SS3 Biology Lesson Note
SS3 Biology Lesson Note
SS3 Biology Lesson Note
1. i) Osmoregulation (water balance in the body) is defined as the process by which living
organisms balances the amount of water to mineral salts in its body fluids.
When the body contains small quantity of water and at the same time loosing water
through sweating such as during exercise the body start conserving water to prevent
damaging the body cell due to loss of water, the osmotic pressure of the blood
changes, the osmoreceptor in the hypothalamus in the brain detect the changes in the
osmotic pressure in the blood as the water content drops. The pituitary gland is
simulated to release more ADH (anti diuretic hormones or vasopressin into the blood
thus making the wall of the kidney tubules to be more permeable to water and so
water is reabsorbed into the blood by osmosis.
When there is too much water in the blood, the hypothalamus in brain releases less
ADH into the blood making the wall of the kidney less permeable to water so that less
water is reabsorbed by osmosis
ii)Excretion of urea – the kidney removes urea as waste product of metabolism from
the body.
iii)Maintenance of acids-base balance of the body- the acid-base balance of the body
fluid is maintained by the kidney. The PH of human blood is between 7.35 and 7.45
(neutral). Anything below or above this range is dangerous to the body. if the acid
content of the blood gets higher, the cells of the distal convoluted tubules reabsorb
more hydroxyl ions (OH) from the urine and more hydrogen ions (H+) or acid are
therefore excreted with the urine. On the other hand, if the hydroxyl ions content of
the blood gets higher, less hydrogen ions are produced by the cells of distal
convoluted tubule while more hydroxyl ions are excreted with the urine. In this way,
the acid-base balance of the body is maintained
iv). The kidney eliminates undesirable substances such as drug, alcohol and toxins
v)The kidney helps to maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood by regulating the
amount of mineral salt in the blood.
Kidney stone- This is a condition in which tiny solids e.g calcium phosphate present
in urine blocks the nephron or kidney tubules. When the solid becomes too large it
forms a kidney stone.
1.Drink sufficient water and other fluid such as fruit juices during hot to prevent the
urine from becoming concentrated
4.Drug capable of dissolving kidney stones may be given to the patient (oral acid)
Dieresis is the removal of excess watery urine from the body through the kidneys. The
situation occurs when the kidney tubules fail to reabsorb water from the glomerular
filtrate back to the blood.
Nephritis or oedema
This may be caused by streptococcus infection in the throat, ear, nose or elsewhere.
The poison produced by the germs when carried by the blood to the kidneys damage
the glomeruli. This will hinder the function of ultra-filtration in the glomerulus. The
glomerulus become inflamed and causing them permeable than normal.
1. Dizziness, fatigue, high blood pressure, convulsion, back pain, headache, fever and vomiting
may result.
2. Protein and blood cells pass into the urine
iii. Dialysis machine (artificial kidney) for filtering out waste from the patients’ blood
and body fluid.
In dialysis, the patient’s blood is passed through the machine by tubes which convey
his blood through the machine and back to his body. As the blood passes through the
machines, waste products pass into fluid the machine
The liver is the largest gland in the body. It is dark -red, spongy and lobed.
The lobes are caudate lobe, left lobe, right lobe and medium lobe. It is located below
the diaphragm by a ligament and partly overlaps the stomach. Underside of the right
lobe is a gall bladder containing is a bile duct which leads from the liver to the
duodenum. Blood is supplied to the liver by hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein.
Hepatic vein carries blood away from the liver.
1.Blood sugar regulation (Blood sugar constant)- Glucose in the blood stream is
maintained at a constant level called sugar constant, as low level of glucose would be
injurious to tissue of certain organs such as the brain that cannot store glucose.
Surplus glucose is converted by the liver cells into glycogen for storage under the
control of hormone called insulin. Glycogen is converted to glucose by another
hormone called glucagon in order to maintain a constant blood sugar level. The liver
also converts fructose and glucose for use by the body.
4.The liver makes and secrets bile which is used for emulsification of fat in the
process of digestion.
5.Formation of red blood cells in foetus but in the adult the bone marrow of long bone
form red blood cell.
6.Regulation of lipids by removing the lipid from blood and convert them to glucose
and oxidize them to release energy during aerobic respiration.
7.The liver produces heat which is distributed to all part of the body by blood
circulation thus regulating the body temperature.
10.The liver manufactures vitamin A from carotene and stores fat soluble vitamin
A,B/2 and D
1. Infections Hepatitis (or viral hepatitis)- This disease is caused by virus. Faces of infected
person many be carried to source of drinking water or food or palm wine. It may also be
transmitted by transfusion of blood of an infected person to an uninfected person. Both
forms of disease cause inflammation and destruction of liver cell if not treated.
1. Loss of appetite, nausea, weakness, fever, head ache, diarrhea, abdominal, discomfort, pain,
yellow eyes, and skin
1. Gall stone
This disease is caused by over concentration of bile thus preventing its flow. This
leads to crystallization of cholesterol in the bile to form stone. The stone may block
the bile duct, this stops the flowing of bile. It also cause high concentration of
bilirubin in the blood, tissue and bile which will result in overweight.
2.Skin and eyes turn yellow due to the concentration of bilirubin in the blood and
iiiAvoid overweight
v.Gall stones can be removed by oral administration of a bile acid or by sugar in case
of large stone
It is the abnormal outgrowth or uncontrollable swelling of cell which do not retain the
normal function of the tissues in which they arise. This continuous outgrowth
eventually will prevent the liver from performing its normal role.
The parasitic amoeba (Entamoeba histolytica) which causes amoeba dysentery is also
responsible for this infection. The parasite gets into the liver from large intestine via
the hepatic portal vein. It produces an enzyme that destroys liver tissue and cause an
abscess to form. Abscess is an inflamed swelling containing pus.
1. Diabetes mellitus
The disease is caused as a result of the inability of the liver cell to convert excess
glucose in the blood to glycogen due to the failure of the pancreas is produce a
hormone insulin, therefore excess sugar left in the blood and lost through
1. Drug therapy
2. Carbohydrate should be avoided
i)Which of the following is not a function of the liver ?(a)protein (b) heat production
(c) detoxication (d)emancipation of cell
ii)The largest internal organ of the body is (a) lungs (b)liver (c) kidney (d) skin
iii) Which of the following mammalian organs is not involves in homeostasis? (a)
tongue (b)liver (c)kidney (d)skin
iv)Which of the following is not a disease of the kidney? (a) hepatitis (b)nephritis (c)
diuress (d) oedema
ii)Mention any five Liver disease and explain any two of them
iii)Outline the functions of the liver and explain any two of them.
The endocrine system consists of gland that are locate at various part of the body and
which secrete substance called HORMONES. Other glands like salivary glands are
called EXOCRINE gland. They release their secretions through ducts to where they
are needed. Endocrine glands have no ducts, they are referred to as ductless glands
and their secretions are delivered straight into the blood stream.
Hormones are chemical substances produce in small quantity by the cells of one part
of the body and carried to all or some part of the body by the blood stream in animals
or vascular system in plant where they produce a response.
The activities of the various part of the bodies in higher animals are controlled and
coordinated by two coordinating system, these are nervous and endocrine system, the
nervous system act swiftly, instantly and electrically while the endocrine system act
slowly and chemically.
1. PITUITARY GLAND: This glad is located below the hypothalamus in the fore brain, it consists
of the anterior lobe of pituitary gland produce no less than six hormones . They are made up
of four tropic hormones, a growth hormone and prolactin .The pituitary gland is considered
as master gland because it controls other glands.
a.Thyroid stimulating hormone ( TSH) which stimulates the thyroid gland to produce
is hormone .
follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH) which causes follicle in the ovary to open mature
taste to initiate sperm function.
Luteinizing hormone (LH) which causes the release of mature egg (ovulation into
fallopian tube and secretion of testosterone in the testes.
The growth hormone ( somatotropin) this hormone stimulates the grow of long bones,
it increase the metabolic rate and promotes protein synthesis, over secretion of this
hormone in children cause GIGANTISM while under secretion causes DWARFISM
prolactin- this induces milk production in pregnant woman from the mammary gland
oxytocin this hormone induces milk secretion from the nipples and the contraction of
the uterine wall.
2.THYRIOD GLAND –it is located in the neck rust in front of the larynx . it provides
three hormones but the most important is the thyroxin, .second hormone being
calcitonin which lower the level of calcium in the blood by contracting effect of
parathyroid hormone . The thyroxin is formed from amino acid and iodine .It
regulates the growth and development of all body cells by increasing basal metabolic
rate .
Under secretion if thyroxin is secreted at a level less than normal before maturity it
causes CRETINISM. A cretin is a dwarf who is physically, mentally and sexually
underdeveloped. The under secretion or deficiency of this may lead to GOITRE if
under sec is after maturity the person is physically obese and mentally dull with a
reduced heart beat and lowered body temperature.
The gland is located in the loop of duodenum and pancreas is an organ that produces
both enzyme and hormone. A group or cell which are scattered throughout the
pancreas are called islet of Langerhans which secrete hormones called INSULIN from
the B- cells and GLUGAGON from the. A- cell
i)The insulin causes the conversion of excess glucose to glycogen for storage in the
These glands are located on top of each kidney. They secrete two main hormones;
each gland is made up of an outer adrenal cortex and inner adrenal medulla. The outer
cortex produces a group of hormones called the corticoids. The inner medullar
produces adrenaline and noradrenalin.
Functions: the corticoids regulate the level of potassium and sodium ions in the body
little adrenaline and noradrenalin are hormones produced at emergency that is when
over secretions
The sex hormones which produce male and female reproductive germs cells are the
tastes and the ovaries. the testis produces the male sex hormones called
ii-it aids the growth of penis and the maturations of the associated structure such as
testes and accessory glands
The OVARY produces female sex hormones which are OESTROGENS and
The production of sex hormones begins at puberty both in male and female and
continues into old age. The stimulations of sex hormones are brought about by the
There are about five hormones produced by plant but three of them are very important.
They are the auxins, gibberellins and cytokinin.
Among the neutrally occurring auxins that are known is the indole acetic acid (IAA)
is the most important. The auxins is produced in the actively growing and developing
part such as apexes of shoot and roots , developing leaves ,flowers ,fruits cambial
cells from where it is transferred t for short distance by diffusion while for long
distance through the phloem tissues .Auxins has been artificially synthesized .an
example of synthesized auxins is Dichlorophenocy ethanoic acids (2,4,-D).
Auxins affects the rate of cells division, elongations and differentiation of newly
produced cells.
I Auxins
ii GIBBERELLINS- are produced in young foliage leave and roots, a pieces of roots
and system as well as in embryo .
iii CYTOKININS-are produce in the roots, embryo and fruits that are actively
undergoing growth. Cytokinins are also growth promoting hormones like auxins and
1. ABSCISSIC ACID: The hormone is produces in matured green learned and fruits. It differs
from auxin, gibberellins and cytokinin in being a growth INHIBITOR. It induces dormancy in
bud and short such as under unfavorable condition of weather as well as playing a role in leaf
and fruit fall.
ethylene (ETHENE): The hormone produces hydrocarbon in young shoots and fruit
the hormone stimulates the ripening of fruit and suppress the development of internal
buds when activated by auxin
Functions of Auxins
PHOTOTROPISM of shoot: when light shines on one side of the shoot of a plant, the
auxin on that side is reduced and consequently the growth of that side slows down.
The side receives more auxins resulting in faster growth. This unequal growth
produces bending of the shoot towards the side receiving light.
1. Inhibition of lateral buds growth auxins produced in the terminal bud stimulate produced in
the terminal bud stimulate the growth or elongation of the main stem while at the same
time move downward to the stem to inhibit the growth of lateral bud.
iii. FRUITS DEVELOPMENT: After fertilization auxin are produced and sent to the
ovary causing rapid development of the ovary as it develops into fruit.
reduction of auxin at the base of petiole will allow formation of abscission layer will
allow shedding of leaves
1. `PATHENOCARPY- Auxins and other plant hormones induce parthenocarpy i.e fruiting
without fertilization.
Function of gibberellins
iii. It helps to retard the onset of aging in leaves by maintaining protein and nucleic
acid synthetic
1. It increases resistance of some plants to harmful effects such as viral infection, radiation and
low temperature.
1. The synthetic auxin commonly known as 2,4-D is used as a selective weed killer (herbicide) to
control weeds.
ii.Cytokines which prevent the aging process is used to store and preserve vegetables
1. Yam and potatoes have preserved for a long time by the application of auxin to tubers.
2. Synthetic auxin is used to seal up cut area of plant after grafting by inducing new tissues
3. Auxin are used as rooting powders which are applied to the ends if cutting to induce root
2b. State two functions of a named animal hormones and two functions of a named
plant hormones.
2c. Draw a diagram to show the location of the following hormones; adrenal gland,
thyroid gland, pituitary and ovary.
2d. State the effect of over secretion and deficiency of: (i) thyroxine (ii) adrenaline (iii)
insulin (iv) oestrogen.
3a The hormone in a mature female that causes the release of mature eggs into
the fallowpian tube is (a) follicle stimulating hormone (b)luteinizing hormone
(c)thyroxine (d) thyroid stimulating hormone.
The entire surface of the body is covered with skin. It is the extensive organs in the
body. The mammalian skin consists of two major layers - the epidermis and linear
dermis. Epidermis-This is further divided into three layers knows as cornified or
horny layer, granular and Malpighian layer. The cornified or horny layer is upper
most layer of the flat dead cells. This layer protects the body against loss of water and
entering of foreign bodies. It also protects the under lying layers from excessive
harmful radiation of the sun.
Gramular layer contains living cells. It lies just below the cornified layers. The cells
become gradually tightened and longer until they are up it cornified cells.
Malpighian layer is a layer of living cells where active cells division takes place.
The layer contains dark melanin pigment which gives the skin its colour. Black people
have more melanin than white people, this pigment is absent in Albino. Both cornified
layer, granular and Malpighian layers have Keratin which is responsible for the
toughness and flexibility of the skin.
The dermis is a thick of layer of connective tissues. This layer consists of blood vessel,
sweat glands, sebaceous gland, hair follicle, erector muscles, sensory cell and fatty
Blood vessels supply food and oxygen to the tissues of the skin, and the blood in the
capillaries determine the among of heat that is lost from the skin surface by radiation
and convention.
Sweat gland - is a coiled tube which arises from the dermis and continues as sweat
duct that opens at the surface of the skin as sweat pores.
The sweat gland is well supplied with blood capillaries from which the sweat gland
absorb waste product such as waste, sodium chloride, small amount guinea as sweat
and sent them to surface
Why the skin through the sweat pore? When the sweat evaporates from the skin, it has
a cooling effect on the body. It also concerned with temperature sebaceous gland.
Each hair follicles are supplied with at least two sebaceous glands which secretes
only substance called SEBUM which imbrications the hair and keeps it flexible. The
sebum also contain lysozyme which kills bacteria and viruses.
Each hair lies a deep pit called hair follicle of the hair itself projects out by the skin is
the hair. Erected hair shaft traps a layer g air between them to prevent heat loss by
convention which is a function in temperature regulation.
The call of the produces the hair and hair itself is made up of protein called Keratin.
HAIR ERECTOR MUSCLES This a slender muscle which runs each from each side
of the hair to the base of the Malpighian layers. The contraction of the muscle makes
the hair to stand upright and its relaxation.
FATTY CELL (ADIPOSE TISSUE)These cells are formed below the dermis .They
are round in shape and act as insulating Layers against heat loss. They also act as
energy reserve and protect the skin from mechanical danger
1. PROTECTION-The skin protects the body against entrance of microbes, mechanical injuries,
ultra-violet rays of sunlight and desiccation by acting as water-proof. The melanin absorbs
the utral-violet rays which is harmful to the body
2. SENSITIVITY. They contain different sense receptors which are to different environmental
stimuli such as heat, pressure, cold, touch, and pain.
3. EXCRETION AND OSMOREGULATION-The sweat gland excretes surplus water containing salt
and some little among of waste nitrogenous substances mainly urea.
4.STORAGE OF FAT-Fats are stored under the dermis where they act as insulating
5.THE MAMMARY glands of mammals are modification of the skin which produce
milk feeding the young ones.
(a)when the environment is hot. In hot weather the body temperature goes up, and the
followings happens to maintains a constant body temperature.
1. VASODILATION during which the blood vessels under the skin dilate which causes more
blood to flow to surface of the skin. This allows heat to lost by radiation, conduction and
LOWERING OF THE HAIR-The are lowered and erector muscles relaxes thus
lowering the hairs of the body therefore the layer of the air between the hairs and the
skin is thin. Thinness of the air allows more heat to be lost from the body.
(b)When there is cold, the body temperature falls and followings happen.
HAIRS ARE RAISED-The erector muscles of the hairs contract making hairs to stand
erect. A layer of thick air is trapped between them. Air being a poor conductor of heat
insulate the body and less is lost conduction, convection and radiation.
1 Bathe regularly with soap to remove dirt, sweats and natural oil from the skin.
V1. Treat skin diseases such as eczema, chicken pox and small pox.
V111.Avoid the use of injurious chemicals such as bleaching cream and soaps in
order not to destroy the melanin pigment.
ii). Describe how the mammalian skin can react to regulate the body temperature in a
hot room.
iii). In tabular form, state the causes, effects and remedies of the following liver
diseases, infectious hepatitis, cancer and gall stones.
(c)Keeping cool in hot countries by wearing loose fitting light coloured clothing.
1. i) The part of the skin where melanin and keratin are stored is (a)Malpighi an layer
(b)cornified layer (c) dermis (d) granular layer
ii)The structure that is not found in the dermis of the skin is (a) sebaceous gland (b)
nerve endings (c)hair shafts (d) sweat gland
iii) The function of the sebaceous gland is the (a) secrete common salt (b) secrete
sweat (c) secrete water and salt (d) produces vitamin D for the skin
1. iv) In cold condition, the mammalian body reacts in the following ways except (a)shivering of
the body (b) dilation of the capillaries supply blood to the skin (c)constriction of blood
capillaries in the skin (d) increases the rate of chemical changes
v)Which organ removes the largest quantity of water from the blood? (a)lungs
(b)intestine (c)kidney (d)skin.
Coordination is the process by which all actions of different parts of the body of an
organism are harmonized to achieve different objectives
All metabolic processes in the body of an organism do not function individually but
are closely linked and dependent on each other for effective function.
(1)Endocrine system
(11)Nervous system.
Coordination is the process by which all actions of different parts of the body of
organisms are harmonized to achieve definite objectives.
All metabolic processes in the body of an organism do not function individually but
are all closely linked and dependent on each other for effective function.
The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain which is enclosed in the
cranium or brain box and spinal cord which runs down the centre of vertebral column
The brain is the most specialized organ of human body. it is composed of millions of
nerve cells called neurons. It is protected by the skull, cranium or brain box. The brain
is divided into three important portions.
1. Fore brain
2. mid brain
FORE BRAIN: The fore brain is divided into three parts. The cerebrum, olfactory
lobes, thalamus and hypothalamus.
The CEREBUM is the largest part of the brain and it is made up of right and left
hemispheres which are separated by a deep furrow called median fissure. The two
halves are connected by a band of fibre called CORPUS CALLOSUM. The outer
surface of the cerebrum is called cerebral cortex and is deeply folded in irregular
pattern or convolution which increases the surface area of the cerebrum. The cortex
consists of grey matter outside as a result of the colour of unsheathed nerve cell, while
the inner part of the cerebrum is called white matter because the nerves cells are
sheathed. Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into four lobes namely the frontal,
temporal, parietal and occipital lobes.
iii. It collects information from sense organs and store such information (e.g. learning
and behaviour)for later use
OLFACTORY LOBES- These are two small structures placed anteriorly on the
THALAMUS- These are two ovoid structures attached to the back of the fore brain. It
contains masses of grey matter.
iii. It receives impulses from mid brain, hind brain and spinal cord
It lies below the thalamus and is connected to the pituitary gland. It contains reflex
centre linked to the autonomic system. it plays important role in homeostasis
1. it controls osmoregulation.
The mid brain is narrow and short with thick walls portion which connects the hind
brain and fore brain together. It consists of optic lobes, pineal body and pituitary
The hind brain consists of three parts namely cerebellum, medulla oblongata and Pons
It is located below the back of the cerebrum, oval in shape and consists of two
hemispheres. It is less convoluted than cerebrum. The surface is covered with grey
matter while the inner side is composed of white matter. It is connected to the semi-
circular canals of the ears.
It connects the two halves of the cerebellum and cerebrum to the medulla oblongata.
It is made up of thick bundles of nerve FIBRES.
The medulla oblongata connects the cerebellum to the spinal cord. In medulla
oblongata the white matter surrounds the grey matter. It is in the medulla oblongata
that right and left motor fibers from the brain cross over each other, so that the left
hemisphere controls the right side and the right hemisphere controls the left side of
the body.
1. it controls many actions or movement of the body especially those concerned with
respiration, heart-beat and digestion.
2. it controls the constriction and dilation of the blood vessels thus regulating blood pressure.
human brain
1. it coordinates simple reflect actions like knee jerk and automatics reflexes such as sweating.
2. it acts as a pathway between the spinal cord and the brain.
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of all nerves outside the brain and
spinal cord. These are made up of sensory nerves which arise from all parts of the
body to the central nervous system and the motor nerves running from the central to
all parts of the body. The peripheral nervous system receives signals changes from the
environment registered by the receptors or sense organs and send them to the central
nervous system which integrates the information .it receives and send appropriate
messages to the effectors accordingly.
The PNS consists of twelve (12) pairs of cranial nerves and thirty one (31) pairs of
spinal nerves. The cranial nerves arise from the brain while the spinal nerves arise
from the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system is subdivided into two systems.
These are;
The somatic nervous system consists of nerves without synapses lead from the brain
through the spinal cord to skeletal muscles. They deal mainly with external stimuli
and their responses. The sensory nerves transmit impulses from the external stimuli to
the central nervous system and relay responses through the motor neurons or the body
causing the body movement. The motor neurons stimulate the effectors i.e. muscle
and glands. The somatic nervous system controls activities that are mainly voluntary.
The autonomic nervous system is the part of the peripheral nervous system which
controls the involuntar7y actions inside the body such as the rate of heart, sweating,
and peristaltic contractions of the intestine. The neuronal of the autonomic nervous
system are connected to involuntary muscles of the internal organs.
The autonomic nervous system comprises of sensory and motor neurons. It arises
from the central nervous system and is connected to different internal organs.
These two systems help to regulate the vital internal organs such heart, eye, lungs,
kidney etc. maintaining a system of check and balances
vii. Raises the blood presume it stimulates the secretion of salivary glands
Salivary gland
A neuron or nerve cell is defined as the basic unit of nervous system which is
responsible for the transmission of impulses within the body. The neuron is the
functional unit of the nervous system. The neurons are found in the brain, spinal cord
or nerve fibers of animals which are responsible for receiving and transmitting
A neuron consists of three major parts. The cell body, dendron/dendrite and axon, The
cell body (soma) consists of the nucleus and cytoplasm. The dendron are projections
from the cell body which each dendron branches to form many fine dendrites. The
dendrites carry impulses towards the cell body. The axon is made up of single, long
fibre which transmits impulses away form the cell body. Each axon is enclosed within
a fatty myelin sheath and outer lawyer of neuralemma- The myelin sheath which is
formed by Schwann cells is interrupted. at interval by constriction called nodes of
Ranvier. They myelin sheath insulates the axon and also facilitates the transmission of
impulses.Neurones are joined end to end in a special away to form a nerve. The axon
of one neuron forms a junction with the dendrite of the next neuron where two meet is
a nerve junction called synapse.
Classification of Neurons
There are three types of neurons these are sensory, motor and intermediate neurons .
1. Sensory (afferent) Neurons:- these neuron which transmit impulses from sensory cell or
receptor towards the central nervous system and spinal cords. The dendrites are connected
to other neurons.
2. Motor (efferent) neurons. These are neurons that transmit impulses away from the central
nervous system to the effectors organ e.g muscles and gland. The dendrites are connected is
intermediate neuron while the axon is connected to an effectors
3. Intermediate (association) Neurons, are neurons that joins the sensory neuron with motor
neuron. In order words, it transmit impulses from one neuron is the other within the central
nervous system both their dendrites and axons are connected to other neurons.
When a stimulus reaches the neuron, the sodium channel or gates in the cell
membrane opens causing sodium ions to rush into the all. This immediately
depolarized, then the interior of the cell momentarily develop a slight net positive
charge with respect to membrane outer surface
At the same time, the sodium in the membrane close, the potassium gates in the
membrane open, causing K+ to flow out and reestablished the original resting position.
A nerve impulse passes across synaptic gaps chemically and not electrically. When an
electric impulse reaches the end of an axon, it stimulated the synaptic knobs to secrete
a neurochemical called Acetylcholine which binds k special receptor sites on the
adjacent neuron’s membrane , causing the sodium gates to open . This triggers off an
impulse in adjacent neuron in the same way . This is known as firing the second
neuron . The neurochemical is quickly destroyed by enzyme called
Chlorine terase which render the acetylcholine inactive thereby preventing it from
accumulating at the synaptic gap Neurochemical can only move from the axon’s
synaptic knob to the target cell membrane, so impulses are always transmitted in one
direction only
1. Messages are passed mainly as electrical impulses along nerves. Messages are passed as
chemical substances.
2. Responses is fast Response is slow
1. Response is not depending on quantity of stimulus. Too much or too little can cause
metabolic disorder.
2. It is controlled by the brain and spinal cord It is controlled by the pituitary gland.
3. Effectors (muscles) and gland receive the messages. The target organs receive the messages.
i)The point where two nerve cells are joined together is (a) dendrite (b)axon
(c)synapse (d)myelin sheath
1. ii) The central nervous system is made up of (a) brain and liver (b) liver and kidney (c)
kidney and skin (d) brain and spinal cord
iii) The ions that are responsible for transmission of impulse are (a)sodium and
potassium ions (b)iron and calcium ion (c)sodium and iron ions (d) potassium and
calcium ions
iv The chemical that fills the synapse to convert electrical chemical to transmission
(a) choline (b)acetyl ion (c)acetylcholine (d) acetyl cholinesterase
1. v) The part of the brain that controls the hormonal system is (a) hypothalamus (b) optic
lobe (c) auditory lobe (d) pituitary gland
2. vi) Muscle contraction is controlled by (a)cerebrum (b)pons varolli (c)medulla oblongata (d)
vii) Voluntary movement of a mammal are coordination by the (a) medulla (b)
forebrain (c) cerebellum (d)cerebrum
viii) The structure that detects mechanical stimuli such as sound, gravity, pressure,
pain and vibration is (a)mechanoreceptor (b)chemoreceptor (c) thermos-receptor
1. ix) The structure that help the eye to nourish the eye cell is (a) choroid (b)sclera (c) retina (d)
eye lashes
2. x) The most refractive part of the eye ball is (a) cornea (b)lens (c) aqueous humour
(d)vitreous humour
3. xi) The bones of ossicle at the center is (a) anvil (b)stirrup (c)malleus (d)stape
xii) When the lens and the ciliary muscles lose their elasticity, a disease called-----
result (a) astigmatism (b) squinting (c)presbyopia (d)short sightedness
xiii) Which of the following parts of the eye is not involve in the image formation? (a)
retina (b)lens (c)yellow spot (d)blind spot
xiv ) Which parts of the ear affect balance and posture? (a)semi-circular canal (b)
cochlea (c) oval window (d) ossicle
1. xv) The main organ in the inner ear that is responsible for hearing is (a) sacculus (b)otholith
(c)utriculus (d)cochlea
xvi) Which of the following structures occupies the neural canal of the vertebral
column? (a) cerebellum (b)hypothalamus (c) medulla oblongata (d) spinal cord
xvii) Which parts of the tongue is sensitive to bitter taste? (a)tip (b)side (c)middle (d)
xviii) An example of a conditional reflex action is (a) cycling (b)typing (c) riding
(d)all of the above
xix) The grey matter of spinal cord consists of (a)bundles of fibre (b)axons (c)cell
bodies and synapses (d) dendrites
1. xx)
The reflex arc represents the series of neurons which impulses have to pass in order to
bring about a reflex response. The events that occur during a reflex action when a
person suddenly touches a hot object can be outlined as follows:
On touching the hot object, the nerves ending of a sense organ e.g skin are stimulated.
The impulses are transmitted through the sensory neuron passing through the dorsal
root ganglion into the spinal cord. A ganglion is a complex set of synapses. Form here;
the impulses are relayed via synapses into intermediate neurons through another
synapses to the motor afferent nerve. This passes through the ventral root to the motor
(effectors) organ which brings about a response. The impulse causes the muscle of
the hand to contract thereby removing the hand from the painful stimulus and prevent
injury to the ti
Voluntary Action is an action initiated and controlled by the conscious part of the
brain. Voluntary actions are various activities we usually think about before we do
them. For examples writing, walking, running, reading, talking, driving, swimming,
typing, dancing and climbing.
Sneezing Irritation of nasal mucous membrane Quick and violent contraction of the
abdominal muscle.
Salvation withdrawal reflex Small of food hot or sharp object Flow of saliva
contraction of muscle resulting in immediate withdrawal form of the object.
Knee jerk Tap on the tendon which causes the muscle to stretch Muscle flexes and the
lower leg is raised.
Conditioned Reflex
Condition reflexes are those behaviors’ which are acquired through learning. Such
actions can be repeated without thinking about it. Most of our behaviors are
conditioned reflexes. Examples are walking, driving, reading, writing, typing, cycling
and swimming.
1. It helps individual to acquire new skills through the learning of such habit.
2. It helps to develop certain behaviors which are not originally shown in the individual.
iii. The principles was used by a Russian biologist Ivan Pavlov in 1902 in the training
of dogs for their role in crime detection and for security.
1. Unhealthy behavior like smoking, drinking, and drug taking may become bad habit
when acquired through conditioned reflex be difficult to stop.
Differences between
Sense organs are special organs that receive information inform of impulse from
outside and send them through neurons in never fibres to the spinal cord and brain.
They include organs of eye, ear, skin, nose and tongue
The mammalian skin has a very rich supply of sensory receptors. These detect stimuli
that enable us to feel, touch, pressure, pain, cold and heat. The skin can therefore be
consider to be a sense organ, though, it is not specialized in detecting only one type of
stimuli like the other sense organs .
Sensory receptors in the skin are mainly dendritic endings of sensory neurons, that is
they are primary sense cell .Some of these dendrites are finely branched with free
ends .Other are enclosed within capsules. Sensory receptors are not evenly distributed
throughout the skin . Each type is more concentrated in certain regions which are thus
highly sensitive to that particular stimulus than the other region of the skin. The
following are receptors present on the skin.
(b)CHEMO RECEPTOR: They are the receptors in the skin that detect response to
The eye in man and other animals is the organ for sight. The mammalian eye is
roughly spherical in shape. It is located in a protective cavity in the skull called eye
socket .The eye lashes protect the eye balls from tiny particles .The secretion of the
tear glands washes away dust particles .The eye ball is made up of three layers. The
outer is the sclera or sclerotic coat. It is the white portion of the eye which is
extensively tough and protects all the inner parts. It also protects and maintains the
shape of the eye ball. The sclerotic layer bulges out in front to form a transparent and
convex tissues called cornea.
iii)It helps the lens to bend light rays to form an image on the retina.
The middle layer of the eye is the choroid layer which is dark in colour due to the
presence of its black pigment. It also contains melanin (a black pigment which
enables it to prevent the reflection of light rays within the eye.
i)The choroid supplies food and oxygen to other parts of the eye especially the retina.
ii)The black pigment (melanin) helps to absorbs light rays thus prevents internal
reflection within the eye.
Iris; The choroid forms the iris in front of the eye lens .It covers the lens except the
pupil which restricts amount of light entering the eye so that a clear image is formed
on the retina.
The innermost layer is the retina which is very sensitive because it contains receptive
cells or light sensitive cells called rod and cones.
The rods are sensitive to dim light and colourless vision since they are unable to
detect colour.The rod cells contains a sensitive pigment called visual purple or
The cones are sensitive bright light and able to detect colour.They contain a
photochemical substance called iodopsin which is not easily bleached by light .The
yellow spot or fovea is the most sensitive point on the retina where the sharpest and
clearest image can form and also it receives detail information for transmission to the
brain. The blind spot is a point on the retina where the nerve fibers leave the eye ball
to form the optic nerves ,the point is not sensitive to light since there are no rods or
cones there .The optic nerves carry impulse from the retina to the brain.
The eye lens focuses light unto the retina .It is crystalline and bi-convex in shape .It is
attached to the ciliary muscle by the suspensory ligaments .The suspensory ligament
divides the eye chamber into two parts ;an aqueous humour and vitreous humour,
each chamber is filled with a clear liquid of different density. The space between the
cornea and the lens is filled with thin watery fluid called aqueous humuor which help
to hold cornea together and bend light rays. The vitreous humuor is a jelly-like
transparent substance that filled the interior part of the eye ball .It helps to keep the
shape of the eye ball and also allow for bending of the light rays. The pupil is a small
hole in the iris which help to regulate the amount of light rays entering the eye..
Mechanism of Seeing
Light rays from an object enters the eye through the cornea which causes the light
rays to be refracted and pass through the aqueous humour which further
Bends the light rays before entering the lens through the pupil. The lens further bends
the light rays and focuses them on the retina especially on the yellow spot. The light
rays passes through the vitreous humuor .Further bending of the light rays occurs
again. The light rays on reaching the retina stimulates the rods and cones forms an
inverted image on the retina .The inverted image is smaller in size than the object.
Impulses are sent through the optic nerves the optic lobes of the brain, then to visual
cent cerebral hemisphere where the actual size and colour of the image are
interpreted correctly.
Accommodation is the ability of the human eye to focus far and nearby object on the
retina .It is brought about by the contraction and relaxation of the ciliary muscle.
Accommodation decreases with age.
2) Hypermetropia or Long sightedness-In this case ,light rays from near object are
brought to a focus behind the retina .The eye can see distant object. This occurs when
the eye ball being too short or the eye lens being too flat. This type of eye defect can
be corrected by using spectacles fitted with suitable convex or converging lenses The
convex lenses help to converge rays of light before they enter the eye , so that they
come to a focus on the retina.
3)Astigmatism-It arises from unevenness in the curvature of the cornea which parallel
rays of light from a distant object not be refracted to the degree by different areas of
the cornea which result to a clear image not being formed on the retina .Astigmatism
can be corrected by wearing spectacles made with cylindrical lenses.
4)Presbyopia-This occurs at old age when the lens and the cilliary muscle of the eye
gradually loses their elasticity.The lens can no longer adjust its shape to focus the
image of clearly on the retina.This is described as a loss in accommodation.The
correction is by wearing spectacle fitted with bi-focal lenses.A bi-focal lens is
combination of a concave and convex lens.
5)Cataract-This is an eye disease in which the sufferer develop a cloudy area either
in one or the both eyes lenses.It causes partial or complete blindness if not attended
to .The is by surgical operation.
6)Colour Blindness- When one type of colour receptive cone is missing on the retina,
the person concered will not able to distinguish this colour from others.For example ,
if the red sensitive cone is lacking, the person will not be able to identify a red
colour.The person will percieve red colour as green.Colour blindness is an inherited
sex-linked character showing up in male child.
The ear of a mammal such as human ear consists of three main parts ,the outter
ear ,the middle ear and the inner ear.The outter ear consists of the pinnae,the auditory
canal or meatus and the tympanum or eardrum .The major function of the pinnae is to
direct sound waves and the tympanum is the fist call of vibration.The middie ear is an
air-filled cavity containig three small bones called the ossicles whose function is to
transmit and magnify the vibration aready started by the tympanic membrane.The
outer ossicle is malleus or hammar which is connected to one end of the eardrum and
the second ossicle is the called incus or anvil and the third ossicle is called stape or
stirrup which touches a flexible membrane between the middle inner ear membrane
called oval window .The three tiny bones magnify transmit sound vibration from
eardrum to the oval window.The middle ear also contain eustachain tube which is an
air –filled cavity whose function is to equalise the air pressure on either side of the
eardrum with atmospheric pressure.The inner ear is made up of complicated and
interconnected canal and sac.The membraneous labbyrinth is made up of three semi-
circular canals; utriculus, sacculus and cochlea.Inside the membraneous is a fluid
called endolymph which filled the utriculus, sacculus, sem-circulus and
cochlea.The semi-circular canals are attached to the utriculus.They are loop- shape
and lie at right angles to one another .They contain sensory cell and sensory hair cell
called otoliths which are concerned with balancing and maintanace of posture of the
body.The cochlea is a coiled tube in the inner ear and it contains nerve cells sensitive
to sound vibration and the function is for hearing.The cochlea changes
sound vibration to nerve impules which will be sent the brain through auditory
i)Hearing of sound
ii)Awareness of the position of the body thereby maintaining rhe balance of the body
Mechanism of Hearing
Souns waves entering the pinnae are directed into the auditory canal which make the
eardrum to vibrate .The vibration sets the ossicles into a greater vibration.This
vibration greatly amplified in the middle ear,which the oval window to vibrate far
more than the eardrum because of its smaller size.The in the oval window are
passed on to the endolymph in the cochlea and cause the membrane carrying hair
cells to vibrate .The vibration the hair cell to set up a nerve impulse.The is carried
through the auditory nerve to auditory region of the brain where is interpreted as
i)The ear should be cleaned regularly with cotton to remove the wax.
ii)The use of sharp object or pointed object while cleaning or scatching the ear should
be avioded.
Organ of Smell(nose)
The rgan of smell in human is the olfactory organ.Several sensory nerve endings are
found in the roof of the nasal cavity.Theolfactory organ functions well when the nose
is wet.Smell receptors are sstimulated by chemlcals when particles of volitile
substances dissolve in mucus layer over the smell receptor in the nostril.The
stimulation of the receptor cells give rise to nerve impulses which travel through the
olfactory lobe of the brain.The brain interpretes the kind of smell.
Ogan of Taste(tongue)
The tongue is the organ responsible for the sense of taste .Sensory cells for taste are
grouped into buds located on the tiny swellings on the exposed surface of the
tongue.They are receptors for chemicals in solution from the food , drinks,medicine or
whatever that is being tasted on the tongue .The taste buds connected by fine sensory
nerves to the brain which give information about what id tasted.The tongue is
sensitive to four primary tastes namely; sweet,sour,salty and bitter.The back of the
tongue is sensitive to bitter stimulus, the side of the tongue is to salty and sour
stimulus while the tip of the tongue is sensitive to sweet sensation.The tongue can
also detect alkaline taste, texture of food as well as its temperature.Certain factors
whichaffect taste by tongue include;
Diagram of a tongue
i)Which part of the tongue is sensitive to bitter taste? A) tip B)side C)middle D)back.
ii)The eye balls are attached to the eye socket by ………… muscle. A)two B)t
iii)The most refractive part of the eye ball is A) cornea B)lens C)aqueous humour
D)vitreous humour.
iv)The ear ossicles receive sound vibrations directly from the A)pinna B)eardrum
C)cochlea D)oval window
v)The pressure in the middle ear and external ear is equalized by the A)eardrum B)
malleus and incus C)eustachain tube D) malleus, incus and stape.
i)Ecological succession takes place in a newly formed habitat .e. g .seashore, sand
dunes ,lakes and bare rock surface.
iii)The pioneers colonizers are mainly plants with short life span which get
replaced by small herbaceous plants with low nutrients requirement. e.g. algae, fungi,
iv)The rate of successional changes is rapid initially and gradually it slows down until
climax community is reached.
v)Climax community are formed after a long period of time and once formed, they
maintain their structure and composition.
Types of succession
The first stage is the formation of soil, followed by habitation by pioneer organisms
such as bacteria ,fungi, algae and lichen .The death of pioneer plants add some
organic matter to the soil which will support the growing of algae and mosses. This is
followed by the shrubs and eventually the threes.
Burning of farmland-This results in exposing the land to sun which destroy the
grasses and the herbs .Examples are
The newly formed lake will be harboring of alluvial soil, producers like
phytoplankton’s e. g. spirogyra and blue green algae will be the occupant followed by
the zooplankton as well as protozoans like amoeba, paramecium before submerged
rooted plant and finally other floating rooted aquatic plants like water lettuces
followed by animals such as scorpion and fish.
Primary succession in terrestrial habitat can take place in an abandoned farmland and
it has stages;
Stage one- In abandoned farmland, the pioneer organisms are weeds, underground
stems ,seed of plants, eggs and larvae of insects and worms. These pioneers derive
their food from the leftover nutrients of the old farm. Animals such as rats, mice ,can
now visit the vegetation to feed on the grasses.
Stage two-The seeds start to germinate, underground stem such as cocoyam grow
up ,grasses and weeds increase in population .Eggs and larvae of insect start to hatch
and grow into adult insect and worms population also increase. The vegetation can
now provide a suitable habitat for rodents such as mice ,rabbit and rat
Secondary succession grows faster than a primary one because reproductive parts
(seeds, spores, and storage organs) may remain in the soil. These parts grow faster
when condition is favourable i.e. climate and soil condition.
ii)In stable community, the vegetation has reached its highest development, same
species reoccur from year to year.
v)Stable community is not easy to attain and it does not undergo further or easy
transformation unless deformation occurs.
1. ii) Migration of the organisms of the same kind to an area causes over- crowding.
iv)Social habit of some organisms such as bees, termites and ants can cause over-
v)Dispersal problems .i. e. lack of disposal of fruits and seeds of certain plants make
them fall under the same trees and grow to cause over-crowing.
Effects of over-crowing.
i)It leads completion of the available food which can not go round.
iii)Mortality rate increases due to short supply of basic things like food.
i)Factors that affect a population include living and non-living factors (biotic and
iv)Living factors affecting population include birth, ,death, food, dispersals, parasites,
pathogens, predators, emigration and immigration.
Whereas succession is progressive change that takes place in habitat that always
increase the number of organism, varieties and diversities
ii)Which of the following will not affect population size (a)predation (b)competition
(c)immigration (d)none of the above
iv)Which of this is not an example of a primary succession? (a)at the pond (b)on a
rock surface (c)in estuary (d)in a forest
v)Which of the following biotic factors does not affect a population (a) mortality
(b)natality (c)predation (d)food
-primary succession
-climax community
-population density
ii)List the birth controls methods that are very effective in preventing conception
The male Agama lizard exhibits territoriality by being aggressive as soon as intruding
male lizard enters its territory. It exhibits its brightly coloured head and body, nods
its head, expands its gular fold and scares off the other male lizards.
SHORTAGE FOOD –occurs when population increase s beyond normal more than
the available food supply. Food is an important factor that affects population
size .Food shortage arises when country or population cannot produce enough food
for human consumption.
1. i) Lack of rainfall
vi)Natural disaster such as flood, fire outbreak and volcanic eruption occurrence can
cause food shortage.
i)Short supply of food will lead competition for the available food in which the most
fitted organisms will survive while the other ones will die. Competition is of two
1. ii) Short supply of food causes decline in reproduction and increase in death rate which
directly lead to decrease in the population of the organisms in the habitat.
i)BIOTIC FACTORS-These are factors of the living things. Examples are ;birth,
food ,death ,competition ,dispersal ,parasites , pathogens, predators ,emigration , and
1. ii) ABIOTIC FACTORS-They are the factors of non-living things which includes; water, space
light ,temperature and rainfall.
For Examples cats regulate the population of rats by feeding on the rats .At the same
time rats regulate the population of cat through the quantity to be eaten by cat. Cat
and rat are in dynamic equilibrium.
Family planning is a device by which couples determine the number of children they
want and how they want them
7 ) It allows the government to provides social amenities ,education and health care
facility for the citizen.
2. i) Abstinence from sex.
3. ii) Breast feeding prevents pregnancy as the woman does not menstruate.
iii) Withdrawal method which is the removal of the penis from the vagina when
ejaculation is about to take place prevents pregnancy.
1. iv) Prediction of the ovulation period based on duration of the previous mistral cycle.
viii) Cervical mucus billing ovulation –When ovulation is about to occur the cervical
gland stimulate to produce a thick and cloudy mucus.
Ii ) Use of injectable hormonal drugs such as progesterone into the woman’s body.
iii) The use of a drug called Norplant which is implanted intradermal into the arm of
the woman to prevent pregnancy
v)The use of diaphragm which is a thin rubber sheath inserted into the vagina of the
woman before sexual intercourse to prevent sperm from reaching the oviduct and
1. vi) The use of female condom which is a thin rubber sheath fitted into the vagina and cervix.
vii) The use of spermicidal cream or table which a woman applies inside the vagina 5-
10 minutes before sexual intercourse, the spermicidal kills the sperm cell.
1. ix) Sterilization Method is normally used by couples who not want more children. It is an
irreversible birth control method and is the surest method .It can be done in two ways;
2. a) Vasectomy-This is the cutting of sperm duct or spermatic duct in men.
3. b) Tubal-ligation-This is the cutting of oviduct/fallopian tube. The two methods require an
operations to be done by a qualified medical doctor.
The male reproductive system in man consists of testes, vasa efferential, vas deferens
(sperm duct penis and glands)
There are two testes in male animal. Each testes is oval in shape and is housed in a
wrinkled sac called scrotum which hangs out of the body behind the penis. The
scrotum functions as a thermo-regulator that protects the sperm from high temperature.
The body temperature is to high for the formation of sperm hence the testes are
positioned out of body that is slightly water (2 or 30c lower) than the normal body
Each testis is made of a large number highly coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules
and interstitial cells which lie with the seminiferous tubules. The seminiferous tubules
produces the sperm while the interstitial cells produce testosterone.
Vasa efferential: are small number of tubes which are connected with seminiferous
tubules and unite to form epididymis, vasa deference collect sperms from the
seminiferous tubules to the epididymis
Epididymis: This is highly coiled tube about 6 meter long which receives sperm from
vasa efferentia. Sperm are temporarily stored to mature and develop in the epididymis.
Seminal vesicle: the seminal reside is a small sac where sperms are stored. It is
located close to the posterior end of vas deferens. It secrets seminal fluid. Seminal
fluid contains fructose which provides energy for the sperm.
Glands: Three glands open into the male reproductive system. These are seminal fluid,
prostate gland and cowper’s gland.
The prostate gland is located a little below the bladder while a pair of Cowper’s gland
is situated below the prostate gland. These three glands secret seminal fluid in which
sperm swim. The fluid activities sperm and into swimming. It provides food for the
sperm and lubricates the passage. The sperm swim freely in the seminal fluid. The
acidity of the urine is neutralized by the seminal fluid.
The female reproductive system consists of ovaries, fallopian tube or oviduct, uterus,
cervix and vagina and vulva.
Ovaries: These are two oval-shaped structure located in the abdominal cavity on the
side of the uterus.
Each ovary is held in position by ligaments. Ovaries are small and short, each contain
thousands of undeveloped egg (ova). It is only when a girl has reached the age of
puberty (9-15years) that a ripe egg is released alternatively each months by the
ovaries. The ovaries stop producing eggs at about the age of 45-55years, a condition
referred to as menopause.
Fallopian Tube: this arise from the uterus as narrow tube of about (9-13cm) long. The
free ends are funnel-shaped free ends are lined with cell having cilia. When an egg is
related to the cilia beat to direct the egg into the fallopian tube. Fertilization takes
place in this tube
Ovulation is the release of t matured egg into the Fallopian Tube by the ovaries.
Uterus (womb)
The uterus is a wide and thick-walled muscular chamber of about 8cm long and 5cm
wide. Two fallopian tubes entre into it at the top while the lower narrow part
terminates as a neck or cervix. The inner side of the uterus is lined with endometrium
(layer well supplied with blood and food to receive fertilized egg)
Function of Uterus
1. Implantation of fertilized egg (zygote): Implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg to
the wall of the uterus.
2. The uterus provides a place for the attachment of foetal placenta. Before the development
of placenta, the uterus provides nutrients for the embryo.
3. Before the development of placenta, the uterus provides nutrients for the embryo
The cervix is a ring of muscle with tiny aperture that closes the lower end of the
uterus where it joins the vagina. It controls the opening and clothing of the vagina
during birth.
The vagina leads from the cervix of the uterus to the outside of the body. It is an
elastic and muscular tube of about 10-14cm long. The opening of the vagina is
partially covered by a thin membrane called hymen. If the hymen is intact, it means
that the girl is still a virgin. However the hymen can be torn during vigorous physical
exercise such as athletics or during sexual intercourse.
The external female organ are collectively called vulva. These include the two thick
fold of skin covered the public hair called labia major and labia minora.
Function of Vulva
CLITORIS: is a small erectile organ. It is a sensitive organ well supplied with blood
vessels and nerves. It causes excitement during sexual intercourse and accelerates
organism in female. Like penis it become erective in sexual excitement
HYMEN-This covers the entrance of the vagina and is often referred to as virginity
Gametes are defined as a reproductive cell which can take part in reproduction and the
process by which they are formed is called gametogenesis.
Male Gametes- The male gamete is called sperm which are produced in the testis by
the process of spermatogenesis. The gamete is unicellular in nature that is it has
haploid number of chromosomes. The sperm cell consists of three parts namely;
A head which contains the nucleus , a middle piece and a whip-like tail called
flagellum. The head , also called acrosome is located at the anterior end of the head
which contain lytic enzyme or agent being used to dissolve egg membrane to enhance
penetration of egg cell during fertilization. The nucleus which is present in the head of
the sperm cell contains the genetic materials which fuses with the nucleus of the egg
or ovum to produce a zygote .
The middle piece contain numerous mitochondria which generate the energy used by
the sperm cell to swim towards the egg The long whip-like tail helps to move or
Dagram of a sperm
Female Gamete
The female sex cell or gamete is called egg or ovum which is produced in the ovary
by process called oogenesis.
The ovum is the female sex cell which is round in shape and large than the sperm.
It consists of a nucleus and cytoplasm. The nucleus has haploid number of of
chromosome and is surrounded by nuclear membrane .The cytoplasm has yolk and is
surrounded by two thin membranes ;plasma and vitelline membranes’ jelly layer
surround the vitelline membrane .The yolk provides a source of nourishment for the
embryo especially at the early stage of development. The nucleus contains
chromosomes which carry the genes which are responsible for the transmission of
character from the parent to the offs
Diagram of an ovum
FERTILIZATION is defined as the fusion of the nucleus of the a sperm and the
nucleus of an ovum to form a zygote. The route of the released sperm is from the
vagina—cervix----uterus---fallopian tube----where fusion of sperm and ovum will
take place .
IMPLANTATION is the attachment of the zygote to the wall of the uterus. The
placenta is a disc of vascular tissues formed partly by embryonic tissues and partly by
uterine lining. A placenta has villi which grows into the uterine lining to anchor it
1. a) Amnion-It is a thin innermost membrane that covers the embryo. The space between the
amnion and the embryo is called amniotic cavity which is filled with amniotic fluid.
1. i) The amniotic fluid protects the embryo from shock and mechanical injury.
2. ii) The amniotic fluid provides an even temperature for the embryo and allows the embryo to
move freely.
1. iv) The amniotic fluid is slippery and therefore help for easy passage of the foetus during
child birth.
1. b) Chorion
The allantois grows out from the embryonic gut and fuses with the choroid villi in the
uterine wall.
i)It is the part of the umbilical cord that carries foetal blood vessels to and fro the
chorionic villi, thus serving for respiration, nutrition and excretion of foetus.
Types of Twins
iii) Siames twin-Twins are attached together due to incomplete cleavage of the zygote,
.The placenta (also known as afterbirth) is an organ that connects the developing fetus
to the uterine wall to allow nutrient uptake, provide thermo-regulation to the fetus,
waste elimination, and gas exchange via the mother's blood supply, fight against
internal infection and produce hormones to support pregnancy. The placenta provides
oxygen and nutrients to growing babies and removes waste products from the baby's
blood. The placenta attaches to the wall of the uterus, and the baby's umbilical cord
develops from the placenta. The umbilical cord is what connects the mother and the
baby. Placentas are a defining characteristic of placental mammals, but are also found
in some non-mammals with varying levels of development
ii)The placenta filters urea out of the baby’s blood and transfer it to the mother’s
iii)It exchanges carbon (iv)oxide from embryo’s blood for oxygen from the mother’s
iv)It carries digested food from the mother’s blood and pass them to embryonic
circulation by diffusion.
v)The placenta prepares certain hormones for both the embryo and the mother.
vii)The placenta selects the substances to be passed into the embryo’s blood.
Diagram of placenta
iii)The structure of the embryo which develops and make contact with the uterine wall
is known as the (a)umbilical cord (b)placenta (c)allantois (d)amnion
vi)The following are parts of the male reproductive system EXCEPT (a)scrotum
(b)seminal vesicle (d)vulva
vii)Identical twins inherit their genes from (a)different sperms and many ova
(b)different sperms different ova (c)the same ovum and different sperm (d)the same
ovum and sperm
After pollination the pollen grain absorbs a sugary liquid on the stigma, swell and
germinates. The outer coat of the pollen grain which is exine split so that the pollen
tube nucleus grows out into the style .At the initial stage , the pollen grain has only
one nucleus .Later this nucleus divides into .i.e. a larger tube nucleus a smaller
generative nucleus. The generative nucleus also divides into two male nuclei or two
male gametes .The pollen tube nucleus grows into the ovule and enter through the
micropyle and at the end , the pollen tube degenerates or burst. The two male nuclei
or gametes are released into the embryo sac. One of the male nuclei fuses with
the ovule to form a diploid (2n) .This zygote develops into the embryo. This is the
first fertilization. The second male nucleus or gamete fuses with the secondary
nucleus to form a triploid cell (3n) i.e. endosperm nucleus which produces the
endosperm. This is referred to as second fertilization which takes place in plant.
After fertilization, the sepals petals stamens, stigma and style wither and fall off. The
zygote divides by mitosis to form many cell which are differentiated and become
organized into an embryo. The embryo consists of the following parts;
-the endosperm.
After fertilization, the ovary become the fruit while ovule become the seed.
A seed is defined as a ripened fertilized ovule. The plumule and the radicle occupy
opposite poles of the embryo. The cotyledons arise in the middle of the axis between
the plumule and the radicle. The part of the axis above the cotyledon is called epicotyl
while the part just below the cotyledon is known as hypocotyl .The endosperm and
the cotyledon stored food for the growth of the embryo. They store food such as
carbohydrate, lipid ,and protein. A seed which has only one cotyledon is called
monocotyledon while those that have two cotyledons are called cotyledon
Germination-is defined as the process which involves the gradual development of the
embryo of a seed into a seedling or a young plant
1. I) Water or moisture
2. ii) air or oxygen
1. iv) Enzymes
Epigeal germination
A fruit is a complete structure that is formed from a ripened and fertilized ovary.
Fruits that develop without fertilization are called parthenocarpic fruits or seedless
A true fruit is a fruit that develops from only one ovary while a false fruit is fruit that
develops from the receptacle or calyx or other whorl.
Structure of a Fruit
A typical fruit consists of fruit wax called Pericarp. The pericarp is divided into three
layers; Epicarp which is the outer layer, Mesocarp which is the middle layer and an
inner layer called Endocarp.
Types of fruits
i)Simple fruit-This is a fruit that develops from a flower with one ovary. The ovary
may be monocarpous.e .g .maize, cowpea ,and it may be syncarpous e.g. pawpaw
ii)Aggregate fruit-This is a fruit that develops from a single flower with many ovaries
(apocarpous pistil).Carpels are separate, free and have many ovaries. Cluster of fruits
arise on the main fruit stalk .e.g. cola, strawberry and custard-apple.
Fruits are classified based on whether the are fleshy or dried when they are matured.
1. a) DRUPE—is simple fruit from a single carpel. It consists of outer exicarp and mesocarp and
inner stony endocarp containing the seed. It is usually contain a seed (mango, coconut) or
two or tree seeds at most ( palm tree fruit).The mesocarp may be edible(mango) or not
edible but fibrous(coconut)
2. b) BERRY-is a fleshy fruit with many seeds or without seeds. It also contains epicarp,
mesocarp and endocarp. The three layers may edible in some fruit. Examples of berry are
tomatoes, orange. Guava. Water melon pepper .e.t.c .
3. c) POME is a fleshy fruit formed from one or more carpels with a fleshy part derived from the
receptacle. e g apple, pear
4. d) SOROSIS/ HESPERIDIUM-is fruit formed from several carpels. The outer of the ovary is
modified into a tough leathery ring while the inner part is modified into compartmentalize
succulent part with many tiny seeds. e g .pineapple and bread fruit.
5. ii) DRY fruits are divided into
6. a) Dried Dehiscent Fruits which are fruits that split when they are dried. Examples are
7. i) Legume/pod is a simple dry fruit that develops from a simple carpel e.g crotalaria, locust
bean fruit, cowpeas .It splits open when dried along one side.
ii )Follicle is a dry fruit developed from a carpel and contain two or more seeds. It
splits along both sides when dried.
iii) Capsule is a simple fruit that developed from two or more carpels. It splits along
many sides of fusion when dried.
1. b) Dried Indehiscent -Fruits-they are fruit that do split even when they are dried. Examples
2. a) Nut is compound fruit consisting of the seed a hard shell. It usually contain one seed. e. g
cashew nut.
3. b) Caryopsis is simple dry fruit , formed from a carpel. The pericarp is fused with the thin
seed maize and other cereals.
4. c) Achene is a simple dry fruit developed from one carpel. It contains one seeds but the seed
does not fuse with the fruit of sun flower.
5. d) Cypsela is simple dry fruit developed from an inferior ovary. It contains one seed and is
surrounded by calyx tridax fruit.
6. e) Samara is dry fruit in which the ovary is extended to form flat wings which aids dispersal
by fruit of conbretum plant.
DISPERSAL-is the process of scattering or spreading out of seeds and fruit from their
parents plants and site. Agents of dispersals are means through which the fruit seeds
are being dispersed.
-flat on water
-hooks and barbs that can stick to the body of the animals for a long distance.
-sticky hairs
1. i) PAIRING -is a type of courtship behavior in which two animals usually a male and a female
separate themselves from other groups to form a mating partners. The pairing may be very
brief or just for mating act or last for a life time. Pairing may be seen in such as fishes, toad,
termites and human being.
Pairing in winged termites- During breeding season, the winged termites usually a
male and female pair up .They fly out to form new colony.
Pairing in fish-During the breeding season, the male fish pick a female as partner.
The male stimulates the female to lay egg and the male releases sperm on the egg for
external fertilization to take place.
Pairing in Toad-During the breeding season, the male toad goes to the ponds, it croaks
which invites and excites the female. When the female comes, the male mounts on its
back of the female for two or three days .During this period ,the female lays egg
while the male fertilizes them externally.
Pairing in Human Being-Male and female after they attain sexual maturity come
together as husband and wife. They form sexual partners which live together, mate
and reproduce.
1. ii) DISPLAY- is an elaborate process which involves a series of fixed pattern of movement or
attractive exhibition between mating partners. This movement is a response to some action
of the partner and trigger a re-programmed movement pattern by the partner.
DISPLAY IN Agama lizard- The lizard displays its bright colour and approaches the
female. The female lizard curves her back and lifts her tail vertically .The male wags
his tail ,nods his head and grip the female by the neck and pushes his tail under her
body so their cloacae come into contact for copulation to take place
-Wearing perforated or transparent dresses to show the attractive parts of the body
-Wearing of colourful and neat reigning style dresses, shoes and cap to match
-Attractive smile
i)Territoriality ensures an adequate supply of food, nesting materials for the young
therefore resulting in better growth.
ii)The young and the female are protected from the attack of the other male.
i)By displaying of visual signs-are signs that quickly attract the sense of sight
Seasonal Migration can be seen in certain birds such as swallows, storks, cattle
egrets .Fishes such as barbells, maid fishes, eels, salmons.