04 Gram Stain Theory Bmcri
04 Gram Stain Theory Bmcri
04 Gram Stain Theory Bmcri
1st year PG
Dept of Microbiology
Allows the microbiologist to distinguish
between the two most common chemical
cellular structures of bacteria (visualizing the
morphology and cellular arrangement of the
Cytoplasmic p H theory:
Gram positive cells have more acidic protoplasm(2-3) due
to Teichoic acid.
Hence retains the basic primary dye more strongly than
Gram negative bacteria(4-5)
safranin O
ethanol, 95%
distilled water
Basic fuchsin
basic fuchsin
ethyl alcohol
distilled water
Hucker’s Crystal violet Gram’s iodine 30 s Acetone-alcohol 1–5 Safranin General bacteriology
30 s s 30 s
Carbol fuchsin Crystal violet Gram’s iodine 30 s 95% ethanol 30 s Carbol fuchsin or Bacteroides spp.
30 s 0.8% basic fuchsin Fusobacterium spp.
>1 min Legionella spp.
Campylobacter spp.
Brucella spp. and
other faintly staining
Kopeloff’s Alkaline crystal Kopeloff’s iodine 3:7 acetone-alcohol: Kopeloff’s safranin Anaerobes Diagnosis
violet: flood with 2 min rinse immediately 10–30 s of bacterial vaginosis
solution A; add 5 after applying
drops of solution B
2–3 min
Jensen’s 0.5% Methyl violet Lugol’s iodine 95% alcohol 0.1% neutral red Gonococci
30s 30s 30s 2 min Meningococci
Preston & Morrell’s Ammonium oxalate- Lugol’s iodine Iodine-acetone Dil.Carbol fuschin Bacteriodes spp
crystal violet 30s 30s 30s Fusobacterium spp
Weigert’s Carbol gentian violet Gram’s iodine Aniline-xyline Carmalum solution Tissue sections,
1min 1 min 2s Pneumocystis
Brown & Brenn 1% crystal violet Lugol’s iodine Acetone 0.25% basic fuschin Actinomyces
1 min 1 min 30s 3 mins