Curriculum Guide CCP

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The key takeaways are that the CCP program aims to educate fitness coaches to better understand their clients' needs and create personalized programs for long-term success. It also discusses the benefits of coaching education such as learning how to navigate different client personalities and build a sustainable coaching practice.

The goal of the CCP program is to educate and train fitness coaches so they can properly understand their clients' needs, both physically and psychologically, and create personalized fitness programs that set clients up for long-term success in achieving their health and fitness goals.

Some benefits of coaching education mentioned in the text include learning how to decipher true fitness information from trends, navigating different client personalities, creating personalized programs, earning more money, and building a sustainable coaching practice.










from OPEX Founder, James FitzGerald

There was once a time when the word fitness was used
only in terms of reproduction and evolution. Movement was Impact to me would mean an army of fitness coaches
unconsciously done to promote the growth of our species. pushing one message about the positive intentions of fitness
participation. Impact to me would mean a CCP Coach is out
Over time we as humans have been moving less. there, individually working hard to change brains through
personalized prescriptions. Impact to me would mean that
This has created a loss of love for movement and physical over time, all humans realize that they have access through a
activity and their positive intentions. This period of less activity CCP Coach to all the information needed to help them live a
has also created poor behaviors around why one should move larger life through fitness.
and nourish themselves appropriately. At the same time the
proposed education required to fix these issues is exhaustingly If you want to raise your value as a fitness coach and to make
long and specialized. a lasting impact, invest in yourself, your education, and your
Our goal is to change the value of fitness coaching.
I look forward to personally welcoming you and mentoring
That will only happen through you. Only you can raise your you through your journey to become a CCP Coach!
value and the value of fitness. Yes, you are now responsible for
asking the hard questions and knowing why you are prescribing
what you are prescribing. Now, you are responsible for raising
the awareness of the wonder of movement and physical activity
and all that supports it.

If you are here, you want to have an impact.

Maybe you, like me, have been transformed by the power of

movement and its honorable intentions. Maybe you see there
is a large gap between conscious users of fitness and the best
personalized prescription for them. Maybe now you want to
spread the good news about all that is righteous with higher
order fitness.You are in the right spot.
James FitzGerald
Founder and OPEX CCP Lead Instructor
OPEX Fitness

The current state of the
fitness industry is chaotic.
Time and time again clients start their fitness journey, hopeful that this time they will fi-
nally feel better, look better, and reach their physical potential. Unfortunately, more often
than not, they are left hopeless and return back to where they started or even worse.

It’s confusing for coaches too. There are always new workouts, equipment, and fad diets
claiming to be the silver bullet. How are coaches supposed to know what’s best for their

As coaches, we can either set our clients on the path for long-term success or mindlessly
give programs that set them up for failure.

To keep your clients safe, get them results, and make a lasting impact you must know how

• Decipher truth from trend

• Navigate different client personalities
• Create personalized programs that set them up for long-term success
• Earn more money each month
• Build a coaching practice that stands the test of time

That is exactly what OPEX CCP Coaches worldwide are trained to do. Each one of them
has the knowledge, tools, and resources to design a personalized program that delivers
clients lasting results and provides a fulfilling career as a fitness coach.


“It has given me so much more confidence in my

coaching that I would not be here without it.”

- Carla Lind-Valden, self-employed

WHY What if you had the confidence to lead people in the best

direction toward their fitness goals?

What if you could do what you love and really make a life-long

difference in the lives of others through fitness?

Imagine having all the knowledge, tools, and resources to help

clients, no matter where their starting point in their fitness
journey is or where they want to go. In addition, having a sus-
tainable and fulfilling career in fitness while doing so.

CCP These are the results of becoming an OPEX CCP Coach.

COACH? What Exactly is an OPEX CCP Coach?

An OPEX Coach is a trusted fitness advisor and a partner in

delivering clients’ results. They are often leaders on the front
lines, making a real difference in the lives of people in their

OPEX CCP Coaches have extensive knowledge in exercise,

nutrition, and human behavior. They are equipped with prac-
tical tools to help clients lose weight, look and feel better, gain
strength and endurance, reach their maximum physical poten-
tial, and improve performance to be the best in their sport.

What makes OPEX CCP Coaches stand out is their ability to

meet their clients where they are at regardless of age, training
history, lifestyle, or goals, and design a comprehensive perso-
nalized fitness program.

Program Overview

The OPEX Coaching Certificate Program (CCP) is the most comprehensive online fitness coaching
education and mentor program. The program offers extensive video lectures and downloadable
texts on the science and practice of coaching. We develop you in the three main areas which make
up CCP: The Coach, the Client, and the Professional.

The Coach The Client The Professional

This is where you develop This is where you learn how This is where you learn the
your coaching skills and gain to put your expertise into skills needed to grow your
a deep understanding of our practice using the OPEX coaching practice, acquire
principles of assessment, coaching methodology more clients, make more
exercise program design, when coaching clients, no money, and change more
nutrition, and behavior. matter their goal and star- lives through health and fit-
ting point. ness coaching.
It is also where you gain a
much deeper understanding You’ll learn what the OPEX
of yourself, how you con- Method looks like and the
nect to fitness, and where detailed steps that will make
you can work on yourself in you successful at implemen-
order to better coach your ting it.

The OPEX Coaching Certificate Program can be completed 100% online on your own schedule, so you can become an
OPEX CCP Coach from anywhere in the world.

What makes this program unique is that it goes beyond theoretical knowledge and merely passing exams. It gives you
real-world, hands-on practice and application.

The OPEX Experience:
You will begin your education journey with two weeks of the OPEX Experience, a self-assessment
and training program, so you can experience the OPEX CCP exercise principles for yourself. What
better way is there to know what your clients will feel than by feeling it yourself?

Digital Classroom Study:

You will study online and over the course of 16 weeks, working through 300+ videos and 4 text-
books, interactive guides, and client worksheets housed in our membership site. As you study you
can engage in daily conversations in our forums and access our vast library of resources, including
12 months of LearnRx access, James’ monthly Knowledge series, and a hands-on quarterly program
design workshop.

Mentor Calls:
For the first 12 weeks you will attend two-hour video calls with James FitzGerald, Carl Hardwick,
and your cohort—a group of peers who you will study alongside. These calls provide the opportunity
to ask questions, create a collaborative environment, and help you develop a deeper understanding
of the course material when applied to specific client avatars. These calls are always recorded for you
to watch later if you are unable to attend.

Coaches Summit:
You are invited to connect with CCP coaches past and present at our annual in-person optional Coa-
ches Summit. Network with the community, learn from guest speakers, and get hands-on workshop

Final Project:
After completing the course curriculum, you will be asked to show your coaching competency with
five case studies. You will select five of your friends, family, or clients, and take them through the
OPEX Method. The final project is an opportunity to get your first five individual design clients and
make money while you study. Don’t have clients yet? Not to worry. You’ll learn how to easily gather
five people to effectively walk through your final project.

KEY CCP Experience

DELIVERABLES Self-Assessment + Training Program

Key deliverables to submit for your final project include: 5 Client Case Studies

Initial Consultation
OPEX Body, Move, and Work

Exercise: Macrocycle, Mesocycle,

and Microcycle
Behavior and Nutrition Prescription

Monthly Consultation


1, 3, and 5-year Coaching Outcomes

“We have regretted many of
the choices we’ve spent money
on, but not this one. Finally,
it feels that we’re in the right
group of people.”

- Marko Oivio, OPEX Åland

Personalized Education

An Education Advisor A Coach Advocate Instructor Mentorship

Our Education Advisors are CCP On your orientation call, you will Throughout your studies, you will
Coaches themselves and will get to meet your Coach Advocate. On this have access to the CCP instructors
know you and your coaching goals, call, they will walk you through the to answer your questions and en-
answer all of your questions, and membership site, clarify what is to sure your success. Extensive touch
help you secure a place in a CCP be expected over the course of your points include the 12 weekly men-
Cohort. An Education Advisor will studies, and answer any questions tor calls with James FitzGerald and
guide you through the enrollment you may have. Once you have had Carl Hardwick, the quarterly pro-
process with a 1:1 onboarding call. your orientation, they will be your gram design workshop, monthly
contact person should you need Knowledge Series webinars, unlimi-
any support. ted forum support, and email.

“The CCP exceeded my college
education. By a lot.” Email Support
From the moment you enroll in your CCP
- Abby McCormick Cohort, you will begin to receive regular
communication from our Coach Advocate
and Instructor team. Each week you will re-
ceive a reminder email with details on what
you should be checking off your list prior
to your Cohort Mentor calls. If at any point
along the way you have questions or would
like to get in contact with us, we are availa-
ble via email support.

Community Forum Support

It is vital that you interact with the CCP
content as you learn it. Our forums provide
a place for you to ask questions to the in-
structors and community, request feedback
on your application of the principles, and
engage in thought-provoking conversations
with other fitness professionals. There is a
world of information buried in the forum
threads that coaches have started over the
years that we encourage you to explore.

Free Access to CoachRx for Case Studies

To help you stay organized and efficient as
you work on your final project, you will re-
ceive free access to CoachRx for your five
case studies. CoachRx is our exclusive client
management and program design platform.
In the app you will track client assessment
and consultation data, identify priorities for
exercise, behavior, and nutrition, structure
short and long-term planning, and much


James FitzGerald
Owner and Founder

James’ fitness journey began while playing competitive soccer in his teens. During his collegiate
years, James spent a great deal of time training, studying, and researching fitness. His investigations
led to the publishing of multiple studies in Physiology Canada and The Canadian Journal of Applied
Physiology. After University, James proceeded to apply his knowledge to coaching general population
clients and competitive athletes. After years in the trenches, James built a thriving coaching business
and launched Optimum Performance Training (OPT) in 1999. James became widely known as OPT.
His astute commentary around fitness and training led him to create the Big Dawgs Blog in 2005. The
Big Dawgs Blog was a haven for coaches and athletes who loved investigating fitness and it gained
huge momentum around the world because of James’ educational training methodologies. James
stepped further into the public spotlight through the personal application of his methodologies as he
was crowned The Fittest Man on Earth, winning the inaugural CrossFit Games in 2007.

Looking to spread his knowledge and create a system around his methodologies, James began coa-
ching athletes remotely and spearheading the individual design programming movement. James be-
lieves that individual design programs are the only way that a coach and client can build the relation-
ship and trust necessary to progress a client’s fitness for a lifetime.

Through the rapid growth of OPT and the Big Dawgs Blog, James realized that he needed to share
his coaching methodologies on a larger scale. In 2009 in freezing cold Calgary, James kicked off the
first live CCP courses. In 2011 James moved to sunny Scottsdale, Arizona to build the next phase of
OPT, and OPEX Fitness was born. James continues to teach his methodologies through the various
courses offered by OPEX Fitness along with keeping a watchful eye on the reincarnation of the Big
Dawgs, an athlete specific remote coaching resource.

Carl Hardwick
OPEX CEO and CCP Coach

Carl has dedicated his life to health and fitness. From his teen years, Carl lived at the gym. A three-time All-
Conference football player at Saint Mary’s University where he earned a B.S., Carl was driven by his passion to
become the most effective coach possible. This led the U.S. Army veteran to buddy up with world-renowned
strength coach Charles Poliquin to complete the PICP and then to complete his Certified Strength and Conditio-
ning Specialist (CSCS).

While running the Army fitness program for his battalion and a stint in Afghanistan, Carl was introduced to OPEX
Founder James FitzGerald. Sold by the OPEX individual program design approach, Carl went on to open multiple
OPEX-licensed gyms before accepting his position as CEO. Today, Carl is an integral part of the growing OPEX
engine that is using the OPEX Coaching Certificate Program (CCP) to change the face of fitness by professionali-
zing the fitness coach.

“For me, the CCP was my first introduction to having a thought-
ful coaching structure. I didn’t have a system for assessment
before that. I was a group fitness coach and just guided people
through a workout, so learning about assessment was essential
to me.”

21 - Marcus Filly, Revival Strength

OPEX CCP Coach, Chiropractic Medical Student, COO of Hybrid Performance Method

Ian Kaplan is the COO and Head of Research at Hybrid Performance Method. He is a coach
and DC candidate, scheduled to earn his degree as a Doctor of Chiropractic in April 2020.
His coaching resume includes hundreds of general population and dozens of high-level
athletes. Clinically, his focus is on helping people with spine pain return to doing what they
love through education and training. His personal athletic background includes Division III
NCAA Lacrosse and over 10 years of training for sports performance, and for performance
in CrossFit.

Christina Sutter
Registered Provisional Psychologist

Christina Sutter is a Registered Provisional Psychologist with her own private practice in
Calgary, Alberta. She splits her work between clinical psychotherapy and sports psychology
working with a variety of clients, athletes, coaches, and parents. Some of her work as a
sports psychologist involves being an educator and consultant with elite athletes, coaches,
and teams by focusing on self-esteem, coping skills, and competitive motivation. She is also
a NCCP Level One coach. Throughout her life, Christina has participated in many compe-
titive sports and combines her fascination with psychology and the human mind with her
passion for sports and competing.

Dr. Whitney Reese

Doctor of Physical Therapy and OPEX CCP Coach

Dr. Whitney Reese is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, OPEX CCP Coach, and the OPEX
Programming: Movement Course instructor. Whitney has served as faculty at several
universities and on numerous professional committees. In addition to her teaching role, she
currently owns her own company, coaches for OPEX Round Rock and Big Dawgs remote
coaching and is the OPEX Programming: Movement instructor. Whitney has competed at
the CrossFit Games, is a 6x Regionals competitor, and is the Texas State Champion for the
63 kg weight class in the snatch, clean and jerk, and the total. Through her clinical, athletic
and personalized fitness coaching experience, Whitney bridges the gap between academia
and the practice of coaching.
“What I learned about myself was just as much, if not more
valuable, than everything else I learned… I honestly can say
I wouldn’t be living my dream (on the way to becoming) a
professional coach if it weren’t for the CCP.”

- Tyler Villarreal,
Central Athlete

Not all coaching education is alike. In
fact, we’ve been told there is nothing like
CCP out there. Most certifications offer
you theory delivered through textbooks
or a weekend course. Unfortunately, that
just isn’t enough time or hands-on appli-
cation to become a professional fitness
coach. Students are left with more ques-
tions than answers and lack real-world
practical application and ongoing sup-
port. Often, students walk away without
a system to apply what they learned, and
a lack of confidence and tools to build a
successful coaching practice.

Proven Coaching System to
Work with Any Fitness Client
OPEX CCP gives you a system to deliver clients’ a per-
sonalized program that not only includes exercise design
but also how to impact their nutrition, recovery, and ba-
sic lifestyle behaviors that lead to happier, healthier, hi-
gher-performing individuals. In addition, it gives you the
resources to build a lasting, fulfilling career as a profes-
sional fitness coach.

Tools and Resources to Earn More

OPEX CCP coaches are able to offer more than just
exercise to their clients, by including nutrition and lifestyle
in their programs. This holistic offering sets our coaches
apart, provides their clients with more value, and allows
them to charge a higher price. Typically, prior to begin-
ning OPEX CCP, our coaches charge $100-$200 a month
for individual design or $45-$75 for a one-hour personal
training session when they are just starting out. We see
our CCP coaches increase their rates to $265-$400 a
month for individual design or $75-$150 per session
once they are more experienced.

“There’s not one single template (for training
people). There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach.
James (Fitzgerald) lays it out there and lets you
make sense of the information, and his approach
has helped us build this business in a way that we
can now work with all sorts of people. It’s (CCP)
probably the single largest contributor that has
helped support our business.”

- Brandon Heavey, Evidence Based Athlete

• Coach any client to achieve any fitness goal
• Design masterful personalized fitness
• Implement the OPEX Method for efficient
and effective coaching
• Use technology to coach clients from
• Grow your successful fitness business
Who We Are Looking For

Most importantly, we look for students that have:

A passion to do and learn about fitness

A strong desire to make an impact in the lives of others through fitness
A belief in the need for comprehensive personalized fitness programs
An ongoing commitment to personal and professional growth and development

We screen coaches for these characteristics. After an initial consultation to deem you are a good fit, spots
are available on a first come first served basis until we fill up a cohort.


Apply and schedule a call You will schedule an Onboarding Start your studies! You will
to chat with a coaching ad- Call with your advisor to enroll into start the preliminary study
visor. Our advisors are CCP your CCP cohort. Each cohort is first material and begin using
Coaches themselves and come first served, so this call secures membership site resources
will get to know you and your spot. This is a simple 15-minute as you wait for your cohort
your coaching goals, answer process and involves organizing the kick-off call. Cohorts are
all of your questions, and initial payment, registration for your only offered once per quar-
help you secure a place in mentor calls, and a walkthrough of ter.
an upcoming CCP Cohort. the membership site.


“It’s really all about relationship-
building. I learned that through CCP.
That was probably the biggest thing
because if I have a good relations-
hip with them, it will help me retain
them for a really long time and they’ll
refer other people to me, so as long
as I’m giving them something appro-
priate (programming-wise), it’s really
the relationship stuff that’s the most
valuable part.”

- Shanna Guzman, Revival Strength

Schedule a call with our
Education Advisor.
On that call you will:

• Get all your questions answered about the program to help support your decision.
• Discuss your unique goals and background to evaluate if CCP is right for you.
• Receive guidance on fitness coaching career paths available.
• Obtain any additional information to help you take that next step and enroll

Take the next step and schedule your call

with our education advisor.


Do I have to travel?
No. CCP can be done 100% online and from anywhere in the world.

How do I find clients for my case study?

We recommend using friends, family, or current clients. Our coaches have had great success making a social
media post requesting volunteers.

Can I charge clients for my case study?

Absolutely. If you are actively coaching clients you can use them or new paying clients. We do recommend
being transparent and setting clear expectations for after the case study.

Do I have a date for when my case study is due?

Week 16 from your kick-off call, though we will allow you to hand it in within one year of your cohort start

How long do I have to complete CCP?

Completing CCP and handing in your final project in four months is advised. You have access to the course
for 12 months from your cohort start date.

What is the weekly time commitment?

We recommend 30 minutes per day plus the two hour weekly mentor calls for the first three months.

“Other education out there just focuses
on how to train people, not about why
that person is walking through the door.
…I’ve learned a big part of it comes
down to figuring out why your clients
are really there, not just physically, but
mentally and psychologically. You really
need to understand them and their
aspirations and their values.”

- Dylan Staniec,
Sea to Summit Training

What is LearnRx?
LearnRx is the OPEX learning platform where you will access your CCP studies. LearnRx also includes a
weekly class release, a Programs library, and monthly webinars, to provide you with ongoing education after

Is CCP accredited?
No. We are consciously not accredited because accreditation would mean saying goodbye to our final pro-
ject and replacing it with a multiple-choice test. It is important to us to have our coaches demonstrate their
ability to coach real clients. However, our course does provide CEUs for NASM, ISSA, NSCA, ACSM, and

Can I work ahead?

Absolutely! We encourage you to devour the information and start applying it immediately.

I don’t live in the US, can I still take this course?

Yes! We have coaches around the world from 77 countries.

What if I can’t make the live group mentor calls?

It’s not a problem. These calls are always recorded and uploaded to the membership site for you to view later.
You can ask any questions in the forums or email James directly if you’re unable to attend.

If I pay monthly can I pay the balance off at any time?
You can pay off your balance at any time by contacting Support. You can also choose to pay off your balance
within 30 days of signing up for interest-free pricing.

What if I am going on holiday/vacation during the first 16 weeks?

Because you can study from anywhere you can take your CCP studies with you. You can also choose to work
ahead prior to your vacation to stay on track.

I am currently in another program, can I do both?

Absolutely. Many of our students balance full-time work and additional education with our program. The
only requirement is to dedicate five hours per week to your CCP studies for the first 16 weeks.

How can I make my return on my investment?

To make a return on investment in a year you will only need to take on two clients paying $200 each per
month for your coaching services. You will be required to work with five clients for your final project, and
chances are they will want to remain clients after the final project is over!


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