Patent US5611555 - Tilting System

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,611,555
Vidal (45) Date of Patent: Mar 18, 1997
54 ARTICULATED BALANCER WITH AN 4,974,863 12/1990 Patin ......................................... 280/62
OSCELLATING AXLE AND HAVING 5,040,812 8/1991 Patin ........................................... 80/62
76) Inventor: Carlos C. Vidal, Martinez de la Rosa 1085100 1/1955 France ................................ 280/112.2
12, 18002 Granada, Spain Primary Examiner-Christopher P. Ellis
(21) Appl. No.: 177,082 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Pollock, Vande Sande & Priddy
22 Filed: Jan. 3, 1994
30) Foreign Application Priority Data An articulated balancer with an oscillating axle and having
locking possibilities provides dynamic stability and static
Jan. 4, 1993 ES Spain ..................................... 9300004 balance to a vehicle having a high center of gravity in
(51 Int. Cl." ................................... ... B60G S/00 rounding curves. This vehicle has three wheels, one in front
and two in the rear. It rivals the maneuverability of a
52 U.S. Cl. ......................... 280/113; 280/112.2; 280/62; motorcycle, yet offers a higher level of safety and conve
280/97; 180/215 nience than conventional motorcycles. The stability in
58) Field of Search .................................. 280/112.2, 113, curves is obtained by enhancing the lateral tilting of the
280/62, 282, 111, 126,97, 772; 180/210, vehicle. For this, each rear wheel must allow an up or down
211, 215 motion; each of these motions is opposite to the other but to
56) References Cited
the same extent. By means of "ball-and-socket' hinged
joints, two connecting rods connect the balancer with the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS rear swinging forks, converting the balancer's rotation to an
up-and-down motion. The balancer's axle allows an oscil
2,819,093 1/1958 Geiser ..................................... 180/215 lation motion controlled by a shock absorber, that provides
3,572,456 3/1971 Healy ...................... 280/112.2 the rear suspension of the vehicle. The static balance and
3,866,341 2/1975 Fabrygel ................................. 280/113 certain characteristics of its dynamic behavior are obtained
4,003,443 1/1977 Boughers ......................... 280/112.2 X by locking the rotation of the balancer.
4,088,199 5/1978 Trautwein ............................ 280/112.2
4,375,295 3/1983 Solbes ......... 280/112.2 X
4,887,829 12/1989 Prince ..................................... 280/282 5 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Mar 18, 1997 Sheet 2 of 14 5,611,555


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FIG. 5

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FIG. 8
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1 2
ARTICULATED BALANCER WITH AN The only front wheel of the vehicle is connected to the
OSCLLATING AXLE AND HAVING frame by means of a hydraulic, telescopic fork, identical to
LOCKING POSSIBILITIES the one used for conventional motorcycles, having also the
same fastening and directional geometry.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION The described oscillating movement of the rear wheels is
The instant invention ARTICULATED BALANCER
obtained by means of a lever, referred to as a “balancer,' that
at its midpoint is held fast by an axle, around which it
relates to motorcycles and specifically is a mechanism that rotates. The balancer is installed perpendicularly to the
provides dynamic stability as well as static balance to Swinging forks and, depending on the characteristics of
light-weight, narrow, wheeled vehicles having a high center 10 performance required by the vehicle, it can be located on a
of gravity travelling around curves. The instant invention plane that is either higher or lower than the plane of the
particularly focuses on a vehicle having three wheels, one in swinging forks.
front and two in rear, that could be related to a conventional At each end of the balancerishinged a connecting rod that
motorcycle. links to the swinging fork at its end, so that when one
The purpose of the instant invention vehicle is to combine 15 Swinging fork ascends it causes a rotary motion of the
the maneuverability of a motorcycle with higher levels of balancer which, in turn, causes the swinging fork of the other
safety and convenience. Just like in the case of any motor end to descend, and vice versa (FIG. 4).
cycle, the stability when taking a curve is obtained by a Thus, it can be gathered that by means of the connecting
lateral shifting of its center of gravity, caused by the lateral rods the rotary motion of the balancer becomes an up-and
tilting of the vehicle when approaching a curve. 20 down motion of the swinging forks. Several factors must be
taken into consideration for this transformation of move
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION ment. Thus, by way of example, the initial parallelism of the
connecting rods is lost with the rotating of the balancer, due
In the prior art, the characteristic feature of any vehicle to the latter being of fixed length; moreover, the angles
having two wheels on the same wheel and axle assembly is 25
formed by the connecting rod with the balancer or the
that they are linked by one axle. Whether or not the axle is swinging forks are continuously modified by the action of
rigid, real or imaginary, the distance between both wheels, the mechanism.
is maintained subsequently constant, and the oscillation of Thus, to obtain a smooth and resistance-free transforma
the wheels has the sole purpose of absorbing the irregulari tion of movements, it thus becomes necessary to provide the
ties of the terrain.
invention with an adequate system of hinged joints between
its various elements to eliminate the stresses that may affect
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION its performance due to the constant modification of values
and their ratios.
In a vehicle equipped with the inventive mechanism The suitable hinged joint is the so-called “ball-and
described herein, it is not possible to observe the existence socket' joint which, within some of the values, allows the
of an axle between its rear wheels because, among other 35 connecting rods to form any angle with respect to the
reasons, the distance between the centers of both wheels balancer and the swinging forks. Therefore, each end of the
varies greatly with the inclination given to the vehicle. On connecting rods is provided with a ball joint having a
the other hand, the oscillation allowed for the rear wheels, in diameter greater than that of the rod that links them.
addition to absorbing the irregularities of the terrain, also Inversely, each end of the balancer and each of the swinging
facilitates the lateral tilting of the vehicle, whether it is to 40 forks is provided with a corresponding socket or opening
one side or to the other according to the driver's require that enables the housing, without too much play, of the
Tent. connecting rods' ball joints.
Therefore, it is not a question of modifying or improving As a matter of course, the axle that holds the balancer at
any of the techniques used in the manufacture of the vehicle 45
its midpoint is parallel to the swinging forks and equidistant
but rather that of applying a technique that, at least to the to them when the vehicle is in a vertical position or position
best knowledge of the inventor, is innovative. of rest. It can be located at a higher or lower plane than that
To obtain the lateral tilting of the vehicle described herein of the swinging forks, as mentioned earlier when describing
(FIG. 1), it is necessary to provide each rear wheel with an the location of the balancer.
upward/downward oscillating movement, so that when one 50 In order to be able to provide suspension to the vehicle's
of the wheels rises the other one descends to the same extent, rear train, the connection of this axle to the vehicle's frame
thus causing the tilting of the vehicle (FIGS. 2 and 3). cannot be fixed or rigid, but in such a manner that it allows
Thus, the inventive method obtains an appropriate per an oscillating upward/downward movement controlled by
formance of the vehicle's rear train, so that, although one only shock absorber, similar to the one used for modern
consisting of two wheels, it facilitates the lateral tilting of 55 motorcycles (FIGS. 5 and 6).
the vehicle, whether to one side or the other according to the The axle is connected to the vehicle's frame by means of
driver's requirement. a bracket to obtain its oscillating motion. Both axle and
To this effect, each of the rear wheels is connected to the bracket constitute one piece which, in principle is T-shape.
frame of the vehicle by means of a swivel-mounted fork Being fastened to the vehicle's frame at is front ends
(hereinafter referred to as "swinging fork”) similar to the (depending on the direction of travel), the rear end, the axle
one used in the conventional motorcycles. Both swinging in the strictest sense, the axle and bracket piece allows an
forks are held at their front end (according to the direction up-and-down oscillating motion. As a matter of course, the
of travel of the vehicle) by one only axle, not linked to them, fastening of the ends of the brackets to the vehicle's frame
that is anchored to the frame at its lower rear portion in a must incorporate the pertinent antifriction bearings, that
transverse direction of travel. Each of the rear wheels has its 65 would allow the described motion without any resistance.
own axle that is located at the rear end of each swinging The axle and bracket piece can be of several shapes, in
fork. addition to the one already described. This will depend on a
3. 4
number of factors, among which include the fastening of the cleaning and maintenance operations are easier to carry
shock absorber, according to the characteristics of the vehi Out.
cle's performance. In a similar manner, the shape of the 5) The elimination of weight allows the vehicle to be
balancer, of the sockets or of the connecting rods, can differ provided with elements that contribute to its conve
from the shapes suggested in the illustrations that accom nience and safety: automatic locking devices for the
pany this description without modifying the operating prin balancer; an integral braking with only one foot con
ciple of the invention nor be detrimental to the uniqueness trol; and anti-locking system for the ABS brakes; fuel
of the invention. tanks of greater capacity; wider and more comfortable
The possibility of locking the rotation of the balancer Seats, etc.
offers important applications, providing the vehicle with 10 6) The user friendliness of this vehicle is appropriate for
static balance or setting safety margins in dangerous situa automatic transmissions as well as "reverse' in the
tions. This possibility of locking is incorporated by using a most varied implementations.
locking system. 7) The vehicle inspires the driver with trust. This will
The drum locking system is appropriate for this invention make this type of vehicle accessible to a wide sector of
because of its simplicity, low cost and suitable adaption. It 15 users who are reluctant to get on a motorcycle.
operates and actuates in a manner similar to that of the With respect to safety, the vehicle equipped with the
conventional drum brake. balancer of the instant invention presents the following
In this drum locking system, the brake disc that incorpo advantages with respect to any conventional motorcycle:
rates the brake shoes, its motion bar guides, the shock 1) It considerably reduces the possibility of a rear train
absorbent back springs, the drive cams and its axle, are 20 slipping (the most frequent one in the case of motor
installed in the front portion of the balancer's axle, as shown cycles), either because of excessive speed along curves
in FIG. 27. When the brake cam is actuated (FIGS. 24 and or improper acceleration or braking when the vehicle is
25), the shoes expand an rub against the drum, thus pre 2) It offers more traction in any situation on any type of
venting it from rotation. Obviously, the drum must be an 25 terrain, in particular when they are slippery.
integral part of the balancer, either as one element with it
(FIG. 8), or being integrally linked to it. 3) It brakes better, from better holding due to the third
The only difference of note with respect to the conven wheel, and in particular, a greater stability while brak
tional drum brake is the practically non-existing friction 4) The locking of the balance's rotation maintains the
between the shoes and the drum which allows the material
of the shoes to be changed. In addition, the drum is provided
30 balance of the vehicle in case of slipping, additionally
with a certain roughness or internal grooving to achieve providing a safety margin in this and other dangerous
effective locking with the smallest possible diameter of the The stated advantages 1, 2 and 3 are evident. Advantage
4 is further explained below.
According to the heretofore description, the balancer and 35 With reference to FIG. 34, the balance of a conventional
its axle are deemed not jointly linked. It is feasible, however, motorcycle is seen to require that the force R, the resultant
that both be jointly linked. This entails that the piece of the other two forces that must be considered (FC=
made-up of the axle and its bracket be modified and locking centrifugal force; Fw=weight of the vehicle) passes through
elements be at a different location. ideal line of points to the ground that connects the contact
Presumably, the piece constituted by the axle and the 40 points wheels-to-ground. The driver achieves this by tilting,
bracket is of T-shape, but the element that acts as an axle can almost instinctively, at the exact angle that corresponds,
become the axle's "guide' (FIGS. 9 and 10). The balancer's depending on the speed of the motorcycle, to the radius of
axle can be inserted into this guide, with its front protruding the curve he is taking. In this situation, any slight slippage
(depending on the vehicle's direction of travel) to connect of the front or rear assembly results in an immediate
with the drum and its rear extremity protruding to connect 45 variation of the tilt angle, which causes the loss of balance
with the balancer (FIG. 28). The brake disc, with all of its and the subsequent mishap or accident.
components, is located at the bracket and the front part of the In a vehicle equipped with the invention, if the driver
axle's guide, as shown in FIG. 28. realizes that the situation may become dangerous (excessive
Compared with a conventional motorcycle, the vehicle speed on wet ground, gravel, oily spots, etc.) he prepares to
provided with the articulated balancer of the instant inven 50 lock the balancer so that, in case slipping occurs, the
tion provides more convenience and greater safety than a vehicle's tilt angle is not changed, thus maintaining the
conventional motorcycle without losing its maneuverability. balance and facilitating its control. In vehicles equipped
Herein are some advantages: with ABS, this system could automatically lock the balanc
1)The driver need not hold the vehicle with his legs when er's rotation when it detects any locking of the wheels or
he momentarily stops because the vehicle will verti 55 notes any difference in the rotating of the front and rear
cally maintain itself since the balancer is locked. wheels.
2) In view of the above reason, the vehicle allows There exist other situations in which the locking of the
enveloping cowlings that protects against cold weather balancer establishes a safety margin. Thus, an excessive
and rain. Therefore, vehicles having attached thereto speed when entering a curve, or a curve of variable radius
the instant invention can easily maneuver in chaotic
60 taken at an improper speed, would compel the driver to tilt
city traffic without sacrificing safety and convenience. the motorcycle to a greater extent than he is psychologically
3) No effort is needed to park the vehicle, even on sloped prepared, or more than advisable due to the treadwear of the
road surfaces since it not equipped with stands. tires or the condition of the roadway. In such a situation, the
driver, aware of the danger of slipping by applying the brake
4) In case of breakdowns, the vehicle can be easily pushed 65 when tilting the motorcycle, tends to increase the radius of
without the risk that it would fall to one side. Moreover, the curve resulting in a possible running off the roadway or
due to the fact that it can stand on its own, the vehicle's swerving into the oncoming traffic lane.
5 6
Under these circumstances, the locking of the balancer FIG. 5 is a perspective view of the balancer and axle of
establishes a safety margin that overcomes such risks with the instant invention;
out the need of an excessive tilting of the vehicle; further FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating how the suspension of the
more, the tires would operate within their best range of instant invention works independent of the inclination
adherence. mechanism;
The following example will explain the foregoing. FIGS. 7 and 8 each show an exemplar balancer not joined
Assume that the vehicle+drive have a weight of W=250 to an axle;
kilograms; that the speed at which the vehicle travels is 90 FIGS. 9 and 10 illustrate two options of the FIG. 5
km/hour (V-25 meters/second); that r=100 meters is the assembly, when the balancer axle is included;
radius of the curve; that 0.85 meters is the height of the 10
center of gravity with the vehicle in a vertical position; and FIGS. 11, 12, 13 and 14 together illustrate the system of
that a-0.36 meters is the width of the rear track gage being the ball and socket joints between the balancer and the
the vehicle in a vertical position. swinging forks, and their connections by means of connect
In a normal situation (free-running balancer), the tilt angle ing rods;
with respect to the verticality of the vehicle is the same as 15
FIGS. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 illustrate different
that for a motorcycle which, barring an error, is of 32°32'. embodiments of the assembly of the instant invention;
However, as shown in FIG. 35, with the locked balancer, the FIGS. 21, 22 and 23 are respective side views of a vehicle
tilt angle at which the force R is effective is not the only one of the instant invention, showing different embodiments for
but it also is susceptible to a range between R and R2, positioning the mechanism of the instant invention with
within which the vehicle maintains its balance. 20
respect to its shock absorber;
The higher or lower range of these values depends on the FIGS. 24 and 25 are diagrams illustrating the brake
width of the rear track gage (a), on the previous tilt angle of mechanism of the instant invention;
the vehicle (o), on the height of the center of gravity of the FIGS. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 each illustrate a
vehicle (h), and on the point at which is its center of gravity perspective view of an embodiment of the instant invention
with respect to the wheelbase of the vehicle (d). In the above 25
assembly; and
example, if we assume that the vehicle's center of gravity is FIGS. 34 and 35 are diagrams illustrating the tilting of a
located at the rear 2/3 of the vehicle's wheel base (measured vehicle in accordance with the instant invention.
from the center of the front wheel to the midpoint between DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
the center of the rear wheels), we can calculate the maxi EMBODIMENTS
mum (3) and minimum (B) tilt values of R and R2 30
BALANCER (7.7). Of solid, light-weight construction to
according to the below formula:
prevent torsion and inertias, it is desirable that it be
d a manufactured in one piece which, depending on the
TgB = 2. h.coso, construction, can be incorporated into the drum brake
(FIG. 8) or not (FIG. 7). At the ends of the balancer are
35 installed the ball joints, 71, 72 reference to which will be
In the above example, the maximum and minimum values made later.
of the tilt, barring an error would be 39°54' and 23°42', In case the balancer 7 and its axle 97 are not in one piece,
respectively. there must be installed appropriate antifriction bearings that
This means that the vehicle with the balancer locked at a will allow the balancer to rotate without resistance around
32°32' tilt is capable of compensating a centrifugal force 40 the axle. By way of indication, FIG. 8 shows bearings of
which for a motorcycle would require tilts between 23°42' angular contact with a double row of balls 14 at both ends
and 39°54' that correspond to speeds between 74.68 km/h of the balancer set in the recesses.
and 103.06 km/h for a 100-m radius of curve. In other In case the balancer 7" and its axle 98 were one piece, the
words, for a speed of 90 km/h, without losing balance a antifriction bearings would be housed in the piece the
variation of the radius of the curve between 145.2 meters 45 axle-bracket guide assembly 9. As shown in FIGS. 9 and 10,
and 76.2 meters is allowed. roller bearings 15 may be used for the front end and ball
It is obvious that the manual locking of the balancer's bearings 14 for the rear end.
rotating requires, just like everything, a certain degree of BALL JOINTS OF THE BALANCER (71, 72). Located at
training. However, such locking can be done automatically. both ends of the balancer, they are an integral part of it.
The possibility of linking such locking to the ABS system 50 In case the chosen system of adapting the hinged joint by
was discussed earlier but it can be supplemented with a means of "ball-and-socket' requires it, they must be able
microprocessor that by analyzing parameters such as speed, to be disassembled so that balls 112 of the connecting rods
tilt, centrifugal force, acceleration, deceleration, etc. will 11a and 11b can be inserted into them. As an alternative,
determine the exact moment for the automatic locking and balls 112 of the connecting rods 11a and 11b could be
unlocking of the rotating of the balancer. removable laterally insertable into the ball joints of the
55 balancer, the ball 112 being held between spherical half
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS bearings 114, as shown in FIGS. 11 and 12.
The above-mentioned objective and advantages of the The hinged joint must be suitably lubricated in order to
present invention will become apparent and the invention minimize friction between the ball 112 and the half-bearings
itself will be best understood by reference to the following 114. Also, dirt is prevented from entering the hinged joint by
description of embodiments of the invention taken in con
60 the installation of some type of rubber or plastic bellows that
junction with the accompanying drawings, where: would not impair the play of the hinged joint.
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an exemplar vehicle CONNECTING RODS (11A, 11B). There are two connect
constructed in accordance with the present invention; ing rods 11a and 11b and their function is to convert the
rotary motion of the balancer (7,7) to an up and down
FIGS. 2, 3 and 4 each provide a rear view of the vehicle 65 motion of the swinging forks (5a, 5b) or vice versa. At
of FIG. 1 showing the oscillating movement of the rear each of their end of the connecting rod (11a, 11b) there is
wheels that allows the vehicle to tilt; provided a ball 112 with a diameter greater than that of the
7 8
rod. One of the balls of each of the connecting rods 11a In case the axle is an integral part of the balancer 7, the
and 11b is housed in the ball joint of the balancer (71, 72) assembly 9' does not comprise the independent axle 98, but
while the other one is housed in the ball joint of the rather a guide for it, where it is introduced longitudinally.
swinging fork (51, 52) at the same side. The balls 112 can This option makes sense if the mechanism comprises the
be either an integral part of the connecting rods or locking device; therefore, the axle guide-bracket assembly
removable therefrom, depending on the assembly system 9, shown in FIGS. 9 and 10, incorporates the brake disc. The
used for the hinged joint. upper arm 94 of the coupling (FIG.9) or the coupling device
FIGS. 11, 12, 13, and 14 show an exemplar system that (FIG. 10) show us the method of fastening the shock
absorber 10 to the vehicle's frame 1, as explained above.
requires the disassembly of the two balls 112 of each 10 In all of the above options discussed, it was assumed that
connecting rod. Both balls 112 are tapped or threaded to the the sole shock absorber 10 is directly fastened to the
rod that connects them, this connection being secured by assembly (9,9). Nonetheless, the control of the oscillating
means of a small setscrew 113. The opening in each ball into motion of the balancer's axle (97, 98) can be carried out by
which the setscrew is inserted allows the immobilization of means of a system of articulated connecting rods inserted
the ball once it is inserted into the ball joint. 15 between the assembly (9,9") and the shock absorber 10.
BALL JOINTS OF THE SWINGING FORKS. At each Finally it must be mentioned that the coupling of the
swinging fork (5a, 5b) a ball joint (51, 52) is installed in assembly (9,9") to the frame 1 can be carried out by various
an area near the point where the fork splits. The ball joint means, one of which is shown in FIG. 5 where the entire
(51, 52) has the same function as that of the balancer and assembly (9, 9") is fastened by means of two independent
is provided with the above-mentioned lubrication and 20 elements 13, located at each end (91, 92), that are screwed
rubber or plastic protectors. The options for the construc onto the vehicle's frame 1.
tion differ depending on the type of swinging forks used LOCKING DEVICE (8). Locking device 8 consists of the
and on the chosen assembly system. following elements:
As shown in FIGS. 11 and 13, the suggested solution for 1) The brake disc 81, that comprises the brake shoes 82,
the connecting rod-swinging fork joint is identical to the one 25 their guides 83, the shock-absorbent back springs 86,
described for the connection rod-balancer. The ball joint (51, the drive cam 84 and its axle 85 (FIG. 24).
52) of the swinging fork, constructed independently of the 2) The brake drum (73,74) against which the brake shoes
latter, is inserted inside the swinging fork (5a, 5b), which is 82 frictionally rub when the drive cam 84 is actuated
hollow in the area in front of where it splits and is secured (FIG. 25), thus preventing its rotating.
to it by means of screws or welds. The opening of the ball 30 Obviously, if the mechanism does not incorporate locking
joint through which are inserted the half-bearings 114 and of the balancer's rotation, these elements of locking device
the ball 112 is located in the area of the splitting, as shown 8 become superfluous (FIG. 26). If however, the locking
in FIG. 4. device 8 is used, the location of these elements shall differ
ASSEMBLY TO FIXED THE AXLE OF THE BALANCER depending on whether or not the balancer is an integral part
35 of the axle.
(9,9"). As mentioned earlier, for the balancer to move up In case the axle is not an integral part of the balancer 7,
and down it must be fastened to the vehicle's frame by the brake disc 81 with all of its elements is located in the
means of an assembly that is provided with the appropri front portion of the axle itself, becoming an integral part of
ate antifriction bearings 15 that enable such a motion the described assembly 9. The drum is connected to the
(FIG. 5). The assembly of pieces can incorporate a 40 balancer 7 or is an integral part of it. The balancer 7 is
coupling device or an arm for the coupling of the shock inserted on that axle 97 that ends in a screw thread that
absorber 10 and, if applicable, the brake disc for the allows, by means of one or more screws, its firm fastening
locking of the balancer. The axle may or may not be an to the assembly (FIG. 27).
integral part of the balancer (7,7"). In case the axle 98 is an integral part of the balancer 7",
In case the axle is not an integral part of the balancer 7, 45 the brake disc 81 with all of its elements is located in the
the assembly 9 will incorporate the axle 97 and it may be of front portion of the assembly 9, becoming a part of it. The
any of the types that, by way of indication, are shown in axle 98, which is independent of the assembly 9', is inserted
FIGS. 15, 17 and 19. If the mechanism is also provided with longitudinally in the guide, protruding from it with its front
the device for locking the balancer's rotation, the assembly portion for coupling the brake drum 74, and with its rear
must also incorporate the brake disc, as shown in FIGS. 16, 50 portion for coupling the balancer 7" (FIG. 28).
18 and 20. It is also possible to design the mechanism with a double
As shown in FIGS. 15 and 16, the assembly 9 comprises locking device. In this case, the axle guide-bracket assembly
an upper arm 94 for coupling the shock absorber 10. This 9" is provided with two brake discs (81, 81'), one located in
type of assembly is deemed appropriate when the balancer the front portion and the other one in the rear. The one (81)
7 is installed at a plane higher than that of the swinging forks 55 in front faces the independent drum 74 that is fastened to the
(5a, 5b) in order to avoid an excessive height for fastening axle 98 at its front end, and the one 81" in the rear faces the
the shock absorber to the vehicle's frame 1. Consequently, drum 73 that is incorporated into the balancer 7. This
shock absorber 10 is installed at a practically horizontal balancer is fasted to the axle 98 at its rear end (FIGS. 32 and
position (FIG. 21). 33).
Similarly, the assembly 9 illustrated in FIGS. 17 and 18 60 The two options for locking the balancer's rotation can be
comprises a lower arm 94 for coupling the shock absorber used either jointly or separately. In the latter case, one option
10, thus reducing the height at which it is fastened to the may be reserved for a manual locking and the other for an
vehicle's frame 1 (FIG. 22). automatic locking. That is to say, one of the options may be
Lastly, the assembly shown in FIGS. 19 and 20 provides for temporary locking during operation and the other one for
fastening of the shock absorber 10 in an almost vertical 65 permanent locking when parking the vehicle.
position when the balancer is located at a lower plane than With this we deem as concluded the description of the
that of the swinging forks (FIG. 23). embodiments. However, in its adaption to the vehicle set
forth herein, we deem necessary the following consider claim:
ations: 1. A three wheeled vehicle, comprising:
A) In view of the considerable oscillations that may be a frame:
reached by the rear wheels of the vehicle if the vehicle a front wheel mounted to a fork telescopically extending
carries the driver and passenger, the adoption of all or from the front of said frame;
of some of the below measures is recommended with a first rear wheel mounted to a first swinging fork having
respect to a conventional motorcycle: a lengthening of a ball joint;
15 or 20 centimeters of the wheel base; the use of rear a second rear wheel mounted to a second swinging fork
wheels of less diameter, a slight moving forward of the 10 having a ball joint;
driver's position and a somewhat higher positioning of a transversal axle extending from said frame for movably
the passenger seat. fastening said first and second swinging forks at the
B) Because of the same reason (oscillating of the rear respective front parts thereof so that said swinging
wheels), it is recommended that, for the secondary forks each are allowed an independent oscillating
chain drive (or pully), the drive pinions be located on 15 movement;
the axle of the swinging forks, so that a constant tension a balancer having two ends, said balancer being posi
is obtained in any situation. This would make unnec tioned in a plane that is parallel to said swinging forks,
essary the use of tension devices. Both drive pinions said balancer being fixed at its midsection by another
could be actuated by a third pinion, located at a central
axle so that said balancer is freely rotatable at any
position with respect to them, that receives the driving direction;
force. ball joints housed at each of said two ends of said
C) Although the width of the vehicle's gage is small (for balancer,
example, between 20 and 45 centimeters), the different a first rod for connecting the ball joint of said first
spinning along the curves for each of the rear wheels 25 swinging fork to one of the ball joints of said balancer,
requires the adopting of some mechanism to release the a second rod for connecting the ball joint of said second
tensions produced in the transmission. If, as recom swinging fork to the other of the ball joints of said
mended in the foregoing consideration, the pinions are balancer,
located on the same axle as the swinging forks, between an assembly having its front portion coupled to said frame
the central pinion and any of the lateral pinions, but 30 in such a way that its rear portion can oscillate in an
simultaneously only with one of them, the possibility of up-and-down fashion; and
a limited different rotating must be recognized. If the a locking mechanism coupled to said assembly and work
drive pinions are located in the engine, some type of ing cooperatively with said balancer for braking the
differential or a similar mechanism must be installed in rotation of said balancer at appropriate times so as to
the engine. 35 provide static balance and safety margins for said
D) The locking of the balancer's rotation along a curve vehicle at potentially dangerous situations.
subjects the swinging forks and the rear wheels to 2. Vehicle of claim 1, wherein said axle of said balancer
greater stresses than in a conventional motorcycle. is an independent element longitudinally introduced in said
Therefore, the swinging forks must offer a greater assembly with its front portion coupled to a brake drum of
40 said locking mechanism and its rear portion coupled to said
resistance to torsion; the rims of the wheels must be of balancer.
a light-weight alloy and the tires be of a low profile to 3. Vehiclc of claim 2, further comprising:
avoid their slipping off the rim.
E) The width of the rear gage increases with the tilt given a shock absorber having one end coupled to an arm of said
to the vehicle, according to the formula 45
assembly and another end coupled to said frame.
4. Vehicle of claim 2, wherein said locking mechanism
a double locking device for positioning a brake disc to the
rear of said assembly to face a brake drum, said brake
wherein A is the width of the gage when the vehicle is 50 drum being a part of said balancer.
in a tilted position, a is the width of the gage with the 5. Vehicle of claim 1, wherein said locking mechanism
vehicle in a vertical position, and o. is the tilt angle of comprises:
the vehicle with respect to the vertical. This widening a brake disc positioned to the rear end of said assembly to
of the gage entails certain transverse friction in the rear face a brake drum integrated to said balancer.
tires, which is insignificant while the vehicle is moving,
including on steep slopes. k k

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