Monitor UVis-920

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Monitor UVis-920

Operating Instructions
Original instructions
Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Important user information ............................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Regulatory information ...................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.1 EU Directives .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union ............................................................................................................ 7
1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada ........................................................................................... 8
1.3.4 Other regulations and standards ............................................................................................ 9
1.4 User documentation ........................................................................................................................... 10

2 Safety instructions ............................................................................................... 11

2.1 Safety precautions ............................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Labels ......................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3 Emergency procedures ...................................................................................................................... 17
2.4 Recycling information ......................................................................................................................... 17
2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS) ........................................................................ 18

3 System description .............................................................................................. 20

3.1 Illustrations .............................................................................................................................................. 20
3.2 Monitor principle ................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3 Flow cell principle ................................................................................................................................. 23

4 Installation ............................................................................................................ 24
4.1 Unpacking ................................................................................................................................................ 25
4.2 Site requirements .................................................................................................................................. 25
4.3 Transport .................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.4 Installing the cell holder ..................................................................................................................... 26
4.5 Installing the flow cells ....................................................................................................................... 26
4.6 Connecting electrical cables ........................................................................................................... 33

5 Operation .............................................................................................................. 37
5.1 Menu selection ....................................................................................................................................... 38
5.1.1 Monitor UVis-920 front panel ................................................................................................... 38
5.1.2 Menu navigation ............................................................................................................................ 39
5.2 Turning the monitor on and off ...................................................................................................... 42
5.3 Main menu overview ........................................................................................................................... 43
5.4 Setting wavelength .............................................................................................................................. 43
5.5 Custom filters ......................................................................................................................................... 44
5.6 Autozero .................................................................................................................................................... 45
5.7 Reading absorbance values ............................................................................................................ 45
5.8 Setup menu ............................................................................................................................................. 45
5.9 Check menu ............................................................................................................................................ 50
5.10 UV cell calibration ................................................................................................................................. 52
5.11 Changing flow cell ................................................................................................................................ 53

2 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

Table of Contents

5.12 Restart after power failure ............................................................................................................... 53

6 Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 54
6.1 Cleaning before planned service ................................................................................................... 55
6.2 Cleaning the instrument housing .................................................................................................. 55
6.3 Cleaning the flow cell and optical connectors ........................................................................ 55
6.4 Storage ...................................................................................................................................................... 57

7 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................... 58
7.1 General ...................................................................................................................................................... 59
7.2 Faults and actions ................................................................................................................................ 59
7.3 Error messages ...................................................................................................................................... 60

8 Reference information ........................................................................................ 61

8.1 Technical specifications ..................................................................................................................... 61
8.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form ........................................................................................... 66
8.3 Accessories and spare parts ........................................................................................................... 68

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 3

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

Purpose of the Operating

The Operating Instructions provides you with the instructions needed to handle Monitor
UVis-920 in a safe way.

1.1 Prerequisites
In order to operate Monitor UVis-920 safely, and according to the intended purpose, the
following prerequisites must be met:
• You should be acquainted with the use of bioprocessing equipment and with the
handling of biological materials.
• You must read and understand the Safety chapter of these Operating Instructions.
• The system must be installed according to the instructions in the Installation chapter.

About this chapter

This chapter contains important user information, a description of the intended use of
Monitor UVis-920, regulatory information, list of associated documentation, definitions
of safety notices, etc.

1.2 Important user information

Read this before operating the


All users must read the entire Operating Instructions before installing, operating or
maintaining the product.
Always keep the Operating Instructions at hand when operating the product.

4 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

1 Introduction
1.2 Important user information

Do not operate the product in any other way than described in the user documentation.
If you do, you may be exposed to hazards that can lead to personal injury and you may
cause damage to the equipment.

Intended use
Monitor UVis-920 is a UV and visible light absorption monitor for use in liquid chromatog-
Monitor UVis-920 is intended for research use only, and shall not be used in any clinical
procedures, or for diagnostic purposes.

Safety notices
This user documentation contains safety notices (WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTICE)
concerning the safe use of the product. See definitions below.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in death or serious injury. It is important not to proceed
until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided,
could result in minor or moderate injury. It is important not to pro-
ceed until all stated conditions are met and clearly understood.

NOTICE indicates instructions that must be followed to avoid
damage to the product or other equipment.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 5

1 Introduction
1.2 Important user information

Notes and tips

Note: A note is used to indicate information that is important for trouble-free and
optimal use of the product.
Tip: A tip contains useful information that can improve or optimize your procedures.

Typographical conventions
Software items are identified in the text by bold italic text. A colon separates menu levels,
thus File:Open refers to the Open command in the File menu.
Hardware items are identified in the text by bold text (for example, Power).

1.3 Regulatory information

In this section
This section describes the directives and standards that are fulfilled by Monitor UVis-920.

Manufacturing information
The table below summarizes the required manufacturing information.

Requirement Information

Name and address of manufacturer GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB,

Björkgatan 30, SE 751 84 Uppsala, Sweden

In this section

Section See page

1.3.1 EU Directives 7

1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union 7

1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada 8

1.3.4 Other regulations and standards 9

6 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.1 EU Directives

1.3.1 EU Directives

Conformity with EU Directives

This product fulfills the European Directives listed below. See the EU Declaration of
Conformity for the directives and regulations that apply for the CE marking.
If not included with the product, a copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity is available
on request.

Directive Title

2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive

2014/35/EU Low Voltage Directive (LVD)

2011/65/EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive

CE marking

The CE marking and the corresponding EU Declaration of Conformity is valid for the in-
strument when it is:
• used according to the Operating Instructions or user manuals, and
• used in the same state as it was delivered from GE, except for alterations described
in the Operating Instructions or user manuals.

1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union

This section contains additional regulatory information to comply with the Eurasian
Customs Union technical regulations.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 7

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.2 Eurasian Customs Union

Manufacturer and importer

The table below summarizes the manufacturer and importer information required by
the Eurasian Customs Union.

Requirement Information

Name and address of manufacturer See Manufacturing information

Telephone number of manufacturer Telephone: + 46 771 400 600

Importer and/or company for obtain- GE Healthcare LLC

ing information about importer GE Healthcare Life Sciences
Presnenskaya nab., 10C, 12th floor
RU-123 317 Moscow, Russian Federation
Telephone 1: + 7 495 411 9714
Fax nr: + 7 495 739 6932
Email: [email protected]

1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada

FCC compliance
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
Note: The user is cautioned that any changes or modifications not expressly approved
by GE could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide rea-
sonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equip-
ment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

8 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.3 Regulations for USA and Canada

• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

CAN ICES/NMB compliance

This product complies with the Canadian standard ICES-001/NMB-001 concerning
electromagnetic compatibility.

1.3.4 Other regulations and standards

This section describes the standards that apply to the Monitor UVis-920 system.

Environmental conformity
This product conforms to the following environmental requirements.

Requirement Title

2012/19/EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive

China RoHS Management Methods for the Restriction of the Use of Haz-
ardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products.

Standards, machinery and

electrical equipment
Standard requirements fulfilled by this product are summarized in the table below.

Standard Description

EN ISO 12100 Safety of machinery. General principles for design. Risk

assessment and risk reduction.

EN 61010-1, IEC 61010-1, Safety requirements for electrical equipment for mea-
UL 61010-1, CAN/CSA- surement, control, and laboratory use - Part 1: General
C22.2 No. 61010-1 requirements.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 9

1 Introduction
1.3 Regulatory information
1.3.4 Other regulations and standards

Standard Description

EN 61326-1 Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control, and

Laboratory Use-EMC requirements-Part 1: General re-
(Emission according to CISPR 11, Group 1, class A)

ICES-001 Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) Radio Frequency

Generators (Canada)

1.4 User documentation

In addition to these Operating Instructions, the documentation package supplied with
Monitor UVis-920 also includes product documentation binders containing detailed
specifications and traceability documents.
The most important documents in the document package with regard to technical aspects
of Monitor UVis-920 are listed below.

System-specific documentation

User documentation Content

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Detailed system description. Comprehensive user

Instructions instructions, method creation, operation, ad-
vanced maintenance and troubleshooting.

EU Declaration of Conformity for Document whereby the manufacturer ensures

Monitor UVis-920 that the product satisfies and is in conformity with
the essential requirements of the applicable direc-

10 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

2 Safety instructions

2 Safety instructions

About this chapter

This chapter describes safety compliance, safety labels, general safety precautions,
emergency procedures, power failure and recycling of Monitor UVis-920.

In this chapter
This chapter contains the following sections:

Section See page

2.1 Safety precautions 11

2.2 Labels 15

2.3 Emergency procedures 17

2.4 Recycling information 17

2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS) 18

2.1 Safety precautions

General precautions
Always follow these General precautions to avoid injury when using the Monitor UVis-920

Do not operate the product in any other way than described in the
user documentation.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 11

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Only properly trained personnel may operate and maintain the

Personal protection

Always use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during
operation and maintenance of this product.

Hazardous substances and biological agents. When using haz-
ardous chemical and biological agents, take all suitable protective
measures, such as wearing protective clothing, glasses and gloves
resistant to the substances used. Follow local and/or national
regulations for safe operation and maintenance of Monitor

Spread of biological agents. The operator must take all necessary
actions to avoid spreading hazardous biological agents. The facility
must comply with the national code of practice for biosafety.

Installing and moving the


High intensity UV light. This product uses high intensity ultra-violet
light. Do not disconnect the optical fibers while the lamp is on.

12 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions

Protective ground. The product must always be connected to a
grounded power outlet.

Power cord. Only use power cords with approved plugs delivered
or approved by GE.

Access to power switch and power cord with plug. Do not block
access to the power switch and power cord. The power switch
must always be easy to access. The power cord with plug must
always be easy to disconnect.

Make sure that the system is placed on a stable, level bench with
adequate space for ventilation.

System operation

If liquid is spilled on the equipment, the electrical power supply
must be disconnected immediately. The equipment must be com-
pletely dry on the inside and the outside before reconnecting the
power supply.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 13

2 Safety instructions
2.1 Safety precautions


Electrical shock hazard. All repairs should be done by service
personnel authorized by GE. Do not open any covers or replace
parts unless specifically stated in the user documentation.

Disconnect power. Always disconnect power from the instrument
before performing any maintenance task.

Hazardous chemicals or biological agents. When using hazardous
chemicals or biological agents, make sure that the entire system
has been flushed thoroughly with bacteriostatic solution (e.g., NaOH)
and distilled water before service and maintenance.

Use only approved parts. Only spare parts and accessories that
are approved or supplied by GE may be used for maintaining or
servicing the product.

Corrosive substance. NaOH is corrosive and therefore dangerous
to health. When using hazardous chemicals, avoid spillage and
wear protective glasses and other suitable Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE).

Hazardous chemicals or biological agents in UV flow cell. Make
sure that the entire flow cell has been flushed thoroughly with
bacteriostatic solution (e.g., NaOH) and distilled water, before service
and maintenance.

14 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

2 Safety instructions
2.2 Labels

2.2 Labels

This section describes the system label on Monitor UVis-920 and its meaning.

System label
The illustration below shows the system label.

Note: The specific data shown on the system label below is only an example. Actual
data is specific for each individual system and may vary from system to system.
The system label information is explained in the table below.

Label text Description

Code no: GE code number.

Serial no: GE serial number.

Mfg Year: Manufacturing year and month

Voltage: Voltage.

Frequency: Supply voltage frequency.

Max power: Max power.

Warning! Read the user documentation before using

the system. Do not open any covers or replace parts
unless specifically stated in the user documentation.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 15

2 Safety instructions
2.2 Labels

Label text Description

This symbol indicates that waste electrical and electron-

ic equipment must not be disposed as unsorted munic-
ipal waste and must be collected separately. Please
contact an authorized representative of the manufac-
turer for information concerning the decommissioning
of equipment.

This symbol indicates that the product contains haz-

ardous materials in excess of the limits established by
the Chinese standard GB/T 26572-2011 Requirements
for Concentration Limits for Certain Hazardous Sub-
stances in Electronics.

The system complies with applicable European direc-


The system complies with the requirements for

electromagnetic compliance (EMC) in Australia and New

Eurasian Conformity mark: the single conformity mark

indicates that the product is approved for circulation
on the markets of the member states of the Eurasian
Customs Union.

CAN ICES/NMB-1 This product complies with the Canadian standard ICES-
001/NMB-001 concerning electromagnetic compatibility.

This symbol indicates that Monitor UVis-920 has been

certified by a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory
(NRTL). NRTL means an organization, which is recognized
by the US Occupational Safety and Health Administra-
tion (OSHA) as meeting the legal requirements of Title
29 of the Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR), Part

16 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

2 Safety instructions
2.3 Emergency procedures

2.3 Emergency procedures

This section describes how to perform an emergency shutdown of Monitor UVis-920.
The section also describes the result in the event of power failure.

Emergency shutdown
In an emergency situation, do as follows to stop the run:
Switch off power to the instrument by switching the On/off switch on the rear panel to
the (O) position. If required, disconnect the mains power cord. The run is interrupted

Power failure
In the event of power failure the run is interrupted immediately.

2.4 Recycling information

Monitor UVis-920 shall be decontaminated before decommissioning and all local regu-
lations shall be followed with regard to scrapping of the equipment.

Disposal, general instructions

When taking Monitor UVis-920 out of service, the different materials must be separated
and recycled according to national and local environmental regulations.

Recycling of hazardous
Monitor UVis-920 contains hazardous substances. Detailed information is available from
your GE representative.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 17

2 Safety instructions
2.4 Recycling information

Disposal of electrical
Waste of electrical and electronic equipment must not be disposed as unsorted municipal
waste and must be collected separately. Please contact an authorized representative
of the manufacturer for information concerning the decommissioning of equipment.

2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS)

The following product pollution control information is provided according to SJ/T11364-2014 Marking
for Restriction of Hazardous Substances caused by electrical and electronic products.

Explanation of Pollution Control Label

该标志表明本产品含有超过中国标准GB/T 26572 《电子电气产品中限用物质的限

量要求 》中限量的有害物质。标志中的数字为本产品的环保使用期,表明本产品
This symbol indicates the product contains hazardous materials in excess of the limits
established by the Chinese standard GB/T 26572 Requirements of concentration
limits for certain restricted substances in electrical and electronic products. The
number in the symbol is the Environment-friendly Use Period (EFUP), which indicates
the period during which the hazardous substances contained in electrical and elec-
tronic products will not leak or mutate under normal operating conditions so that the
use of such electrical and electronic products will not result in any severe environmen-
tal pollution, any bodily injury or damage to any assets. The unit of the period is “Year”.

18 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

2 Safety instructions
2.5 Declaration of Hazardous Substances (DoHS)

In order to maintain the declared EFUP, the product shall be operated normally ac-
cording to the instructions and environmental conditions as defined in the product
manual, and periodic maintenance schedules specified in Product Maintenance Pro-
cedures shall be followed strictly.
Consumables or certain parts may have their own label with an EFUP value less than
the product. Periodic replacement of those consumables or parts to maintain the
declared EFUP shall be done in accordance with the Product Maintenance Procedures.
This product must not be disposed of as unsorted municipal waste, and must be
collected separately and handled properly after decommissioning.

Name and Concentration of Hazardous Substances

Table of Hazardous Substances’ Name and Concentration

部件名称 有害物质
Component name Hazardous substance

铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚

Pb Hg Cd (Cr(VI)) PBB PBDE

11000754 X 0 0 0 0 0

本表格依据SJ/T 11364的规定编制。
This table is prepared according to SJ/T 11364.

0: 表示该有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 GB/T 26572规定的限量要求以下。

X: 表示该有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 GB/T 26572规定的限量要


• 此表所列数据为发布时所能获得的最佳信息.

0: Indicates that this hazardous substance contained in all of the homogeneous materials for
this part is below the limit requirement in GB/T 26572.

X: Indicates that this hazardous substance contained in at least one of the homogeneous
materials used for this part is above the limit requirement in GB/T 26572

• Data listed in the table represents best information available at the time of publication.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 19

3 System description

3 System description
The Monitor UVis-920 is a UV and visible light absorption monitor which can be used in
wavelengths range between 200-700 nm by changeable fixed wavelength filters. The
instrument contains no internal user replaceable items.

3.1 Illustrations

Main unit
1 2

Part Function

1 Main unit

2 UV cell holder with cover

20 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

3 System description
3.1 Illustrations

Rear panel of main unit

Voltage 100 - 240 V
Frequency 50 - 60 Hz
Power max 35 VA

3 5

Part Function

1 Analog out 0-1 V. Recorder output, 1 channel 0 V to 1 V

2 For service use only

3 Remote. Digital control signals.

4 Instrument on/off switch

5 Mains. Supply voltage, grounded.

3.2 Monitor principle

A Xenon flash lamp gives a high intensity, continuous spectrum of light. The lamp is on
only during the chromatographic run, ensuring that its long lifetime is used in the most
efficient way.
The light enters an interference filter based monochromator which includes a collimating
system and a filter unit with a fixed specific wavelength. It is possible to select wavelength
between 200-700 nm by changing filter unit.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 21

3 System description
3.2 Monitor principle

Monochromatic light from the filter is directed to an optical fiber. The light from the
monochromator to the flow cell and from the cell to the detector electronics is guided
by optical fibers which focus its full intensity on the liquid flow path, maximizing the
sensitivity of the monitoring. Before entering the flow cell, the monochromatic light is
split in a beam splitter, with 50% of the light passing through the sample fiber (S) and
the flow cell, and 50% being directed through the reference fiber (R). Two photodiodes
with identical characteristics monitor the intensities of the measuring and reference

5 6 7 8 9

4 S


Part Function

1 Flash lamp 100 Hz

2 Filter unit

3 Beam

22 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

3 System description
3.2 Monitor principle

Part Function

4 Interference filter monochromator

5 Reference

6 Micro controller

7 Signal

8 Optical fibres

9 Flow cell

3.3 Flow cell principle

The optical path lengths of the flow cells are 1 mm, 2 mm, 5 mm and 10 mm depending
on the type of cell installed. The smaller flow cell is made of quartz with titanium housing
and the industrial cells are made of PEEK (Polyetheretherketone). The illustration below
highlights the optical path cell length (CL).


The design of the flow cell above prevents the formation of distinct interfaces between
eluent components with different refractive indices and eliminates the negative influence
these would cause. The precision of monitoring is enhanced by the construction of the
flow cell, which ensures total reflectance of light. This maintains a high intensity of light
to the detector. The long path length combined with a small cell volume increases sen-

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 23

4 Installation

4 Installation

About this chapter

This chapter provides required information to enable users and service personnel to
unpack, install, move and transport Monitor UVis-920.


Before attempting to perform any of the procedures described in
this chapter, you must read and understand all contents of the
Safety instructions chapter.

In this chapter
This chapter contains the following sections:

Section See page

4.1 Unpacking 25

4.2 Site requirements 25

4.3 Transport 25

4.4 Installing the cell holder 26

4.5 Installing the flow cells 26

4.6 Connecting electrical cables 33

24 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

4 Installation
4.1 Unpacking

4.1 Unpacking
Unpack the instrument and check the items against the supplied packing list. Check the
equipment for damage before starting assembly and installation. There are no loose
parts in the transport box. All parts are either mounted on the system or located in the
accessory kit box. If any damage is found, document the damage, and contact your local
GE representative.
It is recommended that all packing materials should be retained if onward transport of
the instrument is expected.

4.2 Site requirements

Parameter Requirement

Operation site Indoor use

Altitude Maximum 2000 m

Electrical power 100/240 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz

Transient overvoltage Overvoltage category II

Ambient temperature 4°C to 40°C

Placement Stable laboratory bench or in ÄKTAexplorer or ÄKTApurifier.

Humidity 20% to 95% relative humidity (noncondensing)

Pollution degree 2

The instrument should be located in a place of low temperature variations, away from
heat sources, draughts and direct sunlight.
To ensure correct ventilation a free space of 0.1 m is required behind and in front of the
instrument. Do not use any soft material under the instrument, to ensure that the venti-
lation inlet in the front is not blocked.
The instrument should not be used in a corrosive atmosphere or in an atmosphere where
deposits are liable to form on the optical surfaces.

4.3 Transport
Before moving the equipment: disconnect all connected cables and tubing.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 25

4 Installation
4.4 Installing the cell holder

4.4 Installing the cell holder

High intensity UV light. This product uses high intensity ultra-violet
light. Do not disconnect the optical fibers while the lamp is on.

To avoid damaging the optical inlet and outlet the two black rubber
caps at the optical fiber connectors must be in place when installing
the cell holder.

If UV Flow Cell, 2 mm or UV Flow Cell, 10 mm is to be used the flow cell holder included
in the UVis-920 delivery must be installed.

Step Action Illustration

1 Unpack the cell holder.

2 Slide the cell holder in place on the right hand side

of the UVis-920.

3 Fasten the flow cell holder with the two screws includ-
ed. Use a hex wrench.

4.5 Installing the flow cells

The following flow cells are available:
• UV Flow Cell 2 mm
• UV Flow Cell 10 mm

26 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

4 Installation
4.5 Installing the flow cells

• UV Flow Cell ÄKTApilot, 1/2/5 mm

• Industrial Flow Cell 8 mm (tubing i.d. 8 mm)
• Industrial Flow Cell 1" (tubing i.d. 1")

Installing UV Flow Cell 2 mm and

UV Flow Cell 10 mm

To avoid damaging the optical fibers, press only on the cell body,
never on the optical fibers.

Step Action Illustration

1 Unpack the flow cell. Do not remove the red protec-

tive caps from the inlet or outlet, or the black protec-
tive caps on the optical fiber connectors.

2 Slide the rear white clip on the cell holder to its inner
position for a 2 mm cell and to its outer position for
a 10 mm cell.

3 Place the flow cell in the opening between the white

clips. To improve the access to the tubing connec-
tions the cell can be positioned with the text and se-
rial number facing upwards or sideways. Press the
cell into the clips to fasten it.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 27

4 Installation
4.5 Installing the flow cells

Step Action Illustration

Normal position. The serial number is facing upwards.

Alternative position. The serial number is facing


Connecting the optical fibers

High intensity UV light. This product uses high intensity ultra-violet
light. Do not disconnect the optical fibers while the lamp is on.

Do not touch the tips of the optical fiber with anything other than
lens paper.

28 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

4 Installation
4.5 Installing the flow cells

Do not twist the optical fibers during tightening.

Step Action Illustration

1 Remove the two black protective caps from the opti-

cal fiber connectors.

2 Remove the two rubber protective caps from the

optical fiber receptacles on the right side of the

Part Function

1 Protective cap

2 Rubber sleeve

3 Black shrinking tube

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 29

4 Installation
4.5 Installing the flow cells

Step Action Illustration

3 Connect the two optical fibers to the housing by

carefully inserting them into the sockets and tighten-
ing the nuts fingertight using the fiber detachment
tool supplied. Do not overtighten.
Fiber detachment tool
The optical fiber end with black shrinking tubing shall
be connected to the rear socket connector on the side
of Monitor UVis-920.

4 Slide the rubber sleeves on the two optical fibers

onto the connectors. Make sure that the sleeves are
pushed tight to the housing to prevent dust, fluid or
light entering the connection.

5 Remove the red protective caps from the inlet and

outlet of the flow cell and connect the tubing with
1/16" fingertight connectors.

6 Mount the cell holder cover by pushing it onto the

cell holder.

30 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

4 Installation
4.5 Installing the flow cells

Step Action Illustration

7 Fit the two small lugs on the cover in the holes at the
front and rear of the cell holder.

8 Lower the cover over the cell holder.

Installing UV Flow Cell ÄKTApilot

1/2/5 mm, and Industrial Flow
Cell 8 mm and 1"
Step Action

1 Unpack the flow cell. Do not remove the black protective

caps on the optical fiber transmitter and receiver connector.

2 Choose the optical path length of the flow cell. The optical
path length can be changed with shim plates.

3 Attach the flow cell to an appropriate flow cell holder.

4 Connect the inlet and outlet tubing to the flow cell.

Connecting the optical fibers

High intensity UV light. This product uses high intensity ultra-violet
light. Do not disconnect the optical fibers while the lamp is on.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 31

4 Installation
4.5 Installing the flow cells

Do not touch the tips of the optical fiber with anything other than
lens paper.

To avoid damaging the optical fibers, press only on the cell body,
never on the optical fibers.

Step Action

1 Remove the two protective rubber caps from the optical fiber connectors
of Monitor UVis-920.



Part Function

1 Protective cap

2 Transmitter

3 Knurled nut

4 Reciever

32 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

4 Installation
4.5 Installing the flow cells

Step Action

2 Remove the four black protective caps from the optical fiber connectors.

3 Identify the fiber connector which has a gold colored knurled nut.

4 Attach this connector to the flow cell by carefully inserting it into the socket
and tightening the nut fingertight (fits only one of the two sockets).

5 Attach the other connector to the transmitter connector of Monitor UVis-920.

Do not overtighten.

The optical fiber with the gold colored knurled nut is the transmitter fiber and
must not be mixed up with the other fiber, the receiver fiber.

6 Connect the other optical fiber to the empty socket on the flow cell and to
the rear fiber connector on the monitor.

4.6 Connecting electrical cables

Protective ground. The product must always be connected to a
grounded power outlet.

Power cord. Only use power cords with approved plugs delivered
or approved by GE.

Access to power switch and power cord with plug. Do not block
access to the power switch and power cord. The power switch
must always be easy to access. The power cord with plug must
always be easy to disconnect.

The sockets for electrical signals are located on the rear panel. The instrument contains
no user replaceable fuse.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 33

4 Installation
4.6 Connecting electrical cables

Analog out connector



Pin Signal Function

1 + 0 V to 1 V signal

2 - Ground

3-6 Not used

Connecting to recorder
Connect the recorder to the miniDIN-socket Analog out 0-1 V using the cable supplied.
The absorption signal is available on a channel using the following wires:
Wire 1: signal (+)
Wire 2: ground (-)
Note: The signal cable is delivered with protective covers on each wire. Do not remove
the protective covers from unused connections as a short circuit may disturb
the measurements. Set the recorder to 0 V to 1 V input, full scale, 0 V offset.

34 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

4 Installation
4.6 Connecting electrical cables

Connecting to auxiliary
equipment (if used)

Any computer used with the equipment must comply with IEC
60950 and be installed and used according to the manufacturer's

Connect any auxiliary equipment to the 9-pole D–Sub female Remote connector (5 V
TTL signals only).

4 9

Pin Signal Function

1 5V (Out) Signal. Maximum load 50 mA

2 Not used

3 Not used

4 Auto Zero (In) Negative edge zeroes AU-value

5 Gnd Common ground for all signals

6 Error (Out) Goes low at error. Goes high again when OK is


7 State (Out) 0=UVis-920 is in Run-mode

1=UVis-920 is in End-mode

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 35

4 Installation
4.6 Connecting electrical cables

Pin Signal Function

8 Run/Stop (In) Toggles the system between Run and End

Negative edge selects Run-mode (starts)
Positive edge selects End-mode (stops)

9 Event Mark (In) Negative edge makes an event mark on


Connecting to supply voltage

Step Action

1 Make sure the on/off switch is in the OFF position (O).

2 Connect a mains cable between the instrument and a grounded mains

socket. The instrument is delivered with both European and US type mains
cables, as standard. Any voltage 100 V to 240 VAC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, can be

36 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation

5 Operation

About this chapter

This chapter provides the information required to safely operate Monitor UVis-920.


Before attempting to perform any of the procedures described in
this chapter, you must read and understand all contents of the
Safety instructions chapter.

In this chapter
This chapter contains the following sections:

Section See page

5.1 Menu selection 38

5.2 Turning the monitor on and off 42

5.3 Main menu overview 43

5.4 Setting wavelength 43

5.5 Custom filters 44

5.6 Autozero 45

5.7 Reading absorbance values 45

5.8 Setup menu 45

5.9 Check menu 50

5.10 UV cell calibration 52

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 37

5 Operation
5.1 Menu selection

Section See page

5.11 Changing flow cell 53

5.12 Restart after power failure 53

5.1 Menu selection

Hazardous substances and biological agents. When using haz-
ardous chemical and biological agents, take all suitable protective
measures, such as wearing protective clothing, glasses and gloves
resistant to the substances used. Follow local and/or national
regulations for safe operation and maintenance of Monitor

5.1.1 Monitor UVis-920 front panel

Operation menu and settings are selected by the membrane keys at the front of Monitor

38 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation
5.1 Menu selection
5.1.1 Monitor UVis-920 front panel

5 6 7 8

2 9

1 10

Part Function

1 eject button for filter unit

2 OK key

3 run/end key

4 display

5 arrow up key

6 arrow down key

7 event mark key

8 autozero key

9 Esc key

10 filter unit insert

5.1.2 Menu navigation

A specific menu is selected by the front arrow down key. When the required menu is
visible, the menu or selection is accepted by pressing the OK key.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 39

5 Operation
5.1 Menu selection
5.1.2 Menu navigation

Navigating in sub menus

If a menu has sub levels, the sub menu is displayed by pressing the OK key. Pressing the
Esc key moves back one menu level.

Main menu Sub menus

Main operating

Setup Sub menu Sub menu

Check Sub menu

Sub menu Sub menu

Sub menu

40 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation
5.1 Menu selection
5.1.2 Menu navigation

Return to main menu

Pressing Esc repeatedly, always returns to the main menu and the main operating win-

Main operating



Select value
A cursor below a text or numerical value shows what is affected by a key. To increase
the value press arrow up key. To decrease the value press arrow down key.

2 3

Part Function

1 Parameter

2 Current value

3 New value to be set

The text or numerical value displayed is accepted by pressing the OK key. To cancel,
press the Esc key.
If the new value to be set is within brackets, it is possible to select between a number of
preset values. No brackets make it possible to select step by step within a preset range,
for example 0-999.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 41

5 Operation
5.1 Menu selection
5.1.2 Menu navigation

To set numerical values faster, press arrow up key continuously. The display shows 1,
2, 3 ....10, 20, 30 ... 100, 200, 300 ....1000, 2000, 3000 .... It is possible to select decade by
pressing arrow down key continuously. Each character steps down to zero and then
the cursor moves to left and stops at the desired decade when the key is released.

Error messages
If an error is occurred, the display shows an error message.

Part Function

1 Error type

2 User information

To handle problems through the display interface even if an error message is indicated,
it is possible to return to the previous display. Press OK or Esc. If the error remains, a
new display with the same message returns 10 seconds after the last display update.
See Section 7.3 Error messages, on page 60 for more information.

5.2 Turning the monitor on and off

1 Switch on the instrument using the mains switch on the rear panel.
2 The instrument starts and displays the main operating window. For optimum perfor-
mance 30 minutes warm-up time is recommended.
To setting a run timer or end timer is another way to switch the Xenon-lamp on/ off. See
Setting run and end timers, on page 49.

42 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation
5.3 Main menu overview

5.3 Main menu overview

The main operating menu (main window) shows the wavelength in nanometers, the cell
path length (CL) in millimeters (mm), the absorbance value in absorbance units (AU) and
the mode of operation, STANDBY or RUNNING. The menu is reached from any other
menu by pressing Esc repeatedly.

Setup menu
Setup menu. Setup of analog out, averaging time, serial number etc. Use the arrow keys
to reach setup menu.

Check menu
Check menu. Check internal operating values. Use the arrow keys to reach check menu.

5.4 Setting wavelength

Filter units must be stored in a clean and dustfree place.

Do not run the monitor with an empty filter holder.

The instrument can measure absorbance at wavelengths between 200-700 nm by

changeable filter units. The wavelength currently used is shown in main operating menu.
When no filter is inserted the display shows λ= - - - nm.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 43

5 Operation
5.4 Setting wavelength

Step Action Display

1 At delivery a dummy filter is in place for protection.

Press eject button and remove the dummy filter

2 Insert a filter unit in the monitor.

3 The instrument reads the code tag of the inserted

filter unit and display its wavelength in the main

Empty filter holders for custom filters are available. When using a custom filter, its
wavelength can be stored in the instrument by the operator. See Setting wavelength for
custom filter.

5.5 Custom filters

If a wavelength not covered by available filter units is needed, the empty filter holder
together with a custom filter can be used. The filter should have a diameter of 12.5 mm
and a maximum thickness of 6.5 mm to fit in the holder. The transmission of the filter
must correspond with the working range of the monitor. This can be checked from the
light intensity menu where the R-value must be between 2000 and 4500 mV when using
the filter. If the value is too high, an aperture can be used. Custom filters are not provided
by GE.

Setting wavelength for custom

If a custom filter is inserted, the wavelength can be set.

Step Action Display

1 Insert a custom filter. The display shows Change

Wave Length.

2 Select yes to set wavelength, press OK. Select no,

press Esc to return to main displau

3 If yes, enter the wavelength of custom filter in

nanometer. Press OK.

44 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation
5.5 Custom filters

Resetting filter time

The time the current filter has been used can be shown in hours and resetted to zero.
There is one time counter for each filter wavelength.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Reset Filter Time, press OK.

2 Display toggles between yes and no. Select yes to

reset the time counter for the current filter wave-
length, press OK.

5.6 Autozero
The autozero function sets the detected absorbance to zero when the autozero key is
pressed. Autozero is recommended before a sample is injected.
Press autozero key. The absorbance value is then shown in main operating menu.

5.7 Reading absorbance values

The main operating menu shows the absorbance values. The menu is reached from any
other menu by pressing the Esc key repeatedly.

5.8 Setup menu

Setting analog output to an

external chart recorder
Setting range and zero
UVis-920 displays the measured absorbance value as an analog voltage in the recorder
connector. The output from the instrument is always 0 V to 1 V, but the absorbance
value for full scale deflection (AUFS) and the zero absorbance level on the recorder can
be set.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Analog Out, press OK.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 45

5 Operation
5.8 Setup menu

Step Action Display

2 Select menu Set Range, press OK. The range is the

full scale absorbance for the chart recorder (1 V).

3 Use the arrow keys to set the absorption range for

recorder output in AUFS, press OK. Only fixed steps
between 5.0 AUFS and 0.001 AUFS can be set.

4 Select menu Set Zero Level, press OK. The zero level
is where on the paper the 0 AU value will be posi-
tioned. Values 0-99.

5 Use the arrow keys to set the value and press OK.

Automatic overrange
The instrument has an automatic overrange function. If the monitor signal reaches the
full scale value on the recorder, the signal will instantly drop to 0 V and give an accurate
display of the peak starting from this position. When the function is disabled, the signal
does not drop to 0 V when reaching maximum but is instead clipped and hold at the
maximum (see illustration below). The overrange is managed in the same way when the
signal reaches the minimum.

1 1 1 1
2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

4 4 4 4
1V 1V 1V 1V

0V 0V 0V 0V

a) Automatic overrange enabled b) Automatic overrange disabled

46 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation
5.8 Setup menu

Part Function

1 Measured absorbance level (absorbance units)

2 Maximum range (absorbance units)

3 Overrange

4 Signal to recorder (V)

The automatic overrange can be disabled/enabled in the Setup menu.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Automatic Overrange, press OK.

2 Use the arrow keys to select Yes or No, then press


Event mark
Event marks can be set, for example when the sample is injected, and are displayed as
spikes on the chart recorder. The spikes are 10% of the full scale of the chart recorder
which corresponds to 0.1 V.
Press event mark key to insert an event mark.

Setting averaging time

(filtering noise)
To filter the noise in the UV-signal, a moving average filter is used. The averaging time
is the time interval used for calculating the moving average of the absorbance signal.
A long averaging time will smooth out noise efficiently, but it will also distort the peaks.
Peaks narrower than the minimum peak width value may be distorted. Because of this
the averaging time should be as short as possible, see the table below. On delivery the
averaging time is set to 2.56 s.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Set Averaging Time, press OK.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 47

5 Operation
5.8 Setup menu

Step Action Display

2 Use the arrow keys to set the value. Use the fixed
values between 5.12 seconds and 0.08 seconds.

Averaging time (s) Time constant (s) Min. peak width at half
(approximate) height (s)

5.12 2.0 32

2.56 1.0 16

1.28 0.5 8.0

0.64 0.2 3.2

0.32 0.1 1.6

0.16 0.05 0.8

0.08 0.03 0.5

Setting cell serial number, cell

type and cell path length
It is possible to store cell data in the instrument for up to five different cells. The data is
uniquely defined by each cells serial number.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Set Cell Serial Number, press OK.

2 Enter the serial number of the cell (see the label on

the flow cell). Press OK. The serial number must be
1000 or higher.

3 Select menu Set Cell Type. Check the cell type value.
If the value is correct, use the arrow keys to go to
next menu. If the value has to be changed, press OK
to change it.

4 Select menu Set Cell Path Length, press OK.

48 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation
5.8 Setup menu

Step Action Display

5 Enter the calibrated value of the cell path length if

available, press OK. The cell type must always be set
before the calibrated cell path length.

Setting run and end timers

Step Action Display

1 Select menu RunTimer End Timer,, press OK.

2 Set run time, press OK to select action. Choose the

Run mode time 1 minutes to 999 minutes. Timer is
disabled if set to 0. If timer is enabled by OK, the re-
maining minutes to run are shown.

3 Set end time, press OK to select action. Choose the

End mode time 1 minutes to 999 minutes. Timer is
disabled if set to 0. If timer is enabled by OK, the re-
maining minutes to run are shown.

4 Press Esc key to return to the RunTimer End Timer

menu which now shows the countdown time and
end time.

Setting unit number

For service use only.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 49

5 Operation
5.9 Check menu

5.9 Check menu

The instruments internal absorbance value for autozero can be checked to test the
consistency in buffers.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Check, press OK.

2 Select menu Autozero. The autozero absorbance

value is shown.

Flow cell (checking flow cell type

and number)
This menu shows the type and serial number of the flow cell stored in the monitor.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Check, press OK.

2 Select menu Flow Cell. If serial number is not set,

----- is shown. The serial value is shown number must
be 1000 or higher.

Check analog output

The function of the connected chart recorder can be tested.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Check, press OK.

2 Select menu Check Analog Out, press OK.

50 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation
5.9 Check menu

Step Action Display

3 Start the test, press OK. The test will ramp the chan-
nel up to 1 V and then decrease the signal in 10%
steps back to 0 V. The test is run continuously. Com-
pare the diagram of the chart recorder with the im-
age below.

1 V

0 V

4 Stop the test by pressing Esc.

Light intensity
This menu shows the voltages generated at the light detectors. These voltages are pro-
portional to the light intensities in each channel. The R-value gives an indication of the
condition of the lamp, filter and optical fibers.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Check, press OK.

2 Select menu Light Intensity.

If the R-value is < 750 mV, check filter used time.
Change filter if the used time is > 2500 hours. If the
R-value still is < 750 mV after replacing filter, contact

Filter used time

This menu shows how many hours the filter has been used, i.e. the time in running mode.
There is one time counter for each filter wavelength.

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Check, press OK.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 51

5 Operation
5.9 Check menu

Step Action Display

2 Select menu Filter Used Time. If the filter used time

is > 2500 hours, it is recommended to change the

Lamp used time

Step Action Display

1 Select menu Check, press OK.

2 Select menu Filter Used Time, press OK.

3 If the lamp used time is > 4000 hours, contact GE for

lamp replacement.

4 Stop the test by pressing Esc.

Software version
Step Action Display

1 Select menu Check, press OK.

2 Select menu Software version.

5.10 UV cell calibration

For exact measurements of the nominal flow cell path length, the path length in the UV
flow cell can be calibrated. This is not necessary for standard operations.
Call GE for advice.

52 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

5 Operation
5.11 Changing flow cell

5.11 Changing flow cell

The flow cell can be changed when required, for example from 2 mm to 10 mm when
the sensitivity of the measurement must change due to a small amount of sample being
applied, or from a 10 mm to 2 mm when a lower sensitivity is desired, due to output
signal limitation. See Section 4.5 Installing the flow cells, on page 26. Data for up to five
flow cells are saved in memory in Monitor UVis-920.

5.12 Restart after power failure

If the power supply to the instrument is interrupted, the instrument automatically restarts
itself and displays the main operating menu. All set values are retained in the instrument
but the instrument starts with the lamp switched off (standby).

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 53

6 Maintenance

6 Maintenance
Monitor UVis-920 does not require any periodic maintenance.

About this chapter

This chapter provides required information to enable users and service personnel to
clean and maintain Monitor UVis-920. The instrument contains no internal user replace-
able parts.


Before attempting to perform any of the procedures described in
this chapter, you must read and understand all contents of the
Safety instructions chapter.

In this chapter
This chapter contains the following sections:

Section See page

6.1 Cleaning before planned service 55

6.2 Cleaning the instrument housing 55

6.3 Cleaning the flow cell and optical connectors 55

6.4 Storage 57

54 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

6 Maintenance
6.1 Cleaning before planned service

Use only approved parts. Only spare parts and accessories that
are approved or supplied by GE may be used for maintaining or
servicing the product.

The mains power to Monitor UVis-920 must be switched off before
connecting the instrument to any cells or external equipment.

6.1 Cleaning before planned service

Cleaning before planned

To ensure the protection and safety of service personnel, all equipment and work areas
must be clean and free of any hazardous contaminants before a Service Engineer starts
maintenance work.
Please complete the checklist in the On Site Service Health and Safety Declaration Form
or the Health and Safety Declaration Form for Product Return or Servicing, depending on
whether the instrument is going to be serviced on site or returned for service, respectively.
Copy the form you need from Section 8.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form, on page 66
or print it from the PDF file available on the User Documentation CD.

6.2 Cleaning the instrument housing

Step Action

1 Wipe the instrument housing regularly with a damp cloth. Do not allow spilled
liquid to dry on the instrument.

2 Remove dirt from the surface using a cloth and a mild cleaning agent.

3 Let the instrument dry completely before using it.

6.3 Cleaning the flow cell and optical connectors

A clean flow cell and optical connectors are essential for ensuring the correct operation
of the UV-monitor.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 55

6 Maintenance
6.3 Cleaning the flow cell and optical connectors

Hazardous chemicals or biological agents. When using hazardous
chemicals or biological agents, make sure that the entire system
has been flushed thoroughly with bacteriostatic solution (e.g., NaOH)
and distilled water before service and maintenance.

Hazardous chemicals or biological agents in UV flow cell. Make
sure that the entire flow cell has been flushed thoroughly with
bacteriostatic solution (e.g., NaOH) and distilled water, before service
and maintenance.

Keep UV flow cell clean. Do not allow solutions containing dissolved
salts, proteins or other solid solutes to dry out in the flow cell. Do
not allow particles to enter the flow cell, as damage to the flow cell
may occur.

Cleaning the flow cell

Step Action

1 Connect a syringe to the inlet of the flow cell and squirt distilled water
through the cell in small amounts. Then fill the syringe with a 10% surface
active detergent solution like Decon™ 90, Deconex™ 11, RBS™ 25 or equiv-
alent, and squirt five times.

2 After five squirts, leave the detergent solution in the flow cell for at least 20

3 Pump the remaining detergent solution through the flow cell.

4 Rinse the syringe and flush the cell with distilled water (10 ml).

56 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

6 Maintenance
6.3 Cleaning the flow cell and optical connectors

Cleaning the optical fiber

When required, wipe the optical fiber connectors with 30% isopropanol on lens paper.

6.4 Storage

Keep UV flow cell clean. Do not allow solutions containing dissolved
salts, proteins or other solid solutes to dry out in the flow cell. Do
not allow particles to enter the flow cell, as damage to the flow cell
may occur.

The flow cell can be left filled with buffer.
Weekend and long term storage
Flush the flow cell with distilled water and then fill it with 20% ethanol.
The flow cell can also be stored dry by flushing as above with distilled water and then
blowing a compressed inert gas such as nitrogen (N2) through the cell. Replace the pro-
tective caps. Never use compressed air as this may contain droplets of oil.

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 57

7 Troubleshooting

7 Troubleshooting

About this chapter

This chapter provides information required to enable users and service personnel to
identify and correct problems that may occur when operating Monitor UVis-920.
If the suggested actions in this guide do not solve the problem, or if the problem is not
covered by this guide, contact your GE representative for advice.


Before attempting to perform any of the procedures described in
this chapter, you must read and understand all contents of the
Safety instructions chapter.

Hazardous chemicals or biological agents. When using hazardous
chemicals or biological agents, make sure that the entire system
has been flushed thoroughly with bacteriostatic solution (e.g., NaOH)
and distilled water before service and maintenance.

Electrical shock hazard. All repairs should be done by service
personnel authorized by GE. Do not open any covers or replace
parts unless specifically stated in the user documentation.

Hazardous chemicals or biological agents in UV flow cell. Make
sure that the entire flow cell has been flushed thoroughly with
bacteriostatic solution (e.g., NaOH) and distilled water, before service
and maintenance.

58 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

7 Troubleshooting
7.1 General

7.1 General
When contacting GE for support, state the program version of the instrument, which is
shown in the check menu. See Software version, on page 52

7.2 Faults and actions

If the suggested actions do not correct the fault, call GE.

Fault Possible cause Corrective action

No text on the display No power to the monitor Check that the mains ca-
ble is connected and the
mains switch is in ON-po-
sition (I)

Noisy UV-signal, signal The buffer may be impure Check with water if the
drift or instability signal is still noisy

There may be air in the If there is a lot of air in the

flow cell water, degas the buffer
continuously (we recom-
mend helium sparging).
Check the connections of
the UV cell optical fibers.

Dirt in the flow cell or fiber Clean the UV cell, see

connectors Cleaning the flow cell, on
page 56

Ghost peaks Air in the eluents Degas if necessary (we

recommend helium

Dirt or residues in the flow Clean the flow cell and

path from previous runs flow path

Residues in the column Clean the column in accor-

from previous runs dance with the column in-

Error in external chart The recorder not properly Check the chart recorder
recorder set up in accordance with its

Monitor UVis-920 not Test the recorder function

properly set up by selecting recorder test
according to Check analog
output, on page 50

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 59

7 Troubleshooting
7.3 Error messages

7.3 Error messages

If the suggested actions do not correct the fault, call GE.

Message Description/Action

Cell/fiber fail Check the connections of the UV cell optical fibers.

Check the liquid.

Ensure that there are no air bubbles in the system.

Clean the UV cell, see Cleaning the flow cell, on page 56.

No filter inserted Insert a wavelength filter unit in the UV monitor.

No filter in holder? Check that there is a filter in the filter holder.

Filter clogged? Check the filter for obvious obstacles restraining the

Internal error Call GE.

Low transmission The transmission in the flow cell is too low due to air
bubbles or too high absorption in the buffer.
Flush cell and/or change buffer.

Low light intensity See Light intensity, on page 51.

Serial no not valid Serial number entered from display is not valid. Enter a
correct serial number. Must be 1000 or higher.

Error 100 The UV-signal is not stable during calibration. See Sec-
tion 7.2 Faults and actions, on page 59 for corrective

Error 250 Undefined error.

1 Switch off the instrument.

2 Switch on the instrument.

3 If the error display remains call GE.

60 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

8 Reference information

8 Reference information

About this chapter

This chapter provides technical reference information and a list of spare parts and ac-
cessories for Monitor UVis-920.

In this chapter
This chapter contains the following sections:

Section See page

8.1 Technical specifications 61

8.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form 66

8.3 Accessories and spare parts 68

8.1 Technical specifications

Operating data
Wavelength range 200-700 nm, changeable wavelength filter units

Filter center wavelength accuracy ±2 nm

Filter bandwidth < 10 nm

Linearity < 5% deviation up to 2 AU at 280 nm with ferric

sulphate in 0.1 M sulphuric acid

Short term noise (0.5–1 min) 1 2 < 2x10-4 AU at 280 nm

Long term noise (1–10 min) 1, 2 < 2x10-4 AU at 280 nm

Drift 2 < 2x10-4 AU/h at 280 nm

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 61

8 Reference information
8.1 Technical specifications

Environment 4°C to 40°C

20%–95% relative humidity (noncondensing)
84–106 kPa (840-1060 mbar) atmospheric

Noise emission < 70 dB A

1 Measured with water at 1 ml/min, time constant 1 second, 10 mm flow cell.

2 Typical values at room temperature after 2 hours with lamp on.

Physical data
Light source Xenon flash lamp

Lamp lifetime > 4000 hours

Control Stand alone or via Remote connector

Power consumption 35 VA

Power requirement 100–240 V AC ±10%, 50/60 Hz

Analog output 0–1 V full scale, overrange function

Digital inputs 5 V, 1 mA current sinking, lamp on/off, autozero, event


Display 2 rows with 20 characters each

Dimensions (H x W x D) 200 x 160 x 262 mm without cell holder

200 x 300 x 262 mm with cell holder

Weight 5.1 kg

Degree of protection IP 20

Noise emission < 70 dB A

UV flow cell, 2 and 10 mm

Recommended maximum flow 100 ml/min

Maximum pressure 2 MPa (20 bar, 290 psi)

Backpressure Maximum 0.5 bar at 2 ml/min with water at 25°C

62 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

8 Reference information
8.1 Technical specifications

Liquid temperature range 4°C to 40°C

Optical path length, 2 mm cell 2 mm

Optical path length, 10 mm cell 10 mm

Cell volume, 2 mm cell 2 μL

Cell volume, 10 mm cell 8 μL

Wetted materials PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene)

PEEK (polyetheretherketone)
Titanium (palladium alloy)
Quartz (synthetic fused silica)

pH stability range 1–13, 13–14 (< 1 days exposure)

Chemical resistance The wetted parts are resistant to organic solvents

and salt buffers commonly used in chromatogra-
phy of biomolecules, except 100% ethyl acetate,
100% hexane, and 100% tetrahydrofuran (THF)
or 15% THF in acetonitrile

Tubing connections UNF 10-32 fingertight connectors for tubing with

1/16" outer diameter

UV Flow Cell ÄKTApilot 1/2/5 mm

Recommended maximum flow 800 ml/min

Maximum pressure 2 MPa (20 bar, 290 psi)

Backpressure Max. 0.05 bar at 400 ml/min with water at 25°C

Liquid temperature range 4°C to 40°C

Optical path length 1, 2 and 5 mm

Cell volume 300 μL

Wetted materials PEEK (polyetheretherketone)

Titanium (palladium alloy)
FFKM (perflorelastoner) or EPDM
Quartz (synthetic fused silica)

pH stability range 1–13, 13–14 (< 1 days exposure)

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 63

8 Reference information
8.1 Technical specifications

Chemical resistance The wetted parts are resistant to organic solvents

and salt buffers commonly used in chromatogra-
phy of biomolecules, except 100% ethyl acetate,
100% hexane, and 100% tetrahydrofuran (THF)

Tubing connections 5/16"

Industrial flow cell 8 mm

Recommended maximum flow *

Maximum pressure 2 MPa (20 bar, 290 psi up to 40°C

Backpressure Max. 0.1 bar at 1800 l/h with water at 25°C

Liquid temperature range 4°C to 80°C (at max 0.1 MPa)

Optical path length 1, 2 and 5 mm

Cell volume 2.5 ml

Wetted materials PEEK (polyetheretherketone)

Titanium (palladium alloy)
Quartz (synthetic fused silica)
PFR-91 or EPDM

pH stability range 1–13, 13–14 (< 1 days exposure)

Chemical resistance The wetted parts are resistant to organic solvents

and salt buffers commonly used in chromatogra-
phy of biomolecules, except 100% ethyl acetate,
100% hexane, and 100% tetrahydrofuran (THF) or
15% THF in acetonitrile

Tubing connections TC25 connector

Industrial flow cell 1"

Recommended maximum flow *

Maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar, 145 psi) up to 40°C

Backpressure Max. 0.4 bar at 600 l/h with water at 25°C.

64 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

8 Reference information
8.1 Technical specifications

Liquid temperature range 4°C to 80°C (at max 0.1 MPa)

Optical path length 1, 2 and 5 mm

Cell volume 12 ml

Wetted materials PEEK (polyetheretherketone)

Titanium (palladium alloy)
PFR-91 or EPDM

pH stability range 1–13, 1–14 (<1 days exposure)

Chemical resistance The wetted parts are resistant to organic solvents

and salt buffers commonly used in chromatogra-
phy of biomolecules, except 100% ethyl acetate,
100% hexane, and 100% tetrahydrofuran (THF) or
15% THF in acetonitrile

Tubing connections TC50 connector

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 65

8 Reference information
8.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form

8.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form

On site service

On Site Service Health &

Safety Declaration Form

Service Ticket #:

To make the mutual protection and safety of GE service personnel and our customers, all equipment and work areas must be
clean and free of any hazardous contaminants before a Service Engineer starts a repair. To avoid delays in the servicing of your
equipment, please complete this checklist and present it to the Service Engineer upon arrival. Equipment and/or work areas
not sufficiently cleaned, accessible and safe for an engineer may lead to delays in servicing the equipment and could be subject to
additional charges.

Please review the actions below and answer “Yes” or “No”.

Yes No
Provide explanation for any “No” answers in box below.

Instrument has been cleaned of hazardous substances.

Please rinse tubing or piping, wipe down scanner surfaces, or otherwise ensure removal of any dangerous
residue. Ensure the area around the instrument is clean. If radioactivity has been used, please perform a
wipe test or other suitable survey.

Adequate space and clearance is provided to allow safe access for instrument service, repair or
installation. In some cases this may require customer to move equipment from normal operating location
prior to GE arrival.

Consumables, such as columns or gels, have been removed or isolated from the instrument and from
any area that may impede access to the instrument .

All buffer / waste vessels are labeled.

Excess containers have been removed from the area to provide access.

for any “No”
answers here:

Equipment type / Product No: Serial No:

I hereby confirm that the equipment specified above has been cleaned to remove any hazardous substances and that the
area has been made safe and accessible.

Name: Company or institution:

Position or
Date (YYYY/MM/DD):
job title:


GE and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.

GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp, 800 Centennial Avenue, P.O. Box 1327, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1327
© 2010-14 General Electric Company—All rights reserved. First published April 2010.

DOC1149542/28-9800-26 AC 05/2014

66 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

8 Reference information
8.2 Health and Safety Declaration Form

Product return or servicing

Health & Safety Declaration Form

for Product Return or Servicing

Return authorization and/or

number: Service Ticket/Request:

To make sure the mutual protection and safety of GE personnel, our customers, transportation personnel and our environment,
all equipment must be clean and free of any hazardous contaminants before shipping to GE. To avoid delays in the processing of
your equipment, please complete this checklist and include it with your return.
1. Please note that items will NOT be accepted for servicing or return without this form
2. Equipment which is not sufficiently cleaned prior to return to GE may lead to delays in servicing the equipment and
could be subject to additional charges
3. Visible contamination will be assumed hazardous and additional cleaning and decontamination charges will be applied

Yes No Please specify if the equipment has been in contact with any of the following:

Radioactivity (please specify)

Infectious or hazardous biological substances (please specify)

Other Hazardous Chemicals (please specify)

Equipment must be decontaminated prior to service / return. Please provide a telephone number where GE can contact
you for additional information concerning the system / equipment.

Telephone No:

Liquid and/or gas in equipment is: Water


None, empty

Argon, Helium, Nitrogen

Liquid Nitrogen
Other, please

Equipment type / Product No: Serial No:

I hereby confirm that the equipment specified above has been cleaned to remove any hazardous substances and that the
area has been made safe and accessible.
Company or
Name: institution:

Position or job title: Date (YYYY/MM/DD)


GE and GE monogram are trademarks of General Electric Company.

To receive a return authorization number or service number, GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp, 800 Centennial Avenue, P.O. Box 1327, Piscataway,
please call local technical support or customer service. NJ 08855-1327, US
© 2010-14 General Electric Company—All rights reserved. First published April 2010.
DOC1149544/28-9800-27 AC 05/2014

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 67

8 Reference information
8.3 Accessories and spare parts

8.3 Accessories and spare parts

UV monitor

Item Quantity per pack Code no.

Monitor UVis-920 complete without flow cell 1 11000754

and without filter

Flow cells

Item Quantity per pack Code no.

UV Flow Cell 2 mm , including optical fibres 1 18111110

UV Flow Cell 10 mm , including optical fibres 1 18111111

UV Flow Cell ÄKTApilot 1/2/5 , including optical 1 11000850


Industrial Flow Cell 8 mm 1 18113456

UV Flow Cell 1" PEEK FPM/FKM 1 28959578

Industrial flow cell short optical fibre Kit (20 1 18113485


Industrial flow cell short optical fibre Kit (50 1 18113486


Filter units

Item Quantity per pack Code no.

215 nm 1 11000733

260 nm 1 11000734

280 nm 1 11000735

405 nm 1 11000736

Empty filter holder for custom filter 1 11000738

68 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

8 Reference information
8.3 Accessories and spare parts

Signal cables

Item Quantity per pack Code no.

Signal cable for recorder. Length 1.5 m 1 18111064

Tubing and connectors

Item Quantity per pack Code no.

O-ring kit UV flow cell (8 mm) FPM/FKM 1 28969705

O-ring kit IC, EPDM (for flow cell 8 mm) 1 18113488

FEP tubing, i.d. 1/8", o.d. 3/16" 3m 18111247

Tubing connector for 3/16" o.d. tubing 10 18111249

Ferrule for 3/16" tubing 10 18111248

Stop plug, 5/16" 5 18111250

Stop plug, 1/16" 5 18111252

Union Luer female/ 1/16" male 2 18111251

Union 1/16" female/ M6 male 6 18111257

Union M6 female/ 1/16" male 8 18111258

Union 1/16" male/ 1/16" male, i.d. 0.25 mm 2 18112092

Union 1/16" male/ 1/16" male, i.d. 0.50 mm 2 18112093

PEEK tubing, i.d. 0.15 mm, o.d. 1/16" 2m 18115659

PEEK tubing, i.d. 0.25 mm, o.d. 1/16" 2m 18112095

PEEK tubing, i.d. 0.50 mm, o.d. 1/16" 2m 18111368

PEEK tubing, i.d. 0.75 mm, o.d. 1/16" 2m 18111253

PEEK tubing, i.d. 1.0 mm, o.d. 1/16" 2m 18111583

ETFE tubing, i.d. 0.25 mm, o.d. 1/16" 2m 18112136

ETFE tubing, i.d. 0.75 mm, o.d. 1/16" 2m 18111254

Fingertight connector 1/16" 10 18111255

Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD 69

8 Reference information
8.3 Accessories and spare parts


Item Quantity per pack Code no.

Fiber detachment tool 1 18111116

70 Monitor UVis-920 Operating Instructions 29055049 AD

GE, GE monogram, ÄKTA are trademarks of General Electric Company.
For local office contact information, visit
Decon is a trademark of Decon Laboratories Ltd. Deconex is a trademark of of Borer Chemie AG. RBS is a trademark of Chemical Products R. Borghgraef S.A.

GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences AB Any other third party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
© 1996-2016 General Electric Company – All rights reserved.
Björkgatan 30 First published Jun. 2013
751 84 Uppsala All goods and services are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale of
the company within GE Healthcare which supplies them. A copy of these terms
Sweden and conditions is available on request. Contact your local GE Healthcare repre-
sentative for the most current information.
GE Healthcare Europe GmbH
Munzinger Strasse 5, D-79111 Freiburg, Germany
GE Healthcare UK Limited
Amersham Place, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, HP7 9NA, UK
GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences Corp.
100 Results Way, Marlborough, MA 01752, USA
GE Healthcare Dharmacon, Inc.
2650 Crescent Dr., Lafayette, CO 80026, USA
HyClone Laboratories, Inc.
925 W 1800 S, Logan, UT 84321, USA
GE Healthcare Japan Corporation
Sanken Bldg. 3-25-1, Hyakunincho Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan

29055049 AD 10/2016 a434

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