Sacred Heart School Board Minutes

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Sacred Heart

School Board Minutes

Feb. 23, 2011

Members Present: Fr. Larry, Dave Andrys, Phil Meyer, Nikki Anvinson, Kevin Bloom, Rob Jung,
Ed Zimprich, Jim Remer, Mary Amundson, Sharon Fletcher, Karen Cisek

Absent: Mare Thompson

Guest: Jennifer LeMire (parent)

I. Prayer – Fr. Larry opened the meeting with prayer

II. Mary Amundson called the meeting to order.

III. Agenda was approved with the following changes: New Business: Delete IXa.; Add Dress
Code input. Motion Kevin, second Nikki, passed.

IV. Minutes Approval

a. Motion to approve Jan minutes, Ed; Second, Sharon; Passed.

V. Standing Committee Reports:

a. Athletic Club
Question of whether band could play at games. There aren’t enough students to
consistently play.
Two girls basketball players are looking at college (Tia Klein and Samantha
Baseball schedule is 99% scheduled and confirmed.
Austin LeTextier signed with UM Duluth. Also noted that previous college-
scholarship athlete, Lora Evenstad (gymnastics) is doing well at Nebraska.
Youth basketball has 90 kids and 5 coaches. Doing well, but some challenges.
Fish Frys start March 11th.
Thanks to recent gift, the Athletic Club is researching a “new” used bus.
Parent concern about two buses going to game and both coming home late.
Original intent was for one to come home early with younger players. Pat will
clarify this with coaches, players and drivers. If there is an exception (e.g., Friday
game), parents will be notified ahead of time.

b. Budget – New Business

c. PGI
Soup luncheon held for teachers
Spring Fling solicitations underway
Rummage sale next weekend
Spring teachers’ luncheon in early May

d. Policy
Job descriptions
o Still need coaching descriptions
o Dave will give these to people in these positions for comment/input

e. Development
Gift/Challenge grant – Report and FAQ to be sent out. Donor communicated
desires to Michelle who communicated with the Development Board; Fr. Larry
thanked board for supporting 2nd person in Development to allow Michelle to work
on this. Thanks to Michelle for her work!
Spring Fling – invitations are out; April 30
Rummage Sale – donations needed

f. School Strategic Plan – no meeting/report

VI. Principals’ Reports:

a. Elementary - David Andrys
Report distributed and attached
We will arrange a demo of Smart Boards before a future meeting
Kevin asked about the ice that forms on the sidewalk between the playground and
parking lot. Dave said that we know it’s a problem and are working on solutions.
Punky has chiseled out the ice, but it reforms. Salt does not completely help. He will
look into sand or kitty litter. Mrs. Shea has been putting out red cones to mark the

b. High School - Phil Meyer

Report e-mailed and attached
Note: 8th grade trip is optional

VII. Superintendent’s/Pastor’s Update:

a. Joint Parish Mission, March 20-22; March 23, Colleen Kelly Mast from Catholic Radio
will give a talk for 4-7th grade parents and students. Topic is Theology of the Body.

VIII New Business

a. CommunicationPlan
School Board Minutes and Agenda: Will be sent to parents via e-mail. Karen will
send these via a “school board” e-mail address. Agenda will be sent out the Friday
before the meeting. Approved minutes will follow shortly after the meeting. These
will also be posted on the website.
Principals are sending weekly and monthly reports
Algorithm for parent concerns is outlined in the parent/student handbook. Board
members are available, and may help parents, and will help direct situations as
Principals will communicate with the board about policy issues (e.g, dress code),
teacher development, curriculum issues, etc.

VIII. New Business

a. School Board Election – Fr. Larry will put notices in bulletin in the middle of March;
nominations until Palm Sunday.
Three positions open (Jim, Ed, Kevin); top two vote-getters will have 3-yr terms; 3rd will
have 2-yr term (remainder of Jennifer Briske’s, which Kevin filled).

b. Budget review distributed and discussed.

c. Dress Code
Input collected indicates interest in standardized dress.
Committee will meet before March and decide details of parent survey.
PGI will help with collection of surveys.

IX. Adjourn. Next meeting will be held Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 7:45 pm, Social Hall

23 February 2011

Principal’s Report to School Board: David Andrys

1. The Science Museum of Minnesota made their presentations on February 10 to grades K-2 and 3-6.
St. Michael’s, Holy Family/St. Mary’s, and Riverside Christian were invited and attended.

2. The elementary grades (Grade 1-6) attended the ballet on Friday, January 28, at the Empire.

3. Catholic School Week (January 30-February 4) went very well. Activities included:
9:00 a.m. Mass kickoff
Mission Possible!
Spare Change Campaign
Monday Morning Kickoff Prayer w. Bishop
Announcement of $250,000 donation
Pajama Day
Stop, Drop, and Read
Living History Grade 5 & 6
Kooky Olympics (K-6)
Clash Day
School Spirit Day
Alumni Speakers, gr. 3-12
Rosary for Peach
Career Day
Area College visit by grade 4, 5, 6
Spelling Bee 5-8
Valentines for Retired religious
6th gr. vs. parent BB
Science Night
Video Choice
All School Mass at St. Michael’s

4. The school is in process of purchasing Smart Boards/projectors for nearly all classrooms.

5. P/T conferences went well.

6. Lloyd Schriner from Excel made a safety presentation on 2/8.

7. Girl Scouts have returned to Sacred Heart with Najla Neumann leading the troop.

8. The first Mix it Up day was held at lunch (tables were mixed grades) on 2/14.

9. Kelly Painter, the GFAFB School Liaison Officer was given a tour of the school on Thursday, February
17. She reported that they expect 120 to 150 new students at the Base by July 1.

Sacred Heart School Board
Principal’s Report

High School

February 23, 2011

1. During Catholic Schools Week the Christian Service Learning Class sponsored a Penny Drive Contest
between the high school classes. A total of $543.00 was raised to be donated to the Mondry family to
help with replacement costs of their house fire.

2. The Senior and Freshmen class have had their class retreats in on February 2nd and 16th respectively. The
Sophomores are scheduled to Retreat on March 30th and Juniors on May 4th.

3. Mr. Meyer and Janelle Gergen traveled to St. Mary’s Mission Church on the Red Lake Indian Reservation
on Friday, February 18th to discuss a service mission with Fr. Jerry Rogers that the High School will be
carrying out later in the school year.

4. The High School students will be participating in Interim Classes March 7-11th. Mr. Boyd will be traveling
with eight students to Germany from Saturday, March 6 through Tuesday, March 15th. Seventeen of the
21 Eighth grade students will be traveling to the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center. All other
students will be registering for Interim class on campus.

5. We will be hosting the Section 8 Visual Arts Festival on Wednesday, March 23rd for the 7th consecutive

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