Revision of Pension of Scientists Following Revision of Pay Scales On The Recommendations of The 7th CPC - Reg

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F.No-1(7)12018-Per IV Dated: 28th June, 2022


The Directors of all ICAR Institutes

Subject: Revision of Pension of Scientists following revision of Pay Scales on

the recommendations of the 7th CPC-regarding.


am directed to invite reference to Council's letter of even number dated
29.8.2018 requesting therein to revise the pension of ICAR scientists as per MoHRD
Notification No.10ll20l7-1.U. dated 11.6.2018. Reference is also invited to ICAR
letter No.l-4l2009-Per.IV dated 12.12.2018 vide which it was advised to refer to
Council's letters dated 16.6.2009 and 30.1.2014 for notional pay fixation for the
purpose of revising pension of ICAR scientists in the 7'h CPC regime.

2. In this connection, it is informed that the Department of Higher Education

(DoHE) have. with the concuffence/approval of Ministry of Finance (Department of
Expenditure), notified concordance tables for facilitating the fixation of
pension/family pension, copy of which is enclosed herewith for information and
guidance. Pension I family pension of the retired scientist in the 7th CPC regime may,
therefore, be fixed as per the concordance tables, duly issued/notified by DoHE.

3. This issues with the concurrence of FA, ICAR.

Yours faithfully,

(Naresh Kr. Sharma)
Deputy Secretary (Pers.)
Encl : As above

Copy to:


2. PPS to Secretary, ICAR

3. PPS to FA, DARE

4. Director (Finance)
5. Deputy Director Finance (II)
6. Under Secretary(Per-Ill)/Under Secretary(Per-IV)

7. Per-I/Per-II/Per-III Sections
8. Pension Section
9. PD,DKMA for ICAR website
Government of lndia
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education

New Delhi, dated the gth June, 2020

The Secretary,
University Grants Commission,
Bahadurshah.Zafar Marg,
New Delhi - 110 002.

Subject: Revision of pension of retired faculty and other staff in

Central Universities and colleges thereunder lnd Deemed to be
Universities whose maintenance expenditure is met by the
University Grants Commission (UGC)-Concordance Tables-regi

I am directed to refer to this Department's letter of even number dated 1 1rh
June, 2018 on the subject mentioned above, wherein instructions were issued for
revision of pension with effect from 01.01.20'16 in respect of retired faculty and other
staff of central universities and colleges thereunder and Deemed to be 0niversities
whose.maintenance expenditure is me.t by the University Grants commission (UGC),
on the basis of recommendations of 7th Central pay Commission.

2. lt was provided that the entiflement of minimum pension for faculty and other
staff of central universities and colleges thereunder and Deemed to be Universities
wio^se maintenance expenditure is met by UGC, retired prior to 0,l.01.20i6 i.e.
2016 pensioners may be worked out by the individual institution, folrowing'the fre-
principles laid down in Department of pension and pensioner,s welfare- otvt
No.38/37/20'1&P&PW(A) dated 12.05.2017 and 06.07.2017 and subsequent oM
dated 18.07.2017 & 13.09.2017. A[ institutions may, accordingry, workoui pension
on the lines of concordance tables prepared by 'the Dop&Fw vioe ottit oateJ
06.07.2017. Further, in the case of those empioyees who retired/ died before
01.o1 1986, the pension may be worked out on linei with concordance tables given
in Department of Pension and pensioner's werfare oM No.38/37l2016-p&pil/(A)
dated 06.07.2017 based on their notionar pay as on o1.0i.19g6, which was fixedin
accordance with D/o P&pW's OM No.45/86/97-p&pw(Dxiii) dated 10.02.1998.

3. Based on the relevant notifications issued by UGC for revision of pay scales
of teachers and other academic staff and also following the principles laid down in
Department of Pension and pensioners' welfare oM No.38/3il2ot 6-p&pw(a) dateJ
12.05.2017 &06.07.2o1r and subsequent oM dated 18.0r.2017 & 13.09.20i7, the
concordance tables for fixation of pension/ family pension of retired faculty and other
staff have been prepared by the Committee constiiuted by UGC.

4. These concordance tables have been prepared to facilitate revision of

pension/ family pension of retired faculty and other staff of central universities
colleges thereunder and Deemed to be universities whose maintenance expenditure
is met by UGC. These concordance tables (Tabte-1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6) hive been
3p!J9ye! by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide tD No.3-
7t202o-E lllA (3Oo448717) dated 23.04.2020.

f, The pension/ famiry pension of retired facurty and other staff of centrar
universities and colleges thereunder and Deemed to be universities whose
q^"^inu -t^af-
.ifi ,.rEslund6, Ssc.olary '
lrrad r.{rr/covt. o, lndia
cl. E. A. ,r-G.r,/Mt^. of H. R. D-
* fftw(31:H,en6rE.,n.
maintenance expenditure is met by UGC may be revised in accordance with the
instructions contained in this Department's letter of even number dated 1 ,1th June,
2018 and by using the concordance tables enclosed herewith. while fixation oi
revised pension/ famiry pension, it may be ensured that the revision of pay in
consecutive pay commissions is done stricfly in accordance witn ihe
corresponding revised pay figures from 4th to 5th to 6rh to 7rh CpCs.

6.. Thjs order is applicable in only those cases where such pension
schemes have already been adopted with prior approvar of Government of
lndia/ Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD).

7. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

*t^*-t ruJ al^ny.r,*-

(Sanjeev Kumar Narayan)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of lndia
f et e .tlo0{.1,243&1460
'-" Ssc.di-,y'
inis <jT6r{/covt. o, India
qr. ii. E. q:ar.rclMin.
ot H. R. o.
irBin'{ f'r.n ftirr,r/D/o Hieh€r Edn.
r{ H/N€w O€thi
Copy to:
1. Vice Chancellors of all Central Universities/ lnstitutions Deemed to be
Universities fully funded by the Central Government.
2. Principal Secretary to Prime Minister, South Block, Central Secretariat,
New Delhi.
3. Secretary (Coordination), Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New
4. Secretary, Oepartment of Expenditure, North Block, New Delhi w.r.t.
Department of Expenditure's lD Note No.3-7l2020-E.lilA (3004487,17) dated

5. Secretary, Department of Agriculture Research and Education, Krishi

Bhavan, New Delhi.
6. Principal Secretaries of Higher Education in all State Governments.
7 . Web Master, Ministry of Human Resource Development for publication on
the website of the Ministry, hosted by the National lnformatics Centre.

(Sanjeev Kumar Narayan)
Under Secretary to the covt. of lndia
Tele. No.01 1-2338't460

rs^ir.rie', r<tr'ran NAR.\\'AN)

' u<r rrErq/Und€r Ssc'6:3ry
-4rrB s{$R/Govt. of lndia
{L €- RL {qrsqlMh. or H' q 9'
s.{Et it r Rrir./Dro Hlgh€r E'on
. eir.lin,/N.w oslhl
TAB 1E.,1

(i) Lecturer/ Assistant Professor

(ii) Assistant LibrariarVCo ege Librarian
(iii) Assistant Director of Physical Education/College Director of physica I Education

Scale of pav/ Pav in the Pav Band & Grade pay at the time of Retirement

From 0'1.0'l.1986 to 31.12.1995 2200,75-2800 100-4000

From 01.01.'1996 to 31.12 2005 8000-275-13500
From 0,.01.2006 to 31.12.2015 15600-39100 AGP 6000
Corresponding level w.e.f. 01 .01.20.16 Academic Level-10 ( 577OO-'l824OO )

Basic Pay Pay range fot Revisod Pen3ion/

Basic Pay Basic Pay pensionels retired Notional Enhanced Family Rsvised
From Family
From 01.01.1966 to From 01.01-2006 during 01.01.20051o Pay as on pe.sion (if
01.01.1996 to ponslon w.e.t
31.,t 2.1995 lo 31.12.2015 31.'12.201s 0 t.01.2016 applicable) w.e.t
31.12.2005 01.01.2015
Minimum Maximum 01.01.m16
I 2 3 4 5 6 7
2200 8000 21600 22450 577co 28850 17310
227 5 8000 21600 22450 57700 28850 17310
2354 8000 21600 22450 57700 28850 17310
2425 4275 21600 22450 57700 28850 17310
2500 4275 21600 22450 57700 28850 17310
4275 21600 2245a 57700 28850 17310
2650 8550 21910 22454 57700 28850 17310
2725 8550 219'10 22450 57700 28850 173'10
2800 8550 21910 22450 57700 28850 17310
2900 8825 22420 22450 57700 28850 17310
3000 9100 22930 22464 23110 59400 29700 17820
3100 9375 23440 23120 23810 61200 30600 18360
3200 9650 23950 23a20 24510 63000 31500 18900
9925 24470 23820 24514 63000 31500 18900
10200 24980 2452A 25250 64900 32450 19470
3400 10475 25490 25260 25990 66800 33400 20040
3500 10750 26000 26000 26770 68800 34400 20640
3600 10750 26000 26000 26770 68800 34444 20640
3700 26510 26000 26770 68800 34400 20640
3800 11025 26510 26000 26770 68800 34400 20640
3S00 11300 27020 2674O 2754O 70900 35450 21270
4000 11300 27020 26740 275A0 70900 35450 21270
4100 '11575 27530 27590 27580 70900 3s450 21270
4200 11850 28050 27590 28400 73000 36500 21 S00
11850 28050 24410 28404 73000 36500 21900
12125 28560 24410 29264 75200 37600 2256A
12400 29070 29270 2926A 75200 37600 22560
1267 5 29580 29270 30150 77500 38750 23250
12950 30090 30160 30150 Tl500 38750 23250
'13225 30600 30160 31050 79800 39900 23940
13500 31'110 31060 31980 42204 41 '1 00 24660
13775 31630 31060 3'1980 82204 41 '1
00 2466A
14050 32140 31990 32950 8/700 42350 25410
14325 32650 31990 32950 utoo 42350 25410
32960 33920 a72AO 43600 26160
33930 34940 83800 44900 26940
34950 35990 92500 46250 277 50
36000 37080 95300 47650 28590
37090 38210 98200 49100 29460
34220 39330 10'1100 50550
39340 40500 104100 52050 31230
40510 41710 10t200 53600 32164
41720 42950 1 10400 55200 33120
42960 44244 1 13700 56850 341 10
44250 45100 117100 58550 35130

Column No.1 & 2 taken from Table No.2 of MHRD tetter N o. 1-22t99-tJ.i dated 15. i2.1999
Column No. 3 taken from Table No. 1 of Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification daled 18.09.2010
No. 5 taken from Annexure J of UGC lefter No.234f2ifi(psl dated 30.01.2018
%^l u-u tJ"ru"(-
Column No. 6 is the 50% of Column No_ of5
Column No. 7 is the 30% of Column No. of 5
(riiiftq E-ra
(SaNJEEV KUMAR-r.iqsr)
qa{ rrnll./Under S6cr.t,?"'
.oYn tf(l|irt/covt. ot Ltd;e
!r. ll. E q"rdqlMtn. ot H F r-,
RqR Frr fqPyOro n,"t," i:.
st Esszs., ,. --I^ -

(i) Lecturer/ Assistant Professo. (Sr. Scale)

(ii) Assistant Librarian (Sr. Scale)/College Librarian (S.. Scate)
(iii) Assistant Di.ector of Physical Education (Sr. Scale) /Co ege Director of physicat Education (Sr. Scale)

Scale of oav/Pav i n the Pav Band & Grade Pav at the me of Retirement

From 01.01.1986 to 31 12.'1995 3000-1 00-3500-1 25-5000

From 01.01.1996 to 3'1.'12.2005 10000-325-15200
From 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2015 15600-39100 AGP 7000
Corresponding level w. e.f. 0'1 .01.2016 Academic Level'l 1 (6890G205500)

Pay range for

Basic Pay Revised Pension/ Revised
Basic P.y Basic Pay pensioners retired Notional
From Enhanced Family Family
From 0l-01-1986 to From 0'1.01.2006 during 01.01,2006to Pay as on
01.01.1996 to pen6ion (if appllcable) ponsion w.e.t
31.12.1995 to 31.12.20'15 31.12.2015 01-01.2016 w.e.f. 01.0'1.2016 01.01.2016
Minimum Maximum
1 2 3 4 5 5 7
3000 r0000 25600 26800 68900 34450 20670
3100 10000 25600 26800 68900 3/450 20670
3200 10000 25600 26800 68900 34450 20670
3300 10325 26210 26800 68900 34450 20670
3400 10325 26800 68900 34450 20674
3500 10650 26810 26810 27620 71000 35500 21300
3625 10975 27420 26810 27620 71000 35500 21300
3750 10975 27420 26810 27620 71000 35500 21300
3875 11300 24020 27630 2A440 73100 365s0 21930
4000 11300 28020 27630 28440 73100 36550 21930
4125 11625 28630 24450 29290 75300 37650 22590
4250 11950 29230 24450 29290 75300 37650 2259A
4375 11950 29230 24450 29290 75300 2259A
4500 12275 29440 29300 30190 77600 38800 2324A
4625 12275 29844 30200 30190 77604 38800 23240
4750 12600 30440 30200 31080 79900 39950 23970
4875 12925 31050 31090 31080 79900 39950 23970
5000 13250 3'1650 31090 32420 41 150 24690
5125 13575 32250 32030 32990 84800 42400 25440
5250 13900 32860 32030 32S90 84800 42400 25440
5375 14225 33460 33000 33960 87300 43650 26190
14550 34070 33970 34980 89900 44950 26970
14875 34670 33970 34980 89900 44S50 26970
15200 35280 34990 36030 92600 46300 2774O
3s880 34990 36030 92600 46300 27740
15850 36490 36040 37120 95400 47700 24624
16175 37090 36040 37120 95400 47700 2A624
37130 38240 98300 49150 29490
38250 39370 101200 50600 30360
39380 40540 104200 52100 3r260
40550 41750 107300 53650 32190
41760 42990 110500 55250 33150
43000 44280 113800 56900 34'140
44290 45600 117200 58600 35160
45610 46100 120700 60350 36210

Column No. 1 & 2 taken from Table No.3 of MHRD letter No. 1-22y99-U.'1 dated 15.12.1999
column No 3 taken from Table No. 2 of Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification dated 18.09.2010
Column No. 5 taken from Annexure -l of UGC letter No. 23-412017(PS) dated 30.01.201 I
Column No. 6 is the 50% of Column No. of5
Column No. 7 is the 30% of Column No. of 5

rgts '

(i) Readers and Lecture6 (SG) with less than 3 years ofservice
(ii) Deputy Librarian / Asst. Librarian (SG) CoIege Librarian (SG) with tess than 3 yea6 of Service
(iii) Dy. Director of Physjcal Education (Sr. Scale) /Co ege DpE(SG) with tess than 3 years of service

Scale of pav/Pav in the Pav Band & Grade pav at the time of Retirement

From 01.01.'t 986 to 31.12.1995

3700-1 25-4950-1 50-5700
From 01.01.'1996 to 31.12.2005
From 01.01.2006 to 31.12.2015
15600-39100 AGP 8000
Correspondang level w e.f. 01.01.2016
Academic Level-1 2 (79800-21 1 500)

Basic Pay Pay range for

Easic Pay Basic Pay pens!oners rctircd Revised Pension/ Revbed
From Notional
From 0'1.01.'19E6 to From 01.01.2006 during 01.01.2006to Enhanced Family Femily
01.01.1996 to Pay as on pen3ion (if applicable) pension w.e.f.
31.12.1995 to 31.12.2015 31.12.2015 01.0't.2016
31.,t2.2005 w.e.L 01.01.2016 01.01.2016
Minimum Maximum
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
3700 12000 30320 31050 79800 39900 2394A
12000 30320 31050 79800 39900 23940
3950 12000 30320 31050 79800 39900 23940
4075 12420 31110 31060 31980 41100 24660
4200 12420 31110 31060 31980 a22AA 41100 24660
4325 12420 3'1 '1 '10 31060 31980 42204 41100 24660
4450 12840 31890 31060 31980 42200 41100 24660
12840 31890 31060 31980 42200 4'1100 24660
4700 12a40 31890 31060 31980 82200 41 100 24660
4825 13260 32670 31990 32720 64700. 42350' 25410'
4950 13260 32670 31990 32720 84700 42350 25410
5100 13680 33450 32730 33920 87200 43600 26160
5250 14100 34230 33930 34940 89800 44900 26940
5400 14520 35010 34950 35990 92500 46250 27750
5550 14940 35790 34950 35SS0 92500 46254 27750
5700 15360 36570 36000 37080 95300 47650 28590
5850 15780 37360 37090 38210 98200 49'100 29460
6000 15780 37360 37090 38210 98200 49100 29460
16200 38140 37090 382r 0 98200 49100 29460
r6620 38920 3a220 39330 101100 50550 30330
17040 39700 39340 40500 104100 52050 31230
17460 40480 39340 40500 104100 52050 31230
17880 41260 40510 41710 107200 53600 32160
18300 42040 41720 42950 110400 55200 33120
1Bt2A 42424 41720 42950 110400 55200 33120
19140 43610 42960 44240 113700 56850 34110
19560 44390 44250 45560 117100 58550 35130
45570 46920 120600 60300 36180
I 46930 47100 124200 62100 37260

Column No- '1 & 2 taken from Table No-4 of MHRD letter No. 1-22y99-U.1 dated 15.'12.1999
Column No. 3 taken from Table No. 3 of Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification dated 18.09.2010
Column No. 5 taken frcm Annexure -l of UGC letter No. 23-4120'17(PS) daled 30.01.2018
'Modified in
6 is the 5070 of Column No. of5
7 is the 300/6 of Column No. of 5
accordancE with UGC'S letter dated 09.08.2019.
q*-( q,l.,
(i) Readers and Lecture6 (SG) with 3 yea6 ofservice
(ii) Deputy Librarian / Asst. Librarian (SG) College Librarian (SG) with 3 years of Service
(iii) Dy. Director of Physical Education (Sr. Scale) /College DPE(SG) with3 years of service

Scale ot pav/Pav in the Pav Band & Grade Pav at the time of Retirement

From 01.01.1986 to 31.12.1995

3700-1 25-4950-1 5G5700
From 01.01.1996 to 31.12.2005
From 0'1.01.2006 to 3'1.12.20'15
37400-67000 AGP 9000
Conesponding level w.e-f. 0'1.01.201 6
Academic Level-'1 3 A (1 31400-21 7100)

Pay range for

Basic Pay Revised Pension/ Reviaed
Basic Pey Basic Pay pensioners retired Notional
From Enhanced Family Family
From 01.01.1986 to From 01.01.2006 during 01.01.2006to Pay as on
01.01.1996 to pen3ion (it applicablE) psnsion w.e.r.
3,t.12.1995 to 31.12.2O15 31.12.2015 01.01.2016
w.e.f. 01.01.2016 01.01.20t6
Minimum Maxlm!m
1 2 3 4 7
4075# 12420 46400 51120 '131400 65700 39420
4200# 12420 46400 51120 131400 65700 39420
13260 46400 51120 131400 65700 39420
13680 46400 51120 '131400 65700 39420
14100 46400 51120 131400 65700 39420
14520 46400 51120 '131400 65700 39420
4325 14940' 47530 51120 131400 65700 39420
4450 14940 47530 51120 131400 65700 39420
4575 14940 47530 51120 '131400 65700 39420
4700 14940 47530 51120 131400 65700 39420
4825 15360- 47530 51120 131400 65700 39424
4950 15360 47530 51120 131400 65700 39420
5100 15360 47 530 51120 131400 65700 39420
5250 '15360 47530 51120 '13'1400 65700 39420
5400 15780'* 48690 51120 131400 65700 39420
5550 1s780 48690 51120 131400 65700 39420
5700 15780 48690 51120 131400 65700 39424
5850 15780 48690 51120 131400 65700 35420
6000 16200 48690 51 120 131400 65700 39420
16620 49890 51120 131400 65700 39420
17040 49890 51120 13'1400 65700 39420
17460 51120 51124 131400 65700 39420
17880 5'1'120 51120 131400 65700 39420
18300 52390 51130 52640 135300 40590
18720 52390 5'1 130 52640 135300 67650 40590
19140 53700 52650 54240 139400 69700 41a20
19560 53700 52650 54240 139400 69700 41A20
54254 s5870 143600 71800 43080
55880 57540 147900 73950 44370
57550 59260 152300 76150 45690
59270 61050 156900 78450 47070
61060 62870 16'1600 80800 48480
62880 64740 166400 83200 49920
f------- -------- 647 50 66690 171400 85700 51420
66700 68670 176500 88250 52950
68680 70730 181800 90900 54540
70740 72870 187300 93650 56190
72AAA 75050 192900 96450 57A70
75060 76000 198700 99350 59610

' Pay is to be fixed al Rs.14940/- afrer rendering tive year service

" Pay is to be fixed at Rs.1536O/- at l0 to 13 stage
"' Pay is to be fixed at Rs. 15780/- for 14 to 15 stage
# Readers & Lecturer (SG) with three years ofservice
Column No. 'l & 2 taken from Table No.7 ofMHRD letter No. 1-22l99-U.1 dated 15.12.1999
q \LU il*',n"6r-
Column No. 3 taken from Table No. 4 of Govt. of lndia Gazelte Notification dated ,8.09.2010
Column No. 5 taken from Annexure -l of UGC letter No. 23-412017(PS) dated 30.01.2018
Column No. 6 is the 500/6 of Column No. of 5
Column No. 7 is the 30% of Column No. of 5
,fl ;;;H:,i :l:g':ffi"nd u,i,.o,iu" 'ABLE-'
lrU Lrbaarian (Universitvl
0v) Di.ector of physicaiiducation

From 01.01 1986 P
to 12.1995
From O 1.O1.1 996 oaoo-., a0-uroo_roo_raoo
to 3 1.1 z.zoos
From 0 1.01 .2006 16400_45 0-20900_5oo_22400
to 3 12.2015
rrespohding level 3 7400_67000
w e.i 0t 0 1.2016 AGP 1ooo0

Academic Level_l4
( 144200-21

Basic pay Basic pay pay range

From Oi.Ot.i9E6 Faom Basic pay toa
to pensiorers .etired
3 t.12.l99s 0t.01.r996 to From 01-Oi.2006 Notionat Revised pension/
during O,,.Ot.2006to Revised
31.12.2005 to 31.12.2015 Pay as on Enhanceal Famitu
31_12.201 5 pension (;tappt;ca;te)
1 0 t.0r.2016 pensiofi w.e.t
2 um axtmum w.e.t. 01.O1.2016
4500 3 0,.0t.20,t6
J6400 4
4650 50890 5
16400 56100 6
4800 508 90 1
16400 56100 721 00
4950 508 90 144200 43260
1 6850 56'1 00 72100
5''00 50890 144200 43260
1 6850 56100 72100
5250 50890 1 44200 43260
t0aso 56100 1 44200
72 100
5400 'tzloo 50890 zztoo
52120 56100 1 44200 4326A
5550 72100
17300 56100 43260
5700 sz.tzo 144200
17300 56100 44200 43260
ss00 sz1zo 72100
17750 5610o 43260
6'100 52120 1 442 00 zzt oo
177 50 56100 43260
6300 52120 1 442a0
17750 56100 72100
6500 52120 1 43260
14200 56100 '144200 72100
6700 53390 43260
1820o 56100 72100
6900 53390 144200 43260
1A2oo 56'100 72100
7100 sa:so tqqzoa 43260
18650 56100 lztoo 43260
7300 53390 1 44200
18650 56100 zz.to6
7500 53390 1442 00 43260
18650 56100 7210o
7700 53390 144200 43260
19100 56100 72100
54700 144200 43260
19550 56100 72100
547a0 144200 43260
20000 56100 72100
s6050 144200 43260
2 0450 56100 72100
560s0 144200 43260
20900 56100 72100
57440 1 44200 43260
2140o 56110 5 77ao zz.too 43260
57 440 148500
900 56110 5 7780 742 50
58870 1 48500
22400 57 790 59530 74250
58870 1530 00 44550
22900 57790 s9530 76500
60340 153000 45900
23400 59540 61320 76500
60340 1 57600 45900
23900 59540 61320 78800
61860 1 57600 472AO
61330 63150 zsaoo
1 62300 472AO
63 160 65050 81150
16 7200 48690
esooo 67000 83600
'1722 00 50160
67010 69020 86100 51660
1774 00
69030 70850 88700
1 82700. 53220
70860 73220 I 1350* 54 8r0.
73230 75400 94100
1 s3800 56460
75410 zzooo 1 99600 40 77000
'199600 99800 59880
ColumnNo_1&2 taken 99800

from Tab le No.7 59880
Column No. 3 ta ken of MHRD I etter No. .1
from Table No 5 ofGovt. -22/99-U.1
Column No. 5 taken
from oflnd ia Gazette Notification dated 1 5.12.1999
Column No. 6 re J of UGC Ietter d ated 18.09.2010
is the 5OZo of co No. 2 3-412017(pS) dated
Column No. 7 is the lumn No. of5
30% ofCol umn No.
30.01.2018 L!l-1 Al
'Modified in a ccordance oI 5
with UGC 's letter dated

.-n ir._q/u; j;,'s#J, -x;

Principals of UG Cotteges

Scale of pav/Pav in the Pav Band & Grade pav at the time of Retirement

Froln 01.01 1986 to 31 12.1995

From 01 01.1996 to 3'1.12.2005
12000-420-18300 (Minimum to be lixed at Rs.12B4O!)
From 01.01.2006 to 31.'t2.2015
37400-67000 AGP 10000
Conesponding level w.e.f_ 01 01.2016
Academic Level-14 (1 44200-21 8200]t

Easic Pay Pay range to.

Basic Pay Basic Pay pensioners retired Notional Revised Penaion, Revised
From Enhanced Family
From 01.01.198G to From 01.01.2006 01.0'1.2006 to Pay as Family
01.01.1E96 to ponsio.| lif applicablo) pension w.e.t.
31.12.,1995 to 31.12.2015 31.,12.2015 on01.01.2016
31.t2.2005 w.e.f.01.01.2016 0'1.01.2016
Minimum Maxamum
1 3 4 6 7
3700 12840 47400 56100 144200 72100 43260
3825 12840 47404 56100 144200 72100 4326A
3950 12840 47 400 56100 144200 72100 43260
4075 13260 47400 56100 144200 72100 43260
42AA 13260 47404 56100 144200 72100 43260
4325 13260 47400 56100 144200 72100 43264
4450 13680 47400 56100 144200 72100 43260
4575 13680 47 400 56100 144200 72100 43260
4700 13680 47 400 56100 144200 72100 43260
4825 14100 47400 56r 00 144200 72100 43260
4950 14100 47400 56100 144200 72100 43260
5100 14100 47 400 56100 144200 72100 43260
5250 14520. 47400' 56100 144200 72100 43260
5400 14520' 17400. 56100 144200 72100 43260
5550 14S40 48530 56100 144200 72100 43260
5700 15360 48530 56100 144200 72100 43260
5850 15780 49690 56100 144200 72100 43260
6000 16200. 49590' 56100 144200 72100 43260
16200' 49690' 56100 144200 72100 43260
17UO 50890 56100 144200 72100 43260
17460 52120 56100 144200 72100 43260
17880 52120 56100 144200 72100 4326A
1E300 53390 56100 144200 72100 43260
1a?20 53390 56100 144200 72100 43260
19140 54704 56100 144200 72140 43260
19560 54700 56100 144200 12104 43264
56050 56100 144200 72100 43260
56110 57740 148500 74250 44550
57790 59530 153000 76500 45900
59540 61320 157600 78800 47284
61330 63r 50 162300 81150 48690
63160 65050 167200 83600 50160
65060 67000 172200 86100 51660
67010 69020 17?400 88700 53224
69030 70850 182100 91050 54630
70860 73220 188200 94100 56460
73230 75400 193800 96900 58140
75410 77000 199600 99800 59880

#Pay calculated on the basis of MHRD letter No. 1-36,/2OO9-U.fl dated 26.08.2010
Column No. 1 & 2 taken from Table No.7 of MHRD tetter N o. 1-2ztggu.l dated 15..12.1999 Column
No. 3 taken from Table No. 3 of Govt. of lndia Gazette Notification dated 18.09.2010 Column No_ 5
taken from Annexure -l of UGC letter No. 23-4120.17(pS) dated 3O.O1.2Olg Column No. 6 is the 500/6
of Column No. of 5
Column No. 7 is the 30% of Cotumn No. of 5
'Modified in accordance with UGC'S tetter dated
w w)J il-."1a-
..i:!l.i-: <+a{ Tifiqq)
3ffr rE!,/und.r secr€t€rv
.rr{d <{lrrr/Govt. of lndia
-r. rq. Fl, EaraqlMtn, of H. FL O
srrn{ fil r Err4,/O/o Hlghe. Edr
rt ffi,/N.w D6lht

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