one meter from the sick

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- Seek medical advice
immediately if unwell.
- Adopt proper isolation for the
- Use appropriate personal
protective equipment when
2. Air-Borne Transmission - Pulmonary - Maintain good indoor
- Tuberculosis - Seek medical advice
immediately if unwell.
- Measles - Anyone with symptoms
suggestive of air-borne
- Chickenpox transmissible diseases should
not attend school.

Learning Task 2: The learners to do the activity below. The learners will fill in the shapes with the
correct answers.



3. What are the Examples of Communicable Diseases?


Learning Task 3: Performance Task

Directions: Make a poster on how to prevent the spread of communicable diseases.

Use the following rubrics as your guide.

Relevance to the theme…………….…50%

Creativity and attractiveness………….30%

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Morbidity and Mortality
While they may sound similar, morbidity and mortality are two different things. Here is why:
Morbidity- is any physical or psychological state considered to be outside the realm of
normal well-being. Is often used to describe illness, impairment, or degradation of health,
especially when discussing chronic and age-related diseases which can worsen over time.
Mortality- the state or condition of being subject to death; mortal character, nature, or
existence. The relative frequency of deaths in a specific population, death rate. Mortal beings
collectively; humanity.

Top 10 Leading Causes of Morbidity and Mortality in the Philippines

1. Diseases of the heart 7. Chronic lower respiratory disease

2. Diseases of the vascular system 8. Diabetes mellitus
3. Malignant neoplasms 9. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and
4. Pneumonia nephrosis
5. Accidents 10.Certain conditions originating in the pre-
6. Tuberculosis, all forms natal period

Recently another communicable disease hit the world by this pandemic called
“COVID19”. A disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for
virus, and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or
2019 nCoV.
Currently evidence suggests that COVID19 spreads between people through direct,
indirect (through contaminated objects or surfaces), or close contact with infected people
via mouth and nose secretions. This includes saliva, respiratory secretions, or secretion droplets.

Symptoms of COVID19
Most common symptoms; 6. loss of taste or smell
1. fever 7. a rash on skin, or discoloration of
2. dry cough fingers and toes
3. tiredness
Serious symptoms;
Less common symptoms; 1. difficulty breathing or shortness of
1. aches and pains breath
2. sore throat 2. chest pain
3. diarrhea 3. loss of speech or movement
4. conjunctivitis 4. loss of senses of smell and taste
5. headache

ACTIVITY 4: True or False

Direction: Write T if it is True and F if False
_____ 1. Prodromal stage is the time between the entries of an infectious agent in the host.
_____ 2. Pathogen it is an organism with the ability to cause disease.
_____ 3. Reservoir it is a virus that come from bats.
_____ 4. Communicable diseases can be transferred through the genes of family members.
_____ 5. To avoid the spread of diseases one must sanitized like washing of hands and do other
personal hygiene.

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