Microbiology Must Know

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Microbiology Must Know

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1. Foot, MOuth Disease Virus(FMDV) Apthovirus 33. Fungal culture(CSF) 28-30 days
2. Called drug resistance from biological resistance 34. Spirochetes microscope fluorescent microscope
35. Household bleach 10 minutes(also EBOLA)
3. Anaerobic atmosphere 5% CO2, 10% H2, 85%
36. Benchmarking means peer comparison
37. Zone of inhibition of Optochin >14 mm zone
4. Confirmed water test EMB, Endo BGBL
for S. pneumoniae
5. NAFO colour Blue
38. Double zone hemolysis C. perfringens
6. CSF storage 37 degree
39. Influenza and Rubella test Ref test: heme
7. other name of optochin Taxo P, agglutination
ethylhydrocupreine inhibition(HAI) test
8. bacteria that survives in 6.5% Nacl, Enterococcus 40. Difficult to stain/microscopy LEptospira spp.
Hippurate and esculin positive
41. Normal oral flora S. viridans
9. Held on colony or filter paper Oxidase test
42. what media use in S. aureus on MSA(7.5%NaCl)
10. <question> MUG test(+) coliforms stool
11. Colorimetric = Fluorescence = 43. What plasma is used in Plasma Rabbit/human plasma
coagulase test
12. </question> Yellow
44. BAP, THIO, and selenite broth enhancement media
13. Blue PPNG positive
are what kind of media?
14. Penicillinase producing gonoccoci Critical step in GS
45. (+) reaction bile solubility test lysis of colony
15. Decolorization step What is betelactamase
46. species written in lower case
16. Colorimetric, (+) color change, its a test for B. lactams
47. Babes Ernst granules Corynebacterium
48. The composition of Iodophore Iodine and
17. Schaudinn Test stains... Mitochondria(internal)-
49. Lecithinase (+) C. perfringens
18. Largest RNA virus Paramyxovirus
50. <question> MIC
19. Largest DNA virus Poxvirus(small pox)
51. MBC/MLC means
20. Smallest RNA virus Picornavirus
52. </question> inhibits organism
21. Smallest DNA virus Parvovirus
53. Kills Used for blood culture
22. Biochemical test is a.. Presumptive test
23. Beta lactamase substrate Nitrocefin
54. Iodine and 70% alcohol Veillonella and
24. Specimens for AFB culture Urine, CSF, Stool and Actinomycetes are
Gastric juice
55. anaerobic (+) completed test for
25. Y. enterocololitca is CIN? and positive and negative bacte
56. gas + growth Manner of reporting water
26. Aeromonas hydrophilia is CIN? and Positive and Positive bacte
57. Most probable number(MPN) Dissolve agar is
27. Confirms typhoid fever bone marrow culture composed of
28. Presumptive ID of organism Differential medium 58. half H2O+agar+half Application of Sodium
29. Confirmatory ID of organism Serotyping H2O(distilled or deionized) hypochlorite

30. CMV culture= Human embryonic 59. 10-30 min. Duran Reynal factor
fibroblast means

31. (+) H2O Completed test acid w/ gas 60. Spreading factor Streptolysin O

32. Acetamide by product ammonia 61. Ag, lytic, anaerobic, O2 labile DOH 2013
62. 2 sputum for AFB Ratio of blood in broth 90. Eye, vaginal Stool for RSV?
discharge, gastric
63. 1:5(10ml:50 ml broth Antifungal, anti-gram
postive in MAC
91. Reject C. albicans in SERUM
64. Crystal violet Kidney Bean Shaped
Bacteria 92. Germ tube Mucoid colonies, -,-,+,+ IMvic
65. Neisseria Curve, gram negative rod 93. Klebsiella Gas gangrene
94. C. perfringens Hepatitis C test of choice
66. CBAP (+) reaction of hair baiting
95. HCV TNA Called the complete virus particle
96. Virion Catalase (+), Coag (-), non hemolyzed
67. V shaped perforation Corn meal agar produces
97. S. epidermidis Bacteria same size as virus
68. Chlamydospore Farmer's lung disease
98. Mycoplasma Bacteria from cows causing colon
69. Aspergillus CNS virus causing
99. S. bovis Bacteria causing green pus with fruity
70. Rabies Virus Specimen for HTLV-1 and
100. P. aeruginosa Serrated edges colonial morhology
71. blood, serum, saliva, semen Transport virus specimen
for days.. What is the 101. P. aeruginosa Colony is flat, irregular edges, swirling
temp? projection, non-hemolytic, dry

72. 70'C Photometry= 102. B. anthracis Aman medium stains..

73. 10 to the 4th power and 10 to The count Before and after 103. cotton blue Cytomegalovirus best grown in
the 5th power (10k-100k) pasteurization 104. Human Most common pathogen causing
CFU/ml embryonic pneumonitis in AIDS patients
74. 75k to 15k AGN and RF (RHD) fibroblast

75. Group A strep The Four Bacterial 105. P. carinii/jirovecii Bacteria that thrives best at cold
Morphology temperature

76. Cocci, Bacilli, Spiral, Comma Clear Mycobacteria 106. L. Most commonly used for testing
media monocytogenes sensitivity today?

77. Middlebrook 7H11 Calcium alginate is 107. VITEK DNAse test of S. aureus vs. S.
78. Toxic to virus Alternate of dark field
108. Positive vs. Indicator for methyl red test
79. Fluorescent microscope Chain of infection
80. Source, Transmission, Host Asteroid body is a
109. Methyl red Virus found from male drug user that is
81. Product of Ag-Ab reaction The water used in making now known in US but not in the
agar Philippines
82. Deionized/Distilled water The diameter of HEPA 110. Hepatitis G Virus Commonly isolated organism in ICU
filter (HGV) ward
83. 0.3 microns Photoreactivity 111. P. aeruginosa Structure of C. albicans that grows in
corn meal agar
84. photochromogens It easily kills M.
tuberculosis in sputum 112. Chlamydospore Differential test for Corynebacteria vs
85. Boiling Anaerobic sampling
113. Motility and A complete, infection unit of virus
86. 70% ethyl alcohol Bacteria that causes
Esculin HOH
Peptic ulcer/cancer
114. Virion MR/VP positive color
87. H. pylori It measures susceptibility
zone 115. Red Old name of gonococcus
88. Caliper or ruler Automation program for 116. Streptococcus Bacteria that causes Guillain-Barre
susceptibility syndrome
89. Vitek N. gonorrhea resides in..
117. C. jejuni and C. Acetemide test what degree and 148. Proteus vulgaris Specimen for TB microscopy
pneumoniae up to what days?
149. early am, 3 days Alternative if there are no Chlorox
118. 35'C and 7 days Bacitracin (+) control in the lab
119. S. pyogenes MUG negative 150. Vinegar Mycoplasma is incubated
120. no blue fluorescence P. fluorescens causes 151. aerobically, CO2 Property to see the cellular details
of microorganisms
121. bacteremia The best time to collect blood?
152. Resolution Rapid detection bacteriology
122. before the height of Rickettsia stains
because of decreasing substrate,
increasing organism, use of
123. Gimenez, Macchiavelo Anton agent unconventional, unique substrate
124. Listeria XLD yellow 153. Rapid test Strain of E. coli that cause
125. E. coli Lockjaw diarrheal ouutbreak in infants

126. C. tetani Test to determine C. tetani 154. EPEC(0111) Rule out in sheep blood

127. Morphology color of Malonate negative 155. Haemophilus test that detects capsule of Strep
128. green/yellow Significance of Acid fast rod in
nasal mucosa 156. Quellung India ink is

129. not diagnostic pH culture media for bacteria 157. A negative stain Can be isolated from
nasopharyngeal swab
130. 7.2-7.4 Dipthria toxin in vitro test
158. H. influenzae, <question>
131. Elek test Test to differentiate S. pyogenes
Neisseria and B.
and S. pneumoniae from other?
132. Hemolysis test Schaeffer fulton is a
159. S. aureus do not cause TRUE or FALSE
133. endospore stain Diplococci ear infection venereal disease
134. Branhamella/Moraxella Arthrobacter 160. </question> TRUE
135. Brevibacterium Unique in cell wall of AFB 161. (+) reaction of tube Clotting of plasma
136. Mycolic cid Skin, hair, and nail fungal infection coagulase

137. Dermatophytoses Filamentous bacteria, can be use 162. Staph that can cause S. saprophyticus
as antibiotics UTI in females

138. Streptomyces Curved bacteria w/ darting 163. Streptolysin O is Oxygen(O2)

motility destroyed by

139. Camphylobacter Effect of too much moisture in disk 164. (+) reaction of Capsular swelling
diffusion Quellung test?

140. smaller zone Colony of Salmonella in SS agar 165. ID the organism.. Enterococcus
Bacitracin R, Hippurate
141. Colorless colonies with Colony of Shigella in SS agar HOH (-), bile esculin
black centers (+), BH, 6.5% Nacl(+)
142. Colorless colony Sterilization in cans kills 166. Gram negative, cofee Neisseria
without black centers bean diplococci
143. C. botulinum, Cause of floppy baby 167. Thayer martin agar is.. Enriched Chocolate agar
endospores of E.coli,
toxin 168. (+) reaction of oxidase dark purple color
144. C. botulinum Milk transmitted bacteria
169. N. meningitidis glucose and maltose
145. Clostridia and Capnophile requires ferments..
170. Tellurite inhibits.. Normal flora
146. 5-10% CO2 TRIC
171. The stain that retains Carbol fuchsin
147. Trachoma--Inclusion Source of OX2 in Wiel Felix test by Acid fast organism
172. required environment by 5% CO2 207. Alkaline phosphatase test is Success in pasteurization
mycobacteria confirmation of
173. Nocardia will grow in a media w/o antibiotics 208. Sorbitol MacConkey E.coli O157:H7
that is...
209. Bovine Serum Albumin(BSA) Sal. typhi
174. Media used by H. influenzae Enriched Chocolate
210. 2-4% NaOH is used for Decontamination
211. N-acetyl-L-cystine digest, liquify mucus
175. Horse blood is for.. Haemophilus
212. Qualify sputum for culture Gram stain
176. BCYE agar is for Legionella
213. Causes gastritis and Urease H. pylori
177. Presence of clue cells indicates G. vaginalis
178. Simmon's citrate indicator... bromthymol blue
214. Optochin (5ug units) is for S. pneumoniae
179. Urease - NH4CO3
215. In waste disposal, autoclave
180. When THIO is boiled it drives drives off O2 incineration is replaced by
216. Autoclave is set in 121'C at 15lbs/psi, 15-20 min.
181. Rickettsia source Arthropod vectors
217. Modified Oxidase test is for Micrococcus
182. Catalase test idfferentiates Staph and Strep
218. Novobiocin resistant Staph S. saprophyticus
183. Rapid grower among M. fortuitum and M.
219. Bile Esculin HOH (+) Group D strep and
Mycobacteria chelonei
184. Cause Flat sour spoilage B. stearothermophilus
220. Tube coagulase is also free coagulase
185. Czapeks is medium for.. Aspergillus known as
186. Histoplasmin cross reacts with.. Blastomyces 221. 35'C, 2% NaCl, Vancomycin MRSA
187. Causes Gay Bowel Syndrome G. lamblia
222. PYR HOH (+) S. pyogenes and Enterococci
188. Capsular Ag of Strep. Quellung
pneumoninae 223. Screening test for Neisseria Oxidase test
189. Chinese, palisade Corynebacterium 224. How Neisseria speciated? Sugar Utilization test like
Cystine Trypticase
190. C. pseudodiphtheriticum is a oral flora
191. It's an in vitro toxigenecity test Elek test
225. #1 cause of skin infxn, S. aureus
192. Colony of Corynebacterium Gray black colony wound infxn and
193. It's not a Diptheroids C. diptheriae osteomyelitis

194. Enlarge beta zone of lysis CAMP factor 226. #1 cause of neonatal S. agalactiae
195. Lancet shaped bacteria Strep. pneumoniae
227. #1 cause of bacterial S. pnuemoniae
196. Medusa head B. anthracis
197. <question> Soap is germicidal
228. Bacteria causing UTI E.coli, S, saprophyticus,
198. True or False </question> Enterococci
199. True <question> 229. Staph that causes Prosthetic S. epidermidis
200. M. canis fluoresce on Wood's UV True or False valve infection
lamp 230. Swimmer's ear, Burn P. aeruginosa
201. </question> True 231. Uses Nasal swab for S. aureus
202. Chlamydia when delayed 4'C collection

203. Mycosel is a medium for Dermatophyte 232. Uses stool for collection Sal. typhi(typhoid fever)

204. S. aureus, Serratia, Moraxell are Positive 233. JEMBEC System Transport for Neisseria
Dnase.. 234. Niacin(+), NO3-NO2(+), M. tuberculosis
205. Bipolar staining Y. pestis catalase(-)

206. Spillage disinfectant Sodium hypochlorite

235. Arylsulfatase test is for Rapid growers of 263. CO2, H2S, Thinine inhibited B. abortus
264. Endocarditis, Castaneda, TSB Brucella
236. Toxigenecity (Elek) confirms C.
265. Whooping cough, potato B. pertusis
blood glycerol
237. Square end, bamboo, medusa head B. anthracis
266. Soft chancre H. ducreyi
238. Antibiotic associated enterocolitis C. difficile
267. Hard chancre T. pallidum
239. Propionibacterium acnes is a Blood culture
268. Safety pin, animal bite wound Pasteurella
269. Pits agar, human bite wound Eikenella
240. SPS disk test is for Peptostreptococcus
anaerobius 270. Tumbling motility at 25'C Listeria

241. 20% bile, KVC resistant B. fragilis 271. Meningitis, still birth, food Listeria
242. LOA test Moeller's medium
272. Butcher's cut, H2S, Cat(-) Erysiphilothrix
243. Mineral oil is for anaerobic
273. BCYE, air conditioner, Pontiac Legionella
244. PAD(+), Urease(+), LD(+) P-M-P group
245. Examples of Microaerophiles Campy,
274. Fletcher's Weil's, Jaundice LEptospirosis
275. McCoy, NGU, PID, LGV C. trachomatis
246. ONPG(+yellow) Slow lactose
fermenter 276. Giemsa on blood smear Borrelia

247. Rice water stool, string test (+) V. Cholerae 277. Violet colony Chromobacterium

248. What is the color of the following Red 278. Whipple's disease Trophyrema
test when they are positive Indole, 279. Causes Granuloma inguinale Calymmatobacterium
MR, VP, Urease, NO3-NO2
280. Oroya fever, infects RBC B. bacilliformis
249. What is the color of the following (+) blue and
281. Infects WBC, morulae body Ehrlichia
test when they are positive.. Citrate, Green(-)
Acetamide, Acetate, Malonate.. and 282. Vincent's angina Borrelia and
if they are negative Fusobacterium
250. What is the color of the following Purple 283. Cat scratch disease Bartonella henselae
test when they are positive... LOA, 284. Wall less, PAP M. pneumoniae
Hippurate, LIA, Oxidase
285. NGU, urease(+) A7 Ureaplasma
251. What is the color of the following Yellow
test when they are positive.. ONPG, 286. Lyme, RMSF, Ehrlichia vector Ticks
TSI, V, cholerae TCBS. 287. Chigger Orentia
252. Lysine (-), H2S(-) S. paratyphi A tsutsugamushi(proteus Ox-
253. Differentiate Vibrionaceae O129
288. Louse Epidemic typhus
254. Differentiate NFO O-F test
289. Rat flea Endemic typhus
255. MacConkey (-) Eikinella, Kingella,
Moraxella 290. Periodontal, gliding Capnocytophaga

256. Pyocyanin, Grape like, cetrimide P. aeruginosa 291. clue cell, HBTA, V agar, 10% G. vaginalis
257. Oxidase(-), Dnase(+) S. maltophilia
292. TWAR strain Chlamydia pneumonia
258. (-)BAP, (-) Mac, (+) CAP Haemophilus
259. X and V, Satellitism H. influenzae
260. Cysteine require, BSL-III, Lab acq. F. tularensis
261. X factor require, Red (+), ALA Porphyrin
262. Tolerance to the dye Thionine and Brucella

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