Concept Notes With Formative Activities: QUARTER: 4 SEMESTER: Second (Week 1-2)

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QUARTER: 4 SEMESTER: Second (Week 1-2)

Name: ______________________________________ Score: _______

Grade & Section: _____________________ Subject: Reading and Writing

Name of Teacher: _______________________________ Date: _____________

I. Title: Identifying the Context of Text Development

II. Type of Activity: Concept notes with formative activities

LAS for summative assessment ( Written Work Performance Task)

III. MELC: Identify the context in which a text was developed:

a. Hypertext
b. Intertext

IV. Learning Objectives:

a. Determine the key concepts of hypertext and intertext.

b. Determine the key elements of intertextuality.
c. Identify hypertext and intertext as methods of text development.
V. Reference/s:
Buhisan A.L and Baang M.B., Reading and Writing- Senior High School, ADM
Agarin, J.B. and Vista D.D., Reading and Writing- Senior High School, ADM
2020 Department of Education – Region IV-A CALABARZON
VI. Concept Notes
Being a critical reader also involves understanding that texts are always
developed with a certain context. A text is neither written nor read in a vacuum; its
meaning and interpretation are affected by a given set of circumstances. Thus, there
is a need to identify the context of text development.
What is Context?
✓ Context is defined as the social, cultural, political, historical, and other related
circumstances that surround the texts and form the terms from which it can be
better understood and evaluated.
✓ It also refers to the occasion or situation that informs the reader about why a
document was written.
✓ Context, according to Moxley, refers to the occasion, or situation that informs
the reader about why a document was written and how it was written. The
structure, organization and purpose of a written text is heavily influenced by its

Context is important as a foundation for the author in constructing his/her written
text. This includes how the writer has researched the topic and how he/she organized
the content.

Moxley posed the following questions on the analysis of context:

1. What is going on in the world of readers that will influence the reader’s thoughts
and feelings about the document?
2. Does the intellectual content of the document rest on the shoulders of other
authors? Will readers expect the author to mention particular scholars or
researchers who did the original, ground-breaking work on the subject you are
3. What background information can you assume your reader is already familiar


Typically, a text is written in a linear fashion. This linear progression only

enables the reader to read the material the way the author designed it from the
beginning to end. HYPERTEXTUALITY allows readers to study a text in a different
In a hypertext, pieces of information are connected semantically. There is an
undefined beginning, middle and end.
Hypertext creates a network of materials linked because of various connections
they share. This encourages and, at times, requires readers to go through the material
at their pace.
Hypertextuality according to Amaral, 2010 is simply a non-linear way of
presenting information. Rather than reading or learning about things in the order that
an author, or editor, or publisher sets out for us, readers of hypertext may follow their
own path, create their own order – their own meaning out the material.

This is accomplished by creating “links” between information. These links are

provided so that the readers may “jump” to further information about a specific topic
being discussed (which may have more links, leading each reader off into a different

Instead of reading or learning about things in the order predefined by an author,

an editor or a publisher, the readers of a hypertext can follow their own path, create
their own order – their own meaning out of the material.

Hypertext is text which contains links to other texts. The term was coined by
Ted Nelson around 1965. It is when you type a word and attach a link to that word so
that upon clicking on that word, the reader is sent to the site attached.

Hypertext is the foundation of the World Wide Web enabling users to click on
link to obtain more information on a subsequent page on the same site or from
website anywhere in the world.

The term hypertext was coined by Ted Nelson in 1963.

Hypertext materials include pictures, video materials animated and audio

illustrations. All those possibilities make hypertext materials content high and suitable
for educational purposes.

Hypertext connects topic on a screen to related information, graphics, videos,

and music – information is not simply related to text.

This information appears as links and is usually accessed by clicking. The

reader can jump to more information about a topic, which in turn may have more links.
This opens up the reader wider horizon of information to a new direction.

A reader can skim through sections of a text, freely jumping from one part to
another depending on what aspect of the text interests him/her. Thus, in reading with
hypertext, you are given more flexibility and personalization because you get to select
the order in which you read the text and focus on information that is relevant to your
background and interests.

Every time you search on the web, you see words or clusters of words that are
underlined and are in blue. When you click these words, you will be transported to
another site.

Hypertext is a new way of reading a text online. It collects every available data
but this exhaustive inclusion exposes the reader to a wealth of irrelevant material.
While intertextuality banks on its text-generated constraints on the reader’s
perceptions, hypertextuality is a reader-generated loose web of free association.

Information directly/indirectly related to the topic written may be referenced

through hyperlinks in which the reader can access the direct source or reference
through a single click.

Hypertextuality, although opens up to a wide variety of mostly irrelevant

information, gives the reader the free will to personalize his or her analysis of the text.
The reader may choose to focus only on the information that is related to his/her
background, thus creating a personal meaning out of the given material.


When reading, the readers try to make meaning of the material that they are
absorbing through many different processes. Unintentionally, sometimes, the patterns
in the materials read are apparent in another text. Theorists term this as
Intertextuality, is also the modelling of a text’s meaning by another text.
It is defined as the connections between language, images, characters,
themes, or subjects depending on their similarities in language, genre and discourse.

Intertextuality, as defined by Tiongson (2016), is the modeling of a text’s

meaning by another text. Intertext is the relationship between texts and how culture
and other writers influence a text. This is often seen on works wherein the author

borrows and transforms an existing text or when one references a text on his own
written work. The text will then contain a wide accumulation of cultural, historical and
social knowledge.

Intertextuality, as a literary device, “is the complex interrelationship between a

text and other texts taken as fundamental to the creation and interpretation of the text”
(Merriam Webster Disctionary, 2015).

Intertext excludes irrelevant data. It underscores the main point/s of the text by
making explicit those data that are only implied or presupposed in the text, thus
defining their relevance. Spurred by this context, a healthy dialogue among different
texts and interpretations, audience, is born.

As readers, the ability to create connections among various texts enhances the
meaning of the reading material.

Elaboration on Intertextuality

Intertextuality has rooted from the work of a Swiss linguist Ferdinand de

Saussure (1857-1913). Meanwhile, the term itself was first used by Bulgarian-French
philosopher and psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva in the 1960s.

Intertextuality is said to take place using four specific methods namely: retelling,
pastiche, quotation, and allusion.

• Retelling – It is the restatement of a story or re-expression of a narrative.

• Quotation – It is the method of directly lifting the exact statements or set of
words from a text another author has made.
• Allusion – In this method, a writer or speaker explicitly or implicitly pertains to
an idea or passage found in another text without the use of quotation.
• Pastiche – It is a text developed in a way that it copies the style or other
properties of another text without making fun of it unlike in a parody.

Questions Used to Validate Intertext

1. Are there two or more stories involved?

2. Does the text show a direct or an indirect connection to another piece of

Note: If the reader has affirmation towards these questions, the texts s/he id
dealing with contains intertext.

Task 1. Write on the space provided what is being asked.

____________________1. This creates a network of materials linked because of
various connections.
____________________2. It is the complex interrelationship between a text and
other texts.
____________________3. This refers to the occasion or situation that informs the
reader about why a document was written and how it
was written.
____________________4. This is the modeling of a text’s meaning by another text.
____________________5. It is a non-linear way of presenting information.

Task 2. Read the sentences below and identify whether each states correct or
incorrect information. Write True if it is right and false if it is wrong.
____________1. Intertext includes irrelevant data which underscores the main
point/s of the text by making explicit those data that are only implied or
presupposed in the text.
____________2. As readers, the ability to crate connections among various texts
enhances the meaning of the reading material.
____________3. Reading with hypertext, you are given more flexibility and
personalization because you get to select the order in which you read the text
and focus on information that is relevant to your background and interests.
____________4. Information on hypertexts appears as links that can be
accessed by clicking.
____________5. Contextuality is the foundation of the World Wide Web in the
goal of obtaining more information on various sites.

Task 3. Complete the sentences below.

1. Hypertextuality, according to _______________ , is simply a non-linear way of
presenting information.
2. In a hypertext, pieces of information are connected ____________.
3. Context, according to _____, refers to the occasion, or situation that informs
the reader about why a document was written and how it was written.
4. Context talks about the ________, _________,_________,__________, and
other related circumstances that surround the texts and form the terms from
which it can be better understood and evaluated.
5. Intertextuality, according to ________, is the modeling of a text’s meaning by
another text.
6. Intertexuality, as a literary device, is the comlex interrelationship between
__________ and _________ taken as fundamental to th creation and
interpretation of text.

Task 4. List down three hypertext references you can find on the google search in any
of the following topics below. Choose one to work on.

1. Distance learning
b. ______________________
c. ______________________

2. Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Education System

b. ______________________
c. ______________________

3. Crypto Currency
b. ______________________
c. ______________________

Task 5. Read the short text below then fill out the table provided after.

What are the benefits of getting vaccinated?

The COVID-19 vaccines produce protection against the disease, as a result of

developing an immune response to the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Developing immunity
through vaccination means there is a reduced risk of developing the illness and its
consequences. This immunity helps you fight the virus if exposed. Getting
vaccinated may also protect people around you, because if you are protected from
getting infected and from disease, you are less likely to infect someone else. This is
particularly important to protect people at increased risk for severe illness from
COVID-19, such as healthcare providers, older or elderly adults, and people with
other medical conditions.


Write down information Write down the benefits Write down the benefits
that describes the you can get from being other people can get if
COVID-19 vaccine vaccinated. you receive the vaccine

Task 6. Write ‘I’ if the given is intertext and ‘NI’ if not.

____________1. Don Bosco crafted Fast City which is about an interactive story
presenting a set of problems and psychological cases put within a technology-
obsessed urban space.
____________2. The Ten Commandments of Marriage was crafted out of The
Ten Commandments.
____________3. The Museum by Adam Kenney offers the experience of being
in a museum by providing each page to each part of the museum and giving
the readers instructions as to where he/she wants to go by providing access
to the various portions of the museum.
____________4. Wicked by Gregory Maguire came into being because of
another story of Frank Baum which is The Wizard of Oz . The story deals with
the Wicked Witch of the West and the misunderstood protagonist Elphaba.
____________5. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to
change the world.” These were the exact words Nelson Mandela said which
was quoted by US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan in an article published

Task 7. Hyperpoetry. Hypertextual poems are also examples of hypertext in which readers,
move from one website to another because of embedded links in the words, sometimes not
returning to the original pages at all. Now, it is your turn to start yours.

• Write an original poem. It should consist of one to two stanzas only.
• Choose words from the poem that you want to add hyperlinks.
• Insert as many links as possible so the readers can switch poem from one website to

For more ideas in making hyperpoetry, visit the links provided for below.
1. Collection of Poems written by Filipino Artists
2. Hyperpoem by Renne Chua *you can see the pictures below that's it! Or you
can visit the page ➡

Task 8. Using a Venn Diagram, show the similarity and difference of intertext and
hypertext (10 pts.).

Task 9. Are you familiar with Harry Potter Series and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy?
If so, can you discuss what their similarities are?

Task 10. Imagine yourself as a writer. Write a one-paragraph story (three-four

sentences) using intertext as the mode of text development. Include a reference
such as a word, phrase, concept, quotation of another work in your text.

Points Descriptions
• The story completely serves its purpose.
• It reveals high degree of critical thinking.

5 • It is free from distracting spelling.

• The story has little lapses with the purpose of writing it.
• It displays good degree of critical thinking.
4 • It has limited distracting spelling.

• The story has a problem with the purpose of writing it.

• Some critical thinking is present.
3 • It has more misspelled words.

• The story shows more problems with the purpose of writing it.
• Less critical thinking is presented.
2 • Misspelled words are committed.

• The story does not serve its purpose at all.

• The words used in the piece have no relationship with the topic.
1 • The words are mostly misspelled.

Task 11. Analyze each statement then answer the guide questions. Write the
answers on a separate sheet.

1. “Love Story” by Taylor Swift was inspired by the play “Romeo and Juliet”
written by William Shakespeare.

a. Are there two or more stories involved?

b. If yes, what are they?
c. Is there connection between these texts?
d. What type of text development is this?

2. “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley is a horror novel. It is also called “The Modern

Prometheus” because it is believed to be inspired by the story of Prometheus
found in a Greek myth showing a lesson that we should not go beyond the
boundaries intended for humans like restoring the life of someone who is
already dead.

a. Are there two or more stories involved?

b. If yes, what are they?
c. Is there connection between these texts?
d. What type of text development is this?

3. The book “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell is a compilation of success stories of

different people across the world, how they achieved it and the innate and
manmade chances and opportunities given to them to become a true “outlier”.

a. Are there two or more stories involved?

b. If yes, what are they?
c. Is there connection between these texts?
d. What type of text development is this?

Task 12. Read the following essay and identify the context with which the text was
written by answering the questions that follow.


Experts all over the world believe that to mitigate the effects and end the spread
of the Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), all sectors of the society must work
hand in hand to fight the deadly virus.
It is not the sole responsibility of the government to stop the global pandemic,
and it is imperative for people to join in the efforts and collectively stop the virus from
further infecting anyone.
This rings true in the Philippines, where the spirit of bayanihan is slowly being
revived amid the onslaught of natural and man-made catastrophes that struck the
whole country during the first three months of 2020.
Various non-government organizations and even individuals have started
calling on Filipinos to help in the war against the pandemic, whether it’s through
volunteerism or through monetary donations.
Donations drives have been launched by various groups to help protect frontline
healthcare workers from the virus. These came amid the reported scarcity of personal
protective equipment (PPEs) in hospitals.
Likewise, groups and individuals are seeking support to fund relief goods for
the families that are in need of food and personal hygiene kits, as major cities and
provinces and provinces impose in their own community quarantine protocols.
There are hundreds of more donations drives that are hundreds of more
donations that are happening across the Philippines today, signaling the strong revival
of the Filipino culture of Bayanihan—only that with the strict implementation of
community quarantines and social distancing protocols, donations are facilitated
through mobile phones.
Source: (posted March 2019)

1. What is going on in the Philippines while this text was written?

2. What is meant by BAYANIHAN?
3. How is bayanihan during the pre-colonial Philippines different from bayanihan
during the pandemic?
4. How are things different in the Philippines during the pandemic?



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