Chap010-Financial Analysis

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K.R. Subramanyam

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Credit Analysis


Liquidity and Working Capital

• Liquidity - Ability to convert assets into cash or to obtain
cash to meet short-term obligations.
• Short-term - Conventionally viewed as a period up to
one year.
• Working Capital - The excess of current assets over
current liabilities.

Lack of liquidity can limit: Severe illiquidity often precedes:

Advantages of discounts Lower profitability
Profitable opportunities Restricted opportunities
Management actions Loss of owner control
Coverage of current obligations Loss of capital investment
Insolvency and bankruptcy

Liquidity and Working Capital

• Current Assets - Cash and other assets reasonably expected to
be (1) realized in cash, or (2) sold or consumed, during the longer
of one-year or the operating cycle.
• Current liabilities - Obligations to be satisfied within a relatively
short period, usually a year.

• Working Capital - Excess of current assets over current liabilities

– Widely used measure of short-term liquidity
– Constraint for technical default in many debt agreements
• Current Ratio – Ratio of Current Assets to Current Liabilities
– Relevant measure of current liability coverage, buffer against losses,
reserve of liquid funds.
– Limitations – A static measure

Liquidity and Working Capital

Current Ratio
• Numerator Considerations
– Adjustments needed to counter limitations such as:
• Failure to reflect open lines of credit
• Adjust securities’ valuation since the balance sheet date
• Reflect revolving nature of accounts receivable
• Recognize profit margin in inventory
• Adjust inventory values to market
• Remove deferred charges of dubious liquidity from prepaid
• Denominator Considerations
– Payables vary with sales.
– Current liabilities do not include prospective cash outlays.

Liquidity and Working Capital

Current Ratio
• Liquidity depends to a large extent on prospective cash
flows and to a lesser extent on the level of cash and
cash equivalents.
• No direct relation between balances of working capital
accounts and likely patterns of future cash flows.
• Managerial policies regarding receivables and
inventories are directed primarily at efficient and
profitable asset utilization and secondarily at liquidity.
• Two elements integral to the use of current ratio:
– Quality of both current assets and current liabilities.
– Turnover rate of both current assets and current liabilities.

Liquidity and Working Capital

Current Ratio - Applications
• Comparative Analysis
– Trend analysis
• Ratio Management (window dressing)
– Toward close of a period, management will occasionally press the
collection of receivables, reduce inventory below normal levels, and
delay normal purchases.
• Rule of Thumb Analysis (2:1)
– Current ratio above 2:1 - superior coverage of current liabilities (but not
too high - inefficient resource use and reduced returns)
– Current ratio below 2:1 - deficient coverage of current liabilities
• Note of caution
– Quality of current assets and the composition of current liabilities are
more important in evaluating the current ratio.
– Working capital requirements vary with industry conditions and the
length of a company’s net trade cycle.

Liquidity and Working Capital

Current Ratio - Applications
• Net Trade Cycle Analysis
Selected information from Technology Resources for the end of Year 1:
Sales for Year 1 $360,000
Receivables 40,000
Inventories* 50,000
Accounts payable† 20,000 Then, the net trade cycle is computed as:
Cost of goods sold (including depreciation of $30,000) 320,000

*Beginning inventory is $100,000.

†These relate to purchases included in cost of goods sold.

We estimate Technology Resources’ purchases per day as:

Ending inventory $ 50,000
Cost of goods sold 320,000
Less: Beginning inventory (100,000)
Cost of goods purchased and manufactured 270,000
Less: Depreciation in cost of goods sold (30,000)
Purchases $240,000
Purchases per day = $240,000/360 = $666.67

Liquidity and Working Capital

Cash-Based Ratio Measures of Liquidity
• Cash to Current Assets Ratio
Cash + Cash equivalents + Marketable securities
Current Assets
– Larger the ratio, the more liquid are current assets

• Cash to Current Liabilities Ratio

Cash + Cash equivalents + Marketable securities
Current Liabilities
– Larger the ratio, the more cash available to pay current

Operating Activity Analysis of Liquidity

Accounts Receivable Liquidity Measures

• Accounts Receivable Turnover

• Days’ Sales in Receivables

• Receivables collection period


Operating Activity Analysis of Liquidity

Interpretation of Receivables Liquidity Measures

• Accounts receivable turnover rates and

collection periods are usefully compared with
industry averages or with credit terms.
• Ratio Calculation: Gross or Net?
• Trend Analysis
– Collection period over time.
– Observing the relation between the provision for
doubtful accounts and gross accounts receivable.

Operating Activity Analysis of Liquidity

Inventory Turnover Measures

• Inventory turnover ratio:

– Measures the average rate of speed at which inventories move

through and out of a company.

• Days’ Sales in Inventory:

Illustration (Day’s sales in inventory)
– Shows the number of days required to sell ending inventory

• An alternative measure - Days to sell inventory ratio:


Operating Activity Analysis of Liquidity

Interpreting Inventory Turnover

– Quality of inventory
– Decreasing inventory turnover
• Analyze if decrease is due to inventory buildup in
anticipation of sales increases, contractual commitments,
increasing prices, work stoppages, inventory shortages, or
other legitimate reason.
– Inventory management
– Effective inventory management increases inventory

Operating Activity Analysis of Liquidity

Interpreting Inventory Turnover

– Conversion period or
operating cycle:

• Measure of the speed

with which inventory is
converted to cash

Operating Activity Analysis of Liquidity

Liquidity of Current Liabilities

• Current liabilities are important in computing working
capital and current ratio:
– Used in determining whether sufficient margin of safety exists.
– Deducted from current assets in arriving at working capital.

• Quality of Current Liabilities

– Must be judged on their degree of urgency in payment
– Must be aware of unrecorded liabilities having a claim on
current funds

Operating Activity Analysis of Liquidity

Days’ Purchases in Accounts Payable

• Days’ Purchases in Accounts Payable

– Measures the extent accounts payable represent

current and not overdue obligations.
• Accounts Payable Turnover

– Indicates the speed at which a company pays for

purchases on account.

Additional Liquidity Measures

Current Assets Composition
– Indicator of working capital liquidity

Texas Electric’s current assets along with their common-size percentages
are reproduced below for Years 1 and 2:
Cash $ 30,000 30 % $ 20,000 20 %
Accounts receivable 40,000 40 30,000 30
Inventories 30,000 30 50,000 50 %
Total current assets $100,000 100 % $100,000 100

An analysis of Texas Electric’s common-size percentages reveals a marked

deterioration in current asset liquidity in Year 2 relative to Year 1. This is
evidenced by a 10% decline for both cash and accounts receivable.

Additional Liquidity Measures

• Acid-Test (Quick) Ratio - A more stringent test of

• Cash Flow Measures

– Cash Flow Ratio

– Overcomes the static nature of the current ratio since its

numerator reflects a flow variable.

Additional Liquidity Measures

• Financial Flexibility - Ability to take steps to counter
unexpected interruptions in the flow of funds.
– Ability to borrow from various sources; to raise equity capital; to
sell and redeploy assets; to adjust the level and direction of
operations to meet changing circumstances; levels of
prearranged financing and open lines of credit
• Management’s Discussion and Analysis
– MD&A requires a discussion of liquidity –
including known trends, demands, commitments,
or uncertainties likely to impact the company’s
ability to generate adequate cash.

Additional Liquidity Measures

What-if analysis
• Technique to trace through the effects of
changes in conditions/ policies on cash
resources of a company

Additional Liquidity Measures

What-if analysis Illustration
Background Data—Consolidated Technologies at December 31, Year 1:

Cash $ 70,000
Accounts receivable 150,000
Inventory 65,000
Accounts payable 130,000
Notes payable 35,000
Accrued taxes 18,000
Fixed assets 200,000
Accumulated depreciation 43,000
Capital stock 200,000

The following additional information is reported for Year 1:

Sales $750,000
Cost of sales 520,000
Purchases 350,000
Depreciation 25,000
Net income 20,000

 Anticipates 10 percent growth in sales for Year 2

 All revenue and expense items are expected to increase by 10 percent, except for depreciation,
which remains the same
 All expenses are paid in cash as they are incurred
 Year 2 ending inventory is projected at $150,000
 By the end of Year 2, predicts notes payable of $50,000 and a zero balance in accrued taxes
 Maintains a minimum cash balance of $50,000

Additional Liquidity Measures

What-if analysis - Illustration

Case 1: Consolidated Technologies is considering a change in credit policy where ending accounts
receivable reflect 90 days of sales. What impact does this change have on the company’s cash
balance? Will this change affect the company’s need to borrow?
Our analysis of this what-if situation is as follows:
Cash, January 1, Year 2 $ 70,000
Cash collections:
Accounts receivable, January 1, Year 2 $ 150,000
Sales 825,000
Total potential cash collections $ 975,000
Less: Accounts receivable, December 31, Year 2 ( 206,250)(a) 768,750
Total cash available $ 838,750
Cash disbursements:
Accounts payable, January 1, Year 2 $ 130,000
Purchases 657,000(b)
Total potential cash disbursements $ 787,000
Accounts payable, December 31, Year 2 ( 244,000)(c) $ 543,000
Notes payable, January 1, Year 2 $ 35,000
Notes payable, December 31, Year 2 ( 50,000) (15,000)
Accrued taxes 18,000
Cash expenses(d) 203,500 749,500
Cash, December 31, Year 2 $ 89,250
Cash balance desired 50,000
Cash excess $ 39,250


Additional Liquidity Measures

What-if analysis - Illustration


(b)Year 2 cost of sales*: $520,000 × 1.1 = $ 572,000

Ending inventory (given) 150,000
Goods available for sale $ 722,000
Beginning inventory (65,000)
Purchases $ 657,000
* Excluding depreciation.

(d) Gross profit ($825,000 – $572,000) $253,000

Less: Net income $ 24,500*
Depreciation 25,000 ( 49,500)
Other cash expenses $203,500
*110 percent of $20,000 (Year 1 N.I.) + 10 percent of $ 25,000 (Year 1 depreciation).

Basics of Solvency
• Solvency — long-run financial viability and its ability to
cover long-term obligations
• Capital structure — financing sources and their
• Earning power — recurring ability to generate cash from
• Loan covenants — protection against insolvency and
financial distress; they define default (and the legal
remedies available when it occurs) to allow the
opportunity to collect on a loan before severe distress

Basics of Solvency
Capital Structure
• Equity financing
– Risk capital of a company
– Uncertain and unspecified return
– Lack of any repayment pattern
– Contributes to a company’s stability
and solvency

• Debt financing
– Must be repaid with interest
– Specified repayment pattern

• When the proportion of debt

financing is higher, the higher are
the resulting fixed charges and
repayment commitments

Basics of Solvency
Motivation for Debt
• From a shareholder’s perspective, debt is a
preferred external financing source:
– Interest on most debt is fixed
– Interest is a tax-deductible expense
• Financial leverage - the amount of debt
financing in a company’s capital structure.
– Companies with financial leverage are said to be
trading on the equity.

Basics of Solvency
Financial Leverage- Illustrating Tax Deductibility of Interest

Basics of Solvency
Adjustments for Capital Structure - Liabilities

Potential accounts needing adjustments Chapter reference

• Deferred Income Taxes - Is it a liability, 3&6

equity, or some of both?
• Operating Leases - capitalize non- 3
cancelable operating leases?
• Off-Balance-Sheet Financing 3
• Contingent Liabilities 3&6
• Minority Interests 5
• Convertible Debt 3
• Preferred Stock 3

Capital Structure Composition and Solvency

Common-Size Statements in Solvency Analysis

• Composition analysis
– Performed by constructing a common-size statement of the
liabilities and equity section of the balance sheet.
– Reveals relative magnitude of financing sources.
Tennessee Teletech’s Capital Structure
Common-Size Analysis
Current liabilities $ 428,000 19 %
Long-term debt 500,000 22.2
Equity capital
Preferred stock 400,000 17.8
Common stock 800,000 35.6
Paid-in capital 20,000 0.9
Retained earnings 102,000 4.5
Total equity capital 1,322,000 58.8
Total liabilities and equity $2,250,000 100 %

Capital Structure Composition and Solvency

Capital Structure Ratios

• Total Debt to Total Capital Ratio
– Comprehensive measure of the relation between total debt and
total capital
– Also called Total debt ratio
• Total Debt to Equity Capital
• Long-Term Debt to Equity Capital
– Measures the relation of LT debt to equity capital.
– Commonly referred to as the debt to equity ratio.
• Short-Term Debt to Total Debt
– Indicator of enterprise reliance on short-term financing.
– Usually subject to frequent changes in interest rates.

Capital Structure Composition and Solvency

Interpretation of Capital Structure Measures

• Capital structure measures serve as screening

• Further analysis required if debt is a significant
part of capitalization.

Capital Structure Composition and Solvency

Asset-Based Measures of Solvency

• Asset composition in solvency analysis

– Important tool in assessing capital structure risk exposure.
– Typically evaluated using common-size statements of asset

Earnings Coverage
Earnings to Fixed Charges

• Limitation of capital structure measures - inability to

focus on availability of cash flows to service debt.
• Role of earnings coverage, or earning power, as the
source of interest and principal repayments.
• Earnings to fixed charges ratio

Earnings Coverage
Earnings to Fixed Charges

Earnings to Fixed Charges Ratio


Earnings Coverage
Times Interest Earned
• Times interest earned ratio
– Considers interest as the only fixed charge needing
earnings coverage:

– Numerator sometimes referred to as earnings before

interest and taxes, or EBIT.
– Potentially misleading and not as effective an analysis
tool as the earnings to fixed charges ratio.

Earnings Coverage

Relation of Cash Flow to Fixed Charges

• Cash flow to fixed charges ratio
– Computed using cash from operations rather than
earnings in the numerator of the earnings to fixed
charges ratio.

Earnings Coverage

Earnings Coverage of Preferred Dividends

• Earnings coverage of preferred dividends ratio
– Computation must include in fixed charges all expenditures
taking precedence over preferred dividends.
– Since preferred dividends are not tax deductible, after-tax
income must be used to cover them.

Earnings Coverage
Interpreting Earnings Coverage
– Earnings coverage measures provide insight into the
ability of a company to meet its fixed charges
– High correlation between earnings-coverage
measures and default rate on debt
– Earnings variability and persistence is important
– Use earnings before discontinued operations,
extraordinary items, and cumulative effects of
accounting changes for single year analysis — but,
include them in computing the average coverage
ratio over several years

Earnings Coverage

Capital Structure Risk and Return

• A company can increase risks (and potential returns) of
equity holders by increasing leverage
• Substitution of debt for equity yields a riskier capital
• Relation between risk and return in a capital structure
• Only personal analysis can reflect one’s
unique risk and return expectations
Return Risk
$ ?

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