Creamansi Puff Final Paper

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MAY 2022


A Feasibility Study Presented to the

Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Liceo de Cagayan University
Cagayan de Oro City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for
Accountancy, Business and Management




MAY 2022
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page iii


This feasibility study entitled, “CREAMANSI-PUFF”, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the Accountancy, Business and Management by MARC CJ JUN B.
been examined, accepted and recommended for Oral Examination.




Approved by the committee on Oral Examination with the grade of .




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Accountancy,

Business and Management.

Date of Final Defense May 5, 2022

Melody V. Sunogan

Principal, Senior High School Department-Main Campus

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page iv

Certificate of Originality

I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another
person nor material to which to a substantial extent has been accepted for award of any other
degree or diploma of a university or other institute of higher learning, except where due
acknowledgement is made in the text.

I also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of my work,
even though I may have received assistance from others on style, presentation and language


Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisee over printed name Date


Signature of advisor over printed name Date

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English Editing Certification Form

This is to certify that I have edited this feasibility study manuscript entitled


Prepared by



and have found it thorough and acceptable with respect to grammar and composition.

Signature over printed name

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page ix


The researchers want to dedicate the feasibility study to everyone who has assisted

them along the way. Conducting this feasibility study was not simple; it required creativity,

invention, development, and commitment. The researchers devoted time, effort, and sweat

equity to accomplish our objectives while conducting this study.

First and foremost, to the Almighty God. The researchers are grateful for his presence

in their hearts. They are grateful as he provides them with the ideas, skills, drive, and life

necessary to complete this research effectively. All of them surrender to Him, the Father.

In addition, they would like to dedicate this paper to their loving parents, who serve

as their primary source of inspiration and motivation, and their moral, spiritual, emotional,

and financial support.

To their cherished siblings and sisters, relatives, friends, and classmates who are

always there to assist, cheer us up, encourage, and counsel them during times of need.

Moreover, their incredible adviser and instructor, who educated and led them from

start to finish, the researchers appreciate their patience, understanding, and diligence.
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To ensure the success of this effort, the researchers would like to convey their

appreciation to everyone who helped, especially those who offered and shared ideas for the

study's development.

The following individuals provided leadership, supervision, collaboration, and

involvement in this Feasibility Study:

They thank the Almighty God, who keeps an eye on and protects the researchers

while working on this endeavor.

They are grateful to their parents for their financial support, emotional support, and

guidance in encouraging them to complete the Feasibility Study to the highest possible


Mr. Emmanuel Kheen Obrero, their esteemed and great research adviser, has

generously shared his skills with them, patiently and persistently assisting us in completing

their Feasibility Study. He has been of enormous assistance throughout the process.

The researchers are grateful to their great instructors for freely sharing their expertise

and experience to complete the tasks required to produce this project.

Additionally, we appreciate all students who took the time and effort to take the

online survey questionnaires, which comprised students from throughout the Senior High
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page xi

School Department's academic strands. The researchers genuinely appreciate their


Thus, the researchers would like to thank the individuals named above for their contributions

to completing this Feasibility Study. They like to offer their heartfelt thanks for this

remarkable achievement.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page xii


Some people favored sour foods, while others chose sweet foods. The
researchers developed an idea to make a distinct local flavored pastry with this. This study
aims to see if the proposed product, Creamansi Puff, is feasible for the market. This product
has a delicate pastry shell or choux pastry filled with a sweet and sour calamansi cream
filling. Powdered sugar, calamansi glaze, and calamansi de crème are the three (3) topping
options for this calamansi-flavored cream puff. The study starts by determining the target
market's purchasing power and personal preferences to assess whether the firm can create
revenue and optimize profit based on the product's market, technical, financial, socio-
economic, and organizational and management feasibility. A survey was done to determine
the preferences of customers regarding the product. According to the survey, most consumers
are willing to buy products priced between 35.00 and 40.00 pesos each. They are also willing
to spend money and promote the Creamansi Puff. In conclusion, the Creamansi Puff is a
viable product and can be marketed to different consumers as it has its distinct local flavor.

Keywords: Choux pastry, Creamansi Puff, Calamansi

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Introduction 1

Purpose of the study 4

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Scope and Delimitations 5

Justification of the Study 5

Definition of Terms 7



Research Setting 9

Research Design 10

Respondents and Sampling Procedure 10

Research Instruments 10

Research Protocol 11

Data Gathering Procedure 12

Statistical Techniques 12


Market Feasibility 14

Technical Feasibility 63

Financial Feasibility 92

Socio-Economic Feasibility 108

Organization and Management Feasibility 110



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A. Projected Budget of the Study 126

B. Letter of Consent 127

C. Survey Questionnaires 128

D. Exhibits 132

E. Work Plan of the Study 134

F. Curriculum Vitae 135

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1 Frequency distribution and percentage of respondents’ strand 23

2 Frequency distribution and percentage on respondents’ grade level 25

3 Frequency distribution and percentage of the respondents’ gender 26

4 Frequency distribution and percentage of results on willingness to

Participate in this survey 27

5 Frequency distribution and percentage of respondents’

Daily allowances 28

6 Frequency distribution and percentage results for Respondents’

time usually eat pastry 29

7 Frequency distribution and percentage results of Respondents

Who have tried cream puff 31

8 Frequency distribution and percentage of Respondents’ who

Have tried calamansi-flavored pastry/bread 32

9 Frequency distribution and percentage on the respondents’

Willingness to try the Creamansi-Puff 33

10 Frequency distribution and percentage of Respondents’

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page xvii

Preffered toppings 34

11 Frequency distribution and percentage of Respondents’

Willingness to spend on Creamansi-Puff 36

12 Frequency distribution and percentage of how many

Creamansi-Puff they can eat 38

13 Frequency distribution and percentage of how would

The Respondents want their Creamansi-Puff to be served 40

14 Frequency distribution and percentage of Respondents’

Way of buying Creamansi-Puff 41

15 Total Demand Computation 43

16 Previous Demand Analysis 44

17 Future Demand Analysis 45

18 Total Supply Computation 46

19 Previous Supply Analysis 47

20 Future Supply Analysis 48

21 Computation of Total Gap 50

22 Consolidation of demand and supply 51

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Schedule 1: Purchasing of Raw Materials 93

Schedule 2: Rent Expense 94

Schedule 3: Salaries and Wages 94

Schedule 4: Office Supplies 94

Schedule 6: Packaging 95

Schedule 7: Transportation Cost 95

Schedule 8: Promotional Expenses 96

Schedule 9: Office Furniture and Fixtures 96

Schedule 10: Production Equipment 97

Schedule 11: Depreciation Expense 98

Statement of Cost Goods Sold 99

Projected Demand and Sales for 2022-2026 99

Projected Cost for 2022-2026 100

Contribution Margin 100

Projected Income Statement 101

Projected Cash Flows 102

Projected Balance Sheet 103

Financial Ratios 104

Initial Capital Requirements 105

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1 Respondents’ Strand 24

2 Respondents’ Grade 25

3 Respondents’ Gender 26

4 Respondents’ Willingness to participate in the survey 27

5 Respondents’ Daily Allowance 28

6 Respondents’ usual time to eat pastry snacks 30

7 Respondents who tried cream puff 31

8 Respondents who tried calamansi-flavored pastry/bread 32

9 Willingness to try the product 33

10 Preffered Toppings


11 Willingness to spend for Creamansi-Puff 37

12 How many Creamansi-Puff can Respondents eat 39

13 Serving Creamansi-Puff 40

14 Respondents way of purchasing Creamansi-Puff 41

15 Previous Demand Analysis 44

16 Future Demand Analysis 45

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17 Previous Supply Analysis 47

18 Future Supply Analysis 48

19 Consolidation of Future Demand and Supply 52

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1 Logo 15

2 Plant Location 88

3 Structure Layout 89

4 Socio-Economic Chart 112

5 Organizational Structure 119

7 Creamansi-Puff Product 135

8 Creamansi-Puff Packaging 135

9 Calamansi 135

10 Egg 135

11 Vanilla Extract 135

12 All-purpose Flour 135

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13 Unsalted Butter 135

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14 Cornstarch 135

15 Whole Milk 136

16 Salt 136

17 Water 136

18 Heavy Cream 136

19 Granulated Sugar 136

20 Powdered Sugar 136

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Chapter 1



This chapter contains and discusses some vital data, facts, and other related 

information about our product's viability.

         Cream Puff is a pastry that originated in France in the year fifteen forty (1540). It was

later dubbed the profiterole in the middle of the century, and now, the humble puff pastry

has come a long way from the kitchens of other countries, particularly the Philippines.

However, selling this type of baked pastry in our community appears to be difficult because,

aside from the fact that there have been several stores that produces this kind of pastry, such

as Mardoney's CDO and Cecil's Snack Inn & Bakeshoppe, they also sell it in a variety of

flavors, including cookies and cream, vanilla, chocolate, matcha, and many others. As a

result, the researchers come up with an idea to make a sweet treat with a distinctive flavor

that is both zesty and sweet, intending to provide a new classification of cream puff to the

consumers' eyes and tastes. Thus, this innovative pastry can be heated and has a large

potential market in society as it consists of one of the traditional Filipino flavors.

The researchers came up with the concept of using calamansi as a flavor for cream

puffs because of its large production. Calamansi is "one of the most important fruit crops
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grown in the Philippines," according to the Department of Agriculture (DA), ranking fourth

in terms of area and output behind banana, mango, and pineapple. The calamansi production

is predicted to reach 108.7 thousand metric tons in 2020 in the Philippines, with a value of

roughly 1.98 billion Philippine pesos in the country's output (Statista, 2021). It will help

address the area's shortage of calamansi markets and empower local farmers. The waste

created increased as the demand for calamansi juice increased. The peel makes up the

majority of waste products, but it also contains essential oils that can be used in a variety of

ways and be profitable. It can also be used to replace plastic microbeads in cosmetics and

cleaning products, which pollute marine resources and have an impact on the marine food

chain (Araneta, 2020).

In addition, Filipinos like bringing various bread and pastries into their homes.

Whenever a celebration or a special occasion occurs, people offer them as a gift or

pasalubong to be consumed with their loved ones who are also fond of sweets. According to

a study by e-commerce aggregator iPrice, the Philippines is third in Southeast Asia

regarding the percentage of its Google population that searches for sweets, behind only

Malaysia (21.8%) and Singapore (19.3%) (Brooke, 2021). Cream Puffs' creation is a fusion

of French and Filipino, with calamansi, a fruit well-known in the Philippines, contributing

to the product's uniqueness. Calamansi is a tiny fruit spherical, green, sour, and has a strong


Calamansi limes are a citrus fruit widely used as a flavoring component and juice in

the Philippines and across Southeast Asia. They have a tart, sour taste and a slight acidity.
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Calamansi, according to Ross Magnaye, is the most magnificent citrus. He uses the juice to

make curd for sweets and the whole fruit to make jam (SBS, 2021).

Furthermore, the product will be more appealing to customers. According to Fides

Santos-Arguelles, co-founder of The Entree. Pinays, an organization dedicated to promoting

Filipino food, the calamansi reintroduces us to our roots. It reintroduces us to our cuisine,

which is integral to our identity, tradition, and culture (Audrey, 2020). The ideal

combination of sweetness and tanginess will be appreciated since it will bring people closer


Calamansi limes' bright, tangy taste lends itself to various uses. Calamansi fruit,

which is mostly used as juice, puree, and for souring meals, has a global market (Tacio,

2019). The fresh juice may be combined with other juices or frozen to create ice cubes for

iced tea, lemonade, or other drinks. Additionally, sliced fruits are commonly paired with

spicy and savory foods. Indeed, nearly every Filipino meal (and, to a lesser degree,

Malaysia) is served with half or quartered calamansi limes on the side. Furthermore, its fruit

and juice are often included in sweets such as cakes, tarts, custards, pies, and gelatins.

Additionally, the peel may be dried, crushed, and used as a spice (Danilo, 2021).

Moreover, most Filipinos like sour food, and nobody can dispute the Filipinos'

affinity for all bad things, not just any sour. Doreen Fernandez, a renowned Filipino culinary

writer, outlines the ideal sourness level for Filipinos. Thus, they must be tart enough to

relish, puckering the lips and causing the eyes to squint slightly, but not excessively tart.
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Furthermore, as the native taste developed, Filipinos got more daring with their flavors.

Sour is no longer seen as a base taste but to improve the eating experience (Idge, 2021).

According to Myke "Tatung" Sarthou and Guillermo "Ige" Ramos, sour is seldom the

dominant taste in a meal but provides an exciting contrast. Occasionally, it is employed as a

neutral backdrop to enable more robust, presumably more appealing tastes to show through.

Tatung employs sourness to "bring out the freshness" of a meal, while Ramos notes how

"sour cuisine makes (a dish) clean-tasting mentally" (Christian, 2020).

The tanginess imparted by the calamansi wonderfully balances the sweetness

imparted by the pastry cream's milky and creamy components. The sweetness balances

harsh and acidic flavors, whether from sugar, honey, fruits, or so on. At the same time,

acidity is fantastic at balancing a meal, imparting vitality, and counteracting sweetness and

heat (Otao Kitchen, 2021). Thus, the calamansi's acidic and tart flavor balances the

sweetness of the original pastry cream, which is made with heavy cream and milk,

encouraging the customer to indulge in the product without judging it as excessively sweet

or satiating.

This business study will spark the researcher's interest to continue this study in the

open market if found feasible and viable.

Purpose of the Study

The study's conclusions will give practical advice and factual information to the following

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Researchers - This study will build the research's entrepreneurship abilities and broaden

their understanding of marketing tactics. It gives them the ability to become fully equipped


Customers - The researchers believe that this study will benefit the customers. Customers

can expect a light pastry stuffed with a unique local flavored cream filling when they order

Creamansi-Puff. Aside from that, the researchers want to sell Creamansi-Puff at a very

reasonable price. Customer satisfaction helps them achieve high sales figures.

The School Faculty and Staff - The researchers believe this study will make a fantastic

snack or dessert. Because of its sweet filling, the researchers believe it might also aid in

relieving stress.

Local producers – The researchers believe that they are the primary supplier of components

that can improve their sales.

Future Entrepreneurs/Researchers - The result of this study can provide valuable

information to future entrepreneurs who are starting their businesses. This research can also

be used as a guide and reference for entrepreneurs pursuing similar research studies.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This project focuses on the business by creating and marketing the Creamansi-Puff, a

sweet and sour taste combination. This research considers the respondents' preferences, daily

income, buying power, the price they are willing to pay for the items, and the time they want
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 6

to purchase the pastries. It offers to associate the product's development with making it much

better so that many students at Liceo de Cagayan University would purchase the product due

to its attractive presentation.

The firm desires a high volume of daily consumers. As a result, the researchers

strongly recommend that all faculty, staff, and students acquire the delectable Cream Puffs.

The researchers will distribute identical surveys to each responder. For those interested in

purchasing the Creamansi-Puff, it is available for sale via client orders and direct selling on

the Liceo de Cagayan University campus.

Justification of the Study

Cream puffs became famous in the Philippines and are today consumed as a snack

and dessert for other occasions. The researchers are committed to producing one (1) new

Cream Puff classification that will be introduced to our community, particularly the

University's students, faculty, and staff. The calamansi, which is rarely utilized as the main

component in pastries and cold sweets, became the new and distinct tasty product mentioned

above. In addition, the firm will be involved in product development and marketing. A group

of six student entrepreneurs will plan and operate it.

According to the investigation, roughly twenty (20) shops in Cagayan de Oro City

sell the same types of profiteroles. However, non-Filipino bread and pastries such as

croissants, French bread, and muffins have been introduced and become popular in the

country, but local favorites remain a constant presence in the lives of many Filipinos (Patrick,

2021). The Creamansi-Puff product strives to be launched as a unique version in this sort of
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baked pastry that others have yet to test. This dessert can be served as newly baked because it

can be microwaved. As a result, its mission is to serve high-quality pastry while also

honoring customers' interests in selecting entrees. Our target clients, notably students, who

crave something sweet and sour, are given the convenience, excitement, and most especially,


People are also becoming more conscientious of the foods they purchase and

consume. The clean, eggy, sweet, and buttery aroma, which also smelled warm, on the other

hand, will undoubtedly pique our buyers' interest. Introducing calamansi, which is usually

used in savory dishes, will be a good idea because it can also be used in sweet recipes, like

the new flavor of our innovative Cream Puff. If a product can offer a different proprietary

flavor—even for a brief time—it can provide the category boost that leads to a marketing

edge. As a result, the flavor can be the deciding factor in choosing one place over another

and a source of repeat business; if the flavor is "crave-able," customers will come again and

again (Prepared Foods, 2019).

As a result, the product, Creamansi-Puff, must be provided and introduced to the

market to be marketed, positioned, and priced reasonably for students and low-wage

employees. Additionally, buyers may help spread the word about a product. The researchers

see them as live evidence and would happily recommend them. Creamansi-Puff is

appropriate for people of all ages, including family, friends, and even strangers.

Definition of Terms
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This study contains certain key concepts and constructs. This study allows the reader to make

sense of what is presented in the subsequent research:

Choux Pastry - refers to a product consisting of water and flour. They are used as an outer

layer or base that will be enriched and lightened by incorporating eggs and a mixture of

cream while beating the paste, which will be used as a filling.

Cream Puffs refers to our product consisting of Choux Pastry Dough baked in small dome-

shaped puffs filled with a Creamansi-filling

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Chapter 2


The following are the study's objectives:

1. To ascertain the market's size

2. To ascertain the respondents' identities by ascertaining their:

2.1 Daily Subsistence Allowance

2.2 Purchasing Ability

2.3 Individual Preferences

3. To determine if this firm is capable of:

a. creates revenue/debt

b. reduce costs while increasing profits

4. To analyze the following factors:

a. Feasibility of Market Entry

b. Feasibility on a Technical Level

c. Economic Viability

d. Socioeconomic Feasibility

e. Feasibility of Organization and Management

5. To ascertain the product's overall viability.

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Chapter 3


The goal of this research is to determine the marketability of selling Creamansi-Puff.

The researchers will utilize a quantitative technique to determine the quantitative and

qualitative components of the study using a survey questionnaire as the research instrument

to collect the required data. The researchers will choose 100 students at random from the

population of the Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School department as study

participants. The researchers will derive a valid conclusion that will play a crucial part in this

study's overall viability based on the necessary information to support and assess the


Research Setting

The research will take place in the Liceo de Cagayan University-Main Campus,

Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, Kauswagan High-Way, Cagayan de Oro City. Liceo de

Cagayan University delivers excellent education to students to be appropriately prepared.

The researcher chose this University as its target site due to its proximity to the researchers

and the institution's prospective market.

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Research Design

The quantitative research design will be used in this study to get the essential

information. This strategy is often used in data collection, primarily by small firms, since it is

cost-effective and practical. Because of the pandemic, the quantitative research approach

collects quantifiable data and information from prospective consumers using sampling

techniques and the distribution of online questionnaires. The findings of this research

approach will be represented numerically, resulting in logical, statistical, and impartial

conclusions from the market's perspective of the study. Using these methodologies,

researchers will examine respondents' views, reflecting the total population on the proposed

product's entry into the market.

Respondents and Sampling Procedure

The researchers will undertake this study at the Senior High School department of the

Liceo de Cagayan University-Main Campus, which has a population of two thousand eight

hundred fifteen (2,815) pupils. One hundred (100) respondents will be randomly picked

using primary random sampling and at the researchers' convenience.

Research Instruments

The researchers will collect data for the study by adapting a survey questionnaire. It

has 12 questions and inquiries about the respondent's buying capacity, personal preferences,

and willingness to spend on the product.

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Research Protocol

Senior High School student researchers must follow the following University

Research Protocol to assure the quality and reliability of research findings:

1. The researchers will seek approval from the adviser.

2. The School Principal will approve the schedule for the defense.

3. After the proposal defense, the researchers will accomplish the Research Ethics

Application Form and submit it to the office of the VP for Research, Publication, and

Extension together with the approved research proposal.

4. The researchers will provide the adviser with a copy of their paper for the research

proposal presentation.

5. Once the adviser approves the paper, it will be forwarded to the Research


6. After the proposal paper presentation, the researchers shall incorporate all the

corrections and suggestions of the Research Panel. The adviser, the adviser, the

adviser, and the panel members will review it.

7. After the panel approves the paper, it will be submitted to the office of the VP for

Research, Publication, and Extension for Plagiarism and Grammarly Tests.

8. The researchers will forward the approved research proposal paper to their assigned

editor. After incorporating all the corrections, the researchers will submit the edited

paper to the adviser and Research Panel for signature and approval for binding.
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9. The researchers shall submit the soft-bound copies and electronic copies of their final

paper to the Research teacher / Adviser. The Research teacher / Adviser shall endorse

the copy to the research Coordinator

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will get Liceo de Cagayan University permission to conduct an

online poll. Once the university grants authorization, the researchers will immediately begin

the online survey procedure. To prevent direct interaction, the researchers will send the

survey digitally using Google forms to the randomly chosen students who will participate in

the study. The researchers will do this during their free time to avoid disrupting classrooms.

Before responding to the surveys, researchers will remind them of the instructions for

more clarity. The researchers will maintain a virtual presence to allow respondents to readily

reach them for explanations while maintaining their anonymity while completing the survey

surveys. After the researchers have completed all surveys, they will begin tabulating and

documenting the data using graphs, spreadsheets, and other statistical, measurement, and

descriptive statistics. As a result, the researchers will assess the collected data and give a

complete discussion and interpretation to establish the viability of the suggested product.

Statistical Technique

The researchers will analyze the data using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics enables a researcher to measure and characterize a data set's basic

properties. Descriptive statistics provide a foundation for data analysis, enabling researchers
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to organize, simplify, and summarize data (Mike, 2017). Simultaneously, an inferential

statistic is computed from the data to infer more general qualities that are not visible.

A popular method to view inferential statistics is to suppose that researchers are interested in

understanding certain aspects of data for a population (e.g., all fourth graders in the United

States) but are constrained by access and cost limitations (Bruce, 2018). Thus, descriptive

statistics characterize a data set's features. Inferential statistics enables the researchers to test

a hypothesis or determine the generalizability of their data to a larger population. Using these

strategies, the researchers may then present logical and tangible findings on the proposed

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Chapter 4


Market Feasibility

The market analysis will assist in determining the business's marketing strategy. It

determines the product's viability, profitability, and market demand. It considers how the

target market will perceive the product. Thus, the findings of this research aid in developing

plans to accommodate and solve the business's identified potential risks and market effects in

terms of geography, demand, and competition. The researchers will develop Creamansi-Puff

to make and provide high-quality cuisine to the community of Liceo de Cagayan University

and promote a novel French-Filipino pastry.

Product Description

Name of the product

The researchers came up with a product name called "Creamansi-puff" as a play on

the term "cream puff," inspired by a delectable and moist French choux pastry ball.

Researchers designed a calamansi version to differentiate it and spur exciting development.

Hence, it is called Creamansi Puff because of the unusual combination of choux pastry,

calamansi juice, and citrus zest. Moreover, researchers are glad to introduce it to the public as
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a mix of French and Filipino delights and want to focus on the consumers' preferences, so

they chose many topping options.


The corporate logo is straightforward and easily

identifiable. The researchers opted to include green lines

and circles surrounding the logo since the product contains

calamansi. They picked green and orange as their primary

colors representing energy and happiness since their

product is manufactured with happiness and will provide

energy to consumers. The figure holding a Creamansi-Puff symbolizes the happiness that the

firm desires for its clients when they purchase the product. Creamansi-Puff is a cream puff

with a calamansi twist that puffs up on your tongue when consumed. Finally, the whole logo

indicates how excellent and delectable the food is, which will delight everyone who

consumes it.

inch of the Product

The Creamansi Puff is a bread invented, tested, and made by researchers. The

researchers deliberated for a long time on what to include in this bread to make it more

unique and delicious. The researcher wanted to make this one-of-a-kind, so they added

something to give it a particular taste. The ingredients for pastry are as follows whole cream

milk, heavy cream, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, salt, large egg yolks, cornstarch,

calamansi zest, and calamansi juice. As for Choux Pastry are butter, salt, all-purpose flour,
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large eggs, calamansi zest. Lastly, the Toppings are Calamansi Glaze, Calamansi de creme,

and Powdered Sugar.

Moreover, the mixture is more delicate to make the creampuff more stuffed with

cream filling while mixing the said ingredients. Whole milk adds fat, which creates a richer

taste and a softer crumb. As the creampuff dough absorbs the source to hydrate the

ingredients, it improves the texture and mouthfeel of baked goods. In Addition, milk's protein

and sugar (lactose) add more sweetness and a browner color to baked goods than water

(Robert, 2019). Heavy cream and confectioners' sugar may be beaten to create a delectable

pastry. Due to the heavy whipping cream's high vitamin and mineral content, the dough

whips up stronger with stiff peaks that keep their form longer than the richness and softness

of the dough, which may be suitable for their health (Eddy Van, 2020). Sugar keeps baked

goods soft and moist, which allows sugar and water to lock in moisture and creates

tenderness, deepens color and flavor, and adds crunch as the Vanilla extract enhances all the

other flavors in the recipe that tend to give the creampuff more aroma (Emma,2019).

Additionally, it lowers the pace of fermentation, functioning as a good check on yeast

growth, and preventing the formation of any undesirable bacterial activity or wild forms of

fermentation (Anne, 2016). Cornstarch contributes to the crumbly and delicate texture of the

dessert. Cornstarch is often used commercially as an anti-caking agent. Calamansi zest or

juice aids in browning and imparts taste. While juice may be used in milk in a recipe, milk

should not be substituted for juice and vice versa (Sarah, 2014).
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 18

The remarkable thing about this bread is the toppings that consist of three different

types of toppings; Calamansi Glaze, Crema de Calamansi, and Powdered Sugar. The perfect

cream puff topping foundation is light, airy "pâte à choux," a mixture of calamansi juice,

condensed, all purpose-flour, and powdered sugar. To provide a delicacy of toppings in a

cream puff that ends the end consumer's dinner on a sweet note with these lusciously

delicious cream puffs filled with delectably decadent cream puff fillings (Martha Stewart,

2005). The glazes and toppings are often optional ingredients. They add a boost of flavor and

enhance the appearance of the bread, such as; the Calamansi Glaze is an elegant topping for

these Creamansi-puff fancier than a chocolate ganache.

Crema de Calamansi is a mixture of condensed mixed with calamansi juice that gives

them more coverage of the filling. The researcher found that filled cream puffs will stay crisp

when stored in the refrigerator uncovered for about three days. The refrigerator should be

cold but dry to prevent the shells from becoming mushy. When maintained in a container, the

humidity traps moisture, the powdered sugar dissolves, and soggy shells (Jessica Gavin,

2021). The product's packaging design is vital because it brings life to the product and will

attract the people who purchase it. The packaging of the product needs to be presentable and

must catch the attention of the buyers.

Every packaging material needs to have its uniqueness and branding to maintain its

identity in the world of business in which competition is present. The researchers thought of

something that could impact each interest of the customers by making the packaging

materials look nothing alike to the rest. The researchers have chosen to pack the product in a
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 19

see-through packaging made of recyclable and biodegradable cardboard, a kraft pastry box.

Reusable and simple yet attractive. A Creamansi-Puff is not a typical type of creampuff. It is

a great way to start a new beginning in the business world alongside the manufacturers'

artistic imagination to maintain its identity as the product will compete in the business world.


Calamansi, also known as kalamansi or calamondin, is a tiny citrus fruit with a vivid

orange pulp and a green to orange peel that ripens as it ripens. It has a tart flavor with a tinge

of sweetness, similar to a lime and a mandarin. It has a solid citric and flowery scent. Others

use it in various Asian cuisines, but it is most famous in the Philippines as a must-have

ingredient (Bourget, 2021). Calamansi acts as a perfect balancing agent since it is the perfect

blend of sour and sweet. The fruit can cut through the rich tastes found in many Filipino,

making it the flavor of their product.

The items a product offers to satisfy a consumer's interests, expectations, and wants

are the advantages of our product that customers will receive. When a customer eats our

product, we want to know what he or she expects to purchase, feel, or achieve. The

enjoyment that consumers get from our product is that when they buy our product, they will

be satisfied because apart from the fact that our product is not very expensive, the consumers

will also not regret that they bought our product. Consumers can benefit from our Creamansi-

Puff product which is flavored with calamansi rather than the typical flavor of cream puffs

because apart from being delicious, the calamansi flavor is also new to consumers because

calamansi is only once flavored. Apart from being able to excite them with the taste of our
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 20

Creamansi-Puff, it is also safe to eat and not dirty because the equipment used to make our

product is clean, and the manufacturer is not dirty and uses PPE or Personal Protective


Moreover, Calamansi is prevalent in the Philippines, particularly in Cagayan de Oro,

where the market is. Calamansi is accessible year-round in the Philippines, according to a

web article published in 2017 by Pinoy Negosyo titled "8 Steps to Calamansi Farming and

Production in the Philippines." Others see Calamansi in its unripened green stage. While the

fruit, also known as calamondin, calamondin, Panama orange, and Chinese orange, is

primarily regarded as a decorative tree rather than a food source, it is extensively planted in

the Philippines for the latter purpose — as juice, sauce, and culinary condiment. Calamansi

has gained popularity worldwide and developed into a famous lemonade packed in carton

boxes and sold on shelves.

In 2021, the Philippine Statistics Authority verified that calamansi output totaled

60.10 thousand metric tons from July to September. It climbed by 8.3 percent over the same

time in 2020, from 55.47 thousand metric tons. MIMAROPA Region produced half (59.0

percent) of the country's total calamansi output, with 35.48 thousand metric tons, while

CALABARZON came in second with a 9.7% stake, followed by Central Luzon with a 5.3

percent share.

Due to the fruit's year-round availability, the ideal method to prepare it is fresh.

Lemons, limes, and key limes are similar to calamansi. They create an excellent calamondin-

aided beverage combined with ice tea or other liquids (think gin-and-tonic). A calamondin
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 21

may be squeezed over sliced fruit, fish, or cranberry sauce. Several recipes for calamondin

cakes, pies, bread, and other treats are available online. Calamondins were brought to Florida

in 1899, and old cookbooks and publications provide a variety of inventive recipes (Les,


Although calamansi is a seldom-used ingredient in baking, several delectable recipes

incorporate its tart flavor and great flavor into something tempting, such as these muffins.

Although Boracay, a popular tourist destination in the Philippines, made them famous, it is

simple to reproduce and relive those beach experiences (Roselle, 2019). As a result, there is

no trouble creating large quantities of Creamansi-Puff and providing customers with an

excellent sort of pastry. Thus, the researchers address the area's shortage of calamansi

markets and empower local farmers.


Cream Puffs come in various flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and

matcha. Because such tastes pervade all pastries, researchers created the Creamansi Puff with

calamansi filling. Before putting it in the oven, it is 5" broad by 4" tall; after cooked, the

choux pastry will rise and expand by an inch. Thus, it resembles puff pastry or a little puffy

donut that lacks a hole but is dome-shaped. With bite-sized portions, shoppers will return

time and time to purchase.

Additionally, if additional toppings are desired for their Creamansi-Puff, customers

may pick from powdered sugar, calamansi de crème, or calamansi glaze. When customers

prefer calamansi de crème topping, the researchers opted to add a calamansi zest.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 22

Additionally, the product mentioned above may be pre-heated. Thus, if customers need a hot

meal, they may microwave it for a minute. Calamansi is the starring ingredient in our


When customers bite into the Creamansi-Puff, it bursts within their tongues as the

filling inside pours in, leaving a sweet, zesty, and creamy flavor behind. Calamansi adds an

element of originality to the product, satisfying their tongue. One of the primary components

in this recipe is an egg. Thus, this imparts an eggy taste to our Creamansi-Puff, and without

the egg, the puff would not rise correctly, and the interior would lack that lovely fluffy

texture. The researchers guarantee that the product is of the highest possible quality in terms

of flavor and appearance.

As a result, the researchers believe that Creamansi-Puff is an ideal snack or dessert

for students, professors, faculty, and staff at the Liceo de Cagayan University Campus. Apart

from being delectable, it is reasonably priced, allowing it to be enjoyed by everyone. The

researchers wish to advertise and sell our goods here since no other vendor in the LDCU

community sells calamansi-flavored pastries.

Product Users

The researchers came up with the Creamansi-puff, a choux pastry with a calamansi

flavored filling. It is for individuals who prefer sweet and sour sweets, with the cream's

sweetness and the calamansi's sourness and attracting new consumers to taste a unique

variant. It provides satisfaction to someone's cravings and helps to relieve stress because of

its balanced flavor.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 23

Students, the school's faculty and staffs, and visitors are the groups that can consume

the Creamansi-puff. As one of the city's leading institutions and owing to the researchers'

vicinity, the researchers picked the community of Liceo de Cagayan University as their target

market. Because its well-balanced sour and sweet taste might assist instructors and pupils in

relieving stress associated with studying, sugary foods can compromise the body's ability to

respond to stress (Marengo, 2020).

Moreover, researchers sell their Creamansi-puff at a reasonable and affordable price.

As a result, this product is suitable for everyone and surely fits everyone's budget because of

its affordability. However, the researcher realizes that customer tastes shift over time when

choosing their glaze or toppings (calamansi glaze, caramel glaze, powdered sugar, or

whipped cream). Since the researchers cannot please everyone's palate, their primary target

market is individuals who enjoy sour and sweet flavors. The researchers created a distinct

regional taste and will make the product wholeheartedly to ensure that everyone was


Area Distribution

Creamansi-Puff found in Cagayan de Oro City's Liceo De Cagayan University-Main

Campus, Rodolfo N. Pelaez Boulevard, and Kauswagan Highway. The Cagayan de Oro

International Airport also sells Creamansi-Puff. The student entrepreneurs will distribute

Creamansi-Puff to the university's students, teachers, staff, and administrators to help them

attain their goals and have the satisfaction they deserve. Creamansi-Puff will also employ

high-quality ingredients to enhance the taste and ensure the safety of the consumers. In
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 24

addition, it provides a variety of aesthetically attractive toppings, strengthening the product's

flavor and look while guaranteeing that consumers get the decorative quality and taste they

expect. Furthermore, the price of the said product is also realistic or reachable for our target

consumers inside the market. Due to its ability to absorb demand surges and accessibility to

the target market, Liceo De Cagayan University is the most excellent spot to sell, making the

researchers feel involved and associated with them.

Table 1

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of the Respondents' Strand

Indicators Frequency

Grade 11-ABM 16

Grade 11-STEM 39

Grade 11-COALITION 6

Sub Total 61

Grade 12-ABM 11

Grade 12-STEM 24

Grade 12-COALITION 4

Sub Total 39


Table 1 shows the total respondents in both G11 and G12 levels. 16% of respondents

from the ABM strand, 39% for G11-STEM, and 6% from G11-COALITION. Meanwhile, in
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 25

the G12 levels, 11% of the respondents are from G12 ABM, 24% from G12-STEM, and 4%


Figure 1. Respondents’ Strand










Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 26

Table 2

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of the Respondents' Grade Level

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Grade 11 61 61%

Grade 12 39 39%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 2 shows the Respondents’ grade levels. It indicates that 61 out of 100

respondents are in Grade 11, and 39 are in Grade 12.

Figure 2. Respondents’ Grade









Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 27


Frequency Distribution and Percentage of the Respondents' Gender

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Male 29 29%

Female 71 71%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 3 shows that 29% of the respondents are male, and 71% are female.

Figure 3. Respondents’ Gender










Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 28

Table 4

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents' Willingness to Participate in

the Survey

Indicators Frequency Percentage

YES 100 100%

NO 0 0%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 4 shows that all (100%) respondents are willing to participate in the survey.

Figure 4. Respondents' Willingness to Participate in the Survey







Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 29

Table 5

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents' Daily Allowance

Indicators Frequency Percentage

50-100 75 75%

150-200 23 23%

250-300 2 2%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 5 shows the daily allowance of the respondents. It indicates that 75 out of 100

respondents have a daily allowance between PHP 50-100, 23% have a daily allowance of

PHP 150-200, while only 2% have an allowance of PHP 250-300.

Figure 5. Respondents’ Daily Allowance

50-100 150-200 250-300

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 30

Table 6

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents’ Time usually eat pastry

35 snacks

Indicators Frequency Percentage


10 9:00AM -11:00 AM 26 26%


9:00AM -11:00 AM 1:00PM – 3:00 PM 3:00 PM -4:00 PM
1:00PM – 3:00 PM 42 42%

3:00 PM -4:00 PM 32 32%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 6 shows the time the respondents usually eat pastry snacks. It shows that 26%

of the respondents eat their pastry snack at 9:00 am-11:00 am, 42% of the respondents say it

is from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, and 32% of the respondents say it is between 3:00 4:00 pm.

Figure 6. Respondents’ Usual Time to Eat Pastry Snacks

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 31

Table 7

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents who have tried cream puff

Indicators Frequency Percentage

YES 36 36%

NO 64 64%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 7 shows that 36% of the respondents have tried cream puff, and 64% have not

yet tried cream puff.

Figure 7. Respondents Who Have Tried Cream Puff









Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 32

Table 8

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents who have tried calamansi

flavored pastry/bread

Indicators Frequency Percentage

YES 15 15%

NO 85 85%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 8 shows that 15% of the respondents have tried calamansi-flavored

pastry/bread, and 85% have not yet tried any calamansi flavored pastry/ bread.

Figure 8. Respondents Who Have Tried Calamansi Flavored Pastry/Bread


Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 33

Table 9

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents' Willingness to try the


Indicators Frequency Percentage

YES 97 97%

NO 3 3%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 9 shows that 97% of the respondents are willing to try the product (Creamansi-

Puff), and only 3% are unwilling to try it.

Figure 9. Respondents' Willingness to Try the Product








Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 34

Table 10

45 Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents' Preferred Toppings
Indicators Frequency Percentage
Calamansi Glaze 22 22%
Powdered GLAZE


Calamansi de creme 43 43%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 10 shows the preferred toppings of the respondents. The researcher gave three

topping options: the calamansi glaze, powdered sugar, and the Calamansi de creme. The

table shows that 22% of the respondents preferred Calamansi Glaze, 35% preferred

Powdered Sugar, and 43% preferred Calamansi de creme for the toppings of their Creamansi


Figure 10 Respondents' Preferred Toppings

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 35

Table 11

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents' Willingness to spend on


Indicators Frequency Percentage

₱ 35-40 79 79%

₱ 45-50 19 19%

₱ 55-60 2 2%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 11 shows the respondents’ willingness to spend on Creamansi Puff. It stated

that 79% of the respondents are willing to spend between PHP 35-40 on the Creamansi Puff,

19% are willing to spend between PHP 45-50, and only 2% are willing to spend between

PHP 55-60.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 36

Figure 11. Respondents' Willingness to spend on Creamansi Puff

₱ 35-40 ₱ 45-50 ₱ 55-60

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 37

Table 12

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents; How much Creamansi-Puff

can they eat

Indicators Frequency Percentage

1-2 pieces 76 76%

3-4 pieces 22 22%

4-5 pieces 2 2%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 12 shows how many Creampuffs the respondents can eat. It stated that 76% of

the respondents could eat 1-2 pieces of cream puff, 22% could eat 3-4 pieces, and 2% could

eat 4-5 pieces.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 38

Figure 12. Respondents Can Eat Their Creamansi-Puff









1-2 Pieces 3-4 Pieces 4-5 Pieces

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 39

Table 13

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents; How Would Respondents

want their Creamansi-Puff to be served

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Individual 48 48%

Package 52 52%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 13 shows how the respondents want their Creamansi-Puff to be served. It stated

that 48% of the respondents want their cream puff individually, and 52% want their cream

puff in a package.

Figure 13. Serving the Creamansi-Puff

Individual Package

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 40

Table 14

Frequency Distribution and Percentage of Respondents; In what way do the

respondents want to buy the Creamansi-Puff

Indicators Frequency Percentage

Pick Up 29 29%

Door-to-Door Delivery 71 71%

TOTAL 100 100%

Table 14 shows the way the respondents want to buy the Creamansi Puff. It stated

that 29% of the respondents want to Pick up, and 71% want a Door-to-Door Delivery.

Figure 14. Respondents’ Way of Purchasing Creamansi-Puff









Pick Up Door-to-Door Delivery

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 41

Demand Analysis

Demand analysis predicts who will purchase a product and how much they will pay.

The researchers may then set the product's price. Demand analysis shows the amount of units

buyers are willing to buy and other elements affecting the product's selling price. The

research found that most people want pastry treats between 1 and 3 p.m. As a result, this

determines the daily Creamansi-Puff need. However, respondents chose a price range of 35-

40 pesos for the commodities.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 42

Table 15

Year Population Market Market Sales Sales Average Total

Factor Potential Factor Potential Consumption Demand

2017 1,663 .97 1,613 1 1,613 365 588,745

2018 1,848 .97 1,793 1 1,793 365 654,445

2019 2,053 .97 1,991 1 1,991 365 726,715

2020 2,281 .97 2,213 1 2,213 365 807,745

2021 2,534 .97 2,458 1 2,458 365 897,170

2022 2,815 .97 2,731 1 2,731 365 996,815

2023 3,097 .97 3,004 1 3,004 365 1,096,460

2024 3,407 .97 3,305 1 3,305 365 1,206,325

2025 3,748 .97 3,636 1 3,636 365 1,327,140

2026 4,123 .97 3,999 1 3,999 365 1,459,635

Total Demand Computation

Table 15 calculates Creamansi-overall Puff demand. Between 2017 and 2026, the

predicted population will grow by 10%. The market element in the table is whether

consumers would try a calamansi-flavored Creampuff, which is done by multiplying

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 43

population by market component. The sales factor is based on respondents' desire to buy

Creamansi-Puff. Also, multiply market potential by the number of sales factors to get sales

potential. The average consumption is based on how frequently respondents buy pastries

each month. Finally, total demand is calculated by multiplying sales potential by


Table 16


Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

QUANTITY 588,745 654,445 726,715 807,745 897,170


The recent five (5) years of demand for Creamansi-Puff are shown in Table 16. The

overall demand for 2017 is 588,745. While the overall demand in 2018 and 2019 was

Chart Title
800,000 726,715
700,000 654,445





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 44

654,445 and 726,715, respectively. Finally, 2020 and 2021 have a total demand of 807,745

and 897,170, respectively. Each year, demand for units increases.

Figure 15. Previous Demand Analysis

Figure 15 illustrates a prior demand study in a graphical format. In 2017, the

requested amount was 588,745 but rose to 654,445. For five (5) years, the quantity requested


Table 17


YEAR 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

QUANTITY 996,815 1,096,460 1,206,325 1,327,140 1,459,635


For five (5) consecutive years, Table 17 illustrates the anticipated demand for

Creamansi-Puff. By 2022, overall demand will reach 996,815 units. However, by 2023, it

will climb to 1,096,460. While the overall demand for the years 2024, 2025, and 2026 is

1,206,325 and 1,327,140 and 1,459,635, respectively. Each year, demand increases, as

illustrated in the table above.

Figure 16. Future Demand Analysis

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 45

1,400,000 1,327,140
1,200,000 1,096,460




2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
F i g u r e 1 6 i l l u s

amount needed increases from 2022 to 2026.

Supply Analysis

Supply analysis is required to analyze supply patterns and reactions to changing

market and production factors. It quantifies the effect of manufacturing costs, raw material

costs, technology, labor pay, income, pricing, and goods on the bottom line.

Table 18

Total Supply Computation

Year Total Demand Supply Factor Total Supply

2017 588,745 .15 88,312

2018 654,445 .15 98,167

2019 726,715 .15 109,007

2020 807,745 .15 121,162

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 46

2021 897,170 .15 134,576

2022 996,815 .15 149,522

2023 1,096,460 .15 164,469

2024 1,206,325 .15 180,949

2025 1,327,140 .15 199,071

2026 1,459,635 .15 218,945

The entire supply is calculated in Table 18. It is calculated by multiplying the total

demand in Table 15 by the supply factor. From 2017 through 2026, the table illustrates the

constant rise in total supply. The data on supply factors are anticipated to widen the gap,

which will be used to calculate the amount required to be produced.

Table 19


YEAR 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

TOTAL 88,312 98,167 109,007 121,162 134,576


The entire supply of Creamansi-Puff for five (5) years is shown in Table 19. Between

2017 and 2021, there is also a steady growth, as overall demand has increased in prior years.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 47

Figure 17. Previous Supply Analysis


140,000 134,576
100,000 98,167




2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

The prior supply is shown graphically in Figure 19. It has a steady upward trend,

which corresponds to the consistent rise in the amount given, as seen in Table 19.

Table 20

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 48

YEAR 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

TOTAL 149,522 164,469 180,949 199,071 218,945


From 2022 to 2026, Table 20 illustrates the anticipated supply of Creamansi-Puff.

Supply continues to grow in lockstep with demand.

Figure 18. Future Supply Analysis



200,000 199,071



2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Figure 20 depicts Table 20 graphically and is a continuation of the graph seen in Figure 19.

As with the other supply and demand graphs, this shows steady growth from 2022 through


Demand and Supply Analysis

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 49

Demand and supply analysis shows how sellers and buyers interact regarding the

quantity and price of commodities and services. Demand and supply interact to set the

pricing of products and services in the market concerning people's desire to purchase. The

law of demand displays an inverse connection between the pricing of products and services

and the quantity demanded. It asserts that when prices rise, the amount requested falls, and

vice versa. Rather than that, the law of supply establishes a direct correlation between pricing

and the amount delivered. It argues that when prices rise, supply rises as well. When prices

rise, demand declines, but individuals become more eager to provide, and vice versa as prices

fall. As a result, the price is determined by the market's cooperation of demand and supply.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 50

Table 21

Computation of Total Gap

Year Total Demand Total Supply Total Gap

2017 588,745 88,312 500,433

2018 654,445 98,167 556,278

2019 726,715 109,007 617,708

2020 807,745 121,162 686,583

2021 897,170 134,576 762,594

2022 996,815 149,522 847,293

2023 1,096,460 164,469 931,991

2024 1,206,325 180,949 1,025,376

2025 1,327,140 199,071 1,128,069

2026 1,459,635 218,945 1,240,690

The disparity between 2017 and 2026 is seen in Table 21. It is calculated by

subtracting the aggregate supply, as indicated in Table 18, from the demand, as given in

Table 15.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 51

Table 22

Consolidation of Future Demand and Supply



2022 996,815 149,552 847,293

2023 1,096,460 164,469 931,991

2024 1,206,325 180,949 1,025,376

2025 1,327,140 199,071 1,128,069

2026 1,459,635 218,945 1,240,690

From 2022 to 2026, Table 22 illustrates the aggregated anticipated demand and

supply. It indicates that the total gap will continue to grow until 2026, owing to the steady

growth in total demand and supply.

Figure 19. Consolidation of Future Demand and Supply










2022 2023 2024 2025 2026


Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 52

Figure 22 illustrates the Future Demand and Supply as mentioned in Table 22. It

depicts the trend in overall demand, supply, and the gap. The blue color represents overall

demand, the red color represents complete supply, and the green color represents the total


Price Study

Price studies evaluate consumers' willingness to pay for a product. It assists

researchers in establishing the optimal pricing for Creamansi-Puff to optimize profit and

income. Additionally, it advises the firm on how to enhance sales and profit via pricing

changes. It assists the firm in developing a pricing plan that is compatible with the business

and its customers. The researchers evaluate the aspects that influence the ultimate price

through the survey. They conducted market research by distributing questionnaires and

discussing the findings.

This feasibility study demands an original and developed product. It requires

extensive research, planning, strategy development, and rational decision-making. One of the

most critical characteristics of introducing a new product is for the firm to develop a pricing

strategy for how the Creamansi-Puff should be priced. Thus, the pricing affects the firm's

profit, sales, and development. Market research or a questionnaire regarding price aids the

researchers by allowing them to understand better the target market's propensity to buy and

purchasing power. The effectiveness and efficiency of the researchers' output are critical in

deciding if the firm optimizes profit while decreasing costs or vice versa. The researchers

connect the market research findings and the cost of manufacturing Creamansi-Puff. When
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 53

determining the product's pricing, the researchers include all costs associated with the

manufacturing process, including raw ingredients such as calamansi, wheat, eggs, and

cornstarch. Additionally, packing, labor, and other expenditures are required to enhance it,

adding the markup to reach the desired percentage. With this in mind, the firm seeks to

maximize the value of its cost-based pricing strategy.

The researchers decided on the pricing of the Creamansi-Puff based on the survey

findings. One of the things it asks is how much they are willing to spend on the product. The

data indicates that most respondents indicated a price between 35 and 40 pesos. Due to the

packaged nature of the product, the researchers employed a product bundle pricing system.

Additionally, since the market form of the firm is a stall, the cost of renting space and

building the stall will be included in the price. Consideration must be given to market

demand, rivals' product prices, features, quality, and the target market's allowance and

income. Thus, to maximize profit and establish an acceptable price, the researchers choose a

price equivalent to the value and pleasure that the buyers would obtain from the product.

Demand price elasticity may also impact pricing and sales. The business may reduce

the price if there is a surplus of Creamansi-Puff producing units. The price shift will hence

determine the demand for Creamansi-Puff. Finally, the school's processes and local business

norms will be examined.

Factors Affecting the Market

Average Income of Consumers

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 54

The demand for Creamansi-Puff varies according to individuals' income/allowance

levels, notably students, instructors, and employees at the University.

Income/allowance at a high level. If the target clients have much buying power,

demand for our Creamansi-Puff will grow since they can easily purchase the pastry at either

a high or cheap price. Consider a teacher; if they may buy the pastry at any price, this

demonstrates unequivocally that greater demand would occur at any price, not only the


Income/allowance levels are insufficient. Please assume that the target customers

have the inadequate purchasing power to acquire the pastry, demand falls, or our demand

curve moves to the left since they can only afford the cheaper pricing. Consider a student; if

their budget is limited to food and transportation, demand for our product will be modest at

any given price.

Thus, using analysis and survey, researchers will determine the demand for the

Creamansi-Puff by deciding if the majority of individuals at the University choose to pay a

specific price specified in a study.

Unavailability of Raw Products

In terms of the company's production process, there will always be the occurrence of

unavailability of raw materials for Creamansi-Puff, which will affect the demand because if

there are no products available to sell, there is no consumer to buy since there is nothing to

sell in the shop/market thus, no product, no sales. In addition, customers will lose their

interest and loyalty to the shop/market if the unavailability of the products continues.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 55

However, researchers developed a workable plan to identify multiple suppliers, especially

product brands. Once the stock replenishes, it will become available again. Thus, whenever

there is a shortage of raw materials, they still ensure to produce the same quality, or the

overall quality of Creamansi-Puff will not be compromised.

Size of the Market

The market size, or the total number of possible purchasers of our Creamansi-Puff inside the

University, plays a critical role in determining the product's demand because the purchasing

capacity of their target customers, who are students and teachers, is influenced. Since the

greater the number of individuals inside the University, the greater the potential for

consuming, and vice versa. In this type of circumstance, the rapid development of the student

population would result in a surge in demand for our Creamansi-Puff. Researchers prioritize

the interests of the consumers regarding the product. Thus, they significantly consider the

size of the market to know the valuable number of Creamansi-Puff will be prepared and

produced to adapt to their needs and wants.

Price and Availability of Related Goods

The price has a significant impact on the demand for our Creamansi-Puff. If the cost

of the production process of Creamansi-Puff grows, the product's price will inevitably climb

over its initial price. As a result, the pupils' and instructors' motivation to buy will wane. On

the other hand, alternatives or complements may also impact demand for a product since

consumers might substitute them for another commodity or service. In this situation, students
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 56

or instructors may choose a less expensive calamansi-flavored pastry or dessert. The price

point draws many consumers. Hence the demand for the product grows when the price falls. 

During the survey, most respondents preferred the price ranging from 35 to 40 pesos

for each Creamansi-Puff and preferred to purchase it in a package. Thus, they will sell the

product at 150 pesos per package with four pieces inside. In addition, researchers plan to

reduce the product's cost by adjusting and managing the variable and fixed costs for their

product to compete in the market.

Quality and Preference

Specific individuals enjoy sweets, while others prefer sour foods. As a consequence,

the team developed the Creamansi-puff, a novel pastry. However, their target market's

palates vary: Suppose many kids and instructors like the balance of sour and sweetness that

the product provides. As a result, the more people like and want it; the more likely the

product's demand will rise. However, if most kids and instructors dislike the flavor

combination of the pastry, the market demand for the product diminishes. Packaging and

design also draw buyers. The more appealing the Creamansi-Puff gets to them, the more

attractive it becomes.

Additionally, if the majority of the public disapproves of the taste and style of the

pastry, the business will risk losing a few customers, which is quite alarming. Researchers

recognized that customer preferences evolve, so they connect with their consumers and

become active listeners to them. It is a critical way to meet the demands of target consumers.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 57

Thus, researchers offered various toppings and preferred packaging to show affection and

respect for the consumers' different preferences.


Businesses operate in a competitive environment. It is practically impossible for a

business to work without any competitors. If the company cannot adjust and keep up with the

competition, the business will severely impact price decisions and sales. Companies will be

more motivated to lower their prices, enhance the quality of their products and services, and

give consumers more choices. In another way, businesses will have to innovate to

differentiate and improve their products from their competitors (like the macarons and

cannoli business). 

Producing a product with a competitive advantage in the market is a must to compete

with others. Thus, researchers came up with an idea to innovate the usual cream puff

Creamansi-Puff, which has a unique local calamansi flavor. In terms of pricing, they ensure

to lower the product's price or lower the production without ruining its overall quality. Thus,

it can help gain more consumers and increase the market of the business. 
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 58

Expectations About Future Economic Conditions

Consumers' number one concern is will the product maintain its quality and

consistency from the moment it is launched. Hence, the manufacturer's goal should maintain

the quality of the product and maintain its demand on the market. Owners should never

forget that if the demand is high, the availability will sometimes be below because of the

number of how many will the consumers purchase the product. The moment the

manufacturer maintains its quality, the word will spread that the product will have good

customer feedback. Thus, the manufacturer should constantly evaluate the necessary pieces

of information as to whether they increase their production or not. Consumers should expect

a rise in the price if the demand is high. Starting with the consistent taste and palatability of

the product followed by the high demand in the market, and if the manufacturer maintains its

production, then the price per item will increase as time goes by, also depending on the

availability of raw materials.

Marketing Strategies

A marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan for a business to reach out to potential

customers and convert them into clients of their goods or services, which will provide

marketing teams with a template that should inform their initiatives across all of the

company's products and services a long-term plan. It can help chart the efficacy of a given

campaign and help identify untapped audiences to achieve bottom-line goals and increase

sales by studying the needs and wants of the target clients. It hopes to gain a durable

competitive advantage over other competitors.

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Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 60


Product marketing facilitates the promotion and selling of a new product to a target

market. The researchers used the calamansi as the star ingredient. Hence, Creamansi-Puff is

a French-Filipino type of pastry. Its ingredients and supplies must be of excellent quality and

come from a single, dependable source, as the quality of raw materials reflects the quality of

the final product. The Creamansi-Puff has offered three types of toppings; Powdered sugar,

Calamansi Glaze, and Calamansi de creme. The Calamansi de creme has the highest

percentage (43%) in the survey of these three flavors. The researchers will focus more on

the calamansi de creme, but the researchers will still offer the customer powdered sugar and

calamansi glaze. The researchers plan to use a window-type pastry box as packaging for the

product since the majority of the respondents prefer this type of packaging. The window

pastry box has a plastic part at the top, which looks attractive. Furthermore, the researchers

will use as small plastic as possible to minimize plastic waste disposal. Also, the researcher

focuses on positioning the product using the user-based positioning, where the researchers

can highlight the user and recommend the Creamansi-Puff that is ideal for the individuals and

the ideal solution for a particular problem. 


The researchers used a cost-based pricing approach to calculate all direct costs and

expenses and the mark-up price they desired to determine the final price. Creamansi Puffs are

40.00 pesos per piece. However, the researchers will use product package pricing because of

the demand. Hence, they also used the product bundle pricing as their pricing scheme since
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 61

the product is not being sold individually. The package will cost 150.00 pesos with four

Creamansi-Puffs inside. Customers can save 10.00 pesos by purchasing this item at this

lesser cost. The researchers performed a survey of randomly selected respondents, and the

results suggest that the majority of those polled supported the given pricing. In the long run,

the business will concentrate on perceived value pricing.


Promotion is the process of increasing the consumer awareness of a company. To

reach a broader market faster, the researchers plan to create posters and video advertisements

that highlight the product's advantages and benefits and disseminate them via social media

platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

The following are the business's promotions:


The business will give coupons to everyone who is a customer or is interested in becoming

one. These coupons can be used to get a financial discount or rebate when they buy



There will be a buy three take one promo, and every box purchase will come with a free

custom card on which they can write a message to the person they want to give the product to

every Valentine’s Day and Holidays. Meanwhile, on the occasion of Creamansi Puff's grand

opening, the first 50 customers who purchase a box of creampuff will receive a free piece of

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 62
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 63


The company will run a print and video advertisement on social media channels like

Facebook and Instagram to promote the product. Posters will also be displayed on the

University's bulletin boards and in buildings on the outskirts of campus.


Customers who purchase the required sets (3 boxes) will receive a 10% discount.


Considering the accessibility of the product is very crucial and essential in starting a

business. Creamansi-Puff and its physical stall are located inside the community of Liceo de

Cagayan University. The researchers made sure that they could be accessible and near the

students and teachers. Location is essential, especially when building a stall. In addition, it is

where researchers can invest more.

Furthermore, researchers wanted to sell their freshly baked products to meet their

target consumers' expectations and satisfy them. Distributing the product involves using

retailing as the business' marketing intermediaries. Thus, Creamansi-Puff is being sold in an

accessible location directly to the students and teachers.


One of the most crucial things needed to consider in selling food products is

determining the consumers because it is useless for the researchers to sell the product without

its target market. Hence, Creamansi-Puffs' target market is the students, staff, teachers Etc.

Inside the campus of Liceo de Cagayan University's main campus. The product is available
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 64

for all in terms of its demographic, population size, psychographic, and behavioristic

variables. Thus, the researchers have no investment without the people who will buy the


Marketing Plan

The marketing plan outlines the business's objectives for the product's marketing

approach. The researchers will use the marketing plan to organize, execute, and monitor the

marketing approach that the firm will use during its existence. Additionally, it assists

researchers in identifying the product's target market through advertising since they are likely

to interact with the commercial. It is made up of a description of the firm and the demands

and desires of its target market. The marketing plan aims to produce a high-quality French-

Filipino pastry, the Creamansi-Puff, at a set price that reflects the survey respondents' choices

and allowances. It is a novel calamansi-flavored Creampuffs variety available in a box. The

marketing plan is a strategy for reaching out to a defined target market: the students and

faculty at the institution.

The following is a list of plans and strategies:

 The product will be introduced and available for sale via a physical stand inside the


 A 10% discount is available when three (3) boxes of Creamansi-Puff are purchased.

 On social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, advertisements, videos,

and product updates will be shared. Additionally, it will be displayed on the

University's bulletin board and any other suitable locations.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 65

 Give others' choices precedence and respect them. As a result, Creamansi-Puff

provides three topping options to meet their demands and desires. Calamansi de

crème, powdered sugar, and calamansi glaze.

 Creamansi-Puff will be accessible 8 hours a day; thus, it will be offered online, and

the firm will take orders and reservations to foster client confidence and loyalty.

 Effectively communicate with consumers online and developmental challenges or

games to attract new customers.

 Offer coupons to entice first-time purchasers to return often. They must bring their

coupons to each visit and ask the cashier to sign up for discounts or freebies.

Technical Feasibility

This chapter will assist in determining the business's resources. It will evaluate the

organization's technical capacity by examining the product's technical needs. It details the

acquisition of materials and equipment necessary to carry out the Creamansi-Puff

manufacturing process. To successfully launch a product, researchers must discover the

appropriate techniques and methodologies for manufacturing the product and profiting from

it. The study's accomplishments are discussed in several areas that may affect the

manufacture and marketing of Creamansi-Puff. These categories include the production

process, raw materials, labor equipment, site, budget, layout, and materials. The researchers

carefully evaluate the ingredients required for the product's preparation and launch. The

components, materials, equipment, and location should be considered and serve as the first

impression when presenting the product.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 66

Inside the LDCU Community, the researchers gladly offer the Creamansi-Puff. Not

only does the latest variation of Cream puff satisfy, but it also has a competitive advantage in

the market, which generates commotion and excitement inside. This chapter will assess the

organization's internal technical capabilities for meeting product needs.

Production/Baking Process

This section is where the product's steps and production/operation process are. This

process will let the consumers know if the product they eat is safe to buy. In this process, we

will be able to know a few steps and know the time allotted to make this product. Ingredients,

materials, equipment, and personnel are all used to produce items in this agency.

Step 1: Having A Supplier

1. It enhances all the client experience and business profitability.

2. To forecast the components' efficacy;

3. To choose one of the dealers and do business with them; to have a single dependable


Step 2: Purchasing Ingredients/Materials

1. Enables the customer to determine if a product is suitable and safe.

2. It is also critical to identify the ingredients for those who might be hypersensitive to


3. Enables the customers to understand what precisely on the meal or products they are

now using.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 67

Step 3: Producing the Product

1. Pastry Cream

Procedure Ingredients Equipment/Utensils Labor Duration

1 Prepare all the 1 cup Whole Bowl, casserole, 1 minute

ingredients. Milk, 1 cup spatula, cling wrap

heavy cream,

1/3 cup + 3


sugar, one


bean/extract, 1/4

teaspoon salt,

five large eggs,



cornstarch, four



Calamansi juice

2 Combine cream, 2. 1 cup heavy Bowl, wooden Mixing 10 minutes

milk, sugar, and cream, 1 cup spoon, and

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 68

salt in a medium whole milk, 1/3 Casserole

heavy-bottomed cup sugar, 1/4

casserole. Place teaspoon salt

on a medium heat


Constantly stir

until the sugar is

dissolved and the

mixture reaches a

simmer, then set


3 In a separate Five large egg Bowl, Whisk, Whisking 15

bowl, whisk yolks, three Measuring spoon seconds

together egg tablespoons of

yolks and sugar Sugar

until the sugar

starts to dissolve.

4 Whisk cornstarch 3 tbsp Bowl, whisk Whisking 30

into the egg/sugar Cornstarch Measuring spoon seconds

mixture until

smooth and
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 69



5 Once the cream measuring cup and Whisking 1 minute

mixture has whisk

cooled, slowly

trickle a small

portion into the

egg mixture,



Drizzle in the rest

of the cream

mixture slowly,


whisking, until

the cream and

egg mixture is



6 Return the Casserole and Cook 30 seconds

mixture to the wooden spoon

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 70

casserole over

medium heat.


whisk until the

sauce has


7 Remove from Bowl and Strainer Straining 10

heat and pour the seconds

mixture through a


strainer into a


8 Whisk in vanilla Four Whisk, bowl Whisking 20

extract and tablespoons seconds

butter, one piece butter, 1 ½ tsp

at a time until vanilla extract,

thoroughly 9 tbsp calamansi

combined, and juice

add the

calamansi juice.

9 To prevent skin Cling wrap, bowl 12 hours

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 71

from forming on Wrapping,

the surface of the Chilling

pastry cream,

wrap it in plastic

wrap. Moreover,

allow it to chill in

the refrigerator.



2. Choux Pastry

Procedure Ingredients Equipment/Utensils Labor Duration

1 Prepare all the 1 cup water, Baking sheet, oven, 1 minute

Ingredients 1/2 cup saucepan, spatula,

unsalted butter, whisk, bowl, piping

1/4 teaspoon bag, knife, container

salt, 1 cup all-

purpose flour,

four large eggs,

powdered sugar
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 72

2 Preheat the Oven, aluminum Preheat 10 minutes

oven to 400°F tray, baking paper

(200°C) and

line the


baking tray with

baking paper.

Set aside.

3 In a medium 1 cup water, Casserole, rubber Simmering 1 minute

heavy-bottomed one stick of scraper

casserole, bring butter, 1/4

the water, teaspoon salt

butter, and salt

to a rolling boil

over medium


4 Once the 1 cup all- Casserole, Rubber Boiling, 1 minute

mixture has purpose flour scraper stirring

reached a boil,

add the flour

and reduce the

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 73

heat to


The mixture

should form a

ball that pulls

away from the

pot's sides when



5 To cool the Four large Spatula Folding 2 minutes

mixture, remove Eggs

it from the fire

and whisk it for

several minutes.

One at a time,

whisk in the

eggs until the

mixture is

smooth and


6 Pipe mounds Piping bag 30 seconds

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 74

about 2" broad

by 1" tall onto

prepared baking

sheets using a

piping bag.

Using cold

water to

dampen one's

fingers, gently

press down any

peaks on the

pastry mounds.

7 Bake for 40-45 Oven Baking 40- 45

minutes at minutes

400°F (200°C)

or until cream

puffs is dry and

light golden


8 Remove from Oven, knife, baking Checking 30 seconds

the oven and sheet

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 75

pierce the lower

center of each

cream puff with

a sharp knife,

placing the

knife halfway

into the cream

puff. Return

each puff to the

oven on a

baking sheet.

Turn off the

oven and let the

pastry in there

for another 10

minutes with

the oven door


9 Remove from Cooling Rack Cooling 10 minutes

the oven and

allow to cool
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 76


10 Place pastry Piping bag 10. Filling 12 minutes

cream in a

piping bag fitted

with a small tip

to fill with

cream. Fill each

cream puff with

pastry cream

until it begins to

come out of the


11 Lightly dust the Powdered Sprinkle 1 minute

top of each sugar and 30

cream puff with seconds

powdered sugar,

calamansi glaze,

or calamansi de


12 Store cream Container Storing 2 minutes

puffs in an
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 77




3. Glaze

Procedure Ingredients Equipment/Utensils Labor Duration

1 Prepare all Powdered Mixing bowl and 1 minute

Ingredients Sugar, whisk

Calamansi zest

2 In a mixing bowl, 1 cup Mixing bowl and Whisking 1 minute

combine Powdered whisk

powdered sugar Sugar, 5-8 tbsp

and calamansi. Calamansi


3 Stir constantly Whisk Whisking 1 minute

until smooth.


4. Calamansi de Crème

Procedure Ingredients Equipment/Utensils Labor Duration

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 78

1 Prepare all the 1 cup Whole Bowl, casserole, 1 minute

ingredients. Milk, 1 cup spatula, cling wrap

heavy cream,

1/3 cup + 3


sugar, one


bean/extract, 1/4

teaspoon salt,

five large eggs,



cornstarch, four



Calamansi juice

2 Combine cream, 2. 1 cup heavy Bowl, wooden Mixing 10 minutes

milk, sugar, and cream, 1 cup spoon, and

salt in a medium whole milk, 1/3 Casserole

heavy-bottomed cup sugar, 1/4

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 79

casserole. Place teaspoon salt

on a medium

heat cooktop.

Constantly stir

until the sugar is

dissolved and the

mixture reaches a

simmer, then set


3 In a separate Five large egg Bowl, Whisk, Whisking 15 seconds

bowl, whisk yolks, three Measuring spoon

together egg tablespoons of

yolks and sugar Sugar

until the sugar

starts to dissolve.

4 Whisk cornstarch 3 tbsp Bowl, whisk Whisking 30 seconds

into the Cornstarch Measuring spoon


mixture until

smooth and

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 80


5 Once the cream measuring cup and Whisking 1 minute

mixture has whisk

cooled, slowly

trickle a small

portion into the

egg mixture,



Drizzle in the

rest of the cream

mixture slowly,


whisking, until

the cream and

egg mixture is



6 Return the Casserole and Cook 30 seconds

mixture to the wooden spoon

casserole over
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 81

medium heat.


whisk until the

sauce has


7 Remove from Bowl and Strainer Straining 10 seconds

heat and pour the

mixture through

a fine-mesh

strainer into a


8 Whisk in vanilla Four Whisk, bowl Whisking 20 seconds

extract and tablespoons

butter, one piece butter, 1 ½ tsp

at a time until vanilla extract,

thoroughly 9 tbsp calamansi

combined, and juice

add the

calamansi juice.

9 To prevent skin Cling wrap, bowl 12 hours

from forming on Wrapping,

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 82

the surface of the Chilling

pastry cream,

wrap it in plastic



allow it to chill

in the



Step 4: Product Packaging

1. The purpose of product packaging would be to preserve and secure the product


2. It is necessary to protect the product throughout transit between the production

facility and the store and prevent further damage while on the shelves.

Step 5: Pricing

1. It generates the quality that helps make the product profitable to develop and for the

customers to purchase.

2. The measurable pricing point tells customers if it is worth their time and money.

Equipment Supplies
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 83

The table below details the pricing, use, and descriptions of the ingredients and

materials that the researchers will utilize in the Creamansi-Puff baking process.



Gas range It is necessary It is concrete baking ₱10,990.00

equipment for equipment, comprising

cooking the a gas burner and oven,

pastry cream and required for the

batter and baking Creamansi-Puff

the choux pastry. manufacturing


Storage box It keeps the 1,410.00

ingredients safe

and secure and

gives valuable

room in business.

Aluminum casserole It is used in the It is a deep pan or 1,050.00

preparation of bowl made of metal.

pastry cream and

choux pastry.

Stainless mixing bowl It is used to mix It is a vast, deep steel 750.00

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 84

the wet and dry bowl that is ideal for

ingredients for mixing components.

pastry cream.

Liquid measuring cup It measures the It is a plastic cup with 150.00

Creamansi-wet a measuring line on

Puff's the exterior and a

components, handle.

including milk,

heavy cream, and


Dry measuring cup It measures the It is constructed of

Creamansi-dry plastic, sold as a set,

Puff's and features a handle

components, that serves as a

including flour, measuring device.

sugar, and


Measuring spoon When baking, a It is constructed of 340.00

spoon is used to plastic, may be

measure an purchased as a set, and

ingredient's comes in various sizes,

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 85

quantity, whether including teaspoons

liquid or dry. and tablespoons.

Whisk It is used to It is a tool having a

combine the handle on one end and

ingredients for a pair of wire loops

the Creamansi- connected at the other.

Puff pastry cream


Rubber scraper It scrapes the It features a handle 260.00

contents within and a wide, flat, and

the bowl to typically flexible

ensure that rubber blade.

everything is

blended and

stirred well.

Strainer It separates the It is a circular utensil 164.00

flour into tiny with a mesh strainer at

particles, its base. Additionally,

particularly the the shaker is used to

pastry cream, to sift the flour and

smooth out the mixture.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 86


Kitchen scissor It is used to cut, It is a kitchen scissor 165.00

grasp, and with plastic or rubber-

prepare items. coated handle, often


Grate It is used to cut It is a culinary tool 108.00

little pieces off having holes around

the calamansi the edges.

skin for use as

garnishes or to

zest the


Knife A knife cuts the It is a bladed tool with 89.00

butter in half and a handle.

balances the


when measuring

ingredients in a

dry measuring


Cooling Rack It is used to place It is a slightly elevated 2,100.00

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 87

the newly made rack.

Cream puffs

immediately after

being removed

from the oven.

Wooden spoon It is used to It is composed of 198.00

whisk and wood and has a long

combine the handle.

pastry cream


Aluminum baking tray It is used to bake It is a straight-sided 2,550.00

the pastry inside metallic pan with a flat

the oven since it bottom.

is an excellent

conductor of


Cling wrap It is used to seal It is constructed of a 1,800.00

and secure the thin plastic sheet that's

pastry cream in very tough.

preparation for

chilling or
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 88


Piping bag It is used to pipe It is a portable bag in 1,008.00

the batter into a the form of a cone or a

twirl shape triangle.

before baking it

and injecting the

pastry cream.

Baking paper It is used to bake It is made of 1,428.00

choux pastry to greaseproof paper.

produce a heat-


nonstick surface.

LPG It is a flammable 23,940.00

gas extensively

used in the food

business for


TOTAL ₱48,500.00

Plant Location

The location of a plant or factory impacts capital investment costs. The selection of a location

is planned, long-term, and non-repetitive. The proposed business, manufacturing, and

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 89

production site will be run by the researchers at the Liceo de Cagayan University-Main

Campus, where our stall is located. Because many students, teachers, and staff come during

recess to hang out in the cafeteria, our stall’s position at Liceo de Cagayan University-Main

Campus is acceptable and effective. It is preferable to set up their stall within the school, as

this will allow them to benefit more from the fact that many people will buy it, especially

during recess.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 90

Structure Layout

The researchers used primary colors to create the impression that customers are not

only eating at the stall but also feeling at ease and at home. Considering the product's

inventive nature and French influence, researchers still considered designing the stall in a

Filipino style, given the stall's use of wood. There is also an iconic slogan in the front view of

the store that consumers can directly see as they purchase the product. Apart from the

primary material used to construct the stall, they also included a dining space or eating area

for buyers to enjoy while conversing with friends. Additionally, a gas burner was installed

inside the stand to quickly prepare the pastries, which attracts customers because of the

aroma of the prepared Creamansi-Puff. Thus, the researchers proposed this kind of layout to
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 91

offer another method of delivering service throughout the actual exchange process of the

product's pleasure in return for money.

Raw Materials Requirement

The table below shows the uses and description of the ingredients and materials that the

researchers will use during Creamansi-Puff production.



1. Calamansi  The main ingredient of For the Creamansi-puff filling:

the product.  9 tbsp of calamansi

 Flavoring for the  For the calamansi glaze

Creamansi-puff filling  (toppings) :

 For the calamansi  5-8 tbsp of calamansi


2. All-purpose  It is the main  1 cup of All-Purpose

flour ingredient in making Flour

choux pastry.

3. Whole milk  It is one of the main  236 ml or one can of

ingredients in making Alaska Evaporated

the pastry cream. Milk

4. Heavy cream  1 cup of Nestle Cream

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 92

5. Egg For the pastry cream:

 Five large egg

For the choux pastry:

 Four large egg

6. Unsalted butter  They are used in For the pastry cream:

making both pastry  4 tbsp Magnolia

cream and choux  Butter

pastry. For the choux pastry:

 ½ cup Magnolia

 Butter

7. Salt  ¼ tsp. For the choux

 pastry and pastry

 cream.

8. Granulated  To sweeten the pastry,  ⅓ cup + 3 tbsp. of

sugar Cream. Granulated Sugar

9. Vanilla  Flavoring  1 tsp. of McCormick

vanilla extract

10. Cornstarch  To thicken the pastry.  3 tbsp. of Cream


11. Water  Main ingredient in  1 cup of water

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 93

making choux pastry

12. Powdered sugar  For dusting the cream  1 cup of powdered

puff sugar for calamansi

 One of the Creamansi- glaze

Puff toppings.

 They are used for the

calamansi glaze.

Waste Disposal System

The researchers will carefully adhere to the school's waste management strategy and

implement it efficiently. Additionally, they will utilize environmentally friendly packaging

materials wherever feasible to safeguard the environment. The baking process creates a

significant amount of trash, which may be disposed of or recycled. Bakery waste

management requires a well-defined system for identifying, segregating, storing, and

disposing of trash. Non-biodegradable, biodegradable, and recyclable waste will be

segregated. Thus, wrappers and leftovers will be separated and deposited in their appropriate

receptacles or garbage cans in the establishment's rear. The flour dust generated during the

baking process may be sold to livestock feed providers. Precautions should be made to

ensure that none of them are contaminated before using them for cow feeding and properly

disposing of them by combining them with other materials in the soil, which will assist

enhance the soil's nutrients and fertility.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 94

Additionally, it may be introduced to the worm bin in minor amounts since it is a rich

source of iron, protein, and other trace elements for worms. It is environmentally friendly to

manufacture glue and utilize it as a stain remover. Additionally, eggshells may be composted

and utilized to assist plants in developing cell walls.

All wrappers and leftovers will be divided into designated garbage bin sections and

deposited in the establishment's rear area. Recycling materials such as eco-friendly boxes,

milk cans, and heavy cream can be used as creative decorations or sold to junk shops,

benefiting business events and activities. Solid waste can be sold to scrap merchants, while

dry sludge and other materials can be sold to landfilling contractors. Bakery wastewater, such

as dry sludge, may be cleaned and recycled for use in gardening and other cleaning

applications. The remainder of the garbage will be dropped at a location accessible to the

Waste Management Truck.

Moreover, Creamansi-Puff has a shelf life of two (2) days and two (2) to five (5) days

when stored in the fridge. Hence, after the said day of its lifespan, the product will feed

chickens and combine them into the soil.

Labor Requirements

The following illustrates the required workers for the baking process and day-to-day

activities of Creamansi-Puff. Thus, the researchers determined that the firm should have four

(4) workers/crew to help its efficiency and smooth functioning.

Cashier- The job function is to receive and disburse money other than financial institutions

like grocery and home improvement stores. Cashiers are tasked with processing debit cards
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 95

and making credit card transactions, either with the general public or during transactions with


Baker- The primary general responsibility that a baker must undertake is to prepare baked

goods for sale. This process may be as straightforward or as complex as the baker desires,

resulting in delectable baked goods for sale to the broader consumer market. Apart from

baking the food, the baker is typically responsible for procuring supplies and materials and

supervising employees.

Dishwasher - Dishwashers can wash many dishes at any time, compared to manually

washing pots. As a result, personnel will be able to concentrate on other areas of their jobs

rather than worrying about dishwashing by hand.

Cleaner- Cleaners perform various duties to keep the stall clean, such as dusting, mopping,

sweeping, and vacuuming. Additionally, they are responsible for conducting regular

inspections to ensure that areas such as bathrooms are hygienic.

Financial Feasibility

This section focuses on the study's financial components: an income statement, cash

flow statement, a projected balance sheet, a financial ratio, and initial capital requirements. It

is a great help for the researchers to understand the possible financial statement more easily.

This chapter will also assist the researchers in determining whether or not the findings

are beneficial. If the outcomes are helpful to economic business, the company should go on

with it because the results show viability. It is not recommended if the outcome will result in

a loss.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 96

Financial Assumptions:

1. The sales demand is computed by multiplying the product price by the entire gap from

2022 to 2025.

2. The value of direct materials (cooking ingredients) rises 10% annually.

3. The rental amount is 60,000 pesos, including utilities.

4. 11,200 - 8,800 pesos per month (Baker and Assistant Baker). A cashier's pay is 4,320

pesos. The cleaner and dishwasher are paid 3,200 pesos a month, while the General Manager

is given 12,000 pesos.

5. Office supplies last barely a year.

6. Product packaging costs do not rise the price for five years. However, it is approximated

by manufacturing units.

7. Transportation costs are predicted annually and do not rise.

8. During the product's initial introduction, the promotional budget for events and holidays is

2,000 pesos. Christmas, Valentine's Day, and Anniversary all have 9,000 budgets. A budget

of 5,040 pesos is allocated for social media advertising.

9. Production equipment and office furniture and fixtures have a five-year economic life,

with similar depreciation in subsequent years. In a year, there are five (5) weeks of work,
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 97

eight (8) hours of operation, and four (4) weeks of rest. There will be 200 working days each

year, excluding holidays.

10. Contribution margin rises to 10%

12. Each company partner (6 members) contributes 240,000 pesos for five years.

13. Project expenses are calculated from the cost of products sold.

14. Any income under 100 million pesos is taxed at 20%. Also, a value of above 100 million

pesos gets a 25% tax break.

Cost and Expense Schedule

Schedule 1: Purchase of Raw Materials

Quantity per Production

Items Monthly Yearly Unit Price Amount

Calamansi 1 sack 12 sacks ₱1,500 ₱18,000

All-purpose flour 3 sacks 36 sacks 900 32,400

Whole milk 350 boxes 4200 boxes 1,320 5,544,000

Heavy cream 350 boxes 4200 boxes 2,000 8,400,000

Egg 890 tray 10,680 tray 175 1,869,000

Unsalted butter 700 boxes 8,400 boxes 1,865 15,666,000

Salt 1 sack 12 sacks 150 1,800

Granulated sugar 25 sacks 300 sacks 2,550 765,000

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 98

Vanilla extract 500 bottles 6,000 bottles 100 600,000

Cornstarch 7 sack 84 sacks 900 75,600

Water 300 gallons 3,600 gallons 15 54,000

Powdered Sugar 200 packs 2,400 packs 45 108,000

Total ₱11,520 ₱33,133,800

Schedule 2: Rent Expense

Monthly Annual Cost

₱5,000 ₱60,000

Schedule 3: Salaries and Wages

Position Cost per Month Annual Cost

General Manager ₱12,000 ₱144,000

Baker 11,200 134,400

Assistant Baker 8,800 105,600

Cashier 4,320 51,840

Dishwasher 3,200 38,400

Cleaner 3,200 38,400

Total ₱42,720 ₱512,640

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 99

Schedule 4: Office Supply

Item Quantity Price Annual Cost

Record Book 1 ₱88 ₱88

Ballpen 12 82 984

Calculator 1 320 320

Bond paper 2 350 700

Stapler 1 99 99

Total ₱2,191

Schedule 5: Packaging

Item Quantity Price Monthly Annual Cost

Fruit box size 8 70,875 ₱15.40 ₱1,091,475 ₱14,189,175

1/8 x 3 1/2 x 2 1/2

Logo sticker 70,875 1.00 70,875 850,500

Total ₱15,039,675

Schedule 6: Transportation Cost

Item Cost per Month Annual Cost

Delivery Expense 300 3,600

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 100

Total ₱3,600

Schedule 7: Promotional Expense

Item Cost No. of Months Annual Cost

Grand Opening ₱2,000 Launching of the ₱2,000

Promo (Coupon) product

Anniversary Promo 3,000 3 9,000



Day Promo

Graphic Design for 45 12 540


Social Media 1,500 3 4,500

boosting for


Total ₱16,040
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 101

Schedule 8: Office Furniture and Fixtures

Item Quantity Price Amount Estimated Depreciation

Useful Life Expense

Chair 7 ₱1,500 10,500 5 ₱2,100

Table 1 1,800 1,800 5 360

Total ₱12,300 ₱2,460

Schedule 9: Equipment

Item Quantity Price Amount

Gas range 1 ₱10,990 ₱10,990

Storage box 3 470 1,410

Aluminum 3 350 1,050


Stainless mixing 3 250 750


Liquid measuring 2 75 150


Dry measuring cup 2 170 340

and spoon (set)

Whisk and rubber 2 130 260

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 102

scraper (set)

Strainer 2 82 164

Kitchen scissor 1 165 165

Grater 1 108 108

Knife 1 89 89

Cooling rack 10 210 2,100

Wooden spoon 2 99 198

Aluminum baking 10 255 2,550


Baking paper 12 119 1,428

Piping bag (set) 6 168 1,008

LPG 12 1,995 23,940

Cling wrap 12 150 1,800

Total ₱48,500

Schedule 10: Depreciation Expense

Item Cost d Depreciation

Useful 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 103

Office ₱12,300 5 2,460 4,920 7,380 9,840 12,300


& Fixtures

Equipment 48,500 5 9,700 19,400 29,100 38,800 48,500

Total ₱12,160 ₱24,320 ₱36,480 ₱48,640 ₱60,800

Statement of Cost of Goods Sold

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Beg. Inventory


Purchase ₱33,133,800 ₱36,447,180 ₱40,091,898 ₱44,101,087.8 ₱48,511,196.58

of Raw


Direct 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000



Packaging 15,039,675 15,039,675 15,039,675 15,039,675 15,039,675

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 104

Cost of ₱48,413,47 ₱51,726,85 ₱55,371,57 ₱59,380,762. ₱63,790,871.5

Goods 5 5 3 8 8


Projected Demand and Sales For 2022-2026

Demand 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Cremansi- 847,293 931,991 1,025,376 1,128,069 1,240,690



Creamansi ₱127,093,95 ₱147,254,57 ₱170,212,41 ₱196,284,00 ₱227,046,27

-Puff 0 8 6 6 0

Project Cost for the year 2022-2026

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

₱48,413,475 ₱51,726,855 ₱55,371,573 ₱59,380,762.8 ₱63,790,871.58

Product Quantit Price Cost Contribution Margin

Name y for per 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Produce Produc Unit

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 105

Creamsi 847,293 ₱150.00 ₱57.1 ₱92.8 ₱102.1 ₱112.3 ₱123.6 ₱135.9

-Puff 4 6 5 7 1 7

Project Income Statement
For the year 2022-2026
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Sales ₱127,093,9 ₱147,254,5 ₱170,212, ₱196,284,0 ₱227,046,2
50 78 416 06 70
Less: Cost ₱48,413,47 ₱51,726,85 ₱55,371,5 ₱59,380,76 ₱63,790,87
of Goods 5 5 73 2.8 1.58
Gross 78,680,475 95,527,723 114,840,8 136,903,243 163,255,398
Income 43 .2 .42

Less: Operating Expense

Rent 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Salary 272,640 272,640 272,640 272,640 272,640
Office 2,191 2,191 2,191 2,191 2,191
Transporta 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600
Promotiona 16,040 16,040 16,040 16,040 16,040
l Expenses
Depreciatio 12,160 12,160 12,160 12,160 12,160
n Expenses
Total 366,631 366,631 366,631 366,631 366,631
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 106

Income 78,313,844 95,161,092 114,474,2 136,536,612 162,888,767
Before Tax 12 .2 .42
Less: 15,662,768 19,032,218 28,618,55 34,134,153. 40,722,191.
Income Tax .8 .4 3 05 86
Net ₱62,651,0 ₱76,128,8 ₱85,855,6 ₱102,402,4 ₱122,166,5
Income: 75.2 73.6 59 59.2 75.6

Projected Statement of Cash Flow
For the year 2022-2026
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Cash Inflows
Cash, Beg. 62,842,435. 138,983,468 224,851,287 327,265,907
2 .8 .8
Partners’ ₱240,000
Sales 127,093,95 147,254,578 170,212,416 196,284,006 227,046,270
Total Cash ₱127,333,9 ₱210,097,01 ₱309,195,88 ₱421,135,29 ₱554,312,17
Inflows 50 3.2 4.8 3.8 7

Less: Cash Outflows

Purchase of
Fixed Asset 60,800
Purchase of 33,133,800 36,447,180 40,091,898 44,101,087. 48,511,196.5
Raw 8 8
Packaging 15,039,675 15,039,675 15,039,675 15,039,675 15,039,675
Direct 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000
Salary and 272,640 272,640 272,640 272,640 272,640
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 107

Office 2,191 2,191 2,191 2,191 2,191

Rent 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000
Transportat 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600
Promotiona 16,040 16,040 16,040 16,040 16,040
l Expense
Income 15,662,768 19,032,218. 28,618,553 34,134,153. 40,722,191.6
Tax .8 4 05
Total ₱64,491,51 ₱71,113,544 ₱84,344,597 ₱93,869,386 ₱104,867,53
Operating 4.8 .4 .85 4.18

Cash ₱62,842,43 ₱138,983,46 ₱224,851,28 ₱327,265,90 ₱449,444,62

Balance, 5.2 8.8 7.8 7 4.8
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 108

Projected Balance Sheet
As of December 30, 2022-December 25,2026
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

Current Asset
Cash ₱62,842,4 ₱138,983, ₱224,851, ₱327,265, ₱449,444,
35.2 468.8 287.8 907 624.6
Total Current Asset 62,842,435 138,983,46 224,851,28 327,265,90 449,444,62
.2 8.8 7.8 7 4.6

Non-Current Asset
Office 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300 12,300
Office 48,500 48,500 48,500 48,500 48,500
Total 60,800 60,800 60,800 60,800 60,800
Less: 12,160 24,320 36,480 48,640 60,800
Total Non- 48,640 36,480 24,320 12,160 0

Total ₱62,891,0 ₱139,019, ₱224,875, ₱327,278, ₱449,444,

Assets 75.2 948.8 607.8 067 624.6

Total ₱62,891,0 ₱139,019, ₱224,875, ₱327,278, ₱449,444,

Liabilities 75.2 948.8 607.8 067 642.6
& Equity
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 109

Liabilities and Equity

Current Liabilities

Partners’ Equity
Total 62,891,07 139,019,9 224,875,6 327,278,0
Liability 5.2 48.8 07.8 67
& Equity,
Partners 240,000
Add: Net 62,651,075 76,128,87 85,855,65 102,402,4 122,166,5
Income .2 3.6 9 59.2 75.6
Total ₱62,891,0 ₱139,019, ₱224,875, ₱327,278, ₱449,444,
Liabilities 75.2 948.8 607.8 067 642.6
& Equity
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 110

Financial Ratio

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026

62,651,075.2 76,128,873.6 85,855,659 102,402,459. 122,166,575.
Profit 2 6
Margin 127,093,950 147,254,578 170,212,416 196,284,006 227,046,270
49% 52% 50% 52% 54%

62,651,075.2 76,128,873.6 85,855,659 102,402,459. 122,166,575.

Return on 2 6
Investme 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000
nt 261.05 317.2 357.73 426.68 509.03

62,651,075.2 76,128,873.6 85,855,659 102,402,459. 122,166,575.

Return on 2 6
Equity 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0
4 4 4 4 4
498% 605% 683% 814% 971%

62,651,075.2 76,128,873.6 85,855,659 102,402,459. 122,166,575.

Return on 2 6
Total 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0
Asset 4 4 4 4 4
498% 605% 683% 814% 971%

127,093,950 147,254,578 170,212,416 196,284,006 227,046,270

Fixed 60,800 60,800 60,800 60,800 60,800
Asset 2,090 2,422 2,800 3,228 3,734

127,093,950 147,254,578 170,212,416 196,284,006 227,046,270

Total 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0 12,578,215.0
Asset 4 4 4 4 4
Turnover 10.1 11.7 13.5 15.6 18

Break 334,831 334,831 334,831 334,831 334,831

even 92.86 102.15 112.37 123.61 135.97
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 111

Point in 3,606 3,277.84 2,979.72 2,708.77 2,462.54


Initial Capital Ratio

Partners Ratio Invested Amount

Keth Lean H. Leyco 16.67% ₱40,000

Marc CJ Jun B. Aclo 16.67% 40,000

Jhuls Marc P. Gapuz 16.67% 40,000

Jasmin I. Alvarado 16.67% 40,000

Pauline Jane S. Templa 16.67% 40,000

Leah Cassandra M. Violeta 16.67% 40,000

TOTAL 100% ₱240,000

Socio-Economic Feasibility

The business must be flexible and quick to adjust and solve social and economic

concerns that may develop to assume its responsibilities to the government or economy,

consumers, and suppliers and the guilt and spiritual commitment of its employees or student

entrepreneurs. Because most Filipino teenagers prefer sour flavors, the researchers proudly

introduced the Creamansi-Puff, a new category of cream puff with a competitive edge on the


The business ensures that its employees are qualified, experienced, knowledgeable,

and well-informed about their respective responsibilities. Aside from that, while the company
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 112

generates a profit, it also seeks to create opportunities for less fortunate people to earn a

living. In addition, the company must benefit the general public or make a tax contribution.

The business is expected to make enormous contributions to the government as it grows.

Whether local or national, they are paying taxes will significantly positively impact the areas

and the country's economic strength.

Finally, the Creamansi-Puff will benefit local farmers through its socio-economic

influence on local suppliers. Calamansi will be the business's primary raw material purchased

from small-scale farmers in the Philippines. Local farmers are encouraged and honored by

the researchers. As a result, the company might significantly impact farmers' and other

entrepreneurs' lives.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 113

Organization and Management Feasibility

Managing is an increasingly vital action in today's modernized age, particularly when

one is involved in the business sphere. To achieve the organization's objectives, managers

must plan, organize, lead, and regulate activities. Decision-making and communication are

integral components of management and may need precise time measurement at all

management levels. The manager's job is to comprehend people's purchasing intent and

behavior since human behavior is required in business.

This feasibility study sought to assist young researchers in identifying and

recognizing the existence of natural business processes, as they may contribute to the

innovation of our age. The research completed will act as a model and source of inspiration

for others. Additionally, this is a significant benefit to the researchers' business careers. They

are taught to use their knowledge for themselves and share it with others, increasing our

country's economic worth.


I. Qualifications:

 A high school diploma is required for a cleaner

 Extensive knowledge of handling chemicals and using cleaning tools

 Strong experience in delivering restaurant cleaning and maintenance service

 Able to use a variety of cleaning products and equipment

 Able to complete tasks on time with minimal supervision.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 114

 Highly responsible & reliable

 Ability to work cohesively as part of a team

II. Duties & Responsibilities

 Scrubbing and sanitizing toilets, sinks, and kitchen fixtures.

 Emptying trash cans.

 Washing and drying windows.

 Vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping floors of various types.

 Dusting ceilings, light fittings, countertops, and loose furniture.

 Responsible for all basic cleaning in and around residences or office buildings.

 Sets up, stocks, and maintains cleaning equipment and supplies.


I. Qualifications:

 Must be female;

 Must be friendly and have a positive attitude and friendliness

 Must be able to write and speak effectively with other people

 Must be able to do basic math or learn how to do it well.

 Must be trustworthy, reliable, and on time.

 Must have good customer service skills and be polite.

 They must be able to manage their time very well.

 Must pay attention to small things.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 115

 Must have some experience or knowledge about selling.

II. Duties & Responsibilities:

 He/she sells a business and should handle sales and cash transactions while the

business is being sold.

 He/she takes cash from customers and gives them the correct change.

 He/she registers sales and items and totals customers' purchases.

 He/she helps customers choose a variety of Creamansi-Puff and packs the items they


 He/she must deal with customer complaints or requests.

 He/she greets the customer and thanks to them.

 When they want people to buy more, they need to give them samples.

 He/she must make sure that food safety rules are followed.

 He/she must rotate, prepare food, and check stock levels to tell bakery managers.


I. Qualifications:

 Must be able to make different types of pastries and desserts.

 Must be professional and have good communication and interpersonal skills.

 Must be able to work many different shifts, like weekends, days, afternoons, and


 He/she must be positive and be able to communicate well.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 116

 He/she must have a high school diploma or three years of experience in a related


 He/she must also have a two-year degree from an accredited university in culinary

arts, hotel and restaurant management, or a related field.

 Four years of pastry culinary expertise.

II. Duties & Responsibilities:

 He or she is in charge of all our pastry tastes and styles.

 He or she makes lists and budgets for bakery supplies.

 He or she is in charge of the whole baking process.

 He or she is in charge of training new bakers.

 He or she provides a high grade of work regardless of the conditions.


I. Qualifications:

 Workers must possess a high school diploma or its equivalent. More education or

experience, on the other

 hand, may be desirable.

 Must have communication, time and resource management, and planning skills.

 Must be detail-oriented, especially when doing quality inspections on ingredients and

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 117

 Must be capable of doing basic arithmetic and computer tasks.Must be able to work

alone or with other people to solve problems, plan schedules, fulfill orders, and make

excellent baked goods.

 Must be able to work around the customers' needs, including early morning, night,

weekend, and holiday hours.

 Must be able to work in a hot, crowded place, stand, walk, bend, use hands and

appliances, and lift heavy things for a long time.

II. Duties & Responsibilities

 He or she weighs and mixes ingredients and uses mixers, blenders, heat sources, and

other tools to make pastries.

 He/she decorates and shows off finished products.

 They check the ingredients and finished goods to ensure that they meet food safety

and quality rules.

 He or she greets customers, answers questions makes recommendations, accepts

orders and payments, and gives excellent customer service.

 He or she should keep track of deliveries, inventories, and production levels.

 He or she takes in customer information and makes sure that deliveries are done right

and on time.

 He/she cleans and restocks workstations and makes sure that all the equipment is

ready for the next shift.

 They have to come up with new recipes and make them better.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 118


I. Qualifications:

 At least a high school graduate. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply

 Minimal work experience.

 Strong problem-solving and communication skills.

 Exceptional time management skills.

 Manual dexterity to wash and dry kitchenware and tableware

 Capacity to maintain the kitchen clean and orderly.

 Reliability, professionalism, and keen sense of cleanliness

 Organizational skills

 Flexibility and willingness to work shifts

 Physical strength and stamina

 Willingness to adhere to all food safety regulations

II. Duties & Responsibilities

 Washing cookware and kitchen utensils by hand or using a dishwasher

 Drying baking tools, pots, pans, and others.

 Cleaning bread slicers, ovens, fridges, cooker hoods, and other kitchen equipment

 Washing and disinfecting kitchen floors and surfaces

 Removing kitchen waste

 Assisting cooks/chefs and other kitchen personnel, where necessary

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 119

 Keeping the kitchen clean and tidy

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Chapter 5




This chapter describes the company's particular objectives and strategies,

performance targets, and how the company will create client value. It also demonstrates how

the company will turn its plans and strategy into specific activities to achieve its goals and

objectives. If Creamansi-Puff successfully executes the strategy plan, it will have a

competitive edge in the business market. Analyzing the outcomes and conclusions of other

research is also beneficial to enhancing the company's products and services.

Market Study

Market research is beneficial and may help businesses better understand their markets

and ultimately enhance sales. Due to the recognized dangers and possibilities in the business

market, the firm might obtain a competitive advantage over the competition. As a result, it

emphasizes the product's distinctive traits and characteristics to attract buyers. The

researchers analyze all relevant elements, such as direct and indirect competitors, customers,

and market growth. Creamansi-Puff is a Filipino-French pastry that gives a sweet delight

with a burst of zestiness and sourness for people who are acquainted with Cream Puff and are
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 121

eager for a new flavor or experience as those who appreciate the taste or concept of merging

sourness with creaminess—creating the Creamansi-Puff with Calamansi as the primary

component imparts the product's zest and sour flavor.

Furthermore, researchers use various milk types, imparting a creamy flavor. Thus,

Creamansi-Puff delivers a new flavor of Cream Puffs by creating an experience distinct from

what other rivals offer in the market and utilizing a robust set of marketing methods such as

creating attractive packaging design, discounts, freebies, and other promotions to entice

people to purchase. These techniques can affect consumers, as they will perceive that the

firm appreciates them and desires to interact with them.

Technical Study

The researchers consider the study's technical part, which delivers enough and

necessary corporate resources. The researchers of Creamansi-Puff have identified an

appropriate and realistic baking procedure and have assembled the resources needed to

launch the business effectively. They guarantee that the firm's site is conveniently accessible

to suppliers and the target market and simply determined.

The researchers guarantee to optimize profit and efficiency in production while

limiting expenses to ensure affordability by identifying the source of raw materials. In

addition, diverse sources of natural materials such as all-purpose flour, butter, salt, milk and

cream, sugar, vanilla extract, eggs, cornstarch, and daily monitoring of baking supplies, tools,

and equipment. In the possibility of a shortage of raw materials, electricity, or supplies and

water, the researchers have prepared a workable plan and identified multiple suppliers and
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 122

brands to ensure that substitute goods are of the same quality and benefits as the original to

maintain the overall quality of the product.

Financial Study

The financial study assists in obtaining vital information about the business proposal

and making beneficial decisions for evaluating finance transactions because it determines the

sustainability and profitability of the proposed business's performance and whether or not it

will be stable in the coming years and can co-exist with other companies. Creamansi-Puff

strives to enhance and concentrate more on resource use, production, inventory management,

and distribution, or in other words, excellent and healthy financial management. The

Creamansi-Puff looks at cost-saving strategies like cutting down on wasted time, effort, and

materials while still providing a high-quality service or product, which makes the researchers

confident that the business will be around for a long time. In addition, they are focusing on

sales and marketing and increasing productivity to support more excellent market coverage.

Organizational and Management Study

The best way to connect, make money, and come up with new ideas is if a business

has a good management layout and operations. It is an excellent place to do things that will

be productive. The General Manager, Head baker, Baker assistant, cashier, cleaner, and

dishwasher are essential parts of the business's management inside the Creamansi-Puff.

These are jobs that change, direct, and control the company because each department has a

specific mission and tasks to execute for the business to perform well inside the market.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 123

The Cashier/Auditor is in charge of keeping an eye on the business's cash flow and

advising and ensuring that the financial management and financial controls are in place to

support all business activities, like budgeting. The General Manager is in charge of all the

baking staff and keeps track of the stock, planning, scheduling, supervising bakery

production and cleaning, and ordering and arranging for the right ingredients, supplies, and

equipment through a computerized system. As well as setting sales goals, planning and

executing marketing strategies, pricing and planning products. Finally, the Head baker and

his assistant are in charge of creating the Creamansi-Puff. His assistant, on the other hand,

help bakers and pastry chefs by serving clients at bakery counters. Their tasks include

welcoming clients, offering advice, collecting orders, and packaging baked products. They

may also have to ensure that the items on display are constantly being replenished.

Socio-economic Study

The researchers devised a plan to reinvent Cream Puff, a French delicacy well-known

in the Philippines. It can build and keep social capital through its core operations, the goods

and services it sells, and the activities it supports through more and more global and complex

supply chains. It means that the entrepreneurs and the farmers in the Philippines both get a

lot out of it. As a company grows, the organization impacts society, and collective

employees' efforts can achieve substantial results, increasing workplace morale and boosting

productivity. As a result, in assisting the government in developing new initiatives, it

implements a social responsibility initiative that's in line with its values have the opportunity
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 124

to increase customer retention and loyalty. It will also intertwine personal development and

the company's growth.

Project Execution System

The primary motive for producing the Creamansi-Puff is to maximize profit, provide

income to specific unskilled individuals, and sustainably meet the requirements and desires

of the business's target market. As a result, the firm must set criteria and procedures for

monitoring the performance of employees inside the company to guarantee that Creamansi-

Puff meets its goals and objectives. Furthermore, by using a Graphic Rating Scale,

management will be able to list desired traits and behaviors for each role, such as punctuality,

quality of work, job knowledge, teamwork, accountability, responsibility, patience,

organization, and more, and then rate workers on each of those on a numbered scale. With

this information, the researchers may assess and examine whether or not the performance

satisfies its requirements, at which point remedial action will be done. The management will

identify the issues and solutions to advise and correct the workers for development,

particularly in the baking process, by modifying one or more processes that must be changed.

Administrative Support Plan

The business will provide a high-quality Filipino-French type of pastry that uses

Calamansi as its main ingredient to satisfy the customers and present a new variant inside the

market. Their objective is to develop a strong bond with their clients by establishing a

community in real life, particularly online, where they may engage. Creates a more vital link

when the company gives discounts to convert them into repeat consumers, offers freebies,
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 125

and holds activities or events. Hence, the business ensures customers' long-term patronage

and loyalty by providing consistency in the satisfaction and value they will receive when

purchasing Creamansi-Puff. The company can assure a successful long-term connection and

interaction with future and current clients inside the market.


Overall, Creamansi-puff was a vision of the researchers to promote the uniqueness of

Filipino pastry. While the cream puff pastry is of French origin, it was with great delight that

the researchers incorporated a Filipino hint into the original creamy delicacy. Calamansi has

played a massive part in Filipino cuisine, and to be able to incorporate this into a product that

Filipinos consume was a groundbreaking experience for the researchers. The researchers

were successful in merging two cultures into one creamy product. The greatest takeaway

from this study was how Filipinos are open to unique and new experiences, specifically on

food. It was aforementioned that most of the respondents could not consume calamansi-

infused pastries frequently.

Nevertheless, their willingness to try and purchase Creamansi-puff showed the

Filipino boldness in experiencing new sensations. Good food has long been part of the

Filipino identity, and the researchers learned from this study that Filipinos remain top-notch

in selecting new flavors for traditional recipes. The Creamansi-puff, without a doubt, was a

successful innovation. The respondents' enthusiasm towards the product showed how this

new take on the classic French cream puffs was a groundbreaking idea that merged the

French and Filipino cultures in pastry production. The market, technical, financial,
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 126

organizational and management, and socio-economic studies were steadfast in assuring the

sweet success of the product. The researchers could indeed affirm the strength of the

Filipinos in trying and selecting bolder and more daring flavors despite the origination of the

product being of a different culture. This entire study on the willingness of respondents to try

a flavor that seldom made it to the market showed how food, regardless of how it is served or

flavored, remains superior for Filipinos.


Cream puffs remain a vital part of the Filipino pastry scene. The researchers who

introduced a new variation to the classic puff pastry by incorporating the unique flavor of

calamansi, a well-known flavor among Filipinos yet rarely incorporated into pastries, have

concluded that the majority of the respondents are willing to try the uniqueness of the

product. Despite the significant percentage of responses from the population that indicated

that they had not been introduced to calamansi-infused pastry, a vast percentage showed

enthusiasm for the concept of Creamansi-puff. The respondents are willing to purchase the

pastry alongside their desired topping for the said product. Their preference for door-to-door

delivery and the serving of Creamansi-puff also indicated their interest in the product.

Finally, the respondents were also willing to purchase the product at a reasonable price,

allowing the researchers to cover their expenses on raw materials and other instruments

necessary for the production of Creamansi-puff. The vast gap between the demand and

supply indicated that more demand is expected, whereas a lesser supply is shown. However,

this does not imply that such a gap could jeopardize the product's sales as the trend shows
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 127

steady growth and allows the manufacturers to adjust to this gap while providing high-quality

services and products. The product's price was also highly thoughtful of the respondents'

budgets, indicating that the firm emphasizes customer happiness in terms of cost and product

quality. While the pricing was considerate, the researchers also decided to apply cost-saving

strategies while simultaneously ensuring that the quality of the product would not be

affected, implying how the business is dedicated to uplifting customer satisfaction without

compromising the business itself.


1. While the flavor is excellent, the filling should be more sticky to avoid an overly watery


2. The choux pastry should be more brittle and crispy to add excitement to the eating


3. The sticker used to package the goods must be printed on high-quality sticker paper to

ensure that the logo, particularly the tagline, is visible to customers.

4. During the manufacturing process, the amount of Creamansi-filling injected should not be

excessive to minimize messiness when consuming the product.

5. Slightly add the desired toppings of consumers to the pastry to prevent a too-sweet

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 128


Could calamansi be the next hit citrus fruit? (2020, July 27). Food.


Philippine Statistics Authority | Republic of the Philippines. (2021, December). Psa.Gov.Ph.

Retrieved April 30, 2022, from



Villanueva, B. (2021, January 22). Data shows increased interest in sweets among Filipinos

during the pandemic. Philstarlife.Com. Retrieved April 30, 2022, from

Alfaro, D. (2021, December 22). What Are Calamansi Limes, and How Are They Used? The

Spruce Eats. Retrieved April 30, 2022, from


Mendiola, I. (2021, October 27). The Filipinos’ Penchant for All Things Sour. Food

Philippines. Retrieved April 30, 2022, from


Jose, C. S. (2020, January 7). A brief history of our acidic affinities. NOLISOLI. Retrieved

April 30, 2022, from

Araneta, G. A. (2020, November 16) Research on Calamansi Peels receives 570k DOST

funding. GOVPH. Retrieved May 15, 2022, from

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 129

research-on-calamansi-peels-receives-570k-dost funding#:~:text=Calamansi%20fruit


Tacio, H. D. (2019, April 12) AGRITRENDS: There’s a huge international market for

calamansi. EDGEDAVAO. Retrieved May 15, 2020, from,

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 130




Defense Fee & Grammarian 1,400

Materials during the initial production of 1,500

the sample product

Printing Expense 1,440

TOTAL 4,340
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Group 1 ABM-4

The researchers came up with a product name called "Creamansi-puff" as a play on

the term "cream puff," inspired by a delectable and moist French choux pastry ball.

Researchers designed a calamansi version to differentiate it and spur exciting development.

Hence, it is called Creamansi Puff because of the unusual combination of choux pastry,

calamansi juice, and citrus zest. Moreover, researchers are glad to introduce it to the public as

a mix of French and Filipino delights and want to focus on the consumers' preferences, so

they chose many topping options.

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey. Your input is much appreciated

and will go a long way toward determining the outcome and success of our feasibility study.

Let us try our best to help one another, and may God continue to guide us as we work toward

our goals! We appreciate it.

Name (optional): Grade level & Strand:

Age: Gender:

1. What is your daily allowance?

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 133

o 50-100

o 150-200

o 250-300

2. What time of the day do you usually eat pastry snacks?

o 9:00-11:00 am

o 1:00-3:00 pm

o 3:00-4:00 pm

3. Have you ever tried Cream Puffs?

o Yes

o No

4. Have you ever tried a calamansi-flavored pastry/bread?

o Yes

o No

5. Our product is called Creamansi-Puff. It is a calamansi-flavored cream puff with the

best sour-sweet flavor combination for a pastry snack. Are you willing to try our


o Yes

o No

6. What type of topping would you prefer?

o Calamansi Glaze
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 134

o Only Powdered Sugar

o Calamansi de creme

7. How much are you willing to spend on our Creamansi-Puff?

o 35-40

o 45-50

o 55-60

8. How many Creamansi-Puff can you eat?

o 1 to 2 pieces

o 3 to 4 pieces

o 5 to 6 pieces

9. How would you want the Creamansi-Puff to be served to you?

o Individual

o Package

o Other

10. In what way do you want to buy our Creamansi-Puff?

o For pick up

o Door-to-door Delivery

11. What kind of packaging would you like to see?

o Window Box Pastry

o Customized Paper Bag

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 135

o Non-window Box Pastry

o Other

12. Would you recommend our Creamansi-Puff?

o Yes

o No
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LIST OF ACTIVITIES Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May

Selection of Group O

Selection and planning of O

the Product

Selection of target market O

Securing approval letters for O

the study

Surveys and questionnaires O


Summarizing information O


Finalizing feasibility study O

Final defense O

Plagiarism test O

Implementation of the FS O

Canvassing and buying O

necessary materials
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 139


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Keth Lean H. Leyco

Purok 3, Sabuero Street, Poblacion, Sugbongcogon Misamis


[email protected]
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 141

Jasmin I. Alvarado
Zone 2, Luyong Bonbon, Opol Misamis Oriental


Home Address Purok 3, Sabuero Street, Poblacion, Sugbongcogon Misamis Oriental
[email protected]
Date of Birth December 9,2003

Place of Birth Trece Martires, Cavite

Sex Address
Home Female
Zone 2, Luyong Bonbon, Opol Misamis Oriental

Date of Birth Filipino
September 15, 2003

Place of Birth Iglesia
Cagayan Filipina
de OroIndependiente

Language Spoken
Sex Filipino

Mother’s Name
Nationality Geraldine H. Leyco

Religion Housewife
Roman Catholic

Language Spoken EDUCATIONAL

Filipino and EnglishBACKGROUND
Secondary Education
Mother’s Name Sandra I. Alvarado
Senior High School
Occupation Housewife
School: Liceo de Cagayan University
Address: RNP
Secondary Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Junior High
Senior High School

School: Sugbongcogon National

Liceo de Cagayan High School

Address: RNP Sugbongcogon
Boulevard, Misamis
Kauswagan, Oriental
Cagayan de Oro City

Junior High Education

School: Opol Central School
National Secondary Technical School

Address: Taboc, OpolSugbongcogon Misamis Oriental
Misamis Oriental

Elementary Education

School: Miraculous Medal Academy

Address: Molugan, El Salvador City

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 142

Leah Cassandra M. Violeta

Purok 13, Baloy, Tablon, Cagayan de Oro City


[email protected]

Home Address Purok 13, Baloy, Tablon, Cagayan de Oro City

Date of Birth July 20, 2004

Place of Birth Cagyan de Oro City

Sex Female

Nationality Filipino

Religion Roman Catholic

Language Spoken Filipino and English

Mother’s Name Edith M. Violeta

Occupation Housewife

Secondary Education

Senior High School

School: Liceo de Cagayan University

Address: RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Junior High School

School: Agusan National High School

Address: Zone 1, Sambulawan, Agusan, Cagayan de Oro City

Elementary Education

School: Cugman Elementary School

Address: Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 143

Pauline Jane S. Templa

Zone 8A Igpit Opol Misamis Oriental


[email protected]

Home Address Zone 8A Igpit Opol Misamis Oriental

Date of Birth May 13, 2004

Place of Birth Poblacion Makilala Cotabato

Sex Female

Nationality Filipino

Religion Roman Catholic

Language Spoken Filipino

Mother’s Name Jane S.Templa

Occupation Housewife
Secondary Education

Senior High School

School: Liceo de Cagayan University

Address: RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Junior High School

School: Bulua National High School

Address: Zone 7 Bulua Cagayan De Oro City

Elementary Education

School: Igpit Elementary School

Address: Zone 5 Igpit Opol Misamis Oriental

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 144

Marc CJ Jun B. Aclo

Zone 6, Loguilo, Alubijid, Misamis Oriental


[email protected]

Home Address Zone 6, Loguilo, Alubijid, Misamis Oriental

Date of Birth November 23,2003

Place of Birth Zone 6, Loguilo, Alubijid, Misamis Oriental

Sex Male

Nationality Filipino

Religion Roman Catholic

Language Spoken Filipino

Mother’s Name Juliet B. Aclo

Occupation OFW
Secondary Education

Senior High School

School: Liceo de Cagayan University

Address: RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Junior High School

School: Alubijid National Comprehensive High School

Address: Poblacion, Alubijid, Misamis Oriental

Elementary Education

School: Alubijid Central School

Address: Poblacion, Alubijid, Misamis Oriental

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department Page 145

Jhuls Marc P. Gapuz

Buena Oro, Baranagay Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City


[email protected]

Home Address Buena Oro, Baranagay Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City

Date of Birth October 9, 2003

Place of Birth Cagayan de Oro City

Sex Male

Nationality Filipino

Religion Roman Catholic

Language Spoken Filipino

Mother’s Name Merrilyn P. Gapuz

Secondary Education

Senior High School

School: Liceo de Cagayan University

Address: RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Junior High School

School: Misamis Oriental General Comprehensive High School

Address: Don Apolinar, Velez Street, Cagayan de Oro City

Elementary Education

School: Macasandig Elementary School

Address: Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City

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