MBA II Semester

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,



Course Code : 20IEBCC21 CIE : 50

No. of credits / Week : 03 SEE : 50
Number of Lecture Hours : 56 Exam Hours : 3 Hrs

Course Outcomes:
● Recognise the importance of human values, harmony and ethical behavior at workplace.
● Appraise the need for ethical issues in workplace and be able to find solution.
● Compare the relationship between Indian ethos and its application in business.
● Realise the need for linking ethics in business.
● Value the ethical principles to be implemented in business.

Module 1:
Ethics & Business: Nature and scope of Ethics, Facts and value, History & Relevance, Ethical subjectivism
and Relativism, Understanding the need for ethics, Ethical values, myths and ambiguity, ethical codes,
Ethical principles in Business: Role of business in Society- Economic Role and Social Impact of Business,
Role of Indian Ethos in Managerial Practices, Principles Practiced by Indian Companies: Anglo-American
Model, German Model, Japanese Model, Indian Model

Module 2:
Management Lessons from Vedas, Mahabharata, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, and Indian Heritage in
Business, Management-Production and Consumption. Ethics vs Ethos, Indian vs Western Management,
work Ethos and Values for Indian Managers, Moral Development (Kohlberg’s 6 stages of Moral

Module 3:
Application of Ethical theories in Business: Utilitarianism (J Bentham and J.S. Mill), Deontology (I Kant)
Virtue Ethics (Aristotle). Economic Justice: Distributive Justice, John Rawls Libertarian Justice (Robert
Nozick) - Ethical Issues in Functional Areas of Business. Marketing: Ethics in Advertising (Truth in
Advertising) Finance: Fairness and Efficiency. In Financial Market, Insider Trading, Green Mail, Golden
parachute HR.: Workers Right and Duties: Work place safeties, sexual harassment, whistle blowing.

Module 4:
Stress Management-Meditation for mental health, Yoga, Contemporary Approaches to Leadership- Joint
Hindu Family Business-Leadership Qualities of Karta, Indian Systems of Learning-Gurukul System of
Learning, Advantages: Disadvantages of Karma, importance of Karma to Managers-Nishkama Karma-
Laws of Karma, Law of Creation- Law of Humility- Law of Growth- Law of Responsibility- Law of
Connection- Corporate Karma Leadership,

Module 5:
Managing Ethical dilemma; Characteristics, ethical decision making, ethical reasoning, the dilemma
resolution process; Ethical Culture in Organization, Developing codes of Ethics and conduct, Ethical and
value based leadership. Relevance of Value Based Management in Global Change- Impact of Values on

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,
Stakeholders, Trans-Cultural Human Values, Secular vs Spiritual Values, Value System in Work Culture
Role of scriptures in understanding ethics, Indian wisdom & Indian approaches towards business ethics.

Recommended Books:
1. S.S. Iyer - Managing for Value (New Age International Publishers, 2002)
2. Laura P Hartman Abha Chatterjee - Business Ethics (Tata McGraw Hill, 2007)
3. S.K. Bhatia - Business Ethics and Managerial Values (Deep & Deep Publications Pvt.Ltd, 2000)
Velasquez – Business Ethics – Concepts and Cases (Prentice Hall, 6th Ed.)
4. Reed Darryl – Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms & Development (Oxford).
5. Mathur UC – Corporate Governance & Business Ethics (Mc Millan).

Reference Books:
1. Professional Ethics and Human Values- Govindarajan, Natarajan and Senthilkumar, PHI learning
2. Business Ethics and Corporate Governance- A C Fernando, Pearson Publications
3. Indian Ethos and Values in Management- R Nandagopal, Ajith Shankar R N.
4. Encyclopaedia Of Indian Ethos And Values In Management- Alok Sathsangi and Sandeep Sharma

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,


Course Code : 20CFCC22 CIE : 50

No. of credits / Week : 03 SEE : 50
Number of Lecture Hours : 56 Exam Hours : 3 Hrs

Course Objectives:
 To familiarize the students with basic concepts of financial management.
 To understand time value of money and cost of capital.
 To analyse capital structure, capital budgeting and dividend decision.
 To understand the short term and long term financing and working capital management.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to:

 Understand the basic financial concepts

 Apply time value of money
 Evaluate the investment decisions
 Analyze the capital structure and dividend decisions.
 Estimate working capital requirements.

Module: 1 (8 Hours)
Financial Management- Meaning of financial Management, Goals or objective of financial
management, scope and functions of financial management, financial planning and policy, structures
of financial system, finance and other related disciplines. Sources of finance- Short term and Long

Module: 2 (14 Hours)

Time value of money – Future value of single cash flow & annuity, present value of single cash
flow, annuity & perpetuity. Capital recovery & loan amortization.
Valuation of securities: Bond, features, Types of Bonds, Determinants of interest rates. Bond
Valuation, Bond Duration. Preference Shares- Concept, Features, Yields. Equity shares-
Concept, Valuation, Dividend Valuation models.

Module:3 (10 Hours)

Capital budgeting- principles & Techniques: Definition and Meaning of capital budgeting, types of
capital budgeting proposal, methods of evaluating capital investment proposals.

Module: 4 (14 Hours)

Cost of Capital Cost of capital – basic concepts. Cost of debenture capital, cost of preferential
capital, cost of equity capital, Cost of retained earnings - Determination of Weighted average cost of
capital (WACC) and Marginal cost of capital.
Capital structure and dividend decisions – Planning the capital structure. Capital structure
theories. Leverages – Determination of operating leverage, financial leverage and total leverage.

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,
Module: 5 (10 Hours)
Working capital Management- Nature & scope, components of working capital, operating cycles
requirements, objectives of working capital, elements & sources of working capital, working capital
control & banking policy, liquidity and its test.(Problems on estimation of working capital
requirement and operating cycle).

Practical Components:
 Identifying the small or medium sized companies and understanding the Investment
evaluation techniques used by them.
 Using the annual reports of selected companies, students can study the working capital
management employed by them. Students can also compare the working capital
management of companies in the same sector.
 Students can choose the companies that have gone for stock split and Bonus issue in the
last few years and study the impact of the same on the stock price.

 Financial Management -Prasanna Chandra, 8/e, TMH, 2011.
 Financial Management,Shashi K Gupta and R K Sharma, 8th Revised Edition, Kalyani
Publishers, -2014
 Financial Management,Khan M. Y.& Jain P. K, 6/e, TMH, 2011.
 Financial Management,Rajiv Srivastava and Anil Misra, Second edition, Oxford University
 Financial Management ,I M Pandey, 10th Edition, Vikas Publishing House -2014
 Financial Management & Policy-Vanhorne, James C., 12/e, Pearson, 2002
 Financial Management, PralhadRathod, Babitha&S.Harish Babu, Himalaya Publishing House,

 Financial Management,V K Bhalla ,1st Edition- S.Chand 2014,
 Fundamentals of Financial Management,Brigham & Houston, 10/e, Cengage Learning.
 Corporate Finance,Damodaran , 2/e, Wiley India (P) Ltd., 2004
 Financial Management,Paresh P., Shah 2/e, Biztantra.
 Fundamentals of Financial Management,Sheeba Kapil ,Pearson,2013
 Financial Management, Sumit Gulati & Y P Singh,McGraw Hill, New Delhi - 2013

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,


Course Code : 20CSCC23 CIE : 50

No. of credits / Week : 03 SEE : 50
Number of Lecture Hours : 56 Exam Hours : 3 Hrs

 To provide insights into the core concepts of strategic management.
 To evaluate various business strategies in dynamic market environments.
 To gain insights into various strategic management models

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
 Formulate a strategic plan that operationalizes the goals and objectives of the firm.
 Use management concepts to analyze complex business situations
 Associate with various Strategic Management models for Business situations
 Ability to evaluate and critique theories and models in corporate environment.

Module 1 (10 Hours)

Meaning and Nature of Strategic Management, its importance and relevance. Characteristics of
Strategic Management. The Strategic Management Process.

Module 2 (10 Hours)

Strategy Formulation – Developing Strategic Vision and Mission for a Company – Setting
Objectives, Balanced Scorecard. The hierarchy of Strategic Intent, Red Ocean strategy, Blue Ocean

Module 3 (12 Hours)

Analyzing a Company’s External Environment – The Strategically relevant components of a
Company’s External Environment– Porter’s Five Forces model – Key Success Factors – concept and

Module 4 (12 Hours)

SWOT analysis – Value Chain Analysis – Benchmarking Generic Competitive Strategies – Low cost
provider Strategy – Differentiation Strategy – Best cost provider Strategy – Focused Strategy – The
Dynamics of Competitive Advantage -Competitive Advantage to Corporate Advantage -Integrative
Analysis, Strategic Alliances and Collaborative Partnerships –Mergers and Acquisition Strategies –
Outsourcing Strategies –International Business level Strategies.

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,
Module 5 (12 Hours)
Corporate Level Strategies: Turnaround Strategies - GE nine cell planning grid and BCG matrix.
Strategy Implementation – Operationalizing strategy, Annual Objectives, Developing Functional

Practical Components:
 Analysing the Mission and Vision statements of a few companies
 Applying Michael Porter’s model to an industry (Retail, Telecom, Infrastructure, FMCG,
Insurance, Banking etc
 Pick a successful growing company. Do a web-search of all news related to that company
over a one-year period. Analyse the news items to understand and write down the
company’s strategy and execution efficiency.
 Pick a company that has performed very badly compared to its competitors. Collect
information on why the company failed. What were the issues in strategy and execution
that were responsible for the company’s failure in the market; Analyse the internal and
external factors
 Map out GE 9-cell matrix and BCG matrix for some companies and compare them.
 Conduct SWOT analysis of your institution and validate it by discussing with faculties.
 Conduct SWOT analysis of companies around your campus

 Strategic Management: A South-Asian Perspective With CourseMate Michael
A.Hitt/R.Duane Ireland/ Robert E.Hoskisson/S.Manikutty Edition:9 th, Cengage Learning
 CraftingandExecutingStrategy, Arthur A.ThompsonJr., AJ StricklandIII, JohnE
 StrategicManagement - Analysis,Implementation,Control, Nag A,1/e,Vikas,2011.
 StrategicManagement -AnIntegratedApproach, CharlesW.
 BusinessPolicyandStrategicManagement, SubbaRaoP,HPH.
 StrategicManagement, KachruU,ExcelBOOKS,2009.

 StrategicManagement:Conceptsand Cases,DavidR, 14/e,PHI.
 StrategicManagement:BuildingandSustainingCompetitive Advantage, Robert A. Pitts &
 CompetitiveAdvantage,MichaelE Porter,FreePressNY
 EssentialsofStrategicManagement,Hunger,J. David,5/e, Pearson.
 StrategicManagement,SarojDatta,jaicoPublishingHouse, 2011.
 ContemporaryStrategicManagement,Grant,7/e,Wiley India, 2012
 Strategic Management-The Indian Context, R. Srinivasan, 4th edition, PHI

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,

Course Code : 20RMCC24 CIE : 50

No. of credits / Week : 03 SEE : 50
Number of Lecture Hours : 56 Exam Hours : 3 Hrs

 To understand the basic components of research design
 To Gain an insight into the applications of research methods
 To equip students with various research analytical tools used in business research

Course outcome:
At the end of the course students are able to:
 Understand various research approaches, techniques and strategies in the appropriate
in business.
 Apply a range of quantitative / qualitative research techniques to business and day to
day management problems
 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of data analysis, interpretation and report
 Develop necessary critical thinking skills in order to evaluate different Research
approaches in Business.

Method 1: (8 hours)
Business Research – Meaning, types, process of research- management problem, defining the
research problem, formulating the research Hypothesis, developing the research proposals,
research design formulation, sampling design, planning and collecting the data for research,
data analysis and interpretation. Research Application in business decisions, Features of good
research study.

Unit 2: (10 hours)

Business Research Design: Meaning and significance - Types: Exploratory and Conclusive
Research Design.
Exploratory Research: Meaning, purpose, methods- Literature search, experience survey, focus
groups and comprehensive case methods.
Conclusive Research Design - Descriptive Research - Meaning, Types – Cross sectional studies
and longitudinal studies.
Experimental Research Design – Meaning and classification of experimental designs- formal
and informal, Pre experimental design, Quasi-experimental design, True experimental design,
statistical experimental design.

Unit 3: (12 hours)

Data Collection: Primary and Secondary data
Primary data collection methods - Observations, survey, Interview and Questionnaire,

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,
Qualitative Techniques of data collection, Questionnaire design – Meaning - process of
Designing questionnaire. Secondary data -Sources – advantages and disadvantages.
Measurement and Scaling Techniques: Basic measurement scales-Nominal scale, Ordinal scale,
Interval scale, Ratio scale. Attitude measurement scale - Liker’s Scale, Semantic Differential
Scale, Turnstone scale, Multi-Dimensional Scaling

Unit 4: (14 hours)

Hypothesis - types, characteristics, source, formulation of hypotheses, errors in hypotheses.
Parametric and Non-Parametric Chi-Square tests, t-test, z-test, F-test, ANOVA-one-way and
two-way classification. Problems only on one-way analysis for F-test

Unit 5: (8 hours)
Data Analysis and Report Writing: Editing, Coding, Classification, Tabulation, Validation
Analysis and Interpretation- Report writing and presentation of results: Importance of report
writing, types of research report, report structure, guidelines for effective documentation.

Practical Components:
 To identify research problem and collect relevant literatures for data analysis
 To write the research design by using exploratory and Descriptive Research methods
 To prepare the questionnaire on brand awareness, effectiveness of training in public
Sector organization, Investors attitude towards Mutual funds in any financial
 To conduct Market survey and to investigate consumer perception towards any FMCG.
 To demonstrate Report writing and Presentation methods

 Business Research Methods: A South-Asian Perspective with course Mate William
G.Zikmund/Barry J.Babin/Jon C.Carr/AtanuAdhikari/Mitch Griffin, Cengage learning
 Business Research Methods: S.N.Murthy&U.Bhojanna. Excel Books
 Business Research Methods. Donald R. Cooper & Pamela s Schindler, 9/e, TMH /2007
 Research Methods – M MMunshi& K Gayathri Reddy, Himalaya Publishing House,2015

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,

Course Code : 20HRMCC25 CIE : 50

No. of credits / Week : 03 SEE : 50
Number of Lecture Hours : 56 Exam Hours : 3 Hrs

 To understand the HRM concepts and theory
 To obtain an overview of various HRM functions and practices
 To gain an insight into the various statutory provisions
Course outcome:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
 Synthesize information regarding the effectiveness of recruiting methods & selection procedures
 Identify the various training methods and design a training program
 Design a job description and job specification for various levels of employees.
 List out the regulations governing employee benefit practices.

Module1: (8 hours)
Human Resource Management: Introduction, meaning, nature, scope of HRM-Importance and
Evolution of the concept of HRM-Major functions of HRM-Principles of HRM, Factors of
Competitive advantage, line and staff responsibility of HR Manager.

Module 2: (10 hours)

Job Analysis: Meaning, Process of job analysis, methods of collecting job analysis data, job
Description and Job Specification.
Human Resource Planning: Objectives, Importance and process of Human Resource Planning,
Effective HRP, HRIS.

Module 3: (12 hours)

Recruitment: Definition, Sources/Methods of Recruitment, New Approaches to recruitment
Selection: Definition and Process of Selection, Difference between Recruitment and Selection.
Induction/Orientation: Meaning, internal Mobility (Promotion, Demotion, Transfer), employee
Separation, outplacement, Downsizing.

Module 4: (14 hours)

Human resource Development: Training V/s development, Training V/s Education, TNA,
training Methods, Training Evaluation. Executive development concept.
Performance Appraisal: concept of performance Appraisal, the Performance Appraisal process,
Methods of Performance Appraisal.

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Module 5: (12 hours)
Compensation: job evaluation, objectives of Compensation Planning, Methods of
Fundamentals of Industrial relation and Labour Laws.

Practical Components:
 Give a case and ask the students to prepare the recruitment advertisement for a
 Expose students to standard selection tests followed in various sectors.
 Exploring training and development practices.
 Exploring performance appraisal practices in various sectors.
 Exploring employee separation practices.
 Give a job analysis case and ask the students to prepare job description and job
 Ask the students to prepare an appointment letter for the post of office manager of a
company known to you.

 Human Resources Management: A South Asian Perspective, Denski/Griffin/Sarkar- Cengage
Learning, 2012.
 Human Resource Management – Rao V. S. P, Excel BOOKS, 2010
 Human Resource Management - Lawrence S. Kleeman, Biztantra , 2012.
 Human Resource Management – Dr. T.P RenukaMurthy HPH

 Human Resource Management - John M. Ivancevich, 10/e, McGraw Hill.
 Human Resource Management in practice - Srinivas R. Kandula, PHI, 2009
 Managing Human Resources - Luis R Gomez-Mejia, David B. Balkin, Robert L. Cardy,6/e, PHI,
 Human Resource Management & Industrial relations, P.Subba Rao, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai.
 Human Resource Management – Aswathappa K HPH


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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,

Course Code : 20MMCC26 CIE : 50

No. of credits / Week : 03 SEE : 50
Number of Lecture Hours : 56 Exam Hours : 3 Hrs

 To provide an insight to basic concepts of marketing management.
 To understand various marketing models for solving marketing problems.
 To understand fundamental premise underlying market driven strategies.

Course Outcome:
At the end of the course students are able to:
 Acquire knowledge regarding basic concepts and functions of Marketing Management.
 Apply various marketing concepts to solve day-to-day corporate problems.
 Learn various strategies which enable decision making process.
 Study ever-changing environment and use of appropriate models and techniques of
 Synthesize ideas into a viable marketing plan.

Module 1: (10 hours)

Introduction to Marketing: Introduction, Definitions of market and marketing, The Exchange
Process, Elements of Marketing Concept, Functions of Marketing, Old Concept or Product-
oriented Concept, New or Modern or Customer- oriented Concept, Marketing Environment,
Techniques used in environment analysis, Characteristics (Micro and Macro), Marketing to the
21st century customer.

Module 2: (8 hours)
Consumer Behaviour Analysis: Meaning and Characteristics, Importance, Factors Influencing
Consumer Behaviour, Consumer Purchase Decision Process, Buying Roles, Buying Motives,
Buyer Behaviour Models

Module 3: (15 hours)

Market Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning: Concept of Market Segmentation, Benefits,
Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets, Market Segmentation Strategies. Targeting - Bases
for identifying target Customer target Marketing strategies, Positioning - Meaning, Tasks
involved in Positioning. Branding - Concept of Branding, Types, Brand Equity, Branding

Module 4: (8 hours)
Managing the Product: Concept, product hierarchy, product line, product mix, product mix
strategies, Product life cycle and its strategies, New Product Development, packing as a
marketing tool, Role of labeling in packing. Marketing Planning: Meaning, Concept, steps
involved in marketing planning, marketing audit.

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,
Module 5: (15 hours)
Pricing decisions: Significance of pricing, factor influencing pricing (Internal factor and External
factor), objectives, Pricing Strategies-Value based, Cost based, Market based, Competitor
based, Pricing Procedure.
Marketing Channels: Meaning, Purpose, Factors Affecting Channel Choice, Channel Design,
Channel Management Decision, Channel Conflict, Designing a physical Distribution System,
Network Marketing.

Case Studies in Indian Context

Practical Components:
 Analyze Product Life Cycle of few Products like-Electronic goods, Computers etc.
 Study Packaging strategies used by FMCG companies
 Understand Marketing strategies, plans used by automobile, cosmetic, FMCG companies

 Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective–Kotler, Keller, Koshy & Jha, 13/e,
Pearson Education, 2012
 Marketing Management, Ramaswamy V. S. & Namakumari S, 4/e, TMH, 2014
 Fundamentals of Marketing Management, Etzel M.J BJ Walker & William J. Stanton,
14/e, TMH, 2012
 Marketing Management: An Applied Approach, Noel Capon & Siddharth Shekhar Singh,
Wiley, 2014
 Marketing Management, Arun Kumar & Meenakshi N, 2/e, Vikas, 2012
 Applied Case Studies in Marketing – Shajahan S, Primus BOOKS,2011.
 Marketing Management – Karunakaran, HPH.
 Marketing in India: Text and Cases- Neelamegham S, 4/e, Vikas.
 Marketing- Lamb, Hair, Mc Danniel, 7/e, Cengage Learning 2012.
 Marketing: Planning, Implementation, and Control -William M. Pride, Ferrell O. C,
Cengage Learning, 2010.
 Marketing Management, Tapan Panda, 2/e, Excel Publication


Course Code : 20EDCC27 CIE : 50

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MBA Syllabus: 2020: Sharnbasva University,
No. of credits / Week : 03 SEE : 50
Number of Lecture Hours : 56 Exam Hours : 3 Hrs

Course Objectives:
 To develop and strengthen entrepreneurial quality in students.
 To impart basic entrepreneurial skills and understanding to run a business efficiently and
 To provide insights to students on entrepreneurial opportunities.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students will be able to:
 Display keen interest and orientation towards entrepreneurship
 Develop a business plan
 Become aware about various sources of funding for an entrepreneur including financial
institutions, venture capitalists and Angel Investors
 Gain consciousness towards social entrepreneurship and rural entrepreneurship

Module 1: (15 Hours)

Entrepreneur &Entrepreneurship: Meaning of entrepreneur - Evolution of the concept -
Functions of an Entrepreneur - Types of Entrepreneur - Intrapreneur- an emerging class -
Concept of Entrepreneurship - Stages in entrepreneurial process.

Module 2: (15 Hours)

Business Planning Process: Meaning of business plan - Business plan process - preparing a model
project report for starting a new venture. Market segmentation, Market sizing, marketing plan &
Pricing strategy.

Module 3: (8 Hours)
Institutions supporting Entrepreneurs: Funding & Incubation- Informal Capital, friends & Family.
Functions of - SIDBI - NABARD - IDBI - SIDCO - Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship – DIC.
Venture capital: Evaluation criteria employed by VCs, selecting the right VC & Financing mix.

Module 4: (8 Hours)
Organizational form: Partnership, sole partnership & corporation. Intellectual property- Copyright
trademark & Tax.

Module 5: (10 Hours)

Social Entrepreneurship: Social enterprise-need - types - Social entrepreneurship - Rural
entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurship, MSME Policies. Make-In India, Start-Up India, Stand-
Up India.

Case studies in Entrepreneurship Development

Practical Components:

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 Make a business plan for your intended business - talk to bankers to find out what they look
for in a business plan - modify accordingly and present it in the class
 Analyze the performance of listed family firms. How is their performance compared to the
performance of other firms? Does a family firm successfully manage to create wealth for
non-family investors?
 Interview a local entrepreneur to find out his/her major motivations to start a business -
which of the skills and characteristics do you find in the entrepreneur?
 Study a local for-profit business and try to list out the positive social impacts of the business
 Visit a trade show and try to compare the marketing activities of various stalls in that show -
make a list of good practices you come across in the show
 Choose an NGO in your locality. Interview the founder and present the case in class on the
motivations - challenges - ecosystem support and their impacts - arrive at possible solutions
and convey back to NGO.

 Entrepreneurship: A South-Asian Perspective – T.V Rao/Donald F.Kuratko, Cengage Learning
 Entrepreneurship Development-Small Business Enterprise-Poornima Charantimath Pearson
Education - 2014
 Entrepreneurship- Rober D Hisrich - Michael P Peters - Dean A Shepherd - 6/e - The
McGraw-Hill companies - 2007
 Entrepreneurial Development – M M Munshi, Prakash Pinto & Ramesh Khathri, Himalaya
Publishing House -2015
 Entrepreneurship Development - S S Khanka - S Chand Publications

 Entrepreneurship Theory at crossroads - Mathew J Manimala - 2/e - Biztantra – 2007, 13
 Entrepreneurship Development and Management - Vasant Desai - Himalaya Publishing
House - 2007
 Entrepreneurship-Theory and Practice - Raj Shankar Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd - 2006
 Entrepreneurship - Rajiv Roy - 2/e - Oxford University Press 2011
 Entrepreneurship-Principles and Practices - Kurakto - 7/e - Thomson Publication - 20

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