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Las For Organization and Management (Grade 11) : Deped-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (Las)

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DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Planning as a Management Function

LAS for Organization and Management (Grade 11)
Quarter 3 - Week #5

Name: ___________________________________________ Strand: ________________________ Date:


I – Background Stages of Planning

Good day, students! Are you doing well? This Planning is a process that involves decision making . All the stages of
Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) was written for you in mind. This planning require decision making which make decision making an
LAS to help you define and identify the different types of essential skill a business manager or owner have to learn. Planning is
planning. simply a three stage process that involves (1) goal setting, (2)
creation of actions or strategies to implement the goals and (3)
II- Learning Competencies: evaluation activity to check if goals were achieved. In creating the
goals and action strategies the planner must consider the factors in
After going through this LAS, you are expected to: the external environment and the resources of the business or
1. Discuss the nature and levels of planning and types of plans organization that may affect the plans, goals and strategies.
(MELCs code: ABM_AOM11- Ia-b-3)
2. Differentiate the types of plans used in business and The plans and goals of the company determine its policies, rules and
management procedures.(G.A.Cole) Below is the diagram by G.A. Cole that show
3. Formulate and effective plan for a specific business the stages or activities involved in planning.

III- Essential knowledge, concepts and activities

Planning is defined as a management function that involves

setting goals and strategies on how to achieve those goals
(Schermerhorn, 2011). Importance of Planning

Planning is an important management function that involves Cabrera, et.al ,2016 identified the importance of planning in business
creating a vision about what the busines and organization needs and management as follows:
to achieve. It includes creating a roadmap for the business and
organization through setting the organizational goals, and action 1. Planning provides direction to the organization and its
strategies to accomplish those goals. Planning establishes the members.
standards for the perfromance of the business organization. Employees enter an organization with their own agenda, so one
primary task of a manager or business owner is to create the common
In the business organization, a plan is an action strategy that organizational goals and orient the staff to accomplish them. The
managers or administrators use to accomplish organizational goals set by managers serve as guide to the staff to coordinate their
goals. An organizational plan is usually a comprehensive plan actions towards common goals and fosters unity within the
which includes specific objectives, action strategies to achieve organization.
the objectives, time frame, resources to be used and the persons
in charge of carrying out the objectives. 2. Planning reduces uncertainty.
-Given the number of things that can affect a business and
Goal setting involves identifying desired goals and targets organization, the number of problems that can affect it and the
management wants to achieve. Below are examples of long-term number of employees, it would help if there is a fixed set of goals,
and short-term goals: action strategies as well contingency reactions to anticipated
future changes and problems to minimize uncertainty and confusion
 Vision – a short statement of what the organization will in a business and organization.
be in the future as identified by the management and
personnel , the highest aspiration or goal for the 3. Planning prevents wastes.
organization or business -The budget and resources of a business or organization are usually
 Mission – a short specific statement of the purpose, fixed and not unlimited but with advance planning of resources such
direction of the organization and range of its operations as funds and materials the business organization is able to determine
that would differentiate it from other organizations. the exact amount of resources needed to avoid waste.
 Objectives – steps needed in order to atain desired ends
Types of Plans
Goals should be SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, Managers make different kinds of plans. The type of plan to be
realistic and time bound) created will depend on the purpose or use for the plan. Below are
descriptions of various types of plan created by managers in a
business or organization.

1. 1. Long-term or long-range plans include goals that are intended for

more than three years into the future. These plans are also called
developmental plans as the goals are
progressively realized across the years.An example of a long- Planning at Different levels of the Business firm
term plan is the Philippine Development Plan.
Managers make different types of plans. The types of plans created at
The Philippine Development Plan is a long term plan different levels of management are described in the chart below
encompassing the socioeconomic agenda or sustainable
Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II
DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)
development goals of the Philippines from 2017 to 2022. It is Types/ level of
described by NEDA or National Economic Development Type of Plans
Authority, the agency in charge of its formulations as “ a plan Strategic plans
anchored on the 0-10-point Socioeconomic Agenda and geared CEOs, board members and business
towards the ‘Ambisyon Natin 2040’ which articulates the Filipino owners create the strategic plan of
people’s collective vision of a MATATAG, MAGINHAWA, AT the organization. Strategic plans are
PANATAG NA BUHAY PARA SA LAHAT. It also takes into general plans with long-term or
account the country’s international commitments such as the Top-level mid-term goals and is focused on
2030 Sustainable Development Goals”. management the general operations of the
business or organization. An
One of the long-term goals of the Philippine Development Plan example of strategic planning is the
2017-2022 is to …… creation of the VMG or vision,
mission and goals of the business or
Goal organization.
Tactical plans or Functional Plans
(“PAGBABAGO”) through…
Department heads and branch
managers create tactical plans.
Action Strategy
Tactical plans are composed of
Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry, and
short-term goals which are
Middle-level achievable in a year or less and is
management focused on the current operations
Specific Strategies
of the organization. Examples of
1. Facilitate the use of appropriate farm and fishery machinery
tactical plans include the specific
and equipment.
plans made per department such as
2. Pursue an ecosystems approach to fisheries management.
the budget plan, marketing plan,
personnel plan and others.
Operational plan
2. Short-term or short-range plans are intended for one year or
less. Examples of short-term plans are daily plans, monthly Immediate supervisors and
plangs and yearly plans with goals that are easier to achieve in a production managers create
shorter time period. A common example of a short-term goal are operational plans. An operational
the daily income targets set by a business owner to offset the plan also contain short-term goals
daily costs of a business. management and speifies the expected targets
and milestones of set goals. An
3. Standing Plans are on-going plans that are used for situations example of the operational plan are
or events that are commonly repeated. Forms of standing plans the daily, weekly, monthly targets
include the rules, policies and standing operational procedures and quality assurance plans and
(SOP) of a business or company. Below are the descriptions of procedures.
the forms of standing plans.
Steps in the Planning
Examples of goals created in a standing plan are the following:
Policy - a general guide for the behavior of people in the How can you plan for a business or a company? Below is a list or
workplace or organization. steps involved in planning for a business or organization.(Cabrera,
Rule – a specific guide to an action or behavior in the workplace M.F, 2016)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) -series of action to be
followed for a specific situation in the workplace. 1. Identify the needs of your business or organization. Consider the
external and internal business environment.
4. Directional Plans – flexible plans that set general guidelines. 2. Define specific goals and desired outcomes or targets for each
5. Specific Plans – are plans that are clearly defined and not goal.
flexible. 3. Set a time frame or date of completion for your objective.
6. Single-use Plans – are one-time use plan created for a specific 4. Identify the resources needed to accomplish the goals
situation. 5. Assign a key person in charge of realizing the goals.
6. Develop action strategies to accomplish goals.
7. Anticipate future changes, events.
8. Evaluate the outcome

IV. Assessment
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best
answer. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

_____1. Which of the following is a management function concerned

with setting of goals and action strategies on how to achieve them?
A. Controlling C. Organizing
B. Leading D. Planning

_____2. In goal setting, which of the following is usually created first

by a manager or business owner?
A. Action strategies C. Mission
B. Business enterprise D. Vision

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)
_____3. Which of the following is a general plan created by top-
A. Directional plan C. Strategic plan
B. Operational plan D. Tactical plan

_____4. Which of the following management function is

complimentary to planning?
A. Controlling C. Organizing
B. Leading D. Staffing

_____5. Which of the following is a specific plan created by middle

A. Directional plan C. Strategic plan
B. Operational plan D. Tactical plan

_____6. Which of the following is NOT a stage in the planning

process based on GA Cole’s basic planning model?
A. Creating action strategies
B. Feedback
C. Goal setting
D. Needs assessment
IV. Learning Activities
_____7. Standing Operating Procedures or SOPs in a company is an
Instructions: Complete the table below by writing (a) two (2)
example of what type of plan?
homelife and three (3) learning activities (b) your goals for each
A. Directional plan C. Strategic plan
activity (c) are the activities personally done or delegated to
B. Standing plan D. Tactical plan
another person and if so, who does the activity (d) amount of
time you spend for each (e) resources or materials that you use to
_____8. Which of the following is a short specific statement of the
accomplish the activities. Use a separate sheet for your answer
purpose and direction of a business or organization?
(preferably long bondpaper)
A. Mission C. Rule
B. Policy D. Vision
Goal for s used to
Person in spent for _____9. Which of the following is a benefit received from planning?
Activities the accompli
charge the A. Communication C. Remuneration
Activity shed the
activity B. Partnership D. Unity and direction
_____10. Which of the following statements show that planning is a
1. mental activity?
A. Planning considers the effects of the factors in the external
business environment and the resources of the internal business
2. B. Planning creates unity and direction in a business organization.
C. Planning involves the allocation of the management resources.
D. Planning is required at levels of management.




Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

B. Disseminator, monitor, spokesperson

C. Entrepreneur, negotiator, resource allocator
D. Monitor, negotiator, resource allocator

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II
DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

DepEd-Polanco NHS: Senior High School Learning Activity Sheet (LAS)

Prepared by: Mr. Roseller T. Cabasag – Teacher II

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