Unit IG2: Risk Assessment

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Unit IG2: Risk assessment

Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).

Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.

Part 1: Background

You should aim to complete this section in 150 - 200 words.

Topic Comments
Name of organisation* MALABAR DEVELOPERS pvt ltd
Site location* Mele chovva , kannur
Number of workers 240
My organisation MALABAR DEVELOPERS PVT LTD is constructing luxury homes luxury
apartments. Malabar developers is one of the largest construction companies in
kerala.There are two shift works in construction site (6 am to 6 pm and 6 pm to 6 am).
workers are only required to work 8 hours per day so there is staggered finish time in
place . The manpower of one shift was 120 including site office staff and 15 health and
safety environment Officers.The site has a main office, precast area and storage
yard.Main activities in the site are excavation, masonry work, steel fixing, carpentry work,
General description of the organisation concrete work; tiles work, lifting activities, block works, acrylic work. mechanical, electric,
plumbing work etc. and main equipment are used in the site are excavator, mobile crane,
tower crane, fork lift truck,
multi-purpose concrete mixture, dumber truck, grader, compactor, jack hammer, circular
saw, welding machine, bob cat etc.

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I consider the entire work site for the risk assessment. The manpower of this considered
area was 195, they are 45 masons,15 scaffold team,12 painters,20 carpenters,25 steel
Description of the area to be included in the
fixers,9 electricians,14 equipment operators,6 riggers,3 signal man,26 helpers, 2 safety
risk assessment
officers, 4security staff, 14 other site office teams.

The finance director (who directly reports to managing director)has direct responsibility for
Any other relevant information health and safety

* If you’re worried about confidentiality, you can invent a false name and location for your organisation but, all other information provided must be

You should aim to complete this section in 100 - 200 words.

Note: this section can be completed after you have completed your risk assessment.
As a part of my risk assessment I went around the work site and also consulted with the
workers and supervisors about the work and the hazards present in their task/work and
workplaces. I have also consulted with the site engineer. From the information they
provided I came to know that most of the workers don’t have the required awareness
about the hazard and risk they are involved in
Outline how the risk assessment was
I understand that they are trying to full fill the rules of health and safety laws but in some
carried out this should include:
areas they are poorly managed. For example, company rules and punishment policy are
● sources of information consulted;
there about violence inside the company but sometimes workers are violating this and
● who you spoke to; and
fighting each other.And I refer to internal sources of information like accident records,
● how you identified:
ill-health data / absence records, medical records, maintenance records and reports,
- the hazards;
previous audit and investigation report. Safety committee minutes. And also safety
- what is already being done; and
representative inspections records. These internal sources are helping me to get an idea
- any additional controls/actions
regarding previous safety issues.I referred few HSE Websites information regarding the
that may be required.
health and safety; HSE standard provided by Indian Government got from the website of
National Safety Council, www.nsc.org.in

I prepared a questionnaire regarding work and workplace hazards and valuable

The law related to fire :

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The law related to work at height:
The law related to confined space:
I referred an additional source of information which have IG1 and IG2 textbooks

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Part 2: Risk Assessment

Organisation name: Malabar Developers PVT LMT

Date of assessment: 10-04-2021
Scope of risk assessment: Entire work site

Hazard Who might be harmed and What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be completed person’s job title
(within …)

1 Work at Workers who work on the Workers are provided with PPE 1. Barricade the scaffold area and use 2 months Site engineer
height scaffold . (supervisors , like hard hats/helmets, safety proper sign boards. (1, 2, 5)
engineers , site managers , boots, hand gloves and full body
Workers falling trespassers , visitors) who harness. 2. Proper maintenance of the scaffold and 1 month
from height standing under or near the follow 100% tie method. Supervisor
materials falling scaffold The ground is levelled up properly (3, 6, 10)
from height before the scaffold is assembled. 3. Use and maintain guard rails. 2 weeks
workers doing at workers who is working on Toolbox talks are conducted with
high altitude the scaffold may fall from workers to make them aware of 4. Purchase and give appropriate PPEs 2 months Purchase manager
unstable ladder or the required precautions and the . (4, 7, 9)
scaffolding and may cause hazards and risk involved in the 5. Don’t allow any other work activity 2 weeks
fractures in spinal cord , work. under the scaffold.
injure the workers which Site manager
may result in near miss Barriers and caution boards are 6. Ensure there are no live electric lines 6.2 weeks (8)
fracture paralysis or death placed beneath the scaffold. near to the scaffold.

scaffold collapsing Trained personals are only allowed 7. Purchase and use tool belts and safety 2 months
on the scaffolding net.
those who are underneath
scaffolding can be seriously 8. Renew the scaffold tag and check list in 1 month
injured by the falling tools or proper intervals.
9. Purchase and give slip resistant boots 2 months

10. Give tool box talk on safe working on 2 weeks

the scaffold

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2 Noise tools operators , all workers , tool box talks containis awareness 1. give proper time breaks to to the 2 weeks Sitemanager
engineers , supervisor , about noise related topics workers to reduce the duration of (1,4,6,7)
The working of visitor, public on the road are the exposure
heavy effected Ear muffs are given 2. by purchasing latest machines 1 month purchase
machineries , with low noise machines manager(2,3,5)
Noise produced High frequency noise 3. purchase a noise meter and give 1 month
by construction (greater than 80 dB)causes training to supervisor how to use
tools like drilling, noise induced hearing loss noise meter
hammering, and it affected body balance 4. conduct health surveillance and 1 month
cutting and of workers who operates audio metric test at an interval of
generators. tools and machines every two months
tile and iron rod Health effects such as 5. purchase sound absorbent mats 1 month
cutter tinnitus , headache , pain in to reduce the transmission of
noise from the eye even effects mental noise
vehicles stability 6. conduct noise producing activities 2 months
difficulty in communicating in less populated area
between workers causes 7. if possible noise making machines 1 month
stress , not able to hear like power generator keep away
hazard alarms from work place

3 Confined Workers , supervisors , site Workers are well trained for 1) Develop a policy regarding gas 1 month Site manager
space engineers , site managers , confined space activity. testing must be carried out
limited access visitors , people who stay in before entering confined
agress and near the confined Confined space Permit To space.
poisonous gas spaces. Work is in place.
in the Manhole may contain 2) Purchase a gas tester (multi 1 month Store
Manhole toxic gas or chemicals, Competent Whole watcher is gas portable detector) for gas manager
fumes, vapour, appointed. testing before starting the work.
drowning. It leads to loss
of consciousness or Barricades and sign board are 3) Provide adequate ventilation in 1 day Site
fatality. And also oxygen provided properly. confined space. coordinator
deficiency or enrichment
Leads to breathing
it may cause All workers are used proper 4) Appoint a competent 15 days Site manager
fatality, loss of personal protective equipment supervisor for confined space
consciousness work.

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5) Create a rule for ensure proper 1 week Site manager
communication system
between workers and
supervisor for safe working.

6) Implement a policy regarding 1 week Site

arrangement of emergency coordinator

7) Conduct a training programme 3 weeks Site manager

relating confined space safe
working procedure for
employees and supervisors.

8) Purchase respiratory protective 1 week Safety officer

equipment for workers who are
entering inside the confined space

4 Hazardous Workers, supervisors, site Limited the number of people that 1. Purchase Respiratory protective Two weeks Purchase manager
substances ; managers visitors Regularly need to be in the work area equipment (RPE) like disposable masks or
breathing construction dust Screening off areas to prevent half masks can become uncomfortable to
Construction can cause diseases like lung dust spreading wear for long periods.
dust, cement, cancer, asthma, Chronic Limiting waste materials during
lead Obstructive Pulmonary design/ planning General 2. Use water suppression or on-tool Three days Safety manager
solvents like Disease (COPD) and mechanical ventilation like normal extraction for construction tasks where it is
paints, thinners, silicosis. Construction exhaust to remove dusty air from possible.
resins, workers have a high risk of the work area
isocyanates like developing these diseases Removal of waste materials and 3. Purchase gloves, waterproof trousers Two weeks Purchase manager
coatings and because many common dust regularly for workers and supervisors.
foams, harmful construction tasks can Usage of dust controls and
microorganisms create high dust levels. checked that they are working 4. Ensure that controls such as work Two weeks Safety manager
like fungi, Cement based products, like methods, PPE and welfare are effective
bacteria, viruses concrete or mortar, and used by the workers.

and carbon can cause serious skin Workers avoid exposure to cement 5. Purchase spray products with significant Three weeks Purchase manager
monoxide etc problems such as dermatitis powder by using pre-mixed solvent levels. This causes more vapour to
and burns. concrete / mortar. get into the air than using a brush or roller

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Breathing in lead dust and Using work methods that
fume inadvertently or increases the distance between 6. Train workers need to be aware of the Three weeks Safety manager
swallowing it can cause the worker and the substance such microorganisms they may be exposed to
serious health problems. as longer handled tools. and how to use the controls properly.
Solvents can create both Rotating cement bags to ensure
short-term ill-health effects they are used before the shelf 7. Purchase and use personal/mounted Two weeks Purchase manager
and longer-term disease date. carbon monoxide / oxygen detectors
Exposure to isocyanates can Workers were encouraged to wash where appropriate
create a risk of asthma and exposed skin at breaks and after Site manager
dermatitis. work. 8. Locate petrol generators etc. outside in One week
construction workers can be Suitable footwear, such as well ventilated spaces so that fumes
exposed to a variety of wellington boots, were used in disperse and cannot gather or drift into
disease-causing large concrete pours are taking building openings.
microorganisms such as place.
bacteria, viruses and fungi, Using products containing little or 9. Safe disposal of rodents and proper 3 days Site supervisor
corona . They can be without organic solvents cleaning, sanitisation and disinfection of
transmitted through the air, Using products that do not contain rodent-inhabited areas are keys to
by hand to mouth contact or isocyanates or less volatile forms. minimizing exposure to the virus, bacteria,
through the skin and lead to Avoided contamination by taking fungi and other microorganisms
a range of health problems. rest and meal breaks away from
Carbon monoxide is a the work area
colourless and tasteless first aid equipment is fully stocked /
poisonous gas produced by maintained and readily available
gas appliances and engines
when there is not sufficient
air for them to work correctly.
Carbon monoxide can cause
death or fatality

5 Slip and trips everyone in the workplace 1. separate pedestrians 1. purchase automated floor 2 months (1,2) purchase
including visitors walkways are maintained cleaners that cleans floor after officer
2. slip resist mats are regular intervals
provided 2. increase the number of spill kits 1 week (3)electrician
oil , fuel or any head injury while falling , 3. drip trays are provided for 3. replace the faulty bulbs for 2 week
slippery broken bones cuts, muscle all heavy equipments adequate illumination at site (4)HR department
substances strain from tripping over the 3 week

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spills over the cables wires in the 4. provide gum boots and rubber (5)engineer
floor. walkways, also dislocation of gloves for cleaning workers 5 days
joints,wrist ,shoulder by wet 5. make segregation in waste
trailing cables surfaces disposal area for plastic , wooden
and rolling concrete and chemical waste
objects in the

spillage from
machines and

6 Manual Workers, site managers, Using mechanical lifting aids like

1. Hire or buy a truck with hydraulic
handling people conveyors, hoists, telehandlers or 2 months purchase manager
scissor lift for material shifting to
Regularly lifting, carrying or cranes.
Lifting, handling, handling materials and items Making the load smaller or lighter
putting down, can cause serious injuries. and easier to lift. 2. Include pallet trucks, sack 3 weeks purchase manager
pushing, pulling, Tasks that involve holding Avoiding slippery floors and tools barrows, trolleys, lifting devices
carrying or loads away from the body; and using highly gripped gloves. and grips to help better grasp
moving loads twisting, stooping, working Delivering materials directly to loads to reduce the risk of injury
overhead, long carrying their point of use.
distances, strenuous Checked fitness of workers 3. Allow adequate room for the work. one week site manager
pushing / pulling or repetitive regularly. 4. Only store lighter or more easily /
handling. Planned material lifting, moving infrequently handled items on the Two week safety manager
Workers resort to their own and coordinating workers with their floor
physical strength instead of fitness and weight.
using the appropriate lifting Proper checking of weighed 5. Provide an alternative work two week site manager
aids and heavy or bulky, materials and handle it with platform to scaffolding while
difficult to grasp, unstable carefully allowing the platform height to be
or likely to move precisely controlled so workers
unpredictably, harmful can lay materials at the most
(e.g.: sharp or hot) make comfortable and productive height.
injuries and also consider 6. Keep the workspace clean and one week site supervisor
certain situations can tidy. Ensure sufficient lighting so
increase that workers can clearly see what
the strain on the body or the they are doing
risk of falling and impacts Accordingly site supervisor
with the load 7. Rest and rotate workers if needed

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7 Electricity electrical maintenance A caution board indicating hazard develop a safe system of work and also 2 weeks site engineer
worker, any worker using or is placed in the working area. permit a work system so that the hazards
improper touch faulty power tools or are taken care off.
grounding damaged cables supervisor. ensures that the main switch is
maintenance staff , helpers , switched off before all repair must lockout or tag out to prevent others 1 month supervisor
Exposed live cleaners works. from powering the machines.
electrical wire
a mobile crane operating proper and efficient supervision must provide the workers and 3 week site supervisor
short circuit near overhead service has a are provided. maintenance worker with insulated tools.
chance to contact an
braked overhead service line and The work is monitored by purchase residual current device (RCD) 1 month store manager
insulation leads to electric shock. supervisors. for sensitive and fast acting trips.

malfunction of if any leakage of electricity provided adequate pp rubber boot provide power supply with ELCB. 1 month supervisor
electrical from power tools and live and rubber glows.
equipment cables it leads to electric provide first aid should be available at the 1 month site manager
shock. provided training for workers. site in case of minor accident.

short circuit of electric proper maintenance of the electrical 1 month site manager
machines like generators equipment.
and improper wiring.
ensure there is no water consent neer to 2 weeks site manager
Electric shock may lead to the live electrical lines and switch boards.
cardiac arrest , heartattack
and other serious minor or
major injuries even death
electric shock may cause
fire also.

8 Fire workers who are doing hot fire extinguishers are right in place Emergency exit and assembly points are 1 week safety manager
work all workers and visitors workers are trained to use fire very important.
Hot work in the emigration building fighting equipments
Flammable can affect burns and serious use caution boards in fire related working 1 week safety manager
liquid injuries. Electric wiring and equipment are areas
gas leak check regularly.
gas cutting diesel used in generators by keeping flammable substances safe 1 week site supervisor
poor cable may cause fire. A fire sand bucket is there in the from any spark or fire.
management workplace.

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leads to fire poor cable management ensuring there is a proper permit to work 1 week site supervisor
explosion leads to electric fire. workers are given strict instruction system in the workplace.
by the supervisors regarding
There are residual gases smoking in the workplace. provide blowers for hot work to exhaust 2 months HSC
emitted from the chemical hot fumes. officer/supervisor
and during the welding provided with sufficient drinking
process the spark produced water. provide every hot work with a fire watcher 2 month
might ignite the gas and lead to ensure safety. supervisor
to fire. a smoke and fire alarm is present
in the plant. provided with manually operated siren. 1 month
due to faulty electric supervisor
equipment. provide first aid facility. 1 month
purchase manager
smoking inside the conduct a training regarding the 1 week
workhouse. importance of housekeeping especially safety officer
near a hot work area.
This leads to burning of skin
suffocation difficult to breath provide fire blankets PPE and ather fire 2 week
and even death injuries also fighting equipment. purchase manager
damages to the building.

9 Vibration
workers who use power Training workers about the 1. While working on concrete, employees Three weeks Purchase manager
using power tools regularly.operator of hazards of working with vibrating should protect eyes and face from flying
tools JCB and assistant driver. tools. objects and particles. Dust is produced
drilling Minimised work practices for from concrete drilling so to prevent this
grinding and Drilling, grinding concrete vibration exposure. make sure employees wear safety goggles
sanding and other surfaces also Restricted the hours a worker uses and face shields.
activities sanding in surface can a vibrating tool during the workday. 2. Heavy-duty leather or rubber gloves Three weeks Purchase manager
full body cause a myriad of injury to Allow employees to take 10 – should be used by workers who would drill
vibration workers, especially over 15-minute breaks from the source concrete.
from JCB time of the vibration every hour. 3. Purchase Wrist cuffs and armlets One week Purchase manager
hand-arm vibration exposure Gloves are allowed for workers to optimize maximum protection.
contributes to carpal tunnel protect hand from injuries 4. To prevent undue damage, workers One week Purchase manager
syndrome, but whole-body should wear earplugs or earmuffs
vibration can lead to whenever the equipment is producing a lot
debilitating low back injury of noise.

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and long-term medical 5. Arrange work tasks so vibrating and non Four days Site manager
problems. vibrating tools can be used alternately.
Stationary postures or 6. Train workers about the hazards of Three weeks Safety manager
excessive movement of any working with vibrating tools. Instruction
type can stress the spine should include the sources of vibration
and, depending on the body exposure, early signs and symptoms of
action needed to use the hand-arm vibration syndrome, and work
tool, can cause neck and practices for minimizing vibration exposure
back problems
Hand-held and stationary
tools that transmit vibration
through a workpiece can
cause hand-arm vibration
syndrome (HAVS) as the
disease progresses, a
worker experiences more
frequent attacks of
numbness, tingling, and pain
and finds it difficult to use his
or her hands

Workers who are working Workers who are working 1) Implement a policy regarding 1 month Site manager
10 Movement in front of emigration in front of emigration separate peoples and vehicle
of people and building and supervisors, building and supervisors, routes with hard barricades.
vehicle visitors, engineers. visitors, engineers.
Movement of vehicle Movement of vehicle 2) Develop a rule for site speed 2 weeks Site manager
Collision near work site leads to near work site leads to limit is 10km/hr.
between collision with workers and collision with workers and 2 months Store manager
people and collision with scaffold collision with scaffold 3) Purchase hard barricades.
vehicle structure. It may cause to structure. It may cause to
serious injury broken serious injury broken 4) Appoint competent banks man. 1 week Site manager
bones and fatality. If bones and fatality. If
vehicle collision with vehicle collision with 5) Provide training to all workers 3 days Safety officer
scaffold structure it may scaffold structure it may and supervisors regarding

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leads to scaffold collapse. leads to scaffold collapse. movement of people and
It may result people falling It may result people falling vehicle.
from height. from height.
Consequences of this Consequences of this 6) Ensure proper maintenance of 1 month Site
collision are fatality, collision are fatality, vehicle. coordinator
serious injury or broken serious injury or broken
bones bones 7) Implement a policy regarding 2 months Site manager
daily checklist for vehicles.

11 Machinery Mainly workers, supervisors Provided effective barrier or guard 1. Provide more machinery and equipment Four days Purchase manager
hazards and site engineers denies access and controls risk controls, such as personal protective
Machinery and equipment ejection of parts, products or equipment (PPE), can prevent injuries.
Movement of have moving parts. The waste.
machines. action of moving parts may Guarding equipment like 2. Adjustable guarding incorporates Two days Site engineer
Cutting, have sufficient force in facemasks, shields used by movable sections or panels of the guard
crushing, motion to cause injury to workers dealing with machineries and allows for material or parts to be fed
drawing, people. for self-protection. into the guarded area while still preventing
pressure Rotating shafts, pulleys, Remove and replace old machines bodily contact.
sprockets and gears, hard parts regularly and if it is useless
surfaces moving together purchasing new one for better 3. Interlock guarding occurs when the act Four days Site supervisor
Crushing Scissor or shear working in sites. of moving the guard (opening, sliding or
action, sharp edge – moving Tunnel guards provided a tunnel, removing) to allow access, stops the
or stationary cutting or aperture or chute in which material action of the hazardous mechanism.
puncturing can be inserted into the machinery
Cable or hose connections. and equipment, but due to the 4. Administrative controls, such as One week Safety manager
Working on or around the restrictive design and depth of the effective supervision, instruction and Site manager
machinery and equipment. opening, fingers, hands, arms, or training, are required to ensure that only
Maintenance and cleaning of the entire person is prevented from one key is available for the system, and
machineries. intruding into the danger area the key is not removed from the access
gate or guard by a second operator while
a person is exposed to the danger area of
the plant.

5. If physical guards cannot be used, then Four days Purchase manager

a presence sensing system can be used and safety
as a control to reduce risk. Presence manager
sensing systems can be used where

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people enter areas shared by moving
production equipment

Workers and supervisors are Warning signs have been set up 1. Display the company policy about drugs 1 month Site manager
12 Substance affected. on the sites stating that alcohol is in the notice board.
abuse; not allowed in the workplace.
Workers may consume 2. Appoint a worker representative to 2 months Site manager
Alcohol, drugs alcohol, medicines and other Posted a copy of the policy on the convey the importance and consequences
and other intoxicants during break site. Adequate training, instruction of the policy.
intoxicants used time. Work under the and information are provided to the
in the workplace influence of such workers. 3. Provide a smoking area for the workers 2 months Site manager
substances can affect their The policy states that strict action which is segregated from the work area.
judgments and coordination will be taken against those who
to the work. This situation enter or work on the site while 4. Permit access to only authorised 1 months Supervisor
will put all the workers on intoxicated personals to handle chemicals
the site in danger and this
can lead to accidents which
can affect the workers and
even delay the work and
also the company reputation

Provided rest breaks.

13 Health, Workers, supervisors and 1. Provide cool drinking water in thermos 2 weeks Safety Officer
Provided with sufficient and cool
welfare and engineers. or flask.
drinking water.
work Exposure to high 2. Provide job rotation. 1 month Supervisor
Provided training and awareness
temperature from machines,
about working in high temperature.
environment; hot metals from grinding and 3. Check the workers are drinking water 3 weeks Safety Officer
Exposure to the heat from the sun can and being hydrated.
high cause dehydration, heat
temperature, cramps, heat stroke and 4. Wear clothing appropriate to the work 3 weeks Supervisor
maintenance even heat exhaustion environment.
work inside pipe
lines 5. Must have an in house first aider. 2 months HR Department
6. Conduct a risk assessment on heat 1 week Safety Officer
7. Can also consider providing a cool off
area with shower. 2 month HR Department

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Using the Management Standards
14 Mental Ill Workers, supervisors, other approach, it is important to 1. Consult employees to discuss problem Three weeks Human resource
Health employees understand how the Standards areas in more detail Worked in partnership manager
Inability to concentrate in apply and translate to your with employees and their representatives
Anxiety and work, difficulty in sleeping, workplace. to develop actions to take; ensured that
Depression low esteem, difficulty in Providing an audit trail and it helps issues affecting individuals are addressed
Work related decision making, demonstrate to inspection and take feedback to managers,
stress Excessive demands of the authorities that are suitable and employees and employee representatives,
job in terms of workload, sufficient for risk assessment. with a commitment to follow up recorded
lack of control over work, Communication is vital and talk to what have done.
lack of support in terms of employees and listen to their
information, instruction and 2. Includes encouragement, sponsorship One week Company manage
training Poor quality in and resources provided by the
workplace relationships, organisation, line management and
threat of change and the colleagues.
change process. r
3. Promote positive working to avoid Accordingly Supervisor
conflict and dealing with unacceptable
feedback and views. Senior
managers visibly demonstrate 4. The Management Standards approach Two weeks Company
support and participate in aims to help identify where organisation is management
communication activities. in terms of performance and sets realistic
Employers are obliged to consult targets for improvement
employees or their representatives
on matters of health and safety.
Working with trade unions and
other groups containing
employees to ensure the
messages reach everyone

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Part 3: Prioritise 3 actions with justification for the selection
Suggested word counts
Moral and financial arguments for all actions: 300 to 350 words
For EACH action:
Specific legal arguments: 100 to 150 words
Likelihood AND severity: 75 to 150 words
How effective the action is likely to be in controlling the risk: 100 to 150 words

Moral and financial arguments for ALL actions

Moral, general legal and financial arguments MORAL

The company Malabar developers has a moral duty to protect their workers in construction sites.
Construction sites always have a possibility of accidents due to fire . This hazard can be prevented by taking
proper fire accidents control measures like placing fire extinguishers in various parts of the site commonly in
welding, electrical, plumbing, and workers staying areas. The company is also responsible for reducing
injuries, pain and suffering, promotes a fire safety culture to help improve morale
The health and wellbeing of workers plays a key role in the suitable development of the company.The
company has a clear-cut policy in health and wealth of workers to prevent substance abused hazards. It
affects the health of workers, other employees and employers and growth of the company. The company
should provide and conduct medical/ rehabilitation/ employee assistance programs to reduce these problems.
Drug and alcohol testing must be placed within the larger context of the moral and ethical issues of collective
rights of society and enterprises, and of individual rights, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights and international labour standards. Drug and alcohol testing programmes should fit within existing
arrangements for ensuring the quality of work life, workers' rights, the safety and security of the workplace
Malabar developers is required to comply with ILO convention C 167 and regulation R 26
The term fire-resisting construction means construction in which all walls, partitions, floors, stairs, roofs,
window frames and sashes, doors and other interior finish consist of fire resisting materials and designed to
withstand without collapse the burning of the contents of the building for a specified period of time.
Regulation 42: Portable extinguishers, portable fire-fighting apparatus shall be inspected at least once a
week. With respect to building sites the Construction (Design and Management)

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Regulations 2015 (CDM) define duties in relation to fire safety and identify factors that should be taken into
account when making fire safety arrangements; the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO)
(England and Wales) sets out who is responsible for enforcement.
Malabar developers needs to meet ILO convention C152 - Occupational Safety and Health and the Article 4
C and F states providing the information, training and supervision necessary to ensure the protection of
workers against risks of accident or injury to health arising out of or in the course of their employment,
developing and establishing proper procedures to deal with any emergency situations which may arise
ILO regulation R 9and R 10 space regulations, crowding space that are sufficient space shall be provided
around the individual machines or process units to allow for normal operation, adjustments, and ordinary
repairs, and for materials supplied, in process, or completed. Space in any building shall not be crowded with
machinery in a manner dangerous to employees, or be overcrowded with materials or products so as to
constitute a menace to them.
It was for this reason that the Governing Body of the ILO decided at its 259th Session (March 1994) to
convene a meeting of experts in Geneva from 23 to 31 January 1995, to consider a draft code of practice on
the management of alcohol- and drug related problems at the workplace. However, more protective national
or international standards or regulations, as well as more protective collective agreements, would override the
provisions of this code Persons who are recognized as such by national law or practice, in accordance with
the Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971 (No. 135)

Malabar developers have financial reasons to set up health and safety in the workplace including fire safety is
primarily the responsibility of the employer. Several financial impacts are loss of production, injury and loss of
life, loss of business continuity, liability of fines and payment of damages in respect of health related injuries
and losses at work. Cost of repairing and replacing damaged fire extinguishers, equipment and buildings,
uninsured costs of cleaning up operations after a fire, costs arising from damage to the environment, costs
associated with investigation of a fire, defending civil claim.
cost of medical treatment if workers caused accidents and based on their work company deal with insurance
policies and their claims associated with it. All these costs may link with the employees of the company their
health and protection. Accident recovering policies medical care safe working platforms are included in the
cost of confined space permit work form and procedures.
It is also estimated that up to 40% of industrial fatalities and 47% of workplace injuries can be linked to
alcohol consumption. Illicit drug use and alcohol abuse affect all employees, not just the users. Drug-using
employees are 2.5 times more likely to have absences of eight days or more, 2.2 times more likely to request
early dismissal or time off, 3 times more likely to be late for work, and 5 times more likely to file a worker’s
compensation claim. Also, in accordance with the medical/ rehabilitation/ employee assistance programs

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Justification for action 1

Action Developing a policy regarding gas testing must be carried out before entering confined space. (Hazard
category confined space)
Specific legal arguments As per the article 32 of c1b2 – occupational safety and health (Dock Work) Convention, 1979 (no. 152)
suggest that;
Adequate control measure should be implemented in order to eliminate any injury or accidents to health if
employees are entering to a confined space that contain harmful or toxic substances are present
The above law is not followed by this organisation if this violation continuous in future the organisation may
face legal consequences and enforcement actions

Consideration of likelihood AND severity The Likelihood of the accident occurring from people entering into confined space is very high as since the
construction is progressing many activities inside the confined space are there in the site such as
underground cables foundation of pillar storage tank for water ..A confined space activity without the gas
testing, the likelihood of this hazard is very high. Manhole maintenance or cleaning works is a high risk
activity. A work rendering confined space without gas testing the chance of getting oxygen deficiency is very
high. Manholes may contain toxic gases, oxygen deficiency, and oxygen enrichment. Workers inhale the toxic
gases that lead to loss of consciousness or it may lead to fatality. The severity of hazard will depend on the
depth of a confined space and sufficiency of oxygen level inside the manhole And most of the workers inside
the confined space will affect

depending up on the level of accident , the severity can be divided into 4 sub categories
Minimal: no injury or damage were occurred
Minor:small injuries but it can be cured by first aid
Major:in this case hospital treatment required
catastrophic:This is a crucial stage will occur coma and even death
The severity rating for this hazard being realized as catastrophic urjent hospital treatment chance for death
.In confined space hazard situations of construction site issues like lack of proper permit to work procedures.

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Confined Space that in this site are any vessel, tank, container, pit, bund, chamber, cellar or any other similar
space which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, creates conditions that give rise to a likelihood of an accident,
harm or injury. I found that in confined spaces workers doing their jobs without respiratory equipment, use of
proper safety measures without training causes several injuries. The severity in confined space accidents due
to improper use of protective equipment, training, smokes and oxygen deficiency in tanks and vessels also in
the case of site supervisors they didn’t check confined space properly.

How effective the action is likely to be in

Developing a policy regarding gas testing must be carried out before entering a confined space. A man hole
controlling the risk. This should include:
contains toxic gases or fumes. The gas testing process we can identify the other gases are inside the
● the intended impact of the action; manhole and also we can identify the oxygen level in the manhole. If we identify the oxygen level, we can
● justification for the timescale that you categorize the manhole safe or not. For developing a policy regarding gas testing must be carried out before
indicated in your risk assessment; entering the confined space
and I have given a time scale of one month for the establishment of safe conditions for the work to commence and
● whether you think the action will fully the maintenance of safe conditions for the duration of the work, including the provision of emergency
control the risk. arrangement, preparation of clear-cut work to permit form and purchasing protective equipment. It will take
one month of top level management approval. By developing this policy can control confined space hazards
in the workplace. In my opinion this is the best control measure of confined space.
This action alone won't fully control the risk , but also needs the workers to be alert about the risk behind the

Justification for action 2

Action Hire or buy a truck with hydraulic scissor lift for material shifting to high . (Hazard category, Manual handling)

Specific legal arguments Most of the worksite in the construction field is common for manual handling accidents. prolonged work under
manual handling may result in many problems to the human body . The ILO produced some conventions for
controlling the manual handling. THey Re
ILO convention maximum weight convention , 1967 (no.127)and recommendation (no.128)
C167- safety and healthy construction
C148-working environment(air,noise, vibration )

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This law represents the fixing of weight limits in the manual handling.
the most important of the safety convention is article 5 of c 127 and it states that each member shall take
appropriate steps to ensure that any worker assigned to manual transport of loads other than light loads
receives, prior to such assignments, adequate training or instructions in working techniques , with a view to
safeguarding health and preventing accidents . This will reduce the effect of manual handling . a breach for
this argument in worksite result in legal procedures

Consideration of likelihood AND severity Manual handling is very common among workers as they try to perform the job more easily , they don't realize
that the after effect of manual handling is very high. The main reason for this is lack of knowledge . so the
likelihood of health problems associated with this is also very high.it is very likely to happen injuries while
performing manual handling . working with alternate machines may take some time, but it will not harm the
human body.
The damage work has done on the body will not identify easily. it will reflect in the health of the workers after
some days or weeks . Some of the results are having a very severe condition such as back pain , spinal
problem etc. also other health effects associated with the manual handling are such as sprains and strains,
back injuries , soft tissue injuries wrist, arms , shoulders , neck or leg , spinal injury can be occured .
The severity of manual handling hazard can be cl;assified as Major as per justification 1 as hospital
treatment is required for the health problem . Some cases such as hand pain in hands and legs come under
minor categories . loading workers are mostly affected by the process . manual handling of loads may cause
cumulative disorders due to gradual and cumulative deterioration of the musculoskeletal system through
continuous lifting . minor injury starts with back pain and weakness if they continue work with this injury will
lead to paralysis or some times death . death can occur in some severe cases

How effective the action is likely to be in

As the projects are mostly constructions and buildings , the workers have to constantly move material and
controlling the risk. This should include:
goods to the top . they have to load them by hand . After buying hydraulic scissor lift all the loads and
● the intended impact of the action; materials can be taken to the top of the building at a single take and the manual handling can be reduced to
● justification for the timescale that you a great level.
indicated in your risk assessment; two months time is required because the best avai;lable machinery has to be identified for buying . Funds
and should be allocated from the management and training should be provided for the employees.
● whether you think the action will fully
with the help of small forklift truck and its activities combined with the activity of scissor hydraulic lift the risk
control the risk. associated will fully eliminated

Justification for action 3

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Action purchase automated floor cleaner that cleans floor after regular intervals(hazard category,slips and trips)

Specific legal arguments ILO R120 - hygiene (commerce and officers)recommendation , 1964(no .120)
occupational health and safety (dock work)convention 1979(no.152)
generally states that :
the law generally applies to the following establishment , institution , and administrative services , trading
1. all places in which work is carried on , or through which workers may have to pass or which contains
sanitary or other facilities provided for common use of workers and all the equipment has to be
properly maintained
2. floors and passages has to be kept clean
3. cleaning should be done with minimum amount of dust raising
4. cloak rooms ,lavatories , washstand , and other measure must be regularly cleaned

The above law is not followed by this organisation if this violation continuous in future the organisation may
face legal consequences and enforcement actions

Consideration of likelihood AND severity the likelihood of injury occurring from people falling on ground due to slippery conditions is very high. As since
the construction is progressing many types of fluids and oil are being used for daily activities, and in
machineries,many portable equipment are used for work activities leading to a lot of cable in the worksite, and
improper cable management in the site will increase the likelihood of accidents occurring. and most of the
slips and trips are affected by all the workers and others in the site.
depending up on the level of the accident,the severity can be divided into 4 sub categories
A. Minimal : To injury or damage occurred
B. Minor : small injuries but it can be cured by firstaids
C. Major : in this case hospital treatment required
D. catastrophic : This is a crucial stage will occur coma and even death
the severity rating for this hazard being realized as Major . While falling , the head may hit other solid
materials and severe injury can occur , also back pain will occur as a result of fall. severity depends on the
object hit and fall of height

How effective the action is likely to be in

slip and trip can not be fully eliminated by this method . but it can prevent almost 85% of the total accidents
controlling the risk. This should include:
that occur due to slip and trips . The machine will be cleaning the floor after each work shift and there will not

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● the intended impact of the action; be any oil leakages or spillages present . The machine is programmed to clean the floor with its unique
● justification for the timescale that you technique to remove the oil and lubricants present on the floor.
indicated in your risk assessment; I set out two months for the method to implement, because the purchase team has to find out the best
and machine and it has to be approved by the managing director and they have to order
● whether you think the action will fully
This action alone won't fully control the risk , but also needs the house keeping staff to take quick round up if
control the risk. it is use4d with conjunction with other control measure will control the risk fully
Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section:
● Planned review date or period and reasoning for this: 50 - 100 words
● How the risk assessment findings will be communicated and who needs to know the information: 100 - 150 words
● Follow up on the risk assessment: 100 - 150 words.

Planned review date/period with reasoning As per the company policy the review of risk assessment is taking place every 12 months. I did my risk
assessment on 10-04-2021 so I set out my next review date on 09-04-2022. Risk assessment will be
reviewed in case of any accident happened , near miss, suggestion from third party or enforcement agencies
How the risk assessment findings will be The right step after my risk assessment will be conducting a meeting with all managers, engineers and
communicated AND who you need to tell supervisors. i will convey my findings to them in the first place . a detailed copy of the findings and control
measures will be prepared by me and handover to each and every person who is attending the meeting .I will
instruct them to take copies and it has to be made available for each and every employee under them. The
important topics will be made as postures and it will be displayed in the notice board . a detailed copy will be
made available on the company's official website. The findings will be displayed in every place where the
workers have access.
I will conduct a small department wise meeting with workers and convey all my findings with them. A small
presentation will be prepared by me for showing the workers the importance of safety . a safety officer will be
told to add the main points in a tool box talks. i will follow up with the purchase team to buy the new
How you will follow up on the risk I will conduct visits to the workplace to check the effectiveness of my findings and control measures . i will be
assessment to check that the actions have in contact with top managers , supervisors , safety officers in the work site . Each entry in the accident and
been carried out incident record will be investigated by me . I will make unexpected visits to the site every month . i will look
whether all the control measures were followed correctly or not . I will advise the human resource team to
take action against people who violate the policy. and monthly accident and incident takes will be evaluated
by setting a benchmark

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