Adobe Photoshop Private Tutoring Syllabus

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Adobe Photoshop Private Tutoring

Adobe Photoshop Essentials you will enhance your ability to create accurate masks and

image effects, retouch images, work with video files, automate repetitive tasks, and integrate
with other Adobe applications.

Group classes in NYC and onsite training is available for this course.
For more information, email [email protected] or visit:

[email protected] • (212) 684-5151

Course Outline
Raster vs. Vector
Creating new images
Saving files for print
Saving files for web/screen
Working with Adobe Bridge

Lesson 1. Getting to Know the Work Area

Using the tools
Using the options bar and other panels
Undoing actions in Photoshop
Customizing the workspace
Tools panel overview

Lesson 2. Basic Photo Corrections

Strategy for retouching
Resolution and image size
Adjusting the color in Camera Raw
Straightening and cropping the image in Photoshop
Replacing colors in an image
Adjusting saturation with the Sponge tool
Repairing areas with the Clone Stamp tool
Using the Spot Healing Brush tool
Using content-aware fill
Applying the Unsharp Mask filter

Lesson 3. Working with Selections

Course Syllabus | Adobe Photoshop Private Tutoring 1

About selecting and selection tools
Using the Quick Selection tool
Moving a selected area
Manipulating selections
Using the Magic Wand tool
Selecting with the lasso tools
Rotating a selection
Selecting with the Magnetic Lasso tool
Cropping an image and erasing within a selection
Refining the edge of a selection

Lesson 4. Layer Basics

About layers
Using the Layers panel
Rearranging layers
Applying a gradient to a layer
Applying a layer style
Flattening and saving files

Lesson 5. Masks and Channels

Working with masks and channels
Creating a mask
Refining a mask
Creating a quick mask
Manipulating an image with Puppet Warp
Working with channels

Lesson 6. Typographic Design

About type
Creating a clipping mask from type
Creating type on a path
Warping point type
Designing paragraphs of type

Lesson 7. Final Project

Course Syllabus | Adobe Photoshop Private Tutoring 2

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