Sacred Heart School Board Minutes

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Sacred Heart School Board Minutes

April 20, 2011 Members Present: Fr. Larry, Dave Andrys, Phil Meyer, Nikki Anvinson, Kevin Bloom, Rob Jung, Ed Zimprich, Jim Remer, Mary Amundson, Sharon Fletcher, Karen Cisek Absent: Mare Thompson Guests: Jennifer LeMire (parent) I. II. III. Prayer Fr. Larry opened the meeting with prayer Mary Amundson called the meeting to order. Agenda was approved with the following changes: VIII.a. Smart Board Presentation taken out of order (beginning of meeting); Table VIII.g. Political Action; Add IX.d. Ad Hoc committee report; Add VIII.h. MSHSL continuing membership. Motion by Kevin to accept agenda; second, Nikki; passed.

IV. Minutes Approval a. March minutes - attach correct principal reports. Approved. V. Standing Committee Reports: a. Athletic Club Baseball (69 boys, 7-12); softball (30 girls, 7-12); and track (3 students) underway Participation fees A new system will be developed to ensure collection of fees Dani Stramer will be offering a training program this summer; details to follow. b. c. d. e. f. g. Budget no report Development Michelle Kraft Challenge grant - $58,000 recd so far PGI no report Lumen Christi will need School Board rep Policy - Continuing business SSP will meet in May

VI. Principals Reports: a. Elementary - David Andrys report distributed and attached b. High School - Phil Meyer Report distributed and attached

Prom is coming up Senior Survey Phil will talk with David Flynn Art teacher position (Katie MacLeod) will be filled Shelby Reitmeir (Restorative Justice/Bullying) will be here May 4th. VII. Superintendents/Pastors Update: VIII New Business a. Smart Board demonstration by Sarah Effhauser at the beginning of the meeting. b. School Board election plan Jim Remer, Kevin Bloom and Jennifer LeMire were the only nominees, therefore there will not be an election. One position is for 2 years (remainder of Jennifer Briskes term) and the other two are for 3 years. Jennifer volunteered to take the 2 year term. c. Budget review Fundraisers have been up a little; parish giving is down a little. Please encourage participation in Spring Fling. d. Faculty breakfast Regular PGI luncheons will take the place of this event. e. 2011-2012 calendar attached. Motion by Jim to approve calendar as presented; seconded by Kevin; passed unanimously. f. 100 year anniversary Development has a committee; date is set, plan in development: Aug 2-4, 2012. g. Minnesota State High School League membership . Motion by Rob to continue membership; second by Kevin; passed unanimously. See attached document.

IX. Continuing Business a. Dress Code Parent survey responses reviewed. Motion by Kevin to keep the dress code as stated and review annually for current trends; seconded by Ed. Vote: 4 for, 4 against. Further discussion ensued. Motion by Ed to keep the dress code as stated and review annually for current trends; seconded by Kevin. Vote is 7 for, 1 against; motion passes. Policy committee will send out communication to parents summarizing survey results and stating Board decision. b. Curriculum Noted that the Board will address one related topic per meeting c. Job descriptions All completed. d. Ad hoc committee Counselor position approved for next year.

X. Adjourn. Next meeting - Wednesday, May18, 2011, 7:45 pm, Social Hall

20 April 2011 meeting


Principals Report to School Board: David Andrys

1. The 4th and 5th grade had their Camp-In at the Minnesota Science Museum in St. Paul on April 6 & 7. We were there with 450 other students. The classes visited the Cathedral of St. Paul and the Capital building. Representative Deb Kiel met and visited with the group.

2. MCA assessments for grade 3 & 5 started April 11. 3. NWEA MAP assessments for K-11 started April 18. 4. A number of our students were Catholic Daughter winners. 5. Kindergarten Music program was held April 14. 6. Three teachers Aimee Siemers, Tina Johnson, and Tracy Bergum attended a workshop in TRF on working with students on social skills and conflict resolution. The workshop was March 19. The three are working on a common program for preschool through grade 6. 7. Kindergarten Roundup was held on March 24. 18 students attended. 8. I.M.I.4.U.2.C. (Red River Theater group) presented March 25 to K-6 on bullying. 9. The 2011-12 preschool roster was mailed April 1. Little Angels has five openings in the afternoon. Little Saints is full. There are seven on the waiting list. 10. Elementary school reconciliation service was April 12. 11. Bike helmet safety and fitting will be held for grade 3 on May 9. 12. Bike Rodeo for grade 3 will be May 13. 13. River Cities Speedway will be having bus races. The school will sell tickets as a fundraiser. 14. The Grade 4-6 music program will be May 16. 15. Grade 4 will go to Bonanzaville on May 17. 16. The PGI end of the year school picnic has been scheduled for May 18 (school board night). PGI did schedule a date for May 22, but there was a conflict with that date. 17. May 23 is the 5th and 6th grade band concert. 18. 6th grade will go to Deep Portage may 24-25. 19. Little Saints program is May 25.

Sacred Heart School Board Principals Report High School

April 20, 2011
1. Mrs. Gergen and Mr. Meyer with students; Kristen Hatcher, Jamie Bushaw, Tia Klein, Nathin Voeller, Casey Akset, Zak Kuznia, Elizabeth Hoeger continue to prepare for the Mission Trip to St. Marys Parish in Red Lake, Minnesota taking place Tuesday, April 19 to Saturday, April 23rd.

2. High School Events through the end of the school year: April 18-May 6: NWEA Spring Testing April 27th (Wed): 9:15am North Dakota State College of Science music students performing a concert for the high school students at Sacred Heart May 4th (Wed): Junior Retreat May 4th (Wed): 6:00pm Dollars for Scholars (9th-12th grade) May 11th (Wed): 12:30pm High School Academic Awards (7th-12th grade) in the Social Hall. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend to celebrate the academic achievements of the High School Students. May 11th (Wed): 7:00pm Spring Concert, Music Awards and Spring Art Show. May 27th (Fri): Last Day of School May 29th (Sun): 4:00pm Graduation

3. Sophomores and juniors planning to take classes at Northland Community and Technical College next year will take their Placement Assessment Test on Friday, April 29th beginning at 1:00pm at the College.

4. Several students attended the half day information program Experience Healthcare put on by Altru on Wednesday, April 13th at the Alerus Center.

Tentative Sacred Heart School Calendar 2011-2012 (4.20.2011) August 22-23 23 24 Teacher Workshops for GF Public/Holy Family Crookston Diocesan Ministry Day Crookston Cathedral NW MN INFOCON Best Practices Workshop @ Sacred Heart School Begins Grand Forks Public /Holy Family 30-1 September 1 5 6 October 20-21 20-21 28 November 4 7 8 & 10 11 24-25 December 22 23 January 2012 3 13 16 February 14 & 16 17 20 22 March 23 26 April 6 EGF Public School Workshop Days Sacred Heart Teacher Workshop Day/Back to School Night Labor Day, No school EGF Public School Begins/Sacred Heart School Begins? Minnesota, No School, MnED North Dakota No School, NDEA Lumen Christi End of the 1st Quarter Curriculum Day, No School Parent/Teacher Conferences No School, Veterans Day Thanksgiving, No School Christmas Vacation begins at the end of the school day Christmas Vacation December 23 January 2 School Resumes End of Second Quarter Curriculum Day, No School Parent/Teacher conferences No School Presidents Day, No School Ash Wednesday, Start of Lent End of the Third Quarter Curriculum Day, No School (Possible Staff Make-up Day for Fall) Good Friday, No School

9 May 25 27 28 May June August August 29 1 2-4 9-11

Easter Monday, Regular School Last Day of School, Preschool through Grade 12 Sacred Heart High School Graduation Memorial Day, No School Sacred Heart Teacher Workshop Day Last Day of School, EGF Public (2 storm days built into calendar) Sacred Heart Schools 100th Year Celebration EGF City 125th Celebration

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