883 IFE Level 4 Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety

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IFE Level 4 Diploma in Fire

Science and Fire Safety

Qualification Specification

Qualification Number: 500/5924/5

Note: This qualification was formerly known as the Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and
Fire Safety

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About the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE)
The IFE is the professional institution for those working in the fire sector. The IFE is a
registered charity working for societal benefit. Founded in 1918, the IFE’s mission is to
promote, encourage and improve the science, practice and professionalism of fire
engineering with the overall aim of protecting and saving lives.

Members of the IFE share a commitment to ensuring that the fire profession remains
relevant and valued, protecting people, property and the environment from fire.

The IFE Awarding Organisation

The IFE’s awarding organisation is non-profitmaking.

The aim of the of the awarding organisation is to encourage those who work in the sector to
engage with, and develop, the critical understanding needed to operate effectively and
safely and to best professional standards so that they can protect and save lives. In doing
this, the awarding organisation contributes to three of the IFE’s (six) over-arching strategic
priorities ie:

 Facilitate awareness of fire issues and developments through the communication of

ideas, knowledge, information
 Foster professionalism by establishing and maintaining pathways and recognised
standards of fire professionalism and competency.
 Increase knowledge in the science, practice and professionalism of fire engineering.

All of the IFE’s qualifications are designed for those working in the fire sector and to meet
the above aims. Qualifications and their associated assessments (examinations and
practical activities/assignments) provided by the IFE are designed, assessed and quality
assured by experts with extensive experience of working within the fire sector.

Contact Details

Email: [email protected]

IFE House, 64-66 Cygnet Court, Timothy’s Bridge Road, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 9NW

Tel: +44 (0)1789 261463

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IFE Level 4 Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety
This qualification was formerly known as the Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire

Aims of the Qualification

The IFE Level 4 Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety has been developed by the
Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE), representatives of Fire and Rescue services and other fire
professionals such as fire risk assessors and fire investigators.

The content and structure of the qualification has been designed to provide individuals
operating at a senior professional level with the technical knowledge and understanding
required across all relevant fire disciplines to enable them to evaluate situations and respond
to diverse and complex hazards and incidents. The qualification recognises this breadth and
depth of knowledge and understanding across critical fire disciplines.

Target Audience

The qualification will meet the needs of:

 those employed in fire and rescue service roles across the world, particularly those
who are either already in Station Manager (or equivalent) roles or those who wish to
develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding relevant to the role of
Station Manager in preparation for promotion to this role
 those operating in specialist fire and rescue contexts such as aviation or specialist
fire prevention/fire safety inspection roles who need to develop and apply a wide
range of knowledge and understanding in their role
 other fire professionals who wish to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding
of fire science and safety and relevant specialist areas at level 4

Learning Outcomes

Candidates who achieve this qualification should be able to:

 draw on knowledge and understanding across the specialist fire aspects when
evaluating and assessing potential solutions in diverse, non-routine and complex
 understand and apply detailed and technical specialist approaches when addressing
complex situations
 understand the value of the different fire disciplines in managing complex situations
that require a multi-faceted approach
 demonstrate and apply critical understanding and analytical skill at level 4 in four

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Achievement of the IFE Level 4 Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety will enable
successful candidates to meet the academic requirement for membership of the Institution at
Member Grade (MIFireE) and at Associate Grade (AIFireE).

Qualification Structure and Content

In order to achieve the qualification, candidates must achieve four separate components.

Two components are mandatory ie: Fire Engineering Science and Fire Safety

Two components may be selected from:

 Fire Service Operations and Incident Command

 Aviation Fire Operations
 Leadership and Management
 Fire Investigation

Each of the components is assessed separately via IFE-set examinations. The range of
content that must be studied for each component including the way that candidates need to
show their understanding (Assessment Criteria) and the scope/range/contexts in which they
can be tested (Knowledge, Understanding and Skills) is set out in separate specifications.
Please see https://www.ife.org.uk/IFE-Qualifications-with-Syllabus-Links

From 2021, the individual components are presented as separate qualifications.

However, the content and assessment is the same, and therefore equivalent in every
way, to the previous unit format where the units existed within the structure of the
Level 4 Certificate in Fire Science and Fire Safety.

In order to achieve the Level 4 Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety, candidates may use
either unit achievements (where components were achieved prior to 2021) or qualification
achievements (where components were achieved after 2021). Please see below for
information on relevant units/qualifications and how they can be used towards achievement
of the Level 4 Diploma.

Mandatory Components

Level 4 Certificate Units Achieved OR Qualification Achieved in 2021, 2022

in 2018, 2019, 2020
L4C1 - Unit 1: Fire Engineering OR IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Engineering
Science Science
L4C2 - Unit 2: Fire Safety OR IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Safety

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Optional Components (two to be achieved from the following)

Level 4 Certificate Units Achieved OR Qualification Achieved in 2021, 2022

in 2018, 2019, 2020
L4C3 – Unit 3: Fire Service OR IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Service
Operations and Incident Command Operations and Incident Command
L4C4 – Unit 4: Aviation Fire OR IFE Level 4 Certificate in Aviation Fire
Operations Operations
L4C5 - Unit 5: Leadership and OR IFE Level 4 Certificate in Leadership and
Management Management
L4C6 – Unit 6: Fire Investigation OR IFE Level 4 Certificate in Fire Investigation
L4C7 – Unit 7: Civil Emergency and No longer available. Unit 7 was withdrawn
Disaster Management following the 2019 examinations


Each component is assessed separately via written examination. The duration of the
examination is three hours. Please see the separate qualification specifications for full

Although the components are now available as qualifications rather than units, the
assessment is unchanged. This means that previous examination papers and examiner
reports are still valid examples of assessment approaches and can be used in preparing for
examinations. Please see the IFE’s website - http://www.ife.org.uk/Qualifications/Past-


Candidates achieving the required combination of components will be awarded the IFE Level
4 Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety. The qualification is not graded. Successful
candidates will be awarded a Pass.

Candidates do not need to achieve all four components at the same examination session.
Candidates who achieve fewer than four components at one examination session will
receive the relevant qualification certificates. Candidates are required to achieve the four
components within five years. This means that candidates who achieve relevant
qualifications (components) in 2022 may combine these with achievements from 2021, 2020,
2019 and 2018.

The IFE will automatically issue a full Level 4 Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety
certificate at the point where candidates have achieved all four of the components required.

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Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements.

However, candidates are advised that success in this qualification requires extensive
knowledge and understanding and they should therefore ensure that they are fully prepared
prior to sitting examinations. This qualification provides progression from the Level 3
Diploma in Fire Science and Fire Safety. Candidates who have previously achieved an IFE
qualification at Level 3 will be able to build upon relevant knowledge and understanding.
Candidates who have not achieved an IFE qualification at Level 3 are advised to refer to the
Level 3 specifications in order to ensure that they have acquired relevant foundation
knowledge and understanding.

Candidates should be aware that most examination questions will take the form of essay
questions. Candidates will therefore need to be able to communicate effectively in writing.
In addition, candidates are advised that mathematical skills will be required in order to
complete the Fire Engineering Science examination and relevant calculations in other units.

Please see separate specifications for details on entry requirements for the separate

Qualification Level

This qualification has been designed to enable candidates to demonstrate that they have
attained knowledge and understanding at Level 4. Other types of qualifications that are set
at Level 4 include: Certificate of Higher Education (CertHE), Higher National Certificate
(HNC) and Level 4 NVQs.

The qualifications regulator, Ofqual, has provided the following descriptors to illustrate the
knowledge and understanding expected from those who hold qualifications at Level 4.

Level 4 Knowledge descriptor

The candidate:

 Has practical, theoretical or technical knowledge and understanding of a subject or

field of work to address problems that are well defined but complex and non-routine.
 Can analyse, interpret and evaluate relevant information and ideas.
 Is aware of the nature of approximate scope of the area of study or work.
 Has an informed awareness of different perspectives or approaches within the area
of study or work.

Candidates are advised to bear these descriptors in mind when preparing for assessment
and when presenting examination responses.

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Qualification Learning Time

The length of time needed to complete this qualification will vary depending upon the starting
point (ie previous knowledge and experience) for each individual. Due to the range of
specialist components, individuals may find that some components require more time input
than others.

Research suggests that the following learning time is needed for the individual components:

Component (Unit/Qualification) Learning


Fire Engineering Science 150

Fire Safety 170

Aviation Fire Operations 140

Leadership and Management 160

Fire Service Operations and Incident 200


Fire Investigation 155

Total qualification time is based on learning time for the two mandatory components plus the
learning time for the two smallest optional units. Total qualification time for this qualification
is therefore 615 hours.

The 615 hours comprises:

 603 (over 4 units) of learning - self-study/course training

 12 hours (over 4 units) of assessment - examinations

Most candidates prepare for IFE examinations via self-study or by drawing on training
provided by their employer that covers relevant aspects of the syllabus. Candidates are
advised to cross-map their study/training against the content of the syllabus to ensure that all
part of the syllabus have been covered. Recommended reading materials are listed within
the individual qualification documents.

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Reasonable Adjustments

The IFE permits reasonable adjustments to be made where candidates have disabilities
(including medical conditions and learning disabilities such as Dyslexia). The IFE’s policy on
reasonable adjustments aims to enable candidates with disabilities and other difficulties to
access the IFE assessments without compromising the assessment process or the validity of
the certificate.

The policy, which includes the arrangements for applying for reasonable adjustments, is
published on the IFE’s website. The IFE will consider all requests for reasonable
adjustments. All requests for reasonable adjustments must be submitted to the IFE.


Candidates who are successful in achieving this qualification may consider progression to
specialist degree programmes such as BSc in Fire Engineering Science.

Booking Examinations and Additional Information on Examination Arrangements

All component examinations are available in March each year. One component
examination, Fire Service Operations and Incident Command, is also available in October
each year.

Individuals who wish to sit examinations may book examinations either through their
examination centre (eg employer, IFE Branch) or they may book through the IFE. Where
appropriate, the IFE will direct individuals to their employer or branch contact.

Information on the examination timetable and other relevant dates (such as the last date for
booking examinations) for March examinations, together with the booking form, the list of
venues available to candidates, the terms and conditions for candidates and additional
information on examination arrangements is provided on the IFE website on 1 September
each year. A separate page for each March examination session is provided on the IFE

Detailed guidance for candidates on examination arrangements is provided in the Rules and
Information for Candidates Taking IFE Examinations booklet. This booklet sets out the rules
to be followed by candidates and also the dates for publication of results and the timetable
for candidates to query examination results.

Complaints and Appeals

Procedures for making a complaint or lodging an appeal are available on the IFE website -

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Information for Examination Centres

Organisations that would like to provide a venue for IFE examinations, should contact the
IFE to discuss the requirements for IFE approved examination centres – please email
[email protected] in the first instance.

Examination centres will need to comply with the terms and conditions set by IFE.
Information for examination centres, including the Examination Centre Handbook which
contains detailed guidance on running an examination centre, is available on the IFE
website. Please see - https://www.ife.org.uk/Information-for-Examination-Centres.

Examination centres are required to provide an Examination Centre Invigilation Report

following the completion of examinations.

The IFE operates an examination centre inspection programme based on unannounced

visits. All Examination centres should anticipate visits from IFE-appointed Examination
Centre inspectors.

Further Information

Further information on examination conditions is also available in the IFE booklet,

Information and Rules Candidates Taking IFE Examinations. This booklet can be
downloaded from the IFE’s website.

Candidates may also find our general guide for candidates, Preparing to Pass IFE
Examinations - Guidance for Candidates document which provides information on question
types and levels helpful -

Please address any queries to the IFE by emailing: [email protected]

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