Review of Related Literature

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Review of Related Literature

Our study is all about Kamias (Averrhoa bilimbi ) Extract as Rust Stain Remover.

Stains are the most common problem of people living now a day because of too much

works. We can remove it using commercial stain remover, but these are harmful for it

contains substances that are bad for ourselves and the environment. The researcher heard

about the use of kamias as stain remover and they wanted to see if this will be effective.

The main constituent of commercial household bleach is a chemical called

sodium hypochlorite (NaClO). It is a strong oxidizing agent in liquid form and is greenish

or yellowish in color. Sodium hypochlorite is a very effective disinfectant. In the

foodservice industry, it can be used to sanitize kitchen utensils and equipment used for

food processing. It is a very effective substance used to disinfect water to eliminate

bacteria and microorganisms, which helps in preventing the transmission of waterborne

diseases. Humans have been whitening fabrics for centuries; ancient Egyptians, Greeks,

and Romans. As early as 300 B.C., soda ash, prepared from burned seaweed, was used to

clean and whiten cloth. Reference, 1774Karl Weelhem SLEECHE discovered the

chemical element chlorine, a highly irritating, green-yellowish gaseous halogen. In 1785,

the French scientist Claude Bertholette found that chlorine was an excellent whitening

agent in fabrics. Some mill operators attempted to expose their fabrics to chlorine gas, but

the process was so cumbersome and the fumes so strong that these attempts were soon

abandoned. Bertholette began a small facility for the manufacture of a new product called

“Eau de Javelle.” The bleaching powder consisted of potash (soda ash) which had

absorbed chlorine gas. In 1799, another bleaching powder was invented by Scottish
chemist Charles Tennant. In the early years of the Industrial Revolution, his patented

lime powder was widely used to whiten a variety of fabrics and paper products.

Manufacturers who use chlorine bleach often release it into local water bodies along with

other liquid industrial waste. Once it reaches the water, chlorine reacts with other

minerals and elements to form a host of dangerous toxins. Factories that rely on chlorine

bleach also emit toxins into the air during the ventilation and exhaust processes which

contribute to air pollution.

In an environment like ours today, they encounter great number of situations,

often in a fast-paced manner and they are unconsciously exposed to numerous stain-

causing factors like dust, rust, sauces, mud, etc. The researchers conducted a study that

would test the feasibility of kamias as an effective ingredient in commercial bleach and

attempted to create a commercial bleach out of organic alternative. Aside from being

economically and environmentally beneficial, it is also healthy for users. Kamias has high

oxalic acid content, fruit used to remove stains from clothing and for washing hands,

removing rust and stains from metal blades. Kamias has properties that can make rough

skin turn back to its normal and supple condition which makes it a better alternative stain

remover. And so, users could get all these benefits in one product. Kamias is a small tree,

growing 5 to 12 meters high. Leaves are pinnate, 20 to 60 centimeters long, with hairy

rachis and leaflets. Fruit is green and edible, about 4 centimeters long, subcylindrical, or

with 5 obscures, broad, rounded, longitudinal lobes. Fruit contains potassium oxalate.

Chemical constituents include amino acids, citric acid, cyanidin-3-O-b-D-glucoside,

phenolics, potassium ion, sugars, and vitamin A. Fruit extracts yield flavonoids, saponins,

and triterpenoid. Bark yields alkaloids, saponins, and flavonoids.

Caoli & Magsino (2017 ) says that kamias can be medicine and industrial

purposes. It has high oxalic acid content which makes it effective in removing rust stains

and clean knife blades. Furethermore, Gaytos, Abolorio & Lavilla ( 2019 ) tell us that

kamias extract is an effective stain remover.

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