53 - Cse - Vaibhav Rakesh Singh Report Chem Corrosion

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The Grand Challenges In Electrochemical Corrosion

(54 Stuti Soni,53 Vaibhav Rakesh Singh,55 Shivam Tiwari,56 Abhilash Tripathi)

Corrosion is the process of degradation or destruction of a metal resulting from a

chemical or electrochemical reaction between the material and its surrounding
environment, starting at the surface of the metal. As corrosion resistance also depicts
the qualities of material like durability or stability while its use of it in day-to-day
life. Compared with other materials, metals are relatively active, and likely to be
susceptible to corrosion attack. Another important aspect of corrosion research is the
complicated influence of environmental factors on corrosion, like acid rain, and high

Factors Affecting Corrosion:

1. Exposure of the metals to air containing gases like CO2, SO2, SO3, etc.

2. Exposure of metals to moisture especially salt water (which increases the rate
of corrosion).
3. Presence of impurities like salt (eg. NaCl).
4. Temperature: The rate of Corrosion is directly proportional to Temperature.
5. Nature of the first layer of oxide formed: Some oxides like Al2O3 form an
insoluble protecting layer that can prevent further corrosion. Others like rust
easily crumble and expose the rest of the metal.

6. Presence of acid in the atmosphere: acids can easily accelerate the process of

Types of corrosion:
So, there are two types of corrosion dry corrosion and wet corrosion.

Dry / Direct Chemical / Atmospheric Corrosion:

Dry corrosion, sometimes also called chemical corrosion, is a type of corrosion
that occurs without moisture or water, which are the main drivers of the
conventional types of corrosion. In dry corrosion, the metal oxidises with only
the atmosphere, in a process sensitive to temperature. Dry corrosion is not as
severe s as wet corrosion in most cases, and it occurs with mechanisms
dependent on temperature and type of materials.
There are some sub-types of dry corrosion mentioned below:

Oxidation corrosion:
Among the corroding gases, oxygen is the largest amount in the atmosphere and
is present everywhere. Oxygen in absence of moisture directly attacks the metal
surface at low as well as high temperatures. Dry corrosion or oxidation occurs
when oxygen in the air reacts with metal without the presence of a liquid.
Typically, dry corrosion is not as detrimental as wet corrosion, but it is very
sensitive to temperature.

Hydrogen Embrittlement :

Classified as being of two types. The first, known as

internal hydrogen embrittlement, occurs when the hydrogen enters molten
metal. And The second type, environmental hydrogen embrittlement, results
from hydrogen being absorbed by solid metals.

Corrosion By Other Gases:

This type of corrosion mainly depends on the chemical affinity between metal &
the gas involved.

Wet corrosion :
This type of corrosion takes place when a conducting liquid is in contact with a
metal or two dissimilar metals are either dipped or immersed partially in a
solution. – Usually, it takes place in a liquid medium.

Evolution of hydrogen: For example, if Fe metal is in contact with an acidic

medium, the anodic reaction is the dissolution of Fe as ferrous with the liberation of
the electron.
The reduced electrons from the anode flow through metal to the cathode where H+
ions are reduced to H2. This type of corrosion causes displacement of H+ ions by a
metal ion. -All the metals above hydrogen in electrochemical series tend to get
dissolved in acidic solution with simultaneous liberation of H2 gas.
Absorption of oxygen:
When metals are in contact with a slightly alkaline or neutral solution (water),
With some amount of dissolved O2, this type of corrosion takes place.
However, the oxide film develops cracks, which behave as an anodic area & remaining
metal part acts as a cathode.
At anode: Fe dissolves in an aqueous solution and forms Fe2+ to release electrons.
Fe -> Fe(2+) + 2e(-) (Oxidation)
At the cathode: these electrons are accepted by dissolved O2 to form OH - ions.
½ oxygen molecule + water + 2 (e- )-> 2OH(-) (Reduction)
The Fe2+ at anode & 2OH at cathode react to produce Fe(OH)2 precipitate
Fe(2+) + 2 OH(-) -> Fe(OH)(2 -)
If O2 is available in excess Yellow rust is formed called magnetite. But if in small
amount then anhydrous rust black in colour is formed

Now there are some subtypes of wet corrosion other than their mechanisms. As
- Galvanic or Bimetallic Corrosion, Concentration Cell, Intergranular Corrosion,
Stress Corrosion, Pitting Corrosion.

The corrosion which causes the most destruction is wet corrosion and
specifically Pitting corrosion. Here in electrochemical corrosion, there are
particular conditions under which the corrosion takes place
The sensitivity of corrosion behaviour to environmental factors has led to
varyingdegrees and forms of damage to metals under different service
As most environmental factors, like temperature, pressure, chemical composition,
constituent concentration, pH value, electrical or thermal conductivity, viscosity,etc.,
can directly or indirectly interact, and continuously or inconstantly influence a
corrosion process, the prediction of long-term corrosion behaviour is quite difficult.
Most ambient corrosion problems can be ascribed to electrochemical reactions
because moisture and aqueous liquid are widely present in the natural environment,
and an electrochemical reaction is generally faster than oxidation-reduction reactions
under ambient conditions.
All the methods that can interfere with the metal–environment reaction and
effectively slow down the corrosion process are of great interest to us as the two
damages caused by corrosion are the waste of valuable resources and
contamination of a product. Although technological innovation is the central
theme in this area, scientific breakthroughs are highly desired. Innovations in
corrosion prevention often emerge when new ideas, techniques, and results from
other disciplines are introduced to reduce the corrosion of metals. As extraction
of metals is a long and time taking process also it is a non-renewable resource.

• If challenges can be seen as point-wise form :(future scope on which studies

can be conducted)
1. Corrosion is a time-sensitive process. Since most environmental factors can
vary markedly with time, the corrosion performance of a metal may be
unbelievably dissimilar in different stages.
2. As the process of corrosion depends on environmental factors which can be
avoided by coming in contact with metal without putting a layer of paint
3. As this depends on environmental factors so the key influencing factor and
the rate-determining step that govern the fundamental kinetics of a
corrosion process cannot be identified.
4. Corrosion prediction in the real world: in a natural environment,
spontaneous corrosion conditions are not controlled. Moreover, there are
myriads of changes in environmental factors that can affect corrosion,
which to a great extent complicates the corrosion process. Even worse, the
inevitable life activities in the real world can also interfere with the
corrosion process, which makes the corrosion behaviour nearly
unpredictable. The corrosion process makes the corrosion behaviour
nearly unpredictable
5. Corrosion is a huge problem in the oil and natural gas (O&G) industry. It
hurts infrastructures utilized for exploration, production, processing and
transport, which affects costs and safety considerations [10].Carbon steel is
commonly used in the O&G industry for transmission pipes, casing tubing
and drill pipes due to its mechanical properties and economic cost.
However, it is prone to corrosion in operating conditions. The proper
mitigation/maintenance and real-time corrosion monitoring are crucial to
maintaining the corrosion rates within an acceptable range to ensure that the
infrastructures (e.g., pipes) meet the designed service life. There are several
parameters, which make it difficult and challenging to monitor corrosion
under real conditions.

• Some more new methods or ways to avoid corrosion and prevent it:
1. Some advanced metals and their alloys are identified to be used.
For example, Mg alloys were initially too active to be popular structural
materials, but now the high strength–weight ratio makes them attractive in
the auto industry as candidate materials for the next generation of vehicles.
2. As nanotechnology is introduced we can do further study at atomic
Lebel tostudy different stricture to avoid it.
3. Development of corrosion-resistant functional coatings: coatings can
completely alter the properties of a metal surface, which opens up
many new application fields for metals. Generally speaking, the
corrosion resistance of a coating is a function of the stability of the
coating material, the integrity and thickness of the coating layer, and
the adhesion of the coating on metals. It also depends on how the
coating responds to temperature, stress, and abrasion in service.
4. Cathodic Protection: Maintain a continual negative electrical charge
on metal, so that its dissolution as positive ions is inhibited.
5. Sacrificial Coatings: One way of supplying this negative charge is to
apply a coating of a more active metal. The common tin-plated can (on
the right) isa good example.
In conclusion, corrosion as a material destruction process caused by the reaction of
the material with its surrounding medium has been intensively and extensively
studied. Also, the different types of corrosion discussed helped to know the types of
prevention. At present, the biggest difficulty in corrosion research is to gain a deep
understanding of this process in chemical reaction on a corroding surface that is
concealed by corrosive media. Also, the challenges are many but the major 3 are seen
here. We would like to thank our teachers for giving us these opportunities to study
deeply on such an important topic, which needs a solution as soon as possible but in a
way that fully eliminates the problem as metal are resources extracted from the earth
so it takes thousands of years. Such an interesting topic is also a real practical based
day to day life concerning the topic which helped us to study it in more deeply.


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