Summary of EE Questions

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Summary of EE Questions 6.

What electrode in a junction transistor

corresponds to the cathode in vacuum tube
1. Slip rings are made of A. Base C. Drain
A. Steel C. Bakelite B. Emitter D. Collector
B. Copper D. Mica
7. An SCR combines the feature of
2. Merz price protection is used on A. Rectifier and resistance
A. Substations C. Induction motors B. Rectifier and capacitor
B. Capacitor Banks D. Generators C. Rectifier and transistor
D. Rectifier and inductor
3. A __ is a device that carry and interrupt
load current even in case of a fault by used 8. Name of the transformer that provides an
of separate contacts. almost continuously variable stepless
A. Air switch C. Sectionalizing output voltage from 0 to rated line voltage
B. Fuse D. Circuit breaker A. Booster
4. What is the process of heating C. AVR
electrically non-metallic materials such as D. Variac
plumbers, plastics, etc.,
A. Resistive C. Dielectric 9. What is the maximum allowable voltage
B. Capacitive D. Induction drop for lighting circuit
A. 3% C. 2%
5. How are multiple stops push buttons B. 5% D. 10%
connected in a control circuit
A. Series-parallel C. Gang 10. What is the maximum allowable voltage
B. Parallel D. Series drop for feeders
A. 1% C. 3%
B. 2% D. 5%
11. The unit of magnetic field intensity in 16. Prior to starting of fluorescent lamp,
the CGS system is heating of electrode is done by
A. Gauss C. Gilbert A. Starter C. Filament
B. Ampere-turn per meter D. Oersted B. Ballast D. Heater
17. What is the barrier potential of a
12. The rapid failure caused by the heard germanium diode at room temperature
of an arc on the conductor surface A. 0.3 V C. 1.1 V
accompanied by the heating effect of short B. 0.7 V D. 1.2 V
A. Fault current breakdown 18. While describing the sheath of a cable,
B. Current limit value the abbreviation XLPE means __ polyethylene
C. Arc current breakdown A. Cross layer C. Cross linked
D. Faull current limit B. External layer D. Extra long

14. What is the most common cause of failure 19. A permanent slip single phase capacitor
in cable termination and insulation motor does not have
A. Tracking A. Centrifugal switch
B. Poor shielding B. Start winding
C. Wrong clearance C. Squirrel cage motor
D. Improper insulation penciling D. High power factor

15. A freshly paint layer may be dried 20. The sparking at the brushes of a dc
electronically by __ heating generator is due to
A. Emissive A. Reactance voltage
B. Dielectric B. Armature reaction
C. Induction C. Light load
D. Convection D. High resistance at the brushes
21. A fuse is a __ device 26. The dc generator used as a pilot exciter
A. 3-phase terminal is
B. 1-phase terminal A. Series C. Over compound
C. 3-phase protective B. Shunt D. Flat compound
D. 1-phase switching
27. When a carrier wave is modulated at
22. Which of the following types of heating 100%, its power is increased by __ percent
process is used for surface hardening of A. 100% C. 50%
steel B. 150% D. 0%
A. Resistance C. Induction
B. Dielectric D. Infrared 28. Differential relays are used to protect
the equipment against
23. What is the minimum clearance between A. Reverse current C. Overcurrents
the recessed incandescent fixture and the B. Internal faults D. No voltage
nearest point of a storage space of closet
A. 100 mm C. 200 mm 29. If the supply voltage is changed by 5%
B. 150 mm D. 250 mm for a 3-phase induction motor, its torque
will have a change of
24. If the speed of an induction motor A. 5% C. 25%
increases, what happens to the motor B. 10% D. 20%
A. Increases C. Does not change 30. Which of the following is not a part of
B. Decreases D. No relation at all the megger
A. Handcrank
25. Wind mils in addition to proper gearing B. Moving coil meter
is the best driver for C. Coil of high inductance
A. DC generator D. Gear box generator
B. Synchronous Generator
C. Induction Generator
D. Rotary Rectifier
31. In a series RL circuit, the inductor 35. What is the common method of cooling
current __ the resistor current power transformer
A. lags C. equal to A. Air cooling C. Air blast cooling
B. leads D. negative of B. Oil cooling D. Natural cooling

32. Open conductors run individually as 36. Which material is used as a moisture
service drops shall be. absorber in the transformer breathing
I. Insulated. II. Bare. III. Covered A. Calcium carbide C. Calcium chloride
A. I only B. Calcium sulfide D. Calcium carbonate
B. II only
C. III only 37. A wattmeter is installed in a balanced
D. Either I or II 3 phase system with current coil at line a
and voltage coil across lines b and c. The
33. The direction of rotation of a series wattmeter will measure _ power
dc motor can be reversed by interchanging A. Total C. Reactive
the B. Active D. Real
A. Supply terminals
B. Field terminals 38. Electrodes permitted for grounding are
C. Supply and field terminals the following except __
D. None of these A. Underground water metal pipe
B. Concrete encased electrode
34. Very large 3 phase induction motor C. Metal frame of building electrode
(larger than 25 hp) are started by: D. Metal underground gas piping system*
A. Direct starting
B. Autotransformer starting 39. What is the voltage used in LCD monitor
C. Star-delta starting A. Low dc voltage
D. Primary resistance starting B. High dc voltage
C. Low ac voltage
D. High ac voltage
40. In dc motors, carbon brushes are 44. A device which serves to govern in some
preferred than copper brushes because predetermined manner the electric power
A. They are stronger delivered to the apparatus to which it is
B. They produced less arcing connected with is called
C. They have low loss A. Switch C. Relay
D. All of the above B. Feeder D. Controller

41. At least __ mm of free conductor, 45. It is a general term including material,

measured from the point in the box where it fittings, devices, appliances, fixtures,
emerges from its raceway shall be left at apparatus and the like used as part or in
each outlet, junction, and switch point for connection with an electrical insulation
splices or connection to fixtures or A. Wiring system
devices B. Utilization equipment
A. 150 C. 300 C. Service equipment
B. 200 D. 500 D. Equipment

42. SAIDI in EPIRA means 46. It is a term for devices that utilizes
A. System average interruption duration electric energy for a purpose like motors,
index furnaces, heaters, light source and the
B. System average interruption distribution like is:
index A. Wiring system
C. System average interruption demand index B. Utilization equipment
D. System average interruption difference C. Service equipment
index D. Equipment

43. Minimum thickness of concrete in a 47. The maximum torque that allows a
concrete encased electrode is __ mm synchronous motor to remain in synchronism
A. 80 C. 70 is
B. 60 D. 50 A. Pull-in torque C. Brake-in torque
B. Pull-out torque D. Brake-out torque
48. Conductors after the final overcurrent 51. Which of the following statements
device and before the load served regarding the motion of a conductor through
A. Branch circuit conductor a changing magnetic field is FALSE
B. Service conductor
C. Feeder conductor A. The lines of magnetic flux pass from
D. None of these north pole to the south pole of the magnet
B. When a conductor is "open circuited", no
49. What rule is used to determine the current flows despite its motion through
direction of the induced or generated the field.
current within the conductor C. The conductor must move at constant
A. Flemings left hand rule velocity in order to generate a current.
B. Flemings right hand rule D. A current flowing counter to the
C. Lenz law direction of the conductor's motion will
D. Faradays law create a torque.

50. In a dc motor, which of the following 52. The overall torque of a DC motor is T =
does not cause sparking in the commutator k*phi*Ia*z, wherein k is the constant, phi
A. No load on the output leads is the flux per pole, Ia is the armature
B. Frozen armature current, and z is the number of conductors
C. High brush contact resistance on the surface of the armature. Which of
D. Graphite brushes with good contact the following is false?
A. It applies to both motors and generators
B. It applies only to a machine with even
number of pair poles*
C. It applies since torque is indirectly
dependent upon the pole winding current
D. It applies whether or not there is a load
in the system.
53. A DC system can be protected from 55. Which of the following about induction
lightning by including a thyrite tube in motors is false
the circuit that connects the high voltage
line with the ground. Which of the following A. They are used to increase the line power
is false? factor
B. They have no slip rings, no brushes, and
A. It maintains a very high resistance at no excited field current
or below the system operating voltage C. They have no commutators and no windings
B. Its resistance becomes low at very high on the armature
voltages D. Squirrel cage induction motors operate
C. It has a very fast recovery time with at essentially constant speeds.
regard to voltage change
D. Its fusible link melts at a high voltage 56. A medium transmission line has length
over 80 km and up to 250 km has negligible
54. An alternating current with a frequency A. Resistance C. Conductance
of 60 Hz is passed through a moving coil B. Inductance D. Capacitance
galvanometer that measures DC current. What
will be the reading of the galvanometer? 57. The imaginary part of propagation
constant is called
A. The peak value of AC current A. Phase constant
B. The average value of the AC current B. Attenuation constant
C. The rms value C. Stability constant
D. A negligible amount D. Reliability factor

58. For load flow analysis, transmission

lines are represented by
A. Nominal pie C. Tuned power network
B. Nominal T D. Ladder network
59. Convergence characteristics of Gauss 64. It is a relay used to prevent motorizing
Seidel Method is of generator
A. Linear A. Directional Current Relay
B. Super linear B. Overcurrent relay
C. Quadratic C. Reverse power relay
D. Cubic D. Overvoltage relay

60. Temporary magnets are made up of 65. Which power plant has limited power
A. Hardened steel storage
B. Soft steel A. Solar C. Hydro power plant
C. Soft iron B. Wind D. Pump storage plant
D. Tungsten steel
66. When circuit relay energizes other
61. What is the purpose of tubes located at circuit, what do you call the first circuit
the side of transformer A. Controller C. Signaling circuit
A. Support B. Control relay D. Remote circuit relay
B. Cooling
C. Quard 67. What type of fault current is needed to
D. All of these compute the kAIC rating of a circuit breaker
A. 3 phase fault C. LLG
62. Which of the following is not used as B. Line to Line fault D. SLG
transmission voltage in the Philippines
A. 13.2 kV C. 34.5 kV 68. Which of the following is not a reason
B. 13.8 kV D. 69 kV why single-phase induction motor run
A. Two windings displaced from each other
63. It is the chemical used in protecting B. Hysteresis*
wooden poles from termites C. One of the current is made out of phase
A. Lime water C. Creosotic oil between the lines
B. Sodium hydroxide D. None of these D. Shaded poles
69. The unit of magnetic dipole moment is 75. If three phase alternator is short
A. A/m^2 C. A-m^2 circuited at its terminal, then the initial
B. A/m D. A-m value of short circuit current will be
limited by
70. The number of address lines for 32k A. Synchronous reactance
A. 14 C. 16 B. Transient Reactance
B. 15 D. 17 C. Subtransient Reactance
D. All of these
71. A moving coil galvanometer can be
converted into an ammeter by connecting the 76. If two conducting spheres are
galvanometer separately charged and then brought in
A. Low resistance in series contact
B. Low resistance in parallel A. Total energy is conserved
C. High resistance in series B. Total charge is conserved
D. High resistance in parallel C. Both energy and charge are conserved
D. None of these
72. The Coulomb's Law is an implication of
which law 77. The OS that pays more attention on the
A. Ampere Law C. Biot Savart Law meeting of the time limits
B. Gauss Law D. Lenz Law A. Distributed C. Real time
B. Network D. Online
73. Average resistance of human body
A. 500 ohms C. 1500 ohms 78. The bullseye of the grounding target is
B. 1000 ohms D. 2000 ohms located at
A. Connection
74. Earth wire or ground wire is made up of B. Service
A. Copper C. Iron C. Source
B. Aluminum D. Galvanized steel D. Transformer
79. Which is not part of unbundling rate in 83. Three delta connected resistors absorb
your Meralco Bill 60 kW when connected to a three-phase line.
A. Generation If the same resistors are connected in star,
B. Transmission the power absorbed is
C. Distribution A. 60 kW
D. Supplier B. 40 kW
C. 20 kW
80. Which of the following is real time D. 180 kW
operating system (RTOS)
A. RT Linux 84. In the transmission lines, the cross
B. VxWorks arms are made of
C. Windows CE A. Copper
D. All of these B. Wood
C. R.C.C
81. Which of the following materials has D. Steel
the least resistivity
A. Zinc 85. Material used for insulation of high
B. Lead voltage cables
C. Mercury A. Lead
D. Copper B. Paper
C. Rubber
82. In a 5-phase balanced system, the ratio D. None of the above
of the line voltage to the phase voltage is
given by: 86. Transmission line insulators are made
A. sqrt(3) of
B. sqrt(2) A. Glass
C. 1.176 B. Porcelain
D. 1 C. Iron
87. The material generally used for armour 92. Reactors for the protection of
of high voltage cables is transmission line are connected in
A. Aluminum C. Brass A. Series C. Star
B. Steel D. Copper B. Parallel D. Delta

88. The material generally used for sheaths 93. The most common type of three phase in
of underground cables is unsymmetrical fault is
A. Lead C. Rubber A. SLG C. DLG
B. Copper D. Iron B. LL D. Three phase

89. Phase modifiers in AC transmission 94. HRC fuse provides best protect against
lines are A. Open circuit C. Overload
A. Synchronous machines C. DC machine B. Short circuits D. Reverse current
B. Induction machine D. Transformer
95. The positive sequence component of
90. The charging reactance of a 50 km voltage at the point of fault is zero when
transmission line is 1500 ohms. What is the it is a:
charging reactance for 100 km transmission A. Three phase fault C. DLG
line B. LL D. SLG
A. 1500 ohms C. 750 ohms
B. 3000 ohms D. 6000 ohms 96. The main function of undervoltage
protective device generally used with a
91. Which of the following is a contacting motor starter is
medium for electric current A. To open supply circuit voltage
A. Low temperature gas B. To control motor voltage
B. High temperature gas C. To prevent opening of supply circuit
C. Dissociated gas voltage
D. Plasma D. To short circuit the motor
97. What will happen if a voltmeter is 102. In a low power factor wattmeter, the
connected like an ammeter in series with compensating coil is connected
the load A. In series with current coil
A. The meter will burn out B. In parallel with current coil
B. The measurement will be too high C. In series with pressure coil
C. High current will flow D. In parallel with pressure coil
D. There will be almost no current flow
103. In a megger controlling torque is
98. The errors in C.T. are mainly due to provided by
A. Leakage flux C. Core loss A. Spring
B. Excitation emf required D. Copper loss B. Gravity
C. Coil
99. Inductance is measured by D. Eddy current
A. Wien bridge C. Schering bridge
B. Maxwell Bridge D. Hay bridge 104. Two holes in the disc of energy meter
are drilled at the opposite sides of the
100. It is used to measure dielectric loss spindle to
A. Wien bridge C. Schering bridge A. Improve its ventilation
B. Maxwell Bridge D. Hay bridge B. Increase its deflecting torque
C. Eliminate creeping at no load
101. It is used to measure frequency D. Increase its braking torque
A. Wien bridge
B. Maxwell Bridge 105. In instruments, the term artificial
C. Schering bridge aging is associated with
D. Hay bridge A. Permanent magnets
B. Damping
C. Springs
D. Controlling torque
106. Which of the following instruments 110. When the damping of an instrument is
cannot be used for the measurement of AC as adjusted to enable the pointer to rise
well as DC quantities quickly to its deflected position without
A. Electrostatic instruments overshooting, in that case the instrument
B. Induction type instruments is said to be
C. Moving iron instruments A. Underdamped
D. Hot wire instruments B. Overdamped
C. Dead beat
107. __ instrument is free from hysteresis D. Off beat
and eddy current errors
A. Electrostatic 111. One of the following is not a basic
B. Moving iron part oil type transformer.
C. Moving coil permanent magnet type A. radiator C. oil drum
D. Moving coil dynamometer type B. primary bashing D. load tap changer

108. __ instrument will draw least current 112. The bullseye of the grounding target
from the circuit in which it is incorporated is located at
A. Hot wire A. Connection C. Source
B. Rectifier B. Service D. Transformer
C. Electrostatic
D. Thermocouple

109. __ type instrument has identical

calibration for AC as well as DC values
A. Hotwire
B. Moving coil
C. Moving iron
D. Induction
1. B 24. B 47. B 70. B 93. A
2. D 25. C 48. A 71. B 94. B
3. D 26. D 49. B 72. B 95. A
4. C 27. C 50. C 73. B 96. A
5. D 28. B 51. C 74. D 97. D
6. B 29. B 52. B 75. C 98. C
7. C 30. A 53. D 76. B 99. B
8. D 31. C 54. D 77. C 100. C
9. A 32. D 55. A 78. A 101. A
10. D 33. B 56. C 79. D 102. C
11. D 34. B 57. A 80. D 103. C
12. A 35. B 58. A 81. D 104. C
13. - 36. C 59. A 82. C 105. A
14. D 37. C 60. C 83. C 106. B
15. C 38. D 61. B 84. D 107. A
16. B 39. A 62. A 85. B 108. C
17. A 40. B 63. C 86. B 109. A
18. C 41. A 64. C 87. B 110. C
19. A 42. A 65. D 88. A 111. C
20. A 43. D 66. D 89. A 112. B
21. B 44. D 67. A 90. A
22. A 45. D 68. B 91. D
23. B 46. B 69. C 92. A

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