English: Quarter 4 - Module 4

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Quarter 4 – Module 4
Determining Worthiness,
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Revised 2021
Writer: Rachel V. Moldogo
Maria Sophia B. See
Rosie V. Lura
Reviewer: Josephine Q. Miranda
Content Validator: Erica C. Dela Cruz
Language Editor: Maria Sophia B. See
Format Editor: Erica C. Dela Cruz
Management Team:
Dr. Eladio H. Escolano – Principal IV
Mrs. Josephine Q. Miranda – Head Teacher VI
Mrs. Maricel S. Oliva – School LR Coordinator
Mrs. Jeweldine T. Baraquil – Subject LR Coordinator


Welcome to English 7 Module 4 on Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS).
In this module, you will determine the truthfulness and accuracy of the material viewed
At the end of the lesson, you can be able to:
1. identify statements based on factors on material viewed;
2. analyze the information contained in the material viewed; and
3. evaluate the viewing material’s content to a particular social issues, concerns, or
dispositions in real life.

Directions: Study the given situation, then identify the element it highlights. Write your
answer on a separate piece of paper.

A. Relevance B. Accuracy C. Bias/Perspective D. Reliability

______1. Mario pays attention to the source of the material he watches. He wants to
confirm the credibility of its creator before believing any information it contains.

______2. Sonia evaluates the content of the materials she consults to determine whether
they directly address her need information.

______3. Dennis checks on the sources cited in the video to see whether the data provided
are accurate.

______4. Linda does not entirely believe that the content of materials favoring one thing,
person or group over another, especially in a way considered unfair.

______5. Denise reads up on the profile of the video creator before believing the points
raised in it.

Looking Back to Your Lesson

Directions: Read the conversation below. Identify the ideas shared by the speaker by
answering the questions that follow. Write the letter of your answer on a piece of paper.

A. Youth’s Wellness.

A: Hi Kyle. What have you been up to?"

B: "Not much. I started exercising."
A: "Trying to get in shape?"
B: "Yeah, and I need to start improving my health especially now because of the virus."
A: "Me too. What are you doing besides exercising?"
B: "Actually there are a lot."
A: "I think if you eat better, it will help tremendously. Your exercise is useless without
proper diet."
B: "Yes, I think so. Sleep is good too. I heard people who sleep an average of eight
hours a day have less health problems."
A: "Looks like there are a lot of things to do to stay healthy."
B: "True. But I think it is worth it. When you get old, you want to be healthy and
A. “When you want to be safe, you need to stay healthy.”

1. There are several topics in this short discussion, what is the main topic?
A. Exercising
B. Eating
C. Sleeping
D. Health

2. How many hours is one person recommending sleeping?
A. 7 hours
B. 8 hours
C. 10 hours
D. 12 hours

3. Why did Kyle start exercising?

A. to join his brother
B. a girl, he likes in the campus
C. because he was bored
D. to improve his health

4. What does mike recommend his friend when he gets older?

A. handsome and tall
B. smart and successful
C. healthy and active
D. rich and independent

5. Which of the following can make you healthy?

A. staying up late
B. eating sweets
C. playing computer games
D. having proper exercise

Brief Introduction
Viewing – is an active process of attending and comprehending visual media such as
televisions, advertising images, films, diagrams, symbols, photographs, videos,
dramas, drawings, sculptures and paintings.

The viewing process is just crucial as the listening and reading processes.

Stages of Viewing

1. Pre- Viewing – you prepare to view by activating your schema, anticipating a

message, predicting, speculating, asking questions, and setting a purpose for
2. Viewing – you view to understand by making connections, making and
confirming predictions and inferences, interpreting and summarizing, pausing
and reviewing, and analyzing and evaluating.
3. Post – Viewing – you are given opportunities to respond to visual texts in an
intimate, critical, and creative way. You respond by reflecting, analyzing,
evaluating, and creating.

Means of Viewing

1. Develop your knowledge and skill to analyze and evaluate visual texts.
2. Get information and appreciate idea and experiences.
3. Slow down, reflect and think about the visuals you are seeing.

In this stage of technology, many young people obtain much of the information
they need from online viewing materials. Such materials mostly come from Youtube,
Instagram, and Snapchat – the most popular online platforms among teens based on
anew Pew Research Center Survey (Anderson and Jiang, 2018). As a student, you must
enhance your capacity to filter information obtained from such sources. It will make you
avoid misinformation, which has recently become prevalent due to fake news. You also
need to sharpen your skill in judging the relevance and worth of their content before
using them as bases for personal decisions, especially when dealing with social issues,
concerns in real life.

Factors to consider when determining the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented in the materials viewed

1. RELEVANCE – the information’s level of importance to a particular viewing

- explicitly stated need for that information
2. ACCURACY – the extent to which information contains factual and updated details
that can be verified by consulting alternative and/or primary sources.
3. BIAS/PERSPECTIVE – the position or slant toward which an author shapes
4. RELIABILITY – the information’s level of trustworthiness based on information
about the author and the publishing body.

Task 1: Identify whether the statement about the viewing process is true or false. Write
your answer on a separate piece of paper.

________1. Familiarizing with the stages of viewing and applying them help you
make the most out of your viewing experience.
________2. Critical thinking is not developed during viewing activity.
________3. Viewing is one of the macro skills, which refers to perceiving, examining,
interpreting, and constructing meaning form visual images.
________4. You gain expertise and skills for analyzing and evaluating visual texts
through viewing.
________5. Post-viewing prepares you to view by activating your schema,
anticipating a message, predicting, speculating, asking questions, and setting a
purpose for viewing.

Task 2: Analyze some statements of the following well-known individuals in the country





Viewing – is an active process of attending and comprehending visual media such

as televisions, advertising images, films, diagrams, symbols, photographs, videos,
dramas, drawings, sculptures and paintings.

Stages of Viewing
1. Pre- Viewing
2. Viewing
3. Post – Viewing
Means of Viewing

1. Develop your knowledge and skill to analyze and evaluate visual texts.
2. Get information and appreciate idea and experiences.
3. Slow down, reflect and think about the visuals you are seeing.

Four Elements when determining the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas
presented in the materials viewed
1. Relevance
2. Accuracy
3. Bias/perspective
4. Reliability

Check Your Understanding
Directions: Evaluate the following post where you can relate to reality. Write your answer
on a separate piece of paper.

Post test
Directions: Identify the element of material quality emphasized in each of the given
situations. Choose your answer from the word pool.

Accuracy Bias/Perspective Relevance Reliability

Joey watches online video materials to deepens his understanding of his lessons. In
choosing which material to believe in, he;
_____________1. Checks whether a particular material presents pieces of information that
address his purpose;
_____________2. Cross-validates information, statistical data, and material presented with
those from the cited sources;
_____________3. Reads up on the background of the author;
_____________4. Reviews quotations were lifted; and
_____________5. Checks whether arguments are adequately supported and elaborated.

Answer Key



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