Measure of The Capacitance Coefficients of Square Electrodes Using Capacitance-To-Digital Converters
Measure of The Capacitance Coefficients of Square Electrodes Using Capacitance-To-Digital Converters
Measure of The Capacitance Coefficients of Square Electrodes Using Capacitance-To-Digital Converters
Journal of Electrostatics
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Article history: We measure the coefficients of self capacitance C11 and of interelectrode capacitance C12 of a pair of
Received 31 January 2017 square parallel plates, by using commercial models of capacitance to digital converters. The measured
Accepted 7 March 2017 coefficient depends on which charge is sampled, that of the excited electrode or that of the other one.
The analysis of the data at large distances is in agreement with the asymptotic formulas for the
capacitance coefficients. The different leading behaviour as a function of the distance gives coherent
independent estimations of the intrinsic capacitance of a single plate, in good agreement with the
Coefficients of capacitance
calculated one.
Asymptotic formulas for capacitance
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Capacitive sensors
84.32 Tt
1. Introduction commonly feasible. On the other hand, the design of a real sensor
often requires a complete knowledge of the absolute capacitance of
Since several years, the readout of a capacitive sensor (CS) has a set of conductors having a given geometry. Over the past 30 years,
been highly simplified through the application of Capacitance-to- a new generation of CSs and actuators has grown in the framework
Digital Converter (CDC). They directly convert an unknown capac- of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. A large
itance to a digital word. Nowadays, monolithic CDCs offer direct market of MEMS devices has been developed offering many in-
interface of analog sensors to digital systems. Currently, they are struments able to sense and regulate very small displacements and
the first choice for experimenters working with instrumentation forces through the measure and the control of a microscopic
based on CSs, both from the point of view of the cost and for the capacitor. In that kind of devices the dimensions of the micro-
limited needs of signal conditioning. Over the past few years, a electrodes are generally comparable to their separation and the
large number of papers have dealt with apparata in which the CDC field distribution around the electrodes must be considered in or-
readout of a CS is used in applications considered typical such as der to foresee the transfer function of the sensors.
with capacitive accelerometers or dynamometers [1,2], liquid level Although the analytical calculation of the capacitance of a sys-
sensors [3] or proximity detectors and also in more fundamental tem of conductors has been a challenging task since long time [6,7]
studies ranging from Earth's gravimetry [4] to the detection of tiny and exact solutions are available only for a small variety of geom-
traces of chemical substances adsorbed to one of the electrodes etries [8,9], accurate numerical techniques are largely applied for
forming the CS [5]. many typical arrangements of the electrodes [10e13].
In most of the experimental practice, an accurate accordance From the point of view of measurement technology, the changes
between the ideal model and the real device is not mandatory, in the capacitance value are detected by connecting the capacitive
since much of the interest resides into the relative changes of the sensor to an electric circuit and by applying an excitation signal, e.g
capacitance and an appropriate calibration of the sensor is a static or variable voltage, between the electrodes of the capacitor
and by registering the change of the amplitude, phase or frequency
of some electrical quantity such as current, voltage, charge at
* Corresponding author. appropriate test points of the circuit [14].
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Maccarrone).
0304-3886/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
E. Cataldo et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 87 (2017) 26e31 27
plates, realized in copper with a side L ¼ 25 mm and a thickness limit d/0. By symmetry, the two bodies stay equipotential. A finite
t ¼ 0.3 mm. Electrical connections are made with coaxial cables a electric field in the near limit would involve a discontinuity in the
few tens of centimetres long with the central conductor plunged charge surface densities, but the electric field between the two very
into a small connector soldered on a corner of each plate. One of the close surfaces at equal V is infinitesimal, so that both the charges
two plates is fixed vertically while the other, parallel to the first one, and the potential do not diverge at the moment of the contact
is mounted on a translational stage having both fine and coarse (d ¼ 0) at which the capacitors becomes a single equipotential
micrometer movement, spanning many centimetres with tenths of conductor. Then we have that the limit
millimetres accuracy. In the first experiment we fix the distance so
that the aspect ratio is k ¼ 0.08, and the fringe effects are not lim C11 þ C12 ¼ a
When we use the AD7745, one plate is connected to the input is finite and the divergence of the two coefficients of capacitance
CINðþÞ linked to the internal comparator and the other to the pin are equal and opposite. Denoting with S the divergent part of C12
EXCA carrying the reference waveform, the measure returned by we have:
the device was Cm ¼ 2925 fF. If the measure is interpreted as that of
the relative capacitance given by eq. (2), neglecting the fringe effect, C12 ¼ S þ O ðdÞ C11 ¼ S þ a þ O ðdÞ ¼ C12 þ a þ O ðdÞ
the expected value should be C0 ¼ 2763fF. At first sight, the
measured value is in partial agreement with the expected one, but and the relative capacitance C of the two conductors is for this
one must take in account at least the fringe effect. The numerical special case of identical bodies:
treatment of the case of two bidimensional square plates is well-
known in literature. For example, in Ref. [10] the numerical re- C11 C12
sults are presented as a multiplying factor g greater than one which
C¼ ¼ C11 þ a ¼ C12 þ a
depends on the aspect ratio. For the considered value of the pa-
For very close plates [9], the diverging term overcomes a, which
rameters, g 1:25 and the corrected value of the capacitance is
can be neglected in the near limit where
C ¼ gC0 ¼ 3453 fF, in severe disagreement with the measure. A
similar discrepancy is observed also using AD7747. We put one of C ¼ C11 ¼ C12
the plate at ground and the other in the CINðþÞ. With these elec-
trical connections the measured value is Cm ¼ 3904 fF a value not This explains why the readout of the CDC for a monolithic
compatible again with the expected one. capacitor having a gap very narrow coincides with the nominal
In order to solve the problem let us refer to the discussion at the value of the relative capacitance in both mode of operation.
end of section 2. In the first experiment, i.e. using the AD7745 and
with the plates floating with respect to ground, we are measuring 3.3. Capacitance coefficients as a function of distance
the absolute value of the interelectrode capacitance coefficient C12 ,
which value is actually negative. On the other hand, with AD7747, The experiments reported in the two previous subsections
the measured coefficient is C11 . The coefficients of mutual induc- strengthen the statement that AD7745 measures the absolute value
tion are equal by definition C12 ¼ C21 and the symmetry of the of the interelectrode capacitance C12 and AD7747 the self-
plates gives C22 ¼ C11 . With these conditions the relative capaci- capacitance C11 . This is not a limitation when one of the two in-
tance C of eq. (1) simplifies to: struments is applied to a sensor where the two electrodes are very
close. In that case the two coefficients tend to the same diverging
C11 C12 value, independently from the shapes of the electrodes. On the
2 other hand, the different value returned by the CDC when the
Substituting the measured values of the two capacitance co- interelectrode distance grows must be taken into account either if
efficients and taking care to change the sign of the value of C12 one an accurate evaluation of the capacitance is needed or the sensi-
finds C ¼ 3414 fF in good agreement with the expected value. This tivity of the sensor must be maximized.
result, easily reproducible, gives the first evidence of the principle In this subsection we describe a more systematic test reporting
of operation alleged in the previous section. the measurements of the capacitance coefficients of the parallel
plates as a function of their distance. Incidentally, it is worth
noticing that we are not aware of similar experimental data in
3.2. Capacitance of a monolithic capacitor literature.
By using the same plates described above, we collect data in the
Both models of CDC can be used to measure a commercial interval of interelectrode distance between 1 mm and many cm.
capacitor such as a multilayer ceramic chip (MLCC) or a monolithic The minimum distance is limited by the full scale value of both the
disk ceramic capacitor of few pF of capacitance. The two devices converters. In the first few tens of millimetres the read value was
return the same value within the declared accuracy, in close recorded at intervals of one tenths of mm and the steps grow up to
agreement with the nominal capacitance. In fact, those capacitors one mm in the far region. Particular care is taken in removing any
are realized in a quite small packages where the electrodes are very external conductor from the measured system, consisting in the
close together. Let us consider, for the sake of simplicity, two equal CDC, the two cables and the plates. The entire system is held up by
conductors having therefore C11 ¼ C22 and by definition C21 ¼ C12 plastic holders, maximizing the distance between the apparatus
placed at a tiny distance d. In order to ascertain the behaviour of the and all the other bodies, comprising those of the experimenters.
system when d/0, let us assume that the two plates are placed at But, even if the two plates are very far from any other major source
the same potential V. As the conductors are identical one finds that of electric influence, there is an inevitable contribution from
each plate brings the same charge; connection wires and the chip mount itself.
Particularly, as the measurement of C12 consists in sampling the
Q ¼ C11 V þ C12 V
stationary charge on the plate connected to the input channel of the
Let us now detach the plates from the potential sources so that CDC caused by the charging cycles on the other plate, the influence
the charges can not change and reduce the distance toward the of the cables can be reduced by maintaining the excitation wire as
E. Cataldo et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 87 (2017) 26e31 29
far as possible from the sampled side. Nevertheless, the two cables thickness (0.3 mm) of our plates, which is important for having
end to the very close chip pins, so a discrepancy between the accurate numerical results at very small distances. Even if a high
measured coefficient and that of the pair of isolated conductors is accuracy is time-consuming, it has been possible to make a precise
expected. Induction of the exciting wire on the sampled part of the quantitative comparison between the measured quantities and
circuit is reduced by using coaxial cables with grounded shields. those calculated with boundary element methods [19]. Details on
With that care the length of the wires has a minor influence on the our numerical algorithm will be discussed elsewhere.
readout. Fig. 1 shows a macroscopic discrepancy between measured and
In the measure of C11 the excited plate is also the sampled one calculated values: raw data tend at large distances to a value r
while the other side of the system is at ground potential. Then, a different from the calculated one. Roughly speaking, a typical
particular attention should be paid to the excitation cable: it decrease of few hundreds of fF is observed with respect to the
changes the sensed quantity, being a part of the conductor 1. The numerical calculation when the cable bringing the excitation signal
self-capacitance of an unshielded wire grows up with the length so is few tens of cm long and the value varies with the position of the
that it is possible to use only very short unipolar cables. If the plate connections. Quantitatively, the value of C11 should converge to the
1 is placed distant from the CDC a coaxial cable must be used intrinsic capacitance C1 , which for the plates considered is 1044 fF.
mandatorily together with a compensating mechanism, included in On the contrary, the asymptotic value extrapolated from the data is
the design of the AD7747 CDC. Nevertheless, we observe that if the only 720 fF. A similar offset is observed also measuring C12 although
coaxial cable is too long a systematic negative offset is introduced. of minor magnitude and with different sign. Those systematic be-
The magnitude of the shift must be taken into account if an accurate haviours are attributable to the fact that the two conductors are
measure is needed. In our experiment we estimated that the composed by the plates and the connections, mainly the wires and
discrepancy due to this effect is less than 50 fF. their attachments. In fact the magnitude of the discrepancy de-
It is well known that the two coefficients C11 and C12 , which pends mainly the length of the cables, their shielding and the
tend to equalize in the limit d/0 (see the last subsection), have a relative position of the attachments. As the scope of our actual
different asymptotic behaviour when the distance grows [18]. In experiments is to clarify the primary physical quantities measured
particular, C12 tends to vanish and C11 goes to a constant value. by the CDCs, we leave the problem of the absolute calibration of the
Physically, these limits are expected. In fact, C12 measures the capacimeter to a more refined version of the apparatus. It is worth
electrostatic induction of the conductor 1 on the conductor 2 and to note that the principal effects of these multiple causes of devi-
that mutual influence must vanish at large distances. On the other ation for each coefficient can be taken into account correcting the
hand, the coefficient C11 is the parameter describing the self- data with a uniform offset.
capacitance, i.e. the charge induced on the plate 1 when it is In Fig. 2 the same data reported in the Fig. 1 are shifted uni-
brought at a potential V1 , possibly in the presence of the second formly in the vertical direction, minimizing the square residuals
conductor. When the latter is very far C11 tends to the intrinsic between the corrected and the calculated data. For a number of
capacitance C1 of the plate 1 which is simply the ratio of the charge different geometries of the wires and of the connections the offset
Q1 to the potential V1 of the body very far from any other conductor. is of few hundreds of fF for the C11 and some tens of fF for C12. The
The two behaviours are shown in Fig. 1. right panels of the figure, showing the residual of the fitting pro-
In the absence of an analytic expressions valid in the entire cedure show a very good agreement, as in the entire range exam-
range of investigated distances, it is only possible a comparison ined the discrepancies do not exceed two per cent.
between computed and experimental data. Actually, several suit- These results show that the CDCs are suitable to be used to
able numerical algorithms apply to the calculation of the co- measure with good accuracy the coefficients of capacitance of a pair
efficients of capacitance, particularly for 2D plates. We have of plates. Of course, the same experimental procedure applies also
implemented a numerical procedure taking into account also the to more complex conductor bodies. In the hypothesis that the offset
Fig. 1. Coefficients of capacitance C11 (o) and C12 (þ) of two square copper plates
with side L ¼ 25 mm, as a function of distance. The raw data show clearly that the two Fig. 2. Left panel: same graphs as in figure, applying to the raw data uniform cor-
coefficients converge to the same value at very small gaps and that the asymptotic rections consisting in a shift of the measured values of the capacitances. Here,
trends at large distances are compatible with a constant value for C11 and to zero for DC11 ¼ 370fF DC12 ¼ 137fF. Right upper panel: Residual for C11 calculated as the
C12 . The continuous lines are the numerical calculation of the two coefficients, using a difference between the unbiased and the calculated data. Right lower panel: Residual
method of moments and taking into account the thickness of the plates. for the data of C12 .
30 E. Cataldo et al. / Journal of Electrostatics 87 (2017) 26e31
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions the apparatus and the data analysis in order to get deeper infor-
mation on less symmetric systems of two conductors.
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