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The Demonologist Playtest Version


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pieces of the class that we know are
PLAYTEST NOTE challenging—and the only way we’re going to
Welcome to the first playtest of the new figure them out is by playing them.
demonologist class! As promised, 13th Age And I haven’t played with the class yet
Monthly subscribers are the first to see this class, either! I’ll be running several demonologist-
as a thank you for your support. centered games in August, and your feedback
This version of the demonologist is a will probably give me new twists to wrangle
playtest class rather than a finished class. This every game.
version has nearly all of its adventurer- and Scrappiness: There are bits here with lines
champion-tier talents, powers, and spells. through them, because I intend to delete them
However, many feats, and a few of the epic-tier but am tracking that they existed. There are
spells, won’t be added until we’re sure that the playtest questions highlighted in blue. There are
class is fun and that we can get its balance closer many @@ marks in spots where I expect we’ll be
to working. adding content. (If you think of something great
You can help with that by adding a as you play, well, that’s how I come up with a
demonologist character to your games, playing lot of the feats that go into the final versions, so
it, and writing up your playtest notes. Heck, of course we’ll be happy to hear them!) The class
maybe people can even play a few at Gen Con! hasn’t had a full editing pass yet, and there are
Speaking of which, I won’t be at Gen Con several spells that will be reformatted if they
this year to talk about the class, but you can survive the playtest.
send your playtest notes to
[email protected]. Our goal is to Thank you for your help. Even if you don’t
deliver the class to layout early in September to have time to play and comment now, I’ll still be
get it into Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan’s wonderful happy to hear from you at some future point
Book of Demons. Ideally, this means if you’re about the impact of this class on your games.
interested in helping, you’ll add a demonologist Being too late to help with this particular class
to your game very soon, and get your comments playtest doesn’t mean that thoughtful game
to me as soon as you possibly can. I’ll take feedback can’t provide food for thought on
playtest feedback on the demonologist up until future classes.
the end of August.
Origins & credits: We may do a full write- All the best,
up of the process when this thing is truly done. Rob Heinsoo
For now, I’ll just say that this class is by me, Paul July 30, 2017
Fanning, and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, with a
small amount of editing from Cal Moore. Paul
came aboard after doing exemplary
development work on 13th Age in Glorantha and I
expect he’ll be working with me on channeling There’s a new type of magician surfacing in the
Dragon Empire who might do something about the
playtest feedback.
Empire’s demon problem.
Balance & fun: If something looks
It may not be something good.
unbalanced to you, play it and see if that’s true,
strong or weak! If there’s a piece of the class
that’s no fun for you, or for the rest of the OVERVIEW
players at the table, tell us. We’re less interested Fighters, wizards, clerics, and rogues are part of
in statements like “I think this isn’t going to be the ongoing story of the world. It’s pretty clear
fun,” because there are a few kind-of-wacky that heroes with something like the powers

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portrayed in many of our player character enemy. If you’ve focused on the path of
classes took part in the major events of many slaughter, you’re more likely to carry a serious
past ages. melee weapon and welcome enemies who seek
The demonologists we’re presenting in this to engage you as unwilling sacrifices!
book are a different story. You are welcome to Like the druid from 13 True Ways, this class
disagree, especially as part of what makes one of can be fun for players who like to figure out
your campaigns unique, but we’re presenting interesting combos from disparate approaches.
the demonologist class as something extremely Ability Scores: Most demonologists rely on
new in the world, something that hasn’t had Charisma for serious spellcasting, backed up by
time to become a well-understood part of the Constitution. Exceptions include tiefling
Dragon Empire. demonologists (see the That’s Intelligent class
A three-part-collision: The simplest feature on page XX) and slaughter path
explanation for the sudden emergence of the devotees, who use Strength for some of their
demonologist in the 13th Age is that the three- basic melee attacks when they’re too staggered
part war being fought by the Crusader, to use Charisma.
Diabolist, and Great Gold Wyrm is tearing Demonologists gain a +2 class bonus to
usable holes in the unwholesome fabric of Charisma or Constitution, as long as it isn’t the
demonkind. Look closely at the three paths same ability you increase with your racial
currently accessible to the demonologist and bonus.
you’ll see connections to the three icons. They’re Races: Humans are the most common
not necessarily connections that indicate demonologists, either for the lure of power, the
approval or respect. . . . thirst for knowledge, or to use the mysteries of
The Crusader doesn’t trust anyone but demons against the forces of the Abyss—and
himself to ‘handle’ demons, so if you’re any type there’s definitely nothing that can go wrong
of demonologist, even a demonologist on the with motivations like that. Other demonologist
path of slaughter, and are not in his positive stereotypes include half-elves who feel like
graces, he probably wants you dead. outsiders, unbalanced gnomes who think
The Diabolist was never a demonologist and demonic magic is funny, and half-orcs and
she may resent other (?) mortals carving a slice dragonics who embrace the path of slaughter as
of her power . . . but then again, maybe she a way of surprising musclebound rivals.
suspects that any demonologist is a corruptible Of course we have saved the best for last.
hero, and isn’t that obviously true for Some people call tieflings ‘the demontouched,’
demonologists devoted the path of corruption? and there’s no denying that the race has a
You’d think that the Great Gold Wyrm natural affinity for all three paths.
would be the worst-disposed to demonologists, Backgrounds: Possible demonologist
but he’s been fighting in the Abyss a long time. backgrounds are those that explain how you
Maybe his paladins are more stuck up about were driven to learn about demons, or those that
who they’ll consider as allies than he is? Maybe aid and conceal your activities, such as: escaped
demonologists on the path of flame are helping sacrifice, child of cultists, survivor of a demon
him, somehow, whether they know it or not? attack, survivor of a Crusader attack, born of a
Play style: Your experience as a hellhole, former clergy for the gods of light,
demonologist depends on which path you’ve once-promising student at a Horizon college,
chosen. As a devotee of the path of corruption or decorated soldier, Axis firefighter, respected
the path of flame, you’ll function somewhat like doctor at an Imperial hospital, resurrected
other spellcasters, preferring to keep allies, or ancient hero, demon-child.
your summoned demon, between you and the Icons: See the discussion above.

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Light 11
Gear Heavy 14 –5
Shield +1 –2
At 1st level, demonologists from different walks
of life might start with an incredibly diverse set
of possessions. Use ideas from all our other Weapons
write-ups as you like! Corruption path and flame path demonologists
Armor aren’t melee warriors. They’re better off
Corruption and flame path demonologists wear skulking in the back with a sacrificial dagger or
light armor made of padding and leather, if they a rune staff. Slaughter path demonologists are
wear armor at all. Slaughter path demonologist more often built for melee, and their weapons
wear heavier armor, often at least partially made show that.
of demonic carapaces or other shells. Slaughter The information in this section applies to
path armor modifiers appear in the Path of most demonologists oriented toward the
Slaughter section on page XX. corruption and flame paths. But slaughter path
devotees handle melee much differently; see
their feature and talent section for modifications
Demonologist Armor and AC
to the stats below.
Type Base AC Attack
None 10

Demonologist Melee Weapons

One-Handed Two-Handed
Small 1d4 dagger 1d6 (–2 atk) club, staff
Light or Simple 1d6 mace, axe, wavy dagger 1d8 (–2 atk) spear
Heavy or Martial 1d8 (–2 atk) longsword, flail 1d10 (–3 atk) greataxe, greatsword

Demonologist Ranged Weapons

Thrown Crossbow Bow
Small 1d4 dagger 1d4 (–2 atk) hand crossbow —
Light or Simple 1d6 (–2 atk) javelin, axe 1d6 (–2 atk) light crossbow 1d6 (–2 atk)
Heavy or Martial — 1d8 (–3 atk) heavy crossbow 1d8 (–3 atk) longbow

Basic Attacks
Melee Attack
Target: One enemy
Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage
Miss: —

Ranged Attack

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Target: One enemy
Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC
Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage
Miss: —
Demonologist Level Progression
Unlike most other classes, demonologist spells and powers depend on which path the chosen talents
belong to. Each path has its own level progression chart detailing the number of spells you’ll choose to
know each day.
Note: Although not listed on the table, this class gets three talents. It does not gain more talents at
higher levels.

Level-up Damage
Ability Bonus
Bonuses From
Demonologist Total Hit Ability
Level Points* Total Feats Score
(Avg. of Not affected ability
both modifier
Level 1 classes) x As 1st level
Multiclass 3 PC
(6 + CON ability
Level 1 mod) x 3 1 adventurer modifier
(6 + CON ability
Level 2 mod) x 4 2 adventurer modifier
(6 + CON ability
Level 3 mod) x 5 3 adventurer modifier
(6 + CON 4 adventurer +1 to 3 ability
Level 4 mod) x 6 abilities modifier
(6 + CON 4 adventurer 2 x ability
Level 5 mod) x 8 1 champion modifier
Level 6 (6 + CON 4 adventurer 2 x ability
mod) x 10 2 champion modifier
Level 7 (6 + CON 4 adventurer +1 to 3 2 x ability
mod) x 12 3 champion abilities modifier
Level 8 (6 + CON 4 adventurer 3 x ability
mod) x 16 3 champion modifier
1 epic
Level 9 (6 + CON 4 adventurer 3 x ability
mod) x 20 3 champion modifier
2 epic
Level 10 (6 + CON 4 adventurer +1 to 3 3 x ability
mod) x 24 3 champion abilities modifier
3 epic

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Demonologist Stats
Initiative, AC, PD, MD, Hit Points, Recovery Dice, and Feats are level dependent.
Ability Bonus +2 Constitution or Charisma (different from racial bonus)
Initiative Dex mod + Level
Armor Class (light armor) 11 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
Physical Defense 11 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level
Mental Defense 11 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
Hit Points (6 + Con mod) x Level modifier (see level progression chart)
Recoveries (probably) 8
Recovery Dice (1d6 x Level) + Con mod
Backgrounds 8 points, max 5 in any one background
Icon Relationships 3 (4 at 5th level; 5 at 8th level)
Talents 3
Feats 1 per Level

Class Features from a path, you are an initiate of that path. If

In addition to the class features all you choose two or more talents from a path, you
demonologists have in common, each of the are a devotee of that path.
three devotee paths has its own features for The druid in 13 True Ways has a somewhat
initiates and devotees. You’ll find the additional similar class structure. But it’s only similar, not
corruption path features on page XX, flame path the same. If the demonologist worked like the
features on page XX, and slaughter path features druid, you would invest one or two talents in
on page XX. each path. Instead, you’re choosing specific
Features in common for all demonologists varied talents that are part of an overarching
follow. path.
That’s Intelligent For example, if you take the Contagion and
Tieflings can use their Intelligence ability score Inimical talents from the corruption path and
in place of all references to Charisma in the Demonic Reinforcements talent from the
demonologist class features, powers, feats, slaughter path, you are a devotee of corruption
spells,, and itemized deductions. and an initiate of slaughter. If you switched one
You might think that truly intelligent of your corruption path talents out for Flickering
members of other races know better than to be from the path of flame, you’d be an initiate of all
demonologists, but for tieflings it’s a logical three paths. (We’re not saying it’s a great idea to
development. If they handle it right, they can play a three-way initiate, but it might work out
even give the Diabolist a black eye while with some clever choices.)
messing with powers she’d rather have for Initiates gain access to a certain number of
herself. powers and spells. They also gain access to the
Initiate or Devotee? path’s demon summoning spell as a dicey spell
Like many other classes, you have three talents (see below).
to choose as a demonologist. Unlike other Devotees gain more access to powers and
classes, your talents are grouped within three abilities from their path and have the path’s
paths: the path of corruption, path of flame, and bonus demon summoning spell as a recharge
path of slaughter. If you choose a single talent 16+ spell, which is much better than the dicey
version initiates have. As you’ll see, there are
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also many spells and feats that include devotee Dicey Spells
bonuses. Dicey spells are a new usage type. Dicey spells
You can focus all three talents in one path if tend to be bonus spells (not one of the spells you
you like. You get an extra spell from your path choose at the beginning of the day) that are only
each day, which is probably not as much available to you half as often as daily spells.
spellcasting as you’d gain by being an initiate in When you have a dicey spell, roll a normal
a different path, but synergies and character save (11+) at the start of each day. If the save
concept may mean it’s a great choice. succeeds, you have that spell as a daily spell that
Curse Spells day.
Some of the demonologist’s spells create curses If the save fails, you don’t have access to the
that wait to be triggered by an enemy. The spell that day. It’s not considered expended, it’s
corruption path is full of such spells, but the fire just not available to you in any way.
and slaughter paths have a few as well (@update The demon summoning spells that
all this curse text when spell lists are final). The correspond to each path are dicey spells for
different demonologist paths tend to have initiates of the paths.. [[Playtest note: At the
different approaches to curse spells and abilities. moment, haven’t added other dicey spells to the
Most curse spells trigger off enemies’ paths, because it’s not a usage pattern I want to
natural attack rolls. A few trigger off enemies’ enforce as standard. If it was going to be
saves. Some curse spells give you the option of included, they would be bonus dicey spells
triggering the curse or waiting until a better attached to a talent, or something like that.]]
target later. A few curses apply to the next
enemy or a number of enemies that trigger the
Demon Summoner
If you have played other summoning characters,
One curse per roll: The major limitation on
the mechanics of demonologist summoning are
curse effects is that a specific d20 roll can trigger
more like the druid and necromancer
only one curse spell. For example, if you have
summoning in 13 True Ways than the wizard
cast both curse of the odd and whipping tongues of
summoning in the Summoning Spells issue of 13th
fire, you’ll choose one of the two to trigger the
Age Monthly or and the earth priestess and hell
next time an enemy has a natural odd attack roll.
mother summoning in 13th Age in Glorantha.
(Ordinarily you wouldn’t be forced to trigger
Most significantly, as a demonologist, you get
curse of the odd, but the curse created by whipping
superior summoned creatures that don’t require
tongues of fire triggers on the next odd attack roll,
you to spend actions to control them. That
so if you don’t trigger curse of the odd, you’ll
means we can skip all the rules that apply to
trigger whipping tongues of fire instead.)
creatures that have to be controlled by their
This rule also applies if there are two or summoner’s actions.
more demonologists in a group. If the players of
That’s the good news. The bad news is that
the demonologists disagree about who gets to
your summoned demon has a half-life, because
trigger a curse from a particular roll, each rolls a
every demon summoned by a demonologist
d20 and the high roll chooses.
takes special ongoing damage called
@@playtest: staying open to whether a degradation that can’t be saved against or
summoned imp’s curse aura is something else or stopped!
should also not be able to trigger along with
Degradation: Each of the demonologist’s
another curse!
summoned demons has its own degradation
statistic, usually expressed as something like
this: “At the end of each of its turns, the
summoned [demon] loses 2d6 damage.” If you
and your GM want to cut down on die rolls, use

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the average result . . . but rolling at the end of Champion Feat: Subtract your level from the
each of your demons’ turns is more in the spirit degradation damage dealt to your
of the class. summoned demons.
Effects that end conditions can’t affect Epic Feat: You have a +5 attack bonus against
degradation. Nor can effects that move demons you summoned that are now out of
conditions around between creatures. Your control. Congratulations on cleaning up
summoned demon is stuck taking its your own messes.
degradation damage until it drops to 0 hit
points, and will continue to take that damage if <<insert sidebar>>
you lose control of it. Initiates, Devotees, and Summoning
Loss of control: Remember how we said you There isn’t necessarily one correct choice for
don’t have to use actions to control your demon, maximizing your demon summoning powers. If
the way wizards and earth priestesses do? The you spread your talents out among all three
bad news is that when your summoned demons paths, you’ll end up with between 0 and 3
drop to 0 hit points, there’s a chance they’re summoning spells each day. An average of 1.5
actually breaking free of your control and are means you’re mostly likely to have one or two.
about to become fanatic enemies. Spending your talents to become a devotee in
Roll an easy save whenever one of your one path and an initiate in another means you’ll
summoned demons drops to 0 hit points. If the have at least one summoned demon each day,
save succeeds, no problem, the demon is dead with a 50/50 shot at another. That looks a bit like
and banished. If the save fails, the demon gains the average of 1.5 demon summoning spells if
hit points equal to its staggered value plus its you’re an initiate in all three paths, but the
level. It’s no longer in your control and is now advantage of being a devotee is that your demon
an enemy! By preference it attacks its former summoning spell becomes a recharge 16+ spell.
summoner, but it may fight somewhat <<end sidebar>>
intelligently to do as much sadistic harm as
possible to the summoner and their allies.
The degradation damage the demon has Summoning Rules
been suffering from in the battle continues. [In the final book, this may go in as an appendix,
When the out of control demon finally drops to but for now, here’s a slimmed down version of
0 hit points again, it’s eliminated. the summoning rules that apply to you as a
Enemies, allies, and out of control demons: demonologist.]
Out of control demons usually aren’t allies of Note that these new summoning rules are
the player characters’ other enemies, but an out not meant to be used with the druid and
of control demon isn’t interested in helping its necromancer class from 13 True Ways.
summoner by fighting their enemies. Creatures Standard action spells: Casting a
that aren’t smart or evil enough to notice and summoning spell generally requires a standard
take advantage of that may still target the out of action. The creature(s) you summon appears
control demon, but the demon will focus on its next to you, though feats or powers might
true enemies. enable you to summon it nearby instead.
No healing: Unlike other summoned Four types (CHANGED): There are four
creatures, demons summoned by demonologists types of summoned creature, but the demons
can’t heal. you summon are all superior. Superior creatures
Adventurer Feat: You have a +1 bonus to the take their turns like any other creature.
save to avoid losing control of your Duration & death damage (CHANGED): A
summoned demons when they drop to 0 hit summoned creature fights for you until the end
points. of the battle, until it is dismissed, or until it

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drops to 0 hit points. Other classes suffer and head items, if any. In other words, default
damage when their summoned creatures drop bonuses to AC, PD, and MD from magic items
to 0 hp, but we’ve already gone into your also apply to your summoned creatures.
control problems above! As with the attack bonuses covered above,
Action economy: The turn you summon it, this only applies to default bonuses. Bonuses
your demon takes its turn immediately after and abilities that come along with an item that
your turn in initiative order. The summoned are not default bonuses only apply to
creature continues to take its turn immediately summoned creatures if they specify that. At
after you (even if your initiative order changes) present, not many do.
until the end of the battle. Escalation die (CHANGED RECENTLY):
Simpler timing (NEW): Having summoned Summoned creatures use the escalation die.
creatures take their turn immediately after their There are creatures summoned by the druid and
summoner is the mechanically correct way to necromancer that don’t, but your demons do.
handle the timing. But in practice, we notice that Allies? (CHANGED after the Summoning
hardly anyone wants to play that way. Most Spells article): Summoned creatures generally
players want to mix their summoned creature’s count as your allies, but you can choose to treat
actions in during their character’s turn. If you them as non-allies when that’s better for you.
want to fudge the timing and allow this, it’s For example, when a monster’s attack is against
almost always fine. So our simpler rule is that one of its random enemies, it’s good for you to
you can mix the actions together if you want, have your summoned creature count as an ally
but if the GM decides it’s confusing or the rules of yours and an enemy of the monster. But take
are starting to have conflicts, the GM can enforce the case of the bard’s 3rd level spell, wild heal.
the ‘proper’ turn order. Odds are the bard PC in your group doesn’t
Superior creatures’ actions: During its turn, want to have to include your summoned
a superior creature can act like any other creature as one of the random allies that might
creature, taking a standard, move, and quick get to heal, so they can choose to ignore your
action. summoned creature as an ally.
Dismissal: Other summoners can dismiss A corollary to this is that if PCs have spells
their creatures. You can’t! You want your or effects that count the number of allies, count
demon gone? End the battle, or drop it to 0 hit all creatures summoned by a single PC as a
points and see if it will go out of control! single additional ally. This isn’t a hugely
Hit points: Each summoned creature stat important rule, but if it comes up in some weird
block indicates its base hit points. Starting hit corner cases, it’s sitting here in case the GM
points for summoned creatures are nearly wants to prevent tacky abuses.
always lower than hit points for non-summoned No nastier specials: If a creature you’re
versions of the same creature. Some class feats summoning sometimes has nastier specials
might increase the hit points of summoned when it appears as a monster, that’s not the
creatures. version of the creature you’re summoning …
Attack bonuses (CHANGED RECENTLY): unless you create a story with the GM
Summoned creatures use the default bonuses of explaining why this one time you have managed
their summoner’s magic weapon or implement, to summon the powerful version of the creature
if any. In other words, if you have an attack and that has the nastier special.
damage bonus from a magic weapon or Spell or creature?: When a summoning spell
implement, so do any creatures you summon. is cast, it’s definitely a spell. After casting the
Defense bonuses (CHANGED RECENTLY): spell, a summoned creature is a creature, though
Similarly, summoned creatures use the default if the GM is feeling puckish they might allow
bonuses of their summoner’s armor, cloak, and effects that generally only interact with spells to

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interact with a summoned creature. That seems

dicey, but it’s possible. Ritual Magic
Harsh Ally Your rituals are nearly always scarier than other
There are many demonologists with friends, magicians’ rituals. That could be for dramatic
people who count on them, and adventuring effect, or it could be an important element of
companions who still possess all their limbs. your seriously twisted magic.
That said, there are disadvantages to Demonologist Talents
hanging around with a demonologist. The
Most of your talents belong to one of three
Harsh Ally effect is the most obvious: when you,
demonic paths: the path of corruption, the path
the demonologist, roll a natural 13 with an
of fire, or the path of slaughter.
attack, you create a stinky piece of bad karma
Choosing a single talent from a path unlocks
that attaches itself to a staggered but conscious
nearby ally who doesn’t already have a Harsh spells and powers that are not available to
Ally effect attached to them, or any nearby ally characters who are not initiated onto that path.
of your choice if none of your allies fit the first Demonologists who choose a second talent from
criteria. a path gain additional benefits and powers as a
devotee in that path.
Your ally chooses one of the following:
EITHER the next time they are hit by an enemy Instead of presenting all the demonologist
attack this battle, they take 1d6 additional talents in alphabetic order, followed by spells,
damage from the hovering bad luck and the we’re presenting the three demonologist paths
Harsh Ally effect ends; OR they suffer a bit of as separate micro-classes, similar to our
misfortune sometime soon after the battle, like handling of the druid.
an icon relationship disadvantage but more We’ll start with the talents, bonus
minor, and probably connected to some element summoning spell, and full spell list for the path
of their entanglement with you, dear of corruption. The path of flame comes next on
demonologist. The Harsh Ally effect ends after page XX, followed by the path of slaughter. In
the misfortune. . . . . practice, you’ll need to look through at least the
Note that if you’re an ally who has been talents for each of the paths before designing
harshed on, choosing the first option works your first demonologist.
great if you don’t get hit again this battle, the
curse dissipates, no problem. PATH OF CORRUPTION
The damage increases as you become a more Poison, plague, contagion, weakness, confusion, and
puissant demonologist, but not by much. (It’s madness: these are a few of your favorite things.
perfectly reasonable to avoid taking the time to Demonologists invested in the path of
roll the die, in which case you should use the corruption gain access to corruption path spells
high average that’s listed in parentheses.) and a few special powers.
If you’ve chosen one corruption talent,
3rd level demonologist 1d8 damage (5). you’re an initiate in the path and can choose
5 level demonologist
th 1d10 damage from the path’s spell list, as well as gaining
(6). corruption path abilities at the initiate level.
7th level demonologist 1d12 damage If you’ve chosen two or more corruption
(7) talents, you’re a devotee. You’ll have better
corruption path powers than an initiate and will
9th level demonologist 1d20 damage
cast more (and sometimes more powerful)
corruption path spells.
@Harsh Ally playtest: Is this flavor worth the
effort? Or should I stick to the drawbacks that
are sprinkled through the class? Resist poison power

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Corruption initiates gain resist poison 12+, taking Adventurer Feat: If you have at least one
half damage from poison attacks unless the relationship point with the Diabolist, you
attack’s natural attack roll is 12+ roll saves against conditions caused by
For corruption path devotees, the power attacks against MD at the start of your turn
increases to resist poison 16+. instead of the end of your turn.
Champion Feat: When an enemy rolls a
Bonus summoning spell natural odd attack roll against your MD,
Corruption initiates gain summon corruption they take psychic damage equal to the attack
demon as a dicey spell (as explained in the class roll. Increase this damage to double the
features above). attack roll at 8th level.
Corruption path devotees instead have Epic Feat: You gain a +2 bonus to death saves.
summon corruption demon as a recharge 16+ spell.
@duplicating information for clarity, but final Inimical (Corruption)
version may be streamlined with better Enemy saves against effects created by spells
structure for the info you cast are more difficult. Easy saves require a
7+, normal saves require a 12+, and hard saves
Corruption Path Talents require a 17+.
Adventurer Feat: If you are a corruption path
devotee, twice per day as a free action, you
You can use this power a number of times per
can choose a condition created by an ally’s
day equal to your Constitution modifier.
spell to gain the increase in saving throw
When an enemy suffering from a condition
difficulty you’d get from Inimical.
caused by one of your demonologist spells that
Champion Feat: You’re even more inimical
has a save ends effect drops to 0 hit points,
than most. Your spells’ easy saves require
transfer that save ends spell effect to a different
an 8+, your normal saves require a 13+, and
nearby enemy as an interrupt action.
your hard saves still require a 17+ (that’s
The save required for the new enemy to end hard enough).
the effect decreases; a hard save becomes a
Epic Feat: @@.
normal save, a normal save becomes an easy
save, and an easy save stays as an easy save.
Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, if you are Impish Familiar (Corruption)
conscious when the escalation die reaches You have an infernal familiar, much like a
5+, gain another use of the Contagion power wizard's familiar (core 13th Age rulebook p. 150).
that day. Infernal familiars are usually imps of some
Champion Feat: Saves required against spell description, but might also take the form of
effects that you have moved using this toads, bats, insects, talking skulls, living flames,
talent no longer decrease; a hard save stays sinister oil paintings, or your own eerie shadow.
hard, a normal save stays normal. Impish familiars are always Talkative and
Epic Feat: Moving a condition with the possess one other power of your choice from
Contagion power is a free action for you those available to familiars. Usually Flight . . . .
rather than an interrupt action, so you’re not Use the wizard’s familiar rules on page 149-
limited to using it once per round. 150 of the core rulebook for now.@It’s possible
this could become more linked with the
Corrupt Beyond Degradation corruption theme; blight jet addition or Diabolist
You gain a +2 bonus to MD and resist 16+ psychic boost

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Misery Level 1 2 1st level

When a nearby non-mook enemy fails a save, Level 2 3 1st level
deal psychic damage equal to your Constitution Level 3 3 3rd level
modifier to a different nearby enemy.
Level 4 4 3rd level
At 5th level, the damage increases to double
Level 5 5 5th level
your Constitution modifier. At 8th level, triple
your Con mod. Level 6 5 5th level
Adventurer Feat: The enemy that takes the Level 7 6 7th level
psychic damage can now be far away Level 8 6 7th level
instead of nearby. Level 9 7 9th level
Champion Feat: One battle per day, you also 7 9th level
Level 10
deal damage to an enemy whenever one of
your allies fails a save.
Epic Feat: The Misery power now also applies
whenever an ally fails a save, not just one Corruption Bonus Spell
battle per day. Corruption initiates gain summon corruption
demon as a dicey spell (as explained in the class
Corruption Path Initiate Level features above).
Progression Corruption path devotees instead have
Demonologist Corruption Spell Level summon corruption demon as a recharge 16+ spell.
Level Spells For both initiates and devotees, this bonus
Level 1 1 1st level spell is not counted against the spells you
Multiclass choose from according to your level
Level 1 1 1st level
Level 2 1 1st level
Summon Corruption Demon
Level 3 2 3rd level
Ranged Spell
Level 4 2 3rd level
Usage explained above
Level 5 2 5th level
Effect: You summon a demon to fight for you
Level 6 3 5th level until the end of the battle as a superior (but
Level 7 3 7th level degrading!) summoned creature. The demon
Level 8 3 7th level summoned is determined by the level you cast
3 9th level the spell at, as follows:
Level 9
1st level spell summon demon toad
Level 10 3 9th level
3 level spell summon hopping imp

5th level spell summon vulture demon

Corruption Path Devotee Level 7th level spell summon hezrou
Progression 9th level spell summon boar demon
If you’ve invested all three of your talents in the
corruption path, add 1 to the number of spells
you choose each day. Summoned Demon Toad
Demonologist Corruption Spell Level
Level Spells 1st level spoiler [DEMON]
Level 1 1 1st level Initiative: +3
Pathetic bite +6 vs. AC—2 damage

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MD 15
C: Foul belch +6 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies)—
2 poison damage, and target is dazed until the <<insert monster tile: vrock2.psd>>
end of its next turn.
Summoned Vulture Demon
Natural 1-5: Reroll the attack against a nearby
ally of the demon toad.
Limited use: 1d3 times per battle. 5th level spoiler [DEMON]
Initiative: +8
Dissssgusting: Attackers that roll a natural odd
melee attack roll against the demon toad take Filth-covered claws +10 vs. AC (2 attacks)—7
1d6 poison damage. damage, and 5 ongoing poison damage
Natural even hit: The vrock can make a demonic
Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the screech attack as a free action.
summoned demon toad suffers 1d10 damage.
[Special trigger] C: Demonic screech +10 vs. MD
(1d3 nearby enemies), 3 psychic damage, and
AC 15
the target is vulnerable (attacks vs. it have crit
PD 14 HP 36 range expanded by 2) until the end of the battle
MD 11 Limited use: 1d3 times per battle, or any number
of times if the vulture demon is out of the
demonologist’s control.
Summoned Hopping Imp

Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the

3rd level spoiler [DEMON] summoned vulture demon suffers 4d6
Initiative: +7 damage.

Festering claws +7 vs. AC—7 damage, and 3

ongoing damage
AC 19
PD 16 HP 82
R: Blight jet +7 vs. PD—7 damage, and the MD 16
target is dazed (save ends)
First natural 16+ each turn: The imp can choose <<insert monster tile: hezrou2.psd>>
one: the target is weakened instead of
Summoned Hezrou
dazed; OR the imp can make a blight jet
attack against a different target as a free
action. Large 7th level troop [DEMON]
Initiative: +10
Curse aura: Whenever a creature attacks the imp
and rolls a natural 1–5, that creature takes 1d8 Meaty, clawed hands +12 vs. AC (2 attacks)—15
psychic damage. damage

Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the Demonic stench: While engaged with this
summoned hopping imp suffers 2d6 damage. creature, non-demon enemies with 84 hp or
fewer are dazed (–4 attack) and do not add the
escalation die to their attacks.
AC 19
PD 13 HP 40

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Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the

summoned hezrou suffers 4d12 damage. 1st Level Corruption Spells

AC 21 Curse of the Odd

PD 15 HP 150 Ranged curse spell
MD 19 Once per battle, or at-will for corruption
Special: This spell creates a curse that’s
<<insert monster tile: nalfeshnee3.psd>>
waiting to be triggered by a nearby enemy’s
Summoned Boar Demon natural odd attack roll. Only the first attack roll
of a creature on its turn, or the first attack roll in
Large 9th level caster [DEMON] a round by a particular mob of mooks can
Initiative: +12 trigger the curse. When an enemy triggers the
curse (and remember, only one curse can be
Musky claw or slimy hoof +14 vs. AC—34 triggered per attack roll), make the following
damage attack as an interrupt action.
Miss: The nalfeshnee gains a +4 attack bonus Target: Enemy that triggered the curse.
until it hits. Unlike most effects, let it stack. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: 20 psychic damage.
R: Accursed burst +14 vs. PD (1d3 nearby Miss: —
enemies)—34 cold/fire/lightning/negative
energy damage (your choice), and the boar 3rd level spell 30 damage
demon can make an abyssal curse attack as a free 5th level spell 50 damage
action 7th level spell 80 damage
9th level spell 120 damage
[Special trigger] Abyssal curse +14 vs. MD (each Adventurer Feat: @@.
creature hit by accursed burst)—the target is Champion Feat: @@
weakened until the end of its next turn
Epic Feat: @@.
Limited use: 1d3 times per battle, or any number
@Playtest: There’s no damage roll because it’s
of times if the summoned boar demon is out
already very random. Have to see how it feels;
of the demonologist’s control.
pretty sure it means everyone will be paying
close attention to the first roll a monster makes
Flight: Boar demons are clumsy but powerful on its turn, and that’s mostly OK.
fliers with strangely small wings.

Stab in the Soul

Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the
Ranged spell
summoned boar demon suffers 4d12 damage.
Target: One nearby enemy
AC 23
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
PD 18 HP 220 Hit: 2d8 + Charisma negative energy damage.
MD 22 Miss: You take damage equal to the target’s

CORRUPTION SPELLS 3rd level spell 4d8 damage

5th level spell 6d8 damage

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7th level spell 9d8 damage 9th level spell 240 hit point threshold
9th level spell 9d12 damage Adventurer Feat: If a creature confused by this
Adventurer Feat: Add this trigger effect to the spell drops an enemy to 0 hit points, the
attack: Natural even hit: As above, and confusion effect on it continues an
negative energy damage equal to your additional turn after it would normally end.
Constitution modifier (5th level: double your Champion Feat: On an even hit, the save to
Constitution mod; 8th level: triple) when end the confusion is hard (16+).
target misses with an attack (save ends). Epic Feat: Add 60 to the hit point threshold.
Champion Feat: @@
Epic Feat: @@. Spreading the Rot
Ranged spell
Diseased Blood Daily, or recharge 16+ after the battle for
Close-quarters curse spell corruption devotees
Daily, or recharge 16+ after the battle for Special: This spell can’t be affected by the
corruption devotees Contagion talent; it has its contagion-style effect
Free action, when a melee attack hits you. built in.
Target: The enemy that hit you (unlike a curse, Target: One nearby enemy.
this does not interrupt their attack, you’re Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
attacking after taking the damage). Hit: 10 poison damage, and target takes 5
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD ongoing poison damage; when the target
Hit: 4d12 + Charisma poison damage. saves against the ongoing damage or drops to
Miss: Half damage. 0 hit points, increase the amount of ongoing
poison damage to 10 and move the effect to a
3rd level spell 6d12 damage. nearby enemy as a free action. The spell’s
5th level spell 6d20 damage. effect doesn’t go beyond this second creature.
Miss: Regain the use of this spell.
7th level spell 9d20 damage.
9th level spell 4d8 x 10 damage.
3rd level spell 20 damage from the initial hit
5th level spell 30 damage from the initial hit,
Rabble Babble 10 ongoing that increases to 15 ongoing
Close spell 7th level spell 40 damage from the initial hit,
Daily, or recharge 16+ after the battle for 20 ongoing that increases to 30 ongoing
corruption devotees
9th level spell 70 damage from the initial hit,
Target: One nearby creature, or any number of 30 ongoing that increases to 50 ongoing
mooks in a mob with printed hit points of 30 Adventurer Feat: Add the current escalation
or less (in other words, ignore damage, this die to the ongoing damage.
only works against targets that start with low
Champion Feat: @@
hit points)
Epic Feat: @@.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
Hit: The target is confused (save ends).
Miss: The target is confused until the end of its
3rd Level Corruption Spells
next turn.

3rd level spell 45 hit point threshold Carrion Screech (Corruption)

5th level spell 76 hit point threshold Close-quarters spell
7th level spell 140 hit point threshold Daily

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Targets: 1d3 nearby enemies

Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD Misfortune
Hit: 6d6 + Charisma psychic damage, and the Ranged spell
target is vulnerable (save ends) Recharge 6+ after battle
Miss: Half damage, and the target is vulnerable Quick action to cast
until the start of your next turn.
Target: One nearby enemy with 70 or less hit
5th level spell 10d6 damage Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
7th level spell 9d10 damage Hit: The target suffers a misfortune (hard save
9th level spell 2d8 x 10 damage ends, 16+): When the target hits with an odd
Adventurer Feat: If you are a corruption attack roll, it is a miss instead, and the target
devotee, this is now a recharge 16+ spell. gains a +5 bonus (cumulative) to the save
Champion Feat: The first time each target that against this misfortune effect.
is vulnerable (save ends) thanks to this spell Adventurer Feat: On a miss, you regain the
is hit by an attack against AC, add ongoing use of this spell, though you can’t cast it
poison damage equal to that attack’s natural again until a subsequent turn.
d20 roll to the save ends effects from the Champion Feat: When target misses with a
spell. natural odd attack roll, the attack instead
Epic Feat: One battle per day, the ongoing targets and hits an ally of theirs engaged
poison damage created by the champion with the target, if any, for half damage (no
feat is accompanied by a hampered effect. new attack roll, it’s an automatic hit). If an
enemy is damaged in this fashion, the target
Even Worse Curse gains a +5 bonus (cumulative) to the save
Ranged curse spell against this misfortune effect.
At-Will Epic Feat: @@.
Special: This spell creates a curse that’s
waiting to be triggered by a nearby enemy’s
natural odd attack roll. Only the first attack roll 5th Level Corruption Spells
of a creature on its turn, or the first attack roll in
a round by a particular mob of mooks can
trigger the curse. When an enemy triggers the Killing Doubt
curse (and remember, only one curse can be Ranged spell
triggered per attack roll), make the following Daily, or recharge 16+ after the battle for
attack, interrupting their attack. corruption devotees
Target: Enemy that triggered the curse. Interrupt action to cast, when an enemy does
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD something besides move normally or make a
Hit: 30 negative energy damage. basic attack.
Miss: 3d6 damage Target: One enemy with 160 hp or less
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD
5th level spell 50 damage, 5d6 on a miss Hit: The target loses whatever attack or power
triggered this spell (hard save ends).
7th level spell 80 damage, 6d8 on a miss
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your
9th level spell 120 damage, 9d8 on a miss
next turn.
Adventurer Feat: @@.
Champion Feat: @@
7th level spell 266 HP
9th level spell 400 HP

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Epic Feat: A hit also cancels the use of the normal relationship maximums. This isn’t
attack or power that triggered this spell, necessarily with the Diabolist, but it’s
unless that makes NO sense! probably with the Diabolist, Great Gold
Wyrm, or Crusader, whatever will disappoint
the newly risen hero the most. And last and
Melting Flesh
most complicated: advantages used with this
Ranged Spell
icon always have complications!
Miss: You regain this spell after your next full
Target: A number of nearby enemies with a total
of 160 hp or less, targeting enemies with the
fewest hit points first.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD 9th Level Corruption Spells
Hit: 5d8 + Charisma poison damage and the
target takes ongoing poison damage equal to Apocalypse Plague
triple your Constitution modifier and is stuck
Close-quarters spell
and hampered (save ends all)
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Until the end of the battle, or until
unconscious, you and each nearby ally take 20
7th level spell 250 hit point total, 7d8 damage,
ongoing poison damage (but no save!). Also, if
ongoing damage equal to quadruple your
one of these allies fails to make an attack on
Constitution modifier
their turn they are confused until the end of
9th level spell 500 hit point total, 10d8 their next turn.
damage, ongoing damage equal to five times
When one of the targets of this spell hits an
your Constitution modifier
enemy with less than 250 HP with an attack, or
Adventurer Feat: @@. when such an enemy makes an odd attack roll
Champion Feat: If you’re a devotee, @@@. against an affected ally they are engaged with,
Epic Feat: @@. that enemy is infected (hard save ends 16+). An
infected enemy takes 20 ongoing poison damage
7th Level Corruption Spells and is confused. When one of the targets hits
one of their allies with less than 250 HP with an
attack, that creature also becomes infected (hard
Abyssal Bargain save ends 16+).
Ranged Spell Epic Feat: Choose one nearby ally (but not
Once per level yourself) that is not affected by the spell.
Special: You can only cast this spell once on You are subject to the confusion effect of this
each of your player character allies spell.
Target: One ally that has died since your last @@Playtest note: this is a crazy spell that is not
turn. really working yet; will need some sorting out!
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. MD, or automatic
hit against a willing target PATH OF FLAME
Hit: Instead of dying, the target spends a @@ittasteslikeburning
recovery and loses an icon relationship that’s
important to them. Demonologists invested in the path of fire gain
The character then gains an ambiguous access to fire path spells and a few special
relationship with an icon of the GM’s choice abilities. Fire path devotees that have chosen
(if they were unwilling), or perhaps a positive two or more talents from the path gain more
one (if they were willing). This can exceed the spells and greater talents.

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Champion Feat: If you have a positive or

Resist fire power conflicted relationship with the Great Gold
Flame path initiates gain resist fire 12+, taking Wyrm, you gain a +1 bonus to flame breath
half damage from poison attacks unless the re-use rolls during the battle and flame breath
attack’s natural attack roll is 12+ recharge rolls after the battle.
For flame path devotees, the power Epic Feat: @@.
increases to resist fire 16+.
Flickering (Flame)
Summon corruption demon spell Twice per day, before rolling initiative, you can
Corruption initiates gain summon corruption decide to use flickering power in an upcoming
demon as a dicey spell (as explained in the class battle. If you opt out of the decision, reconsider
features above). your talent choices!
Corruption path devotees instead have If your natural initiative roll in a battle is
summon corruption demon as a recharge 16+ spell. odd, you take a –1 penalty to all defenses. If
(The spell appears on page XX.) your natural initiative roll is even, you gain a +2
bonus to all defenses.
Flame Path Talents Each time you are hit by an attack, your
situation flips after the attack: the –1 penalty
becomes a +2 bonus, or the +2 bonus becomes a
Breath of Fire (Flame Talent) –1 penalty.
You have a breath weapon attack. Maybe it Adventurer Feat: Flickering power is now
seems draconic, maybe it’s more demonic. always on. You don’t get to choose not to
use it.
Flame Breath Champion Feat: The defense penalty is now -
Close-quarters attack 2. The defense bonus is now +3.
Daily, or Recharge 16+ for a flame path devotee Epic Feat: @@.
Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group; breath
weapon Dance in Flames (Flame)
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD Once per battle when an enemy moves to
Hit: 3d6 + Charisma fire damage. engage you, you can roll a normal save (11+) as
Miss: Half damage. an interrupt action. If the save succeeds, deal 5
ongoing fire damage to that enemy (5th level: 10
3rd level spell 5d6 damage. ongoing fire damage; 8th level: 15 ongoing fire
5th level spell 4d10 damage. damage).
7th level spell 6d12 damage. Adventurer Feat: If you are a flame path
9th level spell 10d12 damage. devotee, you can use the dance in flames
save twice per battle.
Champion Feat: If you are a flame path
Breath Weapon: For the rest of the battle, roll a d20
devotee, you can use the dance in flames
at the start of each of your turns; on a 16+, you
can use flame breath that turn if you wish. save at-will.
Epic Feat: @@.
Adventurer Feat: If you have a positive or
conflicted relationship with the Great Gold
Wyrm, natural even flame breath attack rolls Flare-Up
against demons deal maximum damage. You can use this power a number of times each
day equal to your Constitution modifier.

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As a free action when an enemy saves with a Level 10 3 9th level

natural odd roll against an effect you caused
with a demonologist spell or power, move the
spell effect off the creature that just saved to a
Flame Path Devotee Level Progression
nearby enemy. If you’ve invested all three of your talents in the
Adventurer Feat: Once per battle, if you are flame path, add 1 to the number of spells you
conscious when the escalation die reaches choose each day.
5+, gain another use of the flare-up power Demonologist Flame Spells Spell Level
that day. Level
Champion Feat: You can now use the power Level 1 1 1st level
even if the target fails the save. As before, Multiclass
the effect moves off the target onto a new Level 1 2 1st level
creature of your choice. Level 2 3 1st level
Epic Feat: Saves against spell effects and Level 3 3 3rd level
ongoing damage you have moved using this
Level 4 4 3rd level
talent are 2 points harder. (Easy: 8+, etc.)
Level 5 5 5th level
Level 6 5 5th level
Master of Flames
Level 7 6 7th level
You gain the wizard cantrips light and spark (13th
Age core rulebook, page 147), and can cast them Level 8 6 7th level
at-will as a quick action. Level 9 7 9th level
When you choose spells during a full heal- Level 10 7 9th level
up, you can replace one demonologist flame
path spell you would choose with another spell
that does fire damage from a different class. You
cast this spell at your demonologist level, Flame Bonus Spell
replacing the ability score for attack and damage Flame initiates gain summon flame demon as a
with Charisma, and any other ability score dicey spell (as explained in the class features
mentioned with Constitution. above).
Flame path devotees instead have summon
flame demon as a recharge 16+ spell.
Flame Path Initiate Level Progression
Demonologist Flame Spells Spell Level
Level Summon Flame Demon
Level 1 1 1 level
st Ranged Spell
Multiclass Usage explained above
Level 1 1 1st level Special: @@
1 1st level Effect: You summon a demon to fight for you
Level 2
until the end of the battle as a superior (but
Level 3 2 3rd level
degrading!) summoned creature. The demon
Level 4 2 3rd level summoned is determined by the level you cast
Level 5 2 5th level the spell at, as follows:
Level 6 3 5th level 1st level spell summon burner
Level 7 3 7th level 3 level spell summon hellhound

Level 8 3 7th level 5th level spell summon fire-imp

3 9th level 7th level spell summon glabrezu
Level 9
9th level spell summon balor

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Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the

summoned hellhound suffers 3d6 damage.
Summoned Burner

1st level archer [DEMON] AC 17

Initiative: +7 PD 15 HP 58
MD 11
Flickers of flame +7 vs. AC—3 fire damage
<<insert blue sidebar>>
R: Flickers of flame +7 vs. AC—5 fire damage Demon Beast
Miss: Deal 3 fire damage to a random nearby The hellhound from the core rulebook is a BEAST
creature (yes, could be enemy or ally!). and so are most other hellhounds in the world.
But not the ones you summon!
Quick flicking fire: The summoned burner adds <<end sidebar>>
escalation die to its disengage checks.

Summoned Big Burner

Flight: Bobs along low to the ground, if it gets
higher than 6’ it drops, as if tethered to the
5th level archer [DEMON]
Initiative: +11
Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the
summoned burner suffers 1d6 damage. Flickers of flame +11 vs. AC—10 fire damage

R: Flickers of flame +11 vs. AC—18 fire damage

AC 17
Miss: Deal 10 fire damage to a random nearby
PD 15 HP 24 creature (yes, could be enemy or ally!).
MD 13
Quick flicking fire: Adds the escalation die to its
<<insert monster tile: hellhound3.psd>> disengage checks.
Summoned Hellhound
Flight: Bobs along low to the ground, if it gets
higher than 6’ it drops, as if tethered to the
3rd level wrecker [DEMON]
Initiative: +5

Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the

Savage bite +9 vs. AC—6 damage
summoned big burner suffers 3d6 damage.
Natural even hit or miss: The hellhound can
make a fiery breath attack as a free action.
AC 21
[Special trigger] C: Fiery breath +9 vs. PD (1d3 PD 19 HP 66
nearby enemies in a group)—8 fire damage MD 17

Resist fire 16+: When a fire attack targets this <<insert monster tile: glabrezou3.psd>>
creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on
the attack roll or it only deals half damage. Summoned Pincer Demon

Large 7th level caster [DEMON]

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Initiative: +14 Flight: Giant bat wings are good for something
besides looking tough.
Pincer +12 vs. AC—20 damage
Natural even hit: 10 ongoing damage Shadow and flame: When out of control, but not
before, the summoned lesser balor gains a +5
R: Painbolt +12 vs. MD (one nearby or far away bonus to all defenses against attacks by far
creature)—35 psychic damage away enemies.

C: Hellfire + 12 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies in a Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the
group and any glabrezou allies engaged with summoned lesser balor suffers 1d10 x 10
those enemies)—25 fire damage damage.

Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the AC 24

summoned pincer demon suffers 4d12
PD 22 HP 340
MD 18
AC 20
1st Level Fire Spells
PD 20 HP 170
MD 16 Burn It Off
Ranged spell
<<insert monster tile: balor3.psd>> Special: You take damage equal to the target’s
Summoned Lesser Balor level on the second and subsequent castings of this
spell each battle.
Large 9th level wrecker [DEMON] Once per battle, or at-will for flame path
Initiative: +13 devotee (but see special!)
Target: Nearby enemy
Abyssal blade +14 vs. AC—50 damage Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Natural even hit: The balor deals +1d8 lightning Hit: 2d6 + Charisma fire energy damage.
damage to the target and to one other nearby Natural even hit: Subtract 2 from the target’s AC
enemy of balor’s choice. Then repeat that until the end of the battle (not cumulative).
damage roll against the targets once for each Miss: —
point on the escalation die (so if it’s 4, that’s
four more d8 rolls) 3rd level spell 4d6 damage
Natural even miss: 25 damage. 5th level spell 6d6 damage
7th level spell 9d6 damage
C: Flaming whip +14 vs. PD (one nearby 9th level spell 8d12 damage
enemy)—15 fire damage, and the target is
pulled to the balor, who engages it.
Feed the Flame Demons (Flame)
Natural even miss: 7 fire damage.
Ranged spell
Limited use: 1/round, as a quick action.
Target: One nearby enemy
Desperate escalator: While staggered, the balor
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
adds the escalation die to its attack rolls.
Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier fire damage, and 5
ongoing fire damage.

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Miss: Deal 5 ongoing fire damage to a random Miss: Damage equal to your level, and you
nearby ally. cannot target this enemy with flame shroud
again this battle.
3rd level spell 4d8 damage and 10 ongoing
damage 3rd level spell Even 16 damage, odd 11
5th level spell 6d8 damage and 15 ongoing damage
damage 5th level spell Even 25 damage, odd 19
7th level spell 8d8 damage and 20 ongoing damage
damage 7th level spell Even 36 damage, odd 28
9th level spell 12d8 damage and 30 ongoing damage
damage 9th level spell Even 62 damage, odd 47
Everburn (Flame)
Ranged spell @@Playtest: the intent of whipping tongues of fire
is that an enemy that makes multiple natural
Recharge 16+ after battle
odd attack rolls in the same turn would be
Target: One nearby enemy
affected multiple times, at least until you run
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
out of curses
Hit: 1d8 + Charisma fire damage, and the target
takes 5 ongoing fire damage and is vulnerable
(hard save ends both, 16+). Whipping Tongues of Fire (Flame)
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes 5 Close-quarters curse spell
ongoing fire damage and is vulnerable (save Recharge 16+ after battle
ends). Quick action to cast
Curse Effect: Deal 15 ongoing fire damage to the
3rd level spell 3d8 damage, 15 ongoing next few nearby enemies that attack with a
damage and in addition to being vulnerable, natural odd attack roll; the effect lasts until
the target can’t turn invisible or hide from you you’ve distributed a number of curses equal to
or your allies (save ends all). your Constitution modifier.
5 level spell 5d8 damage, 25 ongoing

damage and the target also can’t teleport (save 5th level spell 20 ongoing fire damage
ends all). 7th level spell 35 ongoing fire damage
7 level spell 7d8 damage and 35 ongoing
th 9th level spell 50 ongoing fire damage
9 level spell 10d8 damage and 50 ongoing

3rd Level Fire Spells

Flame Shroud @@Playtest: this occupies a bit of the same turf as the
Close-quarters spell Flare Up talent, but seems compatible rather than
At-Will annoying
Target: 1 enemy you are engaged with
Keep Burning Please (Fire)
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Close-quarters spell
Natural even hit: 9 damage, and you can pop
Recharge 11+ after battle
free of target.
Interrupt action
Natural odd hit: 7 damage
Target: A nearby enemy that just saved against
ongoing fire damage

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Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD. Recharge 11+ after battle

Hit: The target fails the saving throw instead, Target: 1d3 nearby enemies
and increase the ongoing fire damage by 2d6. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
Miss: Regain the use of this spell. Hit: 20 fire damage.
Miss: Damage equal to twice your level
5th level spell Damage increases by 4d6 Effect: Regardless of the attack rolls, the next
7th level spell Damage increases by 3d12 time an enemy rolls a natural 1 or 2 with an
9th level spell Damage increases by 5d12 attack this battle, deal 3d6 fire damage to that
creature and each enemy nearby them as the
Champion Feat: If you keep the enemy flame demons swarm (only deal this damage
burning, the save against the ongoing once to each mob of mooks).
damage is now a hard save (16+), if it wasn’t
already. 5th level spell 30 fire damage on a hit,, 5d6
Epic Feat: When you keep the enemy burning, effect damage
it takes the new amount of ongoing fire 7th level spell 50 fire damage on a hit, 8d6
damage immediately. effect damage
9th level spell 80 fire damage on a hit, 8d10
Flaming Teleport effect damage
Close-quarters spell
Move action to cast 5th Level Fire Spells
Recharge 6+ after battle Golden Claw (Flame)
Target: One nearby creature taking ongoing fire Close-quarters spell
Effect: Teleport next to that creature. You can
Effect: You conjure a great flaming claw that
choose whether to be engaged with that creature
you can ride around the battle. You gain
(or next to them if they’re an ally) or extremely
flight, but cannot fly above head height. You
close to the creature but not engaged.
also gain a +2 bonus to all defenses. When you
would be hit by a melee attack, you can
5th level spell Flaming teleport now only choose to respond with the claw’s attack as an
requires a quick action to cast. interrupt action, possibly canceling the attack
7th level spell target can now be far away if you eliminate the attacker (and/or losing the
9th level spell Flaming teleport can now also be claw, as you’ll see below!). The claw lasts until
used to teleport away from engagement with the end of the battle, or until you’ve lost it.
an enemy that is taking ongoing fire damage. The Golden Claw’s Attack
Target: Enemy that hit you with an attack
Adventurer Feat: If you are a flame path Attack: Charisma + Level vs. AC
devotee, deal the ongoing fire damage the Hit: 6d10 damage
target is taking to the target if you teleport Natural 19-20: 15 ongoing fire damage to the
into engagement with it. target OR a different nearby enemy, and the
Champion Feat: Spell is now once per battle golden claw spell ends, taking you to the
instead of recharge 6+. ground before disappearing.
Epic Feat: @@. Miss: 5 damage.
Champion Feat: If you have at least one
Swarming Flame Demons relationship point with the Great Gold
Close-quarters spell Wyrm, you can use the golden claw’s attack

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as a quick action 1d3 times each battle you Hit: 8d10 + Charisma modifier fire damage, and
cast the spell. 1/round only! 25 ongoing fire damage. Increase this ongoing
Epic Feat: If you are a flame path devotee, damage by 1d10 each time an enemy drops to 0
golden claw is now a recharge 16+ spell. hit points!
Miss: 25 ongoing fire damage.
@Playtest note: Earlier versions of the spell
below were at-will, but a spell that’s linked with 9th level spell 2d8 x 10 fire damage, 40
a summoned creature should not be at-will, or ongoing fire damage, and increase by 2d10
most of the time it gets used it won’t be living each time an enemy drops to 0 hit points
up to its reason-to-be.

Kindling 9th Level Fire Spells

Ranged Spell
Recharge 16+
Gorogan’s Breath (Fire)
Special: If the target is engaged with one of your
Close-quarters spell
summoned demons double the ongoing
damage if you hit.
Special: This spell cannot be used in the overworld.
Target: One nearby enemy
Also see the spell effect for its repeated impact on
Attack: Charisma + Level vs PD
the battle.
Hit: 6d10 + Charisma fire damage, and if the
Target: 1d3 groups of 1d3 nearby non-flying
target is engaged with one of your summoned
enemies. Each enemy can only be targeted
demons, it also takes 15 ongoing fire damage;
while the target is taking this ongoing fire
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
damage, your allies and summoned creatures
Hit: 10d6 + Charisma fire damage.
have a +2 attack bonus against the target.
Miss: Half damage. Miss: Half damage. Allies (including you)
engaged with the target you missed take one-
quarter damage.
7th level spell 9d10 damage, and 20 ongoing
Effect: You can repeat the attack 1/round as a
fire damage
quick action on your next turn, and on each of
9 level spell 3d10 x 10 damage, and 40
your subsequent turns this battle, until you
ongoing fire damage
fail to use the attack on your turn. Each use of
Champion Feat: Can now be used against a a
the spell after the first deals damage to you
far away target, and add 10 to ongoing
equal to 1d10 per point on the escalation die.
Epic Feat: Increase the damage to 10d10 +
Epic Feat: Attack bonus for allies and
Charisma fire damage.
summoned creatures increases to +4.

7th Level Fire Spells Slaughter path devotees fight in melee, mostly.
At present they don’t get more hit points to
Pyres (Flame) support their more dangerous play style, but
they have some advantages.
Ranged spell
Armored Destroyer
Target: 1d3 + 1 nearby enemies
Your AC in light armor is 13.
Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD

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If you are a slaughter path devotee, you lose demon summoned by the spell is hit by an
the attack penalty for wearing heavy armor and attack with a natural odd attack roll, you take
using shields. damage equal to half the damage that the
Adventurer Feat: @@. summoned demon takes.
Champion Feat: @@@.
Epic Feat: @@. <<insert blue sidebar>>
The Math of It
Demonic Warrior Note that you’re not taking the damage instead
This feature only applies to slaughter path of the demon—your demon takes the damage
devotees. Initiates get nothing out of this. normally, then you take half that damage. On
You lose the attack penalty for using heavy average, you’ll take ¼ of the damage that
or martial melee weapons: you’re happy enemies deal to the demon you’ll summon using
swinging warhammers, flails, swords, and other this bonus spell. You don’t take anything from
nasty and spiky serious weapons. the degradation damage, and you stop taking
In addition, your basic melee attacks deal damage from the complication if the demon
damage equal to your level on a miss. drops to 0 hit points and goes out of your
In addition, and perhaps most significantly,
your basic melee attacks use your Charisma as <<end blue sidebar>>
their attack and damage ability score while you
are not staggered. Demonic Form
When you are staggered, your basic melee Special: You cannot take this talent if you have the
attacks revert to using your Strength, as normal. Tactics of Slaughter talent, and probably not if you
(See the Ravager talent below for another have a positive or conflicted relationship with the
melee ability connected to not being staggered.) Crusader!
When you move to engage an enemy you were
Resist melee damage not engaged with at the start of the turn, deal
Slaughter path initiates gain resist melee damage damage to that enemy equal to your
10+, taking half damage from poison attacks Constitution modifier (5th level: double your
unless the attack’s natural attack roll is 10+ Con mod; 8th level: triple your Con mod).
For slaughter path devotees, the power Drawback: One ally engaged with that
increases to resist melee damage 14+. enemy must roll an easy save (6+) or take half
Adventurer Feat: Your recovery dice are d8s the damage.
instead of d6s. Adventurer Feat: Eliminate the drawback.
Champion Feat: @@@. Champion Feat: If you eliminate a non-mook
Epic Feat: @@. enemy using this power, you gain an extra
standard action this turn
Epic Feat: One battle per day, sprout demonic
Slaughter Path Talents
wings and gain flight until the end of a
battle. You gain +2 to all your defenses
Blood & Slaughter (Slaughter) while using the power.
You have a bonus daily use of the summon
slaughter demon spell at your normal highest Tactics of Slaughter
level. Special: You cannot take this talent if you have the
This bonus casting of the spell functions Demonic Form talent.
exactly like your usual casting of the spell, but Use this power a number of times each day
with the following complication: when the equal to your Constitution modifier.

©2017 Pelgrane Press Ltd.


When you move to engage an enemy you

were not engaged with at the start of your turn, Sacrificial Blade (Slaughter)
deal 2d6 + Charisma damage to that enemy as
Special: You cannot take this talent if you have the
you engage them.
Demonic Reinforcements talent.
This power improves as your gain levels.
The first time each turn that your attack drops a
non-mook to 0 hit points, or you eliminate the
2nd level demonologist 3d6 damage last mook in a mob, roll a normal save (11+). If
3rd level demonologist 4d6 damage the save succeeds, you can take a free standard
4th level demonologist 5d6 damage action this turn.
5th level demonologist 6d6 damage Adventurer Feat: If one of your summoned
6th level demonologist 7d6 damage demons strikes the killing blow, you can
7th level demonologist 8d8 damage take an extra standard action on your next
8th level demonologist 10d8 damage turn.
9th level demonologist 10d10 damage Champion Feat: Your first Sacrificial Blade
10th level demonologist 10d12 damage save each battle is an easy save 6+.
Epic Feat: Twice per day, succeed without
Adventurer Feat: If you have a positive or rolling.
conflicted relationship with the Crusader,
gain 1d4 additional uses of this power each Ravager (Slaughter)
day. (Yes, roll at the start of the day!) While you are not staggered, you deal half
Champion Feat: @@@. damage with your basic melee attacks that miss.
Epic Feat: @@. Adventurer Feat: If you are a slaughter path
devotee, you can reroll a basic melee attack
@@next two talents obviously have to balance that misses a number of times each day
out equal to your Charisma modifier..
Demonic Reinforcements (Slaughter) Champion Feat: If you are a slaughter path
Special: You cannot take this talent if you have the devotee, one battle per day you can use the
Sacrificial Blade talent. Ravager power to deal half damage with
basic melee attacks that miss even when you
Once per day when one of your demonologist
are staggered.
attacks drops a non-mook enemy to 0 hit points,
roll an easy save (6+). If the save succeeds, the Epic Feat: @@.
enemy does not drop to 0 hit points. Instead, set
its hit points equal to half its staggered value.
Until the end of the battle, or until it is Slaughter Path Initiate Level
destroyed, the creature fights for you as if it Progression
were confused. Demonologist Slaughter Spell Level
Story: It’s not the same creature you’ve been Level Spells
fighting—it’s a disembodied demon taking over Level 1 1 1st level
the dead creature’s body, which qualifies as Multiclass
some type of demonic necromancy unless you
Level 1 1 1st level
fight for the Crusader, in which case it’s efficient
use of controllable resources. Level 2 1 1st level
Adventurer Feat: @@. Level 3 1 3rd level
Champion Feat: @@. Level 4 1 3rd level
Epic Feat: @@. Level 5 2 5th level

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Level 6 2 5th level Effect: You summon a demon to fight for you
Level 7 2 7th level until the end of the battle as a superior (but
degrading!) summoned creature. The demon
Level 8 2 7th level
summoned is determined by the level you cast
Level 9 2 9th level
the spell at, as follows:
Level 10 3 9th level 1st level spell summon claw demon
3 level spell summon hungry maw

Slaughter Path Devotee Level 5th level spell summon frenzy demon
Progression 7th level spell summon laughing demon
If you’ve invested all three of your talents in the 9th level spell summon marilith
slaughter path, add 1 to the number of spells
you choose each day. Summoned Claw Demon
Demonologist Slaughter Spell Level
Level Spells
1st level troop [DEMON]
Level 1 1 1st level
Initiative: +6
Level 1 2 1st level
Hooking claws +6 vs. AC (1d3 attacks)—3
Level 2 3 1st level damage
Level 3 3 3rd level
Level 4 4 3rd level Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the
Level 5 4 5 level
th summoned claw demon suffers 1d6 damage.
Level 6 4 5th level
Level 7 5 7th level AC 17
Level 8 5 7th level PD 14 HP 24
Level 9 5 9 level
th MD 11
Level 10 6 9th level
@@Playtest note: fewer spells for the slaughter Summoned Hungry Maw
path because they get more power from being
devotees; balance needs to be worked out, so 3rd level blocker [DEMON]
feedback on play experience invited!
Initiative: +6
Slaughter Bonus Spell
Slaughter initiates gain summon slaughter demon Big chomp +9 vs. AC—12 damage
as a bonus dicey spell (“dicey” spells are Natural even hit: Target and hungry maw are
explained in the class features above). both stuck until the end of the hungry maw’s
Slaughter path devotees instead have next turn, or until they are not engaged with
summon slaughter demon as a bonus recharge 16+ each other.
Chomp and chew: If the hungry maw starts its
Summon Slaughter Demon turns stuck and engaged with a stuck enemy,
Ranged Spell it loses its standard action this turn but
automatically deals 8 damage and 4 ongoing
Usage explained above
damage to that enemy.
Special: @@

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Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the AC 22

summoned hungry maw suffers 2d6 damage.
PD 17 HP 124
MD 19
AC 16
PD 16 HP 48 <<insert monster tile: marilith3.psd>>
MD 12
Summoned Marilith

Summoned Frenzy Demon Large 9th level troop [DEMON]

Initiative: +17
5th level wrecker [DEMON]
Initiative: +10 Three whirling swords +14 vs. AC (3 attacks)—
18 damage, and the marilith can pop free from
Claw +8 vs. AC (2 attacks)—7 damage the target after the attacks

Raging frenzy: Whenever the frenzy demon R: Beguiling gaze +14 vs. MD (one nearby or
misses with a melee attack, it gains a +1 attack far away unengaged enemy)—As a free
bonus and deals +1d4 damage until the end of action, the target immediately moves toward
the battle (maximum bonus +4, +4d4). the marilith, attempting to engage it or get as
close as possible to it
Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the Limited use: 1/round, as a quick action.
summoned frenzy demon suffers 4d6 damage.
Terrible swift swords: When the escalation die is
AC 20 even, the summoned marilith’s crit range with
melee attacks expands by a number equal to
PD 16 HP 70 the escalation die. If the summoned marilith is
MD 16 out of control, its crit range expands by a
number equal to the escalation die whether
the die is even or odd.
Summoned Laughing Demon

Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the

7th level troop [DEMON]
summoned marilith suffers 10d6 damage.
Initiative: +11

Tooth & claw and stomp +12 vs. AC—22 AC 24

damage PD 17 HP 200
Miss: 11 damage MD 21

Won’t … stop… laughing:: While one or more

summoned laughing demons are in a battle
1st Level Slaughter Spells
deal 8 psychic damage to each enemy who
fails a save.

Degradation: At the end of each of its turns, the Blade Polished In Blood (Slaughter)
summoned laughing demon suffers 6d6 Close-quarters spell
damage. Once per battle
Quick action to cast

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Special: You must have reduced a creature to engaged, hit an ally next to you and if no allies
zero hit points with a basic or at-will attack are next to you, hit yourself instead.
this turn.
Effect: You can spend a recovery. 3rd level spell Add 7 to the damage if the
Adventurer Feat: If you are a slaughter path attack hits.
devotee, you can cast this spell twice per 5 level spell Add 13 to the damage if the

battle, though only once a turn. attack hits.

Champion Feat: If you are a slaughter path 7 level spell Add 20 to the damage if the

devotee, add double your Charisma attack hits.

modifier to the healing from the recovery. 9 level spell Add 25 to the damage if the

Epic Feat: If you are still staggered after using attack hits.
the recovery, the recovery is free. Adventurer Feat: If you are a slaughter path
devotee, reckless slaughter is now a recharge
Hate (Slaughter) 6+ spell.
Close-quarters spell Champion Feat: @@.
Once per battle Epic Feat: @@.
Quick action to cast
Target: Yourself. The Rending (Slaughter)
Effect: If you hit with a weapon attack this turn, Close-quarters spell
add 5 to the damage. Recharge 16+ after battle
Target: 1 nearby or far away enemy
3rd level spell 8. Attack: Charisma + Level vs. PD
5th level spell 13. Hit: 3d12 + Charisma damage
7th level spell 20. Miss: Half damage, and you OR an ally engaged
9th level spell 33. with the target take half that damage.
Adventurer Feat: You can now cast hate twice
per battle. 3rd level spell 5d12 damage
Champion Feat: The bonus damage now also 5th level spell 8d12 damage
applies to your miss (some caution required, 7th level spell 2d8 x 10 damage
given the number of your attacks that may 9th level spell 4d6 x 10 damage
damage you or your allies).
Epic Feat: @@.

3rd Level Slaughter Spells

Reckless Slaughter (Slaughter)

Close spell Death Mark
Recharge 11+ after battle Close-quarters spell
Daily, OR Recharge 16+ after battle, for a
Quick action to cast
slaughter path devotee
Effect: Make a basic melee attack using the
ability score of your choice as the attack and Quick action to cast
damage stat and using d12’s for the damage Effect: Your summoned creatures gain a +3
die. On a miss, you inflict no damage on the attack bonus until the end of the battle against
target and instead hit an ally engaged with the any creature you hit with an attack this battle.
target for one-quarter damage. If no allies are (This applies even if you summon the creature
after the attack.)

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Adventurer Feat: In addition, add your @@this spell presently has no way of getting
Charisma modifier to the damage dealt by better as it rises in levels; which is mostly OK,
hits from your summoned creatures’ attacks because it’s good to start and it’s good all the
against enemies you hit yourself (5th level: way up
double your Charisma modifier; 8th level:
triple your Charisma modifier).
Champion Feat: @@.
Epic Feat: @@. 5th Level Slaughter Spells

Follow the Blood

Altar Reversal
Close-quarters spell
Close-quarters spell
Cast as an interrupt action
Daily, OR Recharge 16+ after battle, for a
Recharge 11+ after battle, or once per battle for
slaughter path devotee
slaughter devotee
Quick action to cast
Target: One nearby enemy that becomes
Effect: Until the end of the turn, you gain a +4
staggered, but still has hit points greater than
attack bonus against demons, and demons are
vulnerable to your attacks. If you use this
Effect: Teleport into engagement with the target
opportunity to attack a 5th or lower level
if it is an enemy that is still in the battle or next
slaughter demon you summoned that is still
to it if it is an ally or an enemy that has been
under your control, and drop the demon’s hit
reduced to 0 hit points.
points to 0 with the attack, you automatically
5 level spell Spell can now also target an
succeed with the save that determines
enemy that has been reduced to 0 hit points. whether you lose control of the demon.
7 level spell If the spell targets a staggered
Instead you roll an easy save (6+) to see if you
enemy, that enemy is vulnerable to your regain the use of your summoning spell!
attacks until the end of the battle (your
slaughter path talents might also deal damage
7th level spell Now affects any of your 7th level
to it automatically)
summoned demons
9 level spell Now a recharge 6+ spell.
9th level spell Now affects your 9th level
summoned demons, and your critical hits
Implacable Destruction (Slaughter) against demons deal triple damage until the
Close-quarters spell end of the battle.
Recharge 16+ after battle, or Recharge 11+ for a
slaughter path devotee Mass Slaughter (Slaughter)
Special: So long as you are conscious, this spell Close-quarters spell
ignores any effect you are under that would Daily
prevent or hinder you from casting the spell Effect: Make a separate basic melee attack
and making its associated attack (being
against each of 1d3+1 enemies engaged with
confused or stunned, attack penalties from
you. For each hit, also deal half the damage to a
being dazed or weakened, etc.).
different nearby random creature you are not
Effect: Make a basic or at-will attack. engaged with. Each creature can only be
Adventurer Feat: @@. damaged once with the attacks/spell.
Champion Feat: On a hit, one effect that was
suspended by the spell ends, provided the
GM can see how that makes any sense.
Epic Feat: @@.

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7th level spell You can exclude one nearby ally demonologist. But as far as we’re concerned, not
from being a possible random target of the yet. Multi-path demonologists are bit like multi-
secondary damage. class characters already, and we’ll take a bit
9 level spell You can now exclude two
th more time with the demonologist before we try
nearby allies from being a possible random to outline how it interacts with the multiclass
target of the secondary damage. rules. When we create them, they’ll be available
for free on the Pelgrane Press website in the 13th
Age resources section. For the moment . . . .
<<end sidebar>>

7th Level Slaughter Spells

Death is Everywhere (Slaughter)

Close Spell
Recharge 16+
Effect: Teleport someplace nearby and make a
basic or at-will attack against a single target. If
that attack hits, repeat the effect.
Champion Feat: If your first attack misses,
regain this spell after a short rest.
Epic Feat: If you roll an even miss with an attack
made from this spell, repeat the effect.

9th Level Slaughter Spells

Blood for Blood! (Slaughter)

Close-quarters spell
Effect: You take 1d4Xd20 damage. Then, you
attack and critically hit one enemy with a
weapon attack (before you fall unconscious or
die, if applicable).
Epic Feat: You take 1d6Xd20 damage instead
and the critical hit does triple damage instead of

<<insert sidebar>>
Where’s My Multiclass?
The demonologist’s level progression tables
include a multiclass row because theoretically
it’s going to be possible to create a multiclass

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APPDENDIX: NEW DEMONS C: Foul belch +7 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies)—

3 poison damage, and target is dazed until the
Most of the demons in this mini-bestiary are
end of its next turn.
monster-oriented versions of the demons
Natural 1-5: Reroll the attack against a nearby
summoned by demonologists.
ally of the demon toad.
@@We might opt to duplicate stats for some
Limited use: 1d3 times per battle.
of the less generic demons in the book here in
the appendix, or might not.
Dissssgusting: Attackers that roll a natural odd
melee attack roll against the demon toad take
Burner 1d6 poison damage.
A demonically animate fireball. Remind it that it’s
awful weak for a fireball.
AC 16
1st level archer [DEMON]
PD 15 HP 45
Initiative: +7 MD 12
Claw Demon
Flickers of flame +7 vs. AC—3 fire damage Technically it’s a claw-claw-claw-claw demon, but
you don’t get time to say that.
R: Flickers of flame +7 vs. AC—5 fire damage
Miss: Deal 3 fire damage to a random nearby 3rd level troop [DEMON]
creature (yes, could be enemy or ally!). Initiative: +8

Quick flicking fire: Adds the escalation die to its Hooking claws +8 vs. AC (1d4 attacks)—5
disengage checks. damage

Flight: Bobs along low to the ground, if it gets Nastier Specials

higher than 6’ it drops, as if tethered to the Finding the range: Third and fourth hooking
earth. claws attacks each turn, if any, also deal 3
ongoing damage.
AC 18
PD 16 HP 24 AC 20
MD 14 PD 17 HP 40
MD 14
Demon Toad
“Cover your mouth when you burp,” say parents near Hopping Imp
the Hell Marsh, “or the demon toads will hear and eat When an imp is too fat to fly, it gets tougher or dies.
you.” Yeah, it’s dark over there. (Well, it probably dies anyway, but noisily.)

2nd level spoiler [DEMON] 4th level spoiler [DEMON]

Initiative: +4 Initiative: +8

Pathetic bite +7 vs. AC—3 damage Festering claws +8 vs. AC—10 damage, and 5
ongoing damage

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R: Blight jet +8 vs. PD—10 damage, and the

target is dazed (save ends) Flickers of flame +11 vs. AC—10 fire damage
First natural 16+ each turn: The imp can choose
one: the target is weakened instead of R: Flickers of flame +11 vs. AC—18 fire damage
dazed; OR the imp can make a blight jet Miss: Deal 10 fire damage to a random nearby
attack against a different target as a free creature (yes, could be enemy or ally!).
Quick flicking fire: Adds the escalation die to its
Curse aura: Whenever a creature attacks the imp disengage checks.
and rolls a natural 1–5, that creature takes
1d12 psychic damage. Flight: Bobs along low to the ground, if it gets
higher than 6’ it drops, as if tethered to the
AC 21 earth.
PD 15 HP 50
MD 17 AC 22
PD 20 HP 66
Hungry Maw MD 18
A life support system for teeth.
Giant Demon Toad
4 level blocker [DEMON]
You can see the eyes of the last person it ate in its
Initiative: +7 bubules. And if you’re asking what bubules are,
seriously, you want to see this?
Big chomp +10 vs. AC—18 damage
Natural even hit: Target and hungry maw are 5th level spoiler [DEMON]
both stuck until the end of the hungry maw’s Initiative: +7
next turn, or until they are not engaged with
each other. Pathetic bite +10 vs. AC—9 damage

Chomp and chew: If the hungry maw starts its C: Foul belch +10 vs. PD (1d3 nearby
turns stuck and engaged with a stuck enemy, enemies)—8 poison damage, and target is
it loses its standard action this turn but dazed until the end of its next turn.
automatically deals 10 damage and 5 ongoing Natural 1-5: Reroll the attack against a nearby
damage to that enemy.
ally of the giant demon toad.
Limited use: 1d3 times per battle.
AC 18
PD 18 HP 52 Dissssgusting: Attackers that roll a natural odd
MD 14 melee attack roll against the demon toad take
2d8 poison damage.

Big Burner
AC 19
A serious demonically animate fireball.
PD 18 HP 84
5th level archer [DEMON] MD 15
Initiative: +11

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Greater Claw Demon

Worse of the same.

6th level troop [DEMON]

Initiative: +11

Hooking claws +11 vs. AC (1d4 attacks)—10


Nastier Specials
Finding the range: Third and fourth hooking
claws attacks each turn, if any, also deal 5
ongoing damage.

AC 23
PD 20 HP 80
MD 17

Hungrier Maw
A recruitment system for a gullet..

7th level blocker [DEMON]

Initiative: +10

Big chomp +13 vs. AC—34 damage

Natural even hit: Target and hungry maw are
both stuck until the end of the hungry maw’s
next turn, or until they are not engaged with
each other.

Chomp and chew: If the hungry maw starts its

turns stuck and engaged with a stuck enemy,
it loses its standard action this turn but
automatically deals 20 damage and 10
ongoing damage to that enemy.

AC 21
PD 21 HP 104
MD 117

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