COT Lesson Plan

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School Espiritu Elementary School Grade/Section Kindergarten -

COT Mabait
LESSON Teacher Floresa M. Ybañez Subject Science
PLAN Date June 8, 2022 Quarter 4th
Time 8:10 – 9:05 Week 4

I. Objective/s: (ANNOTATIONS)
Identify simple ways of taking care of the
A. Content Standards • The child demonstrates an understanding of
physical properties and movement of objects.
B. Performance Standard • The child shall be able to work with objects
and materials safely and appropriately.
C. Learning • Identify simple ways of taking care of the
Competencies environment PNEKE-00-4
II. Subject Matter: “Simple Ways of Taking Care of the
• Valuing: Taking care of the environment

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K-12 MELC, p.20, Code PNEKE-00-4
2. Learner’s material  Learning Activity Sheets Q4 – W4
 Power Point Presentation/Video,
Laptop, Television, Charts
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Resources from
Learning Resource
B. Other Materials

•Power Point Presentation/Video, Laptop,

Television, Charts

III. Procedure: Preparatory Activities:

•Daily Routine
•Sing a weather Song – “Unsa ron ang
•Health Check
•Setting of Standards: (Video Presentation)
A. Reviewing previous •Puzzle Arrangement (Picture Puzzle) 1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
lesson or presenting •Motive Question: “Nganong Kinahanglan (PPST Domain 1)
the New Lesson man nga atimanon ug limpyuhan nato ang
atong palibot? 1.1 Applied knowledge of content
within and across curriculum
teaching areas. (PPST Indicator
B. Establishing a •Motivation: Song Describing the KRA 1. Objective 2. Ensure positive
purpose for the lesson environment (Video Presentation) use of ICT to facilitate the
(Motivation) (Setting of Standards will be set for this
activity) teaching and learning process
- I used Youtube Website for
the Video of the song

C. Presenting instances • Presentation of the lesson and Discussion KRA 1. Objective 1. Applied
of the new lesson through Powerpoint Presentation knowledge of content within and
Unsa ang mga angay buhaton aron maatiman
nato ang atong palibot? across curriculum teaching areas.
D. Discussing New •Let us hear another Song ”Alagaan natin ang - Presented a song which is
Concepts and ating Kapaligiran” aligned from the competency
practicing new skills Ano ang sinasabi at tinutukoy sa Kanta? needed to achieve
#1 Modelling
E. Discussing new •Differentiated Activities for Learners - KRA 2. Objective 6. Used
concepts and Group Activities strategies for providing timely,
practicing new skills (Setting of Standards will be set for this
#2 Guided Practice activity) accurate and constructive feedback
to improve learner performance.
Activity 1-Group 1 - Tan-awa og mayo ang
mga hulagway, ipilit ang tsek (√) sa - Provided a positive feedback
lhulagway kung kini nagpakita og sakto nga for their correct answers
pag-atiman sa palibot ug ipilit usab ang ekis
(X) kung wala kini nagpakita og sakto nga
pag-atiman sa palibot.

 Pupils will do the task

posted on the board

Activity 2 – Group 2 - Ipilit ang hulagway sa

basura sa sakto nga basurahan kung asa isulod
kaning mga hulagway sa mga klase sa basura

Activity 3 – Group 3 - Pilia ang mga

hulagway nga nagpakita sap ag-atiman sa
atong palibot ug ipilit kini sulod sa kahon.

F. Finding practical Questions: Children naminaw mo og maayo

application of sa atong leksyon karon?
concepts and skills in = It is very important to listen actively
daily living because it leads to better comprehension and
understanding. We filipinos are known as KRA 1. Objective 1. Applied
very good listener. It is one of our good knowledge of content within and
points in our culture that is why other country across curriculum teaching areas.
like us Filipinos.
G. Making H. Generalization and Valuing: Checking
generalizations about KRA 1. Objective 3. Applied a range
their works then answer questions for
the lesson of teaching strategies to develop
recalling some important points.
Question: critical and creative thinking as well
1. Nganong kinahanglan man nga limpyo ang as other higher – order thinking
atong palibot o ang atong lugar? skills

- Letting the learners share

2. Unsa ang atong mga their understanding about the
dapat buhaton para nindot lesson
ug limpyo pirme ang atong
Palibot ug ang atong lugar?
Valuing and Integration (Values KRA 1. Objective 4. Established a
Education): Kinahanglan nga atong learner-centered culture by using
atimanon, limpyuhan ug atong higugmaon teaching strategies that respond to
ang atong palibot ug ang atong kinaiyahan
their religious background
kayimportante kini ug hinimo kini sa Ginoo
ug gihatag para kanatong tanan kay mahal ta
Niya. - letting the learners know who is
God and His Good deeds to us

- Shows integration of Values

I. Developing Mastery Karon atong sutaon ang mga hulagway kung KRA 2. Objective 6. Used
asa ang nagpakita sa sakto nga pag atiman sa strategies for providing timely,
atong palibot. Ipilit ang korteng kasing-kasing
sa hulagway nga nagpakita og sakto nga pag- accurate and constructive feedback
atiman ug idikit pud ang kidlat sa hulagway to improve learner performance.
nga wala magpakita sa sakto nga pag-atiman.
Provided a positive feedback for
their correct answers
J. Evaluating Learning Evaluation: KRA 3. Objective 8. Set achievable
and appropriate learning outcomes
Pangitaa ug ilha ang mga hulagway nga
nagpakita og pag-atiman sa atong palibot ug that are aligned with learning
kinaiyahan, Lingini (O) kini. Tapos ang mga competencies.
hulagway nga wala nagpakita og pag-atiman
sa palibot markahi kini og (X). - Provided activities aligned to
the learning competencies

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

K. Additional Activities Assignment: The whole lesson:

for Enrichment or KRA 3. Objective 7. Selected,
developed, organized and used
appropriate teaching and learning
resources including ICT, to address
learning goals.

Prepared by: NOTED:

FLORESA M. YBAÑEZ ____________________

Kindergarten Teacher School Head

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