Revision of Pension of Scientists Following Revision of Pay Scales On The Recommendations of The 7th CPC - Reg
Revision of Pension of Scientists Following Revision of Pay Scales On The Recommendations of The 7th CPC - Reg
Revision of Pension of Scientists Following Revision of Pay Scales On The Recommendations of The 7th CPC - Reg
\\.\f iHl
am directed to invite reference to Council's letter of even number dated
29.8.2018 requesting therein to revise the pension of ICAR scientists as per MoHRD
Notification No.10ll20l7-1.U. dated 11.6.2018. Reference is also invited to ICAR
letter No.l-4l2009-Per.IV dated 12.12.2018 vide which it was advised to refer to
Council's letters dated 16.6.2009 and 30.1.2014 for notional pay fixation for the
purpose of revising pension of ICAR scientists in the 7'h CPC regime.
Yours faithfully,
(Naresh Kr. Sharma)
Deputy Secretary (Pers.)
Encl : As above
Copy to:
4. Director (Finance)
5. Deputy Director Finance (II)
6. Under Secretary(Per-Ill)/Under Secretary(Per-IV)
7. Per-I/Per-II/Per-III Sections
8. Pension Section
9. PD,DKMA for ICAR website
Government of lndia
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
I am directed to refer to this Department's letter of even number dated 1 1rh
June, 2018 on the subject mentioned above, wherein instructions were issued for
revision of pension with effect from 01.01.20'16 in respect of retired faculty and other
staff of central universities and colleges thereunder and Deemed to be 0niversities
whose.maintenance expenditure is me.t by the University Grants commission (UGC),
on the basis of recommendations of 7th Central pay Commission.
2. lt was provided that the entiflement of minimum pension for faculty and other
staff of central universities and colleges thereunder and Deemed to be Universities
wio^se maintenance expenditure is met by UGC, retired prior to 0,l.01.20i6 i.e.
2016 pensioners may be worked out by the individual institution, folrowing'the fre-
principles laid down in Department of pension and pensioner,s welfare- otvt
No.38/37/20'1&P&PW(A) dated 12.05.2017 and 06.07.2017 and subsequent oM
dated 18.07.2017 & 13.09.2017. A[ institutions may, accordingry, workoui pension
on the lines of concordance tables prepared by 'the Dop&Fw vioe ottit oateJ
06.07.2017. Further, in the case of those empioyees who retired/ died before
01.o1 1986, the pension may be worked out on linei with concordance tables given
in Department of Pension and pensioner's werfare oM No.38/37l2016-p&pil/(A)
dated 06.07.2017 based on their notionar pay as on o1.0i.19g6, which was fixedin
accordance with D/o P&pW's OM No.45/86/97-p&pw(Dxiii) dated 10.02.1998.
3. Based on the relevant notifications issued by UGC for revision of pay scales
of teachers and other academic staff and also following the principles laid down in
Department of Pension and pensioners' welfare oM No.38/3il2ot 6-p&pw(a) dateJ
12.05.2017 &06.07.2o1r and subsequent oM dated 18.0r.2017 & 13.09.20i7, the
concordance tables for fixation of pension/ family pension of retired faculty and other
staff have been prepared by the Committee constiiuted by UGC.
f, The pension/ famiry pension of retired facurty and other staff of centrar
universities and colleges thereunder and Deemed to be universities whose
q^"^inu -t^af-
.ifi ,.rEslund6, Ssc.olary '
lrrad r.{rr/covt. o, lndia
cl. E. A. ,r-G.r,/Mt^. of H. R. D-
* fftw(31:H,en6rE.,n.
maintenance expenditure is met by UGC may be revised in accordance with the
instructions contained in this Department's letter of even number dated 1 ,1th June,
2018 and by using the concordance tables enclosed herewith. while fixation oi
revised pension/ famiry pension, it may be ensured that the revision of pay in
consecutive pay commissions is done stricfly in accordance witn ihe
corresponding revised pay figures from 4th to 5th to 6rh to 7rh CpCs.
6.. Thjs order is applicable in only those cases where such pension
schemes have already been adopted with prior approvar of Government of
lndia/ Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).
(Sanjeev Kumar Narayan)
Under Secretary to the covt. of lndia
Tele. No.01 1-2338't460
Scale of pav/ Pav in the Pav Band & Grade pay at the time of Retirement
Column No.1 & 2 taken from Table No.2 of MHRD tetter N o. 1-22t99-tJ.i dated 15. i2.1999
Column No. 3 taken from Table No. 1 of Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification daled 18.09.2010
No. 5 taken from Annexure J of UGC lefter No.234f2ifi(psl dated 30.01.2018
%^l u-u tJ"ru"(-
Column No. 6 is the 50% of Column No_ of5
Column No. 7 is the 30% of Column No. of 5
(riiiftq E-ra
(SaNJEEV KUMAR-r.iqsr)
qa{ rrnll./Under S6cr.t,?"'
.oYn tf(l|irt/covt. ot Ltd;e
!r. ll. E q"rdqlMtn. ot H F r-,
RqR Frr fqPyOro n,"t," i:.
st Esszs., ,. --I^ -
Scale of oav/Pav i n the Pav Band & Grade Pav at the me of Retirement
Column No. 1 & 2 taken from Table No.3 of MHRD letter No. 1-22y99-U.'1 dated 15.12.1999
column No 3 taken from Table No. 2 of Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification dated 18.09.2010
Column No. 5 taken from Annexure -l of UGC letter No. 23-412017(PS) dated 30.01.201 I
Column No. 6 is the 50% of Column No. of5
Column No. 7 is the 30% of Column No. of 5
rgts '
(i) Readers and Lecture6 (SG) with less than 3 years ofservice
(ii) Deputy Librarian / Asst. Librarian (SG) CoIege Librarian (SG) with tess than 3 yea6 of Service
(iii) Dy. Director of Physjcal Education (Sr. Scale) /Co ege DpE(SG) with tess than 3 years of service
Scale of pav/Pav in the Pav Band & Grade pav at the time of Retirement
Column No- '1 & 2 taken from Table No-4 of MHRD letter No. 1-22y99-U.1 dated 15.'12.1999
Column No. 3 taken from Table No. 3 of Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification dated 18.09.2010
Column No. 5 taken frcm Annexure -l of UGC letter No. 23-4120'17(PS) daled 30.01.2018
'Modified in
6 is the 5070 of Column No. of5
7 is the 300/6 of Column No. of 5
accordancE with UGC'S letter dated 09.08.2019.
q*-( q,l.,
(i) Readers and Lecture6 (SG) with 3 yea6 ofservice
(ii) Deputy Librarian / Asst. Librarian (SG) College Librarian (SG) with 3 years of Service
(iii) Dy. Director of Physical Education (Sr. Scale) /College DPE(SG) with3 years of service
Scale ot pav/Pav in the Pav Band & Grade Pav at the time of Retirement
From 01.01 1986 P
to 12.1995
From O 1.O1.1 996 oaoo-., a0-uroo_roo_raoo
to 3 1.1 z.zoos
From 0 1.01 .2006 16400_45 0-20900_5oo_22400
to 3 12.2015
rrespohding level 3 7400_67000
w e.i 0t 0 1.2016 AGP 1ooo0
Academic Level_l4
( 144200-21
from Tab le No.7 59880
Column No. 3 ta ken of MHRD I etter No. .1
from Table No 5 ofGovt. -22/99-U.1
Column No. 5 taken
from oflnd ia Gazette Notification dated 1 5.12.1999
Column No. 6 re J of UGC Ietter d ated 18.09.2010
is the 5OZo of co No. 2 3-412017(pS) dated
Column No. 7 is the lumn No. of5
30% ofCol umn No.
30.01.2018 L!l-1 Al
'Modified in a ccordance oI 5
with UGC 's letter dated
Principals of UG Cotteges
Scale of pav/Pav in the Pav Band & Grade pav at the time of Retirement
#Pay calculated on the basis of MHRD letter No. 1-36,/2OO9-U.fl dated 26.08.2010
Column No. 1 & 2 taken from Table No.7 of MHRD tetter N o. 1-2ztggu.l dated 15..12.1999 Column
No. 3 taken from Table No. 3 of Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification dated 18.09.2010 Column No_ 5
taken from Annexure -l of UGC letter No. 23-4120.17(pS) dated 3O.O1.2Olg Column No. 6 is the 500/6
of Column No. of 5
Column No. 7 is the 30% of Cotumn No. of 5
'Modified in accordance with UGC'S tetter dated
w w)J il-."1a-
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3ffr rE!,/und.r secr€t€rv
.rr{d <{lrrr/Govt. of lndia
-r. rq. Fl, EaraqlMtn, of H. FL O
srrn{ fil r Err4,/O/o Hlghe. Edr
rt ffi,/N.w D6lht