Gujarat Technological University M.E. Semester: 1 Advance Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer Subject Code:3711101

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M.E. Semester: 1
Advance Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Subject code:3711101

Type of course: Core course

Prerequisite: Zeal to learn the subject

Rationale: The course is prepared to provide the detailed understanding of laws and principles of
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE(E) PA (M) PA (V) PA (I)
3 0 2 4 70 30 30 20 150

Total %
Hrs. weightage
Entropy: A Measure of Disorder: Increases of entropy principle and its application,
Tds relation, entropy change of solid, liquid and ideal gas, entropy transfer with heat
transfer, entropy generation in open and closed system , entropy balance
Exergy: A Measure of Work Potential: Exergy transfer by heat, work & mass,
11 25
decrease of exergy principle and exergy destruction, applications of Gouy–Stodola
theorem, exergy balance for steady flow and closed processes, second law efficiency
Law of Corresponding States

Conduction: Conduction Rate Equation, Heat Diffusion Equation, Boundary and

Initial Conditions, General conduction Equation, Conduction with Heat Generation,
Extended Surfaces with Uniform and Non Uniform Cross Sections, Two
Dimensional Steady State Conduction: Mathematical, Graphical and Numerical
Analysis of Two Dimensional Heat Conduction 12 28
Unsteady State Conduction: Lumped Parameter Analysis, Numerical Solutions,
Heisler and Semi Analytical Analysis

Convection: Different Types of Flow and Boundary Layers, Flow Through Tubes,
Flow Over Flat Plates, Cylinders, Spheres and Tube Blanks, Free Convection on Flat
Surfaces, Cylinders, Spheres and Enclosed Spaces
Heat Transfer during Phase Transformation: Boiling: Pool Boiling and its
12 28
Correlations, Forced Convection Boiling, Condensation: Laminar and Turbulent Film
Condensation, Film Condensation in Radial Surfaces and Horizontal Tubes, Heat

Radiation: Radiation Intensity, Blackbody Radiation, Emission from Real Surfaces

7 19
Radiation Combine with Conduction and Convection, Radiation Exchange with
Participating Media, Radiative exchange and overall heat transfer in furnaces
Some of the topics from each unit may be covered during laboratory sessions.

Course Learning Outcome:

After successful completion of the course, student should be able to
 Apply entropy principle to various thermal engineering applications
 Apply the concept of second law efficiency and exergy principle to various thermal engineering
 Analyze steady state and transient heat conduction problems of real life Thermal systems
 Analyze extended surface heat transfer problems and problems of phase change heat transfer like boiling
and condensation
 Analyze radiation heat transfer problems of various thermal systems
 Use of software (like EES) for solving thermodynamic and heat transfer problems

1. Thermodynamics – An Engineering Approach by Yunus Cengel & Boles, McGraw-Hill Publication, New
2. Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Sonntag, Borgnakke & Van Wylen, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt.
3. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag, McGraw-Hill , New Delhi
4. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, by Incropera, Dewitt, John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd.
5. Heat Transfer by J P Holman, McGraw-Hill Publication, New Delhi
6. A Heat Transfer Textbook by J H Lienhard, Phlogiston Press

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