Creative Nonfiction: Q3 LESSON 7 Evaluating One's Draft
Creative Nonfiction: Q3 LESSON 7 Evaluating One's Draft
Creative Nonfiction: Q3 LESSON 7 Evaluating One's Draft
Q3 LESSON 7 Evaluating One’s Draft
Using a concept map, identify
words or ideas that can be
associated in evaluating a
literary piece.
Evaluating a
literary piece
(what should be evaluated in a
literary piece?)
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to
• Evaluate one’s draft considering the
clarity of idea, appropriateness of
choice of literary elements, appropriate
use of the element and effective
combination of the idea and the chosen
literary element.
Let’s Practice!
Examine each sentence. Write FIX
if there is a need to be fixed and
NO FIX if there is none.
Let’s Practice! Grammar
Let’s Practice!
Let’s Practice!
Let’s Practice!
We evaluate to improve
Poor grammar may:
• Mean that the writer is not serious
with the craft.
• Cause distraction among
Was the information What was the genre Did you, the reader,
accurate based on used understand the flow of the
facts? by the author? piece because of the
literary elements used?
Were the ideas presented Were the chosen elements Did the combinations of ideas
arranged in chronological appropriate to the genre used and literary elements help the
order considering the by the author? readers to go along and be
type of nonfiction used? hooked with the flow of the
3-2-1 Exit Ticket
Write three things that you have
learned in today`s lesson
Write two things you liked or two
interesting facts about the lesson.
Write one question that you have about
the lesson.
“ Writing is subjective and we write our
own version of our story. We interpret it
differently considering the different
orientation we have in our lives but never
ignore rooms for improvement because it is
one of the reasons why we keep on going. “
Thank you for