Wefatherm Specification Manual Product Catalogue

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Specialist Water Supply Systems

PP-R pipe system

Specification manual
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Table of Contents

Wefatherm specialist water supply systems

Table of contents........................................................................................................ 1

Wefatherm disclaimer................................................................................................. 5

1. Water supply systems

1.1 Domestic systems................................................................................................. 7
1.2 Supply systems..................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Hot tap water installations.................................................................................... 8

2. Requirements on water supply systems

2.1 Hygienic reliability............................................................................................... 10
2.2 Long term undisrupted use................................................................................. 10
2.3 Avoid nuisances.................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Waste prevention................................................................................................ 11
2.5 Disinfection........................................................................................................ 11

3. Material properties
3.1 Material features and advantages....................................................................... 13
3.2 PP-R material...................................................................................................... 18
3.3 PP-RCT material.................................................................................................. 19
3.4 Brass transitions.................................................................................................. 20
3.5 Rubber gaskets................................................................................................... 21
3.6 Backing rings...................................................................................................... 21

4. Standards and guidelines

4.1 Standard ISO 15874 - Plastic piping system for hot & cold water installations...... 23
4.2 Standard DIN 8077/8078 and DIN 16962............................................................ 26
4.3 Maximum Operating Pressure............................................................................. 26
4.4 Product quality................................................................................................... 28
4.5 Product certification............................................................................................ 29
4.6 Approvals........................................................................................................... 29
4.7 Manufacturers position on Legionella prevention................................................ 30

5. Planning and design

5.1 Installation.......................................................................................................... 35
5.2 Maintenance...................................................................................................... 38
5.3 Pipe selection...................................................................................................... 39

Table of Contents 1
Table of Contents 

6. Engineering
6.1 Hydraulic parameters.......................................................................................... 43
6.2 Mechanical parameters....................................................................................... 46
6.3 Mounting and bracketing................................................................................... 48
6.4 Insulation............................................................................................................ 49
6.5 Construction of concealed systems..................................................................... 50
6.6 Putting in use..................................................................................................... 51

7. Product range

PP-R pipe systems d20-315 mm

Pipes................................................................................................................... 54
Fittings............................................................................................................... 61
Transition fittings................................................................................................ 74
Weld-in saddles.................................................................................................. 82
Valves................................................................................................................. 88

Complementary products
Accessories......................................................................................................... 92
Tools................................................................................................................... 97

8. Transport and storage

8.1 Packaging......................................................................................................... 105
8.2 Handling........................................................................................................... 105

9. Jointing techniques
9.1 Health and safety regulations............................................................................ 107
9.2 Socket welding................................................................................................. 108
9.3 Butt-welding..................................................................................................... 111
9.4 Electrofusion welding....................................................................................... 112
9.5 Flange jointing.................................................................................................. 113

10. Quality management

10.1 Quality managment system............................................................................. 115
10.2 Declaration of conformity............................................................................... 115
10.3 Quality statement........................................................................................... 115
10.4 Manufacturers guarantee............................................................................... 115

2 Table of Contents
Table of Contents

11. Company profile

11.1 Wefatherm GmbH.......................................................................................... 117
11.2 Akatherm BV.................................................................................................. 117
11.3 Aliaxis Group.................................................................................................. 117

Appendix A............................................................................................................ 119
Appendix B............................................................................................................. 127

Alphabetical product index..................................................................................... 153
Index of article numbers......................................................................................... 155

Table of Contents 3
Table of Contents 

4 Table of Contents
Wefatherm disclaimer
This Specification Manual is dated June 2017 and replaces older Validity of technical information
versions. The current technical documentation can be downloaded at Please check for your safety and for the proper application of
www.wefatherm.de. our products at regular intervals if your present Specification
Manual has been replaced by a new version. The issue date is
No part of this technical documentation may be used or reproduced without always mentioned on the cover. The valid technical information
permission. For information contact the Wefatherm Export Sales Office. can be obtained at your Wefatherm wholesaler, the Wefatherm
Export Sales Office and be downloaded at www.wefatherm.de.
This information contained in this technical manual is based on current
information and product design at the time of publication and is subject to
change without notification. Safety and operating instructions
- Read the safety and operating instructions for your own safety
Wefatherm GmbH does not guarantee the accuracy, suitability for particular and the safety of others carefully and completely before
starting the installation.
applications, or results to be obtained therefrom.
- Store the operating instructions and keep them available.
- If the safety instructions or installation instructions are unclear,
Important information and pictograms please contact the Wefatherm Export Sales Office.
This manual contains pictograms to emphasize important or beneficial - Ignoring safety instructions can cause property damage or
information. personal injury.

Important information and safety alerts to take into account Disclaimer

Follow all applicable national and international assembly,
installation, accident prevention, safety regulations and the
information in this Specification Manual during the installation
Update actual version
of piping systems.

Also follow the applicable laws, standards, guidelines, regulations

Conditions and instructions for environmental protection, professional
associations and the local utility companies.
Consult the Wefathem Export Sales Office
Intended use
The system components and the jointing techniques may only
Information on the internet be designed, engineered, installed and operated as described
in this Specification Manual. Any other use is improper and
therefore inadmissible.

The planning and installation instructions are directly related to

the respective Wefatherm product. The reference to standards or
regulations is on a general level. Be aware of the current status of
guidelines, standards and regulations. Other standards, regulations
and guidelines regarding the planning, installation and operation
of drinking water or building systems need to be taken into
account also and are not part of this Specification Manual.

Personnel requirements
- Allow installation only to be performed by authorized and
trained people
- Allow work on electrical installations or parts only to be
performed by specially trained and authorized personnel

General precautions
- Keep your work area clean and free of obstructing objects
- Provide adequate lighting of your work area
- Keep unauthorized persons away of tools and the work area,
especially at renovations in inhabited areas
- Use only Wefatherm system components. The use of
non-system components can lead to accidents or other hazards

Disclaimer 5

Wear suitable work clothing

Wear a safety helmet

Wear safety shoes

Wear safety glasses

Wear hearing protection

Improper use can cause severe cuts, bruising or dismemberment

During assembly
- Always read and follow the operating instructions of the
respective used tool.
- Improper use of tools can cause severe cuts, cause bruising or
- Improper use of tools can damage components and cause leaks.
- Pipe cutters have a sharp blade. Store and handle without risk
of injury.
- Note the safety distance between holding hand and cutting
tool when cutting the pipes.
- Never grip the cutting zone of the tool or moving parts during
the cutting process.
- Pull out the AC power plug for maintenance or relocation
activities and protect it against unintentional switching on.

Operating parameters
When the operating parameters are exceeded, pipes, fittings
and joints will be overloaded. Exceeding the operating para-
meters is therefore not permitted. Ensure compliance with the
operating parameters with safety and control facilities (such as
pressure reducing valves or safety valves).

Applications not covered in this Specification Manual (special

applications) require consultation with our technical department.
For specific advice consult the Wefatherm Export Sales Office.

6 Disclaimer
Water supply systems
1 Water supply systems
1.1 Domestic systems 1.2 Supply systems

The Wefatherm system can be applied for typical domestic water supply A domestic water supply system finds its application in family houses and
systems such as: residential buildings with apartments/condominiums. When more than 2
- Drinking water; Drinking water is considered fresh water up to a houses are combined in one system it is considered a large plant which
temperature of 25°C for drinking and preparing food. consist of:
- Hot tap water; Hot tap water is heated drinking water up to a - Floor distribution
temperature of 60°C. - Rising mains
- Sanitary applications; Sanitary applications are applications for which - Transport to rising mains
the drinking water quality is not required, such as flush systems,
washing and irrigation.

Typical hot and cold water applications classified as class 1 and class 2
in standard ISO 15874 ‘Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water
installations - Polypropylene PP’.

Hot water applications with temperatures above 70°C are considered as

heating applications. Heating applications classified as class 5 in standard
ISO 15874 are not covered in this specification manual.

Similar, but not identical, classifications are used in standards;

- DIN8077 - Pipes of Polypropylene (PP)
- ASTM F2389-15 Pressure rated Polypropylene (PP) piping systems

Pipe work is usually conceiled in the wall/floor in order to not disturb the
visual appearance of the sanitary room. In non sanitary lounge rooms the
pipe work is usually surface mounted, because the visual aspect is less Illustration 1.2

Illustration 1.3

Illustration 1.1

Water supply systems 7

Water supply systems
1.3 Hot tap water installations
Hot tap water installations are technical sophisticated installations which Hot tap water installations can be realized as flow, store and combined
need to consider requirements on water quality, hygiene, comfort and flow-store systems:
economy. A judgement of sometimes contradicting requirements leads to - Flow systems
a responsible hot water supply. The drinking water is heated while flowing through the heater. Direct
heating is applied in gas and electrical heaters, indirect heating is applied
Hot water installations can be divided in: in heat distribution systems.
- Centralized installations - Store systems
All tapping points in one (or more) building(s) are supplied by one utility The drinking water is heated directly or indirectly and stored before
net and heated by one (or more) water heater(s). it will be tapped on demand. This can be done in open and closed
- Decentralized installations systems. An open system is a non-pressurised system, in general for
Groups of close by tapping points with larger distances between these one tapping point, connected with specialized valves. In closed systems
groups and heated by multiple water heaters to the multiple groups. multiple tapping points can be connected, executed with proper cleaning
Or a single tap point is supplied by a single water heater. and maintenance facilities.Distinction is made between small scale and
large scale installations. For large scale installations following considerati-
ons need to be taken in account:
Hot tap water - Operating temperature
installations Hot water installations should not consume more energy as necessary
for its application. To prevent corrosion and calcification, limits are set
Centralized Centralized for the operating temperature. From a hygienic view (legionella prevention)
installations installations the installation should operate so that the temperature of the water
in any point of the circulation system should not drop under 55°C for
long term operation (see DVGW work sheet W551 and W552).
Closed Closed Open - Operating pressure
system system system Hot water installations are designed for a nominal pressure of 10 bar.
Water heaters for nominal pressure of 6 bar are applicable when a
Store Flow Flow-store Store Flow Store suitable pressure reducing valve is applied.
system system system system system system - Technical safety measures
Every closed system requires a pressure relief valve in the cold water
Illustration 1.4 supply line and the relieved water needs to be drained into the drain
system (see DIN 1988).

In general the smallest pipe diameter and shortest route to the tapping
points is preferred. The pipe system must be insulated. The circulating
volume flow needs to be adjusted permanently. The non-operational pipe
segment has to be disconnected.

Hot tap water installations need to be maintained by annual inspection.

8 Water supply systems

Requirements on water supply systems
2 Requirements on water supply systems
Drinking water is one of our most important elements and is accordingly
The Directive overview
subjected to very strict regulations. It is obliged to follow national guidelines
The Drinking Water Directive concerns the quality of water intended
on drinking water. The guidelines mentioned in this Specification Manual
for human consumption. Its objective is to protect human health from
are based on the regulation in Germany and the European Union.
adverse effects of any contamination of water intended for human
consumption by ensuring that it is wholesome and clean.
Directives on the quality of water intended for human consumption:
- Germany: Trinkwasserverordnung TrinkwV2001
The Directive laid down the essential quality standards at EU level. A
- European Union: Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC
total of 48 microbiological, chemical and indicator parameters must be
monitored and tested regularly. In general, World Health Organization’s
Drinking water
guidelines for drinking water and the opinion of the Commission’s
High quality, safe and sufficient drinking water is essential for our daily
Scientific Advisory Committee are used as the scientific basis for the
life, for drinking and food preparation. We also use it for many other
quality standards in the drinking water.
purposes, such as washing, cleaning, hygiene or watering our plants. The
European Union has a history of over 30 years of drinking water policy.
National Legislation
This policy ensures that water intended for human consumption can be
When translating the Drinking Water Directive into their own national
consumed safely on a life-long basis, and this represents a high level of
legislation, Member States of the European Union can include additional
health protection. The main pillars of the policy are to:
requirements e.g. regulate additional substances that are relevant within
- ensure that drinking water quality is controlled through standards based
their territory or set higher standards. Member States are not allowed,
on the latest scientific evidence
nevertheless, to set lower standards as the level of protection of human
- secure an efficient and effective monitoring, assessment and enforcement
health should be the same within the whole European Union.
of drinking water quality
Source: European Union

In Germany the relevant requirements on drinking water and technical

requirements on drinking water systems are based on long term practical
experience and are laid down in codes of practice. These general accepted
codes of practice are a combination of laws, standards and guidelines to
- Hygienic reliable drinking water
- Long term undisrupted system use
- Avoid nuisance like noise
- Prevention from the loss of waste and energy

Substance CAS Nr. EINECS Nr. Application Requirement Allowable Max. To be Remarks
addition concentration observed
after reaction
treatment product
Calciumhypochlorit 778-54-3 321-908-7 Disinfection DIN EN 900 1,2 mg/l max. 0,3 mg/l Trihalogen-
Additive to 6 mg/l free Cl2
Tab 1, type 1 free Cl2 free Cl2 methane, and content to 0,6 mg/l free
min. 0,1 mg/l Bromat Cl2 after treatment beside
free Cl2 else disinfection is not
guaranteed or disinfection
is reduced by Ammonium
Chlorine 7782-50-5 231-959-5 Disinfection DIN EN 937 1,2 mg/l max. 0,3 mg/l Trihalogen- Additive to 6 mg/l free Cl2
production Tab 2, type 1 free Cl2 free Cl2 methane and content to 0,6 mg/l free
of Chlorin- min. 0,1 mg/l Cl2 after treatment beside
edioxide free Cl2 else disinfection is not
guaranteed or disinfection
is reduced by Ammonium
Chlorinedioxide 10049-04-4 233-162-8 Disinfection DIN EN 12671 0,4 mg/l max. 0,2 mg/l Chlorite Maximum value of Chlorite
(EN 937, 901, ClO2 free Cl2 0,2 mg/l ClO2 after treat-
939, 899, min. 0,05 mg/l ment must be maintained.
938, 12926) free Cl2 Note possible formation of
Natriumhypochlorite 7681-52-9 231-668-3 Disinfection DIN EN 901 1,2 mg/l max. 0,3 mg/l Trihalogen- Additive to 6 mg/l free Cl2
Table 1, type free Cl2 free Cl2 methane, and content to 0,6 mg/l free
1 Limit for min. 0,1 mg/l Bromat Cl2 after treatment beside
impurities with free Cl2 else disinfection is not
Chlorate guaranteed or disinfection
(NaClO3): <5,4% is reduced by Ammonium
(m/m) of active
Ozon 10028-15-6 Not Disinfection, DIN EN 1278 10 mg/l 0,05 mg/l Trihalogen-
applicable oxidation Attachment O3 O3 methane,
A.3.2 Bromat
CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number
EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances

Table 2.1 Water treatment substances for disinfection in drinking water, according to Trinkwasserverordung Trinkw V2001

Requirements on water supply systems 9

Requirements on water supply systems
2.2 Long term undisrupted use

Substances list For long term undisrupted use the system should be protected:
For preparation of water for human consumption only substances may - against fire
be applied which are recognized by the German ministry of health. With - against freezing
the goal to: - against excessive heating
a. Remove undesired substances from the water - against condensation
b. Make the water suitable for human consumption - against corrosion
c. Kill or inactivate disease exiters at: - against mechanical damage
- preparation of the water in the water treatment plant (primary disinfection)
- distribution of the water in pipe systems (secondary disinfection) Standard Title
- storage of water in tanks (secondary disinfection)
DIN 1988 Technical rules for drinking water installations -
Technical rules from DVGW
Water treatment substances consumed in certain levels may harm pu-
DIN 4708 Central heat water installations
blic health. To prevent an excessive consumption of these substances the
maximum allowed concentration of applied water treatment substances EN 806 Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying
water for human consumption
in the drinking water is specified in table 2.1.
Table 2.2 Specification for drinking water installations

The reference to standards or regulations is on a general level.

Follow all applicable national and international laws, standards, Standard Title
guidelines, regulations and instructions for environmental W551 Technical measures to reduce legionella increase
protection, from professional associations and the local utility W552 Reduction of legionella - remediation and operation
companies. W553 Dimensioning hot water circulation systems
W554 Operated valves in circulation systems
VDI 6023 Guideline on how to plan, design, engineer, operate
2.1 Hygienic reliabilility and maintain

Protection against contamination of hygienic quality by: Table 2.3 Codes of practice: specification for large scale drinking water installations

- Increase of microbiological growth - Protection against fire

Water contains a certain low amount of patogenic germs which can In buildings protection against fire is in principle based on zones with
lead to illnesses when the bacteria start to grow and increase in the barriers to slow down the spread of fire, to limit the exposure and
water, like legionella and dysentery. These organisms generally develop providing time to extinguish the fire. Pipe systems usually exceed these
at temperature between 20°C and 55°C. So the water in the system areas. Pipe and cable work may not operate as a fuse for the development
needs to avoid this temperature range or water needs to be exposed to of a fire. So apply fire protection sleeves when the water system crosses
this temperature for a limited time. a fire barrier zone.

- Contamination applied materials - Protection against freezing

The drinking water makes contact to the materials applied in the water When pipe systems freeze, the flow and function of the system gets
distribution system. Elements applied in the materials for pipe work blocked. The frozen pipe system might get damaged and starts leaking
can migrate into the drinking water. Some elements have a negative as soon as the water will melt again. So apply insulation when there is
effect on human beings when a certain value is exceeded. So it needs a potential risk of freezing.
to be avoided that materials applied contain elements which can wash
out and accumulate in the drinking water to an unaccepted level. A - Protection against excessive heating
knowable example is the application of lead pipes in drinking water When cold and hot water systems are near each other or at crossings, the
distribution. But also weak makers and colour dies applied in plastics cold water might be heated up by the hot water system, with the result
are potential contaminators. that the cold water is no longer fresh. Excessive heating after a heater
might damage the pipe system, resulting in early failure of the material.
- Back flow of ‘used water’ into the system
When water flushes from the tap point, like in a bath, it makes contact - Protection against condensation
with soap or oils and is no longer fit for human consumption. Flush When moist warm air gets in contact with cool surfaces, it solves moist
systems have the likely chance of not being operated every day and the condensates on the cool surface in tiny water drops. When this process
flush water is exposed to elevated temperature with the result that it continues, it can cause a wet area where funguses can develop. This
might contain an increased amount of bacteria. So no fixed connections can be the case on cold water systems and cooling systems. So insulate
between bath tub, flush cistern, heating system or cooling system is cold water systems and cooling systems and the risk on condensation
allowed. will be elevated.

- Protection against corrosion

Corrosion is a degradation process of the pipe material. It will lead to
early failure of the system. So for metal pipe systems measures like
passivation or insulation are applied to reduce the risk for corrosion.

- Protection against mechanical damage

Mechanical damages like scratches or notches by bad handling lead to
weakening of the material. Careless clamping and insufficient expansion
compensation leads to additional material stresses. Both can lead to
early failure of the system.

10 Requirements on water supply systems

Requirements on water supply systems
2.3 Avoid nuisances 2.5 Disinfection

Avoid nuisances due to:

Although properly treated to comply with stringent national
health regulations and safe for human consumption, drinking
- Noise water may contain traces of bacteria and chemicals.
Hearing water flow becomes nuisance above a noise level 30 dB(a).
Apply insulation to prevent noise to exceed this noise level. Drinking water supplied according to the public water authority
regulation is not perfectly sterilized. It contains (pathogenic) germs
- Waiting time before availability of warm water in concentrations which are not harmful for public health. In
Waiting on the right temperature becomes nuisance after a certain the public distribution network with temperatures below 20°C
time. Apply an application specific pipe diameters to avoid excessive the growth of bacteria is prevented. In general the public water
waiting time. authorities supply a good drinking water quality.

In the building the owner has to take care that the water quality
does not deteriorate before it is tapped. Drinking water
2.4 Waste prevention installations in private and public buildings harbor a danger
source for the drinking water quality. Raised temperature and
Waste prevention against excessive use of: retention period of the drinking water in the pipe system and
cisterns lead to bacterial growth and raised quantity of bacteria
- Water in the water. This is caused by inadequate heat insulated pipes,
When excessive time is necessary to wait for the required water tempe- less operated pipe segments and at low temperature (below
rature, the water gets spilled. Spilling of valuable drinking water should 60°C) operated hot water storage.
be avoided. Apply a specific dimension of the pipe system to avoid
Most significant for drinking water quality in buildings is legionella.
excessive waiting time. It distinguishes itself from other pathogenic bacteria that it does
not increase inside the human body but in biofilm, especially in
- Energy the temperature range from 20°C to approximately 55°C. They
Reduction of energy consumption in buildings is regarded as a are absolutely the most relevant environmental germ for which
substantial attribution to climate goals. Beside insulation of buildings the human population needs to be protected.
and modern heating technology also reduction of energy for the
availability of hot water is possible. In modern buildings the energy Legionella can grow to questionable concentration in the
consumption is optimized in such a way that hot water preparation temperature range from 20 to 55°C with a retention time of
several hours to days. This needs to be considered when the
requires substantial lower energy.
operational temperature for hot water systems is reduced for
the purpose of energy consumption reduction.

Thermal disinfection
Legionella growth is stopped at a temperature between 55-60°C. Killing
legionella settlements requires a minimal temperature of 70°C for minimal
30 minutes in the total pipe system. A frequent heating above 60°C limits
the lifetime of installation materials.

Chemical disinfection
Legionella bacteria on the surface of biofilms are killed by chlorine
substances such as Calcium Hypochlorit, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Natrium
Hypochlorite. In general the chemical resistance of polypropylene to these
chlorine substances is not satisfactory. However in reality these chlorine
substances are dosed in aqueous solutions at low concentrations and
prepared at 20°C. This reduces the impact on installation materials.

Reduction of energy consumption by reducing boiler temperature setting

may not endanger the hygienic quality of the water. It is preferably
realized by:
- Insulation of pipe systems and storage tanks
- Hydraulic alignment of circulation systems
- Applying economic circulation pumps and storage tanks
- Applying water saving taps

Codes of practice for drinking water installations make a distinction

between large and small scale installations. Large scale installations
require a circulation system to prevent that heated water cools down in
the pipe system (when it flows back from a tap branch) before it is heated
again on the required temperature. Circulation systems lead to heat loss
and additional energy consumption.

Requirements on water supply systems 11

Requirements on water supply systems

12 Requirements on water supply systems

Material properties
3 Material properties
3.1 Material features and advantages
3.1.1 Chemical resistance of PP
For more than 30 years, polypropylene random copolymer (PP-R) has Table 3.2 summarises the data given in a number of polypropylene chemical
been applied successfully for hot and cold water applications in countries resistance tables at present in use in various countries, derived from both
worldwide. The combination of properties such as resistance to internal practical experience and test results (source: ISO/TR 10358). The table
pressure, flexibility and impact have made PP-R the material of choice for contains an evaluation of the chemical resistance to a number of fluids
a safe and reliable long-lasting installation in domestic water management, judged to be either aggressive or not towards polypropylene. This evaluation
such as hot and cold water distribution, under-floor heating, radiator is based on values obtained by immersion of polypropylene test specimens
connections or wall cooling and heating systems. in the fluid concerned at 20, 60 and 100°C and atmospheric pressure,
followed in certain cases by the determination of tensile characteristics.

Scope and filed application

This document establishes a provisional classification of the chemical re-
sistance of polypropylene with respect to about 180 fluids. It is intended
to provide general guidelines on the possible utilization of polypropylene
piping for the conveyance of fluids:
- at temperatures up to 20, 60 and 100°C
- in the absence of internal pressure and external mechanical stress
(for example flexural stresses, stresses due to thrust, rolling loads etc.)

Illustration 3.1

Benefits of PP-R piping systems:

- Lifetime according to tests performed under ISO 15874
- No limitations to the pH value of water
- No contact corrosion when exposed to iron particles
- Taste and odour neutral
- Bacteriologically neutral
- Fast and easy installation
- Entire plastic systems available
- Good chemical resistance
- Low tendency to incrustations

Material properties 13
Material properties
Definitions, symbols and abbreviations Solution concentrations reported in the text are expressed as a percen-
The criteria of classification, definitions, symbols and abbreviations adopted tage by mass. The aqueous solutions of sparingly soluble chemicals are
in this document are as follows: considered, as far as chemical action towards polypropylene is concerned,
as saturated solutions. In general, common chemical names are used in
S = Satisfactory this document.
The chemical resistance of polypropylene exposed to the action of a fluid
is classified as ’satisfactory’ when the results of test are acknowledged The evaluation of chemical resistance of polypropylene (table 3.2)
to be ’satisfactory’ by the majority of the countries participating in the is based on PP not subjected to mechanical stress. Polypropylene
evaluation. subjected to mechanical stress may behave different and show
different result.
L = Limited
The chemical resistance of polypropylene exposed to the action of a fluid
is classified as ’limited’ when the results of tests are acknowledged to be If the use of other chemicals is considered or at different concen-
’limited’ by the majority of the countries participating in the evaluation. trations or temperatures contact the Wefatherm Export Sales
Also classified as ’limited’ are the resistance to the action of chemical Office.
fluids for which judgements ’S’ and ’NS’ or ’L’ are pronounced to an equal

NS = Not satisfactory
The chemical resistance of polypropylene exposed to the action of a fluid
is classified as ’not satisfactory’ when the results of tests are acknowledged
to be ’not satisfactory’ by the majority of the countries participating in
the evaluation.
Also classified as ’not satisfactory’ are materials for which judgements ’L’
and ’NS’ are pronounced to an equal extent.

Sat. sol Satured aqueous solution, prepared at 20°C

Sol Aqueous solution at a concentration higher than 10%, but not
Dil.sol Dilute aqueous solution at a concentration equal to or lower
than 10%
Work.sol Aqueous solution having the usual concentration for industrial

14 Material properties
Material properties

Table 3.1 Chemical resistance of polypropylene, not subjected to mechanical stress, to various fluids at 20, 60 and 100°C (source: ISO/TR 10358)

Material properties 15
Material properties
3.1.2 Fire behavior of PP Phase 2: smoke generation
PP-R pipe systems can be classified:
Class Classification
Standard Classification s3 Great smoke generation
EN 13501 D-s3, d2 s2 Average smoke generation
DIN 4102 B2 s1 Little smoke generation
Table 3.2 Table 3.4

European standard EN 13501-1 Phase 3: flaming drops/parts

This standard defines a class system for material behaviour at fire for
building products and building constructions. The fire behaviour of the Class Classification
end product as applied needs to be described by its contribution to the
d2 Parts burn longer than 10 sec
development and spread of fire and smoke in an area or environment.
All building products can be exposed to fire developing in an area that d1 Parts burn shorter than 10 sec
can grow (develop) and eventually flashover. This scenario contains three d0 No production of burning parts
phases according the development of a fire: Table 3.5
- Phase 1: flammability = a fire ignited by a small flame in a small
area/product. Fire safety level of buildings
- Phase 2: smoke generation = development and possible spread of fire, The level of fire safety of a building is not equal in every European country.
simulated by a test in the corner of a room. Each member state may determine in its regulations which products may
- Phase 3: flaming drops/parts = after flashover when all combustible be used and which fire class is found suitable.
materials contribute to the fire load.
German industry standard DIN 4102
Fire classification In the past the official fire rating has been ruled according to DIN 4102
(still valid today).
Phase 1: flammability Materials are tested for the degree of flammability and combustibility.
DIN 4102 include for testing of passive fire protection systems, as well
Class Fire tests Flashover Contribution Practice as some of its constituent materials. The following are the categories in
order of degree of combustibility as well as flammability:
F Not tested, or does Not Not Extremely
not comply to class E classified determined flammable
E EN-ISO 11925-2 Flashover Very high Very Rating Degree of flammability
(15 sec-Fs<150 mm- 100 kW contribution flammable A1 100% non-combustible
20 sec) <2 min A2 ~98% non-combustible
D EN 13823, Figra Flashover High Good B1 Difficult to ignite
<750 W/s 100 kW contribution flammable
EN-ISO 11925-2 >2 min B2 Normal combustibility
(30 sec-Fs<150 mm- B3 Easily ignited
60 sec)
C EN 13823, Figra Flashover Great Flammable Table 3.6
<120 W/s + Thr <15 100 kW contribution
MJ EN-ISO 11925-2 >10 min Roughly compared:
(30 sec-Fs<150 mm-
60 sec)
Classification Classification
B EN 13823, Figra No Very limited Very EN13501 DIN 4102
<120 W/s +Thr <7,5 Flashover contribution difficult
A1 A1
MJ EN-ISO 11925-2 flammable
(30 sec-Fs<150 mm- A2 A2
60 sec) B
A2 EN ISO 1182 of No Hardly Practically C B1
EN-ISO 1716 plus Flashover contribution not D B2
EN 13823, Figra flammable E
<120 W/s + Thr F B3
<7,5 MJ
Table 3.7
A1 EN ISO 1182 = Not No No Not
flammable EN-ISO Flashover contribution flammable
1716 = Calorific In general F/B3 rated materials may not be used in buildings unless
value combined with another material which reduces the flammability of those
Table 3.3

16 Material properties
Material properties
Emissions from fire 3.1.5 Resistance of PP to UV- radiation
A fire will start when an ignition source e.g. spark ignites flammable The PP materials applied for the Wefatherm water supply systems are
material in the presence of oxygen. A fire can also start by self-ignition not classified as UV resistant. Continuous exposure to sunlight ignites
at elevated temperatures. Polypropylene burns easily, because its oxygen the process of UV degradation of the PP material. The ultra violet (UV)
index is low and it has a high energy content. This leads to high heat levels, radiation in the sunlight affects the propylene chains to loose strength
combustion and a rapid spread of a fire. Polypropylene softens, melts and and flexibility. The rate of degradation depends on the extend and de-
drips in burning droplets. This increases the burning surface and promotes gree of exposure. This process is visible on exposed surfaces which may
the spread of fire. Polypropylene generates smoke when burning. Smoke discolour or show a chalky appearance and become brittle. The effect is
development of polyolefins is less than other plastics, but more intense predominantly in the surface layer of the material and unlikely to extend
than that of wood. In oxygen rich flaming fires less smoke is generated to depths above 0.5mm. However, stress concentrations caused by the
than when the fire is smoldering. The relative flammability depends not brittle nature of the PP or internal pressure may lead to failure of a pres-
only on the polypropylene material itself and its burning behavior, but sure pipe system component.
also on the conditions and the size and shape of the materials involved.
To avoid UV degradation in plastics stabilizers, absorbers or blockers can
Since combustion tends to be incomplete in fires, a number of different be applied. For example carbon black at around a 2% level will block the
combustion products, e.g. CO and soot, are formed in addition to water degredation process.
vapour and carbon dioxide. The major toxic component in combustion
gasses in plastic fires is carbon monoxide. Small amounts of aldehydes To avoid material degratation protect above ground outdoor pipe systems
(such as formaldehyde and acrolein), ketones, alcohols and esters are also with insulation and UV blinding.

Carbon monoxide is the most toxic degradation product in fires. CO

bonds the haemoglobin of blood and blocks the ability of blood to
transport oxygen around the body. This may cause intoxication and leads
to unconsciousness and death. Even rather a small amounts of CO causes
dizziness, headaches and fatigue.

Emissions from processes (welding)

At elevated processing temperatures (for example during welding) ther-
mal degradation and oxidation take place and volatile compounds (VOC)
are emitted. Thermal degradation is an irreversible chemical process
caused by heat. Polymer chains crack into shorter chains reducing the
resins molecular weight, introducing double bonds in the polymer and
producing low molecular weight volatiles. The scission of the polymer
can be induced by shear or be pure thermal. Thermal degradation divides
into oxidative and non-oxidative degradation. Oxidative degradation can
take place during welding when the weld temperature is set too high.
The higher the processing temperature the more the polymer degrades.
The bigger the air-exposed surface to volume ratio the more oxygencon-
taining degradation products are formed.

Emissions from processes are primarily different hydrocarbons, saturated

or unsaturated, with linear, branched or cyclic structure. Some aromatic
compounds are also generated when additives degrade. The number and
amount of oxygenates among the degradation products are small. The
most abundant oxygenates are formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, formic acid
and acetone. Water vapour, carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide
(CO2) are also formed. Dust and aerosols, which resembles paraffin wax
fumes, are formed in significant amounts. The absolute amount of
emission is small and extremely difficult to estimate since it depends on
local circumstances. Reported occupational health impacts are mainly
different temporary symptoms of irritation and allergy and indisposition.
Despite the small amount of emissions, efficient ventilation is always needed
to ensure the safety of the working environment, and to minimize the
occupational risks.

Material properties 17
Material properties
3.2 PP-R material

The PP-R material Borealis RA130E has become a leading PP-R grade due
to its outstanding performance and quality.

Illustration 3.2
Graphic 3.1 PP-R MRS 10 MPa (20°C, 50 years)

Property Typical Unit Test method

value Additional material information is given in Appendix A:
Density 905 kg/m³ ISO 1183 - Production safety information sheet
- Statement on compliance to regulations for drinking water pipes
Melt flow rate 0,30 g/10 min. ISO 1133
- Statement on chemicals, regulations and standards
230°C/2.16 kg
Flexural modulus 800 MPa ISO 178
(2 mm/min)
Tensile modulus 900 MPa ISO 527-2
(1 mm/min)
Tensile stress at yield 25 MPa ISO 527-2
(50 mm/min)
Tensile strain at yield 13,5 % ISO 527-2
(50 mm/min)
Thermal conductivity 0,24 W/(m K) DIN 52612
Coefficient of thermal 1,5*10E-4 1/K DIN 53752
expansion (0°C/70°C)
Charpy impact strength,
(23°C) 20 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
(0°C) 3,5 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
(-20°C) 2 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
Charpy impact strength,
(23°C) No break ISO 179/1eU
(0°C) No break ISO 179/1eU
(-20°C) 40 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eU
Melt temperature 210-220 °C
Table 3.8 Physical properties PP-R material borealis RA130E

Pipes of this material possess pressure resistance, according to ISO/TR 9080

with a proven MRS class of 10 MPa and CRS class of 3,2 MPa.

18 Material properties
Material properties
3.3 PP-RCT material

Property Typical Unit Test method

Density 905 kg/m³ ISO 1183
Melt flow rate 0,25 g/10 min. ISO 1133
230°C/2.16 kg
Tensile stress at yield 25 MPa ISO 527-2
(50 mm/min)
Tensile strain at yield 10 % ISO 527-2
(50 mm/min)
Modulus of elasticity in 900 MPa ISO 527
tension (1 mm/min)
Charpy impact strength, 40 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
Illustration 3.3
PP-RCT (Poly Propylene-Random Crystallinity Temperature) is a material Charpy impact strength, 4 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
classification to describe the second generation class of PP-R materials. notched (0°C)
The Borealis RA7050 PP-RCT material has a special crystallinity which Charpy impact strength, 2 kJ/m² ISO 179/1eA
improves the mechanical characteristics of the material, especially at notched (-20°C)
elevated temperatures. Mean linear thermal 1,5 *10-4K-1 DIN 53752
Coefficient of expansion
from 0°C to 70°C
Thermal conductivity 0,24 WK-1m-1 DIN 52612
Part 1
Melt temperature 220-230 ºC
Table 3.9 Physical properties PP-RCT material Borealis RA7050

Stabilisation package
A stabilisation package based on Borealis’ long expertise in the field of
polyolefins for hot water applications provides superior durability.

Stabilisation packages role is to protect the polymer against the oxidation

which could occur during the:
- manufacturing step by extrusion or injection where the material is
exposed at high temperature i.e. 200ºC and 230ºC for a short period
of time
- long term exposure of the pipe system, underpressure at temperature
up to 70ºC

To produce homogeneous compound special care is paid to ensure that

the stabilizing package is finely dispersed in the PP-R resin by compounding.

Graphic 3.2 PP-RCT MRS 11,2 MPa (20°C, 50 years)

Pipes of this material possess pressure resistance according to ISO/TR 9080

with a proven MRS class of 11,5 MPa and CRS class of 5 MPa.

Additional material information is given in Appendix A:

- Product Safety Information Sheet
- statement compliance to regulation for drinking water Illustration 3.4 Stereomicroscopic observation of pipe cross sections with poor dispersion and
- statement on chemicals regulations and standards excellent dispersion of pigment and additives

The translucent area in the pipes cross section are an indication for lack of
compound homogenity. The lack of compound homogenity might cause
local points of premature aging of the material.

Material properties 19
Material properties
3.4 Brass transitions
3.4.2 Threaded parts
3.4.1 Brass The applied threaded parts are fabricated according to:
Transition fittings and unions are well known items to connect pipe systems ISO 7/EN 10226 Pipe threads where pressure tight joints are made on
of different materials together. Usually with male and female threaded parts the threads
according to the general accepted ISO 7/EN 10226 or ISO 228 standards. EN-ISO 228 Pipe threads where pressure-tight joints are not made
on the threads

ISO 7 / EN 10226 EN - ISO 228

Illustration 3.5

France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (4MS) work
together in the framework of the 4MS Common Approach that aims to
convergence the respective national approval schemes for materials and Illustration 3.6
products in contact with drinking water. 4MS have adopted a common
basis for accepting metallic materials in their national regulations: The ISO 7 / EN 10226 EN - ISO 228
4MS common Composition List of accepted metallic materials.
Tight joints on the thread Tight joints not on the thread
Brass and Bronze components complying to the requirements as mentioned R = male threaded part conical G = male threaded part cylindrical
in standard DIN 50930-6 can be applied in drinking water installations. Rp = female threaded part G = female threaded part
cylindrical cylindrical
Brass type used for inserts in WF transition fittings is classified as CW617N Rc = female threaded part conical
(CuZn40Pb2). With Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn elements level below the threshold for Additional seal recommended Additional seal required
the migration in water. We advise to use PTFE tape for Apply additional gasket or O-ring
For additional information on brass contact the Wefatherm Export
Sales Office. Table 3.10

3.4.3 Mixed copper/PP-R systems

Copper is a known catalyst for the
oxidation process of polypropylene,
more specific: the free copper ions.
After ignition of the oxidation process,
for example due to an elevated level
of chlorine used for secondary water
treatment, the copper ions have catalyst
effect on the oxidation process. With
the increased amount of free copper
ions the effect increases also. The
amount of copper ions depends on
Illustration 3.7 Damage observed with not the specific pipe system, the exposed
properly stabilized PP-R under extreme copper surface and water quality (pH
conditions value). At water temperatures above
70°C this process is accelerated. To
ensure a long term undisrupted use of mixed copper/PP-R hot water
circulation systems respect the limitations mentioned in the limitation for
mixed copper/PP-R hot water circulation systems.

20 Material properties
Material properties
Limitation mixed copper/PP-R Time Temperature DVR
Hot water circulation systems 70 h 100°C 30%
To avoid erosion corrosion in PP-R hot water circulation systems
with up-stream copper, respect following limitations: Table 3.14 Pressure deformation resistance DIN-ISO 815

Water temperature max. 70°C Time Pphm Ozone Temperature Crack phase
Operating pressure according Appendix B1 and B2 of 48 h 200 pphm 40°C 0
Specification Manual with max. 8 bar
Medium velocity max. 0,9 m/sec Table 3.15 Ozone resistance

Specific conditions, such as high concentration of chlorinated For additional information on the chemical resistance of gaskets
water disinfectants combined with water having low pH or high contact the Wefatherm Export Sales Office.
ORP, will affect the long term properties of PP-R.

For additional information contact your Wefatherm wholesaler

or the Wefatherm Export Sales Office. 3.6 Backing rings

Profiled flanges, PP encapsulated

ductile iron, have a specific design
3.5 Rubber gaskets and are developed for the use in
thermoplastic piping systems.
For connection and transition to other materials the Wefatherm system Profiled PP flanges are being cast in
incorporates items with gaskets. ductile iron GGG40 (ASTM A536),
then placed into an injection molding
machine and encapsulated with 30%
reinforced polypropylene. This process
guarantees a substantial corrosion
Illustration 3.9 protection barrier.

This extraordinary pipe flange concept has proven itself successful widely
since 1979 in many countries in the world.

Illustration 3.8
- High corrosion resistance through the polypropylene layer
The applied gasket material is EPDM Semperit E628 black. This EPDM
over metallic insert
material complies with KTW approval 1.3.13 D1 and D2 for cold and
- Convincing weight savings
warm water:
- Substantially simplified handling
- Hardness (Shore A): 70 ±5
- 16 bar operating pressure
- Density (g/cm³): 1,12
- Elimination of re-torquing after initial installation
- Tensile strength (N/mm²): 11
- Elongation at break (%): 250
- Working temperature range up to 120°C Re-tightening
- Thickness 2,0 mm Due to the reduced weight and the profile shape of the backing ring the
need to re-tighten the fasteners is eliminated. The unique flange shape,
Resistance acting like a ‘Belleville washer’, brings about the additional energy storage
needed to overcome any thermoplastic material cold flow conditions. The
Medium Class design shape of the flanges is based on FEM calculations (Finite Element
Method) whereby special considerations have been given to the thermo-
Ozone well
plastic stub end. For all flanges a safety factor of 2 is guaranteed on the
Aging well yield strength of the material for the stated maximum operating pressures
Oils not (MOP). For increased temperatures (>20°C) it remains advisable to inspect
Gazolines not the flange joint priodical and re-tighten the fasteners if necessary.
Acids well
Basen well
Wear suitable
Table 3.11 Resistance

Medium Dyn. (stat.) Max. Short term

Air -40 (-50)°C +120°C +140°C
Water - +120°C +150°C
Table 3.12 Temperature range

Conditions Hardness Strength Yield

70 h/125°C +10 shore A +/-20% -40%

Table 3.13 Aging DIN 53608 temperature range

Material properties 21
Material properties

22 Material properties
Standards and guidelines
4 Standards and guidelines
4.1 Standard ISO 15874 - Plastic piping system for hot and cold
water installations

Standard ISO 15874 is the international application standard for hot and
cold water installations of PP.

Standard Title
ISO 15874 Plastic piping systems for hot and cold water installations -
polypropylene (PP)
Part 1 General
Part 2 Pipes
Part 3 Fittings
Part 5 Fitness for purpose of the system
Part 7 Recommendations for the assessment of conformity

Table 4.1

Beside determination of terms, this standard specifies the subjects in

following paragraphs.

4.1.1 Classification of operation

Application Design Operation Tmax Operation Tmal Operation Application

class temperature TD time at TD time at Tmax time at Tmal
°C Year °C Year(s) °C h
1a 60 49 80 1 95 100 Hot water supply (60°C)
2a 70 49 80 1 95 100 Hot water supply (70°C)
4b 20 2,5 70 2,5 100 100 Underfloor heating and low temperature
followed by radiator connections (70°C)
40 20
followed by
60 25
5b 20 14 90 1 100 100 High temperature radiator connections
followed by (80°C)
60 25
followed by
80 10
Note: This standard is not applicable when the values for TD, Tmax and Tmal are exceeded.

Table 4.2

Td = design temperature
Tmax = maximum design temperature
Tmal = malfunction temperature

a) According to national regulation application class 1 or class 2 can be

b) When for one application class more as one operating temperature
applies, the associated time of operation needs to be added. For
example: the collective temperatures of the 50 years design life time of
application class 5 is calculated as:
- 20°C over 14 years followed by
- 60°C over 25 years followed by
- 80°C over 10 years followed by
- 90°C over 1 year followed by
- 100°C over 100 hours

Standards and guidelines 23

Standards and guidelines
4.1.2 Design parameters Geometry of fittings
Based on a design life time of 50 years the maximum operating pressures Dimensions for sockets. Distinction is made between:
are classified: - type A, for pipes which need to be scraped
- for hot water application: 4, 6, 8 or 10 bar - type B, for pipes which do not need to be scraped
- for cold water application: 10 bar
Wefatherm socket dimension are according to type B and do not require pipe scraping
The maximum operating pressure for PP pipes: before socket welding. Sockets according ISO 15494/DIN16962 for industrial purposes
Design pressure [bar] have shorter weld lengths.

acc. ISO 15874

Application PP-R PP-R PP-R PP-RCT PP-RCT
class SDR11 SDR 7.4 SDR 6 SDR 11 SDR 7.4
1 6 8 10 6 10
2 4 6 8 6 10
4 6 10 10 6 10
5 - 6 6 4 8
Table 4.3
Illustration 4.1
4.1.3 Materials
PP materials to be applied are: 4.1.6 Safety factor and design stress
- Polypropylen - homopolymer PP-H (formerly known as Type 1)
- Polypropylen Block Copolymer PP-B (formerly known as Type 2) SF
- Polypropylen Random Copolymer PP-R (formerly known as Type 3)
- Polypropylen Random Copolymer with fine structure and raised
temperature resistance at elevated temperatures PP-RCT °C PP-R PP-RCT
TD 1,5 1,5
4.1.4 Long term material strength Tmax 1,3 1,3
Creep behavior is an important factor to take in consideration for plastic Tmal 1,0 1,0
pipe systems. The minimum required strength at different temperatures Tcold 1,4 1,4
for PP-R and PP-RCT are mentioned in chapter 3 (material properties).
Table 4.5 Safety (design) factor (SF)
4.1.5 Geometry of pipes and fittings
Dimensions and tolerances for single wall pipes d16-125 mm. Not for Application Design stress
fiber or stabi pipes.
class Mpa*
diameter outer 17 13,6 11 9 7,4 S2,5 5 1 3,02 3,64
diameter S8* S6,3* S5 S4* S3,2 S2 2 2,12 3,40
4 3,29 3,67
dn dem,min dem,max Wall thickness
12 12,0 12,3 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,0 2,4
5 1,89 2,92
16 16,0 16,3 1,8 1,8 1,8 1,8 2,2 2,7 3,3 20°C/50 years 6,93 8,25
20 20,0 20,3 1,8 1,8 1,9 2,3 2,8 3,4 4,1 *) values rounded at 0,01 Mpa
25 25,0 25,3 1,8 1,9 2,3 2,8 3,5 4,2 5,1 Table 4.6 Design stress of the material
32 32,0 32,3 1,9 2,4 2,9 3,6 4,4 5,4 6,6
40 40,0 40,4 2,4 3,0 3,7 4,5 5,5 6,7 8,1 4.1.7 Tests requirements and parameters
50 50,0 50,5 3,0 3,7 4,6 5,6 6,9 8,3 10,1
63 63,0 63,6 3,8 4,7 5,8 7,1 8,6 10,5 12,7 Property Requi- Test parameters Test
75 75,0 75,7 4,5 5,6 6,8 8,4 10,3 12,5 15,1 rement method
90 90,0 90,9 5,4 6,7 8,2 10,1 12,3 15,0 18,1 Hydraustatic Test Test Number
110 110,0 111,0 6,6 8,1 10,0 12,3 15,2 18,3 22,1 stress temp. time of tests
125 125,0 126,5 7,4 9,2 11,4 14,0 17,1 20,8 25,1 PP-RCT Mpa °C h
Resistance No PP-R ISO
*) only for PP-RCT
to failure 16,0 20,0 1 3 1167-1
Table 4. Geometry of pipes
internal and
pressure 4,3 95,0 22 3 ISO
3,6 95,0 165 3 1167-2
3,5 95,0 1000 3
15,0 20,0 1 3
4,2 95,0 22 3
4,0 95,0 165 3
3,8 95,0 1000 3

Table 4.7 Test requirements and parameters

24 Standards and guidelines

Standards and guidelines
4.1.8 Pipe and fitting marking

Requirement Example
Number of standard EN ISO 15874
Name producer or sign WF Wefatherm
Nominal outer diameter x wall thickness 20 x 3,4
Tolerance class A
Material PP-R
Application class and maximum pressure class 1/10 - 2/8 - 4/10 - 5/6 bar
Opacity Opak
Information producer Made in Germany
DVGW DW-8501AT2335
Table 4.8 Pipe marking

Nominal Socket Insertion Socket inner diameter Maximum Inner Radius

diameter length depth ovality diameter base
dn L1, min L2, min D3, min R
Socket mouth D2 Socket base D2
D1, min D1, max D2, min D2, max
Fittings type A, for pipes which need to be scraped
16 13,3 11,0 15,2 15,5 15,1 15,4 0,4 11,2 2,5
20 14,5 12,0 19,2 19,5 19,0 19,3 0,4 15,2 2,5
25 16,0 13,0 24,2 24,5 23,9 24,3 0,4 19,4 2,5
32 18,1 14,5 31,1 31,5 30,9 31,3 0,5 25,0 3,0
40 20,5 16,0 39,0 39,4 38,8 39,2 0,5 31,4 3,0
50 23,5 18,0 48,9 49,4 48,7 49,2 0,6 39,4 3,0
63 27,4 24,0 61,9 62,5 61,6 62,1 0,6 49,8 4,0
75 30,0 26,0 73,7 74,2 73,4 73,9 1,0 59,4 4,0
90 33,0 29,0 88,6 89,2 88,2 88,8 1,0 71,6 4,0
110 37,0 32,5 108,4 109,0 108,0 108,6 1,0 87,6 4,0
125 40,0 35,0 122,7 123,9 122,3 123,5 1,2 99,7 4,0
Fittings type B, for pipes which not need to be scraped
75 30,0 26,0 73,4 74,7 72,6 73,6 1,0 59,4 4,0
90 33,0 29,0 88,2 89,7 87,4 88,4 1,0 71,6 4,0
110 37,0 32,5 108,0 109,7 107,0 108,2 1,0 87,6 4,0
125 40,0 35,0 122,4 124,6 121,5 123,0 1,2 99,7 4,0

Table 4.9 Geometry of fittings

Standards and guidelines 25

Standards and guidelines
4.2 Standard DIN 8077/8078 and DIN 16962 4.3 Maximum Operating Pressure

Standard DIN 8077 and DIN 16962 are general German standards for PP The Maximum Operating Pressure is calculated according to equation:
pipes and fittings. These general standards apply when the application is
not covered by an application standard, such as ISO 15874 for hot and 20 MRS
cold water application. MOP =
SF (SDR-1)

Standard Title Equation 4.1

DIN 8077 Polypropylene (PP) pipes - PP-H, PP-B, PP-R,

PP-RCT - dimensions The MRS for required temperature and life cycle can be found in a regression
curve. The SF is the safety (design) factor. SDR is the SDR rating of the pipe
DIN 8078 Polypropylene (PP) pipes - PP-H, PP-B, PP-R,
universal wall thickness according to ISO 4065.
PP-RCT - general quality requirements and testing
DIN 16962 Pipe joints and fittings for pressure systems of e
polypropylene (PP)
Part 1 Segment welded bends for butt-welding d d
SDR = 2S + 1 ≈ e=
Part 2 Segment welded tees for butt-welding e 2S + 1
Part 3 Seamless formed bends for butt-welding
Part 4 Stub ends, backing rings and gaskets for butt-welding d
Part 5 General quality requirements, testing
Equation 4.2
Part 6 Injection moulded elbows for socket welding
Part 7 Injection moulded tees for socket welding 4.3.1 PN rating
Part 8 Injection moulded sockets and end caps for socket The historic PN rating in DIN8077:1989 was based on a safety (design)
welding factor 2,0 for industrial applications, and the design stress was set on 5 N/mm².
Part 9 Injection moulded reducers and nipples for socket welding This resulted in the well know PN rating PN20, PN16 and PN10. The maximum
Part 10 Injection moulded fittings tees for butt-welding operating pressures of 20 bar, 16 bar and 10 bar only applies at 50 years
Part 11 Machined reducers tees for butt-welding design life time at constant temperature of 20ºC! At elevated tempera-
Part 12 Stub ends, backing rings and gaskets for socket welding tures the Maximum Operating Pressure is lower. All together a matter
of definition which can lead to confusion. This is the reason why the PN
Table 4.10 rating was abandoned. This PN rating has been replaced by SDR value
to established Maximum Operating Pressures for different applications.
The DIN standards are similar to the ISO standard. A significant difference
between the general DIN standard and application ISO standard is that For example: at a design life time of 50 years at constant temperature of
some subjects are described in more detail. Other significant differences 20ºC the MRS for PP-R material is 10 N/mm² (1MPa = 10 bar = 1 N/mm²).
are mentioned in the following paragraphs.
SDR value PP-R
4.2.1 Safety (design) factor Maximum Operating Pressure (bar)
DIN 8077 describes a lower safety (design) factor for general water DIN8077:1989 ISO 15874:2010 DIN8077:2008
application. SF = 2,0 SF = 1,5 SF = 1,25
SDR 6 20,0 (PN 20) 25,7 30,9
Material Safety (design) factor SDR 7,4 15,6 (PN 16) 20,4 24,5
PP-R 1,25 SDR 11 10,0 (PN 10) 12,9 15,4
PP-RCT 1,25 Table 4.12
Table 4.11

4.2.2 Geometry of pipes and fittings

Geometry of pipes
Dimensions and tolerances for single wall pipes from 16-1600 mm. Not
for fiber or stabi pipes. See appendix B.

Geometry of fittings
The difference between DIN 16962 and ISO 15874 is that the DIN
standard describes the shape of fittings in detail and the ISO standard
description is functional with less details.

4.2.3 Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP)

The maximum operating pressure is calculated for all PP materials and
safety (design) factors, and is presented in tables. See appendix B, the
tables for PP-R and PP-RCT with SF 1,5 and SF 1,25.

26 Standards and guidelines

Standards and guidelines
4.3.2 Advantages PP-RCT over PP-R
The higher CRS value of PP-RCT material allows:
The regression lines of PP-R and PP-RCT are shown in appendix A.

When projected upon each other, they clearly show the improved long term - a higher operating pressure for PP-RCT at equal wall thickness
performance of the PP-RCT material in the temperature range 70-95ºC.
Temp (ºC) factor MOP PP-RCT
60 1,25
65 1,33
70 1,50
75 1,75
80 2,00
85 2,25
90 2,50
95 2,75
Hoop stress (MPa)

Table 4.14

- a smaller wall thickness to achieve an equal operating pressure

SDR PP-R Calculated equivalent Rounded SDR PP-RCT

11 12 ,62 13 ,6
7 ,4 8 ,53 9 ,0
6 6 ,95 7 ,4
5 5 ,80 6 ,0
Table 4.15

Advantages PP-RCT material

The improved long-term strength of the PP-RCT material leads to a more
economic set of dimensions of the pipe system. It enables designers
to select thinner wall pipes and in some situations also smaller diameter
pipes can be used. This results in higher hydraulic pipe capacity or the
possibility to apply higher pressure than with standard PP-R.
Time to Failure (h)

Graphic 4.1
Same ID Same OD

Smaller diameter pipes and fittings at same less weight, less material consumption, increased
cross section flow (hydraulic capacity) cross section flow (hydraulic capacity)

Illustration 4.2

Not least important, the substantially lower material usage provides an

additional contribution to the conservation of resources supporting a
sustainable environment.

Each specific application requires to be calculated in detail in the

design stage of the project. The real operating temperature and
pressure are determinative. If you require additional assistance
contact the Wefatherm Export Sales Office.

DVGW work sheet W544 specifies to apply for cold water (max. 25ºC)
and hot water (max. 70ºC) a pipe system which is suitable for 10 bar
water pressure. According to DIN 8077 with safety (design) factor 1,25
this can be realized:
- PP-R: cold water SDR 11, hot water SDR 6
- PP-RCT: cold water SDR 17, hot water SDR 9

Standards and guidelines 27

Standards and guidelines
4.4 Product quality
4.3.3 Miners rule
Above mentioned calculations for design purposes are based on a 50 years Standards
design life time at constant temperature during this life time. In reality pipe Various standards such as DIN, DVS and SKZ guidelines, ISO or DVGW
systems do not operate at constant temperature during their life time. worksheets form the framework for the production monitoring of the
Deviations in temperature are compensated in the applied safety (design) factor. Wefatherm system. Regular monitoring, checks and controls of the fabricated
materials, production processes, storage and delivery processes assist us
Operating conditions can vary in: to maintain and guarantee our high standard of quality. The results of our
- fully operational: full operating pressure and operating temperature tests are confirmed regularly by external checks.
- low: low pressure and operating temperature
- switched off: no pressure and environment temperature The technical requirements for plastic pipe systems are written down in
DVGW worksheets:
If these operating conditions vary substantial a Minimum Required - W544 : Plastic pipe systems for drinking water - pipes
Strength (MRS) of the weighted average can be applied. This calculation - W534 : Plastic pipe systems for drinking water - fittings
method is called the Miners Rule and is described in standard ISO 13760. - W270 : Assessment of microbiological growth

These worksheets refer to the German standards for PP pipe systems:

When the maximum operation parameters are exceeded the pipe
- DIN 8077 : Pipes of polypropylene - dimensions
system can be overloaded and is therefore not permitted. If you require
- DIN 8078 : Pipes of polypropylene - general quality requirements and
additional information contact the Wefatherm Export Sales Office.
- DIN 19692 : Fittings and components for pressure systems of poly-
4.3.4 Pressure reduction factor of welded fittings propylene (PP)
PP-R and PP-RCT can be welded without restriction. Welding PP-RCT onto
PP-R components can also be performed unrestricted. The welding These German standard refers to ISO standard for hot and cold water
processes (socket welding, butt-welding and electrofusion) of polypropylene applications:
are described in The German Welders Association guideline DVS 2207-11. - ISO 15874 : Plastic pipe systems for hot and cold water installations
- Polypropylene
For butt-welding (d 160 mm) the wall thickness of the pipe and fitting
needs to be equal. Injection moulded butt-welding and electrofusion fittings Internal monitoring
are available in SDR 11. For SDR 6 - 5 - 7,4 - 9 - 13,6 welded fittings are The Wefatherm system quality assurance starts at the gate of the factory
available with spigot suitable for butt-welding and electrofusion. with the receipt of raw materials. Only raw material of approved quality is
processed. Processing itself is checked regularly. The modern and compu-
In case of application of welded fittings, a reduced pressure load on the ter-controlled production machines and systems are checked and set by
Maximum Operating Pressure for pipes has to be taken into account. qualified and experienced personnel to ensure that they always function
optimally. This gives a continuous process monitoring system of which the
results are documented.

The following monitoring sequence has been laid down: checking of

incoming goods, process and manufacturing checks, intermediate checks,
final checks, monitoring of test devices. Permanent records document this
sequence in accordance with DIN ISO 9001.

Production monitoring
MOP (bar)

The settings of machines and the dimensional correctness of test pieces

are checked carefully before production is commenced and adjustments
are made if necessary. The dimensional correctness of the items produced,
the setting data of the extrusion and injection moulding machines and
the surfaces of the products produced are checked continuously and
compared with the production specifications. These measures ensure
optimum series production. Similar checks are also carried out regularly in
the course of production runs.
Tw (ºC)
Final checks
Graphic 4.2 The final products are subjected to further tests. The results of these are
laid down and documented in test memoranda. Only products which
The indicated values do not apply to pipes exposed to UV radiation. have been checked and released are transferred to the warehouse. When
Maximum operating pressures of <1 are not included in the table.
1 = pipe, injection fittings, seamless bends and welded bends < 30° the checks laid down in the test memoranda have been carried out and
2 = welded bends >30°- 90°, tees 90° welded documented, the final products are released for stockholding and dispatch.
3 = welded 60° tees
4 = welded 45° tees
Precise instructions and regular checks ensure the proper storage of the
SF = safety factor 1,25 products. Packing and dispatch are regulated internally in a precise manner.
tld = design life time 25 year
MOP = internal pressure
Tw (°C) = pipe wall temperature

Take notice of the pressure reduction of welded fittings. Welded

bends of 30° to 90° and welded tees of 90° have a pressure
(reduction) factor of 60% of the Maximum Operating Pressure.
If you require additional information contact the Wefatherm Export
Sales Office.

28 Standards and guidelines

Standards and guidelines
4.5 Product certification

Polypropylene pipe systems for drinking water and hot tap water application The Wefatherm pipe system is subjected to multiple external and internal
are subject to following requirements and tests to prevent endangering public checks. National and international authorities and institutions, the neutrality
health: of which is out of question, check our products regularly and certify their
constant high level of quality. This guarantees the user a high level of
Property Initial Internal External W544 safety and reliability.
type monitoring monitoring paragraph
test External monitoring
Hygiene X - 1x year 4.1 W270 EN The external monitoring is carried out by the South-German Plastics Centre
10204-2.1 (SKZ), Würzburg and TZW Karlsruhe. These are authorized as testing
Application X - 2x year or 4.2 German institutes (amongst other institutes) by the DVGW (German Association
instructions at technical language of the Gas and Water Profession). Analogous checks are carried out
change Underground abroad. The results of these checks are passed on to Wefatherm and
Application ban documented in test certificates.
Identification X Continuous 2x year 4.3
Certification process
Table 4.16 General requirements Complying to the requirements and tests confirms that the pipes and
fittings are fit for their application. Independent institutes like DVGW
Property Initial Internal External W544 confirm that the system is fit for purpose when following requirements
type monitoring monitoring paragraph are met:
test - Confirmation of mechanical test requirements by an independent body
Melt flow - Every batch - ISO 1133 <0,2 - Confirmation by an independent body that the production Quality
Index (MFR) g/110 min Management System is ISO 9001 certified
190/5 - Confirmation of the producer that exclusively virgin material and no
Drying loss - Every batch - IR or HFM other material is used in the production process
Delivery X Every pipe 2x year 6.1.2 DIN 8078 - Confirmation by an independent institute that applied materials form
no hygienic hazard for public health
Surface X Continuous 2x year 6.1.3 DIN 8078
- Third party testing and inspection by independent notified bodies is
Sizes and X Continuous 2x year 6.1.4 DIN performed.
tolerances 8077/8078
Change X 3x week 2x year 6.1.5 DIN 8078
after heat 4.6 Approvals
Melt flow X 1x week 2x year 6.1.6 ISO 1133 <0,2 The Wefatherm pipe system has been certified by DVGW and independent
index pipe g/110 min bodies and carries a number of internationally recognized approvals.
Impact X 1x day and 2x year 6.1.7 DIN 8078
flexural test dimension
Internal X 1x week 2x year 6.1.8 DIN 8078
pressure test
Homoge- X 1x month 2x year 6.1.9 Microscope
neousness Max 0,02 mm
Table 4.17 General requirements

Illustration 4.3

The actual versions of these certificates can be found in the download

area of www.wefatherm.de.

Due to their wall structure fiber pipes and stabi pipes are not
covered by standards DIN 8077 and ISO 15874. They are external
monitored by SKZ and no part of the DVGW certification.

Standards and guidelines 29

Standards and guidelines
4.7 Manufacturers position on Legionella prevention & control
and Wefatherm PP-R pipe systems

Preambule Considerations about the biofilm

Most considerations in this statement are not specific to plastic pipe The biofilm is offering a favourable substrate for Legionella growth.
systems. They are applicable to all types of drinking water pipe works,
whatever the material (plastic, metal, etc.).
Microbial growth is difficult to predict, influenced by multiple
This statement is focused on the Legionella bacteria. Other dan-
gerous bacteria like pseudomonas may appear in drinking water
networks and require different types of treatments to cure the Key factors are such as pipe work design, nature and quality of the water,
drinking water network from their contamination, which are not disinfection chemicals applied to the water in the public network, local
covered in this statement. conditions e.g. temperature, operation and maintenance conditions,
interface between water and pipe surface, in particular presence of scale
and surface alterations due to corrosion of the pipe surface etc., making
Considerations about the Legionella bacteria and risk for it difficult to develop any predictive model.
human health
Legionella Pneumophila, the most prevalent form of legionellae by
Biofilm develops in all water-conveying systems, irrespective of
far, is particularly dangerous to humans. This bacteria is found
the pipe work material
in minimal, generally non-pathogenic quantities not only in
groundwater or surface water, but also in drinking water
supply systems, as well as in building plumbing drinking water A biofilm is a symbiosis of a variety of microorganisms and comes into
being when bacteria attach to surfaces. Even perfectly hygienic potable
The bacteria present a pathological effect particularly in the water contains bacteria and the nutrients fuelling their growth. Bacteria
warm vaporized water such as in showers. There are virtually attach to any kind of surface, which is why biofilms develop in all water-
no problems with Legionella bacteria under 18°C. The situation conveying systems, irrespective of the material used.
is quite different with water temperatures between 25°C and
50°C: At these temperatures the micro-organisms replicate quickly Field study shows that in practical life the pipe material doesn’t demon-
and do not die until temperatures exceed 60°C. strably influence the biofilm development, nor the incidence of Legionella

The need to control the Legionella risk is particularly high in buildings A field survey carried out by Öfi (The Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry
where weakened residents may particularly suffer from bacterial
and Technology) between 2004 and 2006 assessed pipe systems in Austrian
exposure (hospitals, retirement homes, schools), in large complex
water systems of buildings like hotels, fitness centers and to a public buildings e.g. hospitals, retirement homes and schools, for the
great extent in other large commercial buildings. incidence of Legionella. For the first time, such a study included not only
analysis of potable water, but also biofilm formation in the pipes. This
In these buildings specific measures are usually recommended study showed that plastics and non-plastics piping systems have in prac-
and systematically implemented to prevent the occurrence of tice a similar behavior regarding biofilm development.
Legionella growth and to treat the installation, whenever the
level of Legionella has exceeded the regulatory thresholds. Regarding Legionella development Öfi made the following conclusions:
“The study made one thing obvious: the development of legionella does not
depend on the material used for the pipes. This means that in practice the
pipe material does not demonstrably influence the incidence of Legionella.“

30 Standards and guidelines

Standards and guidelines
European and National standards/guidelines dealing with water Important general recommendations
safety and disinfection processes
The following European standards, applicable to all types of pipe works
Disinfection chemicals are strong oxidizing substances, chlorine
whatever the material (plastic, metal, etc.), are giving indications to prevent
dioxide being the most oxidizing and active one. For certain ma-
the contamination of the pipe work by e.g. Legionella, through the proper
terials they may significantly reduce the lifetime of the piping
design and operation of the drinking water installation without the use of
system. It may happen in unfavourable circumstances that the
disinfectants and describe the measures to be taken in case of problems
pipe work’s materials (plastic, metal and elastomer) are dama-
with microbial contamination :
ged after even one single exposure.
- EN 805 “Water supply - Requirements for systems and components
outside buildings”
- EN 806-series “Specifications for installations inside buildings The impact of a disinfection procedure on the piping components depends
conveying water for human consumption”. among others upon the following factors:
- The type of material of the various components of the pipe system
Regulations regarding water safety and disinfection processes are not (pipes, fittings, seal joints and equipments such as valves etc.),
unified among EU states. They are covered at national level through - The presence of disinfectant in the fresh water supplied to the building
national standards, regulations and guidelines, which may significantly network,
vary from one European country to the other, in particular as regard to - The disinfection concept itself (type of chemical, concentration,
water temperature, allowable chemicals and concentrations. temperature, duration, etc.),
- The way this disinfection procedure is carried out, in particular as
For example whereas in Germany the concentration’s maximal value for regard to respecting the specified concentrations, temperatures and
a preventive continuous disinfection with chlorine dioxide is 0.4 mg/l, in durations at any point in the pipe work.
France, Great Britain and Italy, the national regulations specify 1.0 mg/l.
All these aspects of disinfection procedures must be considered and pro-
National regulations shall be followed. Each country is a special case fessionally addressed to minimize the risk of damages to the pipe work.

Any disinfection procedure shall be carried out only by qualified personnel.

Applicable national regulation in the relevant country should
therefore be checked and acceptable exposure times clarified
During any disinfection procedure the pertinent data such as type of
with the pipe work’s manufacturer. Consult the Wefatherm
chemical used, concentration, duration, temperature, dosing equipment,
Export Office.
should be professionally monitored and officially documented, securing
the availability of a reliable and full history of the exposure of the pipe
Presence of disinfectant in public fresh water network to be taken work to disinfection processes from the installation and along its whole
into consideration service life, in compliance with the relevant standards/guidelines. Failure
If a continuous preventive chemical disinfection is carried out in the public to comply with the specified conditions and recommendations, may lead
fresh water supply network, the nature of the disinfection chemical, its to damages to the piping system (pipes, valves, devices, seals, O-rings,
concentration and potential impact on the pipe work should be assessed etc.) and lifetime performance cannot therefore be guaranteed.
and taken into consideration to determine the choice of the disinfectant
and allowable exposure time of the pipe work to the disinfection proce- Manufacturer strongly recommends that, prior to apply to the building
dures to be carried out inside the building. drinking water network a chemical disinfection (shock or continuous),
relevant information such as applicable regulations and characteristics of
the fresh water delivered into the building should be collected and then
advice should be sought from the manufacturers of the pipe system, of
the disinfection chemical and of the disinfection dosing equipment, in
order to assess the compatibility of the pipe work with the contemplated
disinfection procedure, the level of potential damage it might cause to
the piping system (pipes, valves, devices, seals, O-rings, etc.) and the
subsequent reduction of its service life.

In case of specific questions concerning mechanical performances,

chemical resistance, design, installation, commissioning, operation
and maintenance, please contact the Wefatherm Export Sales

Standards and guidelines 31

Standards and guidelines
4.7.1 Manufacturers position on Legionella prevention & control
and Wefatherm PP-R pipe systems Germany

National regulation/guidelines Disinfection treatment methods, Germany

Legionella prevention and control is covered by following guidelines: In case a microbial contamination occurs, it has to be removed to safeguard
- DVGW worksheet W557 “Cleaning and Disinfection of Drinking Water health protection. If flushing or cleaning of the installation has not allowed
Supply System”. to eliminate the contamination, then a disinfection procedure becomes
- DVGW worksheet W556 “Hygienic-Microbial abnormities in drinking necessary. Cleaning and disinfection will provide a sustainable result only
water installations - method and measures for their remedies if the real causes of the contamination have been removed. A cleaning
- DVGW publication TWIN Nr5 ( 2009) “Disinfection of drinking water and disinfection process does not replace a sustainable renovation of the
installations to eliminate microbial contamination” installation.

Measures to restrict the growth of Legionella bacteria Elements in this section are based upon DVGW Worksheets W557 and
Above mentioned worksheets recommend the key following measures to DVGW W556 and publication TWIN Nr5 ( 2009). These regulations/gui-
restrict the growth of Legionella bacteria : delines define three types of disinfection treatments:
- Thermal
Measures to control the water temperature: - Chemical shock
These measures are linked to the design and operation of the installation: - Chemical continuous
- The water temperature shall be in a range that the bacteria will not
grow or have minimum growth, wherever possible. Thermal disinfection
- The cold water temperature in the installation should be kept below 25°C. Pipes, fittings and piping accessories of a drinking water network may,
- The hot water installation should allow keeping the water temperature whatever the material, be damaged by chemical disinfection procedures,
at a minimum of 55°C or 60°C at any point of the plumbing network with as a consequence a possible and sometimes severe reduction of
during normal use. the service life of the piping network. Therefore the thermal disinfection
- Hot water systems shall be designed and built to enable the should always be preferred to a chemical one.
temperature at any point of the system to be raised to 70°C for
disinfection purposes. In this type of disinfection, the water is heated to 70°C and each tap
- The drinking water installation should be designed and installed in a (including showers) or sampling point is opened for at least 3 minutes (after
way that stagnation of the water under normal use is avoided. the discharge water temperature reached 70°C at the outlet). Germs and
bacteria present in the water are killed at this temperature. It should also
Measures to minimize the formation of biofilm: be noted that the risk of scalding of people is to be avoided by appropriate
Measures should be taken to minimize the formation of biofilm in drinking safety measures.
water installations. In particular:
- Attention should be paid to cleanliness during installation and Chemical disinfection - “Shock Disinfection”
commissioning, The chemical “shock disinfection” is described as follows: the disinfectant
- Scaling and corrosion should be kept as low as possible by appropriate is injected into the cold or hot water circuit. If feeding disinfectant into
design and maintenance procedures, adapted to the water quality and the hot water system, the temperature must be lowered to a maximum of
the characteristics of the pipe work. 25°C. The implementation of “shock disinfection” at higher temperatures
is not allowed since damage of pipe, fittings, seals, valves and devices
It is reminded that plastic pipes offer the benefits of being hardly subject may occur. During the disinfection and the subsequent rinsing with fresh
to scaling and not being corroded by water. cold water, the system must not be used to provide drinking water.

Good practices in design, installation, commissioning, operation and The concentrations and exposures of chemicals in accordance with DVGW
maintenance as described above and in accordance with recognized Worksheet W557 “Shock disinfection”
technical regulations, generally ensure a microbiologically safe drinking Disinfectant Chemical Operation Operation Operation
water quality at the draw-off point, without requiring further disinfection Formula concentration time max. tempe-
treatments. max. value duration rature
Chlorine ClO2 5-10 mg/l 12 hours <25°C
However a faulty design or maintenance practice or the evolution of other dioxide as Cl2
factors in the plumbing network may create favourable conditions for Hypochlorite ClO- 50 mg/l 12 hours <25°C
bacterial growth. as Cl2 (Chlorine)
Permanganate MnO4- 15 mg/l 24 hours <25°C
Disinfection treatments may then become necessary in order to prevent
Hydrogen H2O2 150 mg/l 24 hours <25°C
bacterial growth and keep the drinking water quality at a safe and healthy
level (within regulatory thresholds).
Table 4.18

32 Standards and guidelines

Standards and guidelines
Manufacturers recommendation on concentrations and exposures to The above regulatory recommendations regarding concentration and
chemicals for “Shock disinfection” in the Wefatherm PP-R pipe system temperature are specified from a hygienic and toxicological point of view
Disinfectant Chemical Operation Operation Operation and do not take into consideration the chemical resistance of the piping
Formula concentration time max. tempe- components.
max. value duration rature
Chlorine ClO2 6 mg/l 12 hours <25°C Manufacturers recommendation on concentrations and exposures to
dioxide as Cl2 chemicals for “Time limited continuous disinfection” in a Wefatherm
Hypochlorite ClO- 50 mg/l 12 hours <25°C PP-R pipe system:
as Cl2 (Chlorine) Disinfectant Chemical Operation Operation Operation
Permanganate MnO4- unknown unknown <25°C Formula concentration tempe- time (*)
max. value rature maximum
Hydrogen H2O2 unknown unknown <25°C
Chlorine ClO2 Not
Table 4.19 dioxide** recommended
Hypochlorite ClO- 0.3 mg/l 60°C 6 months
as Cl2 (Chlorine)
The number of disinfection cycles should not exceed a cumulated
time of 120 hours in the lifetime of the piping system. Chlorine Cl2 0.3 mg/l 60°C 6 months
as Cl2 (Chlorine)
Chlorine ClO2 Not
The concentration of the disinfectant and application temperature must dioxide** recommended
not be exceeded in any part of the piping system during the disinfection
Hypochlorite ClO- 0.3 mg/l < 25°C 18 months
process, otherwise damage to the piping system (pipes, valves, devices, as Cl2 (Chlorine)
seals, O-rings, etc.) may result. This applies to all common materials
Chlorine Cl2 0.3 mg/l < 25°C 18 months
(plastics, metals, elastomers, etc.) used in modern installation systems. as Cl2 (Chlorine)

Chemical disinfection - “Time limited continuous disinfection” Table 4.21

The continuous addition of chemicals is only permitted if repeated
cleaning, thermal or chemical disinfection was not effective and if the
(*) The maximum operation time means the total exposure time
existing biofilm in the systems is low. during the planned lifetime of the piping system.

It should be noted that continuous dosing of chemicals does not in any

case replace the necessary structural re-design of the installation system,
If the concentrations and the maximum water temperatures are
and acts only as a supportive and temporary measure until a proper system exceeded, damage to the piping system (pipes, valves, devices,
refurbishment is undertaken. The continuous dosing is not a measure for seals, O-rings, etc.) may result, depending upon the pipe work’s
Legionella prevention. material.

The table below gives for three most commonly used disinfectants the
regulatory maximal concentrations and operation temperatures and The above is only applicable in Germany. Other national papers
indicates the estimated maximum exposure duration of the pipe work to may specify different. Check relevant applicable national
remain on the safe side. regulations and with the pipe manufacturer the compatibility
of the pipe work. Consult the Wefatherm Export Sales Office.
The concentrations and exposures of chemicals in accordance with DVGW
worksheet W557 “Time limited continuous disinfection”
Disinfectant Chemical Operation Operation Operation
This information has been gathered to the best of our knowledge.
Formula concentration tempe- time (*)
max. value rature maximum It is customer’s responsibility to verify the application conditions
duration and to verify this information. The system components and jointing
Chlorine ClO2 0.4 mg/l 60°C 6 months techniques may only be designed, engineered, installed and
dioxide** as ClO2 operated as described in the Wefatherm Specification Manual.
Any other use is improper and therefore inadmissible.
Hypochlorite ClO- 0.3 mg/l 60°C 6 months
as Cl2 (Chlorine)
Chlorine Cl2 0.3 mg/l 60°C 6 months
as Cl2 (Chlorine)
Chlorine ClO2 0.4 mg/l < 25°C 18 months
dioxide** as ClO2
Hypochlorite ClO- 0.3 mg/l < 25°C 18 months
as Cl2 (Chlorine)
Chlorine Cl2 0.3 mg/l < 25°C 18 months
as Cl2 (Chlorine)

Table 4.20

(*) The maximum operation time means the total exposure time
during the planned lifetime of the piping system.

Standards and guidelines 33

Standards and guidelines

34 Standards and guidelines

5 Planning and design
5.1 Installation Group 1: Inside buildings mounted systems with expansion
These systems require an expansion compensation construction with
Prerequisites for a professionally designed pipe system are in
brackets and are predominantly found in mains, shafts and hot water
principle good technical knowledge in combination with many
years of experience in application and production techniques. circulation systems. They generally require the largest project outlays.
Customers nowadays expect that both the engineering (planning) Planning aids and influential factors for these pipe systems can be seen
firm and construction company has the appropriate theoretical in illustration 5.2.
basis and the correspondingly qualified professional personnel. In
addition, they must be able to offer an environmentally friendly, Group 2: Inside buildings conceiled systems without (or limited)
low-maintenance, economical and long-lasting pipe system, expansion compensation
properties that a plastic system can provide in. Longitudinal expansion does not necessarily have to be taken into account
with conceiled laying. In an insulated system the insulation will absorb the
longitudinal expansion without any problem. Problems resulting from
The references to corresponding chapters of the Specification longitudinal expansion generally do not arise. Pipes can be laid in floor
Manual indicated in the figures will serve as guide to passages topping or concrete, or buried beneath plaster when clamped appropriately.
in which the relevant subjects are discussed in detail and should
Conceiled systems’ accessibility for maintenance is limited. Planning aids
facilitate the use of this Specification Manual in specific applications.
and influential factors for these pipe systems can be seen in figure 5.3.

5.1.1 Classification criteria Group 3: Outside buildings above ground systems with expansion
In the project planning and installation of thermoplastic pipe systems, compensation
consideration must always be given to material specific properties. The Fundamentally it will always be possible to lay a pipe network in an open
applicability of general principles to specific applications is only possible and visible manner with high requirements on the optical aspects in general.
when material variables and behaviours display similarities (to the requi- As a result of its high dimensional stability and reduced longitudinal
rements of the given situation). In the age of the PC, computer programs expansion Wefatherm stabi pipework is specially suitable for exposed
are used to design reliable pipe systems, and graphical planning occurs systems. Optically acceptable pipework requires expansion compensation
with the support of modern CAD applications. But these are not sufficient construction with brackets. Planning aids and influential factors for these
to guarantee the operational reliability of pipes, which still depends on pipe systems can be seen in illustration 5.4.
the professional processing and use of plastic.
Group 4: Outside buildings under ground systems
The following instructions should be used, especially in planning, as a Fundamentally it will always be possible to lay an underground polypropylene
guide for the design and construction of water supply systems. A general network. Longitudinal expansion does not necessarily have to be taken
distinction in the classification of drinking water installations is based into account because problems resulting from longitudinal expansion
on the method of installation. In general, there are 4 main groups, see generally do not arise. For hot water systems the material strength
illustration 5.1. decreases in the course of time and the load of soil and traffic become
more evident for the life cycle of the system. Buried systems’ accessibility
for maintenance is limited. Planning aids and influential factors for these
Water Supply Systems pipe systems can be seen in illustration 5.5.

Inside Outside
Buildings Buildings

Mounted Conceiled Above Under

assembly assembly ground ground
systems systems

With With (out) limited With With (out) limited

expansion expansion expansion expansion
compensation compensation compensation compensation

In connections In foundation Subject to Subject to

UV radiation soil load

In shafts In decks Subject to Subject to

impact traffic load

In mains In walls Subject to In ground

environment water

Illustration 5.1

Standards 35

Group 1: Group 2:
Inside buildings, mounted assembly Inside buildings, concealed assembly

Hydraulic Pipe stress Construction Hydraulic Pipe stress Construction

design guidelines design guidelines

Flow ratios Chemical resistance Length changes Flow ratios Chemical resistance Brackets
Chapters 6.1.2 and Chapter 3.1.1 Chapters 6.2.1 Chapters 6.1.2 and Chapter 3.1.1 Chapter 6.3
6.1.5 6.1.5

Pressure losses Internal pressure Expansion Pressure losses Internal pressure Fix points
Chapters 6.1.4 and Chapter 4.3 compensation Chapters 6.1.4 and Chapter 4.3 Chapter 6.3.2
6.1.6 Chapter 6.2.2 6.1.6

Thermal expansion Brackets External overpressure and Pipe connections

Chapter 6.2 Chapter 6.3 internal underpressure Chapter 9
Chapter 5.1.3

Fix points Thermal expansion Tests/quality

Chapter 6.3.2 Chapters 6.2 and control
6.5 Chapter 10

Valve mounting Pipe systems can also be installed so that an encasement in concrete
Chapter 6.3.5 walls, decks, foundations, etc. is possible after completion of the
installation. The concrete surrounding the pipe impedes length changes
resulting from temperature fluctuations (e.g. due to the temperature
Protective measures of the flow medium or the effects of external temperature). Since no
Chapter 6.4.1 friction-type connection exists between the plastic pipe and the concrete,
measures must be taken to protect individual pipe elements.

Pipe connections Illustration 5.3 Inside buildings, concealed assembly

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Pipe systems are usually installed so that the pipelines can elongate
under the effects of heat. The latitude of movement can be provided by
the installations own compensation elements (e.g. expansion bends
and compensators) and by properly positioned sliding and guiding
brackets. Special consideration needs to be given to ensure adherence
to the acceptable support distances and the limiting of flexural loads
in pipe bends and branches.

Illustration 5.2 Inside buildings, mounted assembly

36 Standards

Group 3: Group 4:
Outside buildings, above ground systems Outside buildings, underground systems

Hydraulic Pipe stress Construction Hydraulic Pipe stress Construction

design guidelines design guidelines

Flow ratios Chemical resistance Brackets Flow ratios Chemical resistance Trench form
Chapters 6.1.2 and Chapter 3.1.1 Chapter 6.3 Chapters 6.1.2 and Chapter 3.1.1 Chapter 5.1.3
6.1.5 6.1.5

Pressure losses Internal pressure Fix points Soil loads Internal pressure Fix points
Chapters 6.1.4 and Chapter 4.3 Chapter 6.3.2 Chapter 5.1.3 Chapter 4.3 Chapter 6.3.2

Thermal expansion Expansion Traffic loads External overpressure and Pipe connections
Chapter 6.2 Compensators Chapter 5.1.3 internal underpressure Chapter 9
Chapter 6.2.2 Chapter 5.1.3

Valve mounting Ground water Thermal expansion Tests/quality

Chapter 6.3.5 effects Chapters 6.2 and control
Chapter 5.1.3 6.5 Chapter 10

Protective Pressure losses

measures Chapters 6.1.4 and
Chapter 6.4.1 6.1.6

Pipe connections Buried pipe systems are subject to other load characteristics than above
Chapter 9 ground pipe systems. In designing pipelines, emphasis is placed on
determining the largest possible load capacity of the pipe under the
effects of external forces and the testing of stability.
control Illustration 5.5 Outside buildings, underground systems
Chapter 10

Pipe systems can also be installed without special thermal linear

compensation. Pipe systems in which linear movement is impeded
must pay special attention to the tensile and compressive stresses that
occur, as well as to forces at fixed points. Exposed plastic pipes that
are rigidly or firmly clamped (e.g. on a pipe bridge) can be exposed to
large temperature variations. For this reason, calculations can be used
in individual cases to test the expected stresses in order to determine
if linear compensation can be excluded.

Illustration 5.4 Outside buildings, above ground systems

Standards 37
5.2 Maintenance

5.1.2 Influence of operating conditions Legionella contamination can have severe and even deadly consequences.
The influence of pressure and temperature fluctuations depends on the Reducing the risk of contamination for the installation, owners care
individual system. Since the possibility of thermal linear compensation is obligation is based on risk analysis and a maintenance plan.
not always available, this limitation must be taken into account when
calculating load effects. Stress due to internal pressure, bending, external Risk analyses
loads, etc. can collectively occur and make it necessary for the individual Collective drinking water installations in mentioned buildings are submit-
pipe system to be sized in a system-dependent manner. ted to a risk analyses and maintenance plan:
- Medical care facilities
5.1.3 Structural analysis - Rehabilitation and recover centers
Depending on the nature of the load, various tests can be run on buried - Care and shelter centers
pipe systems. In one design, it is the stress and deformation calculation - Hotels
that is important. In another, it is a stability test. The principles underlying - Swimming pools and wellness centers
the calculations for buried plastic pipe installations are provided in ATVA - Buildings which have a logies function and/or shower facilities
127. If you require additional assistance contact the Wefatherm Export
Sales Office. Maintenance plan
The maintenance plan describes, as most important part, how risks for periodic
The stress and deformation calculation management actions are limited and how the water quality is monitored.
Soil loads and traffic loads give rise to pipe cross-section tensile and Also is written down how to act when requirements are not met.
compressive stresses. The extent of the stress is influenced by the elasticity Taking samples and analyzing water samples is first done for the risk anaysis
of the pipe. In general, increasing the elasticity of the pipe will reduce and then every half year. Also the number of samples, related to the number
tension. The testing for stress is therefore to be conducted while considering of tap points, is specified.
all inner and outer influential factors (e.g. soil stress, traffic load, water,
ground water, chemical resistance and internal over- or under pressure). Management measures
The manner of embedding in the ground is particularly responsible for Management measures are:
degrees of pipe deformation. The higher the compression ratio of the - Flushing of less operated tap points
surrounding ground, the smaller the deformation. The requirement - Measuring temperatures
of locating the pipe zone in compactable soil is derived from this observation. - Check clapet valves
The acceptable vertical deformation of a PP pipe is currently 6% and is - Taking water samples
based on the average pipe diameter. Stress and deformation calculations - Flushing boilers and storage tanks
are always performed in parallel.
Follow the applicable laws, standards, guidelines, regulations
Stability test
and instructions for environmental protection, professional
In a PP pipe susceptible to deformation, exceeding a critical load will associations and the local utility companies.
cause the pipe cross section to buckle. This occurs as a result of increased
external (external overpressure due to the effects of groundwater, depth
of the covering soil, etc.) or internal (under pressure) stresses. The stability
test is used to document the safety clearance between the critical and
actually occurring load. Details and instructions for the calculation and
the installation of the pipe systems are provided in the following chapter.

38 Standards
5.3 Pipe selection

5.3.1 Pipe wall configurations Stabi pipe

Wefatherm pipes are available in three different wall configurations. This is a traditional mono layer pipe with an additional encapsulated
perforated aluminium layer. The function of the perforated aluminium
Standard pipe layer is to limit the thermal expansion of the pipe. It is no oxygen bar-
This is the traditional mono layer pipe as described in the standards ISO rier. The fully encapsulated aluminium layer is additional to the traditional
15874 and DIN8077/8078. The international product certification applies standard pipe. Before welding the additional aluminium layer needs to be
on this pipe wall type. removed. For above ground outdoor application we provide the stabi UV
- PP-R available in SDR 6 - 7,4 - 11 pipe with outer layer of UV resistant black PE.
- PP-RCT available in SDR 7,4 - 11 - PP-R available in SDR 7,4
- Thermal expansion factor 0,150 mm/m.K - Thermal expansion factor 0,030 mm/m.K
- Less bracketing
Properties: - Suitable for hot water lines and mains
- Marking = green color for hot and cold water - Black UV resistant pipe for outdoor application
purple color for reused water
- Mono layer = PP-R/PP-RCT Properties:
- Marking = many shallow dimpels
The international product certification applies on this pipe wall type. - External layer = encapsulated aluminium
- Standard pipe = PP-R

Illustration 5.6
Illustration 5.8
Fiber pipe
This is a three-layer pipe of which the middle layer is enforced with glass
fiber. The production of these pipes is externally monitored by the South-
German Plastics Centre (SKZ), Wurzburg.
- PP-R available in SDR 7,4
- PP-RCT available in SDR 11 - 7,4
- Thermal expansion factor 0,035 mm/m.K
- Less bracketing
- Higher thermal stability

- Marking = 4 red stripes
- External layer = PP-R/PP-RCT
- Middle layer = glass fibre compound
- Inner layer = PP-R/PP-RCT

Illustration 5.7

Standards 39
5.3.2 Pipe wall selection

Internal and external loads on pipe systems

External loads
Chemical influence Temperature loads Internal pressure Expansion compensation
(buried pipe systems)

Outer Inner Internal Internal Bracketing Tensile and Soil load

(e.g. flow over- under- compressive
medium) pressure pressure loads Traffic load

Ground water

Illustration 5.9

Chemical influence Temperature load and internal overpressure

The first step in material selection for plastic pipe systems is to check the An overload of pressure in a pipe system due to internal overpressure
plastics material resistance against the chemical influence of the results, especially in association with additional heat effects, in a continuous
medium flowing through the pipe. The chemical resistance of polypropylene expansion of the pipe until it breaks. The danger of an expansion arises
against a number of fluids is given in chapter 3. as a result of too small wall thicknesses, in which an indiscriminate wall
thickness increase is not justifiable. In the presence of heat expansion, a
In general, drinking water for human consumption can be conveyed without wall thickness enlargement also increases the reactive forces on the pipe
restriction by a polypropylene pipe system. The potentially dissolved fixed points. The engineer must ensure that the wall thickness is designed to
amount of chlorine is of such a low value that it has no chemical influence meet the requirements while the pipe remains elastic in response to any
on the polypropylene material at consumption temperature (max. 25°C). length changes that might arise. A sudden change in structural operating
conditions due to internal pressure leads to pressure surges. The distinctive
In hot tap water systems the potentially dissolved amount of elasticity of the plastic pipe has the advantage that the extreme values
chlorine can be increased due to secondary (preventive and of pressure waves are significantly lower than in steel pipes. Despite this
corrective) disinfection water treatment. Especially in recirculating fact, pipe systems operated by pumps or containing rapidly closing shut-off
hot water systems with water temperatures above 70°C limitations valves must be tested for any foreseeable effects of pressure surges.
have to be respected. See limitation mixed copper/PP-R hot water
recirculation systems and manufacturers position on Legionella For hot and cold water installations the German DVGW work sheet W 534
prevention & control and Wefaterm PP-R pipe systems.
prescribes a nominal pressure of 10 bar for hot and cold water systems.

The pipe wall selection is based on the required wall thickness (indicated Standard ISO 15874 defines 4 operating classes:
by the SDR value), preferred expansion behavior of the pipe system and Class Temperature maximum in °C Application
the jointing technique. The required SDR value is determined by the
1 60 hot water supply
temperature load and internal pressure.
2 70 hot water supply
The pipe wall selection is based on the required wall thickness (indicated 3 70 low temperature heating
by the SDR value), preferred expansion behavior of the pipe system and 4 80 high temperature heating
the jointing technique.
Table 5.1
The required SDR value is determined by the temperature load and internal
pressure. Standard DIN 8077 calculations for PP-R and PP-RCT materials, at several
temperatures, safety (design) factors and SDR values, these tables are
given in appendix B. The steps in the pipe selection process are described
in following example.

40 Standards
Example for the selection of pipe Basic parameters: Hot water
Maximum Operating Pressure 10 bar
Basic parameters: Cold water Medium temperature 70°C
Maximum Operating Pressure 10 bar
Medium temperature 20-25°C Selection process steps
Step 1: Select medium temperature => 70°C
Selection process steps Step 2: Select required design life cycle => 50 years
Step 1: Select medium temperature => 20°C Step 3: Read Maximum Operating Pressures =>
Step 2: Select required design life cycle => 50 years MOP 12,9 bar > OP 10 bar
Step 3: Read Maximum Operating Pressures => Step 4: Read SDR value=> SDR 7,4
MOP 15,4 bar > OP 10 bar
Step 4: Read SDR value => SDR 11

Temperature Operating Maximum Operating Pressure Temperature Operating Maximum Operating Pressure
°C years °C years

SDR 11 SDR 7,4 SDR 6 SDR 5 SDR 11 SDR 7,4

10 1 21,1 33,4 42,1 53,0 50 1 12,6 20,1
5 19,8 31,5 39,7 49,9 5 12,2 19,3
10 19,3 30,7 38,6 48,7 10 12,0 19,0
25 18,7 29,7 37,4 47,0 25 11,7 18,6
50 18,2 28,9 36,4 45,9 50 11,5 18,3
100 17,8 28,2 35,5 44,7 100 11,3 18,0
20 1 18,0 28,5 35,9 45,2 60 1 10,7 17,0
step 1 5 16,9 step 4 26,8 33,7 42,5 5 10,3 16,3
10 16,4 26,1 32,8 41,4 10 10,1 16,0
step 4
25 15,9 25,2 31,7 39,9 25 9,9 15,7
step 1 50 15,4 24,5 30,9 38,9 50 9,7 15,4
100 15,0 23,9 step 3 30,2 37,8 70 1 9,0 14,3
30 1 15,3 24,2 30,5 38,5 step 1 5 8,6 13,7
5 14,3 22,7 28,6 36,0 10 8,5 13,5
10 13,9 22,1 27,8 35,0 25 8,3 13,1
25 13,4 21,3 26,8 33,8 step 2 50 8,1 12,9
50 13,0 20,7 26,1 32,9 80 1 7,5 11,9
step 3
100 12,7 20,1 25,4 31,9 5 7,2 11,4
10 7,0 11,2
Table 5.2 Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) for PP-R for water safety factor (SF) = 1,25 DIN 8077 25 6,9 10,9

Table 5.3

Standards 41
5.3.3 Pipe diameter selection
In order to select the pipe diameters correctly, the following must be
- Number and size of the removal points connected
- Peak flow at each removal point
- Flow speeds
- Pressure losses

A considerable amount of data is necessary in order to calculate the correct

diameters for a pipe network. The following data is required:
- Geodetic height difference
- Minimum supply overpressure and/or pressure on the output side of a
pressure reducing or pressure increasing device
- Pressure losses at items of equipment such as water gauges, filters,
water treatment units etc.
- Minimum flow pressures of the removal point fittings employed
- Pipe friction pressure gradient of the pipe material employed
- Coefficients of resistance of the fittings and connection units employed

Planning aid
You can find the tables providing the relevant information (pipe friction
resistances, loss coefficients for fittings and connection units etc.) in
appendix B.

The use of modern software systems make the repeating calculations

efficient. Different software systems are available. Ensure that the underlying
calculations are based on the national requirements.

If you require assistance for the design and calculation of water

supply systems contact the Wefatherm Export Sales Office.

42 Standards
6 Engineering
6.1 Hydraulic parameters

6.1.1 Delivery capacity

The delivery capacity is determined by the number and size of the delivery
and tapping points. Values minimum flow pressure and flow rates
according the German standard DIN 1988 and EN 805 are given in tables
6.1 and 6.2. Ensure to apply the values according the national standards.

Minimum flow pressures and calculation flow rates for commonly available fittings and items of apparatus (guideline values)

Minimum Extract DIN 1988 E Calculation flow rate with the removal of:
flow Type of drinking water removal point Mixed water Only cold or only
pressure hot water
P min Fl
bar QR QR QR
cold hot
l/s l/s l/s
0,5 Outlet valves without aeration .................... DN 15 - - 0,30
0,5 .................... DN 20 - - 0,50
0,5 .................... DN 25 - - 1,00

1,0 Outlet valves with aeration .................... DN 10 - - 0,15

1,0 .................... DN 15 - - 0,15

1,0 Showerheads for cleaning showers .................... DN 15 - - 0,20

1,2 Flushing valves to DIN 3265 Part 1 .................... DN 15 - - 0,70

1,2 Flushing valves to DIN 3265 Part 1 .................... DN 20 - - 1,00
0,4 Flushing valves to DIN 3265 Part 1 .................... DN 25 - - 1,00
1,0 Flushing valves to urinal basins .................... DN 15 - - 0,30

0,5 Corner valves for urinal basins .................... DN 15 - - 0,30

1,0 Domestic dishwashing machine .................... DN 15 - - 0,15

1,0 Domestic washing machine .................... DN 15 - - 0,25

Mixing battery for

1,0 shower tubs .................... DN 15 0,15 0,15 -
1,0 bath tubs .................... DN 15 0,15 0,15 -
1,0 kitchen sinks .................... DN 15 0,07 0,07 -
1,0 wash stands .................... DN 15 0,07 0,07 -
1,0 bidets .................... DN 15 0,07 0,07 -

1,0 Mixing battery .................... DN 20 0,30 0,30 -

0,5 Flushing boxes to DIN 19542 .................... DN 15 - - 0,13

Drinking water heaters for supplying

a tap (incl. mixed removal fitting)
1,0 Electric water boiling device .................... DN 15 - - 0,10 *)
Electric hot-water tank and boiler
1,1 **) with nominal volume 5 bis 15 l .................... DN 15 - - 0,10
1,2 **) with nominal volume 30 bis 150 l .................... DN 15 - - 0,20

Electric continuous-flow water heater,

hydraulically controlled, without flow

1,5 Rated power .................... 12 kW - - 0,06

1,9 .................... 18 kW - - 0,08
2,1 .................... 21 kW - - 0,09
2,4 .................... 24 kW - - 0,10

1,0 Gas continuous-flow water heater .................... 12 kW - - 0,10

*) With trottle screw, fully opened

**) Values with unfavourable conditions (shower)
Note: Water removal points not listed in the table as well as items of apparatus as listed in the
table, but with greather flow rates, are to be taken into account in accordance with the manufacturer’s
statements when calculating pipe diameters

Table 6.1 Values according DIN 1988

Engineering 43
6.1.2 Flow speed 6.1.4 Pressure losses from individual resistance
Flow speeds must be selected in such a way that flow noise and water Pressure losses from individual resistances Z as a function of the flow
hammer are avoided as far as possible. When the pipe diameters are speed.
selected correctly, the flow speeds given in table 6.2 will not be exceeded.
Computed Pressure loss Computed Pressure loss
Pipework section Max. computed flow speed at flow duration of flow speed flow speed
≤ 15 min. >15 min. v Z for ζ = 1 v Z for ζ = 1
m/s mbar m/s mbar
m/s m/s
0,1 0 ,1 2,6 33 ,8
Connection lines 2 2
0,2 0 ,2 2,7 36 ,5
Consumer lines, 5 2
part sections for low 0,3 0 ,5 2,8 39 ,2
pressure loss fitting 0,4 0 ,8 2,9 42 ,1
pressure (<2,5) *) 0,5 1 ,3 3,0 45
Part sections with 2,5 2 0,6 1 ,8 3,1 48
through fittings
0,7 2 ,5 3,2 51
Recirculating hot 0,9 0,9
0,8 3 ,2 3,3 55
water systems
0,9 4 ,1 3,4 58
*) e.g. ball valve, valve DIN 3500/3502
**) e.g. straight seat valve DIN 3512
1,0 5 ,0 3,5 61
1,1 6 ,1 3,6 65
Table 6.2 Flow speeds 1,2 7 ,2 3,7 68
1,3 8 ,5 3,8 72
6.1.3 Resistance coefficients 1,4 9 ,8 3,9 76
Resistance coefficients of the individual components of the Wefatherm
1,5 11 ,3 4,0 80
system are given in table 6.4.
1,6 12 ,8 4,1 84
1,7 14 ,5 4,2 88
1,8 16 ,2 4,3 92
1,9 18 ,1 4,4 97
2,0 20 ,0 4,5 101
2,1 22 ,1 4,6 106
2,2 24 ,2 4,7 110
2,3 26 ,5 4,8 115
2,4 28 ,8 4,9 120
2,5 31 ,3 5,0 125

Table 6.3 Pressure loss from individual resistance for resistance coefficient ζ =1 (at ϑ = 10°C and
Q = 999,7 kg/m³) and flow speed (z = 5v ² . ∑ ζ )

The total pressure loss of the line is the sum of the pressure losses from
the pipe friction and from the individual resistances: ∆ploss = Σ (l . R + Z).
Please see table 6.3 for the guideline values for the individual resistances.

6.1.5 Maximum flow rate

Maximum flow rates are given in appendix B.

6.1.6 Pipe friction gradients

Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependance of
circulation are given in appendix B.

44 Engineering
Nr. Individual resistance Graphical symbol Resistance coefficient
1 Socket 0,25

2 Reduction up to 2 dimensions 0,55

2a Reduction from 3 dimensions 0,85

3 Elbow 90° 2,0

3a Elbow 90° i./a. 1,2

4 Elbow 45° 0,6

4a Elbow 45° i./a. 0,5

5 Tee (separation) 1,8

5a Tee (reduced) 3,6

6 Tee (combination) 1,3

6a Tee (reduced) 2,6

7 Tee (counterflow) 4,2

7a Tee (reduced) 9,0

8 Tee (counterflow) 2,2

8a Tee (reduced) 5,0

9 Tee with transition 0,8

10 Transition with outside thread, without counterpart 0,4

11 Transition with outside thread, reduced, 0,85

without counterpart

12 Transition angle piece with outside thread, 2,2

without counterpart

13 Transition angle piece with outside thread, reduced, 3,5

without counterpart

14 Straight seat valve 20 mm 9,5

25 mm 8,5
32 mm 7,6
40 mm 5,7
15 Inclined seat valve 20 mm 5,0
25 mm 4,4
32 mm 3,8
40 mm 3,2
16 KFR valve 20 mm 5,0
25 mm 4,4
32 mm 3,8
40 mm 3,2
17 Drain nozzle 0,25

Table 6.4

Engineering 45
6.2 Mechanical parameters

6.2.1 Longitudinal expansion Calculation example of longitudinal expansion:

Polypropylene pipe systems extend when subjected to heat in accordance
with their material characteristics. The longitudinal expansion of the
Wefatherm stabi pipe or Wefatherm fiber pipe is considerably less than ∆t = α x L x ∆t
100% plastic pipe experiences. The method of calculating the longitudinal
∆t = Longitudinal expansion in mm
expansion theoretically can be found in an example. For practical use the
α = linear expansion factor
longitudinal expansion to be expected with the three different materials is for Wefatherm standard pipe 0,150 mm/m . K
shown in tables. In these tables you will find the longitudinal expansion to for Wefatherm stabi pipe 0,030 mm/m . K
for Wefatherm fiber pipe 0,035 mm/m . K
be expected for a particular free length of pipe. Critical for the determination L = Length of pipe in m
of the longitudinal expansion is the difference between the temperature ∆t = temperature difference between assembly temperature and operation temperature
at which the pipework is installed and the maximum operating temperature Equation 6.1
to be expected. After the expected longitudinal expansion has been deter-
mined, a decision can be made if any of the possible measures should be Calculation example of longitudinal expansion of Wefatherm pipe:
taken to compensate it.
α = 0,15 mm/m . K
Definition of free pipe length
The free pipe length is the length of the pipe between two points at Equation 6.2
which the pipe is secured or clamped in a fixed manner.

Pipe Longitudinal expansion

Free pipe length length Temperature difference ∆t (K)

(m) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
0,1 0,15 0,30 0,45 0,60 0,75 0,90 1,05 1,10
0,2 0,30 0,60 0,90 1,20 1,50 1,80 2,10 2,40
0,3 0,45 0,90 1,35 1,80 2,25 2,70 3,15 3,60
0,4 0,60 1,20 1,80 2,40 3,00 3,60 4,20 4,80
0,5 0,75 1,50 2,25 3,00 3,75 4,50 5,25 6,00
0,6 0,90 1,80 2,70 3,60 4,50 5,40 6,30 7,20
0,7 1,05 2,10 3,15 4,20 5,25 6,30 7,35 8,40
0,8 1,20 2,40 3,60 4,80 6,00 7,20 8,40 9,60
0,9 1,35 2,70 4,05 5,40 6,75 8,10 9,45 10,80
1,0 1,50 3,00 4,50 6,00 7,50 9,00 10,50 12,00
Free pipe length 2,0 3,00 6,00 9,00 12,00 15,00 18,00 21,00 24,00
3,0 4,50 9,00 13,50 18,00 22,50 27,00 31,50 36,00
FP = Fixed point
4,0 6,00 12,00 18,00 24,00 30,00 36,00 42,00 48,00
GB = Glide bracket
L = Free pipe length 5,0 7,50 15,00 22,50 30,00 37,50 45,00 52,50 60,00
Ls = Length of the bending leg 6,0 9,00 18,00 27,00 36,00 45,00 54,00 63,00 72,00
7,0 10,50 21,00 31,50 42,00 52,50 63,00 73,50 84,00
Illustration 6.1 Longitudinal expansion 8,0 12,00 24,00 36,00 48,00 60,00 72,00 84,00 96,00
9,0 13,50 27,00 40,50 54,00 67,50 81,00 94,50 108,00
Type of laying Longitudinal Comments 10,0 15,00 30,00 45,00 60,00 75,00 90,00 105,00 120,00
compensation Table 6.6
Laying in shafts no Free length less than 3 m
Rising mains α = 0,03 mm/m . K
Buried laying in plaster no Expansion is absorbed by
Laying in floor topping the insulation or by the pipe Equation 6.3
Laying in concrete material
Exposed laying yes Take expansion compensation

Table 6.5

46 Engineering
6.2.2 Expansion compensation constructions

Pipe Longitudinal expansion Bending legs

length Temperature difference ∆t (K) Frequent changes in the direction of a pipe, which are in any case necessary,
will enable bending legs to be planned, which can compensate for the
(m) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 previously determined longitudinal expansion.
0,1 0,03 0,06 0,09 0,12 0,15 0,18 0,21 0,24
0,2 0,06 0,12 0,18 0,24 0,30 0,36 0,42 0,48
0,3 0,09 0,18 0,27 0,36 0,45 0,54 0,63 0,72
0,4 0,12 0,24 0,36 0,48 0,60 0,72 0,84 0,96
0,5 0,15 0,30 0,45 0,60 0,75 0,90 1,05 1,20
0,6 0,18 0,36 0,54 0,72 0,90 1,08 1,26 1,44
0,7 0,21 0,42 0,63 0,84 1,05 1,26 1,47 1,68
0,8 0,24 0,48 0,72 0,96 1,20 1,44 1,68 1,92
0,9 0,27 0,54 0,81 1,08 1,35 1,62 1,89 2,16
1,0 0,30 0,60 0,90 1,20 1,50 1,80 2,10 2,40
Bending leg
2,0 0,60 1,20 1,80 2,40 3,00 3,60 4,20 4,80
3,0 0,90 1,80 2,70 3,60 4,50 5,40 6,30 7,20
4,0 1,20 2,40 3,60 4,80 6,00 7,20 8,40 9,60 FP = Fixed point
5,0 1,50 3,00 4,50 6,00 7,50 9,00 10,50 12,00 GB = Glide bracket
6,0 1,80 3,60 5,40 7,20 9,00 10,80 12,60 14,40
7,0 2,10 4,20 6,30 8,40 10,50 12,60 14,70 16,80 Illustration 6.2
8,0 2,40 4,80 7,20 9,60 12,00 14,40 16,80 19,20
9,0 2,70 5,40 8,10 10,80 13,50 16,20 18,90 21,60 Calculation example of the minimum length Ls of the bending leg:
10,0 3,00 6,00 9,00 12,00 15,00 18,00 21,00 24,00 The minimum length Ls of the bending leg can be calculated with the
following formula:
Table 6.7
Ls = K x d.
α = 0,035 mm/m . K
1. Calculation of the longitudinal expansion ∆l
For a temperature difference of ∆t 40 K between the hot water
Equation 6.3
temperature and the ambient temperature.
α = 0,15 mm/m . K
L = 10,0 m
Pipe Longitudinal expansion ∆t = 40 K (°C)
length Temperature difference ∆t (K)
To be calculated: ∆l
(m) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 α x L x ∆t = ∆l
0,15 x 10,0 x 40 = 60 mm
0,1 0,04 0,07 0,11 0,14 0,18 0,21 0,25 0,28
0,2 0,07 0,14 0,21 0,28 0,35 0,42 0,49 0,56 2. Calculation of the minimum length of Ls of the bending leg
0,3 0,11 0,21 0,32 0,42 0,53 0,63 0,74 0,84 d = 40 mm
0,4 0,14 0,28 0,42 0,56 0,70 0,84 0,98 1,12 ∆l = 60 mm
K = 15 mm
0,5 0,18 0,35 0,53 0,70 0,88 1,05 1,23 1,40
0,6 0,21 0,42 0,63 0,84 1,05 1,26 1,47 1,68 To be calculated: Ls
0,7 0,25 0,49 0,74 0,98 1,23 1,47 1,72 1,96 Kx d x ∆l
0,8 0,28 0,56 0,84 1,12 1,40 1,68 1,96 2,24
15 x 40 x 60
0,9 0,32 0,63 0,95 1,26 1,58 1,89 2,21 2,52
1,0 0,35 0,70 1,05 1,40 1,75 2,10 2,45 2,80 Equation 6.5
2,0 0,70 1,40 2,10 2,80 3,50 4,20 4,90 5,60
3,0 1,05 2,10 3,15 4,20 5,25 6,30 7,35 8,40 Ls = length of the bending leg in mm
4,0 1,40 2,80 4,20 5,60 7,00 8,40 9,80 11,20 d = external diameter Wefatherm pipe in mm

5,0 1,75 3,50 5,25 7,00 8,75 10,50 12,25 14,00 ∆l = longitudinal expansion in mm
K = constant for the material, for Wefatherm pipes = 15
6,0 2,10 4,20 6,30 8,40 10,50 12,60 14,70 16,80
7,0 2,45 4,90 7,35 9,80 12,25 14,70 17,15 19,60
8,0 2,80 5,60 8,40 11,20 14,00 16,80 19,60 22,40
9,0 3,15 6,30 9,45 12,60 15,75 18,90 22,05 25,20
10,0 3,50 7,00 10,50 14,00 17,50 21,00 24,50 28,00

Table 6.8

Engineering 47
6.3 Mounting and bracketing

Expansion bow 6.3.1 Techniques for mounting pipework

If the installation requires a ‘U-shape’, this can be used to provide When considering the techniques for mounting pipe work, one must
compensation for longitudinal expansion. Here the width of the pipe bow differentiate fundamentally between fixed point mountings (hereafter fixed
Amin and the lengths of the two bending legs must be calculated. points) and loose or sliding point mountings (hereafter sliding points). By
definition the fixed point or fixed clamp holds the pipe in a fixed manner, in
which in contrast a sliding point will permit the pipe to move in the axial
direction of the pipe. An optimally satisfactory installation can be ensured
by appropriate selection of these two different methods of mounting.
Rubber clamp inserts for plastic pipe prevent the pipe surface from being
damaged at the clamp and ensure the required guiding and holding of
the pipe.

FP = Fixed point
GB = Glide bracket

Illustration 6.3

Calculation example of expansion bow width Amin:

The width of the expansion bow Amin is calculated with the following
formula: Illustration 6.4

2 x ∆l + SA = Amin 6.3.2 Fix points

2 x 60,0 mm + 150 mm = 270 mm Fix points (fixed point mountings) divide a pipe network into sections. The
free lengths from a fixed point must be measured and the possible longitudinal
Equation 6.6 expansion that can take place in this free length must be calculated. Fixed
point mountings with a long distance between the part of the clamp,
Designation Significance Value Unit holding the pipe and the ceiling or wall to which the clamp is mounted,
should be avoided, since in these cases the clamps can act in a self-aligning
Amin Width of expansion bow ? mm
manner and will not provide a fixed point. Sliding point clamps positioned
∆l Longitudinal expansion 60,0 mm on each side of the fittings, will act as fixed points! Vertical distribution lines
SA Safety distance 150,0 mm (shaft mounting) and pipework laid beneath plaster or in concrete or floor
Table 6.9 Given values and values to be calculated topping, can also be laid in a rigid manner. Branch points, where the pipe
branching off passes through a wall, must be mounted in a fixed manner
Prestressing since otherwise the pipe branching off could be cut off.
By prestressing of a bending leg the length of the leg might be shortened
with narrow space. When exactly planned and carried out, preload 6.3.3 Loose or sliding mounting points
assemblies offer an optically perfect image as expansion movement is not Axial movement of a pipe produced by longitudinal expansion should
visible. The calculated ∆l is negatively prestressed when being installed. not be influenced by loose or sliding point mountings. The clamps should
After initial operation of a pipe system a correct 90° angle will arise. have suitable inserts (e.g. rubber) to prevent the pipe surface from being
damaged and allow movement. Fittings must be at a sufficient distance
Calculation example of length of bending legs with prestressing: from the sliding point clamps since otherwise these will act as fixed points.
The length of the bending leg with prestressing is calculated in accordance
with the following formula (U-shape): 6.3.4 Principles for the layout and construction of fixed points
- Fixed points are to be arranged so that direction changes in the pipe
∆l route can be used to absorb length changes.
Kx d. = Ls
2 - They are also to be designed in considering all the loads that might
arise. In addition to reaction forces from friction at bracket contact
60 mm
15 x 40 mm . = 520 mm points and deformation of bends, large forces are produced by fixed
2 restraints of pipe lengths.
Equation 6.7 - The pipe must have the appropriate retainer rings to transfer the forces
to the construction of the fixed point. Insufficient consideration of the
Designation Significance Value Unit restraint of the pipe in the bracket alone will, in many cases, cause
deformation of the pipe cross section or damage to the pipe surface.
LSV Length of the bending leg with ? mm
prestressing - Fixing pipe systems at fixed points should, if possible, be done at low
ambient temperatures, giving rise to predominantly compressive
K Material-specific constant for Wefatherm 15
stresses when heated (operating state).
- If flange connections occur in pipe lengths between fixed points, tensile
d External diameter Wefatherm pipes 40,0 mm
stresses can cause the joint pre-tension forces to decrease, resulting in
∆l Longitudinal expansion 60,0 mm leakage at the flange connections.
Table 6.9 Given values and values to be calculated - In inclining pipe segments, fixed points are employed to absorb dead
weight and dynamic loads. The design has to ensure that vertical
In accordance with the above stated starting values the length of bending leg is length changes do not produce any unacceptable tensile loads on the
520 mm. horizontal connections.

48 Engineering
6.4 Insulation

6.3.5 Valve mounting 6.4.1 Protective measures

Locations in which valves or other heavy equipment encumber the pipe Protective measures for above ground pipe systems outside buildings (e.g.
system have to be provided with an additional support structure. Supporting on pipe bridges) include insulation against loss of heat or cooling,
valves not only serves to bear weight but also prevents the transfer of concomitant heating and UV light blinding. Protected pipes are no longer
large actuating forces to the pipe system. exposed to extreme ambient temperatures that can result in such effects
as a reduction in length change. In establishing the bracket distances it
The design features must be arranged to enable replacement of the valves should be noted that the dead weight of the insulation will cause increased
without simultaneous disassembly of the entire fixing. If the valve mount deflection. Protective measures can also be used to limit maximum pipe
corresponds to a fixed point, consideration must be given to the consequences wall temperatures and therefore broaden the range of internal pressure
of the restricted length change. loads for which the pipes are suitable.

6.3.6 Recommended spans LA at pipe wall temperature TR Energy-saving is environmental protection. The legal regulation
of the specific countries have to be taken into consideration.
Wefatherm PP-R pipe
Pipe wall Pipe diameter (mm)
temp. 6.4.2 Insulation warm water lines
TR (°C) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 In spite of the high level of insulation of PP-R pipe systems, warm and hot
water lines must be insulated. Insulation protects against physical contact
Recommended spans LA (cm) (Montage distance)
with the hot surface, it reduces noise nuisance and reduces the heat loss
0 70 85 105 125 140 165 190 205 220 250 250 of the water. In hot water circulation systems the temperature loss needs
20 50 60 75 90 100 120 140 150 160 180 190 to be reduced to assure conditions which are unfavourable for legionella.
30 50 60 75 90 100 120 140 150 160 180 190 The return flow temperature needs to maintain a minimum temperature
40 50 60 70 80 90 110 130 140 150 170 180 of 60°C. To compensate the heat loss the boiler temperature is raised. A
50 50 60 70 80 90 110 130 140 150 170 180 raised boiler temperature requires additional energy and is often an
additional attack on the applied (plastic) pipe work. At water temperatures
60 50 55 65 75 85 100 115 125 140 160 170
above 70°C reduction of the life time expectancy of PP needs to be
70 50 50 60 70 80 95 105 105 125 140 150 considered. Depending the operating conditions the life time can be reduced
Table 6.11 significantly. With proper insulation the boiler temperature setting can be
limited and the PP-R’s material properties exploited fully.
Wefatherm stabi pipes
Pipe wall Pipe diameter (mm) Mounting situation Insulating layer thickness
temp. at λ = 0,040 W (mK)
TR (°C) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 Pipework laid exposed in unheated room 4 mm
Recommended spans LA (cm) (Montage distance) (e.g. basement)
0 130 155 170 195 220 245 270 285 300 325 340 Pipework laid exposed in heated room 9 mm
20 100 120 130 150 170 190 210 220 230 250 265 Pipework laid in channel with additional 4 mm
heated pipe lines
30 100 120 130 150 170 190 210 220 230 240 255
Pipework laid in channel next to heated 13 mm
40 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 210 220 230 245 pipe lines
50 100 110 120 140 160 180 200 210 220 210 225 Pipework laid in masony slit rising main
60 80 100 110 130 150 170 190 200 210 200 210 Pipework laid in wall recess next to heated 13 mm
70 70 90 100 120 140 160 180 190 200 200 210 pipe lines
Table 6.12 Pipework laid on cement floor 4 mm 4 mm

Wefatherm stabi pipes Table 6.14 Guideline values for minimum thicknesses of insulation for insulating drinking water

Pipe wall Pipe diameter (mm) systems (cold)

TR (°C) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 125
Recommended spans LA (cm) (Montage distance)
0 120 140 160 180 205 230 245 260 290 320 340
20 90 105 120 135 155 175 185 195 215 240 265
30 90 105 120 135 155 175 185 195 210 230 255
40 85 95 110 125 145 165 175 185 200 220 245
50 85 95 110 125 145 165 175 185 190 205 225
60 80 90 105 120 135 155 165 175 180 190 210
70 70 80 95 110 130 145 155 165 170 180 210
Table 6.13

For vertical pipelines increase the relevant distances by 20% (factor 1.2).

Engineering 49
6.5 Construction of concealed pipe systems
6.4.3 Insulation cold water lines
Condensation is the precipitation of water vapour on a surface that is Plastic pipes encased in concrete after installation represent a special case.
cooler than its environment. Condensation arises when the humidity in Their handling in connection with the technical application guidelines for
the air is higher than the maximum quantity water vapour that the air can pressure pipes in this manual is therefore limited to important or critical
contain at that temperature. If water valour condenses to water depends details. The instructions may be applied to other similar circumstances.
on the insulation and humidity.

Illustration 6.5 Condensation on cold water lines

6.4.4 Condensation point Illustration 6.6 Expansion zones in pipe bends

- The normal case is a cellar submerged to two thirds of the wall height in
the earth, that has no continuously opened doors and windows. 6.5.1 Behaviour of pipe systems under temperature loads
- Such a ‘normal case’ stays even in summer after strong rain below a Once a pipe system is encased in concrete, no movement can any longer
room temperature of 25°C and 60% moisture. occur. A pipe system without linear compensation is created, meaning
- With 25°C and 60% moisture and 10°C water temperature the pipe that increased heat stresses have to be taken into account. Since no
begins to sweat. friction-lock connection is formed between the straight pipe and surrounding
- For southern regions is important that these temperatures are some concrete, the fittings constitute fixed points and are correspondingly
times exceeded and the water temperature is often higher than 10°C. subjected to stress. In installing pipe systems, measures need to be taken
- With all rooms not according to a standard cellar, it has to be determined to limit the load on the fittings. Examples of such practices are described
from case to case, whether the maximum room temperature may be below.
15°C higher than the water temperature.
- For pipes SDR 11 the permissible temperature difference is at 11°C. 6.5.2 Load on a pipe bend
If extreme temperature differences can arise, pipe bends have to be
Result: Cold water systems consisting of pipe SDR 6 normally do not show protected against overstress. For this purpose, an expansion zone using
condensation water. deformable material is incorporated. The chosen thickness of the expansion
cushions must be at least as large as ∆l.

6.5.3 Load on a tee

Due to varying temperatures, fittings are subject to surface pressure.
This adverse load concentrates on tee sections, as additional shear forces
are created at outgoing connections. If a load limiting element is placed
directly beside the fitting, an electrofusion coupler is the most suitable
connection piece. The longitudinal force (force on a fixed point) remains
equally large, but the deformation due to the significantly smaller ∆l is
clearly less. Another option for protection against overload is the incorporation
of an expansion zone (expansion cushion).

6.5.4 Fixing pipe systems

In comparison with brackets, the installation of a concrete-encased pipe
system does not require any special measures. The fixing during installation
Graphic 6.1 Condensation on cold water lines only serves as float protection and is to be regarded as provisional attachment
prior to encasement with concrete.

Illustration 6.7 Shear and fixed point forces on tees and 45° branches

50 Engineering
6.6 Putting in use

6.6.1 Pressure test

After a drinking water system has been installed but before it is commissioned,
it must be tested for tightness. This should be done while the system is still
visible. Polypropylene expands under the influence of heat and pressure. For
this reason it is necessary that the test medium (as a rule water) and the
pipe work material are at the same temperature. Attention should therefore
be paid to the fact that the test medium has a temperature that is as
constant as possible. The pressure test is divided into three parts, namely
the initial, the main and the final test.

Initial test
The highest possible operating pressure is increased by a factor of 1,5.
This test pressure must be restored twice at intervals of in each case 10
minutes within a period of 30 minutes. After the pressure has been restored
again a second time, the test pressure may not fall by more than 0,6 bar
within the next 30 minutes. In addition no leakage may occur.

Main test
The main test commences immediately after the completion of the initial
test and lasts two hours. During this period the pressure may not fall by
more than 0,2 bar relative to the pressure at the end of the initial test.

Final test
Test pressures of 10 bar and 1 bar are applied alternately at intervals of
at least 5 minutes. After each application of pressure, the pipe network is
to be depressurized. Leakage may not occur at any point in the network
being tested.

Measuring devices
The pressure measuring device used, must permit accurate readings to
the nearest 0,1 bar. Where possible, the pressure is to be determined at
the lowest point of the network.

Test memorandum
The test as carried out is to be documented in a memorandum which
must be signed by the client and contractor with statement of the place
and date of signing. See illustration 6.8 on the next page for a test
memorandum form.

6.6.2 Flushing out of pipe work systems

The purpose of flushing out pipe work systems is ensuring the quality of
drinking water, avoidance of corrosion damage, avoidance of damage
to fittings and equipment and cleaning of the inner surface of the pipes.
Regardless of the material of the pipes, all pipe work systems carrying
drinking water are to be flushed out.

Suitable processes are:

1. Flushing out with water
2. Flushing out with a mixture of air and water

Flushing out process 1, namely flushing out with water, is sufficient in the
case of drinking water systems which are composed exclusively of Wefatherm
pipes and fittings. The appropriate flushing out process should be selected
on the basis of the experience of the installing firm and of the client.

6.6.3 Balancing
After the flushing procedure has been performed, the flow in the pipe
system segments are balanced by setting and adjusting valves.

Engineering 51

Illustration 6.8 Test memorandum form

52 Engineering

Engineering 53
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
7 Product range
Type Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Fiber Fiber Stabi Stabi-UV Fiber
Colour Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Black Gray

SDR 7,4 6 7,4 11 11 7,4 11 7,4 7,4 11


ISO 15874, Maximum Operating Pressure MOP

Class 1 10 10 8 6 6 8 6 8 8 6
Class 2 10 8 6 4 6 6 6 6 6 6
Class 4 10 10 10 6 6 10 6 10 10 6
Class 5 8 6 6 4 6 4 6 6 4

Class 1 hot water supply 60°C - class 2 hot water supply 70°C - class 4 low temperature heating 60°C - class 5 high temperature heating 80°C.

DIN 8077, Maximum Operating Pressure MOP

SF 1,50-20°C 24 ,3 25 ,7 20 ,4 12 ,9 15 ,3 20 ,4 15 ,3 20 ,4 20 ,4 15 ,3
SF 1,50-70°C 10 ,7 8 ,5 6 ,7 4 ,2 6 ,8 6 ,7 6 ,8 6 ,7 6 ,7 6 ,8
SF 1,25-20°C 29 ,2 30 ,9 24 ,5 15 ,4 18 ,4 24 ,5 18 ,4 24 ,5 24 ,5 18 ,4
SF 1,25-70°C 12 ,9 10 ,2 8 ,1 5 ,1 8 ,1 8 ,1 8 ,1 8 ,1 8 ,1 8 ,1
PN 1)
20 16 10 16 16 16

SF = Safety (Design) Factor - permanent temperature over 50 years Design Lifetime

1) PN = Pressure Nominal based on DIN8077:1989 - 50yrs - 20°C - SF2,0 - water

54 Engineering
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm

SDR 7,4
length of pipes = 4 m green

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

20x 2,8 5152 25201 14,4 0,163 15 0,624
25x 3,5 5152 25202 18,0 0,254 20 0,968
32x 4,4 5152 25203 23,2 0,415 25 1,564
40x 5,5 5152 25204 29,0 0,615 32 2,432
50x 6,9 5152 25205 36,2 1,029 40 3,760
63x 8,6 5152 25206 45,8 1,633 50 5,936
75x10,3 5152 25207 54,4 2,307 - 8,444
90x12,3 5152 25209 65,4 3,318 65 12,124
110x15,1 5152 25211 79,8 5,001 80 18,072
125x17,1 5152 25212 90,8 6,470 100 23,212

Suitable for hot and cold water, central heating and air conditioning.
ISO 15874 class 1/10bar, 2/10 bar, 4/10 bar, 5/8bar.
DIN 8077-8078 class 20°C/20bar, 70°C/10 bar.

Pipe SDR 6 PP-R PP-R

length of pipes = 4 m green

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

20x 3,4 5155 20002 13,2 0,137 12 0,724
25x 4,2 5155 20003 16,6 0,216 15 1,116
32x 5,4 5155 20004 21,2 0,353 20 1,824
40x 6,7 5155 20005 26,6 0,556 25 2,820
50x 8,3 5155 20006 33,2 0,866 32 4,388
63x10,5 5155 20007 42,0 1,385 40 6,660
75x12,5 5155 20008 50,0 1,963 50 9,816
90x15,0 5155 20009 60,0 2,827 - 14,104
110x18,3 5155 20010 73,2 4,208 65 21,068
125x20,8 5155 20011 83,4 5,460 80 27,140

Suitable for hot and cold water, central heating and air conditioning.
ISO 15874 class 1/10, 2/8, 4/10, 5/6 bar.
DIN 8077/8078 20°C/20 bar, 70°C/10 bar.

Pipes 55
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Pipe SDR 7,4 PP-R PP-R
SDR 7,4
length of pipes = 4 m green

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

20x 2,8 5155 20101 14,4 0,163 15 0,624
25x 3,5 5155 20102 18,0 0,254 20 0,968
32x 4,4 5155 20103 23,2 0,415 25 1,564
40x 5,5 5155 20104 29,0 0,615 32 2,432
50x 6,9 5155 20105 36,2 1,029 40 3,760
63x 8,6 5155 20106 45,8 1,633 50 5,936
75x10,3 5155 20107 54,4 2,307 - 8,444
90x12,3 5155 20108 65,4 3,318 65 12,124
110x15,1 5155 20109 79,8 5,001 80 18,072
125x17,1 5155 20110 90,8 6,470 100 23,212

Suitable for hot and cold water, central heating and air conditioning.
ISO 15874 class 1/8, 2/6, 4/10, 5/6 bar.
DIN 8077/8078 20°C/16 bar, 70°C/8 bar.

Pipe SDR 11 PP-R PP-R

SDR 11
length of pipes = 4 m green

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

20x 1,9 5155 20050 16,2 0,205 15 0,452
25x 2,3 5155 20051 20,4 0,328 20 0,688
32x 2,9 5155 20052 26,2 0,531 25 1,120
40x 3,7 5155 20053 32,6 0,834 32 1,728
50x 4,6 5155 20054 40,8 1,307 40 2,676
63x 5,8 5155 20055 51,4 2,075 50 4,224
75x 6,8 5155 20056 61,4 2,941 - 5,964
90x 8,2 5155 20057 73,6 4,254 65 8,528
110x10,0 5155 20058 90,0 6,362 80 12,680
125x11,4 5155 20059 102,2 8,199 100 16,384

Recognizable by four blue stripes.

Suitable for cold water and air conditioning.
ISO 15874 class 1/6, 2/4, 4/6 bar.
DIN 8077/8078 20°C/10 bar.

56 Pipes
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
SDR 11
length of pipes = 4 m green

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

160x14,6 5152 25016 130,8 13,4 125 25,320
200x18,2 5152 25020 163,6 21,0 150 39,232
250x22,7 5152 25025 1)
204,6 32,9 200 61,156
315x28,6 5152 25031 1)
257,8 52,2 250 69,156

1) L = 5,8 m.

For hot & cold water and sanitary installations.

DIN 8077/8078 20°C/16 bar, 60°C/8 bar.

Pipe SDR 11 - lilac PP-R PP-R

SDR 11
length of pipes = 4 m lilac

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

20x 1,9 5159 20050 16,2 0,205 15 0,452
25x 2,3 5159 20051 20,4 0,328 20 0,688
32x 2,9 5159 20052 26,2 0,531 25 1,120
40x 3,7 5159 20053 32,6 0,834 32 1,728
50x 4,6 5159 20054 40,8 1,307 40 2,676
63x 5,8 5159 20055 51,4 2,075 50 4,224
75x 6,8 5159 20056 61,4 2,941 - 5,964
90x 8,2 5159 20057 73,6 4,254 65 8,528
110x10,0 5159 20058 90,0 6,362 80 12,680
125x11,4 5159 20059 102,2 8,199 100 16,384

Suitable for rainwater.

Pipes 57
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Pipe fiber SDR 7,4 PP-R PP-R
SDR 7,4
length of pipes = 4 m green

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

20x 2,8 5155 20150 14,4 0,163 15 0,608
25x 3,5 5155 20151 18,0 0,254 20 0,944
32x 4,4 5155 20152 23,2 0,415 25 1,532
40x 5,5 5155 20153 29,0 0,615 32 2,376
50x 6,9 5155 20154 36,2 1,029 40 3,716
63x 8,6 5155 20155 45,8 1,633 50 5,816
75x10,3 5155 20156 54,4 2,307 - 8,284
90x12,3 5155 20157 65,4 3,318 65 11,908
110x15,1 5155 20158 79,8 5,674 80 17,816
125x17,1 5155 20159 90,8 6,472 100 23,380

Recognizable by four red stripes.

Suitable for hot and cold water and central heating.
ISO 15874 class 1/8, 2/6, 4/10, 5/6 bar.
DIN 8077/8078 20°C/16 bar, 70°C/8 bar.

Pipe fiber SDR 11 PP-RCT PP-RCT

SDR 11
length of pipes = 4 m green

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

160x14,6 5152 27016 130,8 13,6 125 27,100
200x18,2 5152 27020 1)
163,6 21,0 150 42,560
250x22,7 5152 27025 1)
204,6 32,9 200 66,440

1) L = 5,8 m.

For hot & cold water and sanitary installations.

DIN 8077/8078 20°C/16 bar, 70°C/8 bar.


58 Pipes
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Pipe stabi SDR 7,4 PP-R PP-R
with perforated aluminium layer SDR 7,4
length of pipes = 4 m green

dxs Code di dg sg l/m DN kg

20x 2,8 5155 20301 14,4 21,6 3,6 0,163 15 0,792
25x 3,5 5155 20302 18,0 26,8 4,4 0,254 20 1,176
32x 4,4 5155 20303 23,2 33,8 5,4 0,415 25 1,816
40x 5,5 5155 20304 29,0 42,0 6,6 0,615 32 2,736
50x 6,9 5155 20305 36,2 52,0 7,9 1,029 40 4,136
63x 8,6 5155 20306 45,8 65,0 9,7 1,633 - 6,404
75x10,3 5155 20307 54,4 77,0 11,4 2,307 60 8,988
90x12,3 5155 20308 65,4 92,0 13,5 3,318 65 12,920
110x15,1 5155 20309 79,8 113,0 16,7 5,674 80 19,500

Suitable for hot and cold water and central heating.

ISO 15874 class 1/8, 2/6, 4/10, 5/6 bar.
DIN 8077/8078 20°C/16 bar, 70°C/8 bar.

Pipe stabi UV SDR 7,4 - black PP-R PP-R

UV stabilized, with perforated aluminium layer SDR 7,4
length of pipes = 4 m black

dxs Code di dg sg l/m DN kg

20x 2,8 5155 20370 14,4 21,6 3,6 0,163 15 0,792
25x 3,5 5155 20371 18,0 26,8 4,4 0,254 20 1,166
32x 4,4 5155 20372 23,2 33,8 5,4 0,415 25 1,816
40x 5,5 5155 20373 29,0 42,0 6,6 0,615 32 2,736
50x 6,9 5155 20374 36,2 52,0 7,9 1,029 40 4,136
63x 8,6 5155 20375 45,8 65,0 9,7 1,633 50 6,404
75x10,3 5155 20376 54,4 77,0 11,4 2,307 60 8,988

Suitable for hot and cold water (outside) and central heating.
ISO 15874 class 1/8, 2/6, 4/10, 5/6 bar.
DIN 8077/8078 20°C/16 bar, 70°C/8 bar.

Pipes 59
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Pipe Wefaklim fiber SDR 11 - grey PP-RCT PP-RCT
SDR 11
length of pipes = 4 m grey

dxs Code di l/m DN kg

20x 2,8 5150 20130 1)
14,4 0,148 15 0,608
25x 3,5 5150 20131 1)
18,0 0,230 20 0,944
32x 2,9 5150 20132 26,2 0,539 25 1,544
40x 3,7 5150 20133 32,6 0,835 32 2,440
50x 4,6 5150 20134 40,8 1,307 40 3,696
63x 5,8 5150 20135 51,4 2,075 50 4,224
75x 6,8 5150 20136 61,4 2,961 60 8,404
90x 8,2 5150 20137 73,6 4,254 65 8,268
110x10,0 5150 20138 90,0 6,362 80 12,744
125x11,4 5150 20139 102,2 8,203 100 16,396
160x14,6 5150 20140 130,8 13,400 125 26,100

1) without blue stripes

Recognizable by four blue stripes (d20 and d25 without stripes).

Suitable for central heating, air conditioning and climate control.
ISO 15874 class 1/6, 2/6, 4/6, 5/4 bar.
DIN 8077/8078 20°C/16 bar, 70°C/8 bar.

60 Pipes
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Bridge m/m PP-R

d Code L H kg
20 5155 20501 350 24 0,063
25 5155 20502 350 27 0,092
32 5155 20503 350 32 0,151

Bridge s/s PP-R


d Code L t H kg
20 5155 70201 160 16 27 0,041
25 5155 70202 200 18 32 0,077

Fittings 61
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Socket PP-R

d Code D l z t kg
20 5155 27002 29,5 32 1,5 14 0,011
25 5155 27003 34,0 35 1,5 15 0,014
32 5155 27004 43,0 40 1,9 17 0,026
40 5155 27005 53,5 44 1,5 18 0,042
50 5155 27006 68,5 50 1,5 20 0,083
63 5155 27007 88,0 59 2,1 26 0,159
75 5155 27008 105,0 67 2,5 29 0,239
90 5155 27009 125,0 71 2,5 32 0,376
110 5155 27010 146,5 80 2,5 35 0,568
125 5155 27011 163,5 91 5,5 41 0,756

Electrofusion coupler PP-R

SDR 11

d Code D L t h kg
20 5155 50101 1)
33 70 34 52 0,031
25 5155 50102 1)
38 70 34 58 0,038
32 5155 50103 1)
45 70 34 65 0,045
40 5155 50104 1)
55 85 41 75 0,062
50 5155 50105 1)
68 88 42 87 0,076
63 5155 50106 1)
82 100 48 100 0,121
75 5155 50107 98 125 61 114 0,158
90 5155 50108 113 146 72 130 0,210
110 5155 50109 136 155 77 144 0,364
125 5155 50110 156 166 82 167 1,760

1) SDR 7,4

Safety voltage 40V.

62 Fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Electrofusion coupler 160-315 mm PP-RCT
SDR 11

d Code D L t h kg
160 5152 50116 190 202 100 245 1,760
200 5152 50120 230 202 100 245 1,900
250 5152 50125 290 220 110 315 4,500
315 5152 50131 400 280 140 415 10,800

Safety voltage 40V.

Reducer PP-R PP-R


dxd1 Code t l z kg
25x20 5155 26003 14 42,0 27,5 0,014
32x20 5155 26004 14 47,5 33,0 0,029
32x25 5155 26005 15 47,6 31,6 0,022
40x20 5155 26006 14 40,7 26,2 0,025
40x25 5155 26007 15 41,0 25,0 0,023
40x32 5155 26008 17 53,5 35,4 0,033
50x20 5155 26009 14 55,0 40,5 0,046
50x25 5155 26010 15 55,0 39,0 0,047
50x32 5155 26011 17 57,0 38,9 0,057
50x40 5155 26012 18 59,5 39,0 0,058
63x25 5155 26014 15 65,0 43,0 0,080
63x32 5155 26015 17 65,0 38,5 0,089
63x40 5155 26013 18 64,5 44,0 0,095
63x50 5155 26016 20 68,5 44,5 0,128
75x50 5155 26017 20 68,0 68,0 0,143
75x63 5155 26018 26 74,0 46,6 0,203
90x63 5155 26019 26 77,0 49,6 0,171
90x75 5155 26020 29 80,0 49,0 0,228
110x90 5155 26025 32 93,0 57,5 0,450
125x110 5155 26026 35 84,0 48,0 0,447

Fittings 63
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
SDR 11
for butt-welding and electrofusion green

de1xde2 Code L l1 l2 kg
160x110 5152 41830 255 110 93 1,534
160x125 5152 41831 260 113 95 1,605
200x160 5152 41934 1)
151 50 40 1,330
200x160 5152 41834 303 142 117 2,600
250x160 5152 41936 1)
194 60 40 2,370
250x160 5152 41836 339 138 111 3,900
250x200 5152 41937 1)
182 60 50 1,110
250x200 5152 41837 337 137 127 4,500
315x250 5152 41840 380 157 138 8,000

1) short version suitable for butt-welding

Tee 90° PP-R PP-R


d Code D L l1 z kg
20 5155 24002 29,5 50,6 25,3 10,8 0,023
25 5155 24003 34,0 60,0 30,0 14,0 0,033
32 5155 24004 44,0 69,0 34,5 16,4 0,062
40 5155 24005 53,5 85,6 42,8 22,3 0,105
50 5155 24006 68,0 120,0 60,0 36,5 0,188
63 5155 24007 85,0 118,0 59,0 31,6 0,372
75 5155 24008 99,5 140,6 70,3 39,3 0,557
90 5155 24009 119,0 160,0 80,0 44,5 0,956
110 5155 24010 144,5 197,6 98,8 57,3 1,745
125 5155 24011 164,5 245,6 122,8 82,8 2,780

64 Fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
SDR 11
for butt-welding and electrofusion green

de Code L Z l kg
160 5152 41616 1)
320 160 40 2,920
160 5152 41516 502 251 127 4,300
200 5152 41620 1)
430 215 64 6,470
200 5152 41520 502 251 127 7,400
250 5152 41625 1)
550 275 86 12,650
250 5152 41525 618 309 140 9,800
315 5152 41631 1)
700 350 111 25,700
315 5152 41531 775 387 175 26,200

1) short version suitable for butt-welding

Tee reduced 90° PP-R


d Code d1 D1 l1 z1 d2 D2 l2 z2 kg
20x 25x 25 5155 25025 24,2 34,0 31,3 15,3 24,2 30,0 30,0 14,0 0,039
25x 20x 20 5155 25024 24,2 34,0 31,3 15,3 19,2 30,0 30,0 15,5 0,037
25x 20x 25 5155 25003 24,2 34,0 31,3 15,3 19,2 30,0 30,0 15,5 0,032
32x 20x 25 5155 25026 31,1 44,0 35,5 17,4 19,2 44,0 34,5 20,0 0,075
32x 20x 32 5155 25004 31,1 44,0 35,8 17,7 19,2 44,0 34,5 20,0 0,070
32x 25x 25 5155 25028 31,1 44,0 35,5 17,4 24,2 44,0 34,5 18,5 0,071
32x 25x 32 5155 25005 31,1 44,0 35,8 17,7 24,2 44,0 34,5 18,5 0,066
32x 32x 25 5155 25023 31,1 43,5 35,5 17,4 31,1 43,5 34,8 16,7 0,066
40x 20x 40 5155 25006 39,0 52,0 24,0 21,5 19,2 36,0 41,5 27,0 0,089
40x 25x 40 5155 25007 39,0 52,4 44,0 23,5 24,2 34,9 38,8 22,8 0,085
40x 32x 40 5155 25008 39,0 53,5 44,0 23,5 31,1 53,5 42,3 24,2 0,116
50x 20x 50 5155 25029 48,9 68,0 50,0 26,5 19,2 43,0 44,1 29,6 0,180
50x 25x 50 5155 25009 48,9 65,4 52,0 28,5 24,2 34,5 47,3 31,3 0,175
50x 32x 50 5155 25010 48,9 65,4 52,0 28,5 31,1 43,0 47,3 29,2 0,169
50x 40x 50 5155 25011 48,9 68,0 52,0 28,5 39,0 68,0 50,0 29,5 0,207
63x 20x 63 5155 25012 61,9 85,0 63,0 35,6 19,2 46,5 60,5 46,0 0,375
63x 25x 63 5155 25013 61,9 85,0 63,0 35,6 24,2 46,5 60,5 44,5 0,368
63x 32x 63 5155 25014 61,9 85,0 63,0 35,6 31,1 65,0 60,5 42,4 0,404
63x 40x 63 5155 25015 61,9 85,0 63,0 35,6 39,0 65,0 60,5 40,0 0,392
63x 50x 63 5155 25016 61,9 85,0 63,0 35,6 48,9 85,0 60,5 37,0 0,417
75x 20x 75 5155 25017 1)
74,3 98,5 70,0 39,0 19,2 43,0 68,8 54,3 0,512
75x 25x 75 5155 25018 1)
74,3 98,5 70,5 39,5 24,2 34,9 73,3 57,3 0,512
75x 32x 75 5155 25019 1)
74,3 98,5 70,0 39,0 31,1 43,0 69,8 51,7 0,514
75x 40x 75 5155 25020 1)
74,3 98,5 70,0 39,0 39,0 65,0 68,8 48,3 0,529

-- to be continued --

Fittings 65
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Tee reduced 90° - continuation -
d Code d1 D1 l1 z1 d2 D2 l2 z2 kg
75x 50x 75 5155 25021 1)
74,3 99,0 70,5 39,5 48,9 65,0 70,5 39,5 0,506
75x 63x 75 5155 25022 1)
74,3 99,0 70,0 39,0 61,9 99,0 68,5 41,1 0,600
90x 63x 90 5155 25032 89,3 119,0 81,8 196,3 61,9 85,0 80,5 53,1 0,917
90x 75x 90 5155 25033 89,3 119,0 81,8 46,3 74,3 99,5 80,0 49,1 0,916
110x 63x110 5155 25034 109,4 146,0 98,5 57,0 61,9 85,0 99,0 71,6 1,674
110x 75x110 5155 25035 109,4 146,0 100,0 58,5 74,3 100,0 99,0 68,0 1,717
110x 90x110 5155 25036 109,4 146,0 98,5 57,0 89,3 119,0 97,0 61,5 1,770
125x 75x125 5155 25037 124,4 165,0 123,0 83,0 74,3 112,0 104,0 73,0 2,630
125x 90x125 5155 25038 124,4 165,0 122,5 82,5 89,3 120,0 104,5 69,0 2,610
125x110x125 5155 25039 124,4 165,0 122,5 82,5 109,4 148,0 109,5 68,0 2,540


66 Fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Bend 90° PP-R

d Code D l z t kg
20 5155 21101 28 56 42 14 0,030
25 5155 21102 34 69 53 15 0,052
32 5155 21103 42 86 68 17 0,088
40 5155 21104 52 106 86 18 0,164

R ≈ 2 x d.

Elbow 90° s/m PP-R


d Code D l1 z1 l2 z2 t kg
20 5155 22001 30,0 24,5 10,0 29,5 15,0 14 0,016
25 5155 22002 34,8 31,8 15,8 34,2 17,3 15 0,029
32 5155 22003 44,0 34,3 16,2 39,6 22,0 17 0,049

Fittings 67
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Elbow 90° PP-R

d Code D L z t kg
20 5155 21002 29,5 25,8 11,3 14 0,018
25 5155 21003 34,2 29,9 13,9 15 0,024
32 5155 21004 44,0 34,0 15,9 17 0,048
40 5155 21005 53,0 43,5 23,0 18 0,081
50 5155 21006 70,0 49,0 25,5 20 0,167
63 5155 21007 86,5 60,8 33,4 26 0,275
75 5155 21008 102,5 67,3 36,3 29 0,472
90 5155 21009 120,5 78,3 42,8 32 0,748
110 5155 21010 148,0 99,0 62,0 35 1,437
125 5155 21011 165,0 124,0 84,0 41 2,340

Bend 90° short PP-RCT

SDR 11
for butt-welding green

de Code Z l R kg
160 5152 41116 175 15 160 1,870
200 5152 41120 215 15 200 3,605
250 5152 41125 275 25 250 7,210
315 5152 41131 350 35 315 13,970

R ≈ 1 x de.

68 Fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Elbow 90° long PP-RCT
SDR 11
for butt-welding and electrofusion green

de Code Z l kg
160 5152 41016 250 128 3,100
200 5152 41020 250 128 5,500
250 5152 41025 309 140 13,200
315 5152 41031 370 167 18,600

Elbow 45° s/m PP-R


d Code D l z l1 z1 t kg
20 5155 22100 29,0 20 5 28 13,0 14 0,013
25 5155 22101 34,0 22 6 34 17,0 15 0,022
32 5155 22102 43,0 26 8 39 20,0 17 0,040

Fittings 69
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Elbow 45° PP-R

d Code D l z t kg
20 5155 23002 30,0 21,6 7,1 14 0,016
25 5155 23003 34,5 24,8 8,8 15 0,021
32 5155 23004 44,0 27,6 9,5 17 0,039
40 5155 23005 52,0 32,0 11,0 18 0,060
50 5155 23006 65,0 37,0 13,0 20 0,095
63 5155 23007 82,0 44,0 16,0 26 0,210
75 5155 23008 100,0 50,0 20,0 29 0,336
90 5155 23009 120,0 58,0 25,0 32 0,582
110 5155 23010 148,0 69,0 32,0 35 1,064
125 5155 23011 165,0 77,0 37,0 41 1,520

Elbow 45° long PP-RCT

SDR 11
for butt-welding and electrofusion green

de Code Z l kg
160 5152 41316 201 127 4,400
200 5152 41320 201 127 4,400
250 5152 41325 130 140 7,700
315 5152 41331 320 210 18,000

70 Fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Cross PP-R

d Code D L z t kg
32 5155 25101 1)
40,0 77 34 17 0,058
40 5155 25102 51,0 93 42 18 0,111
50 5155 25103 63,0 112 66 20 0,212
63 5155 25104 76,0 137 84 26 0,355

1) SDR 7,4

End cap PP-R


d Code D l t kg
20 5155 28002 29,5 28,8 14 0,011
25 5155 28003 34,5 30,0 15 0,015
32 5155 28004 43,5 35,7 17 0,028
40 5155 28005 52,5 40,0 18 0,040
50 5155 28006 64,0 45,0 20 0,061
63 5155 28007 85,5 54,0 26 0,136
75 5155 28008 101,0 65,0 29 0,235
90 5155 28009 119,0 76,0 32 0,332
110 5155 28010 148,0 79,0 35 0,616
125 5155 28011 165,0 87,0 41 0,780

Fittings 71
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
End cap long PP-RCT
SDR 11
for butt-welding and electrofusion green

de Code L l kg
160 5152 42216 184 140 1,100
200 5152 42220 184 140 3,000
250 5152 42225 185 135 5,000
315 5152 42231 301 176 7,700

Flange sleeve PP-R

with EPDM gasket SDR 6

d Code D D1 D2 h l z t kg
32 5155 28020 50 41 28,0 7 21,0 4 17 0,017
40 5155 28021 61 50 36,5 8 23,5 4 18 0,027
50 5155 28022 74 61 44,5 8 27,0 4 20 0,040
63 5155 28023 90 76 57,0 9 30,0 4 26 0,065
75 5155 28024 106 90 69,5 10 33,0 5 29 0,095
90 5155 28025 138 109 84,0 13 40,0 8 32 0,198
110 5155 28026 158 131 112,0 14 42,0 8 35 0,251
125 5155 28027 162 147 100,0 25 55,0 15 41 0,390

72 Fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Stub end PP-RCT
SDR 11
for butt-welding and electrofusion green

de Code h l d1 d2 L kg
160 5152 42116 1)
25 34 175 212 80 0,875
160 5152 42016 32 127 232 268 205 2,600
200 5152 42120 1)
32 36 232 268 100 1,875
200 5152 42020 32 127 232 268 205 3,000
250 5152 42125 1)
35 35 285 320 100 2,825
250 5152 42025 35 146 285 320 235 5,000
315 5152 42131 1)
35 35 335 370 100 3,475
315 5152 42031 35 165 335 370 260 7,700

1) short version suitable for butt-welding

With grooved sealing surface.

Fittings 73
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Transition round female PP-R/brass

dxRp Code L t1 t2 D kg
20x½" 5155 28101 42 15 17 41 0,072
20x¾" 5155 28102 44 15 17 47 0,100
25x½" 5155 28103 44 16 17 41 0,076
25x¾" 5155 28104 44 16 17 47 0,095
32x¾" 5155 28105 44 18 17 43 0,105

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

Transition hexagon female PP-R/brass


dxRp Code L t1 t2 D SW kg
32x 1" 5155 28204 60 18 22 61 39 0,240
40x1¼" 5155 28205 63 21 22 72 47 0,347
50x1½" 5155 28206 85 24 20 79 52 0,396
63x 2" 5155 28207 75 28 25 95 66 0,612
75x 2" 5155 28208 83 31 25 100 66 0,668
125x 5" 5155 28213 124 40 44 208 149 0,383

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

74 Transition fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Transition round male PP-R/brass

dxR Code L t1 t2 D kg
20x½" 5155 29101 56 15 13 41 0,098
20x¾" 5155 29102 61 15 17 47 0,164
25x½" 5155 29103 56 16 13 41 0,101
25x¾" 5155 29104 61 16 17 47 0,161

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

Transition hexagon male PP-R/brass


dxR Code L t1 t2 D SW kg
32x 1" 5155 29204 79 18 20 53 32 0,240
40x1¼" 5155 29205 80 20 21 67 44 0,438
50x1½" 5155 29206 85 24 21 74 48 0,498
63x 2" 5155 29207 95 28 24 90 60 0,711
75x2½" 5155 29208 110 31 24 98 65 1,033
90x 3" 5155 29209 128 36 29 120 86 1,437
110x 3" 5155 29210 128 42 29 147 86 1,643
110x 4" 5155 29211 140 42 30 148 105 2,770
125x 5" 5155 29213 1)
170 40 42 208 149 5,250


Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

Transition fittings 75
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Transition elbow 90° female PP-R/brass

dxRp Code D L1 t1 z1 t2 Z2 L2 kg
20x½" 5155 28301 40 33 15 18 17 22 39 0,084
20x¾" 5155 28302 44 33 15 18 17 22 39 0,110
25x½" 5155 28303 40 33 16 17 17 22 39 0,088
25x¾" 5155 28304 44 33 16 17 17 22 59 0,107
32x¾" 5155 28305 44 31 18 13 17 33 50 0,118
32x 1" 5155 28306 60 31 18 13 22 42 64 0,266

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

76 Transition fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Back plate elbow female PP-R/brass

dxRp Code D D1 d1 L l1 l2 l3 l4 z1 z2 t kg
20x½" 5155 29002 30,0 39 5,5 53,0 38,0 32 19,5 40 24,0 17,5 14 0,090
20x¾" 5155 29003 34,0 44 5,5 57,5 40,5 32 19,5 40 26,5 17,5 14 0,116
25x½" 5155 29004 34,0 40 5,5 54,5 37,5 32 19,5 40 23,5 16,0 15 0,095
25x¾" 5155 29005 34,5 44 5,5 57,5 40,3 32 19,5 40 26,5 16,0 15 0,013

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

Transition fittings 77
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Transition elbow 90° male PP-R/brass

dxR Code D L1 t1 z1 t2 Z2 L2 kg
20x½" 5155 28401 40 32 15 17 12 41 53 0,117
20x¾" 5155 28402 44 32 15 17 15 43 58 0,175
25x½" 5155 28403 40 32 16 16 12 41 53 0,114
25x¾" 5155 28404 44 32 16 16 15 43 58 0,173
32x¾" 5155 28405 44 30 18 12 15 52 67 0,179
32x 1" 5155 28406 1)
54 32 18 14 20 64 84 0,400

1) with hexagon for wrench

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

Transition tee female PP-R/brass


dxRp Code L1 t1 z1 L2 t2 Z2 D1 D2 kg
20x½" 5155 29301 64 15 17 37 15 22 30 38 0,087
20x¾" 5155 29302 79 15 24 37 15 22 34 46 0,129
25x½" 5155 29303 65 16 16 38 15 23 34 38 0,098
25x¾" 5155 29304 79 16 24 37 15 22 34 46 0,120
32x¾" 5155 29305 60 18 12 50 15 35 44 44 0,127
32x 1" 5155 29306 1)
62 18 13 65 22 43 44 60 0,278

1) with hexagon for wrench

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

78 Transition fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Pipe union brass female PP-R/brass

dxR Code G D1 L l1 SW SW1 SW2 t kg

20x ½" 5155 29601 ¾ 29 85 56 36 30 27 14 0,179
20x ¾" 5155 29602 1 29 93 62 44 37 34 14 0,289
25x ½" 5155 29603 ¾ 34 87 57 36 30 27 15 0,202
25x ¾" 5155 29604 1 34 95 62 44 37 34 15 0,306
32x 1" 5155 29605 1¼ 43 103 67 51 46 44 17 0,469
32x ¾" 5155 29606 1 43 97 62 44 37 34 17 0,298
40x1¼" 5155 29607 1½ 52 115 77 63 52 50 18 0,647
50x1½" 5155 29608 1¾ 64 126 85 70 59 55 20 0,774
63x 2" 5155 29609 23/8 79 142 91 85 74 70 26 1,298
75x2½" 5155 29610 1)
2¾ 99 169 112 113 90 90 29 2,400


Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

Flat sealed. Connection for metal thread.

Pipe union brass male PP-R/brass


dxRp Code G D L l1 SW SW1 t kg

20x ½" 5155 29701 ¾ 29 79 65 36 30 14 0,164
20x ¾" 5155 29702 ¾ 29 86 72 44 37 14 0,273
25x ½" 5155 29703 1 34 81 65 36 30 15 0,156
25x ¾" 5155 29704 ¾ 34 83 72 44 37 15 0,278
32x 1" 5155 29705 1 43 98 80 51 46 17 0,417
32x ¾" 5155 29706 1 43 81 63 44 37 17 0,262
40x1¼" 5155 29707 1½ 52 113 92 63 52 18 0,584
50x1½" 5155 29708 1¾ 64 119 96 70 59 20 0,727
63x 2" 5155 29709 23/8 79 137 109 85 74 26 1,275
75x2½" 5155 29710 1)
2¾ 99 175 145 113 90 29 2,290


Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

Flat sealed. Connection for metal thread.
For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

Transition fittings 79
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Pipe connection brass nut female PP-R/brass

dxG Code D L l1 SW SW1 t kg

20x ¾" 5155 29801 29 66 44 36 30 14 0,130
20x 1" 5155 29802 29 68 44 44 37 14 0,234
25x ¾" 5155 29803 34 67 44 36 30 15 0,128
25x 1" 5155 29804 34 72 47 44 37 15 0,218
32x 1" 5155 29805 43 80 53 44 37 17 0,191
32x1¼" 5155 29806 43 80 53 51 46 17 0,398
40x1½" 5155 29807 52 90 58 63 52 18 0,477
50x1¾" 5155 29808 64 98 61 70 59 20 0,558
63x23/8" 5155 29809 79 114 71 85 74 26 0,926
75x23/8" 5155 29810 99 131 86 113 90 29 1,954

For the connection to ancillary equipment such as water meters.

Thread according to ISO 228-1.

Distributor manifold 4x PP-R


dxd1 Code Z L l1 l2 l3 l4 t kg
32/20 5155 20602 18 246 30 43 37 56 17 0,100

80 Transition fittings
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Distributor manifold 4x female PP-R/brass

dxRp Code Z L l1 l2 l3 l4 t kg
32/½" 5155 20604 18,0 250 35 43 41 56 17 0,341
40/½" 5155 20606 20,5 250 38 43 41 56 18 0,396

Distributor manifold 4x male PP-R/brass


dxR Code Z Z1 L l1 l2 l3 l4 t kg
32/½" 5155 20608 18,0 15 250 50 43 41 56 17 0,413
40/½" 5155 20610 20,5 15 250 50 43 41 56 18 0,495

Transition fittings 81
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Weld-in saddle PP-R PP-R

d/d1 Code D D2 t1 z1 L kg
40/20 5155 28052 38 25 15 32 47 0,018
40/25 5155 28053 38 25 16 31 47 0,019
50/20 5155 28054 38 25 15 37 52 0,017
50/25 5155 28055 36 25 16 38 54 0,020
63/20 5155 28056 38 25 15 44 59 0,017
63/25 5155 28057 38 25 16 43 59 0,018
75/20 5155 28058 36 25 15 51 66 0,024
75/25 5155 28059 36 25 16 50 66 0,021
90/20 5155 28060 36 25 15 58 73 0,024
90/25 5155 28061 36 25 16 57 73 0,021
110/20 5155 28062 36 25 15 68 83 0,024
110/25 5155 28063 36 25 16 67 83 0,021
125/20 5155 28064 38 25 15 75 90 0,018
125/25 5155 28065 38 25 16 55 71 0,019
125/32 5155 28066 51 32 20 9 90 0,035

82 Weld-in saddles
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Weld-in saddle PP-RCT PP-RCT

d/d1 Code D D2 t1 z1 L SW kg
40- 63/32 5152 43007 51 32 20 9 - - 0,021
75-125/32 5152 43010 51 32 20 9 - 51 0,035
75-125/40 5152 43011 63 40 22 16 - 63 0,083
110-125/50 5152 43018 70 50 25 14 - 70 0,098
125/63 5152 43024 85 63 30 15 - 85 0,163
160-250/20 5152 43026 38 16 29 13 - 38 0,027
160-250/25 5152 43027 38 18 29 11 - 38 0,024
160-250/32 5152 43028 51 20 35 15 - 51 0,037
160-250/40 5152 43029 63 22 38 16 - 63 0,082
160-250/50 5152 43030 70 25 39 14 - 70 0,097
160-250/63 5152 43031 85 30 45 15 - 85 0,162
315/20 5152 43037 38 16 29 13 - 38 0,077
315/25 5152 43038 38 18 29 11 - 38 0,074
315/32 5152 43039 51 20 35 15 - 51 0,086
315/40 5152 43040 63 22 38 16 - 63 0,093
315/50 5152 43041 70 25 39 14 - 70 0,097
315/63 5152 43042 85 30 45 15 - 85 0,161

Weld-in saddles 83
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Weld-in saddle female PP-R PP-R/brass

dxRp Code D2 t1 z1 L SW kg
40x ½" 5155 28071 25 15 35 50 38 0,067
50x ½" 5155 28072 25 15 34 49 46 0,067
63x ½" 5155 28073 25 15 39 54 38 0,068
75x ½" 5155 28074 25 15 39 54 46 0,066
90x ½" 5155 28075 25 15 45 60 38 0,061
110x ½" 5155 28076 25 15 46 61 46 0,070
125x ½" 5155 28077 25 15 52 67 38 0,070
40x ¾" 5155 28171 25 15 59 74 38 0,094
50x ¾" 5155 28172 25 15 59 74 46 0,096
63x ¾" 5155 28173 25 15 69 84 36 0,094
75x ¾" 5155 28174 25 15 69 84 46 0,094
90x ¾" 5155 28175 25 15 77 92 38 0,095
110x ¾" 5155 28176 25 15 77 92 46 0,095
125x ¾" 5155 28177 25 15 52 67 46 0,096

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

84 Weld-in saddles
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Weld-in saddle female PP-RCT PP-RCT/brass

dxRp Code D2 t1 z1 h L SW kg
75-125x 1" 5152 43110 40 22 16 63 - 38 0,104
75-125x1¼" 5152 43111 50 22 17 63 - 39 0,247
110-125x1½" 5152 43118 50 20 19 70 - 39 0,292
125x 2" 5152 43124 63 25 20 85 - 45 0,485
160-250x ½" 5152 43126 25 17 12 29 - 38 0,071
160-250x ¾" 5152 43127 32 17 12 29 - 38 0,112
160-250x 1" 5152 43128 40 22 16 38 63 0,197
160-250x1¼" 5152 43129 50 22 17 39 - 70 0,243
160-250x1½" 5152 43130 50 20 19 39 - 70 0,240
160-250x 2" 5152 43131 63 25 20 45 - 85 0,490
315x ½" 5152 43137 25 17 12 29 - 38 0,121
315x ¾" 5152 43138 32 17 12 29 - 38 0,162
315x 1" 5152 43139 40 22 16 38 - 63 0,240
315x1¼" 5152 43140 50 22 17 39 - 70 0,247
315x1½" 5152 43141 50 20 19 39 - 70 0,242
315x 2" 5152 43142 63 25 20 45 - 85 0,484

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

Weld-in saddles 85
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Weld-in saddle male PP-R PP-R/brass

dxR Code D2 t1 z1 L SW kg
40x ½" 5155 28081 25 13 49 62 38 0,085
50x ½" 5155 28082 25 17 49 66 46 0,091
63x ½" 5155 28083 25 13 54 67 38 0,083
75x ½" 5155 28084 25 17 54 71 46 0,083
90x ½" 5155 28085 25 13 61 74 38 0,083
110x ½" 5155 28086 25 17 60 77 46 0,084
125x ½" 5155 28087 25 13 66 79 38 0,096
40x ¾" 5155 28181 25 17 66 83 46 0,160
50x ¾" 5155 28182 25 13 74 87 36 0,158
63x ¾" 5155 28183 25 17 74 91 46 0,159
75x ¾" 5155 28184 25 13 83 96 36 0,159
90x ¾" 5155 28185 25 17 84 101 46 0,161
110x ¾" 5155 28186 25 13 92 105 38 0,158
125x ¾" 5155 28187 25 17 91 108 46 0,159

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

86 Weld-in saddles
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Weld-in saddle male PP-RCT PP-RCT/brass

dxR Code D2 t1 z1 h SW kg
75-125x 1" 5152 43210 40 20 18 63 38 0,197
75-125x1¼" 5152 43211 40 21 17 63 38 0,468
110-125x1½" 5152 43218 50 21 18 70 39 0,553
125x 2" 5152 43224 63 24 21 85 45 0,919
160-250x ½" 5152 43226 25 13 20 43 38 0,091
160-250x ¾" 5152 43227 32 17 26 43 38 0,133
160-250x 1" 5152 43228 40 20 36 56 63 0,234
160-250x1¼" 5152 43229 50 21 38 59 70 0,334
160-250x1½" 5152 43230 50 21 38 59 70 0,353
160-250x 2" 5152 43231 63 24 46 70 85 0,633
315x ½" 5152 43237 25 13 20 43 38 0,141
315x ¾" 5152 43238 32 17 26 43 38 0,183
315x 1" 5152 43239 40 20 36 56 63 0,239
315x1¼" 5152 43240 50 21 38 59 70 0,342
315x1½" 5152 43241 50 21 38 59 70 0,353
315x 2" 5152 43242 63 24 46 70 85 0,648

Thread according to EN 10226 (ISO 7).

For sealing we recommend PTFE tape.

Weld-in saddles 87
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Stop valve surface assembly PP-R
for surface installation green

d Code L z D H DH SW kg
20 5155 29500 79 25 35 55 50 17 0,205
25 5155 29501 79 23 35 75 50 17 0,187
32 5155 29502 97 30 44 85 50 17 0,319

Stop valve concealed assembly PP-R/chrome plated

for concealed installation green

d Code L z D H d1 kg
20 5155 29510 79 25 35 90 25 0,382
25 5155 29511 79 23 35 90 25 0,374
32 5155 29512 97 30 44 90 25 0,478

Color coded for hot and cold water.

Rosette d76 mm.

88 Valves
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Stop valve concealed assembly - extended PP-R/chrome plated
for concealed installation green

d Code L z D H d1 kg
20 5155 29525 79 25 35 100 25 0,382
25 5155 29526 79 23 35 100 25 0,374
32 5155 29527 97 30 44 100 25 0,478

Color coded for hot and cold water.

Rosette d76 mm.

Stop valve concealed assembly (tamper resistant) PP-R/chrome plated

for concealed installation green

d Code L z D1 H D2 kg
20 5155 29515 79 25 35 72 28 0,288
25 5155 29516 79 23 35 72 28 0,281
32 5155 29517 97 30 35 72 28 0,281

For use in public accessible areas.

Rosette 76 mm.

Valves 89
PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm 
Stop valve body PP-R

dxG Code D1 D2 L t1 z1 z2 t2 H kg
20x¾" 5155 29530 35 45 79 16 25 23 16 28 0,097
25x¾" 5155 29531 35 45 79 16 23 23 16 28 0,099
32x 1" 5155 29532 44 53 97 18 30 30 18 33 0,143

Thread according to ISO 10226.

Y-valve PP-R

d Code L1 z1 z2 L2 H SW DH kg
25 5155 29540 85 75 28 55 55 28 60 0,268
32 5155 29541 94 60 34 64 55 28 60 0,540
40 5155 29542 113 90 40 77 55 28 60 0,773

90 Valves
 PP-R pipe system d20-315 mm
Y-valve KFR PP-R
with integrated non return valve SDR 6

d Code L1 z1 z2 L2 H SW DH kg
25 5155 29550 85 75 28 55 55 28 60 0,264
32 5155 29551 94 60 34 64 55 28 60 0,526
40 5155 29552 113 90 40 77 55 28 60 0,746

Prevents water to flow back into the supply system.

'KFR' is the abbreviation of: Combined Free-flow valve with integrated backflow preventer.
Without outflow.

Ball valve PP-R


d Code L t H l di kg
20 5155 25580 68 15 60 102 15 0,116
25 5155 25581 70 16 60 102 15 0,134
32 5155 25582 80 18 63 102 20 0,188
40 5155 25583 95 21 78 120 25 0,346
50 5155 25584 110 24 83 120 32 0,513
63 5155 25585 130 28 103 145 40 0,937
75 5155 25586 150 31 111 145 50 1,417

Handle: glass fiber reinforced polyamide PA6.

Ball and stem: brass.
PTFE seats, NBR O-ring.
Range: >0°C - 75°C.

Valves 91
Complementary products 
Extension 95 mm chromium plated
for concealed valves

Code l d kg
5150 29520 95 24 0,139

Fits on code 5155 29510, 5155 29511, 5155 29512.

Extenstion set 30 mm brass

for concealed valves

Code L kg
5150 29521 1)
30 0,043
5150 29522 2)
30 0,043

1) for tamper resistant concealed stop valve code 5155 29515 and 5155 29516

2) for concealed stop valves with ¾" thread, code 5155 29510, 5155 29511, 5155 29525 and 5155 29526

Pipe clamp
for sliding and fixed position mounting

d Code kg
20 5150 34201 0,047
25 5150 34202 0,051
32 5150 34203 0,058
40 5150 34204 0,068
50 5150 34205 0,076
63 5150 34206 0,091
75 5150 34207 0,228
90 5150 34208 0,281
110 5150 34209 0,360
125 5150 34210 0,413

92 Accessories
 Complementary products
Pipe clip

d Code a b c d e kg
20 5155 34401 16 16,3 8 21 36 0,007
25 5155 34402 20 20,4 10 26 45 0,014
32 5155 34403 25 25,5 10 33 45 0,022

Profile backing ring PP d32-125

EN 1092 - PN10 bolt hole pattern
for flange sleeve (socket-welding connection)

de/DN Code bar d1 D k b d n M r kg

32/40 5150 28040 16 42 122 85 17 14 4 M12 3 0,4
40/50 5150 28041 16 51 142 100 17 18 4 M16 3 0,5
50/40 5150 28042 16 62 156 110 19 18 4 M16 3 0,7
63/50 5150 28043 16 78 171 125 20 18 4 M16 3 0,9
75/65 5150 28044 16 92 191 145 21 18 4 M16 3 1,0
90/80 5150 28045 16 110 206 160 21 18 8 M16 3 1,2
110/100 5150 28046 16 133 226 180 22 18 8 M16 3 1,5
125/100 5150 28047 1)
16 149 220 180 18 18 8 M16 3 1,2

1) variant with flat design

With ductile iron core.

n = number of bolts.
bar = maximum operating pressure.
"EN 1092 - PN10" refers to the bolt hole pattern, not to the pressure class of the backing ring.

Accessories 93
Complementary products 
Profile backing ring PP d160-315
EN 1092 - PN10 bolt hole pattern
for stub flange (butt-welding connection)

de/DN Code bar d1 D k b d n M r kg

160/150 5152 52016 1)
16 178 296 240 28 22 8 M20 3 1,800
200/200 5152 52020 16 235 350 295 32 22 8 M20 4 3,100
250/250 5152 52025 16 288 412 350 36 22 12 M20 4 4,900
315/300 5152 52031 16 338 462 400 42 22 12 M20 4 6,400

1) PN16/PN10 bore

With ductile iron core.

n = number of bolts.
bar = maximum operating pressure.
"EN 1092 - PN10" refers to the bolt hole pattern, not to the pressure class of the backing ring.

Profile gasket EPDM

with steel core
for stub flanges SDR 11

de/DN Code d D s1 s2 kg
160/150 5152 52216 135 218 6 8 0,150
200/200 5152 52220 168 273 6 8 0,200
250/250 5152 52225 208 328 6 8 0,250
315/300 5152 52231 262 378 6 8 0,300

Suitable for flange connections with maximum operating pressure water 16 bar.
With KTW-certification for potable water application.

94 Accessories
 Complementary products
Pin for pipe repair PP-R


d Code kg
7/11 5155 28030 0,004

To repair point damage.

Cavity wall disk PP-R/brass


d Code kg
½" 5150 35000 0,124

Mounting plate galvanized steel

Code kg
5150 34000 0,276

Accessories 95
Complementary products 
for pressure test
1x male

d Code Colour kg
½" 5150 36100 red 0,016
½" 5150 36101 blue 0,016

96 Accessories
 Complementary products
Welding tool
for butt-welding

d Code kg
20 5150 30002 0,096
25 5150 30003 0,129
32 5150 30004 0,198
40 5150 30005 0,305
50 5150 30006 0,420
63 5150 30007 0,592
75 5150 30008 0,844
90 5150 30009 1,338
110 5150 30010 2,042
125 5150 30011 2,680

Welding tool for weld-in saddles

for weld-in saddles

d Code kg
40/25 5150 30051 0,182
50/25 5150 30052 0,216
63/25 5150 30053 0,237
75/25 5150 30054 0,244
90/25 5150 30055 0,246
110/25 5150 30056 0,249
125/25 5150 30057 0,251
40- 63/32 5150 30058 0,250
75-125/32 5150 30059 0,410
75-125/40 5150 30060 0,360
75-125/50 5150 30061 0,648
125/63 5150 30062 1,046
160-250/25 5150 30065 0,226
160-250/32 5150 30066 0,226
160-250/40 5150 30067 0,358
160-250/50 5150 30068 0,625
160-250/63 5150 30069 1,044
315/25 5150 30165 0,150
315/32 5150 30166 0,200
315/40 5150 30167 0,354
315/50 5150 30168 0,652
315/63 5150 30169 1,100

Tools 97
Complementary products 
Welding tool for repair pin
for pin for pipe repair

d Code kg
7 5150 30080 0,095
11 5150 30081 0,098

Drill 25 mm
for weld-in saddles

d Code kg
25 5150 30070 0,119
32 5150 30071 0,180
40 5150 30072 0,280
50 5150 30073 0,380
63 5150 30074 0,535

Chamfering device
for weld-in saddles on pipe stabi

d Code kg
25 5150 30075 0,211

98 Tools
 Complementary products
Peeling tool for pipe stabi - manual

d Code kg
20+25 5150 34101 0,388
32+40 5150 34102 0,547
50+63 5150 34103 1,345
75 5150 34104 1,051
90 5150 34105 0,930
110 5150 34106 1,699

Peeling tool for pipe stabi - mechanical

for use with drilling machine

d Code kg
20 5150 35101 0,187
25 5150 35102 0,222
32 5150 35103 0,295

Adjustable peeling depth for electrofusion joint.

Profi-cut pipe cutter 0-42 mm

d Code kg
0-42 5150 32002 0,408

Plastic pipe cutter for PP-R, PE, PB and PE-X pipes.

Tools 99
Complementary products 
Pipe cutter 50-110 mm

d Code kg
50-110 5150 32010 1,370

Plastic pipe cutter for PP-R, PE, PB and PE-X pipes.

Manual welding device d16-25

d Code kg
16-25 5150 31002 5,800

For one tool.

With holder and case.

Manual welding device d16-63

d Code kg
16-63 5150 31000 6,540

For two tools.

With holder and case.

100 Tools
 Complementary products
Manual welding device d16-125

d Code kg
16-125 5150 31005 12,940

For five tools.

With holder and case.

Socket welding machine d25-125

d Code kg
25-125 5150 31003 76,800

Welding jig d63-125

d Code kg
63-125 5150 31006 18,900

For the mechanical insertion of the pipe in the socket.


Tools 101
Complementary products 
Welding jig stand
for welding jig

Code kg
5150 31007 6,540

Butt-welding machine d160-315

d Code kg
160-315 5150 31004 76,800

Electrofusion welding machine

Universal electrofusion welding machine

Code kg
5150 31011 11,000

- For diameter d20-d315.

- Robust plastic housing IP 54, insulation class II.
- Mains cable 5 m/4 m fusion cable with socket contacts 4,0 mm.
- Reader wand for barcode reading.
- Welding voltage up to 48 V DC.

Delivered in practical aluminum transport box.

102 Tools
 Complementary products
Pipe scraper set

d Code kg
20-225 5150 31020 1,500

For safe removal of oxide skin on PP-R pipes.

Peeling knife made of hard metal.
Including spare peeling knife and oil maintenance spray.

Scraper - manual

Code kg
5150 31030 0,300

For removal of oxide skin on PP-R pipes.

Spare blades

Code For kg
5150 35110 mechanical peeling tool pipe stabi 0,004
5150 38001 manual peeling tool pipe stabi 0,002

Tools 103
Complementary products 
Depth gauge

Code kg
5199 99971 0,010

104 Tools
Transport and storage
8 Transport and storage
8.1 Packaging 8.2 Handling

8.1.1 Pipes Thanks to the material properties of polypropylene, the pipes and fittings
Pipes are packed in bundles, bundles are packed in foil. Pipes can be can be stored for a long time under variating temperatures. The storage
identified by the marking on the pipe. of pipes and fittings must be in accordance with the following conditions:
1. The pipes should be supported along their full length.
8.1.2. Fittings 2. Bending of the pipes is to be avoided.
Fittings are packed in plastic bags, plastic bags are packed in carton boxes: 3. The material becomes sensitive to impact at low temperatures and
in particular at temperatures below 0°C. For this reason knocks and
Carton box Box dimensions LxBxH (cm) Boxes/pallet similar impacts are to be avoided under these conditions.
4. High-polymer materials are sensitive to UV radiation. For this reason
1 40x30x22 40
the Wefatherm material should also be protected against the effects
2 30x20x22 80 of UV radiation.
Table 8.1
Suggestions for the correct treatment of pipe systems
Fittings can be identified by inscription on the fitting (larger items) or by
the code on the plastic bag (smaller items). Avoid hard knocks or
Put pipes down carefully
impacts at the end of a pipe

40x30x22 cm
Do not use pipes which are
Cut pipes only with sharp
damaged or cracked at the

Alignment corrections of up
22 cm Do not twist either pipe or to 5° relative to the axis of
fitting after joining together the pipe can be carried out
immediately after joining
30x20x22 cm
Avoid exposure to
Store protected against sun
UV-radiation for any
and rain
extended period of time
30 cm 40 cm
Protect against impacts Cover pipes at risk,
22 cm on site to prevent damage

Illustration 8.3

20 cm 30 cm
8.3 Dispose of waste materials
Illustration 8.1 Dispose waste material separated according to the regulations.
PP pipes and fittings are recyclable.

Transition fittings Recyclable, after separation of PP and brass

Gaskets general waste
Cardboard boxes recyclable
Plastic bags recyclable
Chips general waste
Wipes general waste

Table 8.2

International regulation on drinking water for human consumption

prevents to apply recycled material in the production process for water
supply systems.

Illustration 8.2 Pipe marking example

Transport and storage 105

Transport and storage

106 Transport and storage

Jointing techniques
9 Jointing techniques
9.1 Health and safety regulations

Safety instruction
There is always a certain risk of injury when operating with plastic
The general industrial hygiene and accident prevention regulations of the
pipe welding machines. Observation of the following accident
particular country or state in which the device is to be used, are to be
prevention regulations reduces this danger to a minimum.
Non-observation of them can lead to accidents!

1. Dirty and untidy workplaces increase the chances of accidents. Wear suitable work clothing

2. Ambient surroundings: protect electrical tools from rain and drips.

Do not use them in wet or moist rooms. Keep onlookers and visitors Wear a safety helmet
away from the places where welding is carried out (safety distance).

3. Storage: store machines and devices under dry conditions and secu- Wear safety shoes
red against unauthorized access.

4. Working clothing: wear tightly fitting clothing and no rings or jewellery Wear safety glasses
when working: loose clothing and rings or jewellery could be caught
by moving parts.
Wear hearing protection
5. Electrical parts: before connecting a device to the mains, check that it
is switched off. Always pull out the plug before carrying repairs. Replace
damaged or brittle connection cables and pull reliefs immediately. Improper use can cause severe cuts, bruising or dismemberment
Protect cables from heat and sharp edges. Never pull plugs out of
the socket by pulling on the cable. Never carry a device by the cable.

6. Workpieces: ensure that the pipe and fitting are always located firmly
in the clamping devices.

7. Danger of injury: beware of squashing when closing the clamps.

8. Danger of burning: the metal parts on the heating element will have
temperatures up to 300°C. Take precautions so that it is not possible
to touch them. Keep inflammable materials at a safe distance away.

9. Spare parts: replace damaged parts immediately. Protect electrical

parts carefully. Dirt and moisture are very good electrical conductors.
Use only original spare parts. Always state the machine number and
version number when ordering spare parts.

Use only Wefatherm tools for welding of the Wefatherm pipe system.
Before starting the assembly check the welding tools for impurities. If
necessary clean tools with absorbent, lint-free and non-dyed paper and
PP cleaner. Replace worn out and damaged parts, specially tools with
damaged coating.

Jointing techniques 107

Jointing techniques
9.2 Socket welding

9.2.1 Socket welding - manual

This jointing technique is suitable for d16-63 mm.
The described process is according guideline DVS 2207 Part 11.

Welding device Socket welding - manual process

Correct 1. Tighten up in cold condition the threaded inserts 1. Prepare the welding device according to the
for holding the tools and clean with absorbent, device manual.
lint-free and non-dyed paper. Screw on the tools 2. Cut the pipe square. Use the pipe shear or pipe
hand tight. They may not extend beyond the cutter for plastic pipes.
edge of the tongue! 3. Deburr the pipe and remove the cutting chips.

Wrong 2. Switch on the device. The thermostat lamp and

control lamp must light up. Set the thermostat 4. Mark the insertion depth with a gauge on the
to 260°C. The heating-up process is completed pipe.
when the thermostat lamp switches off. 5. Align the position of the fitting with the aid of
the auxiliary marking on the fitting and the
3. Tighten up the tools once again with the Allen continuous line on the pipe.
wrench. Never use pliers to avoid damage of the 6. For stabi pipes remove the aluminium cover with
coating. the peeling tool up to the insertion depth. Use
4. The welding tools have to be mounted according only original Wefatherm peeling devices with
to the diameters so that the edges do not loom sharp blades. Replace blunt peeling blades!
over the heating device. Tools from d40 mm are
always to be installed at the back hole. 7. Insert simultaneous, without turning, the pipe
5. Plug in the welding device and check if the green end into the heating sleeve up to the marking
operating lamp is switched on. The warm-up phase of the insertion depth and the fitting onto the
takes between 5 and 20 minutes, depending on mandrel up to the stop. Observe the heating-up
the environment temperature. The welding device time mentioned in table. Timing for heating-up
is operational as the orange lamp is switched on. time starts when the full insertion depth of the
pipe is reached and fitting is pushed against the
6. After the device has been switched off, wait until stop.
it has cooled down. Never cool down the device
with water! It causes danger of injury! Electronic 8. At the end of the heating-up time, draw the
parts such as the thermostat could be damaged. pipe and fitting rapidly from the sleeve and
Remove contamination with absorbent, lint-free mandrel and push them immediately together
and nondyed paper and PP cleaner. up to the point that the insertion depth marking
is covered by the bead that has been formed.
7. The device may only be used when it is in a dry Do not insert the pipe too far into the fitting to
state. It must be stored in dry and dust-free prevent the internal diameter of the pipe being
conditions. reduced. Do not rotate the pipe and fitting relative
8. Proper functioning of the device can only be to each other.
guaranteed when the tongue and tools are in
perfect condition. Defective or contaminated 9. During the processing time keep the pipe and
parts must always be replaced. fitting in fixed position relative to each other.
The parts can still be aligned relative to each
Pipe outside Welding Heating-up Processing Cooling- other during this phase but may not be rotated
diameter depth time time down time relative to each other! After completion of the
(mm) (mm) (sec) (sec) (mm) cooling time the joint can be fully loaded. This
16 13 5 4 2 welding joint is an inseparable joint, the material
of the fitting and pipe have melted together.
20 14 5 4 2
25 15 7 4 2
32 17 8 6 4
40 18 12 6 4
50 20 18 6 4
63 26 24 8 6
75 29 30 8 8
90 32 40 8 8
110 35 50 8 8
125 41 60 10 8
Table 9.1 General guideline of socket welding DVS 2207 Part 11

If welding is to be carried out outdoors when the temperature is below

+ 5°C, the heating-up time in accordance with DVS 2207 Part 11 should
be increased by 50%.

108 Jointing techniques

Jointing techniques
9.2.2 Socket welding - mechanical
This jointing technique is suitable for d75-125 mm.
The described process is according guidelines DVS 2207 Part 11.

Welding device Socket welding - machined process

The axial movements are brought about by a transport 1. Press the fitting into the clamping tool (number 7) up to the stop (9)
wheel and a toothed rod. V-shaped clamping tools and clamp firmly.
of hardened steel are for holding the components 2. Push the button (3).
independently of their external diameter. Two V-shaped 3. Move the carriage with hand wheel (2) up to the stop (3) and secure
clamps for pipe fixation and a single one with insert with the locking screw (4). Position the pipe before the fitting in such
stop are for fitting fixation. The two tool carriages a way that its face is in contact with the fitting. Clamp firmly with
can be aligned axially. The insertion depth is limited clamping tools (7).
by a stop. The electronically controlled heating 4. Set the diameter stop (1) to the diameter to be processed.
plate can be swung into the machine. 5. Check the welding plate temperature and adjust if necessary.
Illustration 9.1 6. Swing the in welding plate (5) between the pipe and fitting.
7. Slide the pipe and fitting at the same time into the heating tools (6)
7 6 5 6 9 7 up to the stops and hold in this position for the heating-up time.
8. After the heating-up time has expired, move the carriages rapidly
back and swing out the plate (5). Then move up the pipe and press it
into the fitting up to the stop and lock it in this position.
9. Remove the welded parts from the machine and align if necessary,
but do not rotate them relative to each other! After the cooling-
down time has expired, the welded parts can be loaded to pressure.

For the heating-up, processing and cooling-down times see table 9.2.

1 Maintenance
1. The heating element is operated with 230 V/50 Hz.
4 2 3 2. Keep guide shafts, toothed rods and trapezoidal spindles free of dirt.
3. Clean the heating tools with absorbent, lint-free and non-dyed paper
Illustration 9.2 and PP cleaner.
4. Use only original spare parts for repairs.
Setting up the welding machine 5. Cover the machine when it is not used.
1. Remove the machine and accessories from the transport case and
place the machine on a suitable non-slip base. Clamp it if necessary. Pipe outside Welding Heating-up Processing Cooling-
2. Slide heating plate (5) into the guide. diameter depth time time down time
3. Fold welding plate (5) between the clamping tools (7) and adjust if (mm) (mm) (sec) (sec) (mm)
necessary. 16 13 5 4 2
20 14 5 4 2
Aligning the welding machine
25 15 7 4 2
4. Select a heating mandrel (6) and a heating sleeve (6) in accordance
with the dimensions of the pipe and fitting and fit them on the plate 32 17 8 6 4
(heating mandrel on the right, heating sleeve on the left). 40 18 12 6 4
5. Unscrew the clamping tools (7) in accordance with the diameter of 50 20 18 6 4
the pipe and fitting. 63 26 24 8 6
6. Clean tools, pipe and fitting on the inside and outside with lint-free
75 29 30 8 8
and non-dyed paper and PP cleaner.
90 32 40 8 8
7. Heat up the welding reflector and set the welding temperature at
260°C according the manual. The processing temperature has been 110 35 50 8 8
reached and the device is ready for use when the control lamp 125 41 60 10 8
switches off. Table 9.2 General guideline socket welding DVS 2207 Part 11

If welding is to be carried out outdoors when the temperature is below

+ 5°C, the heating-up time is accordance with DVS 2207 Part 11 should
be increased by 50%.

Jointing techniques 109

Jointing techniques
9.2.3 Weld-in saddle welding
The Wefatherm weld-in saddles weld both the pipe outer surface and the
wall thickness of the pipe for a reliable joining.

- realizing additional tees on distribution lines
- afterwards addition of sensors (thermometer, pressure gauge)
- construction of tees

Weld-in saddles can be used for PP-R and PP-R stabi pipes.

1. Drill a hole into the pipe with drill
Code 5150 30070.

Notice the depth of the drill.

2. For stabi pipes: remove the rest of the aluminium

in the bore hole with chamfering tool
Code 5150 30075.

3. Heat up the hole and weld-in saddle simulta-

neously. The heat up time is 30 sec (temperature
260°C). Heat time starts when full insertion
depth of the saddle is reached and the saddle is
pushed against the tool.

4. After heating up, remove the welding tool and

weld the saddle immediately into the hole. The
saddle should be pressed into the pipe for 15
sec. After 10 min of cooling down the weld-in
saddle can be used.

110 Jointing techniques

Jointing techniques
9.3 Butt-welding

This jointing technique is suitable for d160-315 mm. The process parameters can be established according this guideline. The
The described process is according guideline DVS 2207 Part11. calculated pressure needs to be loaded on the butt-weld components.
Each butt-welding machine has specific internal friction and machine settings
Butt-welding is a very economical and reliable jointing technique in which need to be adapted accordingly. The values given in this Specification
an additional tool is required to create the non-detachable joint. Butt- Manual are specific for the butt-weld machine Ritmo Delta Dragon. When
welding is very well-suited to the pre-fabrication of pipe elements and the another butt-weld machine (fabricator or type) is applied, the welder
construction of special fittings. In butt-welding, the welding surfaces needs to respect the specific parameters of this fabricator/type.
(ends) of the components to be welded are first machined (planed). This
produces coplanar ends that can later be simultaneously pressed against
the heating element. The welding surfaces are then heated by the heating
element (hot plate) and lined up under slight pressure (alignment pressure).
Subsequently, heating proceeds under reduced pressure (heating time)
and, after removing the heating element (conversion), the joint is formed
under welding pressure. Table 9.3 provides a schematic representation of
the butt-welding process.

Adjustable heating temperatures can be varied to match wall thickness

(see illustration 9.3).

Illustration 9.3 Heating temperature as function of PP pipe wall thickness

Delta 250B
DVS 2207-11 (02/99)

1 2 3 4 5
D s SDR T *P1 P2 t2 t3 max t4 *P5 t5
(mm) (mm) = (ºC) (bar) (bar) (sec) (sec) (sec) (bar) (min)

160 14,6 11 210 7 1,0 1 277 8 13 11 24

160 17,8 9 210 13 1,0 1 315 9 16 13 28
160 21,9 7 ,4 210 16 1,55 2 359 10 19 16 34
160 26,6 6 210 19 2,0 2 405 11 23 19 41
200 18,4 11 210 18 1,0 2 320 9 16 18 29
200 22,3 9 210 21 1,5 2 363 10 19 21 35
200 27,4 7 ,4 210 25 2,0 3 411 11 23 25 42
200 33,2 6 210 30 2,0 3 456 13 29 30 50
250 22,7 11 210 28 1,5 3 367 10 20 28 35
250 27,8 9 210 33 2,0 3 414 11 24 33 42
250 34,2 7 ,4 210 39 2,0 4 463 13 29 39 51
Table 9.3 Add to this value the drag pressure of the welding machine

Jointing techniques 111

Jointing techniques
9.4 Electrofusion welding

This jointing technique is suitable for d20-315 mm. The described process
is according guideline DVS 2207 Part 11.

1. Cut off the end of the pipe square and deburr.
Mark the welding depth of the coupler.

2. Prepare the pipe surface in the welding area.

Remove the oxidation layer in the welding
area, depth of the coupler + 0,5 cm processing
surcharge. Use a rotary scraper tool. Remove the
chips without touching the pipe surface.

3. Clean the pipe surface and the inside of the

coupler with absorbent, lint-free and nondyed
paper. Internal surface of the coupler must not
be scraped. The fitting should only be taken
out of the protection cover when starting the

4. Slide the coupler onto the pipe, free of tension

or stress up to the marking. Control by prior
marking. Secure the pipe against dislocation,
e.g. with a pipe clamp. Connect the two welding
cables to the contact pins of the coupler and
start the welding process.

5. Only start the welding process when the position

of the pipes in the electrofusion coupler is even.

At the end of the welding cycle wait for the cooling time. After the cooling
time you can stress the electrofusion joint to the permissible operating

d Cooling time
(mm) (min)

16 - 32 10
40 - 63 25
75 - 110 40
125 45
160 - 200 75
250 - 315 100

Table 9.4

112 Jointing techniques

Jointing techniques
9.5 Flange jointing

This paragraph contains a recommendation to ensure a reliable and tight

flange joint according to ESA/ESF guideline publication 009/98.

1. The sealing faces of the two stub-ends in a joint should contact each
other or in case of a rubber joint with gasket, be parallel to each other
all around the circumference and in full contact.
2. The flange face should be in full contact all around the circumference
with the upper face of the stub-end to avoid fulcrum effect which will
lead to leaking and even breaking of the flange itself while torqueing
the bolts.



Illustration 9.4

Bolt tightening
1. Install all the bolts and nuts finger tight, ensuring
at all times that the alignment is correct.
2. As the first torqueing step, tighten the bolts in
a crisscross sequence as shown in illustration
9.5. Using a torque wrench with 20% of the
final torque listed in table 9.5, taking care that
points 1 and 2, are satisfied at all times.
3. In the four remaining steps, repeat step two Illustration 9.5
four times, each time increasing the torque by
20% of the final value.
4. After reaching the final torque, use rotational tightening until all bolts
are stable at the final torque value (in general two complete times
around is required).

Always use the crisscross pattern!

Bolt tightening
torque (Nm)
d2 DN Flat ring gasket Profile gasket O-ring gasket
(mm) (mm) Bolt hole Bolt count Bolt size (pacc ≤10 bar) (pacc ≤16 bar) (pacc ≤16 bar)
32 25 85 14 4 M12 16 15
40 32 100 18 4 M16 16 20
50 40 110 18 4 M16 16 25
63 50 125 18 4 M16 16 35
75 65 145 18 4 M16 16 40
90 80 160 18 8 M16 16 40
110 100 180 18 8 M16 16 50
125 100 180 18 8 M16 16 50
160 150 240 22 8 M20 16 60
200 200 295 22 8 M20 *) 16 75
250 250 350 22 12 M20 *) 16 95
315 300 400 22 12 M20 *) 16 100
*) Pacc ≤6 bar for elastomer sealing and accumulated friction factor μR = 0,15
Table 9.5 Standard values for torque (DVS 2210 part 1)

Jointing techniques 113

Jointing techniques

114 Jointing techniques

Quality management
10 Quality management
10.1 Quality management system
The system of monitoring the high quality of the products during the The Wefatherm pipe system has been certified by DVGW and independent
production process is given in illustration 10.1. institutes and carries a number of internationally recognized approvals.

Illustration 10.2

The latest versions of these certificates can be found in the

download area of www.wefatherm.de.

10.3 Quality statement

The Wefatherm pipe system is produced according to the ISO 9001
approved quality management system for the production of injection
moulded and extruded products for water supply systems.
Illustration 10.1 Quality management system

10.4 Manufacturers guarantee

10.2 Declaration of conformity When these components are correctly installed and used, the trouble free
and satisfactory operation of the installed system can be expected on the
The Wefatherm pipe system is manufactured from compound polypropy- long run. Should you have any question, however, our after sales service
lene RA130E-6017 which complies with the requirements mentioned in: is ready to help you.
- RA130E Material Data Sheet
- RA130E Safety Information Sheet Warranty
- RA130E Compliance to Drinking water The pipes and fittings (which are parts of the Wefatherm system components)
- RA130E Compliance to Food (‘The Products’) are warranted against manufacturing defects for a period
- RA130E Statement on Chemicals of 10 years starting at the manufacturing date marked on The Products
subject to all the following conditions:

The PP-R pipe system is manufactured generally in accordance with the (i) The warranty shall not apply to defects that were apparent at the
standards in table 10.1. products delivery
(ii) The starting date of the warranty period (10 years) shall be the
Standard Title manufacturing date marked on The Products
(iii) The Products must have been installed not later than 6 months after
ISO 15874 Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water
installations - polypropylene (PP) their delivery
(iv) The defects shall have been notified to Wefatherm GmbH before
DIN 8077 - 8078 Pipes of polypropylene (PP)
expiry of the warranty period and not later than 30 days of the date
DIN 16962 Fittings and components for pressure systems of of occurrence of the defect
polypropylene (PP)
(v) The Products have been properly stored, installed, commissioned and
ASTM F2389-S Specification for pressure-rated polypropylene (PP) used in accordance with the Wefatherm Specification Manual and state
piping systems -metric series of the art best practices and have not been caused by any external event
Table 10.1 (vi) The Products have not been installed in association with other products
or components not supplied or recommended by Wefatherm GmbH
(vii) This warranty covers the replacement of the defective products to
the exclusion of any other remedy or indemnity of whatever kind
such as, but not limited to, consequential damages, indirect damages,
dismantling and reinstallation costs, loss of use

10.5 Product liability insurance

For the coverage of the liability in case of personal injury or property
damage we have concluded an extended product liability insurance.

For additional information contact the Wefatherm Export Sales


Quality management 115

Quality management

116 Quality management

Company profile
11 Company profile
11.1 Wefatherm GmbH

Wefatherm PP-R water supply systems have been used for many years in
areas of application where the pipe system has to meet high standards of
durability and reliability. 25 years of experience in water supply systems,
focusing on innovation, quality and dedication: that is Wefatherm GmbH.

The Wefatherm factory is situated in Wunstorf, a town in the district

of Hannover, in Lower Saxony, Germany. To the west of the city is Lake
‘Steinhuder Meer’, making Wunstorf and Wefatherm a perfect match:
both making more of water and its quality. Wefatherm has always been
focused on innovation and quality, making ‘made in Germany’ more than
just a phrase by really living up to it. With a clear focus on meeting the
demanding specifications of installers and consulting engineers, the
Wefatherm team is a key element in the successful delivery of our knowledge
through consultation, support processes and the application of leading
technologies. Wefatherm GmbH is an Aliaxis company.


11.2 Akatherm BV

Akatherm BV is located Panningen, The Netherlands, and operates as

Export Sales Office and contractual business partner for the Wefatherm
product range. The product liability is mentioned in the terms and conditions
of Akatherm BV.

Akatherm has over 40 years experience in drainage and pressure systems.

Akatherm BV has always been a pioneer in PE/PP pipe systems, and has
developed from prefabrication and installation through trading and
subcontracted production to own manufacturing and marketing. Akatherm
BV has an international distribution network and is an Aliaxis company.


11.3 Aliaxis Group

The Aliaxis Group is a leading global manufacturer and distributor of primarily

plastic fluid handling systems used in residential and commercial construction,
as well as in industrial and public infrastructure applications.

Aliaxis’ brands have a strong identity and are firmly established in the
markets they serve. Aliaxis is present in over 40 countries, has more than
100 manufacturing and commercial entities and employs over 14.000
people. In addition to the well-established markets of Europe and North
America, Aliaxis has operations in Latin and South America, Australasia
and Asia.

Aliaxis leverages their local and global knowledge of the industry, regulations
and building habits to provide consistently excellent customer service
through their distribution partners to building installers, infrastructure
contractors and others. Thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of its local
people, balanced with the strengths, know-how and international reach
of the group, Aliaxis continues to develop and improve their positions in
key building applications throughout the world.


Company profile 117

Company profile

118 Company profile

Appendix A
Appendix A1
References for PP-R
Reference stress

Service life td

Appendix A 119
Appendix A
Appendix A2
1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/ 9. Physical and chemical properties
undertaking Appearance: solid, green
Trade name: RA130E-6017
Odour: odourless
Material use: Raw material for plastics industry
Melting point/range: 130-170°C
Manufacturer: Borealis
Density: 0,9-1,0 g/cm³
E-mail address: [email protected]
Ignition temperature: >320°C
2. Hazards identification
Health: The product is not classified as dangerous. Inhalation of dust may Solubility(ies): insoluble in water
irritate the respiratory tract. Prolonged inhalation of high doses of
decomposition products may give headache or irritation of the respiratory tract. 10. Stability and reactivity
The product is a stable thermoplastic, with no chemical reactivity.
Fire: The product burns, but is not classified as flammable.
11. Toxicological information
Environment: The product is not considered dangerous for the environment. The product is not classified as hazardous according to Regulation (EC).
1272/2008 Inhalation of dust may irritate the respiratory tract. Prolonged
3. Composition/information on ingredients inhalation of high doses of decomposition products may give headache
The product is a polypropylene polymer. Contains no substance classified or irritation of the respiratory tract.
as hazardous in concentrations, which should be taken into account ac-
cording to EC directives. 12. Ecological information
The product is not considered dangerous for the environment.
4. First aid measures
No specific instructions needed. 13. Disposal considerations
Reuse or recycle if not contaminated. The product may be safely used
Skin contact: Cool melted product on skin with plenty of water. Do not as fuel. Proper combustion does not require any special flue gas control.
remove solidified product. Check with local regulations.

5. Fire-fighting measures 14. Transport information

Suitable extinguishing media: Water in spread jet, dry chemicals, foam or The product is not regulated by ADR/RID, IMDG or IATA.
carbon dioxide.
15. Regulatory information
Special exposure hazards: Principal toxicant in the smoke is carbon mo- In accordance with Regulation (EC) 1272/2008, the product does not
noxide. need to be classified nor labelled.

6. Accidental release measures Label:

Vacuum or sweep up spill. All spill of material must be removed immedi- Trade name: RA130E-6017
ately to prevent slipping accidents. Manufacturer: Borealis

7. Handling and storage 16. Other information

Handling: During processing and thermal treatment of the product, small Issued in accordance with Article 32 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006,
amounts of volatile hydrocarbons may be released. Provide adequate ven- and its amendments.
tilation. Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary. Avoid inhalation of
dust and decomposition fumes. Dust from the product gives a potential Issuer: Borealis, Group Product Stewardship 18.05/2015 Ed. 3.
risk for dust explosion. All equipment shall be grounded.

Storage: Safety aspects do not require any special precautions in terms

of storage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection

Provide adequate ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary.

120 Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A3
Statement on compliance to regulations for drinking water pipes Switzerland
We confirm that this product and the monomers, additives and (if Verordnung der EDI über Bedarfsgegenstände vom 23.11.2005
present) pigments used for its manufacturing are in compliance with the (817.023.21); Stand 01.04.2013, 3. Abschnitt Bedarfsgegenstände aus
requirements of the following legislation: Kunststoff.

Austria USA
Kunststoffverordnung Nr. 476/2003 und Änderungen 242/2005, FDA, CFR, Title 21, 177.1520 (a)(3)(i)(c)(1), (b) and (c)3.1a Olefin polymers.
452/2006, 325/2007, 140/2009, 196/2010 und 45/2011.
National approvals
Czech Republic This statement is no warranty, that articles, made from this material and
Vyhlaska Ministerstva zdravotnictvi c. 409/2005 Sb as amended. intended to be used in contact with drinking water, will fit the technical
requirements as defined in the approval schemes of the above listed
EU countries.
Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 - so far applicable to polymer pellets.
The organoleptic characteristics of food contact materials are influenced Materials and articles intended to be used in contact with drinking water
by converting conditions, time and temperature of storage and type of in many countries have to be approved by authorised national laboratories.
food, therefore compliance with article 3 must be verified and tested by For that purpose Borealis is prepared to provide those laboratories detailed
the producer of the final packing material. Commission Regulation (EU) information on the composition of this grade on request.
2011/10 as amended. Commission Regulation (EC) 1895/2005 - BADGE,
NOGE and BFDGE are not used for the production of this grade Commission Prepared by: Borealis, Group Product Stewardship 28.09.16 Ed. 16.
Regulation (EC) 2023/2006. This material has been manufactured in
accordance with the relevant requirements of good manufacturing practice
for materials articles intended to come into contact with food, as
described in more detail in the Borealis statement ’Food hygiene demands
and standards’.

Maa-ja metsätalousministeriön asetus 497/2011 (referring to regulation

Brochure No. 1227 (2002), et srrêté du 02.02.2003, tel que modificié
incl. Arrêté du 09.12.13.

Bedarfgegenständeverordnung vom 23.12.1997 in der Fassung vom
24.06.2013 (referring to regulation EU 2011/10), and Empfehlung des
Umweltbundesamtes: Leitlinie zur hygienischen Beurteilung von organischen
Materialien in Kontakt mit Trinkwasser (KTW-Leitlinie), Tabelle 1 ’Kunststoffe’,
Stand: 07.03.2016.

Decreto Ministeriale 06.04.2004 N. 174.

The Netherlands
Staatstoezicht op de Volksgezondheid. Publikatie 94-01, Deel B, 1.3.

Sosial- og helsedepartementets forskrift 1993-12-21-1381 (referring to
regulation EU 2011/10).

Real Decreto 118/2003, R.D.1262/2005, SCO/3508/2006 y ANAIP (1982),
Anexo 1, Anexo 4.

Statens Livsmedelsverks kungörelse LIVSFS 2011:7 (referring to regulation
EU 2011/10).

Appendix A 121
Appendix A
Appendix A4
Statement on chemicals, regulations and standards

We certify that during manufacturing of this product we do not use or Regarding classification of the above product according to REGULATION
intentionally add any of the chemicals restricted by the following regula- (EC) No 1272/2008 and its subsequent amendments, reference is made
tions and standards and their subsequent amendments in amounts which in the SDS/PSIS for the above product.
exceed the applicable limits.
We also certify that during the manufacturing of the above product we
- Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation 1907/2006/EC (superseding do not use or intentionally incorporate into it any of the following
Directive 76/769/EEC) - Restrictions on the manufacturing, placing on materials:
the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles
- Directive 2000/53/EC (End of life vehicles - ELV) - Cr(VI), Hg and Pb Aromatic Amines (restricted in Regulation
< 0.1 wt%, Cd < 0.01 wt%) 1907/2006/EC, Annex XVII)
Arsenic, Beryllium, Bismuth
- Directive 2011/65/EU (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Artificial Musks
Substances in electrical and electronic equipment - ROHS) - Cr(VI), Hg, Asbestos
Pb, PBB, PBDE, DEHP, BBP, DBP, DIBP < 0.1 wt%, Cd < 0.01 wt% Azocolorants (restricted in Regulation 1907/2006/EC, Annex XVII)
Azodicarbonamide, semicarbazide
- Directive 2012/19/EU (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment - WEEE, Benzophenones (e.g. 4-MBP, 4-HBP, 2,2´-Dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone)
repealing 2002/96/EC) - Annex VII - No ingredients used which require Biocides (Pesti-, Herbi-, Insecti-, Fungi-, Bactericides)
selective waste treatment (As, Hg, PCB, PCT, CFC, HCFC, HFC, Brominated flame retardants (e.g. PBB, PBDE)
brominated FR) Cadmium, Chromium (VI), Lead, Mercury
- Chemicals List of Proposition 65 of the State of California and Colophony (rosin)
subsequent amendments, as known to the State of California to cause 4,4’- Diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA)
cancer or reproductive toxicity Di-2-ethyl-hexyl maleate (DEHM)
Dimethylfumarate (DMF), Dibutylfumarate
- Regulation 1005/2009/EC (Substances that deplete the ozone layer) - 1,4-Dioxane
Prohibition of CFC’s, HCFC’s, Halons, CCl4, Trichloroethane, HBFC’s 2-Ethylhexanoic acid, Ethoxyquin, ITX, Thiurams
- US Clean Air Act, Title VI, Classes I and II (EPA Final Rule; Federal Fragrances
Register 8136, 11.2.1993) on substances that deplete the ozone layer Furfural
Genetically modified materials (GMO)
- Regulation 850/2004/EC on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Glycol ethers (EGME, EGMEA, EGEE, EGEEA)
- Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) and VDA232-101 - Gold, Indium, Palladium
No use of prohibited or declarable substances above threshold limits Melamine, Cyanuric acid
Natural rubbers, Latex
- Swiss SR 814.018 (Verordnung über die Lenkungsabgabe auf flüchtigen Nitrosamines, Nitrates, Nitrites
organischen Verbindungen - VOCV) - VOC’s according to Annexes Octyl- and Nonylphenols and Octyl- or Nonylphenolethoxylates; TNPP
1 & 2 < 3 wt% Organotin compounds
Parabens PBT and vPvB substances according to EC
- Japanese CSCL; Class I and II Specified Chemical Substances Regulation No.1907/2006 (REACH)
Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
- Japanese PRTR law; Class I or Class II Designated Chemical Substances. PFOA, PFOS
Plasticisers (e.g. Adipates, ESBO, Phthalates*)
Polychlorinated Bi-, Terphenyls and Naphthalenes
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
Radioactive substances
Recycled materials
Selenium, Silver, Tellurium, Thorium
Styrene SVHC on “Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for
Thiuram mix
Tin, Gold, Tantalum, Tungsten
UV-hardeners (e.g. ITX, Titanyl-acetylacetone)
Vinylchloride, Vinylidenechloride, PVC or PVDC

*) DEP, DEHP or DIBP may be used in the catalyst system, which may result
in traces of these phthalates in the product, typically in concentrations
below 1 ppm.

24.08.2016 Ed. 19

122 Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A5
References fo PP-RCT
Reference stress

Servicelife td

Appendix A 123
Appendix A
Appendix A6
1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/ 9. Physical and chemical properties
undertaking Trade name: RA7050-GN Appearance: solid, green
Odour: odourless
Material use: Raw material for plastic industry Melting point/range: 130–170°C
Density: 0,9-1,0 g/cm³
Manufacturer: Borealis Ignition temperature: >320°C
Solubility: insoluble in water
E-mail address: [email protected]
10. Stability and reactivity
2. Hazards identification The product is a stable thermoplastic, with no chemical reactivity.
Health: The product is not classified as dangerous preparation. Inhalation
of dust may irritate the respiratory tract. Prolonged inhalation of high 11. Toxicological information
doses of decomposition products may give headache or irritation of the The product is not classified as hazardous according to Regulation (ED)
respiratory tract. No. 1272/2008. However, inhalation of dust may irritate the respiratory
tract. Prolonged inhalation of high doses of decomposition products may
Fire: The product burns, but is not classified as flammable. give headache or irritation of the respiratory tract.

Environment: The product is not considered dangerous for the environment. 12. Ecological information
The product is not considered dangerous for the environment.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
The product is a polypropylene polymer. 13. Disposal considerations
Contains no substance classified as hazardous in concentrations, which Reuse or recycle if not contaminated. The product may be safely used
should be taken into account according to EC regulations. as fuel. Proper combustion does not require any special flue gas control.
Check with local regulations.
4. First aid measures
No specific instruction needed. 14. Transport information
The product is not regulated by ADR/RID, IMDG or IATA.
Skin contact: Cool melted product on skin with plenty of water. Do not
remove solidified product. 15. Regulatory information
Inoccordance with Regulation (ED) No 1272/2008, the product does not
5. Fire-fighting measures need to be classified nor labelled.
Suitable extinguishing media: Water in spread jet, dry chemicals, foam or
carbon dioxide. Label:
Trade name: RA7050-GN
Special exposure hazards: Principal toxicant in the smoke is carbon Manufacturer: Borealis
16. Other information
6. Accidental release measures Issued in accordance with Article 32 of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006,
Suck or sweep up spill. All spill of material must be removed immediately and it’s amendments.
to prevent slipping accidents.
Issuer: Borealis Group Product Stewardship 14.03.2016 Ed. 14.
7. Handling and storage
Handling: During processing and thermal treatment of the product, small
amounts of volatile hydrocarbons may be released. Provide adequate
ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary. Avoid inhalation
of dust and decomposition fumes. Dust from the product gives a potential
risk for dust explosion. All equipment shall be grounded.

Storage: Safety aspects do not require any special precautions in terms

of storage.

8. Exposure controls/personal protection

Provide adequate ventilation. Local exhaust ventilation may be necessary.

124 Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix A7
Beta-PPR RA7050-GN
General statement on compliance to food contact regulations

We confirm that this product fulfils the requirements on materials used

for articles or components of articles intended to come into contact with
food as described in
- Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 - so far applicable for raw materials
- Commission Directive 2002/72/EC (as amended) and its national
- FDA, CFR, Title 21 (2008) §177.1520 Olefin Polymers

The product contains substances (monomers and/or additives) with Specific

Migration Limits (SML) or other restrictions.

As the information on these restricted substances is Borealis proprietary

information, it only can be disclosed for the purpose of an assessment
of the compliance with the relevant restrictions, after signing of a

Statement: the information will then be given in a more detailed Declaration

of Compliance, which is not allowed to be forwarded to any third party.

Prepared by: Ed. 1 Borealis Group Product Stewardship 28/07/2008.

Appendix A 125
Appendix A
Appendix A8
Statement on chemicals, regulations and standards

We certify that during manufacturing of this product we do not use or Regarding classification of the above product according to REGULATION
intentionally add any of the chemicals restricted by the following regulations (EC) No 1272/2008 and its subsequent amendments, reference is made
and standards and their subsequent amendments in amounts which in the SDS/PSIS for the above product.
exceed the applicable limits.
We also certify that during the manufacturing of the above product we
- Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation 1907/2006/EC (superseding do not use or intentionally incorporate into it any of the following
Directive 76/769/EEC) - Restrictions on the manufacturing, placing on materials:
the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles
- Directive 2000/53/EC (End of life vehicles - ELV) - Cr(VI), Hg and Pb Aromatic Amines (restricted in Regulation 1907/2006/EC, Annex XVII)
< 0.1 wt%, Cd < 0.01 wt%) Arsenic, Beryllium, Bismuth
Artificial Musks
- Directive 2011/65/EU (Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Asbestos
Substances in electrical and electronic equipment - ROHS) - Cr(VI), Hg, Azocolorants (restricted in Regulation 1907/2006/EC, Annex XVII)
Pb, PBB, PBDE, DEHP, BBP, DBP, DIBP < 0.1 wt%, Cd < 0.01 wt% Azodicarbonamide, semicarbazide
Benzophenones (e.g. 4-MBP, 4-HBP, 2,2´-Dimethoxy-2-phenylacetophenone)
- Directive 2012/19/EU (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment - WEEE, Biocides (Pesti-, Herbi-, Insecti-, Fungi-, Bactericides)
repealing 2002/96/EC) - Annex VII - No ingredients used which require Brominated flame retardants (e.g. PBB, PBDE)
selective waste treatment (As, Hg, PCB, PCT, CFC, HCFC, HFC, Cadmium, Chromium (VI), Lead, Mercury
brominated FR) CFC, HCFC
Colophony (rosin)
- Chemicals List of Proposition 65 of the State of California and 4,4’- Diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA)
subsequent amendments, as known to the State of California to cause Di-2-ethyl-hexyl maleate (DEHM)
cancer or reproductive toxicity Dimethylfumarate (DMF), Dibutylfumarate
- Regulation 1005/2009/EC (Substances that deplete the ozone layer) - 2-Ethylhexanoic acid, Ethoxyquin, ITX, Thiurams
Prohibition of CFC’s, HCFC’s, Halons, CCl4, Trichloroethane, HBFC’s Formaldehyde
- US Clean Air Act, Title VI, Classes I and II (EPA Final Rule; Federal Furfural
Register 8136, 11.2.1993) on substances that deplete the ozone layer Genetically modified materials (GMO)
Glycol ethers (EGME, EGMEA, EGEE, EGEEA)
- Regulation 850/2004/EC on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Glyoxal
Gold, Indium, Palladium
- Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) and Melamine, Cyanuric acid
VDA232-101 - No use of prohibited or declarable substances above Natural rubbers, Latex
threshold limits Nitrosamines, Nitrates, Nitrites
Octyl- and Nonylphenols and Octyl- or Nonylphenolethoxylates; TNPP
- Swiss SR 814.018 (Verordnung über die Lenkungsabgabe auf flüchtigen Organotin compounds
organischen Verbindungen - VOCV) - VOC’s according to Annexes Parabens PBT and vPvB substances according to EC
1 & 2 < 3 wt% Regulation No.1907/2006 (REACH)
Pentachlorophenol (PCP)
- Japanese CSCL; Class I and II Specified Chemical Substances PFOA, PFOS
Plasticisers (e.g. Adipates, ESBO, Phthalates*)
- Japanese PRTR law; Class I or Class II Designated Chemical Substances Polychlorinated Bi-, Terphenyls and Naphthalenes
Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH)
Radioactive substances
Recycled materials
Selenium, Silver, Tellurium, Thorium
Styrene SVHC on “Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for
Thiuram mix
Tin, Gold, Tantalum, Tungsten
UV-hardeners (e.g. ITX, Titanyl-acetylacetone)
Vinylchloride, Vinylidenechloride, PVC or PVDC

*) DEP, DEHP or DIBP may be used in the catalyst system, which may result
in traces of these phthalates in the product, typically in concentrations
below 1 ppm.

Prepared by: Borealis Group Product Stewardship 24.08.2016 Ed. 18.

126 Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix B1 Appendix B2
Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Operating Pressure
Maximum operating pressure (MOP) for PP-R, for water Safety factor Maximum operating pressure (MOP) for PP-R, for water Safety factor
(SF) = 1,25 DIN 8077. (SF) = 1,5 DIN 8077.

Temperature Operating Maximum Operating Pressure Temperature Operating Maximum Operating Pressure
years years

°C SDR 11 SDR 7,4 SDR 6 SDR 5 °C SDR 11 SDR 7,4 SDR 6 SDR 5
10 1 21,1 33,4 42,1 53,0 10 1 17,5 27,8 35,1 44,1
5 19,8 31,5 39,7 49,9 5 16,5 26,2 33,0 41,6
10 19,3 30,7 38,6 48,7 10 16,1 25,6 32,2 40,5
25 18,7 29,7 37,4 47,0 25 15,6 24,7 31,1 39,2
50 18,2 28,9 36,4 45,9 50 15,2 24,1 30,3 38,2
100 17,8 28,2 35,5 44,7 100 14,8 23,5 29,6 37,2
20 1 18,0 28,5 35,9 45,2 20 1 15,0 23,7 29,9 37,7
5 16,9 26,8 33,7 42,5 5 14,1 22,3 28,1 35,4
10 16,4 26,1 32,8 41,4 10 13,7 21,7 27,4 34,5
25 15,9 25,2 31,7 39,9 25 13,2 21,0 26,4 33,3
50 15,4 24,5 30,9 38,9 50 12,9 20,4 25,7 32,4
100 15,0 23,9 30,2 37,8 100 12,5 19,9 25,0 31,5
30 1 15,3 24,2 30,5 38,5 30 1 12,7 20,2 25,4 32,0
5 14,3 22,7 28,6 36,0 5 11,9 18,9 23,8 30,0
10 13,9 22,1 27,8 35,0 10 11,6 18,4 23,2 29,2
25 13,4 21,3 26,8 33,8 25 11,2 17,7 22,3 28,1
50 13,0 20,7 26,1 32,9 50 10,9 17,2 21,7 27,4
100 12,7 20,1 25,4 31,9 100 10,6 16,8 21,1 26,6
40 1 13,0 20,6 25,9 32,6 40 1 10,8 17,1 21,6 27,2
5 12,1 19,2 24,2 30,5 5 10,1 16,0 20,2 25,4
10 11,8 18,7 23,5 29,6 10 9,8 15,5 19,6 24,7
25 11,3 18,0 22,6 28,5 25 9,4 15,0 18,8 28,5
50 11,0 17,4 22,0 27,7 50 9,2 14,5 18,3 23,1
100 10,7 16,9 21,4 26,9 100 8,9 14,1 17,8 22,4
50 1 11,0 17,4 21,9 27,6 50 1 9,1 14,5 18,2 23,0
5 10,2 16,2 20,4 25,7 5 8,5 13,5 17,0 21,4
10 9,9 15,7 19,8 25,0 10 8,2 13,1 16,5 20,8
25 9,5 15,1 19,0 24,0 25 7,9 12,6 15,9 20,0
50 9,2 14,7 18,5 23,3 50 7,7 12,2 15,4 19,4
100 9,0 14,2 17,9 22,6 100 7,5 11,8 14,9 18,8
60 1 9,2 14,7 18,5 23,3 60 1 7,7 12,2 15,4 19,4
5 8,6 13,6 17,2 21,6 5 7,1 11,3 14,3 18,0
10 8,3 13,2 16,6 21,0 10 6,9 11,0 13,9 17,5
25 8,0 12,7 16,0 20,1 25 6,6 10,5 13,3 16,7
50 7,7 12,3 15,5 19,5 50 6,4 10,2 12,9 16,2
70 1 7,8 12,3 15,5 19,6 70 1 6,5 10,3 12,9 16,3
5 7,2 11,4 14,4 18,1 5 6,0 9,5 12,0 15,1
10 7,0 11,1 13,9 17,5 10 5,8 9,2 11,6 14,6
25 6,0 9,6 12,1 15,2 25 5,0 8,0 10,0 12,7
50 5,1 8,1 10,2 12,8 50 4,2 6,7 8,5 10,7
80 1 6,5 10,3 13,0 16,4 80 1 5,4 8,6 10,8 13,7
5 5,7 9,1 11,5 14,5 5 4,8 7,6 9,6 12,1
10 4,8 7,7 9,7 12,2 10 4,0 6,4 8,1 10,2
25 3,9 6,2 7,8 9,8 25 3,2 5,1 6,5 8,1
95 1 4,6 7,3 9,2 11,6 95 1 3,8 6,1 7,6 9,6
5 3,1 4,9 6,2 7,8 5 2,6 4,1 5,2 6,5
(10) (2,6) (4,1) (5,2) (6,6) (10) (2,2) (3,4) (4,3) (5,5)
Data inside the brackets apply by verification at longer testing periods than 1 year at the 110°C-test. Data inside the brackets apply by verification at longer testing periods than 1 year at the 110°C-test.

Appendix B 127
Appendix B
Appendix B3 Appendix B4
Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Operating Pressure
Maximum operating pressure (MOP) for PP-RCT, for water Safety factor Maximum operating pressure (MOP) for PP-RCT, for water Safety factor
(SF) = 1,25 DIN 8077. (SF) = 1,5 DIN 8077.

Temperature Operating Maximum Operating Pressure Temperature Operating Maximum Operating Pressure
years years

°C SDR 11 SDR 9 SDR 7,4 SDR 6 SDR 5 °C SDR 11 SDR 9 SDR 7,4 SDR 6 SDR 5
10 1 22,8 28,8 36,2 45,6 57,4 10 1 19,0 24,0 30,2 38,0 47,9
5 22,1 27,9 35,1 44,2 55,7 5 18,4 23,2 29,3 36,9 45,4
10 21,9 27,5 34,7 42,7 55,0 10 18,2 22,9 28,9 36,4 45,8
25 21,5 27,1 34,1 42,9 54,0 25 17,9 22,5 28,4 35,7 45,0
50 21,2 26,7 33,6 42,3 53,3 50 17,7 22,2 28,0 35,3 44,4
100 20,9 26,3 33,2 41,8 52,6 100 17,4 21,9 27,6 34,8 43,8
20 1 19,9 25,0 31,5 39,7 50,0 20 1 16,6 20,9 26,3 33,1 41,7
5 19,3 24,2 30,5 38,5 48,4 5 16,0 20,2 25,4 32,0 40,4
10 19,0 23,9 30,1 37,9 47,8 10 15,8 19,9 25,1 31,6 39,8
25 18,6 23,5 29,6 37,2 46,9 25 15,5 19,6 24,6 31,0 39,1
50 18,4 23,1 29,2 36,7 46,2 50 15,3 19,3 24,3 30,6 38,5
100 18,1 22,8 28,8 36,2 45,6 100 15,1 19,0 24,0 30,2 38,0
30 1 17,2 21,7 27,3 34,4 43,3 30 1 14,3 18,1 22,7 28,7 36,1
5 16,6 20,9 26,4 33,2 41,8 5 13,9 17,4 22,0 27,7 34,9
10 16,4 20,6 26,0 32,7 41,2 10 13,6 17,2 21,7 27,3 34,4
25 16,1 20,2 25,5 32,1 40,4 25 13,4 16,9 21,2 26,8 33,7
50 15,8 19,9 25,1 31,6 39,8 50 13,2 16,6 20,9 26,4 33,2
100 15,6 19,7 24,8 31,2 39,3 100 13,0 16,4 20,6 26,0 32,7
40 1 14,8 18,6 23,5 29,6 37,2 40 1 12,3 15,5 19,6 24,6 31,0
5 14,3 18,0 22,6 28,5 35,9 5 11,9 15,0 18,9 23,8 29,9
10 14,1 17,7 22,3 28,1 35,4 10 11,7 14,7 18,6 23,4 29,5
25 13,8 17,3 21,8 27,5 34,6 25 11,5 14,4 18,2 22,9 28,9
50 13,6 17,1 21,5 27,1 34,1 50 11,3 14,2 17,9 22,6 28,4
100 13,3 16,8 21,2 26,7 33,6 100 11,1 14,0 17,6 22,2 28,0
50 1 12,6 15,9 20,1 25,3 31,8 50 1 10,5 13,3 16,7 21,0 26,5
5 12,2 15,3 19,3 24,3 30,6 5 10,1 12,8 16,1 20,3 25,5
10 12,0 15,1 19,0 23,9 30,1 10 10,0 12,6 15,8 19,9 25,1
25 11,7 14,7 18,6 23,4 29,5 25 9,7 12,3 15,5 19,5 24,6
50 11,5 14,5 18,3 23,0 29,0 50 9,6 12,1 15,2 19,2 24,2
100 11,3 14,3 18,0 22,6 28,5 100 9,4 11,9 15,0 18,9 23,8
60 1 10,7 13,5 17,0 21,4 27,0 60 1 8,9 11,2 14,2 17,8 22,5
5 10,3 13,0 16,3 20,6 25,9 5 8,6 10,8 13,6 17,1 21,6
10 10,1 12,7 16,0 20,2 25,5 10 8,4 10,6 13,4 16,8 21,2
25 9,9 12,4 15,7 19,8 24,9 25 8,2 10,4 13,1 16,5 20,7
50 9,7 12,2 15,4 19,4 24,5 50 8,1 10,2 12,8 16,2 20,4
70 1 9,0 11,3 14,3 18,0 22,7 70 1 7,5 9,4 11,9 15,0 18,9
5 8,6 10,9 13,7 17,3 21,7 5 7,2 9,1 11,4 14,4 18,1
10 8,5 10,7 13,5 16,9 21,3 10 7,0 8,9 11,2 14,1 17,8
25 8,3 10,4 13,1 16,5 20,8 25 6,9 8,7 10,9 13,8 17,4
50 8,1 10,2 12,9 16,2 20,5 50 6,8 8,5 10,7 13,5 17,0
80 1 7,5 9,5 11,9 15,0 18,9 80 1 6,2 7,9 9,9 12,5 15,8
5 7,2 9,0 11,4 14,4 18,1 5 6,0 7,5 9,5 12,0 15,1
10 7,0 8,9 11,2 14,1 17,7 10 5,9 7,4 9,3 11,7 14,8
25 6,9 8,6 10,9 13,7 17,3 25 5,7 7,2 9,1 11,4 14,4
95 1 5,6 7,1 8,9 11,2 14,2 95 1 4,7 5,9 7,4 9,4 11,8
5 5,3 6,7 8,5 10,7 13,5 5 4,4 5,6 7,1 8,9 11,2
(10) (5,2) (6,6) (8,3) (10,5) (13,2) (10) (4,3) (5,5) (6,9) (8,7) (11,0)
Data inside the brackets apply by verification at longer testing periods than 1 year at the 110°C-test. Data inside the brackets apply by verification at longer testing periods than 1 year at the 110°C-test.

128 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B5 Appendix B6
Maximum Operating Pressure Maximum Operating Pressure
Maximum operating pressure (MOP) for PP-R water systems for Maximum operating pressure (MOP) for PP-RCT hot water systems for
SF = 1,25. SF = 1,25.

Heating Temperature Years Maximum Operating Pressure Heating Temperature Years Maximum Operating Pressure
period period

°C SDR 6 SDR 7,4 SDR 5 °C SDR 11 SDR 7,4

75°C 5 14,30 11,40 15,90 75°C 5 8,45 13,2
10 13,70 10,90 14,50 10 8,29 12,96
25 11,80 9,30 13,70 25 8,09 12,64
45 10,40 8,10 12,80 45 7,96 12,44
80°C 5 12,90 10,07 15,80 80°C 5 8,45 13,2
10 12,20 9,70 15,40 10 8,29 12,96
Continuous Continuous
operating 25 10,70 8,60 13,20 operating 25 8,09 12,64
temperature 40 9,80 7,80 11,60 temperature 45 7,96 12,44
70°C incl. 85°C 5 12,51 9,94 15,78 70°C incl. 85°C 5 7,09 11,07
60 days per 30 days per
10 11,90 9,50 15,30 10 6,95 10,86
year at... year at...
25 9,70 7,80 13,20 25 6,77 10,58
35 8,90 7,10 11,20 37,5 6,69 10,45
90°C 5 11,80 9,37 14,90 90°C 5 6,44 10,06
10 10,30 8,40 12,90 10 6,31 9,86
25 8,40 6,60 10,48 25 6,14 9,60
30 7,63 6,30 8,45 35 6,08 9,51
75°C 5 14,30 11,40 15,90 75°C 5 8,33 13,01
10 13,70 10,90 14,50 10 8,17 12,77
25 11,80 9,30 13,70 25 7,97 12,46
45 10,40 8,10 12,80 45 7,85 12,26
80°C 5 12,90 10,07 15,80 80°C 5 7,63 11,92
Continuous 10 12,20 9,70 15,40 10 7,48 11,69
operating Continuous
25 10,70 8,60 13,20 operating 25 7,30 11,40
40 9,80 7,80 11,60 temperature 40 7,20 11,25
70°C incl.
90 days per 85°C 5 12,51 9,94 15,78 70°C incl. 85°C 5 6,95 10,86
year at... 60 days per
10 11,90 9,50 15,30 10 6,82 10,64
year at...
25 9,70 7,80 13,20 25 6,64 10,37
35 8,90 7,10 11,20 35 6,57 10,27
90°C 5 11,80 9,37 14,90 90°C 5 6,31 8,96
10 10,30 8,40 12,90 10 6,18 9,66
10 10,30 8,40 12,90 25 6,02 9,41
30 5,96 9,32
*SDR = Standard Dimension Ratio (= diameter/wall thickness)
75°C 5 8,25 12,89
10 8,10 12,65
25 7,90 12,34
45 7,78 12,15
80°C 5 7,55 11,79
Continuous 10 7,4 11,56
operating 25 7,22 11,28
37,5 7,13 11,15
70°C incl.
90 days per 85°C 5 6,87 10,73
year at... 10 6,73 10,52
25 6,56 10,25
32,5 6,51 10,17
90°C 5 6,24 9,74
10 6,11 9,55
25 5,95 9,30
*SDR = Standard Dimension Ratio (= diameter/wall thickness)

Appendix B 129
Appendix B
Appendix B7-1
Maximum flow rate
Determination of the maximum flowrate VS from the flow ∑VR for buildings according to DIN 1988 Part 3 - VS = 0,682.(∑VR) 0,45 - 0,14 (l/s).
This table is valid, if the calculated flow VR of the respective water points is < 0,5 l/s.


0,03 0,00 1,02 0,55 2,02 0,80 3,02 0,98 4,02 1,14 5,10 1,28 10,10 1,79 15,10 2,17
0,04 0,02 1,04 0,55 2,04 0,80 3,04 0,98 4,04 1,14 5,20 1,29 10,20 1,80 15,20 2,18
0,06 0,05 1,06 0,56 2,06 0,80 3,06 0,99 4,06 1,14 5,30 1,30 10,30 1,81 15,30 2,19
0,07 0,07 1,08 0,57 2,08 0,81 3,08 0,99 4,08 1,14 5,40 1,32 10,40 1,82 15,40 2,19
0,08 0,08 1,10 0,57 2,10 0,81 3,10 0,99 4,10 1,15 5,50 1,33 10,50 1,82 15,50 2,20
0,09 0,09 1,12 0,58 2,12 0,82 3,12 1,00 4,12 1,15 5,60 1,34 10,60 1,83 15,60 2,21
0,10 0,10 1,14 0,58 2,14 0,82 3,14 1,00 4,14 1,15 5,70 1,35 10,70 1,84 15,70 2,21
0,13 0,13 1,16 0,59 2,16 0,82 3,16 1,00 4,16 1,16 5,80 1,36 10,80 1,85 15,80 2,22
0,15 0,15 1,18 0,59 2,18 0,83 3,18 1,01 4,18 1,16 5,90 1,38 10,90 1,86 15,90 2,23
0,20 0,19 1,20 0,60 2,20 0,83 3,20 1,01 4,20 1,16 6,00 1,39 11,00 1,87 16,00 2,23
0,22 0,21 1,22 0,61 2,22 0,84 3,22 1,01 4,22 1,16 6,10 1,40 11,10 1,87 16,10 2,24
0,24 0,22 1,24 0,61 2,24 0,84 3,24 1,02 4,24 1,17 6,20 1,41 11,20 1,88 16,20 2,25
0,26 0,23 1,26 0,62 2,26 0,84 3,26 1,02 4,26 1,17 6,30 1,42 11,30 1,89 16,30 2,25
0,28 0,24 1,28 0,62 2,28 0,85 3,28 1,02 4,28 1,17 6,40 1,43 11,40 1,90 16,40 2,26
0,30 0,26 1,30 0,63 2,30 0,85 3,30 1,03 4,30 1,17 6,50 1,44 11,50 1,91 16,50 2,27
0,32 0,27 1,32 0,63 2,32 0,86 3,32 1,03 4,32 1,18 6,60 1,45 11,60 1,91 16,60 2,27
0,34 0,28 1,34 0,64 2,34 0,86 3,34 1,03 4,34 1,18 6,70 1,47 11,70 1,92 16,70 2,28
0,36 0,29 1,36 0,64 2,36 0,86 3,36 1,04 4,36 1,18 6,80 1,48 11,80 1,93 16,80 2,29
0,38 0,30 1,38 0,65 2,38 0,87 3,38 1,04 4,38 1,19 6,90 1,49 11,90 1,94 16,90 2,29
0,40 0,31 1,40 0,65 2,40 0,87 3,40 1,04 4,40 1,19 7,00 1,50 12,00 1,95 17,00 2,30
0,42 0,32 1,42 0,66 2,42 0,88 3,42 1,05 4,42 1,19 7,10 1,51 12,10 1,95 17,10 2,31
0,44 0,33 1,44 0,66 2,44 0,88 3,44 1,05 4,44 1,19 7,20 1,52 12,20 1,96 17,20 2,31
0,46 0,34 1,46 0,67 2,46 0,88 3,46 1,05 4,46 1,20 7,30 1,53 12,30 1,97 17,30 2,32
0,48 0,35 1,48 0,67 2,48 0,89 3,48 1,06 4,48 1,20 7,40 1,54 12,40 1,98 17,40 2,33
0,50 0,36 1,50 0,68 2,50 0,89 3,50 1,06 4,50 1,20 7,50 1,55 12,50 1,99 17,50 2,33
0,52 0,37 1,52 0,68 2,52 0,89 3,52 1,06 4,52 1,20 7,60 1,56 12,60 1,99 17,60 2,34
0,54 0,38 1,54 0,69 2,54 0,90 3,54 1,06 4,54 1,21 7,70 1,57 12,70 2,00 17,70 2,35
0,56 0,39 1,56 0,69 2,56 0,90 3,56 1,07 4,56 1,21 7,80 1,58 12,80 2,01 17,80 2,35
0,58 0,39 1,58 0,70 2,58 0,90 3,58 1,07 4,58 1,21 7,90 1,59 12,90 2,02 17,90 2,36
0,60 0,40 1,60 0,70 2,60 0,91 3,60 1,07 4,60 1,22 8,00 1,60 13,00 2,02 18,00 2,36
0,62 0,41 1,62 0,71 2,62 0,91 3,62 1,08 4,62 1,22 8,10 1,61 13,10 2,03 18,10 2,37
0,64 0,42 1,64 0,71 2,64 0,92 3,64 1,08 4,64 1,22 8,20 1,62 13,20 2,04 18,20 2,38
0,66 0,43 1,66 0,72 2,66 0,92 3,66 1,08 4,66 1,22 8,30 1,63 13,30 2,05 18,30 2,38
0,68 0,43 1,68 0,72 2,68 0,92 3,68 1,09 4,68 1,23 8,40 1,64 13,40 2,05 18,40 2,39
0,70 0,44 1,70 0,73 2,70 0,93 3,70 1,09 4,70 1,23 8,50 1,65 13,50 2,06 18,50 2,40
0,72 0,45 1,72 0,73 2,72 0,93 3,72 1,09 4,72 1,23 8,60 1,66 13,60 2,07 18,60 2,40
0,74 0,46 1,74 0,74 2,74 0,93 3,74 1,09 4,74 1,23 8,70 1,67 13,70 2,07 18,70 2,41
0,76 0,46 1,76 0,74 2,76 0,94 3,76 1,10 4,76 1,24 8,80 1,67 13,80 2,08 18,80 2,41
0,78 0,47 1,78 0,74 2,78 0,94 3,78 1,10 4,78 1,24 8,90 1,68 13,90 2,09 18,90 2,42
0,80 0,48 1,80 0,75 2,80 0,94 3,80 1,10 4,80 1,24 9,00 1,69 14,00 2,10 19,00 2,43
0,82 0,48 1,82 0,75 2,82 0,95 3,82 1,11 4,82 1,24 9,10 1,70 14,10 2,10 19,10 2,43
0,84 0,49 1,84 0,76 2,84 0,95 3,84 1,11 4,84 1,25 9,20 1,71 14,20 2,11 19,20 2,44
0,86 0,50 1,86 0,76 2,86 0,95 3,86 1,11 4,86 1,25 9,30 1,72 14,30 2,12 19,30 2,44
0,88 0,50 1,88 0,77 2,88 0,96 3,88 1,12 4,88 1,25 9,40 1,73 14,40 2,12 19,40 2,45
0,90 0,51 1,90 0,77 2,90 0,96 3,90 1,12 4,90 1,25 9,50 1,74 14,50 2,13 19,50 2,46
0,92 0,52 1,92 0,77 2,92 0,96 3,92 1,12 4,92 1,26 9,60 1,75 14,60 2,14 19,60 2,46
0,94 0,52 1,94 0,78 2,94 0,97 3,94 1,12 4,94 1,26 9,70 1,76 14,70 2,15 19,70 2,47
0,96 0,53 1,96 0,78 2,96 0,97 3,96 1,13 4,96 1,26 9,80 1,76 14,80 2,15 19,80 2,47
0,98 0,54 1,98 0,79 2,98 0,97 3,98 1,13 4,98 1,26 9,90 1,77 14,90 2,16 19,90 2,48
1,00 0,54 2,00 0,79 3,00 0,98 4,00 1,13 5,00 1,27 10,00 1,78 15,00 2,17 20,00 2,49

130 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B7-2
Maximum flow rate
Determination of the maximum flowrate VS from the flow ∑VR for buildings according to DIN 1988 Part 3 - VS = 1,7.(∑VR) 0,21 - 0,7 (l/s).
This table is valid, if the calculated flow VR of the respective water points is > 0,5 l/s.


1,00 1,00 5,10 1,69 10,10 2,06 15,10 2,31 22,40 2,57 142,40 4,12 262,40 4,78 382,40 5,23
1,05 1,02 5,20 1,70 10,20 2,07 15,20 2,31 24,80 2,64 144,80 4,13 264,80 4,79 384,80 5,23
1,10 1,03 5,30 1,71 10,30 2,07 15,30 2,31 27,20 2,70 147,20 4,15 267,20 4,80 387,20 5,24
1,15 1,05 5,40 1,72 10,40 2,08 15,40 2,32 29,60 2,76 149,60 4,17 269,60 4,81 389,60 5,25
1,20 1,07 5,50 1,73 10,50 2,09 15,50 2,32 32,00 2,82 152,00 4,18 272,00 4,82 392,00 5,26
1,25 1,08 5,60 1,74 10,60 2,09 15,60 2,33 34,40 2,87 154,40 4,20 274,40 4,83 394,40 5,26
1,30 1,10 5,70 1,75 10,70 2,10 15,70 2,33 36,80 2,92 156,80 4,21 276,80 4,84 396,80 5,27
1,35 1,11 5,80 1,76 10,80 2,10 15,80 2,34 39,20 2,97 159,20 4,23 279,20 4,85 399,20 5,28
1,40 1,12 5,90 1,77 10,90 2,11 15,90 2,34 41,60 3,02 161,60 4,25 281,60 4,86 401,60 5,29
1,45 1,14 6,00 1,78 11,00 2,11 16,00 2,34 44,00 3,06 164,00 4,26 284,00 4,87 404,00 5,29
1,50 1,15 6,10 1,79 11,10 2,12 16,10 2,35 46,40 3,11 166,40 4,28 286,40 4,88 406,40 5,30
1,55 1,16 6,20 1,79 11,20 2,12 16,20 2,35 48,80 3,15 168,80 4,29 288,80 4,89 408,80 5,31
1,60 1,18 6,30 1,80 11,30 2,13 16,30 2,35 51,20 3,19 171,20 4,31 291,20 4,90 411,20 5,32
1,65 1,19 6,40 1,81 11,40 2,13 16,40 2,36 53,60 3,22 173,60 4,32 293,60 4,91 413,60 5,32
1,70 1,20 6,50 1,82 11,50 2,14 16,50 2,36 56,00 3,26 176,00 4,34 296,00 4,92 416,00 5,33
1,75 1,21 6,60 1,83 11,60 2,14 16,60 2,37 58,40 3,29 178,40 4,35 298,40 4,93 418,40 5,34
1,80 1,22 6,70 1,83 11,70 2,15 16,70 2,37 60,80 3,33 180,80 4,36 300,80 4,93 420,80 5,35
1,85 1,23 6,80 1,84 11,80 2,15 16,80 2,37 63,20 3,36 183,20 4,38 303,20 4,94 423,20 5,35
1,90 1,25 6,90 1,85 11,90 2,16 16,90 2,38 65,60 3,39 185,60 4,39 305,60 4,95 425,60 5,36
2,00 1,27 7,00 1,86 12,00 2,16 17,00 2,38 68,00 3,42 188,00 4,41 308,00 4,96 428,00 5,37
2,10 1,29 7,10 1,87 12,10 2,17 17,10 2,39 70,40 3,45 190,40 4,42 310,40 4,97 430,40 5,38
2,20 1,31 7,20 1,87 12,20 2,17 17,20 2,39 72,80 3,48 192,80 4,43 312,80 4,98 432,80 5,38
2,30 1,32 7,30 1,88 12,30 2,18 17,30 2,39 75,20 3,51 195,20 4,45 315,20 4,99 435,20 5,39
2,40 1,34 7,40 1,89 12,40 2,18 17,40 2,40 77,60 3,54 197,60 4,46 317,60 5,00 437,60 5,40
2,50 1,36 7,50 1,90 12,50 2,19 17,50 2,40 80,00 3,57 200,00 4,47 320,00 5,01 440,00 5,40
2,60 1,38 7,60 1,90 12,60 2,19 17,60 2,40 82,40 3,59 202,40 4,49 322,40 5,02 442,40 5,41
2,70 1,39 7,70 1,91 12,70 2,20 17,70 2,41 84,80 3,62 204,80 4,50 324,80 5,03 444,80 5,42
2,80 1,41 7,80 1,92 12,80 2,20 17,80 2,41 87,20 3,64 207,20 4,51 327,20 5,04 447,20 5,42
2,90 1,43 7,90 1,92 12,90 2,21 17,90 2,42 89,60 3,67 209,60 4,52 329,60 5,04 452,00 5,43
3,00 1,44 8,00 1,93 13,00 2,21 18,00 2,42 92,00 3,69 212,00 4,54 332,00 5,05 454,40 5,44
3,10 1,46 8,10 1,94 13,10 2,22 18,10 2,42 94,40 3,72 214,40 4,55 334,40 5,06 456,80 5,44
3,20 1,47 8,20 1,94 13,20 2,22 18,20 2,43 96,80 3,74 216,80 4,56 336,80 5,07 459,20 5,45
3,30 1,48 8,30 1,95 13,30 2,23 18,30 2,43 99,20 3,76 219,20 4,57 339,20 5,08 461,60 5,46
3,40 1,50 8,40 1,96 13,40 2,23 18,40 2,43 101,60 3,79 221,60 4,58 341,60 5,09 464,00 5,47
3,50 1,51 8,50 1,96 13,50 2,24 18,50 2,44 104,00 3,81 224,00 4,60 344,00 5,10 466,40 5,47
3,60 1,52 8,60 1,97 13,60 2,24 18,60 2,44 106,40 3,83 226,40 4,61 346,40 5,10 468,80 5,48
3,70 1,54 8,70 1,98 13,70 2,25 18,70 2,44 108,80 3,85 228,80 4,62 348,80 5,11 471,20 5,49
3,80 1,55 8,80 1,98 13,80 2,25 18,80 2,45 111,20 3,87 231,20 4,63 351,20 5,12 473,60 5,49
3,90 1,56 8,90 1,99 13,90 2,25 18,90 2,45 113,60 3,89 233,60 4,64 353,60 5,13 476,00 5,50
4,00 1,57 9,00 2,00 14,00 2,26 19,00 2,45 116,00 3,91 236,00 4,66 356,00 5,14 478,40 5,51
4,10 1,59 9,10 2,00 14,10 2,26 19,10 2,46 118,40 3,93 238,40 4,67 358,40 5,15 480,80 5,51
4,20 1,60 9,20 2,01 14,20 2,27 19,20 2,46 120,80 3,95 240,80 4,68 360,80 5,15 483,20 5,52
4,30 1,61 9,30 2,02 14,30 2,27 19,30 2,47 123,20 3,97 243,20 4,69 363,20 5,16 485,60 5,52
4,40 1,62 9,40 2,02 14,40 2,28 19,40 2,47 125,60 3,99 245,60 4,70 365,00 5,17 488,00 5,53
4,50 1,63 9,50 2,03 14,50 2,28 19,50 2,47 128,00 4,01 248,00 4,71 368,00 5,18 490,40 5,54
4,60 1,64 9,60 2,03 14,60 2,29 19,60 2,48 130,40 4,03 250,40 4,72 370,40 5,19 492,40 5,54
4,70 1,65 9,70 2,04 14,70 2,29 19,70 2,48 132,80 4,05 252,80 4,763 372,80 5,19 492,80 5,55
4,80 1,66 9,80 2,05 14,80 2,29 19,80 2,48 135,20 4,06 255,20 4,74 375,20 5,20 495,20 5,56
4,90 1,67 9,90 2,05 14,90 2,30 19,90 2,49 137,60 4,08 257,60 4,75 377,60 5,21 497,60 5,56
5,00 1,68 10,00 2,06 15,00 2,30 20,00 2,49 140,00 4,10 260,00 4,77 380,00 5,22 500,00 5,57

Appendix B 131
Appendix B
Appendix B8-1
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 6
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,7 20 x 3,4 25 x 4,2 32 x 5,4 40 x 6,7 50 x 8,3 63 x 10,5 75 x 12,5 90 x 15,0 110 x 18,3 125 x 20,8
di 10,6 mm 13,2 mm 16,6 mm 21,2 mm 26,6 mm 33,4 mm 42 mm 50 mm 60 mm 73,4 mm 83,4 mm
0,01 R 0,379 0,138 0,048 0,016 0,006 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,113 0,073 0,046 0,028 0,018 0,011 0,007 0,005 0,004 0,002 0,002
0,02 R 1,182 0,425 0,146 0,047 0,017 0,006 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,227 0,146 0,092 0,057 0,036 0,023 0,014 0,010 0,007 0,005 0,004
0,03 R 2,334 0,833 0,285 0,091 0,032 0,011 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,340 0,219 0,139 0,085 0,054 0,034 0,022 0,015 0,011 0,007 0,005
0,04 R 3,806 1,352 0,461 0,147 0,051 0,018 0,006 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,453 0,292 0,185 0,113 0,072 0,046 0,029 0,020 0,014 0,009 0,007
0,05 R 5,581 1,976 0,671 0,213 0,074 0,026 0,009 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,567 0,365 0,231 0,142 0,090 0,057 0,036 0,025 0,018 0,012 0,009
0,06 R 7,645 2,699 0,914 0,289 0,100 0,035 0,012 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,001
v 0,680 0,438 0,277 0,170 0,108 0,068 0,043 0,031 0,021 0,014 0,011
0,07 R 9,990 3,518 1,189 0,375 0,129 0,045 0,015 0,007 0,003 0,001 0,001
v 0,793 0,512 0,323 0,198 0,126 0,080 0,051 0,036 0,025 0,017 0,013
0,08 R 12,609 4,431 1,494 0,471 0,162 0,056 0,019 0,008 0,004 0,001 0,001
v 0,907 0,585 0,370 0,227 0,144 0,091 0,058 0,041 0,028 0,019 0,015
0,09 R 15,496 5,436 1,830 0,576 0,198 0,068 0,023 0,010 0,004 0,002 0,001
v 1,020 0,658 0,416 0,255 0,162 0,103 0,065 0,046 0,032 0,021 0,016
0,10 R 18,648 6,530 2,195 0,689 0,236 0,081 0,028 0,012 0,005 0,002 0,001
v 1,133 0,731 0,462 0,283 0,180 0,114 0,072 0,051 0,035 0,024 0,018
0,12 R 25,726 8,980 3,010 0,943 0,322 0,110 0,038 0,017 0,007 0,003 0,002
v 1,360 0,877 0,554 0,340 0,216 0,137 0,087 0,061 0,042 0,028 0,022
0,14 R 33,819 11,774 3,936 1,230 0,420 0,143 0,049 0,022 0,009 0,004 0,002
v 1,586 1,023 0,647 0,397 0,252 0,160 0,101 0,071 0,050 0,033 0,026
0,16 R 42,908 14,902 4,971 1,550 0,528 0,180 0,061 0,027 0,011 0,004 0,002
v 1,813 1,169 0,739 0,453 0,288 0,183 0,115 0,081 0,057 0,038 0,029
0,18 R 52,978 18,358 6,111 1,902 0,647 0,220 0,075 0,033 0,014 0,005 0,003
v 2,040 1,315 0,832 0,510 0,324 0,205 0,130 0,092 0,064 0,043 0,033
0,20 R 64,016 22,138 7,356 2,286 0,777 0,264 0,090 0,039 0,017 0,007 0,004
v 2,266 1,461 0,924 0,567 0,360 0,228 0,144 0,102 0,071 0,047 0,037
0,30 R 133,423 45,764 15,094 4,658 1,574 0,533 0,180 0,079 0,033 0,013 0,007
v 3,400 2,192 1,386 0,850 0,540 0,342 0,217 0,153 0,106 0,071 0,055
0,40 R 226,000 77,035 25,263 7,755 2,610 0,880 0,296 0,129 0,055 0,021 0,012
v 4,533 2,923 1,848 1,133 0,720 0,457 0,289 0,204 0,141 0,095 0,073
0,50 R 341,300 115,750 37,782 11,549 3,874 1,302 0,437 0,191 0,080 0,031 0,017
v 5,666 3,654 2,310 1,416 0,900 0,571 0,361 0,255 0,177 0,118 0,092
0,60 R 479,050 161,783 52,598 16,018 5,357 1,796 0,601 0,262 0,110 0,042 0,023
v 6,799 4,384 2,772 1,700 1,080 0,685 0,433 0,306 0,212 0,142 0,110
0,70 R 639,073 215,047 69,672 21,150 7,056 2,360 0,788 0,343 0,144 0,055 0,030
v 7,932 5,115 3,234 1,983 1,260 0,799 0,505 0,357 0,248 0,165 0,128
0,80 R 821,24 275,48 88,98 26,93 8,96 2,99 1,00 0,43 0,18 0,07 0,04
v 9,07 5,85 3,70 2,27 1,44 0,91 0,58 0,41 0,28 0,19 0,15

132 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-2
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 6
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,7 20 x 3,4 25 x 4,2 32 x 5,4 40 x 6,7 50 x 8,3 63 x 10,5 75 x 12,5 90 x 15,0 110 x 18,3 125 x 20,8
di 10,6 mm 13,2 mm 16,6 mm 21,2 mm 26,6 mm 33,4 mm 42 mm 50 mm 60 mm 73,4 mm 83,4 mm
0,90 R 1025,46 343,03 110,49 33,36 11,08 3,69 1,23 0,53 0,22 0,09 0,05
v 10,20 6,58 4,16 2,55 1,62 1,03 0,65 0,46 0,32 0,21 0,16
1,00 R 1251,65 417,67 134,20 40,41 13,40 4,46 1,48 0,64 0,27 0,10 0,06
v 11,33 7,31 4,62 2,83 1,80 1,14 0,72 0,51 0,35 0,24 0,18
1,20 R 1769,77 588,09 188,13 56,42 18,64 6,18 2,05 0,89 0,37 0,14 0,08
v 13,60 8,77 5,54 3,40 2,16 1,37 0,87 0,61 0,42 0,28 0,22
1,40 R 2375,27 786,55 250,70 74,90 24,67 8,16 2,70 1,17 0,49 0,19 0,10
v 15,86 10,23 6,47 3,97 2,52 1,60 1,01 0,71 0,50 0,33 0,26
1,60 R 3067,91 1012,94 321,83 95,84 31,48 10,39 3,43 1,48 0,62 0,24 0,13
v 18,13 11,69 7,39 4,53 2,88 1,83 1,15 0,81 0,57 0,38 0,29
1,80 R 3847,53 1267,17 401,49 119,22 39,06 12,87 4,24 1,83 0,76 0,29 0,16
v 20,40 13,15 8,32 5,10 3,24 2,05 1,30 0,92 0,64 0,43 0,33
2,00 R 4714,01 1549,16 489,64 145,02 47,41 15,58 5,13 2,21 0,92 0,35 0,19
v 22,66 14,61 9,24 5,67 3,60 2,28 1,44 1,02 0,71 0,47 0,37
2,20 R 5667,26 1858,87 586,25 173,22 56,51 18,54 6,09 2,62 1,09 0,41 0,22
v 24,93 16,08 10,17 6,23 3,96 2,51 1,59 1,12 0,78 0,52 0,40
2,40 R 6707,20 2196,26 691,30 203,82 66,37 21,74 7,13 3,07 1,27 0,48 0,26
v 27,20 17,54 11,09 6,80 4,32 2,74 1,73 1,22 0,85 0,57 0,44
2,60 R 7833,77 2561,28 804,77 236,81 76,98 25,17 8,24 3,54 1,47 0,56 0,30
v 29,46 19,00 12,01 7,37 4,68 2,97 1,88 1,32 0,92 0,61 0,48
2,80 R 9046,91 2953,91 926,64 272,18 88,33 28,84 9,43 4,05 1,68 0,64 0,34
v 31,73 20,46 12,94 7,93 5,04 3,20 2,02 1,43 0,99 0,66 0,51
3,00 R 10346,59 3374,13 1056,91 309,92 100,42 32,75 10,70 4,59 1,90 0,72 0,39
v 34,00 21,92 13,86 8,50 5,40 3,42 2,17 1,53 1,06 0,71 0,55
3,20 R 11732,76 3821,92 1195,56 350,03 113,26 36,88 12,03 5,16 2,13 0,81 0,44
v 36,26 23,38 14,79 9,07 5,76 3,65 2,31 1,63 1,13 0,76 0,59
3,40 R 13205,40 4297,25 1342,57 392,50 126,83 41,25 13,44 5,76 2,38 0,90 0,49
v 38,53 24,85 15,71 9,63 6,12 3,88 2,45 1,73 1,20 0,80 0,62
3,60 R 14764,48 4800,12 1497,96 437,33 141,13 45,85 14,92 6,39 2,64 1,00 0,54
v 40,79 26,31 16,63 10,20 6,48 4,11 2,60 1,83 1,27 0,85 0,66
3,80 R 16409,98 5330,50 1661,69 484,52 156,17 50,67 16,48 7,05 2,91 1,10 0,59
v 43,06 27,77 17,56 10,77 6,84 4,34 2,74 1,94 1,34 0,90 0,70
4,00 R 18141,87 5888,40 1833,78 534,06 171,94 55,73 18,10 7,74 3,19 1,21 0,65
v 45,33 29,23 18,48 11,33 7,20 4,57 2,89 2,04 1,41 0,95 0,73
4,20 R 19960,13 6473,79 2014,21 585,95 188,45 61,02 19,80 8,46 3,49 1,32 0,71
v 47,59 30,69 19,41 11,90 7,56 4,79 3,03 2,14 1,49 0,99 0,77
4,40 R 21864,75 7086,67 2202,99 640,19 205,68 66,53 21,57 9,21 3,80 1,43 0,77
v 49,86 32,15 20,33 12,46 7,92 5,02 3,18 2,24 1,56 1,04 0,81
4,60 R 23855,72 7727,03 2400,09 696,77 223,63 72,27 23,41 9,99 4,12 1,55 0,84
v 52,13 33,61 21,25 13,03 8,28 5,25 3,32 2,34 1,63 1,09 0,84
4,80 R 25933,02 8394,86 2605,53 755,69 242,32 78,23 25,32 10,79 4,45 1,68 0,90
v 54,39 35,08 22,18 13,60 8,64 5,48 3,46 2,44 1,70 1,13 0,88

Appendix B 133
Appendix B
Appendix B8-3
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 6
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,7 20 x 3,4 25 x 4,2 32 x 5,4 40 x 6,7 50 x 8,3 63 x 10,5 75 x 12,5 90 x 15,0 110 x 18,3 125 x 20,8
di 10,6 mm 13,2 mm 16,6 mm 21,2 mm 26,6 mm 33,4 mm 42 mm 50 mm 60 mm 73,4 mm 83,4 mm
5,00 R 28096,63 9090,16 2819,29 816,96 261,73 84,43 27,30 11,63 4,79 1,80 0,97
v 56,66 36,54 23,10 14,16 9,00 5,71 3,61 2,55 1,77 1,18 0,92
5,20 R 30346,55 9812,92 3041,38 880,56 281,87 90,84 29,36 12,50 5,14 1,94 1,04
v 58,93 38,00 24,03 14,73 9,36 5,93 3,75 2,65 1,84 1,23 0,95
5,40 R 32682,77 10563,14 3271,78 946,50 302,73 97,49 31,48 13,40 5,51 2,07 1,12
v 61,19 39,46 24,95 15,30 9,72 6,16 3,90 2,75 1,91 1,28 0,99
5,60 R 35105,27 11340,80 3510,51 1014,78 324,31 104,35 33,67 14,32 5,89 2,21 1,19
v 63,46 40,92 25,88 15,86 10,08 6,39 4,04 2,85 1,98 1,32 1,03
5,80 R 37614,05 12145,91 3757,55 1085,39 346,61 111,44 35,93 15,28 6,28 2,36 1,27
v 65,72 42,38 26,80 16,43 10,44 6,62 4,19 2,95 2,05 1,37 1,06
6,00 R 40209,09 12978,46 4012,90 1158,33 369,64 118,76 38,26 16,26 6,68 2,51 1,35
v 67,99 43,84 27,72 17,00 10,80 6,85 4,33 3,06 2,12 1,42 1,10
6,20 R 42890,40 13838,44 4276,56 1233,61 393,39 126,30 40,67 17,27 7,09 2,66 1,44
v 70,26 45,31 28,65 17,56 11,16 7,08 4,48 3,16 2,19 1,47 1,13
6,40 R 45657,96 14725,85 4548,53 1311,21 417,85 134,06 43,14 18,31 7,52 2,82 1,52
v 72,52 46,77 29,57 18,13 11,52 7,30 4,62 3,26 2,26 1,51 1,17
6,60 R 48511,77 15640,70 4828,80 1391,15 443,04 142,05 45,68 19,38 7,95 2,98 1,61
v 74,79 48,23 30,50 18,70 11,88 7,53 4,76 3,36 2,33 1,56 1,21
6,80 R 51451,83 16582,97 5117,38 1473,41 468,95 150,26 48,29 20,48 8,40 3,15 1,70
v 77,06 49,69 31,42 19,26 12,24 7,76 4,91 3,46 2,41 1,61 1,24
7,00 R 54478,11 17552,66 5414,27 1558,01 495,58 158,69 50,96 21,61 8,86 3,32 1,79
v 79,32 51,15 32,34 19,83 12,60 7,99 5,05 3,57 2,48 1,65 1,28
7,50 R 62421,08 20096,83 6192,79 1779,67 565,28 180,74 57,96 24,55 10,05 3,77 2,03
v 84,99 54,81 34,65 21,25 13,50 8,56 5,41 3,82 2,65 1,77 1,37
8,00 R 70902,90 22812,34 7023,17 2015,86 639,48 204,18 65,39 27,67 11,32 4,24 2,28
v 90,65 58,46 36,96 22,66 14,40 9,13 5,77 4,07 2,83 1,89 1,46
9,00 R 89482,88 28757,21 8839,45 2531,81 801,30 255,21 81,52 34,44 14,06 5,25 2,82
v 101,99 65,77 41,58 25,50 16,20 10,27 6,50 4,58 3,18 2,13 1,65
10,00 R 10862,98 3105,78 980,99 311,75 99,36 41,90 17,08 6,37 3,42
v 46,21 28,33 17,99 11,41 7,22 5,09 3,54 2,36 1,83

134 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-4
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 6
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,7 20 x 3,4 25 x 4,2 32 x 5,4 40 x 6,7 50 x 8,3 63 x 10,5 75 x 12,5 90 x 15,0 110 x 18,3 125 x 20,8
di 10,6 mm 13,2 mm 16,6 mm 21,2 mm 26,6 mm 33,4 mm 42 mm 50 mm 60 mm 73,4 mm 83,4 mm
0,01 R 0,283 0,102 0,035 0,011 0,004 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,113 0,073 0,046 0,028 0,018 0,011 0,007 0,005 0,004 0,002 0,002
0,02 R 0,916 0,325 0,111 0,035 0,012 0,004 0,001 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,227 0,146 0,092 0,057 0,036 0,023 0,014 0,010 0,007 0,005 0,004
0,03 R 1,842 0,650 0,220 0,069 0,024 0,008 0,003 0,001 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,340 0,219 0,139 0,085 0,054 0,034 0,022 0,015 0,011 0,007 0,005
0,04 R 3,043 1,068 0,360 0,113 0,039 0,013 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,453 0,292 0,185 0,113 0,072 0,046 0,029 0,020 0,014 0,009 0,007
0,05 R 4,504 1,575 0,529 0,166 0,057 0,019 0,007 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,567 0,365 0,231 0,142 0,090 0,057 0,036 0,025 0,018 0,012 0,009
0,06 R 6,219 2,168 0,726 0,227 0,078 0,027 0,009 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,680 0,438 0,277 0,170 0,108 0,068 0,043 0,031 0,021 0,014 0,011
0,07 R 8,182 2,844 0,950 0,296 0,101 0,034 0,012 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,793 0,512 0,323 0,198 0,126 0,080 0,051 0,036 0,025 0,017 0,013
0,08 R 10,387 3,602 1,200 0,374 0,127 0,043 0,015 0,006 0,003 0,001 0,001
v 0,907 0,585 0,370 0,227 0,144 0,091 0,058 0,041 0,028 0,019 0,015
0,09 R 12,832 4,440 1,476 0,459 0,156 0,053 0,018 0,008 0,003 0,001 0,001
v 1,020 0,658 0,416 0,255 0,162 0,103 0,065 0,046 0,032 0,021 0,016
0,10 R 15,513 5,356 1,777 0,551 0,187 0,064 0,022 0,009 0,004 0,002 0,001
v 1,133 0,731 0,462 0,283 0,180 0,114 0,072 0,051 0,035 0,024 0,018
0,12 R 21,576 7,422 2,455 0,759 0,257 0,087 0,029 0,013 0,005 0,002 0,001
v 1,360 0,877 0,554 0,340 0,216 0,137 0,087 0,061 0,042 0,028 0,022
0,14 R 28,562 9,794 3,230 0,996 0,337 0,114 0,038 0,017 0,007 0,003 0,002
v 1,586 1,023 0,647 0,397 0,252 0,160 0,101 0,071 0,050 0,033 0,026
0,16 R 36,458 12,466 4,100 1,262 0,426 0,144 0,048 0,021 0,009 0,003 0,002
v 1,813 1,169 0,739 0,453 0,288 0,183 0,115 0,081 0,057 0,038 0,029
0,18 R 45,258 15,435 5,064 1,555 0,524 0,177 0,059 0,026 0,011 0,004 0,002
v 2,040 1,315 0,832 0,510 0,324 0,205 0,130 0,092 0,064 0,043 0,033
0,20 R 54,953 18,697 6,121 1,876 0,631 0,212 0,071 0,031 0,013 0,005 0,003
v 2,266 1,461 0,924 0,567 0,360 0,228 0,144 0,102 0,071 0,047 0,037
0,30 R 116,717 39,342 12,767 3,882 1,296 0,434 0,145 0,063 0,027 0,010 0,006
v 3,400 2,192 1,386 0,850 0,540 0,342 0,217 0,153 0,106 0,071 0,055
0,40 R 200,365 67,082 21,626 6,534 2,172 0,724 0,241 0,105 0,044 0,017 0,009
v 4,533 2,923 1,848 1,133 0,720 0,457 0,289 0,204 0,141 0,095 0,073
0,50 R 305,693 101,815 32,650 9,814 3,248 1,079 0,358 0,155 0,065 0,025 0,014
v 5,666 3,654 2,310 1,416 0,900 0,571 0,361 0,255 0,177 0,118 0,092
0,60 R 432,584 143,479 45,811 13,711 4,522 1,498 0,496 0,215 0,090 0,034 0,019
v 6,799 4,384 2,772 1,700 1,080 0,685 0,433 0,306 0,212 0,142 0,110
0,70 R 580,963 192,035 61,089 18,215 5,989 1,979 0,654 0,282 0,118 0,045 0,024
v 7,932 5,115 3,234 1,983 1,260 0,799 0,505 0,357 0,248 0,165 0,128
0,80 R 750,78 247,45 78,47 23,32 7,65 2,52 0,83 0,36 0,15 0,06 0,03
v 9,07 5,85 3,70 2,27 1,44 0,91 0,58 0,41 0,28 0,19 0,15

Appendix B 135
Appendix B
Appendix B8-5
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 6
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,7 20 x 3,4 25 x 4,2 32 x 5,4 40 x 6,7 50 x 8,3 63 x 10,5 75 x 12,5 90 x 15,0 110 x 18,3 125 x 20,8
di 10,6 mm 13,2 mm 16,6 mm 21,2 mm 26,6 mm 33,4 mm 42 mm 50 mm 60 mm 73,4 mm 83,4 mm
0,90 R 942,00 309,72 97,95 29,03 9,49 3,12 1,03 0,44 0,18 0,07 0,04
v 10,20 6,58 4,16 2,55 1,62 1,03 0,65 0,46 0,32 0,21 0,16
1,00 R 1154,59 378,81 119,51 35,32 11,53 3,78 1,24 0,53 0,22 0,08 0,05
v 11,33 7,31 4,62 2,83 1,80 1,14 0,72 0,51 0,35 0,24 0,18
1,20 R 1643,83 537,44 168,86 49,69 16,15 5,28 1,73 0,74 0,31 0,12 0,06
v 13,60 8,77 5,54 3,40 2,16 1,37 0,87 0,61 0,42 0,28 0,22
1,40 R 2218,35 723,27 226,49 66,39 21,51 7,01 2,29 0,98 0,41 0,15 0,08
v 15,86 10,23 6,47 3,97 2,52 1,60 1,01 0,71 0,50 0,33 0,26
1,60 R 2878,09 936,25 292,39 85,44 27,59 8,97 2,92 1,25 0,52 0,20 0,11
v 18,13 11,69 7,39 4,53 2,88 1,83 1,15 0,81 0,57 0,38 0,29
1,80 R 3622,98 1176,36 366,51 106,80 34,40 11,16 3,63 1,55 0,64 0,24 0,13
v 20,40 13,15 8,32 5,10 3,24 2,05 1,30 0,92 0,64 0,43 0,33
2,00 R 4452,97 1443,56 448,86 130,48 41,93 13,57 4,40 1,88 0,77 0,29 0,16
v 22,66 14,61 9,24 5,67 3,60 2,28 1,44 1,02 0,71 0,47 0,37
2,20 R 5368,02 1737,83 539,42 156,47 50,18 16,20 5,24 2,24 0,92 0,35 0,19
v 24,93 16,08 10,17 6,23 3,96 2,51 1,59 1,12 0,78 0,52 0,40
2,40 R 6368,12 2059,16 638,19 184,77 59,14 19,06 6,16 2,62 1,08 0,41 0,22
v 27,20 17,54 11,09 6,80 4,32 2,74 1,73 1,22 0,85 0,57 0,44
2,60 R 7453,23 2407,55 745,15 215,37 68,82 22,14 7,14 3,04 1,25 0,47 0,25
v 29,46 19,00 12,01 7,37 4,68 2,97 1,88 1,32 0,92 0,61 0,48
2,80 R 8623,34 2782,96 860,31 248,27 79,20 25,44 8,19 3,48 1,43 0,54 0,29
v 31,73 20,46 12,94 7,93 5,04 3,20 2,02 1,43 0,99 0,66 0,51
3,00 R 9878,43 3185,41 983,65 283,46 90,30 28,96 9,32 3,95 1,62 0,61 0,33
v 34,00 21,92 13,86 8,50 5,40 3,42 2,17 1,53 1,06 0,71 0,55
3,20 R 11218,48 3614,87 1115,17 320,95 102,11 32,70 10,50 4,45 1,83 0,68 0,37
v 36,26 23,38 14,79 9,07 5,76 3,65 2,31 1,63 1,13 0,76 0,59
3,40 R 12643,49 4071,35 1254,87 360,73 114,62 36,66 11,76 4,98 2,04 0,76 0,41
v 38,53 24,85 15,71 9,63 6,12 3,88 2,45 1,73 1,20 0,80 0,62
3,60 R 14153,44 4554,84 1402,75 402,81 127,84 40,84 13,09 5,54 2,27 0,85 0,46
v 40,79 26,31 16,63 10,20 6,48 4,11 2,60 1,83 1,27 0,85 0,66
3,80 R 15748,32 5065,33 1558,80 447,17 141,77 45,24 14,48 6,12 2,50 0,94 0,50
v 43,06 27,77 17,56 10,77 6,84 4,34 2,74 1,94 1,34 0,90 0,70
4,00 R 17428,12 5602,81 1723,02 493,82 156,40 49,85 15,94 6,74 2,75 1,03 0,55
v 45,33 29,23 18,48 11,33 7,20 4,57 2,89 2,04 1,41 0,95 0,73
4,20 R 19192,84 6167,29 1895,41 542,76 171,74 54,68 17,46 7,38 3,01 1,12 0,60
v 47,59 30,69 19,41 11,90 7,56 4,79 3,03 2,14 1,49 0,99 0,77
4,40 R 21042,47 6758,77 2075,96 593,99 187,78 59,73 19,06 8,04 3,28 1,23 0,66
v 49,86 32,15 20,33 12,46 7,92 5,02 3,18 2,24 1,56 1,04 0,81
4,60 R 22977,01 7377,22 2264,68 647,50 204,53 65,00 20,72 8,74 3,56 1,33 0,71
v 52,13 33,61 21,25 13,03 8,28 5,25 3,32 2,34 1,63 1,09 0,84
4,80 R 24996,44 8022,67 2461,56 703,30 221,98 70,48 22,44 9,46 3,85 1,44 0,77
v 54,39 35,08 22,18 13,60 8,64 5,48 3,46 2,44 1,70 1,13 0,88

136 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-6
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 6
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,7 20 x 3,4 25 x 4,2 32 x 5,4 40 x 6,7 50 x 8,3 63 x 10,5 75 x 12,5 90 x 15,0 110 x 18,3 125 x 20,8
di 10,6 mm 13,2 mm 16,6 mm 21,2 mm 26,6 mm 33,4 mm 42 mm 50 mm 60 mm 73,4 mm 83,4 mm
5,00 R 27100,76 8695,09 2666,61 761,38 240,13 76,18 24,24 10,21 4,16 1,55 0,83
v 56,66 36,54 23,10 14,16 9,00 5,71 3,61 2,55 1,77 1,18 0,92
5,20 R 29289,97 9394,50 2879,81 821,75 258,99 82,10 26,10 10,99 4,47 1,66 0,89
v 58,93 38,00 24,03 14,73 9,36 5,93 3,75 2,65 1,84 1,23 0,95
5,40 R 31564,07 10120,88 3101,18 884,39 278,54 88,23 28,03 11,79 4,80 1,78 0,96
v 61,19 39,46 24,95 15,30 9,72 6,16 3,90 2,75 1,91 1,28 0,99
5,60 R 33923,04 10874,23 3330,70 949,32 298,81 94,58 30,02 12,62 5,13 1,91 1,02
v 63,46 40,92 25,88 15,86 10,08 6,39 4,04 2,85 1,98 1,32 1,03
5,80 R 36366,89 11654,56 3568,38 1016,53 319,77 101,15 32,08 13,48 5,48 2,04 1,09
v 65,72 42,38 26,80 16,43 10,44 6,62 4,19 2,95 2,05 1,37 1,06
6,00 R 38895,61 12461,86 3814,22 1086,03 341,43 107,93 34,21 14,37 5,83 2,17 1,16
v 67,99 43,84 27,72 17,00 10,80 6,85 4,33 3,06 2,12 1,42 1,10
6,20 R 41509,20 13296,13 4068,21 1157,80 363,80 114,93 36,40 15,28 6,20 2,30 1,23
v 70,26 45,31 28,65 17,56 11,16 7,08 4,48 3,16 2,19 1,47 1,13
6,40 R 44207,65 14157,37 4330,36 1231,85 386,86 122,14 38,66 16,22 6,58 2,44 1,31
v 72,52 46,77 29,57 18,13 11,52 7,30 4,62 3,26 2,26 1,51 1,17
6,60 R 46990,97 15045,58 4600,66 1308,19 410,63 129,57 40,98 17,19 6,97 2,59 1,38
v 74,79 48,23 30,50 18,70 11,88 7,53 4,76 3,36 2,33 1,56 1,21
6,80 R 49859,14 15960,75 4879,12 1386,80 435,10 137,21 43,37 18,18 7,37 2,73 1,46
v 77,06 49,69 31,42 19,26 12,24 7,76 4,91 3,46 2,41 1,61 1,24
7,00 R 52812,18 16902,88 5165,73 1467,70 460,27 145,07 45,83 19,20 7,78 2,88 1,54
v 79,32 51,15 32,34 19,83 12,60 7,99 5,05 3,57 2,48 1,65 1,28
7,50 R 60566,00 19376,18 5917,91 1679,90 526,26 165,66 52,26 21,87 8,85 3,28 1,75
v 84,99 54,81 34,65 21,25 13,50 8,56 5,41 3,82 2,65 1,77 1,37
8,00 R 68850,13 22017,98 6721,04 1906,35 596,62 187,59 59,10 24,71 9,99 3,69 1,97
v 90,65 58,46 36,96 22,66 14,40 9,13 5,77 4,07 2,83 1,89 1,46
9,00 R 87009,21 27807,02 8480,10 2401,94 750,46 235,48 74,02 30,89 12,46 4,60 2,45
v 101,99 65,77 41,58 25,50 16,20 10,27 6,50 4,58 3,18 2,13 1,65
10,00 R 10442,86 2954,47 921,79 288,73 90,57 37,73 15,19 5,60 2,98
v 46,21 28,33 17,99 11,41 7,22 5,09 3,54 2,36 1,83

Appendix B 137
Appendix B
Appendix B8-7
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 7,4
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,2 20 x 2,8 25 x 3,5 32 x 4,4 40 x 5,5 50 x 6,9 63 x 8,6 75 x 10,3 90 x 12,3 110 x 15,1 125 x 17,1
di 11,6 mm 14,4 mm 18 mm 23,2 mm 29 mm 36,2 mm 45,8 mm 54,4 mm 65,4 mm 79,8 mm 90,8 mm
0,01 R 0,250 0,092 0,033 0,010 0,004 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,095 0,061 0,039 0,024 0,015 0,010 0,006 0,004 0,003 0,002 0,002
0,02 R 0,776 0,283 0,101 0,031 0,011 0,004 0,001 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,189 0,123 0,079 0,047 0,030 0,019 0,012 0,009 0,006 0,004 0,003
0,03 R 1,528 0,554 0,195 0,060 0,021 0,008 0,003 0,001 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,284 0,184 0,118 0,071 0,045 0,029 0,018 0,013 0,009 0,006 0,005
0,04 R 2,486 0,898 0,315 0,096 0,034 0,012 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,378 0,246 0,157 0,095 0,061 0,039 0,024 0,017 0,012 0,008 0,006
0,05 R 3,640 1,311 0,459 0,140 0,049 0,018 0,006 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,473 0,307 0,196 0,118 0,076 0,049 0,030 0,022 0,015 0,010 0,008
0,06 R 4,980 1,788 0,624 0,190 0,067 0,024 0,008 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,568 0,368 0,236 0,142 0,091 0,058 0,036 0,026 0,018 0,012 0,009
0,07 R 6,502 2,329 0,811 0,246 0,086 0,031 0,010 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,662 0,430 0,275 0,166 0,106 0,068 0,042 0,030 0,021 0,014 0,011
0,08 R 8,199 2,931 1,019 0,308 0,108 0,038 0,013 0,006 0,002 0,001 0,001
v 0,757 0,491 0,314 0,189 0,121 0,078 0,049 0,034 0,024 0,016 0,012
0,09 R 10,068 3,593 1,247 0,376 0,132 0,047 0,016 0,007 0,003 0,001 0,001
v 0,852 0,553 0,354 0,213 0,136 0,087 0,055 0,039 0,027 0,018 0,014
0,10 R 12,106 4,313 1,495 0,450 0,157 0,056 0,018 0,008 0,004 0,001 0,001
v 0,946 0,614 0,393 0,237 0,151 0,097 0,061 0,043 0,030 0,020 0,015
0,12 R 16,679 5,926 2,048 0,615 0,215 0,076 0,025 0,011 0,005 0,002 0,001
v 1,135 0,737 0,472 0,284 0,182 0,117 0,073 0,052 0,036 0,024 0,019
0,14 R 21,901 7,761 2,676 0,802 0,279 0,098 0,033 0,015 0,006 0,002 0,001
v 1,325 0,860 0,550 0,331 0,212 0,136 0,085 0,060 0,042 0,028 0,022
0,16 R 27,758 9,815 3,377 1,010 0,351 0,123 0,041 0,018 0,008 0,003 0,002
v 1,514 0,982 0,629 0,378 0,242 0,155 0,097 0,069 0,048 0,032 0,025
0,18 R 34,240 12,082 4,150 1,239 0,430 0,151 0,050 0,022 0,009 0,004 0,002
v 1,703 1,105 0,707 0,426 0,273 0,175 0,109 0,077 0,054 0,036 0,028
0,20 R 41,339 14,559 4,992 1,488 0,516 0,181 0,060 0,026 0,011 0,004 0,002
v 1,892 1,228 0,786 0,473 0,303 0,194 0,121 0,086 0,060 0,040 0,031
0,30 R 85,857 30,007 10,219 3,025 1,043 0,363 0,119 0,053 0,022 0,009 0,005
v 2,839 1,842 1,179 0,710 0,454 0,291 0,182 0,129 0,089 0,060 0,046
0,40 R 145,044 50,396 17,073 5,028 1,727 0,600 0,196 0,087 0,036 0,014 0,008
v 3,785 2,456 1,572 0,946 0,606 0,389 0,243 0,172 0,119 0,080 0,062
0,50 R 218,575 75,583 25,495 7,477 2,560 0,886 0,289 0,128 0,053 0,021 0,011
v 4,731 3,070 1,965 1,183 0,757 0,486 0,303 0,215 0,149 0,100 0,077
0,60 R 306,251 105,476 35,447 10,358 3,537 1,222 0,398 0,175 0,073 0,029 0,015
v 5,677 3,684 2,358 1,419 0,908 0,583 0,364 0,258 0,179 0,120 0,093
0,70 R 407,937 140,011 46,900 13,662 4,653 1,604 0,521 0,229 0,096 0,037 0,020
v 6,624 4,298 2,751 1,656 1,060 0,680 0,425 0,301 0,208 0,140 0,108
0,80 R 523,54 179,14 59,84 17,38 5,91 2,03 0,66 0,29 0,12 0,05 0,03
v 7,57 4,91 3,14 1,89 1,21 0,78 0,49 0,34 0,24 0,16 0,12

138 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-8
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 7,4
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,2 20 x 2,8 25 x 3,5 32 x 4,4 40 x 5,5 50 x 6,9 63 x 8,6 75 x 10,3 90 x 12,3 110 x 15,1 125 x 17,1
di 11,6 mm 14,4 mm 18 mm 23,2 mm 29 mm 36,2 mm 45,8 mm 54,4 mm 65,4 mm 79,8 mm 90,8 mm
0,90 R 652,98 222,83 74,24 21,51 7,30 2,51 0,81 0,36 0,15 0,06 0,03
v 8,52 5,53 3,54 2,13 1,36 0,87 0,55 0,39 0,27 0,18 0,14
1,00 R 796,21 271,05 90,09 26,04 8,82 3,02 0,98 0,43 0,18 0,07 0,04
v 9,46 6,14 3,93 2,37 1,51 0,97 0,61 0,43 0,30 0,20 0,15
1,20 R 1123,87 381,01 126,11 36,30 12,25 4,19 1,35 0,59 0,25 0,10 0,05
v 11,35 7,37 4,72 2,84 1,82 1,17 0,73 0,52 0,36 0,24 0,19
1,40 R 1506,26 508,88 167,84 48,13 16,20 5,53 1,78 0,78 0,32 0,12 0,07
v 13,25 8,60 5,50 3,31 2,12 1,36 0,85 0,60 0,42 0,28 0,22
1,60 R 1943,20 654,56 215,22 61,51 20,65 7,03 2,26 0,99 0,41 0,16 0,09
v 15,14 9,82 6,29 3,78 2,42 1,55 0,97 0,69 0,48 0,32 0,25
1,80 R 2434,57 817,98 268,23 76,44 25,60 8,70 2,79 1,22 0,50 0,19 0,10
v 17,03 11,05 7,07 4,26 2,73 1,75 1,09 0,77 0,54 0,36 0,28
2,00 R 2980,27 999,10 326,84 92,89 31,05 10,54 3,37 1,47 0,61 0,23 0,13
v 18,92 12,28 7,86 4,73 3,03 1,94 1,21 0,86 0,60 0,40 0,31
2,20 R 3580,22 1197,86 391,02 110,87 36,99 12,53 4,00 1,75 0,72 0,28 0,15
v 20,82 13,51 8,65 5,20 3,33 2,14 1,34 0,95 0,65 0,44 0,34
2,40 R 4234,36 1414,24 460,76 130,35 43,41 14,68 4,69 2,04 0,84 0,32 0,17
v 22,71 14,74 9,43 5,68 3,63 2,33 1,46 1,03 0,71 0,48 0,37
2,60 R 4942,65 1648,21 536,03 151,34 50,31 16,99 5,42 2,36 0,97 0,37 0,20
v 24,60 15,96 10,22 6,15 3,94 2,53 1,58 1,12 0,77 0,52 0,40
2,80 R 5705,05 1899,75 616,84 173,83 57,70 19,46 6,19 2,69 1,11 0,43 0,23
v 26,49 17,19 11,00 6,62 4,24 2,72 1,70 1,20 0,83 0,56 0,43
3,00 R 6521,51 2168,84 703,17 197,81 65,56 22,08 7,02 3,05 1,25 0,48 0,26
v 28,39 18,42 11,79 7,10 4,54 2,91 1,82 1,29 0,89 0,60 0,46
3,20 R 7392,02 2455,45 795,01 223,28 73,90 24,86 7,89 3,43 1,41 0,54 0,29
v 30,28 19,65 12,58 7,57 4,84 3,11 1,94 1,38 0,95 0,64 0,49
3,40 R 8316,55 2759,58 892,35 250,24 82,72 27,79 8,82 3,82 1,57 0,60 0,32
v 32,17 20,88 13,36 8,04 5,15 3,30 2,06 1,46 1,01 0,68 0,53
3,60 R 9295,07 3081,22 995,19 278,68 92,01 30,88 9,78 4,24 1,74 0,67 0,36
v 34,06 22,10 14,15 8,52 5,45 3,50 2,19 1,55 1,07 0,72 0,56
3,80 R 10327,57 3420,35 1103,52 308,61 101,77 34,11 10,80 4,68 1,92 0,74 0,40
v 35,96 23,33 14,93 8,99 5,75 3,69 2,31 1,63 1,13 0,76 0,59
4,00 R 11414,03 3776,97 1217,33 340,00 112,00 37,50 11,86 5,14 2,10 0,81 0,43
v 37,85 24,56 15,72 9,46 6,06 3,89 2,43 1,72 1,19 0,80 0,62
4,20 R 12554,44 4151,06 1336,63 372,88 122,69 41,05 12,97 5,61 2,30 0,88 0,47
v 39,74 25,79 16,50 9,94 6,36 4,08 2,55 1,81 1,25 0,84 0,65
4,40 R 13748,78 4542,63 1461,40 407,23 133,86 44,74 14,12 6,11 2,50 0,96 0,51
v 41,63 27,02 17,29 10,41 6,66 4,28 2,67 1,89 1,31 0,88 0,68
4,60 R 14997,05 4951,66 1591,65 443,05 145,50 48,58 15,32 6,62 2,71 1,04 0,56
v 43,53 28,25 18,08 10,88 6,96 4,47 2,79 1,98 1,37 0,92 0,71
4,80 R 16299,22 5378,14 1727,36 480,34 157,60 52,58 16,57 7,16 2,93 1,12 0,60
v 45,42 29,47 18,86 11,35 7,27 4,66 2,91 2,07 1,43 0,96 0,74

Appendix B 139
Appendix B
Appendix B8-9
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 7,4
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,2 20 x 2,8 25 x 3,5 32 x 4,4 40 x 5,5 50 x 6,9 63 x 8,6 75 x 10,3 90 x 12,3 110 x 15,1 125 x 17,1
di 11,6 mm 14,4 mm 18 mm 23,2 mm 29 mm 36,2 mm 45,8 mm 54,4 mm 65,4 mm 79,8 mm 90,8 mm
5,00 R 17655,30 5822,08 1868,55 519,10 170,16 56,72 17,86 7,71 3,15 1,20 0,65
v 47,31 30,70 19,65 11,83 7,57 4,86 3,03 2,15 1,49 1,00 0,77
5,20 R 19065,27 6283,46 2015,20 559,32 183,19 61,02 19,20 8,28 3,39 1,29 0,69
v 49,20 31,93 20,43 12,30 7,87 5,05 3,16 2,24 1,55 1,04 0,80
5,40 R 20529,13 6762,29 2167,30 601,01 196,69 65,46 20,58 8,88 3,63 1,38 0,74
v 51,10 33,16 21,22 12,77 8,18 5,25 3,28 2,32 1,61 1,08 0,83
5,60 R 22046,86 7258,55 2324,87 644,17 210,65 70,05 22,01 9,49 3,87 1,48 0,79
v 52,99 34,39 22,01 13,25 8,48 5,44 3,40 2,41 1,67 1,12 0,86
5,80 R 23618,47 7772,25 2487,90 688,79 225,07 74,79 23,48 10,12 4,13 1,57 0,84
v 54,88 35,61 22,79 13,72 8,78 5,64 3,52 2,50 1,73 1,16 0,90
6,00 R 25243,93 8303,38 2656,38 734,87 239,95 79,68 25,00 10,77 4,39 1,67 0,90
v 56,77 36,84 23,58 14,19 9,08 5,83 3,64 2,58 1,79 1,20 0,93
6,20 R 26923,26 8851,94 2830,32 782,41 255,30 84,72 26,56 11,44 4,66 1,78 0,95
v 58,67 38,07 24,36 14,67 9,39 6,02 3,76 2,67 1,85 1,24 0,96
6,40 R 28656,44 9417,92 3009,70 831,42 271,11 89,90 28,17 12,12 4,94 1,88 1,01
v 60,56 39,30 25,15 15,14 9,69 6,22 3,88 2,75 1,91 1,28 0,99
6,60 R 30443,47 10001,32 3194,54 881,88 287,37 95,24 29,82 12,83 5,23 1,99 1,07
v 62,45 40,53 25,94 15,61 9,99 6,41 4,01 2,84 1,96 1,32 1,02
6,80 R 32284,34 10602,15 3384,83 933,81 304,10 100,72 31,52 13,55 5,52 2,10 1,12
v 64,34 41,75 26,72 16,09 10,29 6,61 4,13 2,93 2,02 1,36 1,05
7,00 R 34179,04 11220,39 3580,56 987,19 321,29 106,35 33,26 14,29 5,82 2,21 1,19
v 66,24 42,98 27,51 16,56 10,60 6,80 4,25 3,01 2,08 1,40 1,08
7,50 R 39151,33 12842,17 4093,72 1127,03 366,28 121,06 37,80 16,23 6,60 2,51 1,34
v 70,97 46,05 29,47 17,74 11,35 7,29 4,55 3,23 2,23 1,50 1,16
8,00 R 44460,03 14572,77 4640,91 1275,97 414,14 136,69 42,63 18,29 7,43 2,82 1,51
v 75,70 49,12 31,44 18,92 12,11 7,77 4,86 3,44 2,38 1,60 1,24
9,00 R 56086,44 18360,29 5837,29 1601,13 518,45 170,70 53,10 22,74 9,23 3,50 1,87
v 85,16 55,26 35,37 21,29 13,63 8,74 5,46 3,87 2,68 1,80 1,39
10,00 R 7169,60 1962,62 634,20 208,36 64,66 27,65 11,20 4,24 2,26
v 39,30 23,66 15,14 9,72 6,07 4,30 2,98 2,00 1,54

140 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-10
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 7,4
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,2 20 x 2,8 25 x 3,5 32 x 4,4 40 x 5,5 50 x 6,9 63 x 8,6 75 x 10,3 90 x 12,3 110 x 15,1
di 11,6 mm 14,4 mm 18 mm 23,2 mm 29 mm 36,2 mm 45,8 mm 54,4 mm 65,4 mm 79,8 mm
0,01 R 0,186 0,068 0,024 0,007 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,095 0,061 0,039 0,024 0,015 0,010 0,006 0,004 0,003 0,002
0,02 R 0,598 0,216 0,076 0,023 0,008 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,189 0,123 0,079 0,047 0,030 0,019 0,012 0,009 0,006 0,004
0,03 R 1,200 0,430 0,150 0,045 0,016 0,006 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,284 0,184 0,118 0,071 0,045 0,029 0,018 0,013 0,009 0,006
0,04 R 1,977 0,706 0,245 0,074 0,026 0,009 0,003 0,001 0,001 0,000
v 0,378 0,246 0,157 0,095 0,061 0,039 0,024 0,017 0,012 0,008
0,05 R 2,923 1,040 0,360 0,108 0,038 0,013 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,473 0,307 0,196 0,118 0,076 0,049 0,030 0,022 0,015 0,010
0,06 R 4,030 1,430 0,494 0,148 0,052 0,018 0,006 0,003 0,001 0,000
v 0,568 0,368 0,236 0,142 0,091 0,058 0,036 0,026 0,018 0,012
0,07 R 5,295 1,874 0,645 0,193 0,067 0,024 0,008 0,003 0,001 0,001
v 0,662 0,430 0,275 0,166 0,106 0,068 0,042 0,030 0,021 0,014
0,08 R 6,715 2,371 0,815 0,243 0,085 0,030 0,010 0,004 0,002 0,001
v 0,757 0,491 0,314 0,189 0,121 0,078 0,049 0,034 0,024 0,016
0,09 R 8,288 2,920 1,002 0,299 0,104 0,036 0,012 0,005 0,002 0,001
v 0,852 0,553 0,354 0,213 0,136 0,087 0,055 0,039 0,027 0,018
0,10 R 10,011 3,520 1,206 0,359 0,124 0,043 0,014 0,006 0,003 0,001
v 0,946 0,614 0,393 0,237 0,151 0,097 0,061 0,043 0,030 0,020
0,12 R 13,902 4,872 1,663 0,494 0,170 0,060 0,020 0,009 0,004 0,001
v 1,135 0,737 0,472 0,284 0,182 0,117 0,073 0,052 0,036 0,024
0,14 R 18,377 6,421 2,186 0,647 0,223 0,078 0,025 0,011 0,005 0,002
v 1,325 0,860 0,550 0,331 0,212 0,136 0,085 0,060 0,042 0,028
0,16 R 23,429 8,164 2,773 0,819 0,282 0,098 0,032 0,014 0,006 0,002
v 1,514 0,982 0,629 0,378 0,242 0,155 0,097 0,069 0,048 0,032
0,18 R 29,052 10,099 3,423 1,009 0,346 0,120 0,039 0,017 0,007 0,003
v 1,703 1,105 0,707 0,426 0,273 0,175 0,109 0,077 0,054 0,036
0,20 R 35,241 12,224 4,135 1,216 0,417 0,145 0,047 0,021 0,009 0,003
v 1,892 1,228 0,786 0,473 0,303 0,194 0,121 0,086 0,060 0,040
0,30 R 74,556 25,631 8,599 2,509 0,855 0,295 0,096 0,042 0,018 0,007
v 2,839 1,842 1,179 0,710 0,454 0,291 0,182 0,129 0,089 0,060
0,40 R 127,631 43,591 14,534 4,214 1,430 0,492 0,159 0,070 0,029 0,011
v 3,785 2,456 1,572 0,946 0,606 0,389 0,243 0,172 0,119 0,080
0,50 R 194,309 66,025 21,904 6,319 2,137 0,732 0,236 0,104 0,043 0,017
v 4,731 3,070 1,965 1,183 0,757 0,486 0,303 0,215 0,149 0,100
0,60 R 274,500 92,888 30,688 8,815 2,971 1,015 0,327 0,143 0,059 0,023
v 5,677 3,684 2,358 1,419 0,908 0,583 0,364 0,258 0,179 0,120
0,70 R 368,147 124,150 40,870 11,696 3,931 1,340 0,431 0,188 0,078 0,030
v 6,624 4,298 2,751 1,656 1,060 0,680 0,425 0,301 0,208 0,140
0,80 R 475,21 159,79 52,44 14,96 5,01 1,71 0,55 0,24 0,10 0,04
v 7,57 4,91 3,14 1,89 1,21 0,78 0,49 0,34 0,24 0,16

Appendix B 141
Appendix B
Appendix B8-11
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 7,4
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,2 20 x 2,8 25 x 3,5 32 x 4,4 40 x 5,5 50 x 6,9 63 x 8,6 75 x 10,3 90 x 12,3 110 x 15,1 125 x 17,1
di 11,6 mm 14,4 mm 18 mm 23,2 mm 29 mm 36,2 mm 45,8 mm 54,4 mm 65,4 mm 79,8 mm 90,8 mm
0,90 R 595,66 199,79 65,39 18,60 6,22 2,11 0,68 0,29 0,12 0,05 0,03
v 8,52 5,53 3,54 2,13 1,36 0,87 0,55 0,39 0,27 0,18 0,14
1,00 R 729,48 244,14 79,72 22,61 7,55 2,56 0,82 0,36 0,15 0,06 0,03
v 9,46 6,14 3,93 2,37 1,51 0,97 0,61 0,43 0,30 0,20 0,15
1,20 R 1037,15 345,84 112,47 31,75 10,56 3,56 1,14 0,49 0,20 0,08 0,04
v 11,35 7,37 4,72 2,84 1,82 1,17 0,73 0,52 0,36 0,24 0,19
1,40 R 1398,12 464,86 150,67 42,37 14,04 4,73 1,50 0,65 0,27 0,10 0,06
v 13,25 8,60 5,50 3,31 2,12 1,36 0,85 0,60 0,42 0,28 0,22
1,60 R 1812,33 601,14 194,30 54,46 17,99 6,04 1,92 0,83 0,34 0,13 0,07
v 15,14 9,82 6,29 3,78 2,42 1,55 0,97 0,69 0,48 0,32 0,25
1,80 R 2279,73 754,67 243,35 68,01 22,41 7,51 2,38 1,03 0,42 0,16 0,09
v 17,03 11,05 7,07 4,26 2,73 1,75 1,09 0,77 0,54 0,36 0,28
2,00 R 2800,29 925,42 297,79 83,01 27,29 9,12 2,88 1,25 0,51 0,20 0,10
v 18,92 12,28 7,86 4,73 3,03 1,94 1,21 0,86 0,60 0,40 0,31
2,20 R 3373,97 1113,37 357,63 99,46 32,64 10,89 3,43 1,48 0,61 0,23 0,12
v 20,82 13,51 8,65 5,20 3,33 2,14 1,34 0,95 0,65 0,44 0,34
2,40 R 4000,75 1318,52 422,86 117,36 38,44 12,80 4,03 1,74 0,71 0,27 0,15
v 22,71 14,74 9,43 5,68 3,63 2,33 1,46 1,03 0,71 0,48 0,37
2,60 R 4680,62 1540,85 493,46 136,70 44,70 14,86 4,67 2,01 0,82 0,31 0,17
v 24,60 15,96 10,22 6,15 3,94 2,53 1,58 1,12 0,77 0,52 0,40
2,80 R 5413,56 1780,36 569,44 157,49 51,41 17,07 5,35 2,31 0,94 0,36 0,19
v 26,49 17,19 11,00 6,62 4,24 2,72 1,70 1,20 0,83 0,56 0,43
3,00 R 6199,56 2037,04 650,80 179,71 58,58 19,42 6,08 2,62 1,07 0,41 0,22
v 28,39 18,42 11,79 7,10 4,54 2,91 1,82 1,29 0,89 0,60 0,46
3,20 R 7038,60 2310,87 737,52 203,38 66,20 21,92 6,85 2,95 1,20 0,46 0,24
v 30,28 19,65 12,58 7,57 4,84 3,11 1,94 1,38 0,95 0,64 0,49
3,40 R 7930,69 2601,87 829,61 228,47 74,28 24,56 7,67 3,29 1,34 0,51 0,27
v 32,17 20,88 13,36 8,04 5,15 3,30 2,06 1,46 1,01 0,68 0,53
3,60 R 8875,80 2910,02 927,06 255,01 82,81 27,35 8,53 3,66 1,49 0,57 0,30
v 34,06 22,10 14,15 8,52 5,45 3,50 2,19 1,55 1,07 0,72 0,56
3,80 R 9873,93 3235,31 1029,88 282,98 91,79 30,28 9,44 4,05 1,64 0,62 0,33
v 35,96 23,33 14,93 8,99 5,75 3,69 2,31 1,63 1,13 0,76 0,59
4,00 R 10925,08 3577,75 1138,05 312,38 101,22 33,35 10,38 4,45 1,81 0,69 0,37
v 37,85 24,56 15,72 9,46 6,06 3,89 2,43 1,72 1,19 0,80 0,62
4,20 R 12029,23 3937,34 1251,58 343,21 111,11 36,57 11,37 4,87 1,98 0,75 0,40
v 39,74 25,79 16,50 9,94 6,36 4,08 2,55 1,81 1,25 0,84 0,65
4,40 R 13186,39 4314,06 1370,47 375,48 121,44 39,94 12,41 5,31 2,15 0,82 0,44
v 41,63 27,02 17,29 10,41 6,66 4,28 2,67 1,89 1,31 0,88 0,68
4,60 R 14396,55 4707,92 1494,71 409,18 132,23 43,44 13,48 5,77 2,34 0,88 0,47
v 43,53 28,25 18,08 10,88 6,96 4,47 2,79 1,98 1,37 0,92 0,71
4,80 R 15659,71 5118,91 1624,31 444,30 143,46 47,09 14,60 6,24 2,53 0,96 0,51
v 45,42 29,47 18,86 11,35 7,27 4,66 2,91 2,07 1,43 0,96 0,74

142 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-12
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 7,4
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 16 x 2,2 20 x 2,8 25 x 3,5 32 x 4,4 40 x 5,5 50 x 6,9 63 x 8,6 75 x 10,3 90 x 12,3 110 x 15,1 125 x 17,1
di 11,6 mm 14,4 mm 18 mm 23,2 mm 29 mm 36,2 mm 45,8 mm 54,4 mm 65,4 mm 79,8 mm 90,8 mm
5,00 R 16975,86 5547,04 1759,25 480,86 155,14 50,89 15,76 6,73 2,72 1,03 0,55
v 47,31 30,70 19,65 11,83 7,57 4,86 3,03 2,15 1,49 1,00 0,77
5,20 R 18344,99 5992,30 1899,55 518,85 167,28 54,82 16,97 7,24 2,93 1,11 0,59
v 49,20 31,93 20,43 12,30 7,87 5,05 3,16 2,24 1,55 1,04 0,80
5,40 R 19767,11 6454,68 2045,20 558,26 179,86 58,90 18,22 7,77 3,14 1,19 0,63
v 51,10 33,16 21,22 12,77 8,18 5,25 3,28 2,32 1,61 1,08 0,83
5,60 R 21242,21 6934,20 2196,20 599,10 192,89 63,12 19,51 8,32 3,36 1,27 0,68
v 52,99 34,39 22,01 13,25 8,48 5,44 3,40 2,41 1,67 1,12 0,86
5,80 R 22770,29 7430,84 2352,55 641,38 206,37 67,49 20,84 8,88 3,58 1,35 0,72
v 54,88 35,61 22,79 13,72 8,78 5,64 3,52 2,50 1,73 1,16 0,90
6,00 R 24351,34 7944,60 2514,25 685,07 220,30 71,99 22,21 9,46 3,82 1,44 0,77
v 56,77 36,84 23,58 14,19 9,08 5,83 3,64 2,58 1,79 1,20 0,93
6,20 R 25985,37 8475,49 2681,30 730,20 234,67 76,64 23,63 10,06 4,06 1,53 0,81
v 58,67 38,07 24,36 14,67 9,39 6,02 3,76 2,67 1,85 1,24 0,96
6,40 R 27672,37 9023,49 2853,69 776,75 249,50 81,43 25,09 10,68 4,30 1,62 0,86
v 60,56 39,30 25,15 15,14 9,69 6,22 3,88 2,75 1,91 1,28 0,99
6,60 R 29412,33 9588,62 3031,43 824,73 264,77 86,37 26,59 11,31 4,56 1,72 0,91
v 62,45 40,53 25,94 15,61 9,99 6,41 4,01 2,84 1,96 1,32 1,02
6,80 R 31205,27 10170,87 3214,51 874,14 280,49 91,44 28,14 11,96 4,82 1,81 0,97
v 64,34 41,75 26,72 16,09 10,29 6,61 4,13 2,93 2,02 1,36 1,05
7,00 R 33051,17 10770,24 3402,94 924,97 296,66 96,66 29,73 12,63 5,08 1,91 1,02
v 66,24 42,98 27,51 16,56 10,60 6,80 4,25 3,01 2,08 1,40 1,08
7,50 R 37897,62 12343,55 3897,40 1058,28 339,03 110,32 33,88 14,38 5,78 2,17 1,16
v 70,97 46,05 29,47 17,74 11,35 7,29 4,55 3,23 2,23 1,50 1,16
8,00 R 43075,07 14023,83 4425,26 1200,51 384,20 124,87 38,29 16,24 6,52 2,45 1,30
v 75,70 49,12 31,44 18,92 12,11 7,77 4,86 3,44 2,38 1,60 1,24
9,00 R 54422,87 17705,28 5581,15 1511,67 482,91 156,63 47,91 20,28 8,13 3,05 1,62
v 85,16 55,26 35,37 21,29 13,63 8,74 5,46 3,87 2,68 1,80 1,39
10,00 R 6870,57 1858,43 592,79 191,92 58,58 24,75 9,91 3,71 1,97
v 39,30 23,66 15,14 9,72 6,07 4,30 2,98 2,00 1,54

Appendix B 143
Appendix B
Appendix B8-13
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 11
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 20 x 1,9 25 x 2,3 32 x 2,9 40 x 3,7 50 x 4,6 63 x 5,8 75 x 6,8 90 x 8,2 110 x 10,0 125 x 11,4
di 16,2 mm 20,4 mm 26,0 mm 32,6 mm 40,8 mm 51,4 mm 61,2 mm 73,6 mm 90,0 mm 102,2 mm
0,01 R 0,054 0,019 0,006 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,049 0,031 0,019 0,012 0,008 0,005 0,003 0,002 0,002 0,001
0,02 R 0,164 0,056 0,018 0,007 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,097 0,061 0,038 0,024 0,015 0,010 0,007 0,005 0,003 0,002
0,03 R 0,320 0,109 0,035 0,012 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,146 0,092 0,057 0,036 0,023 0,014 0,010 0,007 0,005 0,004
0,04 R 0,517 0,176 0,057 0,020 0,007 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,194 0,122 0,075 0,048 0,031 0,019 0,014 0,009 0,006 0,005
0,05 R 0,753 0,255 0,082 0,029 0,010 0,003 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,243 0,153 0,094 0,060 0,038 0,024 0,017 0,012 0,008 0,006
0,06 R 1,026 0,347 0,111 0,039 0,014 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,291 0,184 0,113 0,072 0,046 0,029 0,020 0,014 0,009 0,007
0,07 R 1,334 0,450 0,144 0,050 0,018 0,006 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,340 0,214 0,132 0,084 0,054 0,034 0,024 0,016 0,011 0,009
0,08 R 1,677 0,565 0,180 0,062 0,022 0,007 0,003 0,001 0,001 0,000
v 0,388 0,245 0,151 0,096 0,061 0,039 0,027 0,019 0,013 0,010
0,09 R 2,054 0,690 0,220 0,076 0,027 0,009 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,437 0,275 0,170 0,108 0,069 0,043 0,031 0,021 0,014 0,011
0,10 R 2,464 0,827 0,263 0,091 0,032 0,011 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,485 0,306 0,188 0,120 0,076 0,048 0,034 0,024 0,016 0,012
0,12 R 3,380 1,131 0,359 0,124 0,043 0,015 0,006 0,003 0,001 0,001
v 0,582 0,367 0,226 0,144 0,092 0,058 0,041 0,028 0,019 0,015
0,14 R 4,421 1,476 0,468 0,161 0,056 0,019 0,008 0,004 0,001 0,001
v 0,679 0,428 0,264 0,168 0,107 0,067 0,048 0,033 0,022 0,017
0,16 R 5,585 1,861 0,589 0,202 0,070 0,024 0,010 0,004 0,002 0,001
v 0,776 0,490 0,301 0,192 0,122 0,077 0,054 0,038 0,025 0,020
0,18 R 6,868 2,284 0,721 0,247 0,086 0,029 0,013 0,005 0,002 0,001
v 0,873 0,551 0,339 0,216 0,138 0,087 0,061 0,042 0,028 0,022
0,20 R 8,269 2,746 0,866 0,296 0,103 0,035 0,015 0,006 0,003 0,001
v 0,970 0,612 0,377 0,240 0,153 0,096 0,068 0,047 0,031 0,024
0,30 R 16,979 5,601 1,755 0,598 0,206 0,069 0,030 0,013 0,005 0,003
v 1,455 0,918 0,565 0,359 0,229 0,145 0,102 0,071 0,047 0,037
0,40 R 28,434 9,333 2,912 0,988 0,339 0,113 0,050 0,021 0,008 0,004
v 1,941 1,224 0,753 0,479 0,306 0,193 0,136 0,094 0,063 0,049
0,50 R 42,545 13,907 4,322 1,462 0,501 0,167 0,073 0,031 0,012 0,006
v 2,426 1,530 0,942 0,599 0,382 0,241 0,170 0,118 0,079 0,061
0,60 R 59,251 19,300 5,979 2,017 0,690 0,230 0,100 0,042 0,016 0,009
v 2,911 1,836 1,130 0,719 0,459 0,289 0,204 0,141 0,094 0,073
0,70 R 78,512 25,494 7,876 2,651 0,905 0,301 0,131 0,055 0,021 0,012
v 3,396 2,142 1,318 0,839 0,535 0,337 0,238 0,165 0,110 0,085
0,80 R 100,30 32,48 10,01 3,36 1,15 0,38 0,17 0,07 0,03 0,01
v 3,88 2,45 1,51 0,96 0,61 0,39 0,27 0,19 0,13 0,10

144 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-14
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 11
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 20 x 1,9 25 x 2,3 32 x 2,9 40 x 3,7 50 x 4,6 63 x 5,8 75 x 6,8 90 x 8,2 110 x 10,0 125 x 11,4
di 16,2 mm 20,4 mm 26,0 mm 32,6 mm 40,8 mm 51,4 mm 61,2 mm 73,6 mm 90,0 mm 102,2 mm
0,90 R 124,58 40,24 12,37 4,15 1,41 0,47 0,20 0,08 0,03 0,02
v 4,37 2,75 1,70 1,08 0,69 0,43 0,31 0,21 0,14 0,11
1,00 R 151,35 48,77 14,97 5,01 1,70 0,56 0,24 0,10 0,04 0,02
v 4,85 3,06 1,88 1,20 0,76 0,48 0,34 0,24 0,16 0,12
1,20 R 212,28 68,13 20,83 6,95 2,36 0,78 0,34 0,14 0,05 0,03
v 5,82 3,67 2,26 1,44 0,92 0,58 0,41 0,28 0,19 0,15
1,40 R 282,99 90,50 27,57 9,18 3,10 1,02 0,44 0,18 0,07 0,04
v 6,79 4,28 2,64 1,68 1,07 0,67 0,48 0,33 0,22 0,17
1,60 R 363,41 115,86 35,19 11,69 3,94 1,30 0,56 0,23 0,09 0,05
v 7,76 4,90 3,01 1,92 1,22 0,77 0,54 0,38 0,25 0,20
1,80 R 453,49 144,19 43,68 14,48 4,88 1,60 0,69 0,29 0,11 0,06
v 8,73 5,51 3,39 2,16 1,38 0,87 0,61 0,42 0,28 0,22
2,00 R 553,20 175,45 53,03 17,54 5,90 1,93 0,84 0,34 0,13 0,07
v 9,70 6,12 3,77 2,40 1,53 0,96 0,68 0,47 0,31 0,24
2,20 R 662,50 209,65 63,22 20,87 7,01 2,29 0,99 0,41 0,16 0,08
v 10,67 6,73 4,14 2,64 1,68 1,06 0,75 0,52 0,35 0,27
2,40 R 781,38 246,77 74,26 24,47 8,21 2,68 1,16 0,48 0,18 0,10
v 11,64 7,34 4,52 2,88 1,84 1,16 0,82 0,56 0,38 0,29
2,60 R 909,82 286,80 86,14 28,34 9,49 3,10 1,34 0,55 0,21 0,11
v 12,61 7,95 4,90 3,11 1,99 1,25 0,88 0,61 0,41 0,32
2,80 R 1047,78 329,73 98,86 32,48 10,86 3,54 1,53 0,63 0,24 0,13
v 13,58 8,57 5,27 3,35 2,14 1,35 0,95 0,66 0,44 0,34
3,00 R 1195,27 375,55 112,42 36,88 12,32 4,01 1,73 0,71 0,27 0,15
v 14,55 9,18 5,65 3,59 2,29 1,45 1,02 0,71 0,47 0,37
3,20 R 1352,28 424,26 126,80 41,54 13,86 4,51 1,94 0,80 0,30 0,16
v 15,52 9,79 6,03 3,83 2,45 1,54 1,09 0,75 0,50 0,39
3,40 R 1518,78 475,85 142,01 46,47 15,48 5,03 2,16 0,89 0,34 0,18
v 16,50 10,40 6,40 4,07 2,60 1,64 1,16 0,80 0,53 0,41
3,60 R 1694,77 530,32 158,05 51,66 17,19 5,58 2,40 0,98 0,37 0,20
v 17,47 11,01 6,78 4,31 2,75 1,73 1,22 0,85 0,57 0,44
3,80 R 1880,25 587,66 174,92 57,10 18,99 6,16 2,64 1,09 0,41 0,22
v 18,44 11,63 7,16 4,55 2,91 1,83 1,29 0,89 0,60 0,46
4,00 R 2075,21 647,88 192,60 62,81 20,86 6,76 2,90 1,19 0,45 0,25
v 19,41 12,24 7,53 4,79 3,06 1,93 1,36 0,94 0,63 0,49
4,20 R 2279,64 710,95 211,11 68,77 22,82 7,39 3,17 1,30 0,49 0,27
v 20,38 12,85 7,91 5,03 3,21 2,02 1,43 0,99 0,66 0,51
4,40 R 2493,53 776,89 230,44 74,99 24,86 8,05 3,45 1,41 0,54 0,29
v 21,35 13,46 8,29 5,27 3,37 2,12 1,50 1,03 0,69 0,54
4,60 R 2716,89 845,70 250,59 81,47 26,99 8,73 3,74 1,53 0,58 0,32
v 22,32 14,07 8,66 5,51 3,52 2,22 1,56 1,08 0,72 0,56
4,80 R 2949,70 917,36 271,55 88,20 29,19 9,44 4,04 1,65 0,63 0,34
v 23,29 14,69 9,04 5,75 3,67 2,31 1,63 1,13 0,75 0,59

Appendix B 145
Appendix B
Appendix B8-15
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 11
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 20 x 1,9 25 x 2,3 32 x 2,9 40 x 3,7 50 x 4,6 63 x 5,8 75 x 6,8 90 x 8,2 110 x 10,0 125 x 11,4
di 16,2 mm 20,4 mm 26,0 mm 32,6 mm 40,8 mm 51,4 mm 61,2 mm 73,6 mm 90,0 mm 102,2 mm
5,00 R 3191,96 991,87 293,33 95,19 31,48 10,17 4,35 1,78 0,67 0,37
v 24,26 15,30 9,42 5,99 3,82 2,41 1,70 1,18 0,79 0,61
5,20 R 3443,68 1069,25 315,92 102,44 33,85 10,92 4,67 1,91 0,72 0,39
v 25,23 15,91 9,79 6,23 3,98 2,51 1,77 1,22 0,82 0,63
5,40 R 3704,84 1149,47 339,33 109,93 36,30 11,71 5,00 2,05 0,77 0,42
v 26,20 16,52 10,17 6,47 4,13 2,60 1,84 1,27 0,85 0,66
5,60 R 3975,44 1232,55 363,55 117,69 38,83 12,51 5,35 2,19 0,83 0,45
v 27,17 17,13 10,55 6,71 4,28 2,70 1,90 1,32 0,88 0,68
5,80 R 4255,48 1318,47 388,58 125,70 41,44 13,35 5,70 2,33 0,88 0,48
v 28,14 17,75 10,92 6,95 4,44 2,80 1,97 1,36 0,91 0,71
6,00 R 4544,96 1407,24 414,43 133,96 44,14 14,21 6,06 2,48 0,94 0,51
v 29,11 18,36 11,30 7,19 4,59 2,89 2,04 1,41 0,94 0,73
6,20 R 4843,88 1498,86 441,08 142,47 46,91 15,09 6,44 2,63 0,99 0,54
v 30,08 18,97 11,68 7,43 4,74 2,99 2,11 1,46 0,97 0,76
6,40 R 5152,23 1593,33 468,55 151,24 49,76 16,00 6,82 2,78 1,05 0,57
v 31,05 19,58 12,05 7,67 4,90 3,08 2,18 1,50 1,01 0,78
6,60 R 5470,01 1690,64 496,83 160,26 52,70 16,93 7,22 2,94 1,11 0,60
v 32,02 20,19 12,43 7,91 5,05 3,18 2,24 1,55 1,04 0,80
6,80 R 5797,22 1790,79 525,91 169,54 55,71 17,89 7,63 3,11 1,17 0,64
v 32,99 20,80 12,81 8,15 5,20 3,28 2,31 1,60 1,07 0,83
7,00 R 6133,85 1893,78 555,81 179,06 58,81 18,87 8,04 3,28 1,24 0,67
v 33,96 21,42 13,18 8,39 5,35 3,37 2,38 1,65 1,10 0,85
7,50 R 7016,68 2163,70 634,08 203,98 66,89 21,44 9,13 3,72 1,40 0,76
v 36,39 22,95 14,13 8,99 5,74 3,61 2,55 1,76 1,18 0,91
8,00 R 7958,39 2451,37 717,40 230,46 75,48 24,16 10,27 4,18 1,58 0,85
v 38,81 24,48 15,07 9,58 6,12 3,86 2,72 1,88 1,26 0,98
9,00 R 10018,40 3079,89 899,16 288,14 94,13 30,06 12,76 5,19 1,95 1,05
v 43,66 27,54 16,95 10,78 6,88 4,34 3,06 2,12 1,41 1,10
10,00 R 3779,30 1101,04 352,06 114,76 36,57 15,50 6,29 2,36 1,28 0,20
v 30,59 18,83 11,98 7,65 4,82 3,40 2,35 1,57 1,22 0,44

146 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-16
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 11
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 20 x 1,9 25 x 2,3 32 x 2,9 40 x 3,7 50 x 4,6 63 x 5,8 75 x 6,8 90 x 8,2 110 x 10,0 125 x 11,4
di 16,2 mm 20,4 mm 26,0 mm 32,6 mm 40,8 mm 51,4 mm 61,2 mm 73,6 mm 90,0 mm 102,2 mm
0,01 R 0,039 0,013 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,049 0,031 0,019 0,012 0,008 0,005 0,003 0,002 0,002 0,001
0,02 R 0,124 0,042 0,014 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,097 0,061 0,038 0,024 0,015 0,010 0,007 0,005 0,003 0,002
0,03 R 0,247 0,083 0,027 0,009 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,146 0,092 0,057 0,036 0,023 0,014 0,010 0,007 0,005 0,004
0,04 R 0,404 0,136 0,043 0,015 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,194 0,122 0,075 0,048 0,031 0,019 0,014 0,009 0,006 0,005
0,05 R 0,594 0,199 0,063 0,022 0,008 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000 0,000
v 0,243 0,153 0,094 0,060 0,038 0,024 0,017 0,012 0,008 0,006
0,06 R 0,815 0,272 0,086 0,030 0,010 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,291 0,184 0,113 0,072 0,046 0,029 0,020 0,014 0,009 0,007
0,07 R 1,067 0,356 0,113 0,039 0,013 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,340 0,214 0,132 0,084 0,054 0,034 0,024 0,016 0,011 0,009
0,08 R 1,348 0,449 0,142 0,049 0,017 0,006 0,003 0,001 0,000 0,000
v 0,388 0,245 0,151 0,096 0,061 0,039 0,027 0,019 0,013 0,010
0,09 R 1,659 0,551 0,174 0,059 0,021 0,007 0,003 0,001 0,001 0,000
v 0,437 0,275 0,170 0,108 0,069 0,043 0,031 0,021 0,014 0,011
0,10 R 1,998 0,663 0,209 0,071 0,025 0,008 0,004 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,485 0,306 0,188 0,120 0,076 0,048 0,034 0,024 0,016 0,012
0,12 R 2,760 0,913 0,287 0,098 0,034 0,011 0,005 0,002 0,001 0,000
v 0,582 0,367 0,226 0,144 0,092 0,058 0,041 0,028 0,019 0,015
0,14 R 3,633 1,198 0,375 0,128 0,044 0,015 0,006 0,003 0,001 0,001
v 0,679 0,428 0,264 0,168 0,107 0,067 0,048 0,033 0,022 0,017
0,16 R 4,613 1,518 0,475 0,161 0,056 0,019 0,008 0,003 0,001 0,001
v 0,776 0,490 0,301 0,192 0,122 0,077 0,054 0,038 0,025 0,020
0,18 R 5,700 1,872 0,584 0,198 0,068 0,023 0,010 0,004 0,002 0,001
v 0,873 0,551 0,339 0,216 0,138 0,087 0,061 0,042 0,028 0,022
0,20 R 6,891 2,258 0,704 0,238 0,082 0,027 0,012 0,005 0,002 0,001
v 0,970 0,612 0,377 0,240 0,153 0,096 0,068 0,047 0,031 0,024
0,30 R 14,385 4,678 1,447 0,488 0,167 0,055 0,024 0,010 0,004 0,002
v 1,455 0,918 0,565 0,359 0,229 0,145 0,102 0,071 0,047 0,037
0,40 R 24,382 7,881 2,425 0,814 0,277 0,092 0,040 0,017 0,006 0,004
v 1,941 1,224 0,753 0,479 0,306 0,193 0,136 0,094 0,063 0,049
0,50 R 36,831 11,847 3,629 1,213 0,412 0,136 0,059 0,025 0,009 0,005
v 2,426 1,530 0,942 0,599 0,382 0,241 0,170 0,118 0,079 0,061
0,60 R 51,701 16,562 5,054 1,685 0,570 0,188 0,082 0,034 0,013 0,007
v 2,911 1,836 1,130 0,719 0,459 0,289 0,204 0,141 0,094 0,073
0,70 R 68,971 22,016 6,695 2,226 0,752 0,247 0,107 0,044 0,017 0,009
v 3,396 2,142 1,318 0,839 0,535 0,337 0,238 0,165 0,110 0,085
0,80 R 88,62 28,20 8,55 2,84 0,96 0,31 0,14 0,06 0,02 0,01
v 3,88 2,45 1,51 0,96 0,61 0,39 0,27 0,19 0,13 0,10

Appendix B 147
Appendix B
Appendix B8-17
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 11
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 20 x 1,9 25 x 2,3 32 x 2,9 40 x 3,7 50 x 4,6 63 x 5,8 75 x 6,8 90 x 8,2 110 x 10,0 125 x 11,4 160 x 14,6
di 16,2 mm 20,4 mm 26,0 mm 32,6 mm 40,8 mm 51,4 mm 61,2 mm 73,6 mm 90,0 mm 102,2 mm 130,8 mm
0,90 R 110,65 35,11 10,62 3,51 1,18 0,39 0,17 0,07 0,03 0,01 0,004
v 4,37 2,75 1,70 1,08 0,69 0,43 0,31 0,21 0,14 0,11 0,067
1,00 R 135,05 42,75 12,90 4,26 1,43 0,47 0,20 0,08 0,03 0,02 0,005
v 4,85 3,06 1,88 1,20 0,76 0,48 0,34 0,24 0,16 0,12 0,074
1,20 R 190,90 60,18 18,07 5,95 1,99 0,65 0,28 0,12 0,04 0,02 0,007
v 5,82 3,67 2,26 1,44 0,92 0,58 0,41 0,28 0,19 0,15 0,089
1,40 R 256,15 80,46 24,08 7,90 2,64 0,86 0,37 0,15 0,06 0,03 0,010
v 6,79 4,28 2,64 1,68 1,07 0,67 0,48 0,33 0,22 0,17 0,104
1,60 R 330,77 103,59 30,90 10,11 3,37 1,09 0,47 0,19 0,07 0,04 0,012
v 7,76 4,90 3,01 1,92 1,22 0,77 0,54 0,38 0,25 0,20 0,119
1,80 R 414,74 129,55 38,53 12,57 4,18 1,36 0,58 0,24 0,09 0,05 0,015
v 8,73 5,51 3,39 2,16 1,38 0,87 0,61 0,42 0,28 0,22 0,134
2,00 R 508,05 158,33 46,98 15,29 5,07 1,64 0,70 0,29 0,11 0,06 0,018
v 9,70 6,12 3,77 2,40 1,53 0,96 0,68 0,47 0,31 0,24 0,149
2,20 R 610,67 189,94 56,23 18,27 6,05 1,95 0,84 0,34 0,13 0,07 0,022
v 10,67 6,73 4,14 2,64 1,68 1,06 0,75 0,52 0,35 0,27 0,164
2,40 R 722,61 224,36 66,29 21,49 7,10 2,29 0,98 0,40 0,15 0,08 0,025
v 11,64 7,34 4,52 2,88 1,84 1,16 0,82 0,56 0,38 0,29 0,179
2,60 R 843,85 261,59 77,14 24,97 8,24 2,65 1,13 0,46 0,18 0,10 0,029
v 12,61 7,95 4,90 3,11 1,99 1,25 0,88 0,61 0,41 0,32 0,193
2,80 R 974,40 301,63 88,80 28,70 9,45 3,04 1,30 0,53 0,20 0,11 0,033
v 13,58 8,57 5,27 3,35 2,14 1,35 0,95 0,66 0,44 0,34 0,208
3,00 R 1114,24 344,47 101,26 32,67 10,75 3,45 1,47 0,60 0,23 0,12 0,038
v 14,55 9,18 5,65 3,59 2,29 1,45 1,02 0,71 0,47 0,37 0,223
3,20 R 1263,37 390,11 114,51 36,90 12,12 3,89 1,66 0,68 0,26 0,14 0,042
v 15,52 9,79 6,03 3,83 2,45 1,54 1,09 0,75 0,50 0,39 0,238
3,40 R 1421,78 438,55 128,57 41,37 13,57 4,35 1,85 0,75 0,28 0,15 0,047
v 16,50 10,40 6,40 4,07 2,60 1,64 1,16 0,80 0,53 0,41 0,253
3,60 R 1589,48 489,79 143,41 46,09 15,10 4,84 2,06 0,84 0,32 0,17 0,052
v 17,47 11,01 6,78 4,31 2,75 1,73 1,22 0,85 0,57 0,44 0,268
3,80 R 1766,46 543,83 159,05 51,06 16,71 5,35 2,27 0,92 0,35 0,19 0,057
v 18,44 11,63 7,16 4,55 2,91 1,83 1,29 0,89 0,60 0,46 0,283
4,00 R 1952,71 600,66 175,49 56,28 18,40 5,88 2,50 1,02 0,38 0,21 0,063
v 19,41 12,24 7,53 4,79 3,06 1,93 1,36 0,94 0,63 0,49 0,298
4,20 R 2148,24 660,29 192,72 61,74 20,16 6,44 2,73 1,11 0,42 0,23 0,069
v 20,38 12,85 7,91 5,03 3,21 2,02 1,43 0,99 0,66 0,51 0,313
4,40 R 2353,05 722,70 210,74 67,45 22,01 7,02 2,98 1,21 0,45 0,25 0,075
v 21,35 13,46 8,29 5,27 3,37 2,12 1,50 1,03 0,69 0,54 0,327
4,60 R 2567,13 787,91 229,55 73,40 23,93 7,62 3,23 1,31 0,49 0,27 0,081
v 22,32 14,07 8,66 5,51 3,52 2,22 1,56 1,08 0,72 0,56 0,342
4,80 R 2790,47 855,91 249,16 79,60 25,93 8,25 3,50 1,42 0,53 0,29 0,087
v 23,29 14,69 9,04 5,75 3,67 2,31 1,63 1,13 0,75 0,59 0,357

148 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-18
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 11
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 998,00 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 60°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 1,02 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

dxs 20 x 1,9 25 x 2,3 32 x 2,9 40 x 3,7 50 x 4,6 63 x 5,8 75 x 6,8 90 x 8,2 110 x 10,0 125 x 11,4 160 x 14,6
di 16,2 mm 20,4 mm 26,0 mm 32,6 mm 40,8 mm 51,4 mm 61,2 mm 73,6 mm 90,0 mm 102,2 mm 130,8 mm
5,00 R 3023,09 926,71 269,56 86,05 28,00 8,91 3,77 1,53 0,57 0,31 0,094
v 24,26 15,30 9,42 5,99 3,82 2,41 1,70 1,18 0,79 0,61 0,372
5,20 R 3264,97 1000,28 290,75 92,74 30,16 9,58 4,06 1,64 0,62 0,33 0,101
v 25,23 15,91 9,79 6,23 3,98 2,51 1,77 1,22 0,82 0,63 0,387
5,40 R 3516,12 1076,65 312,73 99,68 32,39 10,28 4,35 1,76 0,66 0,36 0,108
v 26,20 16,52 10,17 6,47 4,13 2,60 1,84 1,27 0,85 0,66 0,402
5,60 R 3776,53 1155,81 335,50 106,86 34,69 11,01 4,65 1,88 0,71 0,38 0,115
v 27,17 17,13 10,55 6,71 4,28 2,70 1,90 1,32 0,88 0,68 0,417
5,80 R 4046,21 1237,75 359,06 114,29 37,08 11,76 4,97 2,01 0,75 0,41 0,123
v 28,14 17,75 10,92 6,95 4,44 2,80 1,97 1,36 0,91 0,71 0,432
6,00 R 4325,15 1322,48 383,41 121,96 39,54 12,53 5,29 2,14 0,80 0,43 0,131
v 29,11 18,36 11,30 7,19 4,59 2,89 2,04 1,41 0,94 0,73 0,447
6,20 R 4613,35 1410,00 408,55 129,87 42,08 13,32 5,62 2,27 0,85 0,46 0,139
v 30,08 18,97 11,68 7,43 4,74 2,99 2,11 1,46 0,97 0,76 0,461
6,40 R 4910,82 1500,30 434,47 138,03 44,69 14,14 5,97 2,41 0,90 0,49 0,147
v 31,05 19,58 12,05 7,67 4,90 3,08 2,18 1,50 1,01 0,78 0,476
6,60 R 5217,54 1593,39 461,19 146,44 47,38 14,98 6,32 2,55 0,95 0,51 0,155
v 32,02 20,19 12,43 7,91 5,05 3,18 2,24 1,55 1,04 0,80 0,491
6,80 R 5533,52 1689,27 488,70 155,08 50,15 15,85 6,68 2,70 1,01 0,54 0,164
v 32,99 20,80 12,81 8,15 5,20 3,28 2,31 1,60 1,07 0,83 0,506
7,00 R 5858,77 1787,92 516,99 163,98 52,99 16,74 7,05 2,84 1,06 0,57 0,173
v 33,96 21,42 13,18 8,39 5,35 3,37 2,38 1,65 1,10 0,85 0,521
7,50 R 6712,37 2046,75 591,18 187,27 60,44 19,06 8,02 3,23 1,21 0,65 0,196
v 36,39 22,95 14,13 8,99 5,74 3,61 2,55 1,76 1,18 0,91 0,558
8,00 R 7623,84 2322,98 670,30 212,09 68,36 21,53 9,05 3,64 1,36 0,73 0,220
v 38,81 24,48 15,07 9,58 6,12 3,86 2,72 1,88 1,26 0,98 0,595
9,00 R 9620,30 2927,61 843,30 266,30 85,64 26,91 11,29 4,54 1,69 0,91 0,273
v 43,66 27,54 16,95 10,78 6,88 4,34 3,06 2,12 1,41 1,10 0,670
10,00 R 3601,80 1035,98 326,59 104,83 32,86 13,77 5,52 2,05 1,10 0,331
v 30,59 18,83 11,98 7,65 4,82 3,40 2,35 1,57 1,22 0,744

Appendix B 149
Appendix B
Appendix B8-19
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 11
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 997,8 kg/m³ sp. density: ρ = 998,20 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 70°C Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 0,414 x 10-6 m²/s kin. tenacity: ν = 1,011 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

SDR 11 de 160 200 250 315 160 200 250 315

V V s 14,6 18,2 22,7 28,6 14,6 18,2 22,7 28,6
l/s l/min m³/h di 130,8 163,6 204,6 257,8 130,8 163,6 204,6 257,8
5 300 18 R 0,17 0,06 0,13 0,04
v 0,37 0,24 0,37 0,24
6 360 22 R 0,25 0,08 0,19 0,07
v 0,45 0,29 0,45 0,29
7 420 25 R 0,33 0,11 0,04 0,25 0,08 0,03
v 0,52 0,33 0,21 0,52 0,33 0,21
8 480 29 R 0,44 0,15 0,05 0,34 0,11 0,04
v 0,60 0,38 0,24 0,60 0,38 0,24
9 540 32 R 0,55 0,19 0,06 0,42 0,14 0,05
v 0,67 0,43 0,27 0,67 0,43 0,27
10 600 36 R 0,67 0,23 0,08 0,51 0,18 0,06
v 0,74 0,48 0,30 0,74 0,48 0,30
12 720 43 R 0,97 0,33 0,11 0,04 0,74 0,25 0,09 0,03
v 0,89 0,57 0,36 0,23 0,89 0,57 0,36 0,23
14 840 50 R 1,32 0,45 0,16 0,05 1,01 0,35 0,12 0,04
v 1,04 0,67 0,43 0,27 1,04 0,67 0,43 0,27
16 960 58 R 1,73 0,58 0,21 0,07 1,32 0,45 0,16 0,05
v 1,19 0,76 0,49 0,31 1,19 0,76 0,49 0,31
18 1080 65 R 2,19 0,74 0,27 0,09 1,68 0,57 0,2 0,06
v 1,34 0,86 0,55 0,34 1,34 0,86 0,55 0,34
20 1200 72 R 2,71 0,91 0,33 0,11 2,07 0,70 0,25 0,08
v 1,49 0,95 0,61 0,38 1,49 0,95 0,61 0,38
22 1320 79 R 3,28 1,11 0,39 0,13 2,51 0,86 0,30 0,10
v 1,64 1,05 0,67 0,42 1,64 1,05 0,67 0,42
24 1440 86,4 R 3,91 1,31 0,47 0,16 2,99 1,01 0,36 0,12
v 1,79 1,14 0,73 0,46 1,79 1,14 0,73 0,46
26 1560 93,6 R 4,55 1,55 0,55 0,18 3,48 1,19 0,42 0,14
v 1,93 1,24 0,79 0,50 1,93 1,24 0,79 0,50
28 1680 100,8 R 5,28 1,78 0,63 0,21 4,04 1,37 0,48 0,16
v 2,08 1,33 0,85 0,54 2,08 1,33 0,85 0,54
30 1800 108 R 6,07 2,06 0,73 0,24 4,65 1,59 0,55 0,18
v 2,23 1,43 0,91 0,57 2,23 1,43 0,91 0,57
32 1920 115,2 R 6,92 2,33 0,83 0,27 5,29 1,80 0,63 0,20
v 2,38 1,52 0,97 0,61 2,38 1,52 0,97 0,61
34 2040 122,4 R 7,82 2,64 0,93 0,31 5,98 2,04 0,71 0,23
v 2,53 1,62 1,03 0,65 2,53 1,62 1,03 0,65
36 2160 129,6 R 8,77 2,94 1,04 0,35 6,71 2,27 0,79 0,26
v 2,68 1,71 1,09 0,69 2,68 1,71 1,09 0,69
38 2280 136,8 R 9,78 3,30 1,18 0,39 7,48 2,55 0,90 0,29
v 2,83 1,81 1,16 0,73 2,83 1,81 1,16 0,73
40 2400 144 R 10,84 3,63 1,31 0,44 8,30 2,80 1,00 0,33
v 2,98 1,90 1,22 0,77 2,98 1,90 1,22 0,77
42 2520 151,2 R 11,96 4,03 1,44 0,47 9,15 3,11 1,10 0,35
v 3,13 2,00 1,28 0,80 3,13 2,00 1,28 0,80
44 2640 158,4 R 13,06 4,40 1,58 0,52 9,99 3,39 1,20 0,39
v 3,27 2,09 1,34 0,84 3,27 2,09 1,34 0,84
46 2760 165,6 R 14,28 4,83 1,72 0,57 10,93 3,73 1,31 0,43
v 3,42 2,19 1,40 0,88 3,42 2,19 1,40 0,88
48 2880 172,8 R 15,56 5,23 1,87 0,62 11,91 4,04 1,43 0,47
v 3,57 2,28 1,46 0,92 3,57 2,28 1,46 0,92
50 3000 180 R 16,90 5,70 2,03 0,68 12,93 4,40 1,55 0,51
v 3,72 2,38 1,52 0,96 3,72 2,38 1,52 0,96
55 3300 198 R 20,43 6,91 2,45 0,81 15,63 5,33 1,87 0,61
v 4,09 2,62 1,67 1,05 4,09 2,62 1,67 1,05

150 Appendix B
Appendix B
Appendix B8-20
Pipe friction gradient/flow speed of Wefatherm pipes SDR 11
Pipe friction gradient R and calculated flow speed in dependence of circulation .
Roughness: K = 0,007 mm Roughness: K = 0,007 mm
sp. density: ρ = 997,8 kg/m³ sp. density: ρ = 998,20 kg/m³
Temperature: t = 70°C Temperature: t = 20°C
kin. tenacity: ν = 0,414 x 10-6 m²/s kin. tenacity: ν = 1,011 x 10-6 m²/s

= circulation (l/s) R = pressure gradient (mbar/m) v = speed

SDR 11 de 160 200 250 315 160 200 250 315

V V s 14,6 18,2 22,7 28,6 14,6 18,2 22,7 28,6
l/s l/min m³/h di 130,8 163,6 204,6 257,8 130,8 163,6 204,6 257,8
60 3600 216 R 24,4 8,18 2,91 0,97 18,67 6,31 2,22 0,73
v 4,47 2,85 1,82 1,15 4,47 2,85 1,82 1,15
65 3900 234 R 28,6 9,61 3,44 1,15 21,89 7,42 2,62 0,86
v 4,84 3,09 1,98 1,25 4,84 3,09 1,98 1,25
70 4200 252 R 11,16 3,98 1,32 8,62 3,04 0,99
v 3,33 2,13 1,34 3,33 2,13 1,34
75 4500 270 R 12,83 4,57 1,53 9,9 3,48 1,14
v 3,57 2,28 1,44 3,57 2,28 1,44
80 4800 288 R 14,61 5,19 1,72 11,28 3,95 1,29
v 3,81 2,43 1,53 3,81 2,43 1,53
85 5100 306 R 16,43 5,89 1,95 12,68 4,49 1,46
v 4,04 2,59 1,63 4,04 2,59 1,63
90 5400 324 R 18,44 6,59 2,18 14,23 5,02 1,63
v 4,28 2,74 1,72 4,28 2,74 1,72
95 5700 342 R 20,57 7,33 2,44 15,87 5,59 1,82
v 4,52 2,89 1,82 4,52 2,89 1,82
100 6000 360 R 22,81 8,12 2,71 17,6 6,18 2,03
v 4,76 3,04 1,92 4,76 3,04 1,92
110 6600 396 R 9,86 3,28 7,51 2,45
v 3,35 2,11 3,35 2,11
120 7200 432 R 11,7 3,89 8,91 2,91
v 3,65 2,3 3,65 2,3
130 7800 468 R 13,7 4,56 10,44 3,41
v 3,95 2,49 3,95 2,49
140 8400 504 R 15,94 5,28 12,14 3,95
v 4,26 2,68 4,26 2,68
150 9000 540 R 18,26 6,06 13,91 4,53
v 4,56 2,87 4,56 2,87

Appendix B 151
Appendix B

152 Appendix B

A Pipe clamp..................................................................... 92
Accessories.................................................................... 92 Pipe clip......................................................................... 93
Pipe connection brass nut female................................... 80
Pipe cutter 50-110 mm................................................ 100
B Pipe fiber SDR 7,4 PP-R.................................................. 58
Back plate elbow female................................................ 77 Pipe fiber SDR 11 PP-RCT............................................... 58
Ball valve........................................................................ 91 Pipes.............................................................................. 55
Bend 90°....................................................................... 67 Pipe scraper set............................................................ 103
Bend 90° short.............................................................. 68 Pipe SDR 6 PP-R............................................................. 55
Bridge m/m.................................................................... 61 Pipe SDR 7,4 PP-R.......................................................... 56
Bridge s/s....................................................................... 61 Pipe SDR 7,4 PP-RCT...................................................... 55
Butt-welding machine d160-315.................................. 102 Pipe SDR 11 - lilac PP-R.................................................. 57
Pipe SDR 11 PP-R........................................................... 56
C Pipe SDR 11 PP-RCT....................................................... 57
Cavity wall disk.............................................................. 95 Pipe stabi SDR 7,4 PP-R.................................................. 59
Chamfering device......................................................... 98 Pipe stabi UV SDR 7,4 - black PP-R................................. 59
Cross............................................................................. 71 Pipe union brass female................................................. 79
Pipe union brass male.................................................... 79
Pipe Wefaklim fiber SDR 11 - grey PP-RCT...................... 60
D Plug............................................................................... 96
Depth gauge................................................................ 104 Profi-cut pipe cutter 0-42 mm........................................ 99
Distributor manifold 4x.................................................. 80 Profile backing ring PP d32-125..................................... 93
Distributor manifold 4x female....................................... 81 Profile backing ring PP d160-315................................... 94
Distributor manifold 4x male.......................................... 81 Profile gasket EPDM....................................................... 94
Drill 25 mm.................................................................... 98

E Reducer long/short PP-RCT............................................. 64
Elbow 45°...................................................................... 70 Reducer PP-R................................................................. 63
Elbow 45° long.............................................................. 70
Elbow 45° s/m............................................................... 69
Elbow 90°...................................................................... 68 S
Elbow 90° long.............................................................. 69 Scraper - manual.......................................................... 103
Elbow 90° s/m............................................................... 67 Socket........................................................................... 62
Electrofusion coupler..................................................... 62 Socket welding machine d25-125................................ 101
Electrofusion coupler 160-315 mm................................ 63 Spare blades................................................................ 103
Electrofusion welding machine..................................... 102 Stop valve body............................................................. 90
End cap......................................................................... 71 Stop valve concealed assembly....................................... 88
End cap long.................................................................. 72 Stop valve concealed assembly - extended..................... 89
Extension 95 mm........................................................... 92 Stop valve concealed assembly (tamper resistant)........... 89
Extenstion set 30 mm.................................................... 92 Stop valve surface assembly........................................... 88
Stub end........................................................................ 73
Fittings........................................................................... 61 T
Flange sleeve................................................................. 72 Tee 90° PP-R.................................................................. 64
Tee 90° PP-RCT.............................................................. 65
Tee reduced 90°............................................................. 65
M Tools.............................................................................. 97
Manual welding device d16-25.................................... 100 Transition elbow 90° female........................................... 76
Manual welding device d16-63.................................... 100 Transition elbow 90° male.............................................. 78
Manual welding device d16-125.................................. 101 Transition fittings........................................................... 74
Mounting plate.............................................................. 95 Transition hexagon female............................................. 74
Transition hexagon male................................................ 75
P Transition round female................................................. 74
Peeling tool for pipe stabi - manual................................ 99 Transition round male.................................................... 75
Peeling tool for pipe stabi - mechanical.......................... 99 Transition tee female...................................................... 78
Pin for pipe repair.......................................................... 95

Index 153

Valves............................................................................ 88

Welding jig d63-125.................................................... 101
Welding jig stand......................................................... 102
Welding tool.................................................................. 97
Welding tool for repair pin............................................. 98
Welding tool for weld-in saddles.................................... 97
Weld-in saddle female PP-RCT................................. 84, 85
Weld-in saddle male PP-R............................................... 86
Weld-in saddle male PP-RCT.......................................... 87
Weld-in saddle PP-R....................................................... 82
Weld-in saddle PP-RCT................................................... 83
Weld-in saddles............................................................. 82

Y-valve........................................................................... 90
Y-valve KFR.................................................................... 91

154 Index

Code Page Code Page Code Page
5150 20130.................................................. 60 5150 31011................................................ 102 5152 41834.................................................. 64
5150 20131.................................................. 60 5150 31020................................................ 103 5152 41836.................................................. 64
5150 20132.................................................. 60 5150 31030................................................ 103 5152 41837.................................................. 64
5150 20133.................................................. 60 5150 32002.................................................. 99 5152 41840.................................................. 64
5150 20134.................................................. 60 5150 32010................................................ 100 5152 41934.................................................. 64
5150 20135.................................................. 60 5150 34000.................................................. 95 5152 41936.................................................. 64
5150 20136.................................................. 60 5150 34101.................................................. 99 5152 41937.................................................. 64
5150 20137.................................................. 60 5150 34102.................................................. 99 5152 42016.................................................. 73
5150 20138.................................................. 60 5150 34103.................................................. 99 5152 42020.................................................. 73
5150 20139.................................................. 60 5150 34104.................................................. 99 5152 42025.................................................. 73
5150 20140.................................................. 60 5150 34105.................................................. 99 5152 42031.................................................. 73
5150 28040.................................................. 93 5150 34106.................................................. 99 5152 42116.................................................. 73
5150 28041.................................................. 93 5150 34201.................................................. 92 5152 42120.................................................. 73
5150 28042.................................................. 93 5150 34202.................................................. 92 5152 42125.................................................. 73
5150 28043.................................................. 93 5150 34203.................................................. 92 5152 42131.................................................. 73
5150 28044.................................................. 93 5150 34204.................................................. 92 5152 42216.................................................. 72
5150 28045.................................................. 93 5150 34205.................................................. 92 5152 42220.................................................. 72
5150 28046.................................................. 93 5150 34206.................................................. 92 5152 42225.................................................. 72
5150 28047.................................................. 93 5150 34207.................................................. 92 5152 42231.................................................. 72
5150 29520.................................................. 92 5150 34208.................................................. 92 5152 43007.................................................. 83
5150 29521.................................................. 92 5150 34209.................................................. 92 5152 43010.................................................. 83
5150 29522.................................................. 92 5150 34210.................................................. 92 5152 43011.................................................. 83
5150 30002.................................................. 97 5150 35000.................................................. 95 5152 43018.................................................. 83
5150 30003.................................................. 97 5150 35101.................................................. 99 5152 43024.................................................. 83
5150 30004.................................................. 97 5150 35102.................................................. 99 5152 43026.................................................. 83
5150 30005.................................................. 97 5150 35103.................................................. 99 5152 43027.................................................. 83
5150 30006.................................................. 97 5150 35110................................................ 103 5152 43028.................................................. 83
5150 30007.................................................. 97 5150 36100.................................................. 96 5152 43029.................................................. 83
5150 30008.................................................. 97 5150 36101.................................................. 96 5152 43030.................................................. 83
5150 30009.................................................. 97 5150 38001................................................ 103 5152 43031.................................................. 83
5150 30010.................................................. 97 5152 25016.................................................. 57 5152 43037.................................................. 83
5150 30011.................................................. 97 5152 25020.................................................. 57 5152 43038.................................................. 83
5150 30051.................................................. 97 5152 25025.................................................. 57 5152 43039.................................................. 83
5150 30052.................................................. 97 5152 25031.................................................. 57 5152 43040.................................................. 83
5150 30053.................................................. 97 5152 25201.................................................. 55 5152 43041.................................................. 83
5150 30054.................................................. 97 5152 25202.................................................. 55 5152 43042.................................................. 83
5150 30055.................................................. 97 5152 25203.................................................. 55 5152 43110.................................................. 85
5150 30056.................................................. 97 5152 25204.................................................. 55 5152 43111.................................................. 85
5150 30057.................................................. 97 5152 25205.................................................. 55 5152 43118.................................................. 85
5150 30058.................................................. 97 5152 25206.................................................. 55 5152 43124.................................................. 85
5150 30059.................................................. 97 5152 25207.................................................. 55 5152 43126.................................................. 85
5150 30060.................................................. 97 5152 25209.................................................. 55 5152 43127.................................................. 85
5150 30061.................................................. 97 5152 25211.................................................. 55 5152 43128.................................................. 85
5150 30062.................................................. 97 5152 25212.................................................. 55 5152 43129.................................................. 85
5150 30065.................................................. 97 5152 27016.................................................. 58 5152 43130.................................................. 85
5150 30066.................................................. 97 5152 27020.................................................. 58 5152 43131.................................................. 85
5150 30067.................................................. 97 5152 27025.................................................. 58 5152 43137.................................................. 85
5150 30068.................................................. 97 5152 41016.................................................. 69 5152 43138.................................................. 85
5150 30069.................................................. 97 5152 41020.................................................. 69 5152 43139.................................................. 85
5150 30070.................................................. 98 5152 41025.................................................. 69 5152 43140.................................................. 85
5150 30071.................................................. 98 5152 41031.................................................. 69 5152 43141.................................................. 85
5150 30072.................................................. 98 5152 41116.................................................. 68 5152 43142.................................................. 85
5150 30073.................................................. 98 5152 41120.................................................. 68 5152 43210.................................................. 87
5150 30074.................................................. 98 5152 41125.................................................. 68 5152 43211.................................................. 87
5150 30075.................................................. 98 5152 41131.................................................. 68 5152 43218.................................................. 87
5150 30080.................................................. 98 5152 41316.................................................. 70 5152 43224.................................................. 87
5150 30081.................................................. 98 5152 41320.................................................. 70 5152 43226.................................................. 87
5150 30165.................................................. 97 5152 41325.................................................. 70 5152 43227.................................................. 87
5150 30166.................................................. 97 5152 41331.................................................. 70 5152 43228.................................................. 87
5150 30167.................................................. 97 5152 41516.................................................. 65 5152 43229.................................................. 87
5150 30168.................................................. 97 5152 41520.................................................. 65 5152 43230.................................................. 87
5150 30169.................................................. 97 5152 41525.................................................. 65 5152 43231.................................................. 87
5150 31000................................................ 100 5152 41531.................................................. 65 5152 43237.................................................. 87
5150 31002................................................ 100 5152 41616.................................................. 65 5152 43238.................................................. 87
5150 31003................................................ 101 5152 41620.................................................. 65 5152 43239.................................................. 87
5150 31004................................................ 102 5152 41625.................................................. 65 5152 43240.................................................. 87
5150 31005................................................ 101 5152 41631.................................................. 65 5152 43241.................................................. 87
5150 31006................................................ 101 5152 41830.................................................. 64 5152 43242.................................................. 87
5150 31007................................................ 102 5152 41831.................................................. 64 5152 50116.................................................. 63

Articlelist 155

Code Page Code Page Code Page
5152 50120.................................................. 63 5155 20503.................................................. 61 5155 25026.................................................. 65
5152 50125.................................................. 63 5155 20602.................................................. 80 5155 25028.................................................. 65
5152 50131.................................................. 63 5155 20604.................................................. 81 5155 25029.................................................. 65
5152 52016.................................................. 94 5155 20606.................................................. 81 5155 25032.................................................. 66
5152 52020.................................................. 94 5155 20608.................................................. 81 5155 25033.................................................. 66
5152 52025.................................................. 94 5155 20610.................................................. 81 5155 25034.................................................. 66
5152 52031.................................................. 94 5155 21002.................................................. 68 5155 25035.................................................. 66
5152 52216.................................................. 94 5155 21003.................................................. 68 5155 25036.................................................. 66
5152 52220.................................................. 94 5155 21004.................................................. 68 5155 25037.................................................. 66
5152 52225.................................................. 94 5155 21005.................................................. 68 5155 25038.................................................. 66
5152 52231.................................................. 94 5155 21006.................................................. 68 5155 25039.................................................. 66
5155 20002.................................................. 55 5155 21007.................................................. 68 5155 25101.................................................. 71
5155 20003.................................................. 55 5155 21008.................................................. 68 5155 25102.................................................. 71
5155 20004.................................................. 55 5155 21009.................................................. 68 5155 25103.................................................. 71
5155 20005.................................................. 55 5155 21010.................................................. 68 5155 25104.................................................. 71
5155 20006.................................................. 55 5155 21011.................................................. 68 5155 25580.................................................. 91
5155 20007.................................................. 55 5155 21101.................................................. 67 5155 25581.................................................. 91
5155 20008.................................................. 55 5155 21102.................................................. 67 5155 25582.................................................. 91
5155 20009.................................................. 55 5155 21103.................................................. 67 5155 25583.................................................. 91
5155 20010.................................................. 55 5155 21104.................................................. 67 5155 25584.................................................. 91
5155 20011.................................................. 55 5155 22001.................................................. 67 5155 25585.................................................. 91
5155 20050.................................................. 56 5155 22002.................................................. 67 5155 25586.................................................. 91
5155 20051.................................................. 56 5155 22003.................................................. 67 5155 26003.................................................. 63
5155 20052.................................................. 56 5155 22100.................................................. 69 5155 26004.................................................. 63
5155 20053.................................................. 56 5155 22101.................................................. 69 5155 26005.................................................. 63
5155 20054.................................................. 56 5155 22102.................................................. 69 5155 26006.................................................. 63
5155 20055.................................................. 56 5155 23002.................................................. 70 5155 26007.................................................. 63
5155 20056.................................................. 56 5155 23003.................................................. 70 5155 26008.................................................. 63
5155 20057.................................................. 56 5155 23004.................................................. 70 5155 26009.................................................. 63
5155 20058.................................................. 56 5155 23005.................................................. 70 5155 26010.................................................. 63
5155 20059.................................................. 56 5155 23006.................................................. 70 5155 26011.................................................. 63
5155 20101.................................................. 56 5155 23007.................................................. 70 5155 26012.................................................. 63
5155 20102.................................................. 56 5155 23008.................................................. 70 5155 26013.................................................. 63
5155 20103.................................................. 56 5155 23009.................................................. 70 5155 26014.................................................. 63
5155 20104.................................................. 56 5155 23010.................................................. 70 5155 26015.................................................. 63
5155 20105.................................................. 56 5155 23011.................................................. 70 5155 26016.................................................. 63
5155 20106.................................................. 56 5155 24002.................................................. 64 5155 26017.................................................. 63
5155 20107.................................................. 56 5155 24003.................................................. 64 5155 26018.................................................. 63
5155 20108.................................................. 56 5155 24004.................................................. 64 5155 26019.................................................. 63
5155 20109.................................................. 56 5155 24005.................................................. 64 5155 26020.................................................. 63
5155 20110.................................................. 56 5155 24006.................................................. 64 5155 26025.................................................. 63
5155 20150.................................................. 58 5155 24007.................................................. 64 5155 26026.................................................. 63
5155 20151.................................................. 58 5155 24008.................................................. 64 5155 27002.................................................. 62
5155 20152.................................................. 58 5155 24009.................................................. 64 5155 27003.................................................. 62
5155 20153.................................................. 58 5155 24010.................................................. 64 5155 27004.................................................. 62
5155 20154.................................................. 58 5155 24011.................................................. 64 5155 27005.................................................. 62
5155 20155.................................................. 58 5155 25003.................................................. 65 5155 27006.................................................. 62
5155 20156.................................................. 58 5155 25004.................................................. 65 5155 27007.................................................. 62
5155 20157.................................................. 58 5155 25005.................................................. 65 5155 27008.................................................. 62
5155 20158.................................................. 58 5155 25006.................................................. 65 5155 27009.................................................. 62
5155 20159.................................................. 58 5155 25007.................................................. 65 5155 27010.................................................. 62
5155 20301.................................................. 59 5155 25008.................................................. 65 5155 27011.................................................. 62
5155 20302.................................................. 59 5155 25009.................................................. 65 5155 28002.................................................. 71
5155 20303.................................................. 59 5155 25010.................................................. 65 5155 28003.................................................. 71
5155 20304.................................................. 59 5155 25011.................................................. 65 5155 28004.................................................. 71
5155 20305.................................................. 59 5155 25012.................................................. 65 5155 28005.................................................. 71
5155 20306.................................................. 59 5155 25013.................................................. 65 5155 28006.................................................. 71
5155 20307.................................................. 59 5155 25014.................................................. 65 5155 28007.................................................. 71
5155 20308.................................................. 59 5155 25015.................................................. 65 5155 28008.................................................. 71
5155 20309.................................................. 59 5155 25016.................................................. 65 5155 28009.................................................. 71
5155 20370.................................................. 59 5155 25017.................................................. 65 5155 28010.................................................. 71
5155 20371.................................................. 59 5155 25018.................................................. 65 5155 28011.................................................. 71
5155 20372.................................................. 59 5155 25019.................................................. 65 5155 28020.................................................. 72
5155 20373.................................................. 59 5155 25020.................................................. 65 5155 28021.................................................. 72
5155 20374.................................................. 59 5155 25021.................................................. 66 5155 28022.................................................. 72
5155 20375.................................................. 59 5155 25022.................................................. 66 5155 28023.................................................. 72
5155 20376.................................................. 59 5155 25023.................................................. 65 5155 28024.................................................. 72
5155 20501.................................................. 61 5155 25024.................................................. 65 5155 28025.................................................. 72
5155 20502.................................................. 61 5155 25025.................................................. 65 5155 28026.................................................. 72

156 Articlelist

Code Page Code Page Code Page
5155 28027.................................................. 72 5155 29003.................................................. 77 5155 29807.................................................. 80
5155 28030.................................................. 95 5155 29004.................................................. 77 5155 29808.................................................. 80
5155 28052.................................................. 82 5155 29005.................................................. 77 5155 29809.................................................. 80
5155 28053.................................................. 82 5155 29101.................................................. 75 5155 29810.................................................. 80
5155 28054.................................................. 82 5155 29102.................................................. 75 5155 34401.................................................. 93
5155 28055.................................................. 82 5155 29103.................................................. 75 5155 34402.................................................. 93
5155 28056.................................................. 82 5155 29104.................................................. 75 5155 34403.................................................. 93
5155 28057.................................................. 82 5155 29204.................................................. 75 5155 50101.................................................. 62
5155 28058.................................................. 82 5155 29205.................................................. 75 5155 50102.................................................. 62
5155 28059.................................................. 82 5155 29206.................................................. 75 5155 50103.................................................. 62
5155 28060.................................................. 82 5155 29207.................................................. 75 5155 50104.................................................. 62
5155 28061.................................................. 82 5155 29208.................................................. 75 5155 50105.................................................. 62
5155 28062.................................................. 82 5155 29209.................................................. 75 5155 50106.................................................. 62
5155 28063.................................................. 82 5155 29210.................................................. 75 5155 50107.................................................. 62
5155 28064.................................................. 82 5155 29211.................................................. 75 5155 50108.................................................. 62
5155 28065.................................................. 82 5155 29213.................................................. 75 5155 50109.................................................. 62
5155 28066.................................................. 82 5155 29301.................................................. 78 5155 50110.................................................. 62
5155 28071.................................................. 84 5155 29302.................................................. 78 5155 70201.................................................. 61
5155 28072.................................................. 84 5155 29303.................................................. 78 5155 70202.................................................. 61
5155 28073.................................................. 84 5155 29304.................................................. 78 5159 20050.................................................. 57
5155 28074.................................................. 84 5155 29305.................................................. 78 5159 20051.................................................. 57
5155 28075.................................................. 84 5155 29306.................................................. 78 5159 20052.................................................. 57
5155 28076.................................................. 84 5155 29500.................................................. 88 5159 20053.................................................. 57
5155 28077.................................................. 84 5155 29501.................................................. 88 5159 20054.................................................. 57
5155 28081.................................................. 86 5155 29502.................................................. 88 5159 20055.................................................. 57
5155 28082.................................................. 86 5155 29510.................................................. 88 5159 20056.................................................. 57
5155 28083.................................................. 86 5155 29511.................................................. 88 5159 20057.................................................. 57
5155 28084.................................................. 86 5155 29512.................................................. 88 5159 20058.................................................. 57
5155 28085.................................................. 86 5155 29515.................................................. 89 5159 20059.................................................. 57
5155 28086.................................................. 86 5155 29516.................................................. 89 5199 99971................................................ 104
5155 28087.................................................. 86 5155 29517.................................................. 89
5155 28101.................................................. 74 5155 29525.................................................. 89
5155 28102.................................................. 74 5155 29526.................................................. 89
5155 28103.................................................. 74 5155 29527.................................................. 89
5155 28104.................................................. 74 5155 29530.................................................. 90
5155 28105.................................................. 74 5155 29531.................................................. 90
5155 28171.................................................. 84 5155 29532.................................................. 90
5155 28172.................................................. 84 5155 29540.................................................. 90
5155 28173.................................................. 84 5155 29541.................................................. 90
5155 28174.................................................. 84 5155 29542.................................................. 90
5155 28175.................................................. 84 5155 29550.................................................. 91
5155 28176.................................................. 84 5155 29551.................................................. 91
5155 28177.................................................. 84 5155 29552.................................................. 91
5155 28181.................................................. 86 5155 29601.................................................. 79
5155 28182.................................................. 86 5155 29602.................................................. 79
5155 28183.................................................. 86 5155 29603.................................................. 79
5155 28184.................................................. 86 5155 29604.................................................. 79
5155 28185.................................................. 86 5155 29605.................................................. 79
5155 28186.................................................. 86 5155 29606.................................................. 79
5155 28187.................................................. 86 5155 29607.................................................. 79
5155 28204.................................................. 74 5155 29608.................................................. 79
5155 28205.................................................. 74 5155 29609.................................................. 79
5155 28206.................................................. 74 5155 29610.................................................. 79
5155 28207.................................................. 74 5155 29701.................................................. 79
5155 28208.................................................. 74 5155 29702.................................................. 79
5155 28213.................................................. 74 5155 29703.................................................. 79
5155 28301.................................................. 76 5155 29704.................................................. 79
5155 28302.................................................. 76 5155 29705.................................................. 79
5155 28303.................................................. 76 5155 29706.................................................. 79
5155 28304.................................................. 76 5155 29707.................................................. 79
5155 28305.................................................. 76 5155 29708.................................................. 79
5155 28306.................................................. 76 5155 29709.................................................. 79
5155 28401.................................................. 78 5155 29710.................................................. 79
5155 28402.................................................. 78 5155 29801.................................................. 80
5155 28403.................................................. 78 5155 29802.................................................. 80
5155 28404.................................................. 78 5155 29803.................................................. 80
5155 28405.................................................. 78 5155 29804.................................................. 80
5155 28406.................................................. 78 5155 29805.................................................. 80
5155 29002.................................................. 77 5155 29806.................................................. 80

Articlelist 157

158 Notes

Notes 159

160 Notes
Westfalen tower Hochar Tower Hongqiao Huayuan Apartment Regatta
Dortmund - Germany Beirut - Lebanon Shanghai - China Jakarta - Indonesia

De Stack Wandsworth Riverside Quarter Saikali building The Westin resort Costa Navarino
Breda - The Netherlands London - Great Brittain Lebanon Messinia - Greece

La Salle School of Art Polytech School of Cuisine Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio Universidad de Pamplona
Singapore Wellington - New Zealand Madrid - Spain Pamplona - Spain

Academy of Sport Awapuni Race Course Congress and Exhibition Centre Luzhniki stadium
Donetsk - Ukraine Palmerston - New Zealand San Sebastian - Spain Moscow - Russia

Dubai Municipality Offices Town hall Ladoshsky train station Sharjah International Airport
Dubai - U.A.E. Hardenberg - The Netherlands St. Petersburg - Russia Sharjah - U.A.E.

Health & Medical Research Institute State Kremlin Palace Airport Sheremetyevo Airport Albacete
Adelaide - Australia Moscow - Russia Moscow - Russia Albacete - Spain
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