Instructional Module: Answer

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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:Prof Ed 2-A :1st Sem- 2020-201

College: College of Teacher Education

Campus : Bayombong

Name Apple Manzano Equiz COURSE NO Prof.ed 2-A
Course Bachelor of Physical Education COURSE TITLE The Teaching Profession
Year Level 2nd year TIME FRAME 3hrs WK NO. 1 IM NO. 1

I. Chapter: 1
II. LESSON TITLE : Teaching as a profession

Activity 1: Read the following instances when the word “professional” is used. ADD SOME MORE
INSTANCES, IF YOU CAN. Explain what the word “professional” means in each case.


1. Being a professional, don't immediately conclude without any proof towards an incident.
2. Professionals must do presentable and quality work as well.
3. Having quality or equal treatment to all employee must perform by a professional.
4. Being a professional ,always watch your actions and observe good manner toward people whom you're
dealing with.
5. Professionals deserve to received the fruit of their labor by means of showing tender loving care to their
patients in return.
6. Professionals are capable of doing their duties and responsibilities.

Activity 2. Let’s find out how much you know about the history of teaching in the country. Write True if
the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong.

1. As early as the Spanish period,teaching was considered a profession. FALSE
2. It was the Americans who elevated teaching in the Philippines as a profession. TRUE
3.Teaching was elevated to a profession only in 1994 with the passage of RA 7836. TRUE
4.There is no other legal document that professionalized teaching other than The Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1992. FALSE



1. What does the word Professional mean used in the activity 1?

The word “professional” implies one who possesses skill and competence/ expertise.
“Highly professional” “unprofessional". To act that way imply a code of ethics by which a professional
persons abide. In short, a professional is one who conforms to the technical or ethical standards of a

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:Prof Ed 2-A :1st Sem- 2020-201

2. By the use of a graphic organizer, present the elements of a profession.

Initial Professional Education Professional Development

Professional Societies Code of Ethics

Elements of Profession


3. Why does a profession like teaching require long years of initial professional education and continuing,
professional development after that long, arduous initial professional education?

Teaching profession requires long years od initial professional education and continuing professional
development after long arduous initial professional development in order for the aspiring teachers to acquire an adequate
knowledge and skills that they can apply in their teaching profession. Initial professional education is the training ground
that would help them to enhance their skills, capabilities and potentials. It also important because it helps to build their
confidence and strength needeed in the actual teaching. Initial profession education is required to take in order to get
certificate and able to take the BLEPT. After passing the licensure examination and taking the long and arguous initial
professional education it is important to continue the professional development because it ensures the teacher to continue
to be competent in their profession. It is also an ongoing process and continues throughout a professional’s career.

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:Prof Ed 2-A :1st Sem- 2020-201

4. Present the historical development of a teacher preparation and professionalization in the Philippines from
pre-Hispanic Philippines to 1996 by way of graphic organizer:



 Use of Alibata o Baybayin (ANCIENT WRITING SYSTEM)
 The education of Pre Hispanic Filipinos was fit for the needs of their times. There was no
formal schooling.


 Religious Congregations built schools  Christian doctrines

 Promotion of Spanish language  Imposition of Spanish culture


 Promote democratic ideas and way of life
EDUCATIONAL DECREE OF 1863 - Regulation of private schools establishment of public
schools ,founding of normal school ,at least one primary school for boys and girls in each town
under the responsibility of the municipal government ,establishment of normal school for male
teachers under the supervision of the Jesuits and primary instruction was free
 MALOLOS CONSTITUTION OF 1899 - Free and compulsory elementary education
 EDUCATION ACT OF 1901 or ACT OF 74 -600 teachers from the USA (Thomasites)
 ACT NO. 477 (1902)- Establishment of special educational institutions, school of arts and
trades, and agricultural school, commerce, and marine institutions
UST was declared as Pontifical University by Pope Leo XIII.


 Develop moral character, personal discipline, civic conscience and vocational efficiency
 duties of citizenship  adult education

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:Prof Ed 2-A :1st Sem- 2020-201

1936- E. O. No. 134 - President Quezon designated Tagalog as the basis of a national language
EDUCATION ACT OF 1940- Reduction of the elementary course from 7 to 6 years
 School entrance age was 7 years old
 Compulsory attendance of primary children in grade 1.


Stop depending on US and Great Britain
 Vocational education, technical and agricultural; love for labor or work; adopt the Nippongo
language as a medium of instruction
 Tagalog, Philippine History, and Character Education
1943- Ministry of Education
 MILITARY ORDER NO. 42 - Establishment of the Commission of Education , Health, and
Public Welfare
1945- Department of Instruction became part of the Department of Public Instruction
1947- Executive Order No. 94- Bureau of Public and Private Schools regulation and supervision of
public and private schools


 Democratic ideals and way of life, equal educational opportunity for all and civil service
eligibility of teachers
1954 (R.A.1079) - Made permanent the civil service eligibility of teachers
1955 (R.A.1265) - Making flag ceremony compulsory in all educational institutions
1956 (R.A.1425) or Rizal Law - Directs all public and private schools, colleges, and universities
to include in their curricula courses or subjects on the life, works, and writings of Dr. Jose
1966 (R.A. 4670) - Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
1968 (Executive Order no. 202) Presidential Commission to Survey the Philippine Education
PD 6A or Educational Decree of 1972 - Provided for the national development goals and the
aims of the educational system, and established a ten-year educational development program.
Proclamation 1081 of 1972 - Department of Education became the Department of Education
and Culture

1973 - Constitution –NEW SOCIETY

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:Prof Ed 2-A :1st Sem- 2020-201

1974 - DECS ORDER no 25 Bilingual Policy

1975 - PD no. 146 NCEE (National College Entrance Examination) was first administered.

1976 - Presidential Decree no.1006  Professionalization of teachers and teaching

1978(PD no 1397)- Ministry of Education and Culture o 13 regional offices were created

1981- (MECS ORDER no 57) -Provides for the protection of all students in all institutions of

1982 Batas Pambansa Blg 232 o voluntary accreditation for schools, colleges or universities

1983 MECS ORDER no 44 Designating honor graduates as first honors and second honors for
elementary grades.

1986- Corazon Aquino became the president.

E. O. No. 27 Education to maximize respect for human rights

1987 (E. O. No. 189)- Placing all public secondary school teachers under the administrative
supervision and control of the DECS.

1988- New Secondary Education Curriculum was launched. 1992 Fidel V. Ramos became the
 DECS ORDER no 107 Use of Filipino or English or both, but the language the child brings to
school should be valued.

1989 (R.A. 6728)- Act providing assistance to students and teachers in private education.

1992- Fidel V. Ramos became the president.

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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:Prof Ed 2-A :1st Sem- 2020-201

 DECS ORDER no 49 -Designation of valedictorian, salutatorian and honourable mention for

top graduate.

1993- (DECS ORDER no 30) National Elementary Achievement Test (NEAT) for all grade 6
pupils in public and private schools.

1994 (R.A. no. 773) - Abolished the National College Entrance Examination (NCEE) required
of all high school graduates seeking admission into a minimum four-year college program as
mandated by P.D. 146.
 R.A. no. 7836- Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act (LET)
 R.A. no. 7796- Technical Educational Skills Development Authority
 R.A. no. 7722- Commission on Higher Education R.A. no. 7731 Abolished the National
College Entrance Examination (NCEE) required of all high school graduates seeking
admission into a minimum four-year college program as mandated by P.D. 146.
 R.A. no. 7784- Strengthen Teacher Education by establishing Centers of Excellence
 R.A. no 7743- Establishment of public libraries and reading centers in every barangay, city,
and municipality of the country.

1995 - Program for Basic Education (PROBE)

 R.A. no 8047 Book Publishing Industry Act
 R.A. no 7877 Anti-Sexual Harassment Act

1996 - Ten-Year Master Plan for Basic Education (1996-2005)

1. modernizing education
2. computer education and ICT program
3. teacher training

ASSIGNMENT: Read a research related to teaching as a profession and fill out the matrix below.

With the erosion of the educational system in Brazil and the growing realization increasingly unprepared teachers
working in the college labor market, it is necessary to rethink the question of the curriculum for the degree at
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Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
IM No.:Prof Ed 2-A :1st Sem- 2020-201

universities, whether private or public. This article will identify what consequences entail the training of new
professionals. How the careful analysis of this curriculum will influence the formation of this faculty to the
university market, that is, he is a teacher who acts as the standards established by the institution or he is an
educator who rewrites his thinking from situation to situation, experiencing the routine and university day-to-day
and thus putting imaginary scenarios and possible solutions.

A simple search on the virtual bank of theses and dissertations from Capes/MEC shows the
increase in research addressing teacher education in recent decades. Based on bibliographical and documentary
survey, by resorting to the main authors working issues related to curriculum and teacher training approach, this
article was structured. The approach follows qualitative parameters to molds pointed in the work of Severino

The curriculum used in each institution should include a complex in which the teacher is inserted, the
challenges of this training increasingly rigorous, the holds only for use of conceptual teaching methods, but the
practice shapes us for something never seen. For this to happen, it is essential that teachers, who are researchers,
are able to help produce students who are researchers of problems they have placed on their experiences of
everyday life. Faced with this paradox the curriculum is understood as something to be followed, like a trail and
never as rails. With new skills, competencies and attitudes political pedagogical processes involving each
institution will enable future generations of teachers have scope to make changes in curriculum processes
interrupting a vicious cycle and investing in new requirements for teacher training.

Professional teachers feel the dubiousness of his career, on the one hand are trained to meet the
demands of increasingly demanding students and with different expectations, on the other hand, its formation is
characterized by a knowledge methodical and more distant prospects of its reality training. It is necessary that the
teacher is constantly being Academia Journal of Educational Research; Santos et al. 089 updated. It is critical to
know your students, their expectations, their culture, characteristics, problems and their learning needs. This
teaching should also permanently reflect on their practice, looking for ways to improve it, and to promote the
autonomy of the students, encouraging them to constantly evaluate their progress and help them to become aware
of how learning is accomplished, valuing all knowledge that the student already possesses. In this sense, the
teacher task committed to enabling tomorrow ethically human, includes fighting for public policies of respect for
the fundamental rights of citizens as, among others, school and work.

SOURCE/Bibliographical entry format

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