Classic Monsters M&M

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Monsters come in many forms – they can be aliens,

supernatural or prehistoric creatures, or normal animals

grown to unusual size, but with the common thread that
something has caused them to be hostile to humans –
angry over an invasion of territory, or just big and hungry.
Some monsters are genuinely evil creatures, whereas
others are simply creatures who have been taken out of
their native habitat. A lot of them seem to like human
women, hence an innumerable number of horror movie
posters and comic covers with some shambling
monstrosity lumbering off with some unconscious lovely
in its arms. Some of the most famous representatives of
the most common archetypes are detailed below.
(Specific monsters like King Kong and Godzilla - and
other Kaiju - are detailed elsewhere, as are animal
characters like Jaws, and Prehistoric Monsters like T.


7 6 2 1 5 -3 1 -3
Amphibious: Swimming 1 – 1 point
Scaly Hide: Protection 1 – 1 point CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON
Senses 1 (Low-Light Vision, Scent) – 1 point
The Creature from the Black Lagoon, or ‘Gillman’ was
Claws: Strength-based Damage 3 - 3 points
discovered in 1954 by a research crew in the Amazon. A
ADVANTAGES bizarre humanoid fish, the Creature reacted to the
humans’ presence at first with territorial aggression, and
All-out Attack, Fast Grab, Favoured Environment (Water),
then with apparent mating interest to the crew’s one
Improved Hold, Power Attack
female member (a hot brunette who brazenly hops
SKILLS overboard in a white one-piece, dead in the middle of the
Close Combat: Claws 1 (+6), Perception 5 (+6), Stealth 4
Amazon, for an afternoon swim, while the Creature ogles
(+5) her below – a scene, by the way, that was mirrored shot
for shot in the opening attack scene in JAWS). After the
OFFENSE scientists attempt to capture the Creature, the Gillman
INITIATIVE +2 seals off the river, and starts killing off the crewmen one
Claws +6 Close Damage 10 by one, and kidnaps the woman. The crew rescues her,
shooting the Creature in the process, apparently killing it.
DEFENSE The Creature turned up alive and well, however, a few
DODGE 3 FORTITUDE 9 years later, on a second Amazon mission, this one
PARRY 5 TOUGHNESS 7 succeeding in capturing the Gillman, bringing him back to
WILL 2 the States, and putting him on display in an aquatic park.
POWER POINTS The Creature naturally escaped (kidnapping another hot
babe – this one a blond), before once again being shot,
ABILITIES 35 SKILLS 5 and stumbling into the ocean, once again being
ADVANTAGES 5 TOTAL 53 presumed dead.
The Gillman was discovered alive, however, and was
COMPLICATIONS captured swimming off the coast where he had been
Mating Urge: The Gilman seems to like human women. last seen. This time his captors operated on him,
removing his gills and adding artificial lungs, in bizarre COMPLICATIONS
attempt to turn him into a man. He again escaped – after
kidnapping yet one more helpless babe – and escaped to Nemesis: Professor Abraham Van Helsing.
the ocean, where – since he no longer possessed gills – Enemies: A multitude of vampire hunters and, in the modern
he presumably drowned, as he has not been seen since. age, many superheroes as well.
(Str25) Vampiric Weakness: Fatal Vulnerability to sunlight (-8)
(destroyed after 10 rounds), Holy Items (dazed for one round

DRACULA by losing an opposed Presence check), and Addiction



Dracula, Lord of the Undead, was born Vlad Tepes, a
7 - 10 4 9 2 12 12 14th Century Transylvanian prince. In life, he was a fierce
warrior and a cruel ruler – known as ‘The Impaler’ for his
POWERS habit of staking enemies (and subjects who displeased
Children of the Night: (Summon Animals 2 (Bats, Rats, or him) like trees outside his castle, and he was given the
Wolves; Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 6 (64 minions) name, ‘Drak-ul’ – ‘son of the Devil’. Stories differ as to
– 16 points how Dracula became a vampire, but he was first
Lord of the Vampires: Mind Control 12 (Limited to vampires encountered in modern times in the late 1800’s, after
and people he has bitten), Protection 2 - 51 points buying property in London, intending to set up a power
Shape-Shifter: Shapeshift 3 (limited to bats, rats, wolves or base in the world’s then-most prosperous city. He was
mist form), Form of Mist (Insubstantial 2) – 33 points stopped on that occasion (and temporarily killed) by
Spider-Climb: (Movement 1 (Wall-crawling) – 2 points
Undead: (Immortality 10 (Not When Staked or Beheaded),
Immunity 30 (Fortitude), Protection 9 (Impervious, Limited:
Not Versus Blessed, Magical, or Silver Weapons),
Regeneration 10 (Source: Blood) – 69 points
Vampire Bite: Weaken Stamina 8, Limited to Draining 1 rank
per round, Requires Grab – 8 points

Animal Empathy, Diehard, Improved Critical (Unarmed),
Fascinate, Fearless, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative,
Instant Up, Power Attack, Startle

Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+13), Deception 10 (+22),
Expertise: Arcane Lore 20 (+22), Insight 6 (+18), Intimidation
10 (+22), Investigation 8 (+11), Perception 8 (+20),
Persuasion 12 (+24), Stealth 8 (+18)

Unarmed +13 Close Damage 7, Crit


Professor Abraham Van Helsing. Van Helsing and his
descendants would continue to be a constant foil for the
Vampire-King, even after he was repeatedly resurrected,
destroyed, and resurrected again, all the way into modern
Dracula has had dealings with a wide-variety of
characters, everything from other classic monsters, like
Frankenstein’s Monster and the Wolf-Man, to skirmishes
with super-heroes like Batman, Doctor Strange and Thor.
He had a regular series at Marvel – who presented a very
iconic version of the character, very compatible with both
literary and film versions – as well as more watered-down
versions in other vampire-themed universes like Buffy the
Vampire Slayer and Vampirella.
Count Dracula is more an actual classic character than a
monster, often presented as lovelorn and charming, as
well as being a courageous warrior, and even heroic.
The version presented here is the classic Count Dracula,
which would be compatible with the Marvel Universe
version, as well as either the Universal or Hammer
studios’ film adaptations – a genuine monster – a
vampire with blood on his mind, and a true villain,
although a villain, like Doctor Doom, with a little bit of
class. (Str25)

Abilities: Str 6 Sta - Agi 10 Dex 2 Fgt 7 Int 0 Awe -3 Pre -2
Powers: Children of the Night: (Summon Animals 2 (Bats,
Rats, or Wolves; Horde, Mental Link, Multiple Minions 6
(64 minions), Mesmerism: Mind Control 2 (people they
have bitten), Undead: (Immortality 10 (Not When Staked or
Beheaded), Immunity 30 (Fortitude), Protection 6
(Impervious, Limited: Not Versus Blessed, Magical, or Silver VAMPIRES
Weapons), Regeneration 5 (Source: Blood), Vampire Bite:
Weaken Stamina 7, Limited to Draining 1 rank per round, A vampire is an undead creature who feeds upon living
Requires Grab, Wall-Crawling: Movement 1 (Wall-Crawling human blood. Traditional vampires are out-and-out
1) monsters who take human guises in order to bait their
Advantages: Animal Empathy, Diehard, Improved Critical victims. Newly-raised vampires are usually little more
(Unarmed), Fascinate, Improved Hold, Improved Initiative, than animalistic predators, but will regain bits of their
Instant Up, Power Attack, Startle living personality as they emerge from death into their
Skills: Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+10), Intimidation 5 (+15),
unlife. Very old vampires may gain more powerful
Perception 8 (+18), Stealth 9 (+16) abilities, some even approaching Dracula himself, and
will often surround themselves with vampire minions (and
Offense: Initiative +14, Unarmed +10, Close Damage 6, Crit
sometimes a human 'familiar'). Many modern treatments
emphasize the sexual nature of the vampire – the ‘good
Defense: Dodge 12, Parry 10, Fortitude Immune, Will 2, guy’ vampire popular in modern Gothic teen-fiction – but
Toughness 6
traditionally, any sexuality exhibited by a vampire was
Totals: Abilities 40 + Powers 85 + Advantages 9 + Skills 12 purely predatory in nature – simply a ruse to get their
+ Defenses + 10 = 156 victim to drop their guard. Newly-raised vampires will
Complications: Vampiric Weakness: Fatal Vulnerability to often target family members and people they knew in
sunlight (-8) (destroyed after 10 rounds), Holy Items (dazed their past life. The evil nature of vampires is exhibited in
for one round by losing an opposed Presence check), and their inability gaze on religious symbols. (Str20)
Addiction (Blood).
8 9 1 0 6 -1 0 1
Made Of Corpses: Immunity 12 (Cold and Heat Damage,
Fatigue, Pressure), Protection 1, Regeneration 5 –18 points
Monstrous Brute: Giant Fists (Close Damage 1), Enhanced
Strength 1, (Limited to Lifting, Lifting Str9; 12 tons, Limited to
when exposed to excessive electricity), Improved Critical
(Strength-based damage) – 3 points

All-out Attack, Diehard, Fearless, Improved Critical, Improved
Hold, Power Attack

Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+10), Intimidation 9 (+10),
Perception 5 (+6), Ranged Combat: Throwing 8 (+9)

Throw +10 Ranged, Damage 8 Crit. 19-20
Unarmed +10 Close Damage 9 Crit. 19-20


POWERS 21 DEFENSES 20 of Boris Karloff’s cinematic version – articulate and self-
ADVANTAGES 5 TOTAL 121 educated – but it is the interpretation of Karloff that has stood
the test of time, with subsequent versions paying dutiful
COMPLICATIONS homage to the signature neck bolts and, particularly, the
squared head, making the Frankenstein Monster one of the
Obsessive Hatred: The Monster has vowed to first punish most universally recognized fictional characters in history,
and then destroy his creator. Doctor Victor Von Frankenstein ranking easily with the likes of Superman, Godzilla, or even
Outcast: The Frankenstein Monster is hated and feared Mickey Mouse
wherever he goes.
Phobia: Due to unfortunate experience, the Monster has
developed an irrational fear of fire FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER
Suspended Animation: The Monster has been known to
survive in the ice for years at a time. One dark winter night, a being composed of human
corpses was brought to life by the brilliant young student
ICONIC MONSTER of natural sciences, Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein
The Frankenstein Monster is one corner of the horror trinity – had discovered the secret of bestowing life. He had
next to Dracula and the Wolf-Man – and he is the template invaded a realm of power reserved for the gods, bringing
for every brutish, hulking, friendless monster that ever down on himself and those he loved their curse and
lumbered off of page or screen. Jack Kirby openly said he unrelenting punishment. Frankenstein sees his creation
based his original Hulk drawings upon the visage of the come to life, and immediately realizes the depth of his sin
Frankenstein Monster. The original character in Mary
Shelley’s novel was somewhat different than the brutish hulk and folly. He runs away.
The monster survives, a new Adam, the first and only one
of his kind. With the awakening emotions of a man in the BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN
body of a monster, he finds he had no place in the world.
Wherever he turns he is met with fear and loathing. His BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN PL8 72 POINTS
pain at rejection changes into consuming hatred. His one Abilities: Str 6 Sta 5 Agi 1 Dex 0 Fgt 4 Int 0 Awe 0 Pre 1
reason for living is to avenge himself on his maker. Powers: Made Of Corpses: Immunity 12 (Cold and Heat
Tormented becomes tormentor. The fate of these two Damage, Fatigue, Pressure), Protection 1, Regeneration 5
entities, bound in the roles of creator and created, moves Monstrous-Strength: Enhanced Strength 1, Limited to
to a destiny of mutual destruction. Frankenstein’s’ family Lifting (Lifting Str8; 6 tons, Limited to when exposed to
is ravished, beginning with the death of his young cousin excessive electricity)
William, and ending with the murder of his bride, Advantages: None
Elizabeth, on their wedding night. Realizing his fate,
Skills: Perception 5 (+6)
Frankenstein begins the pursuit of his monster, which
takes them to the edge of the habitable world and into the Offense: Initiative +1, Unarmed +4, Close Damage 6
Arctic Circle. Young Frankenstein dies. The monster Defense: Dodge 6, Parry 6, Fortitude 10, Will 6, Toughness
bids a heartrending farewell to his now dead creator. 6
Boarding a small ice raft, he disappears over the horizon
Totals: Abilities 32 + Powers 19 + Advantages 0 + Skills 5 +
of the barren wasteland “soon… lost in darkness and
Defenses + 16 = 72
distance.” (Str30)
Complications: Reluctant Bride: Although she was created
to be the bride for the lonely monster, the female creature
was horrified by the monstrous brute, and then by her own
stitched body.

Two men and one being – a nightmarish, misshapen
thing – are gathered together in an isolated tower. The
tower has been fitted as an elaborate laboratory. The
two men work intensely over a shrouded, still figure
stretched out on an operating table. The third being
present, the monster, watches them, unmoving, totally
absorbed. His ugly face is even more distorted by the
unaccustomed emotion of hope. The three are nearing
the end of their frighteningly strange task. It is the middle
of the night, and outside the tower, the heavens seem to
protest what is occurring with a savage thunder and
lightning storm. Suddenly, the lightning strikes, and
electricity is sent coursing through the still figure on the
table. It moves. It is alive. The Frankenstein monster
has a Bride.
Doctor Frankenstein does not go through with the
creation of a mate for his monster in Mary Shelly’s
original novel – it was the movies that brought her to life –
a monster Eve to go with the man-made Adam. In the
film version, Doctor Frankenstein consents to make a
female companion for his monster, hoping for freedom
from his self-inflicted curse. The monster’s Bride is a
frightening combination of grotesqueness and beauty, as
she begins to move stiffly. She is another being pieced
together from dead bodies, and brought back to unnatural
life. Her hauntingly lovely face is modeled after the
ancient Egyptian bust of Nefertiti.
As the storm reaches a crescendo, the Bride is led
toward the monster in a mockery of a wedding ceremony.
Doctor Frankenstein has indeed compounded the horror
of his first creation. As the Bride views her prospective
husband for the first time, she hisses and screams. She
is terrified by the sight of the monster and then of her own
stitched body.
And so, the Frankenstein monster’s tragedy is now
complete as he meets the ultimate rejection of his own
kind. A single tear moves down his cheek as he tells her,
“We belong dead.” He presses a lever and he, his Bride,
and the laboratory are engulfed in a fiery explosion.

- - - - - 0 0 0
Ghost Form: Concealment 10 (Total), Continuous,
Permanent, Insubstantial (Incorporeal) 4, Continuous, GHOSTS
Permanent - 40 points
Possession: Mind Control 2 (Limited to body the ghost is Ghosts are discorporated spirits whose bodies have
inhabiting) - 8 points died. The reasons these spirits have not moved on can
Telekinesis: Move Object 2 (Limited to the Will score of each vary – usually relating to some unfinished business from
individual ghost) – 4 points. their past life – vengeance, or debt, or even love. Ghosts
are only as evil as the individual person was in life, so
ADVANTAGES there are often ‘good ghosts’ who warn loved ones of
Fascinate, Startle impending dangers.
Because it has no physical body, a ghost’s effect on the
SKILLS physical plane is minimal – not much more than
Intimidation 6 (+6), Perception 8 (+8), Stealth 10 (+17) appearing and sometimes talking to the living. But
stronger-willed ghosts can manifest as poltergeists. Most
OFFENSE poltergeists are generally limited to mild telekinetic
INITIATIVE +0 effects, like closing doors or knocking over lamps (and
Telekinesis +0 Variable Effect 2 leaving gooey ectoplasmic residue), although much more
powerful examples are known – capable of actual
DEFENSE physical assault. There is the unfortunate abiding factor
DODGE - FORTITUDE Immune that violent emotions tend to produce more powerful and
PARRY - TOUGHNESS Immune violent spirits. (StrN/A)


Poltergeists: Stronger-willed ghosts have a Telekinesis rank 7 - -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1
equal to their WILL score, manifesting as Poltergeists.
NOTE: Some 'poltergeists' associated with the harassment of
particular individuals may actualy be demons (non-human Undead: Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects), Protection 8 – 38
evil spirits). points
All-out Attack, Diehard, Fearless, Improved Hold, Power A mummy is a preserved corpse, embalmed by the
forgotten technique of the ancient Egyptians. As
SKILLS archaeologists uncovered the tombs of this exotic
civilization, an astounded world was able to view a body
Close Combat: Unarmed 4 (+5), Intimidation 9 (+10), Ranged
Combat: Throwing 5 (+4) still whole after centuries of burial. As in most cultures,
the burial places of the ancient Egyptians were sacred,
OFFENSE protected by a curse. And it came to pass, whether by
INITIATIVE -1 prophecy or chance, that the curse of the ancient gods
Throw + 4 Ranged, Damage 7 did haunt the men who disturbed the tombs. The legend
Unarmed +5 Close Damage 7 of the living dead began.
The reanimated mummy of monster lore is an
DEFENSE enormously powerful being swathed in moldy strips of
DODGE 4 FORTITUDE Immune burial cloth. With the help of the Scroll of Thoth – a
PARRY 4 TOUGHNESS 8 supernatural incantation spoken by Isis to raise Osiris
from the dead – and the sacred Tana leaf, mummies
POWER POINTS disturbed in their graves returned to life to punish the
sacrilege. In 1932, the 3700 year-old, mummified body of
High Priest Im-Ho-Tepp was aroused from his long sleep,
ADVANTAGES 5 TOTAL 66 and set about seeking his reincarnated love, Princess
Anck-es-en-Amon. He found her living happily in a
COMPLICATIONS modern world and with no conscious memory of her past
Sorcery: When he was alive, Im-Ho-Tepp demonstrated life. He kidnapped her and through hypnosis, drew her
formidable magical powers. If his consciousness were to back through the centuries to a vision of her previous life.
awaken sufficiently from his death, then these magical In doing so, Im-Ho-Tepp employed the powers of his
powers would operate at 10 ranks. Also, all his mental Priesthood, but in using his power for unholy ends, he
abilities would increase by +3, and his Power Level increases offended the goddess Isis. Anck-es-en-Amon implored
to 12. He also gains 4 ranks of magic Expertise. Isis to save her and Im-Ho-Tepp was returned to dust.

7 9 7 2 8 -2 10 7
Animal Senses: Senses 4 (Extended Hearing,) Low-Light
Vision, Scent, Tracking - 4 points
Claws: Strength-based Damage 2, Penetrating 3 - 5 points
Supernatural Invulnerability: Immunity 20 (Disease,
Poison); Impervious Toughness 6 (non-silver weapons),
Regeneration 2 - 28 points

All-out Attack, Animal Empathy, Diehard, Improved Critical
(Claws), Improved Initiative, Instant Up, Power Attack

Athletics 4 (+12), Close Combat: Claws 2 (+10), Intimidation
6 (+16), Perception 8 (+18), Stealth 10 (+17)
The werewolf is usually afflicted with this curse through
OFFENSE the bite of another werewolf (or sometimes by the
INITIATIVE +11 blooming of Wolf’s Bane – which can all be traced back
Claws +10 Close, Damage 9, Penetrating 3, Crit 19-20
to a witch’s curse, which is believed to be the original
DEFENSE source of Lycanthropy). Surviving the attack, the
innocent victim might proceed with a normal life, but with
PARRY 10 TOUGHNESS 9 the next full moon, they will transform into a savage
WILL 4 monster, forced to hunt for human flesh. In some cases,
werewolves gain control over their transformations –
POWER POINTS embracing the wolf, and by doing so, may maintain their
ABILITIES 96 SKILLS 15 normal intelligence in wolf form. Certain charms and
POWERS 37 DEFENSES 7 spells have been known to free werewolves from their
ADVANTAGES 7 TOTAL 162 curse, but in most cases, the only freedom for the victim
of Lycanthropy usually lies in death. Traditionally, the
COMPLICATIONS only way a werewolf can die is by a wound from a pure
Curse of the Werewolf: Anyone that the werewolf injures silver weapon. (Str25)
with its bite will be infected with the Lycanthropic curse.
Involuntary Transformation: The werewolf’s transform-
mation is triggered by the full moon, although certain FAMOUS WEREWOLVES
individual lycanthropes have been known to transform
spontaneously or even at will. In such cases, these An American Werewolf in London: A pair of traveling
werewolves will retain a degree of their human intellect, college students on vacation in the English highlands,
although still becoming murderous and animalistic. strayed off onto the moors, one full moon night, and
Power Loss: The werewolf loses all powers in its human became the victim of an attack by a local werewolf. One
form, although some retain Animal Senses at 1 rank. of them was killed but the other was saved when the
attacking werewolf was shot dead by villagers (no silver
WEREWOLF bullets required here). But the damage was done. After
being nursed back to health by a sexy young nurse, the
A werewolf is a person that is transformed via an ancient survivor was visited by the ghost of his dead friend, who
curse into a bloodthirsty wolf – usually an anthromorphic warned him that he was now a werewolf and would
wolf-hybrid. In most cases, the werewolf is a victim, with change on the next full moon. Sure enough, come the
no control over his transformations, who continually moon, the young man changed, going on a murderous
suffers with the. knowledge that he is an inhuman rampage, that was finally stopped when he was shot by
killer – a monster. London police.
An American Werewolf in Paris: Before he was killed,
the young Lycanthropy-stricken college student from An
American Werewolf in London, slept with his nurse,
leaving her with a daughter, who became a werewolf in
her teens (and grew into another sexy young nurse). Her
stepfather, a French scientist, trying to cure her,
accidentally developed a serum that stimulated the
change – which was then stolen by a gang of French
hooligans who had become werewolves by stealing the
young nurse’s blood.
Yet another young American student, smitten with the
attractive, but lycanthropic nurse, and likewise stricken
with the werewolf curse himself, intervened, killing the
gang of hoodlum werewolves, managing at the same
time to cure both himself and his girl of their own
The Howling: A clan of werewolves living at a
psychological-retreat camp up in the woods off the coast
of California. These werewolves were affected by silver
but could transform at any time they wished, retaining
their normal intelligence.
The Wolf-Man: The most famous werewolf of all was SKILLS
Lawrence Talbot, bitten by a gypsy werewolf while
traveling in London. After going on a murderous None
rampage, he was beaten to death by his own silver-
handled cane, wielded by his own father. Unfortunately,
Larry’s curse was not over, and he returned as the Wolf- INITIATIVE +1
Man on many occasions. The Wolf-Man was the movie Unarmed +0 Close Damage 1
Zombie Bite +0 (Affliction +13, Weaken, DC 17)
that first invented the plot-device of werewolves changing
during the full-moon. DEFENSE


1 - 1 -1 1 - -1 - ADVANTAGES 0 TOTAL 19

Undead: Immunity 30 (Fortitude effects), Protection 4 – 34 Cannibalistic Hunger: Zombies are driven solely by the
points desire to consume living human flesh. There’s literally
Zombie Bite: Weaken Stamina (Zombie-Virus) 13 – 13 nothing else to them. The very odd individual zombie will
points occasionally demonstrate certain levels of awareness, and
they have been known to act in groups, but even these
ADVANTAGES individuals are still little more than flesh-hungry monsters.

Zombies are animated corpses, traditionally brought to
life through voodoo, for use as minions. Modern
zombies, however, are primarily based on the George
Romero’s Night of the Living Dead series, where the
original cause was a virus brought back with space
wreckage. Romero’s zombies were cannibalistic flesh-
eaters, single-mindedly preying upon living humans, in a
world where the zombie-virus seemed to have spread to
all humans, so that anybody that died, regardless of
cause, became a zombie after death unless destroyed.
In Zach Snyder’s remake, the virus had to be transmitted
via a zombie bite. In either case, a zombie bite is lethal
within a very short period – either through infection or the
work of the virus. Zach Snyder’s zombies also retain
more hand-eye coordination, able to actively run down
victims, as opposed to Romero’s slow, shambling
invalids. In both cases, the worst threat zombies pose is
how quickly the infection spreads, with whole cities, and
even countries, transformed into mindless, undead
cannibals in a frighteningly short time. Because zombies
are already dead, they have few vulnerable spots, but
Romero established that rupturing the brain would
permanently destroy them (although the Return of the
Living Dead copy-cat series featured zombies without this
weakness). Decapitation that left the brain intact would
leave the head alive, but not the body. (Str6)
MORE FAMOUS MONSTERS Invisible Man: Jack Griffin, a scientist experimenting with
a new drug – Monocane – tests it upon himself, and it
Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Dr. Henry Jekyll, causes him to become invisible – with the side effect of
respected doctor of science, conscious of both good and causing madness. Realizing such power could allow him
evil in his personality, succeeds in isolating the evil to rule the world, Griffin attempts to find a way to become
essence of his soul. Using a potion developed in his invisible at will – efforts which are met with repeated
laboratory, Jekyll begins alternating between two men failure. Unable to become visible, hiding within bandages
who are one in his physical being. Evil takes the form of and clothing, the madness eventually overwhelms Griffith
the physically and spiritually distorted Mr. Hyde. and he rips off his bandages and terrorizes the town. He
Previously, Hyde had been the beast in every man, is chased by police, who are able to shoot him dead,
controlled by the sense of good. To Jekyll’s horror, when his footprints in the snow give away his presence.
however, with its unrestricted freedom, the evil side of Mr. Phantom of the Opera: The Phantom of the Opera was
Hyde grows stronger than the good. Jekyll is left an insane and terribly disfigured man, who haunted toe
powerless to control the transformations. Paris opera house. Having escaped from Devil’s Island
Finally, Hyde commits murder for pleasure. At this he roams freely through the huge old building,
ultimate sin against mankind and himself, Dr. Jekyll takes honeycombed with rooms and passages, making it his
poison to destroy Hyde. Dying, he burns his notes and own. He plays his music in the underground cavern
formulas, leaving only a dairy with a warning to others, which is his home, filling those who hear with chilling
that it is an unpardonable sin to tamper with the soul and horror. His passion for music becomes personified in an
destiny. obsessive love for a beautiful young opera star with a
Hunchback of Notre Dame: The bells of the Cathedral magnificent voice. One evening, as she performs, this
of Notre Dame summoned medieval Paris to both strange man releases a chandelier from the concert hall
celebration and dreadful reckoning – the stage for a ceiling and sends it crashing down on the audience.
confrontation between good and evil. Trapped between During the ensuing horror and confusion, he kidnaps the
these two forces is Quasimodo, the hunchbacked bell singer, taking her to his secret quarters beneath the
ringer of Notre Dame. Death, thought to be dumb and opera house. The Phantom is gentle with his captive,
horribly ugly, Quasimodo is ward to Claude Frollo, a trying to win her confidence and affection. The masked
server priest and master. madman begs the girl to sing for him. She complies and
During a holiday festival, Claude Frollo sees Esmerelda, the Phantom accompanies her with hauntingly e\eerie
an incredibly lovely gypsy girl and becomes obsessed organ music. The singer, almost as curious as she is
with her. At the priest’s orders, Quasimodo becomes frightened, furtively approaches her captor. As the aria
both kidnapper and jailer to Esmerelda. But Quasimodo, rises to its climax, she snatches the mask from his face,
in turn, becomes captive to Esmerelda’s gentle to reveal the hideous face of a living skeleton.
goodness. He had known only jeers and repulsion He
had been the distorted shadow of Claude Frollo, a
sinister figure moving through the alcoves of the
cathedral, indistinguishable from the protecting stone
In a classic beauty and the beast situation, Esmerelda
introduces Quasimodo to emotions he had never
experienced – kindness and love. This awakening is
followed quickly by the perception of evil. Frollo,
incensed at the fascination he feels for Esmerelda and
tortured by guilt, blames his confused state on witchcraft.
Esmerelda is condemned to be hung as a witch.
Quasimodo finds Claude Frollo and throws him from the
top of the cathedral. As Frollo falls, Quasimodo
witnesses the death of Esmerelda below with stunned
helplessness. He then disappears.
Years later, as men search the vaults of the dead, they
come upon two skeletons, one clasping the other. The
embracing skeleton was crippled. When they tried to
detach the skeleton from the one it embraced, it crumbled
to dust.

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