Simple Present Tense

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simple present

By Agus Prihadi
We us the present simple tense to talk about
things we do all of the time ( Sesustu yang
biasa kita lakukan)
• I go to school everyday ( saya pergi
sekolah setiap hari)
• He brushes his teeth before he goes to bed (
Dia menggosok gigi sblm tidur)
• We study English every Wednesday (kita
belajar bhs Inggris setiap hari rabu)
Things that are always true
We us the present simple tense to talk about
things that are always true/fact Sesuatu
berdasarkan fakta / alamiah)
• The earth goes around the sun ( Bumi
berputar mengelilingi matahari)
• I am a teacher (saya seorang guru)
• You are a student ( Kamu seorang siswa)
Time signal

every day usually

every week always
twice a day seldom
in the morning often
simple ppresent tense

Verb (kata Kerja) Verb ( Kata Kerja )

1. Go ( pergi)
2. Come ( datang) 8. Do ( mengerjakan)
3. Take ( mengambil) 9. Buy ( membeli)
4. Leave 10. Sit (duduk)
(meninggalkan) 11. Sleep ( tidur)
5. Eat (makan) 12.Sweep (menyapu)
6. Drink (minum) 13. Get up (bangun)
7. Study (belajar) 14. Give (memberi )
15. Teach (mengajar)
simple present tense
The formula (i, we,
you, they)

(+) Subject + V1 + Object + Complement

(-) Subject + do not + v1 + Object +


(?) Do + Subject + V1 + Object + Complement?


(+) I drink a glass of milk before i go to school

(-) I don't drink a glass of milk before i go to school

(?) Do you drink a glass of milk before you go to school?

The formula (he, she,

(+) Subject + V1s/es + Object + Complement

(-) Subject + does not + v1 + Object + Complement

(?) Does + Subject + V1 + Object + Complement


(+) She goes to the cinema

(-) She does not go to the cinema

(?) Does she go to the cinema?

simple present tense
The formula (nominal)

(+) Subject + is/am/are + nominal

(-) Subject + is/am/are + not + nominal

(?) is/am/are+ Subject + nominal

The use is/am/are

We I He

You are She is

They am It

(+) She is a student

(-) She is not a student

(?) Is she a student?

thank you!
do you have any question for me?

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