Detailed Lesson Plan For Health Consumer Health

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The key takeaways are that consumer health refers to the decisions people make regarding their health, including health information, products, and services. It allows people to make wise choices about their health.

Consumer health refers to the decision you make about the purchase of product and use of health information and services that will have direct effect on your health.

The three components of consumer health are health information, health products, and health services.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Capiz
Panitan, Capiz



I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. measure students prior knowledge about consumer heath through
answering the pre-assessment test;
2. define the consumer health; and
3. discuss the three components of consumer health.


Reference: Physical Education and Health (pg.198-pg.202)


 Laptop
 Projector

A. Preparation:
a. Opening Prayer
b. Checking of Attendance

B. Review
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Good morning/afternoon class. -Good morning/afternoon sir.

How was your day?

Before we proceed to our lesson

let’s have first a short review
about our topic last meeting.

Ok class, who can still -About different sports sir.

remember our topic last
meeting? -Basketball, volleyball and badminton
What are the different sports sir.
that we played?
Ok very good class. Please clap
your hands.

C. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Now are you excited to learn our -Yes sir.
new lesson class?

Class since our topic for this -Health is wealth, person’s mental,
morning is about, what do you social, physical and emotional
know about health? conditions.

Very good class!

Ok class, before we move on to

our lesson, kindly open your
book on page 197 and study the
cover page of consumer health.
Ok class what can you say about
the cover picture of consumer

-There are two adolescents,

buildings, health professionals, and
government logos.

*Annotation: This activity will allow

all learners to freely express their
thoughts and feelings on the subject
matter and even add more.

D. Presentation:(Lecture Method)
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Pre-Assessment Test
Identify the concepts being described in
each item. Fill in the missing letters to
complete the crossword puzzle.
3. Sale of products that are not
scientifically proven to be
effective; fraudulent advertisement
of promotion
4. Healthcare practitioner who
specializes in problems of the teeth
5. Allied health professional who
provides healthcare to patients in
6. Public health insurance mandated
by Philippine Law
1. Doctor who specializes in the Answer key:
disorders of the respiratory Across
system 3. Quackery
2. Alternative medicine practice where 4. Dentist
needles are inserted in some 5. Nurse
specific of the body 6. Phil Health
4. Form of quackery that uses Down
equipment believed to cure illness 1. pulmonologist
7. Health maintenance organization; 2. acupuncture
form of healthcare provider that 4. device
makes use of prepaid money to 5. HMO
cover medical expenses
*Annotation: The words used are
acceptable for all learners. The words will
not, in any way, harm the beliefs of the IP’s

-Students will clap their hands

Ok class very good. Please clap your
Now our lesson for today is about -Decision making, foods we take,
Consumer Health. products that we take.
Class when we say consumer health
what are the words that comes to your
mind? Ok very good class you have all
the idea.
Consumer Health refers to the decision you
make about the purchase of product and use
of health information and services that will
have direct effect on your health.

Consumer health encompasses all aspects

of the market place related to the purchase
of health products and services. It involves
the facts and understanding that enable

people to make wise choices.

Consumer health has three components the

health information, health products, and
health services.

What is health information? It is the information that people require

to make wise choices and decisions
It is the data and facts you get from media about their health of other people.
and people including professionals and

What are health products? Are those substances materials or

equipment prepared or manufactured
for you to buy and use in the
maintenance of health and treatment of
Examples of health products are food,
drugs, vaccines and household hazardous
substances. Aside from information and
products, people also avail various health
services from different providers.

What are health services? -Refer to health information, actions

procedure or supplied to health satisfy
your needs and wants as consumer.
These programs aim to appraise the health
conditions of individuals through
screening and examinations, cure and treat
disorders to prevent, and control the spread
of diseases provide safety, emergency care
and first aid, and ensure a follow- up
program for individuals who have
undergone treatment.

E. Application: Question and Answer

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Do you have any question class? No sir.
Ok if you don’t have any question, I’ll
be the one who will ask you questions.
What is consumer health?
-It is the information that people require
to make wise choices and decisions about
their health of other people.
What are the three components of
consumer health? -Health information, health products and
health services.

*Annotation: This will allow learners from

indigenous groups to share their personal
experiences with the class.
E. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Ok class we must be aware of the -Ok sir.
information, products and services about
consumer health because prevention is
better than cure.
F. Evaluation:
Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
1. Health information is the data and facts you get from media and
people including professionals and agencies.
2. Examples of health products are food, drugs, vaccines and
household hazardous substances.
3. Health services aims to appraise the health conditions of individuals
through screening and examinations, cure at treat disorders ant etc.
4. Health services are those substances materials or equipment
prepared or manufactured for you to buy and use in the maintenance
of health and treatment of disease.
5. Consumer health does not involve the facts and understanding
that enable people to make wise choices.

Answer key:
1. True
2. True
3. True
4. False
5. True

Direction: Read and answer this in your notebook.
Give the different health care provider.

Prepared by:
MAPEH Teacher

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