CW2001 Lot5R Clan War Daimyo Edition PT 2
CW2001 Lot5R Clan War Daimyo Edition PT 2
CW2001 Lot5R Clan War Daimyo Edition PT 2
Air: 5 ATN: 7
13ayushi Kachiko
TL: 5 Equipment: None
Earth: 3 Wounds: 3 ML: 6 Traits: Courtier, Infantry, Loyal, Unique
Fire: 2 ATT: -1 Glocy: 3 Skills:
Waler: 2 DAM: -1 Honor: 1
Void: 4 #S: 1 Cost: 85
Scorpion Courtier
Kiso: May associate with but not lead any non-ninja Scorpion unit, including shugcnja units.
Kiso: Kachiko may become spent to reduce any honor loss by up to 3.
Kiso: Kachiko's player may add up to three Blackmail cards to his Tactical deck.
Kiso: When entering a duel, Kachiko may become spent to immediaiely end the duel without
Ability (SO): Target a player and name a location (hand or a specific personality). Kachiko's player may
look at all Tactical Cards in the specified location.
Air: 3 ATN: 7
13ayushi Marumo
TL: 6 Equipment: No-dachi, Light Armor
Earth: 3 Wounds: 3 ML: 6 Traits: Infantry
Fire: 3 ATT: +l Glocy: 3 Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 3, Defense 2,
Water: 3 DAM: +l Honor: 2 Countercharge
Void: 3 #S: 1 Cost: 95
Scorpion Samurai
Ability (SA): Once per battle, when leading a unit, all models in Marumo's unit gain the Cavalry
trail until the end of the turn.
Air:· ATN: · TL: -I Equipment: As personality
ML: -I Traits: Fear 2, Unique
Glory: +I Skills: Battle +2, Leadership
Honor: · Stalwart Defender
+I, Defense +I, The Crab Assault
Void:. #S:. Cost: +90
Shadowlands Overlord Package Otosan Ltchi
Kiso: A unit led by the Dark Master gains Fear 0. If the unit already causes Fear, add I to ils
Fear rating (maximum of Fear 2). When Kisada's assault force reached Otosan Uchi and he
Kiso: A unit led by the Dark Master rounds Damage totals up lo the nearest multiple of 10
when determining Wounds caused in Close Combat. burst into the throne room, he found himself facing not the
Kiso: A personality must have a Glory of al least 5 lo become the Dark Master.
sickly Hantei, but rather Fu Leng himself, looking out
through the Hantei's eyes. The Shadowlands forces that had
allied with the Crab revolted, driving the remaining Crab
army out of Otosan Uchi , and stayed with at Otosan Uchi.
At the end, the Emperor was standing, Hida Kisada at his
feet with the Emperor's Sword in his belly.
!.. The armies of Yogo Junzo have also launched serious
Wounds: +I
TL: -I Equipment: As personality
ML: -I Traits: Fear 2, Unique
assaults against the temples of the Brotherhood of Shinsei.
Fire: ATI: +I Glory: +1
Skills: Battle +2, Leadership+I, Charge,
Some whisper that they seek to find and kill a hidden
Honor: ·
Cost: +110
Tactician +I descendant of the first Shinsei, a man whose ancestry
Shadowlands Overlord Package
would bring a return of Shinsei's wisdom, and perhaps a
Kiso: A unit led by the Warlord gains Fear 0. If the unit already causes Fear, add I lo ils Fear new Day of Thunder. Legends claim that this descendant
rating (maximum of Fear .J).
Kiso: A unit led by the Warlord rounds Damage totals up to the nearest multiple of IO when could gather an army of samurai to defeat Fu Leng. These
determining Wounds caused in Close Combat.
Kiso: A personality must have a Glory of at least 6 to become the Warlord. "Seven Thunders" would be Fu Leng's ultimate bane and
perhaps the last hope for the Emerald Empire. However,
Junzo's task is not as easy as he had planned, as the
Shintao monks have begun to fight off the vile armies sent
against them with terrifying force.
Air: 6 ATN: 7
Yogo Junzo
TL: 4 Equipment: Wakizashi
!.. Creatures of Fu Leng
Earth: 5 Wounds: 5 ML: 4 Traits: Comba� Fear 4, Fearless, Historical, Infantry, From the Journal of Kuni Mokuna
Fire: 5 ATI: +2 Glory: 9 Tainted, Undead, Unique
Waler: 6 DAM: +I Honor: 0 Skills: Magic 5, Maho 6, Battle 3, Leadership 4, GOBLINS
Void: 6 #S: 2 Cost: 415 Defense I Goblins are found throughout the Shadowlands. These
Shadowlands Shugenja unsavory creatures populate every region of the corrupted
Kiso: When recruiting Junzo, your army loses 6 honor.
Kiso: When selecting spells, Junzo pays IO less koku for each Maho scroll. He also ignores Lands from the desolate plains to the stinking, waterlogged
personal Wounds when casting Maho.
Kiso: When leading a Shadowlands affiliated unit, Junzo's unit will not rout while he is unspent. swamps. They are exceptionally hardy and adaptable
Kiso: When leading a Shadowlands affiliated unit, Junzo's unit gains Fear 0. If ii already causes
Fear, the unit gains +I lo its Fear rating (maximum of Fear 4). creatures - their survival depends on it, since they are too
stupid to move to better living conditions.
Legend maintains that the goblins were Fu Leng's first
failed attempt to create a powerful race of minions.
Unfortunately for him, the Dark Lord's experimental
soldiers turned out to be less than perfectly suited to his
Air: 4 ATN: 7
<O>ooH IJl(!) �lkoo11M1
TL: 4 Equipment: None
!.. needs. They were small, stupid, vulgar, unorganized and
prone to mass and singular hysteria. They were physically
Earth: 7 Wounds: 7 ML: 4
Fire: 5 ATI: +2 Glory: 8
Traits: Experienced, Fear 2, Fearless, Individual. Oni,
Resistance 4, Tainted, Unique. Beast base, weak and easily outmaneuvered. Their misguided mimicry
Water: 5 DAM:+2 Honor: 0
Skills: Battl : � � hip 4, Defense 4, Charge, of human behavior ran to little beyond the most
Void: 5 #S: 4 Cost: 430 i � : h/
Shadowlands Oni
rudimentary skills and talents. Despite these flaws,
Kiso: When recruiting Akuma, your army loses 5 honor.
however, Fu Leng allowed his creations to survive. They
Kiso: When Akuma purchases an Overlord package, the cost is reduced by 25 koku.
Kiso: Akuma rolls two Damage dice for each hit in Close Combat.
took root in his foul kingdom and prospered there.
Ability: All Shadowlands affiliated units that you control within 12" of Akuma gain a +I
modifier to Morale tests.
Air: 4 ATN: 6
The exalted l,\gu
TL: 6 Equipment: Katana
Earth: 6 Wounds: 6 ML: 5 Traits: Goblin, Infantry, Non-human, Tainted, Unique Shamen
Fire: 5 ATI: +1 Glory: 6 Skills: Maho 5, Magic 4, Battle 3, Leadership 3,
Water: 3 DAM: +O Honor: 0 A few goblins have managed to tap the power of magic.
Void: 4 #S: 2 Cost: 210 While they are by no means highly skilled, they can
Shadowlands Goblin Shaman, Shugenja nonetheless cause much trouble and harm. Exactly how
Kiso: Ugu may lead or associate with any Goblin uni!.
Kiso: When recruiting Ugu, your army loses 4 honor. they work their magic is somewhat of a mystery; I
Innate (SA): Ugu may raise a Ring value, for the purposes of spell casting, by sacrificing Wounds
from his unit (allocate Wounds normally). The effective value of a Ring gains +1 unlil Jhe interrogated a small number of 'shamen' and they do not
end of Jhe Iurn for each Wound sacrificed by his uni!. He may gain a maximum of +3 to a
Ring (at a cost of 3 Wounds). This does not count as Ugu's spell for the turn.
seem much smarter than the average goblin. They
understand nothing of magical theory, the elements or
spirit summoning, and obviously do not revere the kami.
They seem to know only particular spells, apparently
acquired through theft and the careful repetition of ritual.
This is one instance where their mimicry of human
Demott Bride of t=u Le119 !.. behaviors seems to have been beneficial. They wave their
Air: 5 ATN: 7 TL: 6 Equipment: None arms and chant and repeat the spell, and incredibly, results
Earth: 4 Wounds: 4 ML: 6 Traits: Fear 3, Fearless, Historical, fnlantry, On(
Fire: 3 ATI: +1 Glory: 5 Tainted, Unique. are forthcoming.
Honor: 0
Cost: 156
Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 4, faijutsu 2, Charge It is also common for these goblins to have gained some
Shadowlands Oni
knowledge in the use of maho and they are sometimes
Kiso: When recruiting the Demon Bride, your army loses 4 honor. quite adept in its use.
Ability: When leading a unit that causes Fear, the Demon Bride adds +1 to lhe Fear raling of
that unit (maximum of Fear 3).
The kumo, or Great Spider Spirits, are the lost souls of
those who have been consumed by violence and revenge.
Many of the oldest legends of the Spider Spirit claim that
the original beast was spawned during a civil war between
the Doji the Kakita for control of the clan and its wealth.
Air: 3 ATN: 6
Ctobli11 Wizard
TL: 6 Equipment: Wakizashi
!.. The resulting bitter feud lasted for several decades, and
during its rampant destruction, the spirit of the kumo was
Earth: 5 Wounds: 5 ML: 6 Traits: Goblin, Infantry, Non-human, Tainted, Unique born. It devoured all the souls of the warriors who had
Fire: 4 ATI: +l Glory: 5 Skills: Maho 5, Magic 4, Battle 1, Leadership 2,
Water: 4 DAM: +O Honor: 0 enjoyed the battle, made its home within the spirits of the
Void: 4 #S: 2 Cost: 156 courtiers who encouraged the bloody warfare, and when it
Shadowlands Shugenja was finished, it emerged in physical form upon the
Kiso: May lead or associate with any Goblin uni!.
Kiso: When recruiting Goblin Wizard, your army loses 4 honor. southern lands of the Crane, turning what had once been
Ability: When casting Co1111fer§pel/, the Goblin Wizard is considered to have Magic 6.
farmland into bitter, salted swamp.
Other kumo have since appeared, but whether they are
spawn of the original, or spontaneously formed from
violent feuds is unknown. What is known is that the great
Spirit of the Kumo still lives, residing in a great tidal
whirlpool off the coast of the Crane lands.
Air: 3 ATN: 8
Moto Tsurne
TL: 6 Equipment: Katana, Heavy Armor
Fu Leng's first creations, the goblins, are vile and
Earth: 4 Wounds: 4 ML: 5
Fire: 4 ATI: +l Glory: 5
Traits: Fear 1, Fearless, Infantry, Undead, Unique
dangerous, but they were not the merciless tools of
Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 3, Defense 3, laijutsu 2,
Water: 5 DAM: +2 Honor: 0 Charge destruction that the Dark Lord desired. He decided to
Void: 4 #S: 2 Cost: 154
Shadowlands Samurai
experiment and redesign in order to create a more
Kiso: When recruiting Moto Tsume, your army loses 4 honor.
threatening minion. The results were the ogres.
Kiso: When leading a unit that does not cause Fear, Tsume's unit gains Fear 0. Much more intimidating than their diminutive kin, ogres
stand nearly three ken-an (eight feet) tall, brutish beasts