Grigorie2008 PDF
Grigorie2008 PDF
Grigorie2008 PDF
In principle the accelerometer operation relies on the action ε A v22 ε A V12
of the input acceleration of a proof mass that has a Fel 2 = 0 = 0 (1 − cos 2ωt ).
2 (d 0 + x ) 4 (d 0 + x )
2 2
parallelipipedic shape and is placed on a substrate using four
silicon flexible bars (fig. 1 [13]). On the same substrate there are
two electrodes, placed on opposed sides of the mobile plaque.
The couple of fixed electrodes and the mobile plaque form two The frequency of supplying voltages is very high ( f = 105 Hz ),
capacitors whose capacities vary with the application of an so that the components with sine variation from equations (5)
acceleration that has the ability to change the proof mass are strongly filtered by the sensitive element that behaves like a
position. low-pass mechanical filter. As a consequence the two
r electrostatic forces can be assumed as constant and their
The physical quantities from fig. 1 are: m - proof mass, a ,
r expressions are:
y acceleration and position of the carrying vehicle, a x , x
acceleration and proof mass position with respect to the carrying ε 0 A V12
r r r Fel1 = ,
vehicle, Fe , Fa , Fi - the elastic, the damping and respectively 4 (d 0 − x )
the inertial forces. The absolute values of the three forces are ε 0 A V12
provided by the following equations: Fel 2 = .
4 (d 0 + x )
Fe = kx,
Fa = b , (1) r
dt Fel1
d y . d0
Fi = ma = m , x
dt 2 r
Fel 2
where k is the resulting elasticity constant and b is the viscous d0
damping coefficient.
r r r
Fe Fa Fi
x ax
m r
y a Fig. 2. Action of the electrostatic forces
b(x ) = μA ⎢ + , m
3 ⎥
⎣ (d 0 − x ) (d 0 + x ) ⎦
where μ is the air viscosity, A is the mobile plaque area and SIMULATION OF THE ACCELEROMETER BLOCKS
2d 0 is the distance between the fixed electrodes. Fig. 3 depicts the block diagram of the accelerometer
If the fixed electrodes are supplied by the voltages mechanical model. One denotes by C1 and C2 the lowest and
v1 = V1 sin ωt , highest capacities of the variable capacitors. They can be
(4) simulated as follows
v2 = −v1 = −V1 sin ωt ,
then the following electrostatic forces will act over the mobile
plaque (fig. 2)
ε 0 ε r A ε 0 ε r Ad 0 ε 0 ε r Ax sC3 R2
C1 = = + , Vi (s) = −V0 (s) . (14)
d 0 − x d 02 − x 2 d 02 − x 2 1 + sC4 R2
ε 0 ε r A ε 0 ε r Ad 0 ε 0 ε r Ax
C2 = = − . Using (11) and (13), the equation (14) becomes
d 0 + x d 02 − x 2 d 02 − x 2
2s 2C3 R2 ΔCV1 (s)
Vi (s) = − . (15)
(1 + sC4 R2 )[s(2C0 + C3 ) + 1 / R1 ]
d x dx
a + dt
1 dt 1 x
Σ - s s The block diagram of the detection device can be modeled as
+ -
depicted by fig. 5.
× μA2 ⎡ 1 1 ⎤ v1
⎢ + 3⎥
2m ⎣ (d 0 − x ) (d 0 + x ) ⎦
x ε 0ε r Ax ΔC − 2s 2C3 R2 vi
k d0 − x2
2 × (1 + sC4 R2 )[s(2C0 + C3 ) + 1 / R1 ]
Fig. 5. Block diagram of the detection device
ε 0 AV1 ⎡ ⎤
1 1 In order to simulate the system, one considers for it the
⎢ − ⎥
4m ⎣ (d 0 − x )2 (d 0 + x )2 ⎦
following parameters ([14]): m = 8,2mg , A = 12mm 2 ,
d 0 = 10μm , k = 83,3N/m , μ = 1,8 ⋅ 10 −5 Ns/m 2 ,
εr = 1 ,
Fig. 3. Block diagram of the mechanical model
If x << d 0 , one can consider the approximation f = 100kHz , V1 = 0,5V , R1 = 250MΩ , R2 = 820 kΩ ,
C3 = 1nF , C4 = 22pF , C0 = 10,6pF .
C1 ≅ C0 + ΔC , One represents the accelerometer block diagram in
C 2 ≅ C0 − ΔC , MATLAB/SIMULINK and determines the voltage vi with
respect to the input acceleration. The model from fig. 6 is
ε0ε r A m Fi
C0 = , Gain4 valori Fi x
valori x
d0 vezi x
(12) acceleratia + -2*R2*C3
ε 0 ε r Ax +
- 1/s 1/s f(u) *
ΔC = . - Integrator
Integrator1 Fcn2 Product1
Transfer Fcn1
valori vi
d 02 − x 2 Dc
* vezi Dc valori Dc
vezi vi
To determine the proof mass displacement x and, implicit the m Gain1 f(u)
applied acceleration a , the capacitive detection device must be Fa
valori Fa
coupled with a charge amplifier whose output voltage reflects vezi Fa
C2 + vi
vezi Fel valori Fel
x [m × 10 −6 ] From the graphic one can see that the electrostatic force Fel
8g is 3-order lower than the others but tends to a constant value.
7 During the transient regime the amortization and elastic force
6 change their weights from 100% to 0% and vice-versa during
their balancing.
This way, the amortization force presents an initial jump
4g toward the maximum value, then falls slowly and reaches 0 after
3 the mobile plaque movement amortization, while the elastic
2 force raises from 0 and becomes steady at a value that equals the
1 some of the other two forces. When the time-characteristics
from fig. 9 there were considered the senses of forces that act
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 over the proof mass.
t [s ] x [m ×10−6 ]
Fig. 7. Variation of the mobile plaque position x(t ) 6
ΔC [F × 10 −11 ]
4 6g
1.5 1g
1 -2
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
1g t [s]
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Fig. 10. Displacement x of the proof mass for sine inputs
t [s ]
Fig. 8. Variation of the capacity difference ΔC (t ) The analysis of system response for sine inputs reveals
Based on these observations one can expect a linear interesting conclusions. The time evolution of x displacement
dependence of the steady values of x with respect to a . In the of the proof mass for sine inputs with various magnitudes is
same time the dependence of the steady values of ΔC with depicted by fig. 10. The simulation was accomplished for sine
respect to a is expected to exhibit a strong non-linear behavior input signals with frequency of 40Hz and magnitudes of 1g ,
starting with a certain value of the applied acceleration. The 2 g , 4 g , 6 g and respectively 8 g . The effect of the system
non-linear features are also increased by the non-linear block
non-linear features can be noticed in this case too. The system
placed between x(t ) and ΔC (t ) , where the weight of x 2 from
answer, x(t ) , is a sine wave who presents distortions that grow
the nominator is increased as a is increased.
with the input signal magnitude. Quite from the beginning (for
We calculated the forces Fi (inertial force), Fel (electrostatic time intervals comparable to the time constants), one can notice
force), Fa (damping force), Fe (elastic force) and we visible phase changes between the outputs with different
represented them with respect to time for an interval of 0,025s magnitudes, but this effect is amplified in the high magnitude
inputs domain. Based on these notices one can conclude that the
(fig. 9). The model simulation was performed for a step-like accelerometer in open loop can be also used as a sensor within a
signal with the value a = 3 g , applied at t = 0,005s . limited range of accelerations.
Forces [ N ×10−4 ] The curves from fig. 11 and fig. 12 represent the steady
3 values of x(t ) and ΔC (t ) for accelerations within the range
Fi −10 g ÷ 10 g . The dependency x(a) is approximately linear,
proving that the mechanic model behaves well as sensitive
103 × Fel element within the entire range −10 g ÷ 10 g . The situation is
0 different with the capacitive position transducer. The curve
ΔC (a) reveals the introdu-cing of some strong non-linearities
for higher accelerations of 3 ÷ 4 g , so the measure range must
-2 be limited to −4 g ÷ 4 g .
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
t [s]
Fig. 9. Graphics of the forces
2ε 0 ε r AV1
vi (t ) ≅ − x sin ωt (19)
0.5 C 4 d 02
ΔC [F × 10 −11 ] vi [ V]
8 0.4
6 0.3
4 0.2
2 2g
0 0.5g
-6 -0.2
-8 -0.3
-10g -5g 0 5g 10g
a [m/s ]2 -0.4
0.02998 0.029985 0.02999 0.029995 0.03
t [s]
Fig. 12. Steady values of ΔC (t )
Fig. 13. Accelerometer’s response at step-like inputs
Considering the model from fig. 6, if one separates the part
According to the model from fig. 6, the sine voltage v1 (t ) is
between ΔC and vi , and perform a simulation for constant
modulated in magnitude by the signal ΔC (t ) . From (15), if inputs of ΔC , one gets the curves from fig. 14 (for ΔC > 0 )
C3 >> 2C0 , 1/ R1 → 0 and sC 4 R2 >> 1 ([14]), we get and fig. 15 (for ΔC < 0 ). Owing to the high frequency of the
signal, it was extracted along a short interval, analogous to the
Vi (s) = −
V1 (s), (16) procedure used for fig. 13. The magnitudes of voltages vi (t ) are
C4 direct proportional to ΔC . This confirms both the passing from
the equation (15) to equation (16) through approximation and
that is
respectively the converting from complex domain to time
2ε 0 ε r A x domain reflected by equations (16), (17) and (18). Another
Vi (s) = − ⋅ 2 V1 (s ). (17) relative simply observation is that the switching of ΔC sign
C4 d0 − x2
results in a modification of the signal vi (t ) with a value of π .
From the previous simulations one can see that the values of the
mechanic model time constants are as high as ten of ms. Owing
to the high frequency of the sine signal v1 (t ) ( f = 105 Hz ) one
can consider that the signal x1 (t ) is approximately constant with
respect to v1 (t ) and the equation (17) can be translated in the
time-domain under the form
−2ΔC 2ε ε A x
vi (t ) = v1 (t ) = − 0 r v1 (t ). (18)
C4 C4 d 0 − x 2
Practically, one must wait for the output signal of the load
amplifier vi (t ) to get the same shape as the sine signal v1 (t )
valori vin
vi [V]
vezi vin
vi -K- 0
valori vi
vezi vi Gain2 -1
Switch vezi vf
0 1 2 3 4 5
+ kA vin [V] t [s x 10-5]
-K- + vf
a2.s2 +a1.s+1 valori vf 10
intrare Gain1 Sum1
sinusoidala Transfer Fcn2
vd 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
Switch1 valori vd vezi vd vid [V] t [s x 10-5]
v1 Sign vid
valori vid
vezi vid
Fig. 18. MATLAB/SIMULINK model of the demodulator 0 1 2 3 4 5
t [s x 10-5]
vd [V]
Considering that the input is a sine function with the 10
magnitude Vi = 1V and the frequency f = 10 5 Hz (equal to 5
that of the voltage v1 (t ) ), the characteristics from fig. 19 and 0 1 2 3 4 5
t [s x 10-5]
fig. 20 are obtained. In both figures there are outlined the
voltage waveforms up to the input in the low-pass filter. In both Fig. 20. Voltage waveforms up to the input in
cases we considered the influence of acceleration sign over the the low-pass filter ( a < 0 )
signal phase of the input vi (t ) . Fig. 19 represents the voltages
due to a positive acceleration and fig. 20 depicts the voltages Considering the acceleration lower than 4 g , the proof mass
owing to a negative one. One can notice that the demodulator
operates as a rectifier: in the case a > 0 it rectifies along a displacements can be assumed as very low ( x << d 0 ) and
negative alternation and in the case a < 0 it rectifies along a equation (25) becomes
positive alternation. 2 2ε ε AV
The output of the phase-sensitive demodulator can be vf ≅ k a k A 0 r 2 1 x. (26)
calculated with π C4 d 0
1 Consequently the output signal v f is approximately linear
T ∫0
v f = k A vd (t ) = k A vd (t )dt =
with the displacement x of the proof mass and consequently
with the applied acceleration, but under the condition that the
1⎡ ⎤
T /2 T
vi [V]
1 k
0 m
0 1 2 3 4 5
ε 0 AV1 ⎡ 1 ⎤
t [s x 10-5] 1
vin [V] ⎢ − 2 ⎥
4 m ⎣ (d 0 − x ) (d 0 + x ) ⎦
-10 v1
0 1 2 3 4 5
vid [V] t [s x 10-5] − 2s 2C3 R2 ΔC ε 0ε r Ax
0 (1 + sC4 R2 )[s(2C0 + C3 ) + 1 / R1 ] × d0 − x 2
0 1 2 3 4 5 vin
vd [V] t [s x 10-5] -1
0 vi + vd kA vf
ka ∑
vid + a2s 2 + a1s + 1
0 1 2 3 4 5
t [s x 10-5] v1 1
In the above the blocks that form the accelerometer were values of the step-like inputs used for simulation were chosen as
simulated one at a time. The operation of accelerometer as a follows: positive and negative values, lower and higher
whole must be also considered, especially because in the case of magnitudes and respectively a combination between step inputs
intermediate and final blocks, the time-variations of the input that should outline the accelerator ability to follow be means of
quantities were not considered. These quantities actually come its output the input quantity. In this way, for simple step-like
from the previous blocks. inputs with the values a = 1g , a = −1g , a = 4 g and
The MATLAB/SIMULINK model that was used for the a = −4 g , the characteristics from fig. 23, fig. 24, fig. 25 and
entire simulation of the accelerometer is that depicted by fig. 22.
respectively fig. 26 were obtained.
In order to emphasize all the possible aspects of the problem, the
vi valori vin vezi vin
valori vi vezi vi
x v1 -K-
valori x vezi vf
vezi x Gain2
+ -2*R2*C3 kA
+ f(u) * -K- + vf
- 1/s 1/s C3.s+1/R1 +
acceleratia - Product1 Gain1 a2.s2 +a1.s+1 valori vf
Integrator Integrator1 Fcn2 Transfer Fcn1 Sum1
Sum Transfer Fcn2
* f(u) Dc
Product valori Dc
Fcn Vezi Dc Switch1 valori vd
vezi vd
Gain v1 vid
demodulare valori vid vezi vid
x [m x 10-6]
displacement x of the proof mass, the variation ΔC of the
variable capacitors capacities and the accelerometer output
voltage v f ). Other quantities were
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 x [m x 10-6]
ΔC [F x 10-12] t [s] 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
0 t [s]
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 ΔC [F x 10-12]
vi [V] t [s] 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
-0.05 vi [V] t [s]
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vin [V] t [s] 0.05
0 0
-0.4 0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vin [V] t [s]
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vid [V] t [s] 0.4
0 0.2
-0.2 0
-0.4 0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vid [V] t [s]
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vd [V] t [s] 0.4
0 0.2
-0.4 0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vd [V] t [s]
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vf [V] t [s] 0.4
0 0.2
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
-0.5 vf [V] t [s]
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
t [s]
evolution of all quantities from the block-scheme. Some of the Fig. 24. The time-evolution of all quantities from the block-
quantities were represented for the entire simulation period (the scheme for a = −1g
represented in the final stages of the simulation. It was the case x [m x 10-6]
when only the final stage of the signal and its modifications of
phase and amplitude (the voltage vi from the detection circuit
output, the output voltage vin across the inverting side of the 0
ΔC [F x 10-12]
0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
t [s]
demodulator and respectively the demodulator output voltage 0
vd ) presented interest.
x [m x 10-6]
4 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
vi [V] t [s]
2 0.5
0 0
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
ΔC [F x 10-12] t [s]
5 0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vin [V] t [s]
0 1
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
vi [V] t [s] 0
0.5 0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vid [V] t [s]
-0.5 1
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vin [V] t [s] 0
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
0 vd [V] t [s]
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vid [V] t [s] 0
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
0 vf [V] t [s]
-1 4
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03
vd [V] t [s]
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
0 t [s]
Fig. 26. The time-evolution of all quantities from the block-
0.02995 0.02996 0.02997 0.02998 0.02999 0.03 scheme for a = −4 g
vf [V] t [s]
0 − when the input value is increased, a higher difference can be
-2 noticed between the magnitude of vi and that of vd .
-4 One can notice certain symmetry of quantities, appearing for
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
t [s] the same values of inputs with opposite signs. Therefore one can
Fig. 25. The time-evolution of all quantities from the block- conclude that there is a symmetrical static characteristic v f (a)
scheme for a = 4 g for the studied accelerometer. The first 3 notices assert the
tendency of obtaining a nonlinear static characteristic but, on the
After the analysis of the four figures one can notice the other side, the 7-th notice asserts that within the range
following: −4 g ÷ 4 g the nonlinear influences of the mechanical model
− the time constants become higher as the scheme from input and of the detection circuit cannot be neglected, the dependency
toward output; Vi = f (a ) being approximately nonlinear. One cannot
− the time constants corresponding to the same quantity raise
with the input increase; guarantee the same thing for the relation v f = f (a ) . The 4-th,
− the time constants rest constant for the same quantity, for the 5-th , 6-th and 8-th notices prove the existence of a nonlinear
case of inputs with the same magnitude but opposite signs; dependency v f = f (Vi ) within the range −4 g ÷ 4 g . The
− a phase-difference occurs between the voltages vi and v1 ; it deviations from linearity of this dependency are not very high,
is reflected by the voltages ν in and vid , which present but are visible as compared to those of the dependency
passing with an observable value, on the other side of the null Vi = f (a ) . As a consequence one expects to obtain a static
axis; nonlinear charac-teristic v f = f (a ) , even within the domain
− phase-difference between the voltages vi and v1 raises when
−4 g ÷ 4 g .
the output quantity is increased and it becomes constant for
The graphical representation of the steady values of the
inputs with the same magnitude and opposite signs;
voltage v f obtained for various values of the acceleration
− the useful sign vd is lost, before its entrance in the low-pass
filter, through periodic passes, with considerable values, on within the range −4 g ÷ 4 g is depicted by fig. 27, representing
the other side of the null axis; a static characteristic. The shape of the characteristic comes to
− there is a certain proportionality between the magnitude of vi certify its symmetry with respect to the positive and negative
accelerations and some visible non-linearity are revealed, even
and the applied acceleration;
if the measuring domain was restricted to −4 g ÷ 4 g . The
accelerometer can operate within this range, because the
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
t [s]
Fig. 29. Accelerometer answer corresponding to the input from
fig. 28
Another reason for which the loop must be closed is due to
the time constants variation at the increase of a produces the
modification of the accelerometer cutting frequency, which
sometimes leading to an undesired filtering or passing of some