English 2 Classwork

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///ENGLISH 2, III term classroom Activities///

Name: # list: Nelson Mendoza 3190115
Time class: 6:10-7:40 Group nª: 4

CLASSWORK nº 1/ 2.5% DATE: 28/10/2021TEACHER SIGNATURE: __________________

1. Write the verb BE conjugation in simple past and simple present

Subject Simple Simple Subject Simple Simple

pronoun present past pronoun present past

I am was they are were

She/ he / It is was you are were

We are were

2. Write sentences with “healthy eating” unit vocabulary (in the Kitchen) simple present, negative form
Bake_ She bakes a cake every Sunday, She doesn’t bake this week.
cook_ She is cooks in the kitchen; she is not cooking in the kitchen.
Cup_ I like a cup of coffee for breakfast. I don’t like a cup of hot coffee.
dish_ He puts the dishes on the table, He didn’t put the dishes on the table.

3. Write sentences with “Getting Help” unit vocabulary (Directions), simple present, affirmative form
In front _They are sit in front of me, she is in front of me.
left at_ The supermarket is to the left at grove street.
map _ He buys a map, I have a map at home.
next to_ She is next to the supermarket, Her house is next to the supermarket.
4. Write sentences with “Sports” unit vocabulary (sports), simple present, interrogative form
Bicycle_ I can’t ride a bicycle, can I ride a bicycle?
exercise_ He is doing exercise every day, Can I do exercise every day?
player_ I am a soccer player, Are you a soccer player?
win_ I want to win the next game, Are we going to win the next game?

5. I. change to past simple these verbs . classify them into Regulars or irregulars
do Irregular worry Regular
study Regular play Regular
teach Irregular grow Irregular
say Irregular watch Irregular
cry Regular miss Regular
dance Irregular hurry Regular
fix Regular stop Irregular
CLASSWORK nº 2/ 2.5% DATE: 2/11/2021 TEACHER SIGNATURE: __________________

6. Write List 10 countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns non countable noun

* Eggs *Sugar
*Banana *Rice
* Apple *Water
*Dogs *Milk
*Cats *Meat

7. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

Right now I am looking at a picture of Barbara. She is not at home in the picture. She is at the park. She is sitting on a bench. She
is eating her lunch. Some boys and girls are running on a patch in the park. A squirrel is sitting on the ground in front of Barbara.
The squirrel is eating a nut. Barbara is watching the squirrel. She always watches squirrels when she eats her lunch in the park.
Some ducks are swimming in the pond in the picture, and some birds are flying in the sky. A policeman is riding a horse. He rides a
horse in the park every day. Near Barbara, a family is having a picnic. They go on a picnic every week.

a. Where is Barbara in the picture?

A// She is at the park.

b. What is she doing?

A// She is sitting on a bench and She is eating her lunch.
c. What is the squirrel doing in the picture?
A// Is sitting on the ground in front of Barbara and the squirrel is eating a nut.

d. What does Barbara always do when she has lunch in the park?
A// She always watches squirrels when she eats her lunch in the park.

e. What are the ducks doing?

A// Some ducks are swimming in the pond.
f. How often does the policeman ride his horse?
A// Every day.

g. How often does the family have a picnic at the park?

A// They go on a picnic every week.

8. Write sentences with “Interesting people” unit vocabulary, in present continuous, affirmative form
Angry_ The Miss in getting angry with the students.
alone _ We all are feeling alone.
easy _ This game is being very easy.
pretty_ She's getting pretty for the dance
9. Write a list of ten irregular and regular verbs (total 20)


Ride Break Acept Enjoy

Run Buy Bake Want

Sell Come Behave Slow

See Eat Dry Dance

Begin Drink Eliminate Play

10. Write a list of adjectives according to the characteristics

-Y- -CVC- Silent –e- Long adjectives
“Pretty” “Fat” “cute” “popular”

Easy Big Huge Interesting Old

Angry Sad Large Intelligent Far

Dirty Hot Little Dangerous Bad

Early Wet Blue Expensive Little

Fancy Mad Quite Beautiful Many

11. Word classification. Identify these words according to the HEALTH 2-unit vocabulary
classification by writing the letter



1. Concentrate on__ D 6. Nutritious_C

2. Eat sensibly__D 7. Overweight _ C
3. Heart attack__ D 8. Palpitations __A
4. Heart condition_ D 9. Small quantities __B
5. Limit _A 10. Sweat __ C
CLASSWORK nº 3/ 2.5% DATE: 4/11/2021 TEACHER SIGNATURE: __________________
12. From the N.10 exercise choose 5 adjectives from each group, write complete sentences
My apartment is an easy walk from school.
It was a very big room.
It was on a large river.
He's a very intelligent boy.
My parents used to listen to those old songs.
13. Write 5 sentences using the zero conditional based in life real situation

Zero conditional 

Conditional clause  , result clause

Simple present ,         simple present

1. If there is no sunlight, there is no evaporation. 
2. If there is no precipitation, there is no water collection. 

If people eat too much, they get fat.

If you touch a fire, you get burned.

People die if they don't eat.

If you freeze water, it becomes a solid.

If it rains, the grass gets wet.

14. From the N.10 exercise choose adjectives from any group, write complete comparative and superlative sentences
Superlative sentences
a. You are the oldest person of the group.
b. Our biggest mistake was trusting him.
Comparative sentences
a. You are more angry than him.
b. You came earlier than Juan.

15. Write DON’T, DOESN’T, ISN’T, AREN’T or AM NOT in the blank space in each
a. He isn’t listening to the radio right now.
b. He doesn’t listen to the radio every evening.
c. We …aren’t………………. watching a television program now.
d. We ………doesn’t…………. watch television every day.
e. They …doesn’t………………. study their lessons after class.
f. They ……aren’t……………. studying their lessons right now.
g. It …isn’t……………….. raining very hard right at the moment.
h. It …don’t…………………rain very mu.
i. Mr. Johnson ………isn’t………… eating his lunch now.
j. Mr. Johnson ……doesn’t…………… always eat at that place.
k. I …don’t…………………. see any students in that room.
l. I ……don’t………………. hear anyone in the hall now.
16. Write the correct questions tag
1. Mr. McGuinness is from Ireland, Isn’t he?
2. The car isn't in the garage, Is it?
3. You are John…Are you John, aren’t you?
4. She went to the library yesterday, didn’t she?
5. He didn't recognize me, did he?
6. Cars pollute the environment, don’t they?
7. Mr. Pritchard is in Scotland, isn’t he?
8. The trip is very expensive, isn’t it?
9. He won't tell her, will he?
10. Hugh had a red car, didn’t he?
17. Words easily confused. Write sentences using these words
a. Advice: My uncle gave me some good advice when I was in trouble.
b. advise: She advises the President on foreign affairs.
C. amoral: Guy was greedy, amoral, and dishonest.
d. immoral: Maybe he realized their relationship was immoral.
e. brake: He is repairing the brake lever of an automobile.
F. break: He's going to break his leg tomorrow.
g. complement: Her dress perfectly complements the shade of her eyes.
h. compliment: They paid him a high compliment.

CLASSWORK nº 4 / 2.5% DATE:9/11/2021 TEACHER SIGNATURE: __________________

18. In this story find the verbs, adjectives, and the nouns
The bald eagle is a majestic bird. The adult bird has a brown body, brown wings, white head, and large, hooked yellow bill.
Younger birds appear all brown. Bald eagles almost always live near water because their main food source is fish. Sometimes,
however, bald eagles will eat dead animals (carrion). They will even steal food from other birds such as ospreys and gulls! It was
for this reason that the famous patriot Benjamin Franklin preferred the wild turkey as America's national symbol. Nevertheless, the
bald eagle remains America's symbol.

Verbs Nouns Adjectives

Has, appear, hooked live, eat, steal, Bird, wings, head`, eagles, water, Bald, majestic, adult, brown, white,
remains. food, fish, animals, ospreys, gulls, large, hooked, yellow, Younger, main,
reason, patriot, wild turkey, symbol, dead, famous, preferred,
Benjamin franklin
19. Read the text. Write the questions below about Tamsin’s holiday:
Last September Tamsin went to Bali. She went by plane and stayed in a big hotel. It was very hot, so she swam every day.
In the evenings she went to different restaurants, the food was very good. She met some nice people and every night she danced
with them at the disco. She was happy because she wasn’t alone.

1. Where did she go? ……………………………………………….She went to Bali.

2. when did she go to Bali ?…………………………………………she went last September.
3. how did she go ?……………………………………… She went by plane.
4. where did she stay?………………………………………… She staed in a big hotel.
5. how was the weather there?………………………………………………The weather in Bali was very hot.
6. what did she do while she was there ?………………………………………… She swam every day.
7. How was the food there? ……………………………………………… The food in Bali was very good.
8. did you meet someone ?………………………………………… I met some nice people.

20. Rewrite the sentences using the word and signs in parenthesis:

1. (he) (-) . He didn’t eat lunch at the cafeteria last night.

2. (yesterday) (?) Did you go to the supermarket yesterday?
3. (study in the library) (-?) . She didn’t study in the library?
4. (we) (-) . We don’t want to go to the movie theater.
5. (play tennis) (+) . We like to play tennis every Sunday.
6. (I) (-) . I don’t like iced coffee.
7. (get a present) (+) . I would like to get a present on my birthday.
8. (you) (-?) . She didn’t ask you about that?
9. (go shopping) (?) . do you want to go shopping with me?

21. Fill in the blanks with a correct form of PAST CONTINUOUS:

1. Alice hurt herself while she was skateboarding (skate).

2. I met my neighbor while I was walking (walk) home from work.
3. Sally saw a friend while she was riding (ride) her bicycle along Park St.
4. Peter fell asleep while he was studying. (study).
5. Bob stepped on Jane’s feet while they were dancing (dance) together.
6. I cut myself while I was shaving. (shave).
7. Mr. and Mrs. Brown burned themselves while they were baking (bake) cookies.
8. Tommy had a nightmare while he was sleeping (sleep) at a friend’s house.

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