Lawy National High School: Weekly Learning Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province

Lawy National High School


Quarter 4 Grade Level 9
Week 1 Learning Area SCIENCE
MELCs Describe the horizontal and vertical motions of a projectile -S9FE-IVa-34
Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities
Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
c. Checking of attendance
d. Quick “kamustahan” Ask the learners to read their SCIENCE Quarter
4 Module 1 - Horizontal and Vertical Motion of a
A. Review of the past lesson Projectile.
Recall free falling bodies
Let them accomplish the given activities in a
Describe the horizontal Horizontal and Vertical B. Establishing the purpose for the lesson separate sheet of paper.
1 and vertical Motion of a Projectile Show a video clip on sports/ball games. Ask students about the term
components of the trajectory?(Azkals Game Philippines Vs. Bahrain) Learning Task No. 1:
velocity of a projectile
C. Presenting example/instances of the new lesson a. What I Know, pages 4-6
Ask the students if they noticed the curve paths? b. What’s In, page 7
c. What’s New, page 8
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1
Discuss, Projectile Motion, projectiles that move in two dimensions,
horizontal and vertical motions.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2

E. Developing Mastery
Answer Activity 1 Words Describe and Activity 2 Which Fall First , SLM
F. Finding practical application of concepts and skill in daily living
Cite some applications of projectiles to sports.
H. Generalization
Re-discuss the video clip of sports /ball games previously .
shown using projectile concept.

I. Evaluating Learning
Ask students of more games involving projectile concept and cite more
activities showing projectile motion
Begin with classroom routine:
a. Prayer Ask the learners to read their SCIENCE Quarter
b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols 4 Module 1 - Horizontal and Vertical Motion of a
3 Describe numerically Horizontal and Vertical c. Checking of attendance Projectile.
the various features Motion of a Projectile d. Quick “kamustahan”
associated with a
projectile’s trajectory A. Review of the past lesson Learning Task No. 2:
(e.g., components of Recall trajectory, horizontal and vertical motions.
displacement, velocity B. Establishing the purpose for the lesson a. What’s More, page 12
and acceleration); Show video regarding “PROJECTILE MOTION” b. What I Have Learned, page 14
then introduce the equations c. What I Can Do, page 15
C. Presenting example/instances of the new lesson
Unlocking difficulties (e.g. v=m/s

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1

Discuss the Understanding horizontal and vertical components
numerically and the steps in solving the problem.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2

F. Developing Mastery
Answer Activity 3 Problem Solving at SLM p.12
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skill in daily living
In what aspect in your life can we apply the concept presented?
H. Generalization
Ask students to generalize the relationship of horizontal and vertical
motions in projectiles

I. Evaluating Learning
Give one situational problem for evaluation. A football player kicked a
ball with an initial velocity of 20 m/s at an angle from the ground.

Use kinematic Horizontal and Vertical Begin with classroom routine:

5 equations to analyze Motion of a Projectile a. Prayer
and solve horizontally- b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols Accomplish Week 1 Learning Activity Sheet
launched projectile c. Checking of attendance
problems; and d. Quick “kamustahan”

Apply projectile motion A. Review of the past lesson

to daily activities. Show a picture of Angry bird launching then recall the previous activity

B. Establishing the purpose for the lesson
Introduce equations for projectiles launched at an angle.
C. Presenting example/instances of the new lesson
Unlocking difficulties (e.g. v=m/s

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #1

Discuss the steps in solving the problem.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skill #2
F. Developing Mastery
Answer Activity 3 Problem Solving at SLM p.12
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skill in daily living
Ask the students to cite some applications of projectile motion in real life
H. Generalization
Ask students to generalize the relationships between angle of release,
the height, the range and the time of travel of a projectile.

I. Evaluating Learning
Answer Learning Activity Sheet

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I School Head

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