Topics Covered On Last Class:: Single-Subscript Notation of Voltage

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Topics Covered on Last Class:

Single-Subscript Notation of Voltage

Voltage Divider Rule (VDR)
Power Distribution in a Series Circuit
Two Elements are in Parallel
Parallel Circuit:
Total Resistance, Current, Voltage, Current in different branch
Current Divider Rule (CDR)

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 1 Faculty of Engineering DMAM

Practice: For the following parallel network:
(a) Applying KCL, determine the currents I1, I2, I3, and I4.
(b) Verify KCL

Answer: RT = 12.5 ohm; I1 = 4.17 A; I2 = 2.08 A; I3 = 2.5 A; I4 = 1.25 A

I1 + I2 + I3 + I4 = 4.17 A + 2.08 A + 2.5 A + 1.25 A = 10 A = I [Verified]
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Application of KCL to write the Nodal Equations

V1 V2

Vg= 0 V

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Write the Nodal Equations For the Following Circuit:
IR1 According to Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL):
I 5 − I R5 − I 4 − I R 4 − I R1 − I1 = 0
I R5 + I R 4 + I R1 = I 5 − I 4 − I1
V1 V1 V1 − V2
+ + = I 5 − I 4 − I1
R5 R4 R1
 1 1 1 1
 + + V1 − V2 = I 5 − I 4 − I1
 R5 R4 R1  R1

IR1 − I R1 − I R 2 + I 2 − I R3 − I 3 + I1 = 0
I R1 + I R 2 + I R3 = I 2 − I 3 − I1

V2 − V1 V2 V2
+ + = I 2 − I 3 − I1
R1 R2 R3

1 1 1 1 
IR2 IR3 − V1 +  + + V2 = I 2 − I 3 − I1
R1  R1 R2 R3 

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EXAMPLE 8.24 Find the voltage across the 3  Step 3: For node V1, the currents are defined as
resistor in Fig. 8.61 by nodal analysis. shown in the following Figure (b) and Kirchhoff’s
current law is applied:

1 1 1 1
 + +  1  V2 = 4
V − 11V1 − 2V2 = 48
 2 4 6 6

For node V2:

Solution: First convert two voltage sources to current
sources. 1 1 1  1
V1 V2  + + V2 −  V1 = −0.1 18V2 − 5V1 = −3
 6 3 10  6

Simplified form:
11V1 − 2V2 = 48
− 5V1 + 18V2 = −3
Step 1 and 2: The network has three nodes with the
bottom node defined as the reference node (at ground
potential, or zero volts), and the other nodes as V1 and V2.

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6.4 Power Distribution in a Parallel Circuit
In any electrical system, the power supplied or applied or delivered will equal the power
dissipated or absorbed or consumed.
PE = PR1 + PR 2 + PR3 (6.10)

PE = EI s ( watt, W ) (6.11)

PR1 = V1I1 = I12 R1 = 1
PR 2 = V2 I 2 = I 22 R2 = 2 (watt, W) (6.12)

2 V32
PR3 = V3 I 3 = I 3 R3 =
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EXAMPLE 6.15 For the parallel network in
Fig. 6.30:
a. Determine the total resistance RT.
b. Find the source current (Is) and the current
(I1, I2, and I3) through each resistor.
c. Verify KCL.
d. Calculate the power delivered by the source.
e. Determine the power absorbed by each
parallel resistor.
f. Verify Eq. (6.10)
1 1
Solution: (a ) RT = =
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + + +
R1 R2 R3 1.6 10  20 10  56 103 
3 3

1 1
= −6 −6 −6
= −6
= 1.44 kΩ
625 10 S + 50 10 S + 17.867 10 S 692.867 10 S

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b. Find the source current (Is) and the current (I1, I2, and I3) through each resistor.
RT = 1.44 kΩ
(b) Applying Ohm's Law :
E 28 V
Is = = 3
= 19.4 mA
RT 1.44 10 
RT E 26 V
I1 = Is = = 3
= 17.5 A
R1 R1 1.6 10 
RT E 26 V
I2 = Is = = 3
= 1.4 A
R2 R2 20 10 
R E 26 V
I3 = T I s = = 3
= 0.5 A
R3 R3 56 10 

(c ) According to KCL : I s = I1 + I 2 + I 3
19.4 mA = 17.5 mA + 1.4 mA + 0.5 mA = 19.4 mA
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d. Calculate the power delivered by the source.
e. Determine the power absorbed by each parallel resistor.
f. Verify Eq. (6.10)
Solution: RT = 1.44 kΩ I s = 19.44 mA
I1 = 17.5 A; I 2 = 1.4 A; I 3 = 0.5 A

Practice Book Problem

[SECTION 6.4 Power
Problems: 19 to 23

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 10 Faculty of Engineering DMAM

Problem 22 [P. 238] A
portion of a residential
service to a home is
depicted in Fig. 6.92.
a. Determine the current
through each parallel branch
of the system.
b. Calculate the current Solution: a. We know that: P = VI I=
drawn from the 120 V V
source. Will the 20 A 10  60 W
breaker trip?
For bulbs : I b = =5 A
120 V
c. What is the total 400 W
resistance of the network? For washer : I w = = 3.33 A
d. Determine the power
120 V
200 W
delivered by the source.
For TV : I tv = = 1.667 A
How does it compare to the 120 V
sum of the wattage ratings
110 W
appearing in Fig. 6.92? For DVD : I dvd = = 0.917 A
120 V

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) Faculty of Engineering DMAM

b. Calculate the current drawn from the 120 V source. Will the 20 A breaker trip?
c. What is the total resistance of the network?
d. Determine the power delivered by the source. How does it compare to the sum of the wattage
ratings appearing in Fig. 6.92?
b. Applying KCL we have:
I s = I b + I w + I tv + I dvd
= 5 A + 3.333 A + 1.667 A + 0.917 A
= 10.917 A
Since source current less than 20 circuit breaker will not trip.
E 120 V
c. RT = = = 10.99 
I s 10.917 A

d. PE = EI s = (120 V )(10.917 A ) = 1310 W

Pw = (10  60) W + 400 W + 200 W + 110 W = 1310 W
Power delivered by the source (PE) is equal to the sum of the wattage ratings (Pw).
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American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 13 Faculty of Engineering DMAM

Voltage sources can be connected in series.
The voltage sources to be connected in series must have same current ratings through
their voltage rating may be same or different.

Fig. 5.3 Reducing Series Voltage Sources to a Single Source

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Current sources to be connected in series must have same current ratings through
their voltage ratings may be same or different.


Current sources of different current

ratings should not be connected in

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Voltage sources can be placed in parallel only if:
(i) They have the same voltage rating.
(ii) Positive terminal should be connected with positive terminal and
Negative terminal should be connected with negative terminal
Voltage sources to be connected in parallel must have same voltage rating through
their current rating may be same or different.


Should not be connected

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 16 Faculty of Engineering DMAM

Current sources of
different current
ratings are not
connected in series.
The current sources to
be connected in parallel
must have same voltage
rating through their
current ratings may be
same or different.

Reducing Parallel Current Sources to a Single Source

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American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) Faculty of Engineering DMAM
An open circuit is two isolated terminals not connected by any kind of element.
An open circuit can have a potential
difference (voltage) across its
terminals, but the current is always
zero (0) amperes.

Ioc = 0 A Roc =  (Infinite)

EXAMPLE 6.27.1 Determine the unknown voltage (V) and current (I) for the following network.

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6.8 Short CIRCUITS
A short circuit is a very low resistance, direct connection between two terminals of a network.
Aa short circuit can carry a current of
a level determined by the external
circuit, but the potential difference
(voltage) across its terminals is always
zero (0) volts.

Vsc = 0 V Rsc = 0 (Zero)

EXAMPLE 6.27.2 Determine the unknown voltage (V) and current (I) for the following network.

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 20 Faculty of Engineering DMAM

EXAMPLE 6.28.1 Determine the unknown voltage (V) and current (I) for the following network.
I3=0 Due to the open circuit, the current flow (I3) through the R3
is zero. Thus, the current I flows through R1 and R2 and V
is equal to the voltage drop across the resistance R2.
I R2 10 
V= E= 6 V = 5 V
R1 + R2 2  + 10 
E 6V
I= = = 0.5 A
R1 + R2 2  + 10 

EXAMPLE 6.28.2 Determine the unknown voltage (V) and current (I) for the following network.
I I I3=0
Due to the open circuit, the current flow (I3) through the
R3 is zero and since R2 is shorted the current flow (I2)
V3=0 through the R2 is zero. Thus, the current I flows through
I2=0 I
R1 and short circuit and V = 0 V.
E 6V
I= = =3A
R1 2 

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Problem 38 [Ch 6] A For the network in Fig. 6.108:
(a) Determine Is and VL.
(b) Determine Is if RL is shorted out.
(c) Determine VL if RL is replaced by an open circuit.

12 V
(b) I s = = 120 mA
100 

12 V
(a) I s = = 10.91 mA
100  + 1 k
VL = I s RL = (10.91 10−3 )  (1 103 ) = 10.91 V
(c) VL = E = 12 V

American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) Faculty of Engineering DMAM

Problem 39 [Ch 6] For the network in Fig. 6.109:
a. Determine the open-circuit voltage VL.
b. If the 2.2 k resistor is short circuited, what is the new value of VL?
c. Determine VL if the 4.7 k  resistor is replaced by an open circuit.

(b) VL = E = 9 V

(4.7 k)  (9 V)
(a) VL = = 6.13 V
2.2 k + 4.7 k

(c) VL = E = 9 V

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American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) 25 Faculty of Engineering DMAM

EXAMPLE 7.1 Find current I3 for the series-parallel network in Fig. 7.3.

Solution: Checking for series and parallel elements, we find that

resistors R2 and R3 are in parallel. Their total resistance is:

Redraw the circuit showing the calculated resistance R4.

Now, resistors R1 and R4 are in series, resulting in a total resistance of

The source current is then determined using Ohm’s law:

Returning to Fig. 7.3, we find the current I3 as follows:

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Practice Book Problem [SECTIONS 7.2–7.5 Series Parallel Networks] Problems: 1 ~ 24

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EXAMPLE 7.4 Determine all the currents and voltages for the series-parallel network in Fig. 7.12.


RA =
(9  )  (6  ) = 3.6 
R1 + R2 9 +6 

RB = R3 +
R4 R5
=4 +
(3  )  (3  ) = 4  + 2  = 6 
R4 + R5 6 +3 
RC = R6 = 3 

R R2 6
(6  )  (3  ) = 2  I1 = A I s = Is =  3 A = 1.2 A
RB // C =
= R1 R1 + R2 9 +6 
RB + RC 6 +3  R R1
I2 = A Is = I s = I s − I1 = 3 A − 1.2 A = 1.8 A
R2 R1 + R2
RT = R A + RB // C = 36  + 2  = 5.6 
R RC 3
I B = B // C I s = Is = 3 A = 1 A
RB RB + RC 6 +3 
E 16.8 V R RB
Is = I A = = =3A IC = B // C I s = Is = Is − IB = 3 A −1 A = 2 A
RT 5.6  RC RB + RC

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a. Find the voltages V1, V3, and Vab for the network in Fig. 7.20.
b. Calculate the source current Is.

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EXAMPLE 7.8 For the network in Fig. 7.22, determine the voltages V1 and V2 and the current I.

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law:

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law:

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Problem 10:
a. Find the magnitude and direction for current I, I1, I2, and I3,
for the network in Fig. 7.70.
b. Indicate their direction on Fig. 7.70.
Solution: Voltage drop across the resistance R1 equal to 24 V. So:
24 V
I1 = =6 A
Voltage drop across the resistance R3 equal to 8 V. So: I 3 = = 0.8 A
10 

Voltage drop across the resistance R2 equal to the difference of 24 V and

−8 V. So: 24 V − (−8 V) 32 V
I2 = = = 16 A
2 2
According to KCL: I = I1 + I2 = 6 A + 16 A = 22 A
Practice Book Problem [SECTIONS 7.2–7.5 Series
Parallel Networks] Problems: 1 ~ 24
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