Advanced Epic Legends

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Advanced Epic Legends

Rules Cyclopedia

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Topic Page
Contents 2
Introduc on 3
1: Character Crea on 4
2: Character Templates 6
2.1: Magic-user 6
2.2: Priest 8
2.3: Rogue 10
2.4:Warrior 12
2.5: Entertainer 14
2.6: Dwarf 15
2.7: Elf 16
2.8: Halfling 18
3: Gear 19
4: Skills and Skill Checks 23
5: Combat 24
6: Land Owning and Mass Combat 25
7: Magic 26
7.1: Magic-user 26
7.2: Priest 31
8: Monsters & NPCs 33
8.1: Monsters 35
8.2: NPCs 37
9: Random Encounters 39
Bonus Rules 40
A erword 40
10: The New Shore, Default Se ng 41
10.1: Welcome To The New Shore 42
10.2: Pantheons 43
Map of the New Shore 45
Raiders & Witches: Grey Elves of Epic Legends 46
The Eldritch & Natural: Monsters and the Ranger 53
The Expedi on To Greyland: An opening adventure for

Art Credits
Covers by NicoFari and my friend Rabbit
By Staino, on DeviantArt
Other artists credited below their work.

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Picture this. You're walking in the plains at night, on your way to
the local village, seeking quests to do. But then, you get What do I need for this
ambushed by trolls! You swing wildly, but your sword is about
as effective as a wooden stick against these humongous beasts. game?
Just then, a ireball explodes, tearing into the trolls. A sorcerer
Much like Dungeons & Dragons, Epic Legends uses an
has come to your aid! The troll leader charges him and he blasts
assortment of different dice. You should always keep with you a
lightning from his hands, making the troll back off. Then, a
20-sided die, or a d20, as well as two d10s, a d8, and a couple of
dwarf attacks the other trolls, cutting apart their limbs, not
d6s and d4s. You will also need a character sheet, which will be
giving the time in the world to regenerate. The battle ends in
provided separately, along with this Cyclopedia. Other things
triumph, as the three of you burn the trolls. You gain experience,
needed include adventure lust, imagination and enthusiasm.
and decide to head off on your merry way, now an adventuring
With those, you're good to go!
That's a likely scenario to happen in Epic Legends. Random
encounters can be brutal, but rewarding. You gain experience, What exactly will this
ind some nice things to loot off the enemies' bodies, and in the
end, you leave the ight slightly richer. Or you go meet your Cyclopedia cover?
maker, either way works. The Cyclopedia covers the following things for the players, and
I have always thought that the irst edition of Dungeons & the game master (GM):
Dragons was a piece of gold not many understood. I'm not
saying I did either, I wasn't even born back then, but my love for Character creation
D&D eventually got me to make a deep dive into the history of Character Templates
the greatest tabletop role-playing game ever conceived. I read Gear
the Rules Cyclopedia, and thought that it would be fun remaking Skills
the 1st edition of D&D in the modern day. And that's what this Combat
new tabletop role-playing game, or RPG for short, aims to Magic
achieve. It does many things 1st edition did, but it also simpli ies Owning land
things. Mass battles
Recently, in December of 2019, I released the irst Monsters
interpretation of Epic Legends, and it did well. However, I Default/generic NPCs
realized that the game wasn't for everyone, and I started Random encounter tables
working on this book. I had one goal in my mind, and it was to A default setting for beginners
make this book more accessible to the people who don't use Bonus rules
electronics in the gaming table, an audience I had not taken to Two supplements
account. I also thought it would be a good idea to compile An adventure
everything I had previously released here, for easy access.
This is basically Basic D&D reborn, but with new rules, and
mechanics sprinkled in. I hope you ind it enjoyable, and bid you
all good adventuring!

- Viktor S, the Dark Baron of Profani es

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

1: Character Creation
Creating your character is the irst step in your journey to Epic
Legends. There's not too many steps included, but you should Choose your Character
get yourself acquainted thoroughly before making your irst
adventurer, or whatever profession you're going for. Template
Character creation is basically plays like D&D, having simple This is important. I mean, it's fairly obvious, but I'm just stating
rules for stat generation, and other such things. Characters don't it beforehand.
exactly use classes, but rather templates. This means that So, a Character Template is something like your character's
classes such as the Warrior and Magic-user are basically just class, except it also includes non-human races. It's weird, yes,
humans, and non-human characters get to take features from but also makes things more interesting.
certain named character templates. More on that later, let's When choosing your Character Template, you should look at
begin! the prime requisites for the desired class, and allocate your
Ability Scores accordingly. Then you just adjust the prime
Roll your Ability Scores requisite by 2, and you're good to go on that front.
Each Character Template has its own hit die, which
Ability Scores are a key part of your character, given that they're determines your hit points, or HP if you don't have much time,
needed to determine anything in the game. Rolls need them, which we shall cover next. Most of the Character Templates have
sometimes it's required to have a collective total on an ability the same movement speed of 30 feet, save for Dwarf and and
score, and so on, and so forth. The Ability Scores included are Hal ling, who can only move 15 feet. Speed is quadrupled while
Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), running.
Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), and Charisma (CHA). You get
the idea.
So how is this done? Well, you roll three 6-sided dice (3d6) Roll your HP
and add them together to get your ability scores. If more than So, you have rolled your Ability Scores and chosen your
two rolls are below the average, which is 9-12, you may reroll Character Template. Excellent. Now it's time to roll your hit
once. If it occurs again, ask your GM. points.
Ability Scores are also affected by your character's prime When rolling your character's HP, you look up what your hit
requisite. A Warrior's prime requisite can Strength, Dexterity, or die (HD) is, and roll it. Then you add your CON modi ier to it,
Constitution. Depending on which one you choose, you can and you have your character's health. You roll for new HP every
increase your prime requisite by 2, and decrease any other level, and add it to your total, up to 20th level. From there, you
Ability Score by 2. It's quite simple. add 1+CON.
Then there are the modi iers. Each Ability Score has a And with that, you have mastered HP.
modi ier to it, and they're listed in the table below.

Ability Score Modifier Roll for your money

1-3 -3 penalty Money gets you far in this game. Very far, in fact. If you have
money, you have no worries. To determine your starting wealth,
4-5 -2 penalty
roll 3d6, and multiply it by 10. That's your starting wealth. The
6-8 -1 penalty maximum amount of money you have in your name can be up to
9-12 No modifier 160 at level 1. If you think your inances don't look great, just
ask your GM if you can have an average amount (90). And that's
13-15 +1 bonus
basically it for the money.
16-17 +2 bonus
18 +3 bonus Buy your gear
Further Up to GM You have your gold, you have your character's base done, great!
Now it's time to gear up!
In combat, your STR modi ier is the base attack and damage
Each piece of gear has a price, unless you just go full on
modi ier for melee weapons, and your DEX modi ier is the base
Rambo with nothing but a knife and just loot all your gear off
attack and damage modi ier for ranged attacks.
dead enemies overtime. It's a working strategy, but going
Commando like that really isn't safe. You almost certainly will
With this knowledge, you're good to go on Ability Scores.
die at lower levels.
You should buy yourself some basic necessities. Rations, a
waterskin, maybe some rope, and weapons, armor and camping
gear of course.
That's basically all you need to know about buying gear.
Looting can be a valid option, but death is just as likely to
happen to a completely unprepared character.

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

(Magically capable only) Get Saves keep you from dying to stupid things, like poisons, or
your magic! dragon breath. It's impossible to cover all saving throws in this
part, and if I did, it would take a good long while, so I'll save it
Characters that can use magic, like Priests, Elves and Magic- for the Character Templates in their own section. But basically,
users, need to remember to get their spells. If you're in a battle, you can use STR and DEX against dragon breath, by blocking it
you can be damn sure that forgetting to add your spells to your with a shield, or dodging out of the way. Poisons and
character sheet is going to bite you in the behind. So petri ication can be withstood with CON, and the mental saves,
remembering spells is crucial. usually made against the more conventional magic are really up
That's all. to the GM to decide. The recommended way of doing this is
using the main stat of the character in the save. Any Ability
Calculate your saves, armor Score modi iers can be applied to the roll, serving as a bonus, as
long as it is itting.
class, attack modi iers and
pro iciencies Select your character's
These are the last things you need to calculate, before actual alignment
gameplay begins. They're all extremely important for the
The alignment is what de ines your character's past, present
character you're making, and your life could depend on it.
and future. It's the thing that drives you forth in this world, and
how you interpret it is all up to you. The alignments are:
Armor Class
Armor Class, or AC, is the thing that determines how hard you're Lawful
to hit. Your base AC is 10, and you add your STR, DEX or CON Neutral
modi ier to it, depending on your highest physical stat. For Chaotic
example, if you have a +2 bonus to DEX, your AC increases 2,
which makes your current AC an 8. This can only be applied to Once you've chosen your alignment, it's up to you to play it to
light armors when wearing armor. In Epic Legends, AC is the best of your abilities. Alignment will affect your character's
counted backwards, unlike in modern D&D, which may be Character Template in some way, but that's going to be covered
confusing at irst, but you'll get the hang of it. It mainly in the Character Template section, later on.
resembles the number that needs to be subtracted from the
attacker's THAC0 (more on that later). For example, if you have
3 AC, the attacker needs to get a 17 to hit you, or if you have -2
Finalize the character
AC, the attacker needs to roll a total score of 22, and so on. Now it's just a matter of inalizing your character. You just need
Different armors grant different AC, and there's quite a few of to give them a name, write a nice backstory, maybe make some
them, so we'll cover them later on in the Gear section of the kind of a physical description, and describe your personality.
cyclopedia. Your alignment doesn't necessarily affect your character's
personality, and could just be some kind of urge within.
Attack Modi iers You also need to count your average encumbrance. It's easy.
This is a pretty simple thing, and I will keep it that way. Your You take your STR score, and multiply it by 20. That's how many
STR modi ier affects your melee attacks, and your DEX affects lbs your can carry on your person at once. Anything more can
your ranged skills. This is the case with most basic weapons, but result in penalties.
there are ive exceptions to this. The rapier, the scimitar, and the With this, you're done. The last parts of this chapter are about
twinblade are DEX based melee weapons. Then there's the levels and experience, which we will from now on refer to as XP.
greatbow, and the sling, which are STR based ranged weapons.
Aside from those exceptions, the melee and ranged weapons are
centered around STR and DEX respectfully.
Calculating XP and levels
Now, the most basic part of this is, that your STR and DEX Your character has a set amount of XP needed for leveling up.
modi iers serve as the basis for your attack modi iers. But it's The XP for it can be acquired from successful skill checks, won
also important to know if your character is pro icient with a battles, role-play moments and anything the GM deems worthy.
weapon. You can see what your starting pro iciencies are in your Normal combat encounters usually yield XP in the plenty.
Character Template info, and add that to your attack modi ier. Calculate it as such: Number of enemies times their XP value +
Pro iciencies will be covered next. 100. The bonus increases by 50 per each character level, or if an
encounter can be considered harder than average for that level.
Pro iciency
Pro iciencies are modi iers to a character's skills determined by
their Character Template. Your base pro iciency with your listed
abilities is +1, but it will increase by 1 on level 4, and every
fourth level after that. It's super simple.
You can also spend experience into buying new abilities to be
pro icient in. Sneaky Warrior? Sure. Dual sword mage?
Absolutely. Forest roaming Rogue with all the knowledge of the
wilds? You got it! Your possibilities are limitless, and all it costs
is 300 experience per ability.

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

2: Character Templates
This is you. This is who your character is, and who you're going
to be when playing Epic Legends. Character Templates serve as
the base for your character. They have certain skills and
pro iciencies. Some Character Templates seem here may at irst
appear useless, or underpowered. But I can assure you, they're
all equally useful in their own way.

Human Templates
First we will be covering templates that are the bases for any
huma characters. Included here are:


With these, you can build your human character with little
complication. You can of course try house ruling your own
human Character Template, but that's some rather advanced A Magic-user of the sorcerer type, by DForrest on DeviantArt
stuff. Plus, there's plenty of character options.
Non-human Templates Character Template Features
These Templates in most other RPGs would be considered races. As a Magic-user, you study the arcane secrets and master spells
But, because this is trying to recreate the 1st edition of D&D, to further your knowledge.
where the non-humans were classes, I need to stay loyal to the
Prime Requisite: Intelligence or Charisma
source material. The non-human Character Templates include:
Hit Dice: 1d4
Dwarf Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d4+CON
Elf Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4+CON
Hal ling Armor: None, shields denied
Weapons: Daggers, staffs, improvised weapons.
These Character Templates are not affected by alignment, and Tools: Magic scrolls, books and writing kits.
can have features from the human templates, as well as having Skill Proficiencies: Cast Magic, Read Magic, Write Magic, Use
their own. This really shows the diversity in non-human Magic Device.
characters over humans. However, the non-human Templates
can only go up to level 13-14, after which their HP will still
increase as normal, imitating the Warrior's experience table
Magic-User as Characters
from level 15 and up, but they no longer have options for A Lawful aligned Magic-user can at level 1 become a Wizard. If
advancements. you choose this path, you become a Wizard type that is
determined by your alignment. Lawful Wizards who follow the
Humans can be as effective as these characters, but it takes
rules of wizarding are known as Tower Wizards. However, if
time. It is also advised to have a diverse party composition with
these rules are broken, the Wizard is declared corrupted, and
some human characters and some non-humans. It makes for a
becomes a Corrupted Wizard.
better story.
Linguistically all races speak Common, the common tongue
between all races, and their race's native language. If a Magic-user is Neutral aligned they can become at level 1
Hedge Mage. Hedge Mages roam the land, and learn magic for
the fun of it. They can be traveling helpers and entertainers, or
evil mischief causers, wanted in many places. How you play your
Hedge Mage determines how people view them.

A Chaotic aligned Magic-user can at level 1 become a sorcerer,

someone who has known magic from the day they were born.
You cannot change your known spells between rests, but you
can learn a new spell every level. If you play your character as a
good person, you're known as a Light Mage. Being an evil
character throws you into a spiral of madness, and you're
branded as a Chaos Sorcerer.

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Magic-User Experience Table
Level XP 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1st 0 1 — — — — — — — —
2nd 2,500 2 — — — — — — — —
3rd 5,000 2 1 ─ ─ — — — — —
4th 10,000 2 2 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ —
5th 20,000 2 2 1 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ —
6th 40,000 2 2 2 ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ —
7th 80,000 3 2 2 1 ─ ─ ─ ─ —
8th 150,000 3 3 2 2 ─ ─ ─ ─ —
9th 300,000 3 3 3 2 1 ─ ─ ─ —
10th 450,000 3 3 3 3 2 ─ ─ ─ —
11th 600,000 4 3 3 3 2 1 ─ ─ —
12th 750,000 4 4 4 3 2 1 ─ ─ —
13th 900,000 4 4 4 3 2 2 - ─ —
14th 1,050,000 4 4 4 4 3 2 - ─ —
15th 1,200,000 5 4 4 4 3 2 1 ─ —
16th 1,350,000 5 5 5 4 3 2 2 - —
17th 1,500,000 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 - —
18th 1,650,000 6 5 5 4 4 3 2 1 —
19th 1,800,000 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 —
20th 1,950,000 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 -
21st 2,100,000 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 1
22nd 2,250,000 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 2
23rd 2,400,000 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 3 2
24th 2,550,000 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3 2
25th 2,700,000 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 3
26th 2,850,000 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 3
27th 3,000,000 7 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4
28th 3,150,000 8 8 7 6 6 6 6 5 4
29th 3,300,000 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 5 5
30th 3,450,000 8 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 5
31st 3,600,000 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6
32nd 3,750,000 9 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 6
33rd 3,900,000 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 7
34th 4,050,000 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7
35th 4,200,000 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8
36th 4,350,000 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Magic-User saving throws
Save 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36
Poison, Petrifica on 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 2
Dragon Breath 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
Rays 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 2
Magic 15 12 9 6 4 3 2 2

Magic-User's skills Priest

All your skill revolve around magic. Cast Magic is the most
obvious of these, allowing you to cast spells. Read Magic allows
Character Template Features
As a Priest, you are a devout follower of the gods, and the helper
you to read magical texts, like scrolls, spell books and such.
of the less fortunate. You also know your way around good
Write Magic allows you to write magical text. Fairly
straightforward. Use Magic Device allows you to use magical
items, like crystal balls, wands, rods and such. Prime Requisites: Wisdom
Hit Dice: 1d6

At Higher Levels Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d6+CON

Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6+CON
At 9th level and up, you can hire yourself a follower, who you Armor: Any Leather, Gambeson, any chain, Scale Mail, shields
can teach new skills in magic and who will aid you in battle. You Weapons: Maces, warhammers, shortswords
can have followers equal to your Charisma modi ier, with the Tools: Priestly equipment
bare minimum being 1. They can die, but that's a sacri ice you're Skill Proficiencies: Cast Magic, Religion, Healing, Brewing,
probably willing to make. Down below are 6 possibilites for Turn Undead (Priest only)
followers, as the GM can come up with more, that may be more
to the player's liking. Priests as Characters
d6 Follower Lawful aligned Priests have the option at level 1 to become
either a Warpriest, or a Holy Healer. Warpriests are combat
1 Foolish peasant
focused Priests. Those who act good have sworn to protect those
2 Banished wizard student who need aid in the cruel world. You get the option to power
3 Curious Halfling your weapon with a smite, that gives you an additional damage
die to your rolls. Evil Warpriests are shunned by society, and live
4 Elf
to spread war to the world and destroy all foes. Smite can be
5 Hired blade applied once per day. Holy Healers are Priests who heal the
6 A Rogue wounded, cure the sick and battle undead beings. Your Turn
Undead ability's range increases by 10 feet, and your healing
You can also own land starting at 10th level. As a Magic-user, spells heal +2 more than normal.
you're expected to own a tower where you can conduct your
magical practice. You can also own a manor, or a big old castle. Neutral aligned Priests can at level 1 become Druids. You gain an
additional weapon skill with sabers and scimitars, but you can
This is everything you need to know on the Magic-user never touch metal, as it gives you -1 to skills and Ability Scores
Character Template. They're quite customizable, but not nearly for 1 hour. Good Druids are known as Sun Druids, who are
as versatile as some of the other entries you'll see. pro icient in the skill Handle Animal. Evil Druids, however, are
known as Blood Druids, who can regain HP from drinking blood
of animals.

Chaotic aligned Priests have the option at level 1 to become

Cultists. You gain pro iciency in the Sneak skill. Good Cultists are
known as Flock Members. You gain Pro iciency in the Building
skill. Evil Cultists are known as Fanatics, who seek to please
their deity in an evil way, by sacri icing and spilling the blood of
those deemed "heretics". You gain pro iciency in the skill

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Priest Experience Table
Level XP 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
1st 0 1 ─ ─ ─ — — —
2nd 1,500 2 — — — — — —
3rd 3,000 2 1 — — — — —
4th 6,000 2 2 ─ ─ — — —
5th 12,000 2 2 1 ─ ─ ─ ─
6th 25,000 3 2 2 ─ — — —
7th 50,000 3 3 2 1 — — —
8th 100,000 3 3 3 2 — — —
9th 200,000 4 4 3 2 — — —
10th 300,000 4 4 3 3 — — —
11th 400,000 4 4 4 3 1 — —
12th 500,000 5 5 4 3 2 — —
13th 600,000 5 5 4 3 2 1 —
14th 700,000 6 5 4 3 2 2 —
15th 800,000 6 5 5 4 3 2 —
16th 900,000 6 6 5 4 3 3 1
17th 1,000,000 6 6 5 4 4 3 2
18th 1,100,000 7 6 5 4 4 3 2
19th 1,200,000 7 6 5 4 4 3 3
20th 1,300,000 7 6 5 5 4 4 3
21st 1,400,000 7 6 5 5 4 4 4
22nd 1,500,000 7 7 5 6 5 4 4
23rd 1,600,000 8 7 6 6 5 4 4
24th 1,700,000 8 7 6 6 5 4 5
25th 1,800,000 8 7 6 6 6 5 5
26th 1,900,000 8 7 7 6 6 5 5
27th 2,000,000 8 8 7 7 7 5 5
28th 2,100,000 8 8 7 7 7 6 6
29th 2,200,000 8 8 7 7 7 6 6
30th 2,300,000 8 8 8 7 7 7 6
31st 2,400,000 8 8 8 8 8 7 6
32nd 2,500,000 9 8 8 8 8 7 7
33rd 2,600,000 9 9 8 8 8 8 7
34th 2,700,000 9 9 9 8 8 8 8
35th 2,800,000 9 9 9 9 9 8 8
36th 3,000,000 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Priest saving throws
Save 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36
Poison, Petrifica on 11 9 7 6 4 3 3 2
Dragon Breath 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
Rays 12 10 8 6 5 4 3 2
Magic 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 2

Priest's Skills Rogue

As a Priest, you have many faith related skills. You can cast
magic from the Cleric spell list (seen later on), by channeling the
Character Template Features
As a Rogue, you are a sneaky, tricky bastard of the night. You
power of your faith into the spells. You can lavor this as you
prowl the dark alleys, and can easily become the most
please. Religion allows you to learn about other faiths and their
in luential, and loved Rogue in the land. Or you can be a hated
origins, and read and write holy symbols. Healing allows you to
murderer who kills for coin. Either way, you hold the smarts and
heal your companions for twice your level worth of HP. Brewing
skill needed for this job.
allows you to brew up potions for healing, illnesses, and poisons
as antidotes, as well as alcohol. Prime Requisites: Dexterity, or Intelligence
Hit Dice: 1d6
But then there's Turn Undead, only available for Holy Healers. Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d6+CON
This allows you to scare off undead monsters, and it works in a Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6+CON
very simple way. You can use Turn Undead when in the presence Armor: Leather, Studded Leather, Gambeson, no shield
of Undead, and everything in a 20 foot radius must lee from Weapons: Shortswords, bows, daggers, improvised weapons,
you. You can banish undead up to the amount of hit dice equal to spiked gauntlets
yours. This is very powerful at higher levels. Tools: Thieves' tools, Poison kit
Skill Proficiencies: Sneak, Pick Lock, Bluff, Intimidate, Steal,
Sneak Attack

Rogues as Characters
A Lawful aligned Rogue has the option to become a Vigilante on
level 1. You gain an additional weapon of your choice, and have
an additional Pro iciency in any combat Skill you want.
Vigilantes who do good for the world are known as Justice
Fighters, and people generally view them as good people. Evil
Vigilantes are wanted criminals, and are commonly referred to
as Maniacs. People fear them, and the law does everything in
their power to hunt them down so they can face justice.

Neutral aligned Rogues have the option at level 1 to become

Mobsters. You gain Pro iciency in the Negotiation skill, and get
followers at level 8 instead of 9. Mobsters are highly respected
by the common folk, and can at higher levels directly affect the
politics of kingdoms. Mobsters that act out of evil intent are
A Warpriest, made by Saido, on DeviantArt shunned and hated by everyone, and this makes business harder
for them, as your Charisma decreases by -3.
At Higher Levels Chaotic Rogues can become Assassins at level 1. You can only
At level 9 you get followers, entranced by your preaching and
use daggers and improvised weapons, but you get an additional
religious ways. You're most likely to lure peasants to your lock,
+1 to Bluff, Sneak and Pick Lock. Assassins that work for guilds
as well as religious novices, sellswords, and even knights. These
are generally the good ones, and have an immunity to law, as
are 4 follower options for the Priest, and the GM can widen your
long as the kill they perform is under a contract by their guild.
options greatly.
Evil Assassins usually work for themselves, killing people for
their money. If you play your assassin this way, you get a 5,000
If you wish, you can have your own temple built, where you can
gold bounty at level 5.
practice your faith, and study sacred texts. Eventually your
religion could become the mightiest of them all, and then
crusades await you.

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Rogue Experience Table Rogue Specialty Percentage Table (D100)
Level XP Find & Disarm Climb Pick Hear
1st 0 Lvl Traps Walls Pockets Noise
2nd 1,200 1-4 25 15 20 35
3rd 2,400 5-8 40 35 30 45
4th 4,800 9-11 45 45 40 55
5th 9,600 12-
45 50 45 65
6th 20,000
7th 40,000 45 55 50 70
8th 80,000 19-
50 60 60 75
9th 160,000 22
10th 280,000 23-
65 65 70 80
11th 400,000
12th 520,000 70 70 75 85
13th 640,000 31-
75 75 80 90
14th 760,000 33
15th 880,000 34-
90 80 90 100
16th 1,000,000
17th 1,120,000
18th 1,240,000
19th 1,360,000 Rogue's Skills
20th 1,480,000 As a Rogue, you are Pro icient in the Sneak Skill. This allows you
21st 1,600,000 to move unseen and unheard, as long as you succeed the roll.
Pick Lock allows you to unlock any door, as long as you have
22nd 1,720,000
lockpicks. This is usually done while sneaking, and if you fail the
23rd 1,840,000 Pick Lock check, you need to reroll your Sneak.
24th 1,960,000 Bluff is pretty self explanatory. It's the skill that allows you to
lie to people. If you can pass your Bluff check, be it against an
25th 2,080,000
NPC or a fellow player, you're off the hook for now.
26th 2,200,000 Intimidate allows you to scare someone or something off. You
27th 2,320,000 roll the check, and compare it to the target's Wisdom score. If
you pass, the creature is scared of you. Helpful in interrogating.
28th 2,440,000
Steal is also quite self explanatory. You roll the check, and if
29th 2,560,000 your roll is deemed a success, you can steal any one thing from a
30th 2,680,000 person.
31st 2,800,000 The best thing Rogues have is the Sneak Attack Skill. When
you make an attack while sneaking, and the attack connects,
32nd 2,920,000 your damage is doubled.
33rd 3,040,000
34th 3,160,000 On Higher Levels
35th 3,280,000 On the 9th level, you can start gathering followers for your
36th 3,400,000 adventures. These can be anything from the other Character
Templates' options, just and can be used to build a Roguish
On level 10, you have the option of establishing a guild from
where to run your business and guard yourself from harm.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Rogue saving throws
Save 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36
Poison, Petrifica on 13 11 9 7 5 3 2 2
Dragon Breath 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
Rays 14 12 10 8 6 5 4 2
Magic 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 2

Warrior Warriors As Characters

A Lawful aligned Warrior can dedicate themselves to a deity at
Character Template Features level 1, and become a Paladin. Paladins ight in the name of their
As a Warrior, you're a skilled ighter, and you're skilled at
god, protecting their realm, and reinforcing the people's faith.
wielding weapons and armor better than most, your focus on
Paladins who act in the ways of good are commonly known as
life is to become more adept with your physical skill than any
Templars. Templars can imbue their weapon with a smite that
other. Warriors gain additional attacks every 5th level. Warriors
gives you an additional damage die when rolling damage against
also act as the base Template for most monsters and human
evil creatures. Evil acting Paladins are known as Anti-Paladins,
and their smite works the same, but only on good creatures.
Prime Requisites: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution Smite can be used twice per day.
Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8+CON A Neutral Warrior has the option at level 1 to become a Knight.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8+CON Knights usually dedicate themselves to knightly orders, or
Armor: All armors, and shields monarchy. Knights can hold their status as long as they can
Weapons: All weapons answer the call of their superiors. You gain +1 to your Riding
Tools: None Skill, and +2 to attacks made on horseback. Good acting knights
Skill Proficiencies: Charge, Riding, Athletics, Brace For are known as Cavaliers, and they're granted a horse by their
Charge, Action Surge, Riposte. order to aid in battle. Evil knights become Black Knights, who
have sworn their blades to darkness and sel ishness.

Chaotic aligned Warriors can at level 1 become an Avenger.

Avengers are Warriors who battle corrupt and evil, without the
oath of the Paladins, and the code of chivalry Knights must
follow. You gain pro iciency in the Intimidate Skill, and +1 to
your Charge Skill. You cannot have human or non-human
hirelings, and they can't own land.

A valiant Knight, by L3monjuic3, on DeviatArt


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Warrior Experience Table Warrior Saving Throws
Level XP 1- 5- 11- 16- 21- 25- 29- 33-
1st 0 Save 4 10 15 20 24 28 32 36
2nd 2,000 Poison,
12 10 8 6 6 5 3 2
Petrifica on
3rd 4,000
Dragon Breath 15 13 11 9 7 6 4 2
4th 8,000
Rays 13 11 9 7 6 5 3 2
5th 16,000
Magic 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
6th 32,000
7th 64,000
8th 120,000
9th 240,000 Warrior's Skills
10th 480,000 As a Warrior, your skills are based around ighting. The Charge
Skill allows you to run to any enemy in a straight line, as long as
11th 600,000
nothing is in the way. You roll to and your attack and damage
12th 720,000 rolls increase by 1 on a success.
13th 840,000 Riding is your skill to handle a horse. This is especially
important in mounted combat, for obvious reasons.
14th 960,000
Athletics is your skill at lifting heavy objects, breaking free
15th 1,080,000 from being grabbed and jumping longer distances. Very useful in
16th 1,200,000 many cases.
17th 1,320,000 Brace For Charge allows you to raise a shield to block an
incoming charge, granting you and additional -2 AC.
18th 1,440,000 Action Surge allows you to repeat your full round of attacks in
19th 1,560,000 combat, but can only be used twice per day.
20th 1,680,000 Riposte allows you roll to block any one incoming attack, and
on a success make one attack back. You can only do this once per
21st 1,800,000
combat round, so it's most ideal in duels.
22nd 1,920,000
23rd 2,040,000 At Higher Levels
24th 2,180,000 At 9th level you get your irst companion, who you can train, and
25th 2,300,000 who will help you in combat. It can be anything from the table
below, or the GM can widen the options.
26th 2,420,000
27th 2,560,000 d8 Companion
28th 2,680,000 1 Peasant
29th 2,800,000 2 Knight in Training
30th 2,920,000 3 Sellsword
31st 3,040,000 4 Squire
32nd 3,160,000 5 Wardog
33rd 3,280,000 6 Priest
34th 3,300,000 7 Spy
35th 3,420,000 8 A Dwarf
36th 3,640,000
Warriors can also be offered a castle at 10th level. If the
Warrior accepts this offer, they will be named a Lord (if male) or
a Lady (if female). They can also elect a royal sentinel to upkeep
their castle while away.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Entertainer Entertainer Experience Table
Character Template Features
As an Entertainer, you travel the land, see new places, and
Level XP
entertain people for money. Payday is never too far, and you can 1st 0
travel comfortably. You're just not great at combat. However, due 2nd 1,000
to the strange motive of the gods, Entertainers can't become
immortal (more on that later).
3rd 2,000
4th 4,000
Prime Requisites: Charisma
Hit Dice: 1d4 5th 8,000
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d4+CON 6th 16,000
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4+CON
7th 32,000
Armor: Leather, Studded Leather, Gambeson, no shields
Weapons: Rapiers, scimitars, daggers 8th 40,000
Tools: Musical Instruments 9th 42,000
Skill Proficiencies: Perform, Inspire, Negotiation, Steal.
10th 54,000
11th 66,000
12th 78,000
13th 90,000
14th 102,000
15th 114,000
16th 126,000
17th 138,000
18th 150,000
19th 162,000
20th 274,000
21st 388,000
22nd 400,000
23rd 512,000
24th 624,000
25th 736,000
26th 848,000
27th 960,000
28th 1,072,000
29th 1,084,000
30th 1,096,000
An average Entertainer, by S0ulafein, on DeviantArt 31st 1,150,000
32nd 1,162,000
Entertainers As Characters 33rd 1,174,000
A Lawful aligned Entertainer has the option of becoming a 34th 1,286,000
Minstrel at level 1. You travel the land, and play music to
35th 1,398,000
everyone who pays the coin. You're loved by people and gain an
additional +1 to Negotiation when negotiating with peasants. 36th 1,420,000

Neutral aligned Entertainers gain no options for subtypes, and

are generally a very rare type of Entertainer to come across.

Chaotic aligned Minstrels can at level 1 become a Crook. You

travel from town to town, making money from scamming
people, and robbing them clean. You gain Pro iciency in the Bluff


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Entertain saving throws
Save 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-24 25-28 29-32 33-36
Poison, Petrifica on 13 11 9 7 5 4 3 2
Dragon Breath 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2
Rays 14 12 10 8 6 5 4 2
Magic 15 13 11 9 7 4 2 2

Entertainer Skills Dwarf Experience Table

Entertainer's main skill is Perform, which, if done successfully,
can yield the Entertainer 2d6+10 gold pieces per performance. Level XP
In combat, Entertainers are fairly weak, but their Skill Inspire, 1st 0
can be used to give them an additional 2 HP in battle, and +1 to
all allies' attacks.
2nd 2,200
Negotiation is another Skill the Entertainers possess. This 3rd 4,400
Skill can be used to haggle prices, get out of trouble and gain 4th 8,800
temporary allies.
5th 17,000

At Higher Levels 6th

At level 9, the Entertainer can gain 1d4 low level Entertainers to
travel with them. This is highly bene icial to the party, as it 8th 140,000
grants them 1d4 additional Inspirations in combat. The 9th 270,000
Entertainer can also hire two sellswords if the price is right, and 10th 400,000
the Negotiation roll is high enough. Entertainers can never own
land. 11th 530,000
12th 660,000
Dwarf 13th 840,000

Character Template Features

Dwarves are the short, but strong dwellers of the mountains.
They range in height between 3 and 4 feet, their women have
beards, and they're all are heavy drinkers, which affects their
Special Defenses
saves against poison. Dwarves are the toughest people alive, and as such, their natural
Prime Requisites: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom (optional) AC is 8. They also have resistance to poison, only taking half of
Hit Dice: 1d8 the normal poison damage.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8+CON
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8+CON
Armor: Any armor, shields
Dwarf Saving Throws
Weapons: Axes, Hammers, Maces, Shortswords, Crossbows Save 1-4 5-8 9-11 12-13
Tools: Mining gear
Poison, Petrifica on 9 6 4 2
Skill Proficiencies: Caving, Mining, Tunneling, Fortifying,
Smithing Dragon Breath 13 10 7 4
Rays 9 7 5 3
Magic 12 9 6 3


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Dwarves have spent most of their lives underground, in deep
caverns and mighty strongholds, which is why they're so good at
seeing in the dark. Dwarves have infravision in addition to
normal sight and can see 60' in the dark. Infravision does not
work in the presence of normal and magical light. With
infravision, warm things appear red, and cold things appear
blue. A creature could be seen as a red shape, leaving faint
reddish footprints. A cold pool of water would seem a deep blue
color. Characters with infravision can even see items or
creatures the same temperature as the surrounding air (such as
a table or a skeleton).

Dwarves can sometimes detect traps (speci ically, traps built
into stone-work or heavy construction, not other types of traps
such as rope-traps in the forest or spring-out needles built into a
jewelry box); they can also detect sliding walls, sloping
corridors, and new constructions. If your dwarf character wants
to search for such things in an area, tell the DM. You have 1
chance in 3 to ind them. The DM will roll 1d6, and a 1 or 2 will
indicate success if there is anything to ind; a result of 3-6 means
your dwarf detects nothing. You may check once for each trap,
sliding wall, sloping corridor, or new construction. You must tell
the DM if you want to look for anything; the detection is never
A Dwarven Warrior ready for battle, by Mariana Vieira, on

Human Training DeviantArt

Starting at level 3, a Dwarf can learn skills in weaponry that

other ighters use, to further enhance their combat diversity.
They can have Pro iciency with a weapon after a week of Character Template Features
practice in game. However, Dwarves can only reach with their Elves are the graceful warriors of the woodlands, capable of
traditional weapons. Dwarves can also learn 1 Priest spell to casting spells, and ighting as well as Warriors. They just aren't
cast at will once per day, and a Skill every 4th level starting at 4. as tough as Warriors, but rather a compromise between Warrior
and Magic-user, who are decently good.
Dwarf's Skills Prime Requisites: Dexterity, or Intelligence
All the Skills a Dwarf knows are important cultural elements. Hit Dice: 1d6
Caving allows you to navigate through cave systems, and ind Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d6+CON
cracks in the stone. Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6+CON
Mining is a very Dwarvish thing to do. You can make a mining Armor: Leather, scale, shields
check, and on a success, you have a 50% chance of inding Weapons: Shortswords, Longswords, Scimitars, Sabers, Bows
precious metals and minerals. Tools: None
Tunneling allows you to construct tunnels. That's it. Skill Proficiencies: Handle Animal, Tracking, Cast Magic,
Fortifying allows you to make any structure you want 50%
stronger. This is especially good when you start building the
fortress. Non-Human Abilities
Smithing allows you to repair and create new weapons for Like Dwarves, Elves also have Infravision, which allows them to
you and your party. see in the darkness. They can also cast magic up to 5th spell
level, and use the Magic-User spell list. Elves are also resistant to
At Higher Levels fear, and will not run from a battle.

Dwarves can get fellow Dwarves to join them on their

adventures starting at level 9, and can have a minimum of 1
companion, the number increasing according to their Charisma
modi ier.
At 9th level a Dwarf can also start carving out their very own
fortress, with all the Dwarven luxuries, booze, forges, mines and
such. They can also name a royal sentinel much like the Warrior,
who will overlook production while you're away.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Elf Experience Table
Level XP 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st 0 1 ─ ─ ─ —
2nd 4,000 2 — — — —
3rd 8,000 2 1 — — —
4th 16,000 2 2 ─ ─ —
5th 32,000 2 2 1 ─ ─
6th 64,000 3 2 2 ─ —
7th 120,000 3 3 2 1 —
8th 250,000 3 3 3 2 —
9th 300,000 4 4 3 2 —
10th 350,000 4 4 3 3 —
11th 400,000 4 4 4 3 1
12th 450,000 5 5 4 3 2
13th 600,000 5 5 4 3 2
14th 650,000 6 5 4 3 2

Elf Saving Throws

Save 1-4 5-8 9-11 12-15
Poison, Petrifica on 12 8 4 2
Dragon Breath 15 11 7 3
Rays 13 10 7 4
Magic 15 11 7 3

Elf's Skills
Elves have many nature related skills, like Handle Animal, which
allows them to befriend and keep animals as pets.
Tracking is a common skill among the Elven rangers, who
hunt down wrongdoers and bad people who dare enter their
woodland domain.
Like Magic-users, Elves can also use magic. However, their
magic isn't as potent as a Wizard's or a Sorcerer's.
Elves are also natural sneakers.

At Higher Levels
Elves cannot get followers, but on level 10, they can gain
ownership of a ranger tower and become a master ranger, An Elf of the woodlands, by EarthDawn, on DeviantArt
gaining some ranger servants.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Hal ling Halfling Saving Throws
Character Template Features
Hal lings are peace loving, but also very adventurous folk.
Save 1-3 4-6 7-8
They're a rare sight outside their homelands, but when you Poison, Petrifica on 8 5 2
meet them, they're the best friends, storytellers and cooks you Dragon Breath 13 9 5
can ever hope to come across.
Rays 9 6 3
Prime Requisites: Dexterity
Magic 12 8 4
Hit Dice: 1d6
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d6+CON
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6+CON
Armor: Leather, Gambeson, no shields
Weapons: Shortswords, Clubs, Slings, Shortbows, Crossbows Rogue Specialties
Tools: Cooking supplies or Tinker's tools
Hal lings have the option at level 5 to perform the Rogue's
Skill Proficiencies: Sneak, Crafting, Negotiation, Cooking.
Specialties, using the percentages from levels 5-8.

Halfling Experience Table Hal ling's Skills

Level XP Hal lings are talented sneakers, hence their Skill Pro iciency in
1st 0
Crafting allows you to make paper, clothes, tools, and other
2nd 2,000 useful things your party can use.
3rd 4,000 Hal lings are great talkers, and that's where their Skill
Pro iciency in it comes from.
4th 8,000
Cooking is what makes you special. No matter the ingredients,
5th 16,000 no matter the circumstances, you can make some of the best
6th 32,000 damn food out there. As long as you pass the check.
7th 64,000
8th 120,000 At Higher Levels
At 8th level, the Hal ling can take companions equal to their
Charisma modi ier, and they can be anything from the other
Character Templates' options.
Entertainer Abilities You can also own a manor at level 8 and assume the position
of duke, with the same royal sentinel option as the Warrior and
Hal lings can learn the abilities of Entertainers. At 3rd level, you Dwarf.
can use the Inspiration skill once per day, and can make a
Perform check twice per day.

Special Combat Skills

All hal lings gain the following bonuses when in combat.
-2 bonus to armor class when attacked by creatures larger
than man-sized (i.e, an AC of 6 becomes a 4)
+1 bonus to the attack roll when using any missile weapon
+1 bonus to individual initiative (see Combat section for

Hal lings can perform a Brace For Charge Skill check or a

Riposte Skill check when in combat. They're too small to
perform a Charge though.

Your average Hal ling, by ItsMeNeon, on DeviantArt


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

3: Gear
So you have your character ready, and your gold rolled. Now it's
time to buy the gear you need on your adventures. Luckily for Blunt Weapons
you, most things aren't that expensive, and you can purchase Weapon Cost
most bare necessities with no issue. However, weapons and
armor are costly, and getting them requires some money Club 2cp
management. Mace 5gp
This chapter will present to you the gear options, and their Morningstar 8gp
prices, as well as their properties. The currency works as
follows: copper, one tenth of a silver, which is one tenth of a
Bludgeon 15gp
gold, which is one tenth of a platinum. Warhammer 25gp

Weapons Ranged Weapons

Edge & Point Weapons Weapon
Weapon Cost
Shortbow 2gp
Dagger 5gp
Longbow 5gp
Shortsword 10gp
Handbow 6gp
Longsword 20gp
Light Crossbow 5gp(1cp for a bolt)
Scimitar 25gp
Heavy Crossbow 10gp
Saber 25gp
Greatbow 50gp
Greatsword 50gp
Twinblade 40gp Now you may notice that some of these weapons mentioned
aren't in any of the Character Templates' weapon skills, except
Rapier 45gp
maybe the Warrior. That's because these weapons are either
Glaive 40gp very similar to other weapons of that type of weapons, or are
extremely simple, and can be used by anyone. Or they are so
Edge Weapons complex they require weeks of in game training just to get the
basics down. Good examples are the Greatbow and the
Weapon Cost Twinblade, which require either a high level player just to use
Throwing Axe 5sp them, or you need to spend an entire level in studying the
weapons to get the hang of them. That's the basic gist of it.
Handaxe 2gp
Ba leaxe
Weapon Properties
Halberd 25gp Edge and Point Weapons
Poleaxe 35gp Weapon Range Damage
Dagger 5 . 1d4 Piercing or Slashing
Point Weapons Shortsword 5 . 1d6 Slashing or Piercing
Weapon Cost Longsword 5 . 1d8+STR Slashing or Piercing
Stake 1cp Scimitar 5 . 1d6 Slashing or Piercing
Javelin 2sp Saber 5 . 1d6+STR Slashing or Piercing
Spear 1gp Greatsword 5 . 1d10+STR Slashing or Piercing
Longspear 10gp Twinblade 5 . 2d6+STR Slashing or Piercing
Pike 15gp Rapier 5 . 1d6+STR Slashing or Piercing
Lance 30gp Glaive 10 . 1d12+STR Slashing or Piercing
Spiked Gauntlets 20gp


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Edge Weapons Armor
Weapon Reach Damage
Throwing Axe 15 . 1d4 Slashing
Light Armor
Handaxe 5 . 1d4+STR Slashing Armor Cost AC (THAC0 modifier)
Ba leaxe 5 . 1d8+STR Slashing Leather 5gp -9
Greataxe 5 . 2d6+STR Slashing Studded 8gp -8
Halberd 10 . 1d10 Slashing Gambeson 10gp -7
Poleaxe 10 . 1d12+STR Slashing
Point Weapons Armor Cost AC (THAC0 modifier)
Weapon Reach Damage Chanishirt 15gp -6
Stake 5 . 1d4 Piercing Scale mail 25gp -6
Javelin 20 . 1d4+DEX Piercing Breastplate 30gp -5
Spear 10 . 1d6+STR Piercing Half Plate 30gp -5
Longspear 15 . 1d8 Piercing
Pike 10 . 1d8+STR Piercing Heavy
Lance 10 . 2d8 Piercing Armor Cost AC (THAC0 modifier)
Spiked Gauntlets 5 . 2d4+STR Piercing Chainmail 35gp -4
Splint 40gp -3
Blunt Weapons Plate 40gp -2
Weapon Reach Damage When you're wearing heavy armor, you get -3 to Sneak, if
Club 5 . 1d4+STR Bludgeoning you're a Rogue who wants plate armor, or a Warrior who wants
Mace 5 . 1d6+STR Bludgeoning to know how to sneak.

Morningstar 5 h 1d6+STR Piercing and Bludgeoning

Bludgeon 5 . 1d8 Bludgeoning
Shield Cost AC bonus
Warhammer 5 . 2d6+STR Bludgeoning
Buckler 5sp -1

Ranged Weapons Leather Shield

Basic Shield
Weapon Range Damage
Tower Shield 25gp -4
Sling 15 . 1d4 Bludgeoning
Shortbow 60 . 1d6+DEX Piercing
Longbow 120 . 1d8+DEX Piercing
Handbow 30 . 1d6 Piercing
Light Crossbow 80 . 1d8 Piercing
Heavy Crossbow 160 . 1d10 Piercing
Greatbow 240 . 2d10+STR Piercing

A warrior braces for a charge, by CaesarsNail, DeviantArt


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Vehicle Cost
General Gear Cart 100gp
This is the adventuring gear that's just generally helpful. Things Carriage 150gp
to eat, things to use in dungeons, and things to heal the party
Wagon 300gp
with, etc. These are things you WILL need, so remember to not
spend all your money on armor on weapons and armor.

Item Cost
These weapons hit automatically and deal large damage
Ra on 5cp
Waterskin 5sp Machine Cost Range AC HP Damage
Rope 2gp per 10 feet Ballista 300gp 500 . 0 1200 3d12+10
Lockpick 4gp Catapult 500gp 700 . -1 2000 6d10+20
Bag of Caltrops 5gp each Ba ering
300gp 10 . -3 1000 4d10+8
10 foot pole 5gp
Siege Depends on archer Archer weapon
Knife 1gp 700gp -2 890
Tower weapons dependent
Po on of Curing 40gp
Po on of 1d4 healing 25gp
Po on of 1d6 healing 50gp
Bedroll 5sp
Tent 15sp
Empty bo le 2sp
Empty vial 5sp
Vial of acid 4gp
Wand 30gp
Thermite 100gp
Master key 200gp
Torch 3cp
Lantern 5gp
Blanket 5cp
Crystal Ball 1,000gp A ballista, by Saberrex, on DeviantArt

Tools Magical Items

Item Cost These items can either only be bought from powerful Magic-
Thieve's tools 20gp users and Priests, or found as loot. If the players decide to buy
an item, the base price is 500,000 gold.
Cooking supplies 10gp
Wri ng kit
Already Existing items
Scroll 10gp
The Severing Sword
This is a longsword with a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Tinker's tools 15gp It gives off a faint magical glow, and if a player rolls a critical hit,
Cartography supplies 12gp the sword will sever the head of the creature, or any one limb of
the GM's choice.
Brewing kit 20gp
Priestly equipment 10gp Bottomless Bag
Trenching supplies 15gp This bag has a vacuum inside it, that can it anything in it, and
the things stored in the bag can be taken back out just as easily.
Building supplies 20gp
If a person enters it, however, they will die within two minutes
Mining gear 15gp of entering.

Other Gear

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Tome of Golem Creation Additional enchantments
This item can only be used by Priests, and requires 18 WIS to The players can choose to get an additional enchantment to
use. The Priest reads this tome 5 times to create a Golem, and an their weapon, if they pay an additional 200 gold.
additional 5 times to bring it to life. When bringing the Golem to
life the Priest will take 4d6 damage as a price for using this Reducing:
magic. The target, upon being hit, rolls a save against magic, or gets
reduced in size by 1d4 feet. This effect lasts for 2 minutes per
Hammer Of War reduction, and the target hit dice are reduced by 1 per foot. If
This hammer has been forged by ancient beings, and deals 6d6 applied to armor, the wearer can reduce their size by 1d4 feet
damage to any hit enemies. However, the true potential of this for twice the amount of time.
weapon comes out when ighting undead, dragons or demons. A
massive wave of force bursts out, doubling the damage dealt. Bad Luck Curse:
The weapon causes the target to have bad luck, giving them -5 to
Dagger of Pure Evil all rolls for an hour. This effect can be avoided with a save
This dagger gives off a dark magical aura, and kills all plant life against magic.
within 100 feet of it. It deals no real damage when used, but if an
attacker scores a critical hit, the defender must roll a save Levita on:
against magic. On a fail, they die, and become undead servants. This weapon allows the wielder, or wearer to levitate off the
Only applies to living creatures. ground at will for 2 minutes per use. The wielder can levitate as
long as they want, but going too high will make them take falling
The Wand of Mass Message damage.
This wand allows you to broadcast your voice everywhere
within 2 miles of you, and people are forced to hear it. Only Dead Magic:
usable by Magic-users and Entertainers. Upon being hit, any magic using creatures won't be able to use
magic for 1 hour, and if applied to armor, magic doesn't work
Jug Without A Bottom within 5 feet of the wearer.
This jug is seemingly pitch black inside, and gives off a small
magical aura. If a person holds the jug, and thinks of a liquid, Polymorph:
that liquid will appear in it, and will remain as long as the user
If the weapon hits an enemy, they must roll a saving throw
against magic, or they will get changed into any animal the
player wishes for 10 minutes. The wearer can do the spell on
Creating Magical Items themselves at will too if they so wish.
The players can't create any proper real magic items. However,
the players can have their weapons enchanted by an Enchanter,
This weapon will cook any enemy it hits, if the wielder is the one
a person who's not a Magic-user, but holds the power to enchant
who landed the killing blow.
items. These weapons are powerful, and give bonuses to attack
and damage rolls. The bonus can go up to +10, and they can
have an additional effect for an additional cost. Armor
This can be applied to a weapon, and if so, the weapon will deal
enchantments only go up to +5
an additional damage die worth of damage. If applied to an
Bonus Cost armor, it does seemingly nothing. However, if two weapons with
Instability on them come in contact, it will result in an explosion
+1 100gp
that can destroy an entire continent. Highly risky.
+2 200gp
+3 300gp
+4 400gp
+5 500gp
+6 600gp
+7 700gp
+8 1000gp
+9 1,100gp
+10 1,200gp


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

4: Skills and Skill Checks
Each Character Template has a couple of default skills, and Ability
there's many more than just those in the game, each of which Skill Score Effect
grants you a bonus to something, or allows you to do something Tac cs INT/WIS Grants a +5 bonus in mass combat
that can help you or the party as a whole. Each skill has a skill
Sneak If your a ack connects while sneaking,
check attached to it, and they require some Ability Score to DEX
A ack your damage is doubled
perform. You roll a d20, and add your Ability Score modi ier to
it. Depending on the SC, or Skill Challenge, the roll can either You can learn about faiths, and pray for
Religion WIS
fail, or succeed. As stated before, characters can spend XP to small things
gain new skills. Brewing WIS/INT You can make po ons, and alcohol
Skill Checks Magic
INT You can read magical text

Skill Ability Score Effect Write

INT You can write magical text
Allows you to do tricks in and out of
Acroba cs DEX Use
Magic INT You can use a magical items.
Athle cs STR You can perform acts of strength Device
Appraise INT You can determine prices for items Botany INT/WIS Allows you to learn about plants
You can speak with people to Building INT/STR Allows you to build construc ons
Nego ate CHA
convince them of something
Grants your warmachines 1 extra damage
Cast Ar llery INT
INT/WIS You cast magic die, or the ability to rerolls missed a acks
History INT Allows you to recall something
You can heal yourself or a party
Heal WIS member for twice your level worth Pick Lock DEX/INT Allows you to unlock a door
of HP Allows you to mine out precious metals
Mining STR/WIS
Cooking WIS/INT Allows you to make food and stones
Allows you to create things that the Tunneling INT/STR Allows you to make a Tunnel
GM allows Allows you to navigate caves and find
Caving INT/WIS
Riding DEX Allows you to ride a mount cracks in stone
Handle Allows you to strengthen any
INT Allows you to make animal friends For fying STR/INT
Animal construc on
Tracking INT Allows you to find tracks Smithing STR/DEX Allows you to make weapons and armor
Sneak DEX Allows you to move unseen
Perform CHA Allows you to peform for people Skill Challenges
On a success you gain +2 HP and This is how much you have to get with your roll to succeed.
Inspire CHA give your party a +1 bonus to
a acks Skill difficulty SC
Steal DEX Steal things Trivial 8
A ack any enemy in a straight line Very easy 10
Charge STR
with a +1 to hit Easy 12
Brace For Normal 15
STR -2 AC against a charging foe
Hard 20
Ac on
STR Allows you to double your ac on Harder 25
Allows you to lie your way out of Near impossible 30
Bluff CHA
In midate STR/CHA Allows you to scare a creature


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

5: Combat
Eventually your party will run into combat, and then you'll be Warrior and Dwarf THAC0 tables
powering your way through and making the enemies regret the Level THAC0
day you were born. Combat can be challenging at level 1, but
you'll get a hang of it eventually, and then you'll be having fun in 1-4 20
and out of battle. Or you'll be killed in the irst few rounds and 5-8 19
no one has fun, except a sadist GM. 9-10 18
But don't worry about that, you just need to know the basics
of combat for now, and then we'll cover the more advanced
11-13 17
things. 14-16 16
17-20 15
Step 1: Initiative 21-24 14
Before combat begins in proper, you need to roll for your 25-30 13
initiative. You roll a d20, and add your DEX modi ier to the roll
31-33 12
total. You roll this once per cpmbat. The highest initiative goes
irst. There are things that effect the initiative, like whether you 34-36 11
or the enemy are caught by surprise. If there's a surprise attack,
the ones surprised get a -2 to initiative. Monsters use their Other Characters' THAC0
THAC0 for initiative. Level THAC0
1-6 20
Step 2: Turns 7-11 19
In combat, each character gets a turn. The turn lasts in game for 12-16 18
5 seconds. During your turn you can move your movement
17-20 17
speed's worth, and then make an attack, cast a spell, perform a
skill check, or run, quadrupling your movement speed. 21-25 16
26-32 15
If you make an attack, you roll a d20, add your attack modi ier to
33-36 14
it, and compare it to the target's AC. If it's below the target AC,
On with the combat.
you miss the attack, and that's your turn. If it's a hit, you roll the
weapon's damage as shown in the Gear section before.
Attacks of Opportunity
Casting a Spell In combat, there's a chance you may want to escape from an
If you decide to cast a spell, that will be your action during your
enemy. If you do this, you will take an attack of opportunity. This
turn. You can cast healing spells, make illusions, do offensive
is one attack that one enemy can make against if you move 5 feet
spells, or even teleport your way out of a ight.
away from them. This is important, because if you get cut down
by an enemy in combat, that's pretty much that. You get one
Running chance to avoid death after that, which we will cover next.
You can run during your turn, if you need to get somewhere fast,
or just want to escape combat. Running, as stated before,
quadruples your movement. Death
Death is something you might encounter sooner or later in Epic
Intermission: THAC0 Legends. However, it does not come immediately after your HP
drops to 0. You will get one chance to avoid death, by rolling a
In Epic Legends, you have a preset number for your base attack
d20. If you roll an 11 or higher, you will be brought back to 1 HP,
modi ier from level 1 to 36. This is called To Hit Armor Class 0,
but you're not able to do anything for the rest of the ight.
or simply, THAC0. THAC0 is the base score you need to roll to
If your character does end up dying, you can get them
land an attack on a d20 against the AC of 0. You roll an attack,
resurrected, but it will cost you 5,000 gold, and can only be
and add your attack modi ier to it, after which you compare the
performed by a Priest of level 20 or higher.
score to the THAC0 score of your character. Dwarves and
Warriors have the same THAC0 value, and the other Character
Templates have the same THAC0 throughout the game.
Coming up next are the THAC0 tables for the Character


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

6: Land Owning, and Mass Combat
In Epic Legends, once you hit level 10, you have the option of So, with this you know how to manage your lands. If you ind an
owning land. This is dependent on your Character Template, and angry mob at your door, or people are leaving your lands, you
it's a nice alternative to just roaming in dungeons and doing may have done something wrong.
small jobs for higher authority. Then again this will also mean
that if a war is to break out, you will be called in as a general,
and then you'll have to assemble an army. Both are things we'll
Mass Combat and Warfare
cover in this section. You're quietly sitting in your fort, or manor, and looking over
your village. All is ine, and well. But then you hear the horns of

Owning Land war, and a messenger brings you orders to gather an army. This
is war time, and you need to be ready for battle.
First we'll cover the owning of land. This is probably not the When you get into the mass combat, you have several
simplest of things, but just read it over a few times, and you'll be modi iers to it, which are all listed below, these modi iers will be
good. added to a D100 roll, which is just 2 d10s acting as tens and
ones, and the GM will do the same. The you compete your
Your Property scores, and the highest will win. This will affect your army as
well. Each army has a base morale of 90%.
When you own land, you generally own a large area, and the
lands spreading ive miles to every direction from there. you Condi on Modifier
have servants and peasants who need money and food, and in Every 10 soldiers +5
return they'll do all your physical labor and pay you in return in
Light armor +5
It's important to keep your people happy. An angry peasant is Medium and heavy armor +15
a mutinous one, and just having an executioner will not Low quality weapons -10
guarantee your safety. You should also have some guards
Good weapons +10
protecting your towns and property, and rangers protecting the
wilderness around the town. Terrain, mountain pass +30
The people's happiness with your rulership is measured in Terrain, uphill -15
percentages. If it drops below 10%, you will have riots and Terrain downhill +5
mutinies at your hands. So keep that in mind. I've listed all the
expenses and their effect on people's mood down below. Raining? -10
Plains ba le +0
Necessity Cost People's mood
For fied defense posi on? +20
Housing 100gp +25%
For fied a ack posi on? -15
Guards/Rangers 20gp/month +20%
Low morale -10
Employment 300gp/year +20%
Warmachines? +10
Brothels 120gp +35%
Enemy has warmachines? -10
Upkeep 600gp/year +25%
Terrain, swamp -10
Proper Military 160gp/month +20%
Food 10gp/month +40% With these modi iers in mind, you can now roll your dice. The
difference between scores determines the victor of the battle.
Visits Free +26%
Temples 200gp +30% Effect on
Difference Effect on enemy morale
There are also things that will inevitably lower your people's 10-20% or Enemy managed to retreat, or
mood, and that can lead to bad things on your part. -55%
less drive you off
Problems People's mood 25% Enemy's front line destroyed -25%
Famine -40% 30% The enemy was captured -40%
Taxes above 10gp -50% Enemy was surrounded and
35% -50%
beaten back
Monsters -35%
45% Enemy was eventually beaten -35%
War -30%
50%+ Decisive victory! +15%
Unpaid salaries -45%
General tyranny -60%


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

7: Magic
The one thing little people know, and even fewer can do. Magic. Both Priest and Magic-user have a set amount of spells per
This is the thing that makes the Magic-users and Priests day, which are shown in their experience tables. Elves can use
effective. This is the thing that keeps the party alive, and kills the Magic-user spell list up to 5th level spells.
their foes. Both classes have spell tables, and they're inite, but
most spells are effective. There's a good few combat spells, as
well as some spells for utility and just general entertainment.
Magic-users know all the spells of 1 level, and can easily learn
the higher levels as they level up.

1st Level 3rd Level 6th Level 8th Level

Fireball Fire Portal Call 10 Skeletons Snow Storm
Message Water Portal Talk With Dead Fire Storm
Detect Magic Earth Portal Assemble Tent Death Storm
Identify Air Portal Magic Armor Sand Storm
Magic Missile Abyssal Portal Anti Telharsic Arrow Hurricane
Grabbing Vines Heavenly Portal Infinite Bottle Conjure Flood
Raise Temperature 10°C Lightning Bolt Infinite Pouch Create 4d6 Undead
Lunar Beam Fire Pillar Raise 2d6 dead
Ray of Enfeebling Void Hole Burn Diseased 9th Level
Shield Vanish Polymorph Fireball x3
Thunder Wave Heatwave 50°C Conjure Demon
Sticks to Snakes 7th Level Conjure Angel
4th Level Disguise Self Become Lich
2nd Level Darkness Change Face Acid Arrow x3
Magic Weapon Acid Arrow Trick The Mind Banish
Call Familiar Soul Spear Levitate Miasma Storm
Comprehend Languages Crystal Beam Ice Wall Earthquake
Fire Whip Burning Hands Stone Wall
Copy Spell Pestilence Fire Wall
Air Barrage Create Rats Freeze Meat
Electric Grasp Create Pigeon Rain of Arrows
Holding Rune Brain Hemorrhage Build Magic Barrier
Mind Blast Transmute
Force Blast
Hysteria 5th Level
Ring of Fire
Create Portal
Pin Down
Freeze Feet
Heat Metal
Seal Door


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Level 2
Magic-User Spell Descriptions
Magic-users have the most spells to pick from, and have the best Magic Weapon
spells for many things. Their spell damage is equal to their level, You produce a weapon you know how to use in your hand,
up to 20, so your Magic-user at level 16 can cast ireball and deal which deals magical damage that passes any defenses against
16d6 damage, but the damage increase will stop at level 20. non-magical damage.

Level 1 Call Familiar

You call a tiny creature to your location. This being can do
Fireball scouting for you and give you the enemy a -2 penalty in their
You raise your hand and point your inger to the enemy. A ball of magic saves, or +2 to ally attacks by just bein there and being
ire will shoot from your hand, and the enemies in a 10 foot area annoying.
must success a magic saving throw, or take 1d6 ire damage. All
attack spells require a Magic save to be made against them, Comprehend Languages
unless stated otherwise. You can cast this spell to understand a foreign language for 10
You can send a 30 word mind message to any ally within 100 Fire Whip
feet of you. You make a whip of ire and roll an attack roll against an enemy.
They take 2d6 ire damage on a hit.
Detect Magic
This spell allows you to ind anything magical within 200 feet of Copy Spell
you. You can copy any one higher level spell into your spell list, and
keep it there until used, in which case it disappears.
Iden fy
You can identify any magic items and spell effects, but you can Air Barrage
never detect magic related to Annihilation. You make solid balls of air and rain them in a 20 foot space. All
enemies who failed their save must take 4d4 damage.
Magic Missile
You shoot three magical projectiles from your hand, which deal Electric Grasp
1d4 damage each. Hits automatically. You touch an enemy, and if you succeed, they take 1d12 damage
as electricity comes out of your hand.
Grabbing Vines
You call vines from the earth, which grab enemies in a 15 foot Holding Rune
area of your choice for 3 turns. You draw a magic rune in the air, and any one enemy you can see
cannot move for the rest of the battle.
Raise Temperature
You can use this to heat up any space by 10 degrees Celsius, and Mind Blast
it lasts for a minute. This spell can be stacked. You choose a target and they make a magic saving throw. If they
fail, they will be so confused they can't do anything for 1 hour.
Lunar Beam
This spell only works at night. You can ire a beam of white light Force Blast
at any enemy, and they take 1d12+INT worth of damage. You shoot a concentrated ball of force out of your hand, and
upon hitting deal 2d6 damage.
Ray of Enfeebling
You shoot a gray ray at an enemy, and if they fail their fail the Hysteria
save, their attack modi ier is reduced by -2, and AC by +2. You choose and enemy and they make a magic save. If they fail,
they laugh for 2 minutes.
You can use this give yourself an additional -2 AC when an
enemy makes an attack. Works only once per combat.

Thunder Wave
You clap your hands together, and a booming voice comes out in
a 10 foot sphere in front of you, dealing 2d4+INT damage to the

S cks to Snakes
You point at a pile of 20 sticks, turning them into snakes. If
there's an enemy in this pile, they die from snake bites.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Level 3 Acid Arrow
You shoot an arrow of acid out of your inger, and roll an attack.
Fire Portal
If you hit, the enemy will take 4d4 acid damage.
You create a portal of ire, and can push an enemy into it, after
which it closes, burning that person alive.
Soul Spear
Water Portal You shoot a spear of pure magic at an enemy, who must make a
magic save. If they fail, the spell deals 3d6 damage to the enemy.
You create a portal of water, and can push an enemy in it, after
which it closes, leaving the enemy to drown.
Crystal Beam
Earth Portal You shoot a beam of crystalline energy at an enemy and roll for
attack. If they fail, they will take 2d10 damage.
You create a portal made of earth, and if you push an enemy in
it, the portal closes, and that enemy suffocates.
Burning Hands
Air Portal You press your thumbs together, and create a 20 foot cone of
ire. All enemies must make a magic save, and if they fail, they
You create a portal made of air, and if you push an enemy in it,
will take 3d8 ire damage.
the portal closes, and the enemy will fall down 2 minutes later,
exploding into gore upon impact.
Pes lence
Abyssal Portal You infect any one item with a plague, that will then slowly
spread, and in 2 weeks, you'll have killed everything withing 2
You create a portal to the plane of the demons. If an enemy is
pushed into the portal, the portal closes, and the cries of death
of that person will ring out as it does.
Create Rats
Heavenly Portal Allows you to create 2d10+4 rats, that will run around, eating
the food supply and spreading diseases. Great when paired up
You create a portal to heaven, and if an enemy is pushed there,
with Pestilence.
they will pushed out, and their ways have changed for good,
after which the portal closes.
Create Pigeon
Ligh ng Bolt You create a pigeon. It serves no purpose other than to exist.
You shoot lightning in a straight line, and any hit enemy needs to
Brain Hemorrhage
make a magic saving throw. If failed, they take 2d8 lightning
You cause a horrible pain in someone's brain, incapacitating
them. This spell lasts for 1 minute, can stack, and it can kill a
Fire Pillar
You create a pillar of ire, that will deal 3d6 ire damage to
anything it touches that has failed its save.
You can use this spell to make lead into gold, or any other
Void Hole precious metal, except platinum.
You create a hole in the ground, and can push enemies into it,
making them vanish for eternity
Level 5

Vanish Ring of Fire

You create a 20 foot ring of ire around yourself, and if an enemy
You become invisible for 5 minutes.
tries to go through it, they must make a magic save or take 6d6
ire damage.
Heatwave 50°C
You make the temperature rise by 50 degrees Celsius in a 100 Depress
foot area. This spell can stack.
You choose a target and they roll a magic save. On a fail, they will
give up, and not do anything for the next 10 hours.
Level 4
Darkness Create Portal
Allows you to make a portal to any known location, and it will
The area in your immediate 50 foot vicinity becomes pitch
close once you go through.
black, and only you and you allies can see in it.
Pin Down
You choose a target and make them save against magic. If they
fail, they will fall down and can't get up for 1 minute.

Freeze Feet
You make ana enemy save against magic, or their feet will be
frozen in place.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Heat Metal Level 7
You make a metal object glowing hot. If it is held, the target will
Disguise Self
drop it. If it's worn, the wearer will cook alive.
You create magical disguise for yourself.
Seal Door Change Face
You make a door impassable for 2 minutes.
This spell allows you to create yourself a new face for one day.
Blind Trick The Mind
You make anything you touch blind for 10 minutes.
You can cast this on any creature, and if they fail their magic
save, they will believe any trick you pull on them.
You make any enemy you touch mute for 5 minutes. Levitate
You touch yourself or an ally, and you or the ally are granted the
power to levitate for 5 minutes.
You make any enemy you touch deaf.
Ice Wall
You create a wall of ice, which can't be climbed, but it will melt
You give your party member +7 to hit and damage for 1 minute,
from ire.
but this also reduces their AC down to 10.
Stone Wall
Level 6 You create a wall of stone, which can be climbed, but falling off
of it will deal 10d6 falling damage.
Call 10 Skeletons
You call 10 skeletons to your aid for 5 minutes.
Fire Wall
You create a wall of ire, and anything that goes through it, will
Talk With Dead
make a magic save, or take 9d8 ire damage.
You can speak to ghosts, corpses and other dead things for 1
Freeze Meat
Assemble Tent This spell allows you to freeze any meat for as long as needed.
Can be used on enemies.
Makes a tent that's larger on the inside, and can't be set on ire.

Magic Armor Rain of Arrows

You conjure a rain of arrows, and the enemy needs to make a
Increases any creature's AC you choose by -4.
magic save, or take 7d12 piercing damage.
An Telharsic Arrow Build Magic Barrier
You ire an arrow of pure knowledge at an enemy, making them
You call in your magic abilities, and build a barrier around you
save against magic. They will be hit on a fail for 3d12 damage.
and your allies. It lasts for 10 minutes, and gives you time to heal
and prepare for more ighting.
Infinite Bo le
Allows you to create a bottle that can hold in inite liquid.
Level 8
Infinite Pouch Snow Storm
You can create a pouch that can hold any amount of small items.
You conjure a storm of snow for 5 minutes, and everything
within it takes 10d6 cold damage.
Raise 2d6 Dead
Reanimate 2d6 dead people as zombies, and let them ight for Fire Storm
You conjure a storm of ire, that destroys everything in its way,
and deals 15d6 ire damage to everything in it.
Burn Diseased
You touch a person who is infected with a disease, and they will Death Storm
burn to cinders within minutes, giving them their inal rest. It's
You make a storm of pure death appear. Everything in it will take
12d6 damage to all creatures in it, and the lost HP can never be
You force a creature to save against magic, and if they fail, you Hurricane
can turn them into any animal you want for 2 hours.
You conjure a hurricane, that will ling everything around, killing
1d12 creatures in the area.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Conjure Flood
Drown a 2 mile area.

Create 4d6 Undead

You can create 4d6 undead creatures that can range from
zombies to wights.

Level 9
Fireball x3
You can cast Fireball, but it deals 3 times the damage than

Conjure Demon
You can summon a low level demon to aid you in battle. Not very
popular among religious groups.

Conjure Angel
You summon a low level angel to aid you in battle. Very popular
among religious groups.

Become Lich
You must kill the one you most hate, the one you most love, and
5 innocent people, then make them into a potion, drink it, and
you'll become a Lich.

Acid Arrow
Acid Arrow, but the damage is threefold.

Send any creature you choose to another place entirely, if they
fail their magic save.

Miasma Storm
You create a storm that cannot kill anything, but everything that
comes to contact with is incapacitated for 24 hours due to

You destroy everything in a 10 mile radius. You will be hated.

Fire is fun, by MyHate, on DeaviantArt


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Priests draw their magic from the gods, and as long as they have
their god's favor, they have their magic. Theses spells are mainly
used for healing and other utility, but there's a few combat spells
sprinkeld in there.
Clerics can know 3 spells at a time, and can switch them
during rests.

1st Level 3rd Level 5th Level 7th Level

Cure Light Wounds Divine Favor Cure Plagues Conjure Fire
Detect Poison Holy Weapon Create Plague Create Flood
Detect Disease Divine Beam Burn the Diseased Wall of Stone
Detect Good And Evil Slow Star Blast Wall of Fire
Cure Fever Create Food Victory Cry Mind Warp
Sticks to Snakes Create Drink Holy Strike
6th Level Resurrect
2nd Level 4th Level Cure Heavy Wounds
Create Light Divine Mount Banish Evil
Create Bonfire Holy Storm Collect the Alms
Stop Bleeding Good Luck Burning Weapon Of Fury
Fix Bone True Strike Lightning Attack
Lunar Beam Cure Medium Wounds Shield Of Faith
Light Bolt


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Collect The Alms
Slow Using your divine power, you choose three bags of money on
You choose a target, and say a quick prayer. If the target fails the people, and use this spell to empty them in your bag.
magic save, their movement is halved.
Burning Weapon Of Fury
Create Food Any weapon you touch gets set on ire, and will deal extra 2d6
You can create food using this spell once per day to feed your ire damage to the enemy.
party and yourself, or someone in need.
Lightning A ack
Created Drink You call to your god, conjuring a spear of lightning. The target
You can create a drink using this spell once per day to feed your makes a magic save, and on a fail they take 6d8 lightning
party and yourself, or someone in need. damage.

Level 4 Shield of Faith

You call to your god in battle, and they answer by granting you
Divine Mount an AC of 0. This is something you can only use once in a battle,
This spell expenses all your 4th level spell uses for the day. You and the effect wears off after 3 minutes.
pray to your go for a heavenly mount, and it will remain with
you for 24 hours, or until you fall asleep. Level 7
Holy Storm Conjure Fire
You create a whirlwind of holy light, which will deal 4d10 to all You conjure a large ire that burns everything. Any creatures
undead and demons. caught in the ire will drop down to 1 HP.

Good Luck Mind Warp

You pray to your god for guidance. You can reroll a critical You use the power of gods to either turn an enemy to your side,
failure. confuse them, or frighten them. Save is required.

True Strike Holy Strike

This spell allows you to channel your god's power to an all, or Your weapon will kill any unholy creature you hit. You can only
yourself. They get +5 to hit for 1 turn. use it once every 24 hours.

Cure Medium Wounds Resurrect

You channel your god's power to heal an ally for 3d8 HP. This is You channel the power of the gods to a fallen comrade. The spell
increased depending on your level. costs 5,000 gold, and will bring your comrade back after an hour
of casting.
Level 5
This concludes the magic section. With this knowledge you
Cure Plagues should be able to make the most of magic. Or least just for the
You channel your god's power to heal those with a plague. jokes.

Create Plague
You channel your god's power to create a plague.

Star Blast
You ire a ball of godly energy at an enemy, and they make a
magic save. They'll take 5d6 damage from the spell. This is
increased by your level, as always.

Victory Cry
You declare your god's name after a victorious battle. You XP
increases by 100 XP.

Level 6
Cure Heavy Wounds
You channel your god's to power to heal severe wounds. This
also affects the undead, serving as a damage dealer.

Banish Evil
You touch one evil creature of your choice, and on a failed magic
save, they will be banished to another place for 10 minutes. This
spell can only be performed once per day.

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

8: Monsters & NPCs
The worlds of Epic Legends are illed with an assortment of Orc
monsters to battle, and non-player characters (NPCs) to meet. Orcs are being bred for war by dwarves who served an evil god,
These can give you missions to go to when talked to, if they're and who were killed by their creation to the last man. These
NPCs, and they'll provide nice XP and loot if they're monsters. monsters now roam the land, looking for a good ight. Their life
revolves around ighting, and moving from place to place.
Monsters Sometimes an orc with enough power to overpower other
leaders can unite tribes into large warhosts.
The bestiary for Epic Legends includes a few monsters in
No. Appearing: 2d6
greater detail, and leaves the rest up to the GM's imagination.
AC: 6
They can be encountered in an assortment of places, like
HP: 2d8+2
wilderness, ruins and caves. When it comes to saves, monsters
Attacks: Battleaxe, Shortbow
have saving throws similar to Warrior. Animal monstrosities
generally have movement of 40 feet. Attack Bonus: +2, +0
THAC0: 19
Ratman Morale: 68%
Ratmen are samll hunched over humanoids, who skulk in the XP Value: 100
shadows of their underground tunnels and city sewers. They
like shiny things, and can even attack people in broad daylight Dusk Freak
just for the hell of it. These large crocodiles lurk in bogs and rivers, blending in
No. Appearing: 2d4 almost perfectly with their surroundings. I say almost because
AC: 8 there's one dead giveaway of this beast's presence. It's horns.
HP: 1d6+2 These beasts have curved horns on their snouts, which they use
to gore prey. In tall grass it can be dif icult to see them.
Attacks: Shortsword
No. Appearing: 1d6
Attack Bonus: +1
AC: 4
THAC0: 20
Attacks: Horns
Morale: 45%
XP Value: 25 Attack Bonus: +4
THAC0: 19
Goblin Morale: 80%
Goblins are disgusting little creatures, who ight in large hordes, XP Value: 100
tame giant spiders and wolves, and use them as mounts. A battle
against goblins is painful and risky, and rarely yields much loot. Giant Rat
No. Appearing: 2d8+2 These beasts are just what the name tells. Giant rats. These
AC: 7 monsters lurk in sewers and caves, and attack in big hordes.
HP: 1d8+2 No. Appearing: 2d6+12
Attacks: Longbow, Dagger AC: 11
Attack Bonus: +2, +1 HP: 1d4-1
THAC0: 20 Attacks: Bite (1d4)
Morale: 65% Attack Bonus: +0
XP Value: 25 THAC0: 20
Morale: 30%
Ogre XP Value: 10
Ogres are like the Mongol tribes of our world. However, they're
much hungrier and ride on woolly rhinos that inhabit their Giant Ferret
home tundras. They believe in their heathen god, the Great These big slippery beasts lurk in woods and plains, waiting for
Eater, who regurgitated them to this world to spread chaos and unknowing adventurers to eat.
destruction, and to eat all humanoids. No. Appearing: 1d6+1
No. Appearing: 1d4 AC: 10
AC: 4 HP: 1d6+2
HP: 3d8+3 Attacks: Bite, Claws (both 1d6+2)
Attacks: Any crossbow, Saber Attack Bonus: +2
Attack Bonuses: +0, +3 THAC0: 20
THAC0: 18 Morale: 45%
Morale: 70% XP Value: 25
XP Value: 150


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Giant Elk Giant
These forest roamers are noble, and usually don't attack Big, brutish, and strong, giants are excellent ighters, and
travelers, unless they're provoked. They will attack with their ef icient killers when in battle. They have an ability that lets
horns, and leave you to die on the forest loor. Sow pay respect. them grab a person with an attack, and throw them high in the
No. Appaering: 1d12 sky, resulting in 5d6 falling damage.
AC: 7 No. Appearing: 1d3 (half a d6)
HP: 3d4+1 AC: 2
Attacks: Horns HP: 6d10+9
Attack Bonus: +1 Attacks: Club (4d4 extra damage)
THAC0: 17 Attack Bonus: +5
Morale: 90% THAC0: 16
XP Value: 50 Morale: 85%
XP Value: 1,200
Hobgoblins are warriors. In fact, back in the ancient times they Zombie
ruled empires, until gods came and beat them down, reducing Undead monsters that have been made from reanimated from
them into roaming warhosts looking for jobs to do for coin. the corpses of the dead. They're slow, only moving 10 feet, but
Indeed, hobgoblins' story is a tragic one. But they don't care, they also come in numbers, so it can be very dangerous.
they care about keeping their tradition alive. Anything killed by a zombie, will become a zombie.
No. Appearing: 3d6+2 No. Appearing: 2d10
AC: 5 AC: 8
HP: 2d10+2 HP: 4
Attacks: Longsword, Longbow Attacks: Claw (1d6+2), any weapon
Attack Bonus: +2, +2 Attack bonus: +2
THAC0: 18 THAC0: 20
Morale: 89% Morale: In inite
XP Value: 100 XP Value: 25

Wolf Skeleton
Wolves are ierce beasts of the wilderness, and they attack Undead, but tougher than zombies. They use weapons, and their
without hesitation. Goblins and hobgoblins often use them as bony build makes them harder to hit. All damage done to
mounts in combat, and they will obey, because meat is meat, and skeletons is halved. Very dangerous in numbers.
the battle ield has plenty of it... No. Appearing: 3d6-3
No. Appearing: 1d6+1 AC: 5
AC: 8 HP: 2d6
HP: 1d8+2 Attacks: Any weapon
Attacks: Bite (1d6+2) Attack Bonus: +2
Attack Bonus: +2 THAC0: 20
THAC0: 20 Morale: In inite
Morale: 50% XP Value: 50
XP Value: 40
Giant Spider Undead who can drain the life out of an adventurer. They're
These monsters hide in dark woods, and attack anything with vengeful spirits who have possessed a body of a warrior, and
blood in it. So almost everything. Goblins exploit their bloodlust wander the land in search of things to kill. If they hit you with
and use them as mounts in battle. These are dangerous their claws, you will lose a level. This effect will stack.
monsters, so don't take them lightly. No. Appearing: 2d4+1
No. Appearing: 1d12+3 AC: 4
AC: 4 HP: 3d8+2
HP: 2d6+4 Attacks: Any weapon, claw (1d4+2)
Attacks: Bite (1d6+3 and 1d4 poison damage) Attack Bonus: +3
Attack Bonus: +3 THAC0: 18
THAC0: 20 Morale: In inite
Morale: 70% XP Value: 450
XP Value: 25


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Woolly Rhino Lich
The ierce beasts of the northern tundras. Ogres train them as Magic-users who sought immortality, and did the ritual of
mounts, and treat them as their only friends, as humans and Lichdom. They're undead, who slowly rot away, never dying.
other people are evil in their eyes. And the rhinos share this They can be killed however, as Lichdom and Immortality are not
world view. the same thing. The Lich can casts spells up to level 9.
No. Appearing: 1d10 No. Appearing: 3d6-3
AC: 6 AC: -1
HP: 2d10+5 HP: 21d4+6
Attacks: Horn (2d6+4), can charge Attacks: Any weapon, magic
Attack Bonus: +4 Attack Bonus: +3
THAC0: 20 THAC0: 16
Morale: 70% Morale: In inite
XP Value: 100 XP Value: 2,000

Drake Cold One

Not to be mixed with dragons. Drakes are ierce lying creatures Large Lizards that the feared raiders of the land and sea, the
similar to dragons, lacking their intelligence, and front legs. Grey Elves ride into battle. These large dinosaur like reptiles
They ly in the sky, spreading the occasional terror on villages have two large claws on their back feet, and their bit extremely
and towns. Drakes have a lying speed of 50 feet. painful. Grey Elves can ride them from time to time.
No. Appearing: 1d6 No. Appearing: 3d4
AC: 5 AC: 5
HP: 80 HP: 5d8
Attacks: Bite (2d6+5) Claws (1d8+5) Attacks: Bite (1d8+2), Claws (2d8+2)
Attack Bonus: +5 Attack Bonus: +2
THAC0: 19 THAC0: 19
Morale: 85% Morale: 70%
XP Value: 250 XP Value: 200

Troll Grey Elves

Trolls are giant blooded monsters, who can regenerate 1d8 HP Pirates, raiders, witches, and warriors, the Grey Elves are the
at each of their turns. However, ire can undo this. Trolls move in most feared of all the humanoid enemies in the lands, and their
small packs and are born of giant blood, irst bred in the ancient hatred for the Elven Empire burns hotter than the embers of
times. They now roam the land in search of masters to serve, be hell, due to a dispute 10,000 years ago, that tore apart their
it mighty warriors of evil, or powerful trolls. unity.
No. Appearing: 2d4 No. Appearing: 3d6+2
AC: 6 AC: 3
HP: 3d10+6 HP: 4d6+3
Attacks: Any weapon Attacks: Any weapon
Attack Bonus: +4 Attack Bonus: +5
THAC0: 18 THAC0: 18
Morale: 80% Morale: 80%
XP Value: 300 XP Value: 150

Necromancer Dragons
These are powerful wizards who raise dead, and that's all they Dragons are the eldest of all the creatures in the world, the irst
do. The secrets of life and death have driven them mad, and they Immortal of legends having been a dragon. The dragonkind has
will kill all people who stand in their way. They can cast spells been split for millenia now, the opposing sides being the red
up to 5th spell level. dragons, and the noble silver dragons. Their war is the war for
No. Appearing: 1 the last eggs of the good dragons, which the red ones try to
AC: 7 corrupt. Dragons don't do fair ights, and will swallow you
HP: 10d4-1 whole if they get the chance.
Attacks: Any weapon, magic No. Appearing: 1-2
Attack Bonus: -1 AC: -5
THAC0: 19 HP: 40d10
Morale: In inite Attacks: Swallow, claw (3d12+7), dragon breath (15d10+10
XP Value: 1,000 ire for reds, lightning for silvers)
Attack Bonus: +7
THAC0: 12
Morale: In inite
XP Value: 500,000


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Roc Troglodyte
Soaring through the skies comes the Roc. These humongous Troglodyte is a humanoid, maybe a human, maybe something
birds are classi ied as titans, and are extremely rare due to an else, that has grown reptile features after centuries of life in
ancient war that eradicated most of their kind. Now these titans deep dark caverns. Just ighting them can be unbearable, as
ly high in the skies, spreading the bloody rage of the titans to anyone within 5 feet of the needs to roll a save against poison
those who wronged them. every turn, or take 1 poison damage.
No. Appearing: 1-2 No. Appearing: 1d4
AC: -2 AC: 8
HP: 20d10 HP: 1d8+3
Attacks: Beak (2d10+6), claw (3d18+6) Attacks: Any blunt weapon
Attack Bonus: +7 Attack Bonus: +1
THAC0: 12 THAC0: 20
Morale: 95% Morale: In inite
XP Value: 15,000 XP Value: 25

Ghost Spell-Killer
Those who died before their time was right, or who have Spell-killer is an alien being from another reality. They have
experienced a great wrong in their life, return as ghosts. These lanky bodies, with spines on their back, and only one bulging
beings haunt ruins and the places of their death, attacking eye on their head, that kills all magic in its sight. The monster
anyone they might mistake for a descendant of the wrongdoer. has two other eyes on its palms, that shoot out rays with a 1d4
They are immune to all non-magical attacks. effect. Should two of these rays hit you, you're pretty much done
No. Appearing: 1d4 for.
AC: -1
d4 Ray
HP: 15
Attacks: Any weapon 1 Petrifica on
Attack Bonus: +4 2 Killing
THAC0: 18 3 Slow 10 feet
Morale: In inite
XP Value: 2,000
4 Telekinesis

No. Appearing: 1
Riding through the barren lands are the centaurs, majestic AC: 0
beings with the upper body of a man and the lower body of a HP: 10d10+5
horse. They're generally raider and bandit types, preferring Attacks: Rays
solitude and the bene it of them and them only. Sometimes Grey Attack Bonus: None
Elves ally with them during campaigns that can bene it both THAC0: 11
parties. Morale: In inite
No. Appearing: 2d8 XP Value: 8,500
AC: 5
HP: 2d8+3 Demon
Attacks: Any weapon Twisted creatures of the Abyss. These horri ic beings come in all
Attack Bonus: +3 shapes and sizes, and have destroyed countless of civilizations.
Wherever they god, a rain of ire will follow, and they will not
THAC0: 19
stop killing until there's nothing left to be killed. Chaotic and
Morale: 70%
generally evil Immortals can control the chaotic nature of these
XP Value: 400
foul beasts.
No. Appearing: 2d10
Kobolds are small freaks of nature. No one knows where they AC: -2
came from, but they've been accepted as part of the world, and HP: 8d8+10
the scribes trying to learn their origins have forgotten. They Attacks: Any weapon
look like a weird mix of a rabbit and a lizard. Attack Bonus: +6
No. Appearing: 3d6 THAC0: 15
AC: 8 Morale: In inite
HP: 1d6-1 XP Value: 2,000
Attacks: Any small weapon
Attack Bonus: +1
THAC0: 20
Morale: 40%
XP Value: 25


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Crocodileman Vampire
Humanoids twisted into the shape of a crocodile like reptile. Sometimes humans develop a taste for blood. As they do this
They're brutish, and strong, but not the sharpest tool in the more and more, they can no longer walk in the sun, touch
shed. They live in marshes, and attack anything that's not like running water, or eat normal food. They will become vampires,
them. A lot of ighting. They can hold their breath for 30 and they will lurk the night for fresh blood to drink. Vampires
minutes. can, upon landing a bite attack, heal themselves equal to the
No. Appearing: 1d10+2 damage dealt. They can also create zombies from the corpses of
AC: 4 their victims.
HP: 3d8+4 No. Appearing: 1d4
Attacks: Any edge weapon AC: -2
Attack Bonus: +3 HP: 20d8+15
THAC0: 19 Attacks: Any weapons, bite (2d6+4)
Morale: 80% Attack Bonus: +4, +3
XP Value: 250 THAC0: 13
Morale: 95%
Cyclops XP Value: 2,000
Giants with one eye only. They are big and strong, and make
adventurer's life hell, as a cyclops usually develops an obsession Hydra
for something it hasn't killed yet. So prepare to be chased by one These beasts are twisted beings with the ability to regrow
for a long while. heads, and regenerate 2d8 HP each time they do. They're always
No. Appearing: 1d3 hungry, and never run from a ight if it means getting food. Grey
AC: 5 Elves love to train these beasts for war.
HP: 7d10+10 No. Appearing: 1d4
Attacks: Any blunt weapon AC: 1
Attack Bonus: +6 HP: 10d12+20
THAC0: 17 Attacks: Bite (equal to amount of hits, 1d8+3 per head)
Morale: 80% Attack Bonus: +3
XP Value: 1,250 THAC0: 18
Morale: In inite
Giant Bug (any) XP Value: 4,000
There's a lot of bugs. But some bugs are bigger than others.
Having suffered a growth spurt due to a taint of evil. Now Minotaur
they're ravenous dungeon dwellers, that attack everything. A strange mixture of man and bull, the minotaurs are horrifying
No. Appearing: 3d6+4 monsters, with heads and fur of a bull, and the build of a
AC: 8 masculine human male. They move in small groups, or alone,
HP: 1d8+3 and they can be hired as mercenaries. Grey Elves are especially
Attacks: Bite (1d10+3 and 1d6 poison) fond of them.
Attack Bonus: +1 No. Appearing: 1d8
THAC0: 20 AC: 4
Morale: 90% HP: 12d8+12
XP Value: 60 Attacks: Any weapon
Attack Bonus: +4
Werewolf THAC0: 17
People who have sinned against the gods of the moon have been Morale: 75%
bestowed with the disease of Lycanthropy. These beasts are XP Value: 3,500
savage and brutal, but fear ire for their lives. These people turn
to man-wolf hybrid during the full moon, and they will remain
that way until dawn, consuming any poor sods that happened
on their path. Such is the curse of the gods of moon. If a These are the non-player characters that inhabit the world.
werewolf bites you, you will turn into a werewolf on the next full Coming up are some NPCs that you can lesh out, and later, on
moon. level 9 possibly command. Human NPCs use Warrior saves.
No. Appearing: 2d4+3
AC: 4 Human
HP: 6d8+3 The average person who doesn't know how to ight.
Attacks: Any blunt weapon AC: 11
Attack Bonus: +4 HP: 1d6
THAC0: 18 Attacks: None
Morale: 85% Attack Bonus: +0
XP Value: 900 THAC0: 20
Morale: 40%


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Hal ling Knight
The small folk, who live in houses built into hills, and who love A warrior of high renown. Makes for a good battle companion.
simple life. No. Appearing: 1d6
AC: 9 AC: 4
HP: 1d6 HP: 3d8+3
Attacks: None Attacks: Any weapon
Attack Bonus: -1, +0 Attack Bonus: +3
THAC0: 20 THAC0: 20
Morale: 35% Morale: 50%
XP Value: 10 XP Value: 100

Elf Priest
An average woodland roamer. These people love nature and Servants of the gods, and the helpers of the weak. They care for
know how to use a bow. the people and heal the wounded.
AC: 8 No. Appearing: 1d4
HP: 1d6 AC:12
Attacks: Bows HP: 1d6+1
Attack Bonus: +1 Attacks: Any blunt weapon
THAC0: 20 Attack Bonus: +2
Morale: 40% THAC0: 20
XP Value: 10 Morale: 25%

Dwarf Noble
An average dwarf, who likes mining and forging, and beer, lots of Boot lickers, greedy bastards, but quite good commanders.
beer. These people will help you greatly in a war, but having +4 to
AC: 10 their Tactics Skill.
HP: 1d8+2 No. Appearing: 1-5
Attacks: Any blunt weapon AC: 7
Attack Bonus: +1 HP: 4d4+3
THAC0: 20 Attacks: Rapier
Morale: 45% Attack Bonus: +2
XP Value: 10 THAC0: 19
Morale: 75%
Ranger XP Value: 100
A human, hal ling or an elf who patrols the wilderness for any
threats. And with that, Monsters and NPCs have been covered for the
No. Appearing: 1d4 Rules Cyclopedia. There will be more of this coming in later
AC: 8 works, and you can take any ideas you may have for your own
HP: 1d6+3 Monsters and NPCs, and add them to the game.
Attacks: Bows
Attack Bonus: +2
THAC0: 20
Morale: 4%
XP Value: 25

Town Guard
Any human, dwarf, hal ling or an elf who has the basic combat
No. Appearing: 1d6
AC: 7
HP: 1d8+2
Attacks: Any weapon
Attack Bonus: +2
THAC0: 20
Morale: 40%
XP Value: 25

A town guard of a very strange town, by deWitteillustration, on



Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

9: Random Encounters
These are random encounters players can find, up d8 Encounter
to level 20. From there, it's up to the GM. 1 Kobolds
Wilderness Encounters, level 1-6 2 Skeletons
d10 Encounter 3 Giant Bugs
1 Goblins 4 Zombies
2 Orcs 5 Troglodytes
3 Trolls/Dusk Freaks 6 Ratmen
4 Grey Elves 7 Giant Rats
5 Wolves 8 1 Troll
6 Giant Spiders
7 Giant Ferrets Dungeon Enounters, Level 7-13
d8 Encounter
8 Giant Elks
1 Necromancer
9 Zombies
2 Minotaurs
10 Giants
3 Hydra
Wilderness Encounters, level 7-14 4 Cyclops
d10 Encounter 5 Vampire
1 Goblins 6 Demons
2 Orcs 7 Spell Killer
3 Dusk Freaks 8 Wights
4 Grey Elves
5 Ogres Dungeon Enounters, Level 14-20
d12 Encounter
6 Giant Spiders
1 Lich
7 Crocodilemen
2 Ghosts
8 Trolls
3 Giant Bugs
9 Drakes
4 Zombies
10 Hydra
5 Hydra
Wilderness Encounters, level 15-20 6 Minotaurs
d12 Encounter 7 Vampire
1 Trolls 8 Demons
2 Centaurs/Giants 9 Trolls
3 Ogres + Woolly Rhinos 10 Dragon
4 Grey Elves + Cold Ones 11 Kobolds+20
5 Hobgoblins + Wolves 12 Wights
6 Cyclops
7 Goblins + Giant Spiders
8 Demons
9 Drakes
10 Roc
11 Werewolf
12 Dragon

Dungeon Enounters, Level 1-6


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

To Finish The Of icial Rules
Bonus Rule: Becoming an Bonus Rule: Weapon
Immortal Mastery
When you hit level 36, you have caught the attention of a god. It If your character uses a certain kind of weapon long enough,
can be the one you follow, or one that is impressed by your feats they will eventually gain weapon mastery with it.
of heroism. If they ind you worthy, they will then offer you a
If you seek to gain mastery with a weapon, any weapon, you
place among the remaining Immortals, to battle evil in the name
must use that weapon type for 7 levels. There are three tiers of
of the light.
mastery, and each tier increases your damager die by a certain
But before you can become the new scion of the gods, you must number. The tiers and their bene its are listed down below.
pass the tests of Immortality. The gods will give you three
Level Tier Benefits
missions out of a possible six, and you must complete them all in
order to earn the favor of the gods, and inally ascend. These 7 Talent +1 damage die
tasks are by no means easy, and they can take a lifetime to 14 Mastery +3 damage dice
complete. But then, you will inally be an Immortal.
Grand +5 damage dice, 15 . throwing distance
d6 Task Mastery (requires DEX)
1 Slay 100 Liches
2 Beat an Immortal in a fist fight Afterword
3 Kill all Magic-users in a 1000 mile radius Before we get to the additional parts of this Rules Cyclopedia, I
just want to say a few words. Well, a few paragraphs of words is
4 Rule an empire for a century
more accurate, actually.
5 Burn all temples and rebuild them I've always been a fan of D&D, ever since I was a kid. So when
6 Forge a weapon worthy of a god I started learning more about the game, and its history, my
interest just grew further. And then I inally got my hands on an
When the tasks are completed, you may become an Immortal. near free copy of the Basic D&D Rules Cyclopedia, and my free
Then, from there, every 10,000 XP you gather will become a time blew away.
Power Point (PP) and you can spend these to create your own This Rules Cyclopedia might be a bit short, only spanning 60
world, or even destroy one as you please. But be careful, or so pages, but I just want to say that I'm thankful that you
because you might annoy other Immortals, who you can bet are decided to get this book. If you enjoyed it, that's good, and if you
stronger than your start with. ind it to be lacking or boring, then that's ine, that's your
opinion on it.
A Godly Feat PP Cost
What I'm trying to say is, that this is made out of love for D&D,
Build a Plane of Existence 5 and I will be sure not to let all this effort go to waste. I
Forge godly weapons and armor 20 appreciate your time, and I hope to hear your thoughts on the
Build your own angels 50
With these words, I will leave you to read the inal part of the
Establish a Pantheon 100 book, the module for beginning players, Into The Pit, which
Revive a dead na on 150 introduces a new and interesting world to explore and quest in.
And if this is successful, I will certainly be publishing more
Make a new Immortal 500
modules that you can get for your Epic Legends needs.
Create an en re new race 1000 Without any further delay, Farewell.

The greatest bene its of being an Immortal are of course getting -Viktor S, the Scion of Immortals
a serious defense increase and immunities to most things. The
only things that can kill you is either another Immortal or a god, Also, yes, this is the same A erword as in the
and if a mortal can kill you, they will take you power and your previous interpreta on, give me a break.
place. All damage you take is reduced by 85% percent, and
you're immune to poisons, ire, lightning and all non-magical
attacks. Magical attacks will deal damage to you, but your
defense will reduce it to 15%.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

The New Shore
A Default Se ng For Epic Legends, With a new World, and Pantheons


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Welcome To The New Shore
Long ago, in the ancient times, the world was green, and lively. The Kingdom of Nikedonia
The nations kept to themselves, and peace reigned. Mighty The Kingdom of Nikedonia are an ancient kingdom resembling
citadels rose high above the landscape, and epic tales were the ancient Greece. These people have lived for thousands of
made of brave heroes, epic wars, and the mighty Immortals. years on their islands, and know the ways of naval warfare and
But who are the Immortals? They were the mightiest of the land combat better than most, and they make for a valuable ally
warriors in the world. They were the avatars of the gods, and in the times of distress. Their kings, knights and priests form the
the defenders of the realm, who battled evil where it sprung up. senate, who are the main reason magic was banned from the
The mightiest of them was the Immortal of the dragons, kingdom in its early days. Their capital is the mighty city of
Bahomar, who was the irst of the godly champions to walk the Aledon, where eternal ire burns to guide the ships in the night.
earth, and ly in the sky.
Sarranian Sultanate
So basically the Immortals are demigods, who execute the will of The mighty eastern empire of Sarrania is a vast desert. Most of
their master, and battle evil. Never was it thought that darkness the foreign politics are merchant kings, and warlords who travel
could corrupt the immortals. But so it came to pass, that one of to distant lands. They have the greatest cavalry in the world, or
the Immortals by the name Aldugraz, was taken over by his so they say, as this is yet to be proven by a survivor. Their
greed for power, and he gathered other Immortals to form an current leader is the sultan Sarad Ahleen, who rides to battle on
army, and declared a war on the gods. The gods, not being too a drake, and who most fear. They don't have a real capital, as any
fond of their servants turning on them, decided to annihilate the one of their cities could be their capital just as easily. Where the
army of darkness. And in mere moments, the dark horde was sultan resides, there is the capital.
destroyed. But one of Aldugxrz's servants stayed hidden from
the gods as the rest of the Immortals were being killed. And Vladimian Counties
when a god did notice his hiding place, it was too late. The In the northern lands of Vladimia, counts rule the lands. These
Immortal declared Aldugraz as the Immortal king of the world, people have powerful armies, and well defended castles and
and if not this one's, then the next one's. And he detonated with manors, and they cannot be beaten in combat when ighting in
the power of a star, tearing the planet to shreds. their home ield. Not very easily at least. The ruler of these lands
is Vladuchia Baneheart, the high count of Vladimia, who is
But as the planet was destroyed, the Immortal of the dragons rumored to be a vampire. He has a strange obsession with
opened a rift in the heavens, that the people escaped through. impaling people.
And from that day onward, no Immortals came down, and the
gods only kept the faith of them up so they may one day forgive
the mortals. The Elven Empire split into the Grey Elves and Gold The Dwarves
Elves, which are the good elves of the world. The Dwarven The Dwarven Undermountains
Kingdoms hid in their mountain homes, and the humans lived Deep beneath the earth are the mighty Dwarven
on as normal. But what no one realized was that Aldugrax had Undermountains, the greatest mines, and underground citadels
plunged through the rift as it was closing. So while the world ever built in the New Shore. They're decorated with engravings
carried on, the ive remaining evil Immortals hid in the shadows, of historical events, and statues of mighty dwarven heroes and
amassing an army worthy of godhood. The new age has begun, mighty warriors align the hallways of the keeps and living areas.
and much like the heroes of old, you too can become an These mighty Undermountains are also the only places where
Immortal, if you prove your power. But for now, you're just Adamantine can be found. The dwarven armies occasionally
adventurers, trying to make a coin, and become glorious heroes. march to battle the enemies of justice, and each time they
triumph. Dwarves are also mighty ine grudge holders, and until
The Kingdoms a grudge is settled, there is no escape from the fury of the
dwarves. Their kings form the Council Of Mountains, who decide
The Humans everything important for the dwarves.

The Mortal Empire

The most zealous of the three main human kingdoms, and the
most productive as well. Their army is 100,000 strong, and their
mighty council of emperors manage the politics and the mage
control in the cities. This empire's symbol is a morningstar.
Their capital is the infamous Mariendburgh, where the temples
rule most of the city. It's also the city with the highest amount of
smuggled goods and crime syndicates.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Avrus, the God of War
Elves The husband of Kraaris, and the mighty god of war, Avrus is
The Woodland Empire feared by the enemies of the Nikedonians. He is said to
Standing as the beacon of justice in the wilderness, the materialize on the battle ield to aid his worshippers in battle,
Woodland Empire towers high in the sky, built in the ancient appearing as a hulking warrior wearing a black iron helm and
trees of the Everlasting Forests. The mighty elven legions are wielding a large saber.
always ready to ight any forces of darkness, and they should be,
as the evil Grey Elves are always waiting to attack them for the Irnos, Lord of the Dead
hell of it, and twisted beasts lurk the untamed and dark wilds In the underworld of the Nikedonian belief, Irnos sits on a
further south. The elven empress, Zavinia, sits on the silver throne of bones, watching over the sad souls of the dead. He
throne of the elven capital, the Grove of Eternal Midnight, where holds them there in their suffering, until they're ready to pass to
sunlight doesn't come. the new afterlife, in the halls of the gods.

The Greyland Kingdom Phedione, Goddess of the Dead and the

In the southern Greylands, where nothing grows, and terrible Gatekeeper of the Underworld
beasts roam, lies the mighty Grey Elven Kingdom. Led by the Phedione is the wife of Irnos, and she alone holds the power to
Witch Queen Malicia, and the Warlock King Oberdin, along with let the souls of the dead to the halls of the gods. She is the most
the council of Dreadlords, these raiders and magic casters seek beautiful of all the gods, and was originally kidnapped by Irnos,
new land to conquer in the name of their gods, Krakius, the only to actually fall in love with the god of the dead.
Krakenlord, and Skyllian, the horrid Serpent of the Sea. Other
notable Grey Elves are the Corsairlord Mithrian, Dreadlord
Mazul Gloomdark, and the unknown Malice Bloodmoon. They
The Mortal Pantheon
wage eternal war on the Woodland Empire, over a dispute that The Mortal Empire worships the god of winds, storms and war,
broke their mighty race in two. known as the Heavenly chieftain, or as his followers have
learned, Holarus. He sits in a throne of clouds, and watches over

Hal lings the Mortal Empire, looking for heroes to strengthen his army of
Immortals, who are the other key part of the Mortal Pantheon.
Hal lings have no real kingdoms, as most of them are nomads, These Immortals are led by the irst ive of the Immortals he
and wanderers, but if you seek hard enough you will ind the named, and their names are Neklin, the Immortal of Kings,
Silent Pit, where the hal lings come every year to celebrate the Oone, the Barbarian Immortal of the North, Asis, the
gods, and their Immortal leader, Papuin the Bearded, the only Nightstalker, the Immortal of Thieves, and Vyerin, the Immortal
hal ling to have ever possessed a beard. of Fire. The ifth Immortal is left unnamed, as he is no other than
Aldugraz, the Hated. These are the Mortal Pantheon's leaders,
Pantheons and they must always be obeyed.

The Nikedonian Pantheon The Sarranian God

This is the simplest of the pantheons in the New Shore, as they The god of Sarranians is Solir, the God of Sun, and Fire. He
are basically the Greek pantheon of old. They have six gods, who requires daily prayers, and rewards the most pious of his
they faithfully follow, and who watch over them in the time of followers with a place in his divine Palace made of pure bronze.
great need. Sultans are required to always follow his word, and if they are to
diobey him and his priests, they are to be punished with death.
Zinia, the Goddess of Thunder Such is Solir's word.
The leader of the gods is Zinia, who rides of divine chariot
pulled by two winged horses. She wields a blade of lightning,
and a bow of thunderous might. She has named the three
The Woodland Pantheon
Nikedonian Immortals, and was there the destroy the traitors Ydia, the Goddess of Wildlife
when Aldugraz rose against the gods. The Elven Empire believes in the divine mother, Ydia, who is said
to have made the irst wildlife when nature was still young. She
Niztarr, the God of the Sea and her husband are the only gods who still visit their subjects
Niztarr is the god of sea and sailing, and Zinia's husband. His from time to time, as the elven Immortals refused Aldugraz's
symbol and weapon of preference is the mighty Harpoon of word. She is also the one who built the elven Grove Cities.
Rage, which he has used to kill mighty Titans in the days of old.
The Huntsman, Builder of the Forests
Kraaris, Goddess of Tacticians The Huntsman is the Lord of the elves, and the brother of Ydia.
The Goddess of Tacticians, Kraaris rides on a great sea serpent, He made the forests of their empire, and taught the elves not to
and lies through the skies, granting power to the generals and hunt more than they needed. He gave the elves their long life,
kings of the Nikedonian armies. She wields a mighty spear of and the ways of battle and magic. His temples are always
divine justice and a shield given to her by her husband, the god decorated with blades and bows.
of war.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Birdon, Lady of Winds
The Greyland Pantheon Birdon lies through the skies, and tends to the drakes that serve
Krakius, the Krakenlord her will. She is the least known of the Elemental Rulers, and was
The mighty lord of the sea, and the conqueror of storms, Krakius not present when the Immortal War raged on. She is depicted as
is a giant octopus who sits on a throne of ships, and bones of his a mix of a beautiful woman, and an ibis.
kin. When the Grey Elves irst broke away from the Elven
Empire, Krakius greeted them, and offered them the power of
his magic. They accepted, and were given mighty leets, and
spells of destruction.

Skyllian, the Horrid Serpent, Queen of Agony

Krakius' sister Skyllian is a giant serpent with nine heads and
the power to create spells of annihilation, that will destroy
everything that comes into contact with them instantly. Her
greatest creation is the Orb of Annihilation, that can be
summoned by anyone who prays to her name.

Dwarven Pantheon
The dwarves of the Undermountains only believe in one god,
Oxius, the great Grudgelord, and the Healer of the Weak. He only
gives Immortality to those who deserve it, and pass his test of
ire. He is also the one who granted immortality to the mighty
dragon, Bahomar. Dwarves and dragons are good friends due to
this, and Oxius has looked over their friendship since the irst
day of it. However, he despises red dragons, and his followers
will ight them if he so wills.

The Elemental Pantheon

In the ancient times, the gods came to the world, and met the
Elemental Rulers. They soon made a pact that denied any action
of war, and this pact has remained to this day. There are three
Immortals in the Elemental Pantheon, and four Rulers of the

Gansia, The Earth Mother

The mother of all earthly life, and the friend of the Woodland
Pantheon Gansia has ruled over the realms of earth since the
very beginning. She has a son, the Immortal Dargor, who is
known as the Warmaster of Earth. Gansia believes that he will
one day achieve great things, as his mortal father once did
before his death in the war of gods. She knows of Aldugraz's
presence, but she can never ind him.

Urasil, Lord of Water Skyllian in her elven form, by Alex Pascenko, on DeviantArt
The arch nemesis of Krakius and Skyllianm Urasil holds the
mighty waters outside of the Greyland's and Nikedonia's seas.
However, he cannot interfere if the Grey Elves sail outside the
waters of their homeland, as a separate pact he made that
forbids him from drowning mortals as he pleases, no matter
how necessary it may be.

Arnon, the King of Flame

The Elemental Ruler of Fire, Arnon, resides in a great volcano,
and is not liked by many, as his explosive temper can sometimes
cause volcanic eruptions, and forest ires. The Woodland
Panteon has banned him from their lands for these reasons.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)
Raiders & Witches
Grey Elves of Epic Legends


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

1: The Greyland, and Its People
The homeland of the Grey Elves is a cruel, lifeless land, where
little grows, and monsters roam. So it's the perfect place for the
Corsairlord Mithrian
Grey Elves, who love harsh environments more than anything, Sailing across the mighty sapphire seas, is the Corsairlord,
as it makes for a good sporting ground. Mithrian. He's the starter of the raider armies of the Grey Elves,
But how did they end up in these barren lands? The and the most in luential general of the kingdom, right after
Woodlands' goddess, Ydia, believes it all to be a great Oberdin.
misunderstanding. But it really wasn't. The mighty Grey Elven In the old days, he was a navy general for the Elven Empire,
Warlock King, and the Witch Queen, were corrupted by the and did battle with the Nikedonian leets, crushing them under
power of Krakius and Skyllian, which then led to more elves his adamantine boot. When the war tore apart the Empire,
being corrupted, and that led to a great war, which should have Mithrian followed Oberdin to battle, laying waste to the Gold
ended with the exiling of the Grey Elves, who led to the Elven ports, and sinking their leets with no chance to strike
Greyland. back. His brutality became known that day.
But fate would not have it, and the followers of Kriakius, When the Grey Elves were forced to retreat, Mithrian
believing to have been wronged, started waging a new war on evacuated all the stranded troops swift as the wind, not leaving
the Woodland Empire. And this war still rages on to this day. anyone still alive behind. When the leet made it to the Grey Sea,
Grey Elven culture is sadistic, and twisted. People take joy in Krakius gave him a vision of his mighty navy's triumph, and so
battle, and take pride in cruelties. The armies of the Grey Elves he began building the mighty Kraken Arks, amassing a new force
march onward every day to test their mortal enemy's strength, to battle the Gold Elves.
and the Grey Elven leets manned by raiders and witches patrol These days he builds a new leet, makes hit and run attacks
and attack outside waters. against the Woodland Empire, and kills and plunders like a real
Indeed these people are sick, but they are also fascinating to sea raider.
many. Many not being the Gold Elves. His closest friends are the royal couple, and Mazul Gloomdark,
the Dreadlord of the fortress of Wrath.
The Mightiest of Greyland Mazul Gloomdark, Dreadlord of
The cruelest of cruel, and the best of the best.
the Fortress of Wrath
Witch Queen Malicia, and "Indeed, I do fear him, but at the same me, I can't help but
Warlock King Oberdin admire his passion, his stubborn nature, and his words that
Sitting on a throne of hydra bones, is the Witch Queen of the
drip honey."
Grey Elves. She is the fairest of fair, and she often travels with a
warband when going to war personally. She was the irst
-Crolian, the High Priestess of Skyllian
worshiper of Skyllian among the elves, and the destroyer of the
The slickest of tongues, the iercest of ighters, and the single
Greyland's nomad tribes that worshiped the very same deity.
most stubborn warlord in all of the Greyland Kingdom's history.
She was once very close with the Gold Elven empress, Zavinia,
Indeed, Mazul Gloomdark is one of a kind.
who called her the sister she never had. Her friendship with
He sweet talks anyone who might listen, and rumor has it he
Zavinia ended when the war broke out, as she murdered the
has a secret affair with Crolian, the High Priestess. I say rumor,
empress' children, and her husband while leeing the castle.
because the spy who was sent to investigate the matter
With a heavy heart she did battle with her old friend, but then
drowned. He has been seen proposing to the High Priestess on
Skyllian's power in her grew, and she blasted her with a
multiple occasions, but each time he's been turned down. If the
powerful spell, escaping on a drake.
rumors are true, the act sure is convincing.
When the great war began, Malicia was on the forefront, and
Mazul is also the most stubborn Grey Elf alive. 3 times he
only after losing her hand in a duel with a mighty Gold Elven
conquered the border keep known as Tower of the Eternal
warrior did she lee back to the capital of Kalgaron.
Forest, and 3 times he lost it, always coming back for more. The
Her hand was later remade by a dwarf, and is now made of
Woodland Empire hasn't killed him yet, sheerly due to the fact
black steel. Her hatred for the Gold Elves burns brighter than
that he has the silveriest of tongues.
ever after that ight, and now she searches for a way to wipe
His other military campaigns have taken him to the Woodland
their armies out all at once.
Empire's deepest parts, where he single handedly slaughtered
Leading the Grey Elves on the forefront these days is Malicia's hundreds of civilians, and soldiers. Most of his troops are
husband, Oberdin the Warlock King. He was wedded to Malicia mercenaries, which follow him for almost no cost, and train
in the old days, and their love burned hotter than the lames of more vigorously than any other.
the sun. These days he relaxes in his fortress, Wrath, waiting for his
When the irst elven war was fought, Oberdin fought time to shine again. His Dark Guard watches over the village
alongside his queen, and together they burned the mighty around the fortress, and awaits the next great battle, always
Tower of Midnight, the great elven library holding all the secrets training, always ready.
of the arcane. Now he ights at the front line, and occasionally
returns to Kalgraon to be with his queen.

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

2: Notable Locations
The mighty capital of the Grey Elves, Kalgaron towers over the
landscape, a mockery of the Woodland Empire's capital. Here
resides the palace of threat, where the elite Dark Guard patrol
the halls, and corridors of the keep.
In the center of it all is the mighty throne room of the Witch
Queen, and the Warlock King, where they rarely sit together, and
when they do, they hold great feasts to celebrate victories.
Near the palace are the two Grand Temples, one for Krakius,
and one for Skyllian. Both smell of incense, seawater, and
burned corpses. The priests and priestesses perform their daily
rituals, hoping to please the horrid beasts that are their gods.
Lastly, there's the mighty port, where all who are not Gold
Elves are welcome to come. This is the main form of trade they
have, aside from the caravans, and it brings a pretty coin.

Only other notable location is the fortress Wrath. Mazul
Gloomdark's home, and in his words, his last resting place. No
one knows if he means he'll die there, or if it's the last place
where he's rested since the tragic third loss of the Tower of the
Eternal Forest.
The village surrounding the fortress seems peaceful, and is
mainly inhabited by his loyal subjects, and soldiers. Occasionally
a caravan stops by, just to get a piece of Mazul's immense
wealth, always leaving without any wares left.
The temple of Skyllian towers next to the fortress, erected
there due to Mazul's preference of god. When asked about it,
he'll just say: "I admire her." And you would be correct to
assume her means Crolian.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

3: Greyland Characters
This supplement introduces a brand new character template,
the Grey Elf. All of them are unique in their own way, and they Infravision
can be used for a variety of campaigns, if the GM allows them, of Grey Elves are elves, and have inherited the ability to see in the
course. dark. Grey Elves have infravision in addition to normal sight and
can see 60' in the dark. Infravision does not work in the
Grey Elf presence of normal and magical light. With infravision, warm
things appear red, and cold things appear blue. A creature could
Class Features be seen as a red shape, leaving faint reddish footprints. A cold
As a Grey Elf, you are cunning, brutal, and extremely good at pool of water would seem a deep blue color. Characters with
combat, land or naval. You can also cast spells up to 4th spell infravision can even see items or creatures the same
level, and you use the Magic-user spell list. temperature as the surrounding air (such as a table or a
Prime Requisite: Strength, Intelligence or Charisma skeleton).
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Grey Elf level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8+CON At Higher Levels
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8+CON
At level 6, you have two options for lodgings: a tower of thorns,
Armor: Any armor, basic shield
which is basically a military base, or a Kraken Ark, a mighty ship
Weapons: Repeater crossbow, Saber, Assassin's Dagger, Grey
that sails on the waves, and sows terror.
Elven Bastard Sword, Handbow
You can also get followers. These can be raiders, witches,
Tools: None
executioners, or just plain sellswords. However, you can also
Skill Proficiencies: Handle Animal, Riding, Sneak, Cast Magic,
have a monster companion, up to the dif iculty of a hydra.

Grey Elf
Grey Elf Experience Table
Level XP 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1st 0 1 —
2nd 3,000 2 1
3rd 6,000 3 2 1
4th 12,000 3 3 2 1
5th 36,000 4 3 2 2
6th 76,000 5 4 2 3
7th 116,000 6 5 3 3
8th 156,000 7 5 4 4
9th 206,000 8 6 6 4
10th 256,000 9 7 6 4

Grey Elf Saving Throws

Save 1-3 4-5 6-9 10
Poison, Petrifica on 10 6 4 2
Dragon Breath 14 11 5 2
Rays 13 10 7 3
Magic 14 10 7 4


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

4: Gear
Greyland brings you some new sweet gear to use, and they will
be explored in detail in this chapter, for your pleasure, or Assassin's Dagger
Designed to be wielded only by the greatest killers in existence,
this dagger is laced with poison that can do one of four effects:
Repeater Crossbow Paralyze, damage, blind or knock someone out. They're
extremely expensive, ranging around 120 gold just to own one.
It's no secret that the Grey Elves are the inventors of this brutal
This makes them the hardest weapons to acquire. They also
weapon. This weapon is in many ways the pinnacle of Grey Elf
require a base STR or DEX of 16, which makes them even harder
war engineering. The many soldiers of the Greyland legions
to use. In combat, the weapon deals 1d12 damage, and has one
needed an effective weapon, that can dish out lots of damage to
of the following effects.
enemies without the constant need of reloading. So, they made
the repeater crossbow. d4 Effect
The average price for this weapon in the Grey Elven market is 1 Paralyzed for 10 minutes
around 75 gold, considering it is made with care, and is quite a 2 Knocked out for 1 minute
lot more decorative compared to other crossbows. It deals
3 Normal 1d6 poison damage
1d10+DEX worth of damage, and it can be shot 5 times in a row
without a reload. However, should the wielder roll anywhere 4 Blinded for 1 minute
between 1-4, the weapon will jam, and will need a Strength
check to unjam it. End of weapons
A hand held version of this weapon exists, dealing 1d4+DEX
damage per shot.

Barbed Bolts
This is a special bolt made to cause even greater pain than the
normal crossbow bolts. Its market price is around 1 silver piece
per bolt, and it deals an additional 1d4 damage to the enemy on
a hit.

Grey Elven Bastard Sword

This is a weapon wielded by the mighty Grey Elven
executioners, forged of black steel, and designed in the most
elegant way possible. The Executioners are truly powerful
warriors, who march in the frontline, cutting their way through
the enemy using these bastard swords. The only ones to
overshadow these mighty warriors are the Dark Guard, who
have the privilege to march side by side with the Dreadlords,
and the royal couple.

These waepons are rarely found in the markets, but if you come
across one, you better be ready to spend 80 gold on it. It's
elegant design, a mix of sawblade, and a saber, makes it highly
effective. In combat it deals 2d8+STR slashing damage, making it
a trusty weapon in combat.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

5: Monsters & NPCs
Greyland holds many monsters and beasts in its caverns and
dead forests, barrens and mountains, but we've compiled the
most common ones here. Also included are scumbags that seek
refuge from Greyland, or are just so twisted they don't belong
anywhere else.

This is a creature only encountered in Greyland. It resembles a
hydra in many ways, and it has 9 heads. However, the main
difference between a hydra and a kharibdys is that its necks end
in 9 slug like heads, that can upon hitting swallow a person.
They can be save if the monster is killed in the next 20 minutes
as its digestion kicks in. Grey Elves train these things as pets,
much like hydras. The Warlock King has two of these as pets.
Kharibdys cannot regrow its heads.
No. Appearing: 1d4+2
AC: 0
HP: 9d12+7
Attacks: Bite (1d8 per head)
Attack Bonus: +8
THAC0: 18 NPCs
Morale: In inite Witch
XP Value: 4,500 The greatest of the Grey Elf troopers, these ladies charge the
frontline, and spill blood in the name of their gods.
Manspider No. Appearing: 3d6
These monsters have the upper body of a man, which is shown
AC: 8
as being stuck in the sand. However, beneath the sand is a large
HP: 3d8+2
spider body, along with a big ugly head that the manspiders use
Attacks: Saber, Scimitar, Grey Elven Bastard Sword
to suck the blood of their victims. They know how to wield
Attack Bonus: +4
weapons, the entire species' weapon of choice being the
greataxe. They can be dangerous in melee, but if you can get THAC0: 19
distance between each other, you should be safe. Easier said Morale In inite
than done, as it has a movement speed of 45 feet. So steer clear. XP Value: 200
No. Appearing: 2d4+3
AC: 7 Corsair
The crew of the Kraken Arks, and the bulk of the Greyland navy,
HP: 3d10+4
these warriors won't be easily defeated.
Attacks: Bite (2d6 poison damage), greataxe
No. Appearing: 4d8+4
Attack Bonus: +3
AC: 7
THAC0: 20
HP: 1d8+2
Morale 78%
Attacks: Any
XP Value: 450 XP
Attack Bonus: +2
Manticore THAC0: 20
A strange twisted mix of a lion, a bat, and a scorpion, mantiocres Morale 80%
are some of the most dangerous living beings in Greyland. And XP Value: 50
that makes them Grey Elf favorites. They're fairly solitary, and
will even kill each other to eat. Executioner
No. Appearing: 1-2 Elite troops, kill people like it's Tuesday, you know the deal.
AC: 2 No. Appearing: 2d10+5
HP: 11d8+2 AC: 2
Attacks: Bite, claw, tail (2d8+4 each) HP: 5d8+4
Attack Bonus: +5 Attacks: Any
THAC0: 17 Attack Bonus: +5
Morale In inite THAC0: 18
XP Value: 1,200 XP Morale In inite
XP Value: 900 XP

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

6: Encounters & Afterword
Greyland Encounters, levels 1-6
d10 Encounter
1 Kharibdys
2 Grey Elves
3 Witches -4
4 Corsairs
5 Goblins
6 Kobolds
7 Ogres
8 Minotaur
9 Skeletons
10 Crocodilemen

Greyland Encounters, levels 7-14

d12 Encounter
1 Kharibdys
2 Grey Elves
3 Witches -4
4 Corsairs
5 Goblins
6 Manspiders
7 Hobgoblins +2
8 Minotaur
9 Wights
10 Hydra
11 Cyclops
12 Man core

Greyland Encounters, levels 15-20

d8 Encounter
1 Grey Elves +12
2 Witches +10
3 Execu oners
4 Man core
5 Kharibdys +2
6 Hydra +2
7 Lich
8 Demons


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

The Eldritch & Natural
New monsters and a character template for all your campaign needs


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

1: Monsters
Though it may appear that Epic Legends has plenty of monsters, Pseudo Fairies
I must disagree with you on that, as I see the bestiary to be a bit These creatures are, as the name suggests, demon spawn in the
lacking in terms of horrid beasts the players can battle I came form of fairies. They appear far more insect-like, are larger in
up with a couple of new ones while writing my own setting size, and have sharp stinger claws. They kidnap people and
Hybordia, and I think these freaks will work quite well in other cocoon them in a ball of demonic mucus that turn them into new
games too. Pseudo-Fairies, which a player character can escape with a
magic save. They move in swarms and are not as strong as the
Pseudo-Demons other three variations of the Pseudo-Demons. They can ly up to
50 feet in a turn.
Sometimes, when demons start feeling dread of death, they will
No. Appearing: 6d6+1
ind a mortal woman, and de ile her, creating a Pseudo-Demon.
AC: 4 (-2 to ranged attack rolls due to size)
These creatures will then ind more people to de ile with dark
HP: 7d4+14
magics, and create more Pseudo-Demons to serve the kin of
Attacks: Sting Claws (2d6+1d8 poison damage)
their demonic primogenitor.
Attack Bonus: +4
Kankars THAC0: 20
These red monsters are about 6 feet in height, and are Morale: 85%
immensely strong. They were birthed for a war in the ancient XP Value: 1,250
times, by a dark queen who gave her daughters to be de iled by
a demon commander. This birthed an army of Kankars, who
then killed the royal legion, and destroyed the civilization
overnight. They were destroyed by a wave of magical energy, Once a beautiful elven woman, whose mind was corrupted by
leaving the remnants to wander the land in small bands, looking greed and paranoia, and who eventually twisted into a hideous
for a way to reproduce, to ill their purpose long lost. monster, cursed by the gods for her sins. Indeed, Gorgons are all
No. Appearing: 2d10 too dangerous these days. The light of the gods has abandoned
AC: 1 these beautiful maidens into snake like beasts with hair made of
HP: 6d8+6 snakes, and their gaze can turn anyone into stone, if they fail a
petri ication save. This can be undone with 20 hours of
Attacks: Any axe, any sword
uninterrupted praying.
Attack Bonus: +5
No. Appearing: 1-2
THAC0: 19
AC: 4
Morale: 97%
HP: 15d8+15
XP Value: 1,500
Attacks: Longbow, scimitar
Torture Cherubs Attack Bonus: +3
Once the children of a loving mother, when these people reached THAC0: 17
adulthood, their demonic father's seed began sprouting, and Morale: In inite
they grew wings, becoming what their father calls the Torture XP Value: 1,900
Cherubs. These monsters wear sacks to hide their faces, and
they torture and mutilate children, making them new Torture
Cherubs. They can ly with their wings, up to 30 feet per turn.
Colossus Knights
No. Appearing: 3d6+2 During the age of the titans, in the time before time, these
AC: 3 colossal warriors served the now lost titans in war, and out of it.
HP: 5d6+8 Now, in the new age, these colossi wander the furthest corners
Attacks: Torture devices (2d6+4) of the world, trying to ind their long lost kin, and masters.
Attack Bonus: +4 No. Appearing: 1
AC: -4
THAC0: 18
Morale: 93% HP: 21d12+105
XP Value: 1,450 Attacks: Giant Sword (6d8+15)
Attack Bonus: +15
THAC0: 20
Morale: In inite
XP Value: 4,000


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Trollkin Unicorn
Sometimes, a troll will assault a human, and this births the The gracious unicorns gallop through the secret woods, and
Trollkin. These small hunched over beasts burst out of their valleys, always seeking to aid those who are in need. When
carrier, and eat the host's corpse. They roam in small family needed they can grow wings and ly up to 40 feet. They have no
communities, and know their way around simple weapons, but natural attacks, and use magic-user spells up to level 7.
their true danger comes from their numbers. These things breed No. Appearing: 1d4
quick. Try to ight them in the sunlight, and you might win, as AC: -1
ighting in the sun gives these beasts -2 to attacks. HP: 16d8+78
No. Appearing: 2d8+3 Attacks: spells up to 7th level
AC: 8 Attack Bonus: +3
HP: 3d6+6 THAC0: 18
Attacks: Clubs, axes, slings Morale: 90%
Attack Bonus: +2 XP Value: 2,000
THAC0: 20
XP Value: 900
In the days of old, the elemental gods built an army of angels,
The Harbingers powered by their magic. These beings are known as gargoyles,
and they're commonly referred to as Angels of Darkness. They
The universe is an expanse of unknown, and what is known is have a lying speed of 30 feet, and only Immortals can command
little. The gods and iends of the world are some of the most these beasts to their fullest potential.
feared beings in all of existence, but the Elder Beings exceed No. Appearing: 1d8+3
even their terror. The Harbingers are unformed beings that take AC: 1
the form of anything the one seeing them may fear, and looking HP: 12d8+4
at them too long will force a character to make a magic save, or Attacks: Any weapon
be paralyzed with fear and madness for a week. Attack Bonus: +6
No. Appearing: 1d4 THAC0: 18
AC: 0 Morale: In inite
HP: 2d8+6 XP Value: 2,000
Attacks: Sabers
Attack Bonus: +4
THAC0: 18
Morale: In inite
XP Value: 1,250

Commonly referred to as the giant bat, the Gneshee is a pack
hunter, and lives on high cliffs. These large beasts have born
from demonic corruption and have large wings, granting them a
lying speed of 40 feet. They can regenerate 2d4 HP by drinking
blood of the dead.
No. Appearing: 1d12+2
AC: 6
HP: 3d10+5
Attacks: Bite (2d6+3)
Attack Bonus: +3
THAC0: 19
Morale: 92%
XP Value: 700


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

2: Ranger
Rangers are the guardians of the wilds, and the friends of elves
and the animals. Originally founded as soldiers to battle giants
and titans, when the war came to an end, the rangers took it as Ranger Expereince Table
their duty to protect the wild lands from any more threats. And Level Experience
to this day, they do.
1st 0
Character Template Features 2nd 2,000
3rd 4,000
As a Ranger, you are an effective wilderness traveler, and are
also very effective against giant enemies. You have the same 4th 8,000
THAC0 as the Warrior. 5th 16,000
Prime Requisite: Strength 13, Dexterity 13, Wisdom 9 6th 32,000
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Ranger level 7th 64,000
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8+CON
8th 128,000
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8+CON
Armor: Any 9th 140,000
Weapons: Longsword, scimitar, spear, any ranged weapon 10th 152,000
Tools: None
11th 166,000
Skills: Handle Animal, Heal, Sneak Attack, Acrobatics/Athletics,
Charge, Riding, Action Surge 12th 178,000
13th 190,000
Ranger as a Character 14th 250,000
Lawful aligned rangers can become Shepherds at level 1. These 15th 300,000
rangers have sworn to protect the wildlife with their lives, and
16th 350,000
will be granted a hireling at level 1. This can be any of the
Warrior's hirelings. You also receive an animal companion 17th 400,000
(more on that later), and get a free Priest spell once per day. 18th 450,000
Neutral Rangers gain no options. 19 500,000
20th 600,000
Chaotic aligned rangers can become Monster Hunters. These
people risk their lives hunting the biggest and most dangerous
monsters out there, rarely surviving, but coming back wealthier
and more experienced than ever. Monster hunters gain an
Ranger Saving Throws
additional +1 damage die on giant monsters, and any non-
humanoids. Level 1-6 7-12 13-20
Poison, Petrifica on 12 8 4
Ranger Abilities Dragon Breath 15 11 7
Rangers are ef icient killers of big enemies, and as such gain an Rays 10 6 3
additional damage die against giants and titans.
Magic 12 9 5
Rangers do not take movement penalties in any circumstances,
due to their natural nimbleness and skills.

A ranger can resist lycanthropy once per day. All of these

abilities make the Ranger an excellent character, but their level
20 level cap stops them from reaching the greatest potential.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Ranger Pets
Rnagers can have animal companions that will help them in
battle. They gain XP with the ranger, and will eventually be the
strongest animals around. The ranger can only have two at a
time, and they need to be tamed.

Honey Badger
AC: 8
HP: 2d4+3
Attacks: Claws, bite (1d6+3 each)
Attack Bonus: +3
THAC0: Same as Ranger's
Morale: Too loyal to lee

AC: 6
HP: 3d6+2
Attacks: Claws, bite (1d8+4 each)
Attack Bonus: +4
THAC0: Same as Ranger's
Morale: 95%

Pteranodon (Can be ridden)

AC: 7
HP: 2d8+4
Attacks: Claws, bite (1d6+6 each)
Attack Bonus: +6
THAC0: Same as Ranger's
Morale: 89%

Giant Lizard (Can be ridden)

AC: 5
HP: 3d8+6
Attacks: Claws, bite (4d6+7 each)
Attack Bonus: +7
THAC0: 20
Morale: Too loyal to lee

At Higher Levels
At level 9, you get no companions, as you have your animals.
However, at level 10 you get your own woodland fort, and the
name of Arch Ranger. This means you get new rangers to train
and ight the sacred war of the wilds.

A ranger, by Youngmin Seo, on ArtStation


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Expedition Into Greyland
An example adventure to get you started with the game


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

1: Beginning
Setting of the Story Spankley McGold iddle
This module can be run in any setting, but it will for the story's
sake take place in the world of my creation, Hybordia, a land of Spankley
high adventures, and epic wars, where no one knows fear or the Spankley is a halfling, standing at about 3 feet tall. He has a
horror of the Abyss, where the demons reside. Remember, if you
barrel of a belly, a mighty fat nose, and a small mustache. He
wish to use your own setting, you can absolutely do that.
wears some rather fancy clothes, and he has a large hat with

The Golden Goose Tavern a peacock feather adorning it. He has 7 rings, and one of
them glows so blue, but when asked about it, he gets very
The adventure starts in the kingdom of Dulhere, where most of
defensive and usually tells people to bugger off. He also has
the wars have taken place, as it is mostly neutral territory.
Outside the capital of Dulhence, which is closed off right now, fine looking boots with wings engraved on them.
there's a tavern by the name of Golden Goose, where many
adventures begin. Spankley
Level 5 Hal ling, level 3 Rogue
Golden Goose, Inside The Tavern Movement speed: 40 ft. (Ring of Swiftness)
The inn has two floors, and the ceiling is held by ra ers, that AC: 5
seem to be ge ng out of date. The second floor has a Skills: Cooking +4, Crafting +4, Sneak +4, Negotiation +9 (Ring
of the Silver Tongue, gives +5 to Negotiation), Pick Lock +4, Bluff
balcony with an overview of the inn, and an old falcon sits on
+4, Intimidate +4, Steal +4
the railing, watching people go. Standing at the bar is an old Attacks: Dagger +1 twice
dwarf, Grunbeld, with a red beard and a small, broken Attack modi ier: +3
looking nose. His other eye is missing, and his warhammer is THAC0: 19
always on his back. There's six barmaids skipping happily Morale: 90%

about, serving drinks, and flir ng with some patrons. There's (Side note: IF the party kills Spankley, which is unlikely because
always someone playing the old piano on the upper floor, he has 4 black knights with him at all times, he is worth 1,500
and singing is also an almost never ending thing. On the
second floor are the doors to 12 rooms for people to rest in. Spankley will walk in like he owns the place, and will then climb
The price for a room is 15 gold, as it is a limited resource in on a table, where two rogues are having a drink. He will throw
money for the rogues who will then swiftly leave the table, and
the inn, and the tavern keeper needs to pay maintenance
starts giving his sales speech. He will offer anyone willing an
somehow. adventure in the form of an expedition to Greyland, where the
Grey Elves reside. He will promise 1,500 gold and immense
Read that description to your players, but leave some of the riches to whoever agrees, and goes on about the glory and
parts out, as knowing the price of the rooms without asking is a honor of the mighty heroes here (he will say mighty heroes in a
bit out of place. The party can take part in many activities, and very exaggerating tone), and he even goes as far as saying that
even take a look at the quest board in the tavern, as they should they can do it, if not for him, then their loved ones and families
have enough time to do at least two of the quests. who probably need the gold. And the whole time he will be the
The activities in the tavern are here and each quest is worth most convincing person in the tavern, due to his ring. Eventually
300 gold. two level 3 Warriors will agree to go with him, and he will even
personally ask the party.
A game of cards with a shady looking Grey Elf
Brawling in the brawl pit If the party says yes, the adventure begins the next day, and if
Taking part in the singing and dancing not, well, why did you even bother taking up this module?
Flirt with the barmaids (two of them are off duty)

Quests that they can do are:

Wolf hunt in the nearby woods (1d8 wolves)

Giant bug infestation in the nearby brewery
Killing an orc bandit 3 miles to the west (comes with 1d12
Delivering strategic information to a visiting general 2 miles
north (2 wilderness encounters of the appropriate level)

After the party has enjoyed their time in the tavern for a while,
they will get introduced to the key NPC of this module, Spankley
McGold iddle.

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)
Part 2: The Journey To Greyland
On The Way Special Encounter 2: The
This is where things start getting more action packed, as there
will be 7 wilderness encounters on the way to the destination of
Giant Twins
this expedition, the infamous Greyland, as well as 2 more special After another 4 random encounters, and a rest, the party will
encounters. inally be near Greyland, and just as they thought the hardships
are over, a hail of rocks will fall, and the party's path will be

Special Encounter 1: Aldrual blocked. This is when the party will meet the Giant Twins. Two
giants, who wish to challenge the part in a riddle ight. If they
Mel lay, the Strange Horned win, they can go through, but if they lose, they'll become stew. If
the party says yes, they will be enchanted with a Spell of
Elf Consent, an ancient spell one of the giants learned all by himself.
If they say no, then there will be a battle against two giants.
After about 3 random encounters, and rests, the party will
eventually come across a blockade. Tearing it down requires a The riddles the giants ask are all solvable by an Intelligence roll,
collective Strength of 60 from the whole party, and will take 2 but the score required is a 15, which might be hard for low
hours. However, the party won't get the chance to undo it, as a Intelligence characters. The riddles are as follows:
mysterious igure appears. This is Aldrual Mel lay.
What is brown, and hard, and never budges for bugs? (Door)
What is it that rises higher than a tree, but never grows?
Aldrual is a tall man. He wears a white mask in the shape of a What is that ugly thing that lies on wings of skin, and eats
deer skull, and his elven looking ears point out from under bugs like we eat people? (Bat)
his hood, however, they do appear significantly larger than What is the chest of white, that has no lock nor hinges, yet
holds gold? (Egg)
normal. There are also two horns on his hood, that almost
What is the one with a mouth that never speaks, bed that
look like they're sprou ng out from under the hood, but cannot be slept in, and though it runs it stays still? (River)
that's ridiculous, because elves don't have horns. He is about
If the party gets all the riddles right, they will be awarded
7 feet tall, which is extremely tall for an elf, and his body with a safe passage. They can also afford two fails, which will
appears to be well built. He carries a glaive on his back, cost the lives of the two of the NPCs that left the tavern with the
which appears to be made of red nted obsidian. (With a SC party.
16 Appraise check, any player can figure out the price of the After this, the players will inally get to Greyland.
glaive to be easily in the thousands, around 2000-3000 gold.)
He seems to be somewhat friendly, but at the same me
gives off a strange aura of dread.

Aldrual will introduce himself, and give a deep bow to the group.
He will then explain that the pass ahead is very dangerous, and
if they're going go there just to die, then why not lighten their
coin purses irst. He will ask Spankley for a 1,000 gold fee,
which he immediately refuses. He will then turn to the party and
ask again, and if they refuse, he will let out a loud whistle, calling
forth 3d6 goblins, all with shortbows and swords.

In battle, Aldrual will use the character sheet of a level 9 ighter.

But in actuality, he is a demon, who seeks wealth in the
overworld. He will spend the ight dodging, and occasionally
attacking with his +4 glaive, and taunting the people in the ight.
However, if a player can hit his AC, he will hold his gushing
wound, and shriek at the players, leeing up the cliff with no
issue. He will not return after this.

After the ight the party can loot the goblins for their few
possessions, and will also ind the bag of 1,000 gold Aldruin
dropped in the ight. Spankley will then split the gold, taking
55% of it for himself, and 15% for his knights, leaving the party
with the remaining 300 gold.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Part 3: Greyland
The party will inally reach Greyland, and immediately get
interrogated by a Grey Elf patrol. They will ask some questions,
like what they're doing there, and if they're smuggling any
banned imports to the country. However, the tough part comes if
there's an Elf in the party. The Grey Elves hate the Gold Elves of
the Mithian Empire, and if there's an Elf in the group, and they
get discovered, they have to prove they're not spies for the
Mithians, by slitting the throat of a Mithian soldier. If they do it,
the Grey Elves will let the party pass, and if not, a ight might
break out.

Traveling Further In
As the party travels further into the barren lands, they will
notice some strange things around. On an Intelligence roll of 15
and up, the players will learn that the strange markings in the
rocks and trees, are Demonic, the language of the Abyss. This
may concern Spankley or the party, and they should hurry along

During this travel time, there will be 5 random encounters from

the table below. Spankley will keep 50% of the acquired loot,
and claims that as the leader of the expedition, he has the right
to take the lion's share.

d12 Encounter
1 Hydra
2 Centaurs
3 Cold Ones
4 Grey Elves
5 Crocodilemen
6 Troglodytes
7 Cold Ones + Grey Elves
8 Troll
9 Ogres
10 Goblins
11 Minotaurs
12 Cyclops

After the encounters are done, the party will run into a storm,
that will force them into some ruins, and in there, they will fall
underground, into the fourth, and inal part of the module. The


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

4: The Caverns
Initial Impression Room 5: The Bone Garden

Caverns Encounters:
2d6 skeletons
The caverns appear to be quite dark, and the air is heavy.
1d8 skeletons with heavy crossbows
There's a constant sound of ski ering, and cla ering, and 3d4 giant rats
whispers echo in the dark. This could be the party's 20% chance on a D20 to run into a Wight
imagina on, or the whispers might be as true as it gets. The
Cavern Room 2
floor is wet due to the collapsed ceiling, and there's bones
This room is covered in bones, some with meat s ll on them,
nearby, in a neat pile. Further in, not sure what direc on,
some without. There's rats and small cri ers running about
there are sounds of walking, and speaking in Demonic. The
the room, and death reeks in the air. Beneath the bones is
rain of the storm is heard outside...
water, that has over me become putrid colored, and smells
The party will have lost consciousness upon falling down, but so bad that every 10 minutes spent in the room, the players
they'll regain it soon after from the rain hitting their face. The must make a save against poison, or take 1 poison damage
caverns should appear ambient, and there should be a feeling of
from throwing up.
dread in the air.

Spankley is further in, looking around with his knights for any Room 10: The Death Place of a Warrior
threats, but without a torch it may be dif icult. If the party gives
him a torch, 3d6 zombies will attack them, and upon defeating Encounters:
them Spankley will be so shocked he'll forget his greed. 1 zombie with plate armor and a longsword that glows

Cavern Encounters Cavern Room 10

On the next page is the map of the caverns, and we'll go through This room is probably the cleanest one. There's a singles
the map in the order of the rooms' explorability, meaning we'll
zombie walking about, and it doesn't seem to mind the
go from point 1 to all of the points closest to it, and further. I'm
just telling this so the order of the numbers isn't too confusing. party. If the party doesn't a ack it, and shines a torch at the
creature, it will reach for the light, and be set on fire. As it
Room 1: The Entrance dies, it becomes a ghost of a young warrior, who thanks
Encounters: them and gives them his +4 longsword as a reward for
3d6 zombies se ng him free.
50% chance on a D20 to encounter another 3d6 zombies
Room 6: Nothing? NOPE!
Cavern Room 1
This room is large, and the ceiling has a hole in it. The things 4d10 zombies
from Spankley's wagon are sca ered all around, and the
No description exists of this room, it's a non-descript room of
horses pulling it are dead on the ground. In the wreckage a large underground cavern system.
there's everything the party has so far acquired, but most of
it is in pieces now, with only 50% of the loot surviving. In one
of the corners of the stone there's a small locked chest, and
inside it, 3 po ons of 1d6 healing.


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)
Rooms 7, 4, 2 and 3 Encounters:
3d6 humans with scimitars
Encounters: 1 Necromancer
1d12 zombies 3 skeletons, formerly Spankley's knights
1 Ghost Aldrual
2d8 humans with daggers and light crossbows
1 hydra The Ritual Chamber
This room is prac cally made of the red nted obsidian
Rooms 7, 4, 3 and 2 Aldrual's glaive is, and it drips with a black liquid. The walls
These rooms look like people live in them. There's furniture, are full of carvings of demons, and the supposedly elven
and sleeping bags all around. Torches and campfires light the warrior is featured in most of them. In the back wall is a
area, and there's a chained hydra in room 3, being tended to magic circle, that resembles a gate, and is full of holy
by humans in robes. These people will chant in Demonic and symbols of warding. This is most likely when the players will
a ack the party if they come to these areas. They only have realize that Aldrual is a demon, and seeks to release his
daggers and light crossbows, and are not too big of a threat. brothers from their magical prison. In the room is also a
However, if they're not killed in 5 rounds of combat, they will necromancer, Spankley's knights, now skeletons, and the
alarm 2d8 more people to the scene of the ba le, so be remaining cul sts of the ruins.
swi .
The battle will commence shortly after the party enters, and
Room 11: Cultist Leader's Hideout they have 5 rounds to stop Spankley from wiping all the holy
symbols off the wall, and opening the seal keeping the demons
Encounters: at bay.
3d10 humans with scimitars
The Necromancer will hang back and shoot spells at the players,
1 knight
occasionally using his +1 battleaxe against anyone who gets
2d4 skeletons
close. The cultists will do their best at keeping the players from
getting to Spankley, and the knights will stand in guard in front
Room 11
of him. Aldrual will this time be statted as a demon, and will
This room looks like a temple. There's wall cloths all over the once again taunt the party for their incapability to hit him. If he
walls, braziers illuminate the whole room, and the fancy is hit, he can make two attacks back on his turn.
beds and sofas are set up all around. At the far end of the
The battle will last for 5 turns, and if the party can stop
room is a throne covered in fine silks, and on it sits a man in Spankley, the gate won't be opened. If this happens, Aldrual will
black plate. This is Belilith, the cult's leader, and he offers the grab one of the players, and forcibly open the gate, letting out a
players a chance to leave, or die. If the players refuse, he will swarm of demons, that will consume Spankley and any
remaining enemies in the room, save for the necromancer and
stand up and a ack the party, as well as his servants Aldrual, who will now proclaim the might of his true name,
currently in the room. If triumphant, the party will get 4,000 Arkon the Beast.
gold, 1,5000 silver, and 300 copper, as well as a +3 mace, and
The party can freely escape after this, as ighting back against 20
two +2 weapons of choice. demons is usually ill advised. Once outside, they can get horses
and run away from the ruins, now having freed the demon
Room 9: Wight Armory horde of the Beast.
This rooms has 5 wights in it, and plenty of weaponry to ight
the players with, including longswords, longbows, spears, pikes,
and heavy crossbows. In the room there is a large iron chest
with 200 platinum pieces in it, and 10 potions of 1d10 healing. This is were the adventure ends, and you can expand it as you
please. There will be additional modules to continue the story,
Room 12: The Ritual Chamber but you can always just leave them be and make your own story
This room is sealed off if the players try to come to it before about how your players are going to ight back against Arkon
exploring the rest of the dungeon. Inside is the echo of constant and his demons.
chanting and Demonic whispers.
Once the party has beaten Belilith, they'll notice Spankley is
missing, and then hear a familiar voice. Aldrual. He and
Thank you for reading!
Spankley appear to have a conversation, and the party will hear
Aldrual offering Spankley great power if he does one thing for
him, that he himself cannot do. Release his family from a magical
When the party gets there, Aldrual will have already moved
on with Spankley in tow, and they must make their way to the


Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

Sylvain Demers (Order #22742381)

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