A Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education For Grade 4 Pupils SY. 2021-2022

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Physical Education

For Grade 4 Pupils

SY. 2021-2022

DLP no.: Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Teaching date Time

16 & 17 Physical Education P.E. 4 1st June 1, 2022 40 minutes

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment
of physical activities and physical fitness.
B. Performance Standards The learner participates and assesses performance in physical activities.
The learner assesses physical fitness.
C. Learning Competencies The learner describes the physical activity pyramid.
The learner explains the indicators for fitness.
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the 40-minute period, the grade 4 learners will be able to:
1. Describe the definition of the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid;
2. Explain the Indicators of fitness
3. Appreciate the role of the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid in
achieving a healthy style;
4. Demonstrate the physical activities in the Philippine Physical
Activity Pyramid.
II. CONTENT/ Subject Matter Assessment of Physical Activities and Physical Fitness.
a. Topic Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid
b. References Teachers Guide: MAPEH -4 book
Book: Fitness for Life Physical Activity Pyramid
Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OYtuXWF6Bw

c. Materials Visual Aid, PowerPoint presentation, TV monitor, Audio-Visual

d. Values Integration Character development, Perseverance, Etiquette.
III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity/Response
A. Preliminary Activities

i. Prayer “Good morning learners, how are “We are very well and good today,
you today?” Teacher!”

“Okay so before we start, may I Mr. Asahi: “Let us all stand for the
request Mr. Asahi to lead the prayer, for the catholic let us make the
opening prayer.” sign of the cross.”

“Heavenly Father, we come to you

today asking for your blessings and
guidance. Lord God, as we start our
lesson with our teachers help us to
understand and do our task smoothly
with cooperation and enthusiasm.
Make us safe and free our minds from
negativity so that we may excel in our
performances in school. All these we
humbly pray in your most holy name

ii. Checking of attendance “Let me check your attendance,

say present if your name is (Pupils listen attentively as their name
called.” is called)
(The teacher is checking the
attendance) (Pupils are clapping their hands)
iii. Classroom Management “Alright all are present today. Let
us clap our hands.”

“Make sure that your area is

clean, pick-up pieces of paper
and arrange your seats.”
“You may now sit properly. Let
me remind you again of our
classroom rules:
The 5 P’s
1. Be prepared
2. Be positive
3. Be productive (Pupils agreed to follow the classroom
4. Be polite and respectful rules)
5. Be participative
So, I want you to follow our
classroom rules so that there will “Yes, Teacher”
be harmony in our classroom.”
“Do you understand?”
iv. Checking of assignment “That’s good.”

“Okay your assignment was to list

all the basic stances in
Taekwondo. Were you able to “Yes, Teacher”
make your assignment?”
“Very good!”
“So, pass your assignment in
front because I will be the one to (Pupils are passing their assignment)
B. Review of the Previous
lesson “Do you still remember our “Yes, Teacher”
lesson yesterday?” Alicia: “Our lesson yesterday was about
“What was that all about?” Physical Activity so Physical activity
“Yes, Alicia” refers to all movement. Popular ways
“Now, can tell us a brief to be active include walking, cycling,
definition of Physical Activity?” wheeling, sports, active recreation, and
“Okay very good.” play, and can be done at any level of
“Clap your hands for Alicia” skill and for enjoyment by everybody.”

C. Unlocking of difficult Terms

“And now for a better (Pupils read the words from the
understanding of the lesson, we monitor)
will first unlock some difficult
“Everybody let us read the words
on our TV monitor.”
List of Words:

1. Physical Activity - Physical

activity refers to all movement.
Popular ways to be active include
walking, cycling, wheeling, sports,
active recreation, and play, and (Pupils read the terms with the
can be done at any level of skill corresponding picture/s.)
and for enjoyment by everybody.

2. Philippine Physical Activity

Pyramid - is a plan that is
prepared for someone to be
guided in having an active
lifestyle. It is the division of how
physical activity. People just
perform activities they want to
do and need to do but not what
they should perform.

3. Minimally- to an extremely
small extent; negligibly.
4. Often – Frequently; Many
5. Regularly - with a constant or
definite pattern, especially with
the same space between
individual items.
6. Recreation- Refers to all those
activities that people choose to
do to refresh their bodies and
minds and make their leisure
time more interesting and

D. Lesson Proper
i. (Motivation) “To fill our body with energy let
us all stand for our Physical (Pupils perform happily)
Activity dance motivation, let us
just follow the video that I am
going to show.”
(The teacher played the video)
“Wow! I like the energy, “Yes, teacher!”
Did you enjoy?”

“Now let’s answer the questions

ii. Analysis (HOTS Questions) presented on the screen that will (Pupils are thinking logically in
lead to our lesson this morning.” answering the HOTS questions)

1. What are the physical (Varied answers from students)

exercises that you do
every day?

2. Do you believe that

physical and emotional “Yes, Teacher it is very important.
discipline are important Because Physical and emotional
to have a healthy body discipline will lead us in achieving our
and mind? Why? goals and objectives in performing our
Who wants to answer? physical activities and exercises.”
Yes, Gary

3. What do you think will

happen if we don’t
engage in physical (the Pupils have varied ideas)
activities and exercises
now that the influence of
technology and video
games are tempting us?

“Very good!
All of your answers are correct (Pupils are doing the fireworks clap
Let’s do the fireworks clap!” happily)

“Now, I have here a short video

clip. I want you to know what ‘s (Pupils watch the video clip attentively)
the video clip all about.”

(Teacher presents the video clip

about the different Physical
Activities) (Varied answers from students)

“What is the video clip all

“Do you know what are the
things that they are doing in the “No, Teacher”
“Now, you want to know all of
these?” “Yes, Teacher”
“So, listen carefully to the
iii. Abstraction “Okay class, do you know what (Students listen attentively to the
shape is this?” discussion of the teacher.)

“Yes, teacher. It’s a triangle!”

“Very good!”
“Well, that shape plays an
important role for today’s lesson”

“Now, dear pupils, for today’s

discussion, we will be tackling
about The Physical Activity

“And just like the triangle, the

pyramid also has 3 equal sides”

(Teacher presents the

PowerPoint presentation.)

“This is a visual representation of

the physical activity pyramid.”

“May I ask Wilter to please read

the definition of the Physical (Student started to read the definition)
Activity Pyramid.”

Physical Activity Pyramid is a

visual guidance for people of all
ages to follow for support
completing physical activities. 
Activities are grouped in
purposeful types of activities and
how often they should be
completed within a week length
in time. Activities are grouped as
daily, 3-5 times a week, 2 times a
week, activities to reduce
throughout a week, cardio,
recreational, strength, and

“Thank you Wilter.”

“Class, did you know that
according to Centers of Disease (All listened carefully as the teacher
Control and Prevention, children proceeds with the discussion.)
should engage in physical activity
for 60 minutes or more each

“So always note, that you should

have a physical activity everyday
to keep your body strong and

“Now, let us move into discussing

the different levels in the Physical
Activity Pyramid.”

“First is we have…”
“Bottom Level – Level 1: Lifestyle
Physical Activity”

The bottom level of the physical

activity pyramid contains simple
exercises and moderate physical
activities that are likely already
part of your daily life but are
critically important to maintain
on a regular basis.

Some of the exercises found at

this bottom level include:

 Walking to the store

 Mowing the lawn
 Raking the leaves
 Mopping the floor
 Going on a leisurely walk

“Next one is the…”

“Middle Levels –
Level 2: Active Aerobics
Level 3: Active Sports and

“The next two levels of the

physical activity pyramid consist
of more strenuous exercise such
as aerobics, stretching for
flexibility, and muscle fitness
exercises. Some activities you'll
find here are biking, hiking, dance
sessions, jogging, and playing
certain sports. The goal is to
complete these activities around
three to five times each week.”

“Above these workouts, on Level

3, lie the activities you should
spend two or three days per
week on such as higher intensity
workouts, weight training, and

“And lastly,”

“The Top of the Physical Activity

Pyramid – Level 4: Inactivity”

“The top of the physical activity

pyramid depicts sedentary
behaviors that need curbing,
such as watching television or
sitting at a desk. In excess, these
types of behaviors have been
linked to adverse health
outcomes. The goal here is to
recognize those behaviors and
replace them with physical health
activities found at the base of the

The Health Benefits of the

Physical Activity Pyramid?

Regular physical activity does

wonders for your body. Exercise
delivers oxygen and nutrients to
your tissues and can help your
cardiovascular system become
stronger and work more
efficiently. Even something as
simple as going for a 30-minute
walk a few days per week can
drastically lower your chance for
health conditions.

“Now class, I have a 3-minute

video here that will give you
more information with regard to
Physical Activity Pyramid”


(Teacher presents the video)

“Since you already know the

different levels of the Physical
Activity Pyramid where you can
assess a physical activity, now, let
us talk about the indicators of “No ma’am”

“How can we identify if an

individual is fit?” Do you have any

Fitness Indicators are methods to

find whether a person is
physically fit or not.
Fitness components are the
elements that identify how fit the
body is as a whole.
Two types of Fitness

(1) Health-related fitness

components are the qualities of a
person that make one stay to be
physically healthy. These are;

Body Composition

Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Endurance

Muscular Strength


(2) Skills-related fitness

components are the attributes
that are needed in performing in
sports and athletic events. These





Reaction time

“Movement helps boost our

natural endorphins, improve our
mood, promote good bone
health, and maintain strength. It
also helps with our immune
health. Try starting with a simple
walk for 20-30 minutes a day.

“And…that concludes our

discussion for today class.”

“Did you learn something for

(Students sends heart emojis)
today’s discussion? If it’s a ‘yes’,
send me your heart emojis and if
it is a ‘no’ send me a dislike
iv. Application
emoji” “None, Ma’am.”

“How about some questions or


“Now, in order for me to check if (Students turned on their cameras)

you really learned something
from our lesson, we will be
having this activity called ‘Do As I
Say’. Requesting everyone to
please turn on their cameras.”

Instructions: Everyone must be

ready and quick to hit the raise
hand button to participate in “None, ma’am”
class. If you know the answer,
raise your hand, and do as what
the teacher ask you to act.

“Let us have a trial first.”

“Okay, can you show me a

physical activity that belongs to (Alondra raised her hand and shows a
the middle level of the pyramid?” jog in place movement) “Doing some
exercises ma’am like jog in place which
belongs to the second level.”

“Very good Alondra”

“123, 123 rainbow clap!”
“Let us give Alondra the rainbow

“How about a physical activity

that belongs to the bottom level
(Precious raised her hand and acts like
of the pyramid?”
she’s mopping the floor) “Mopping on
the floor ma’am is part of my daily
household chores”

“Great job, precious!”

(Everybody just sitted on their seats
and started to act like playing a mobile
“Now, this one is for everyone.
game, some acted like reading books
Show me a physical activity that
on their chairs and some acted doing
belongs to the top level of the
nothing on their seats.)

“Very good!”
(Karl raised his hand and voluntarily
“How about an example of acted like his doing a jumping rope.)
cardiovascular endurance?” “Jumping rope ma’am”
“That’s right, Karl!” (Michael raises his hand with
“Can someone explain of what
are the indicators of fitness?”
“The indicators of fitness ma’am are
methods to find whether a person is
physically fit or not. Fitness
“Yes Michael” components are the elements that
identify how fit the body is as a whole.”

“Well done, Michael!” “1-2-3, 1-2-3, WOW!”

“Let us give Michael a WOW


“Alright, everybody did a great

job. So now let us proceed to the
exciting part of our lesson.”

E. Generalization
“Since we’ve already tackled the
physical activity pyramid and the
indicators of fitness, I would like
to ask someone from the class to
summarize his/her learnings from
today’s discussion/lesson.”
(Elyza raised her hand)
“We have a volunteer! Yes
“For todays lesson ma’am, we
discussed about the physical activity
pyramid and the indicators of fitness.
In the physical activity pyramid ma’am,
it has three different parts. The first
part is the bottom, first level where an
individual engages the daily physical
activities such as household chores,
walking to the school and etc. For the
second part, it is divided into two
different levels, the second level ang
the third level. The second level is the
active aerobic where the activities that
you should engage are jogging, biking,
and hiking. For the third level, is the
active sports and recreation where the
activities that you should spend 2-3
days per week on such higher intensity
workouts. For the last part is we have
the top level: Inactivity where the
sedentary behaviors such as watching
television and sitting at the desk. “

“And for the indicators of fitness, we

have discussed are the methods to find
whether a person is physically fit or
“Fitness components are the elements
that identify how fit the body is as a

IV. Evaluation Performance Task (ACTIVITY)

Instructions: The class will be divided into 4 equal groups that consists of 10
members. Each group will be assigned on a specific level namely lifestyle
physical activity, active aerobics, active sports and recreation, and
inactivity. Then present it within 1-2 minutes of role playing. Each group
will be given 5-7 minutes to practice.

Criteria Outstanding (5 Good (4 points) Fair (3 points) Needs Total

points) improvement
(2 points)
Knowledge Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Doesn’t have
of the outstanding good less knowledge any knowledge
physical knowledge in knowledge in in portraying on the
activity portraying the portraying the the important important
pyramid. important important events in events in the
events of the events in physical activity physical activity
physical physical activity pyramid. pyramid.
activity pyramid.
Execution Had already Had performed Knows the Needs help in
and Mastery mastered and and executed physical activity performing and
executed the the play pyramid but executing the
play properly properly. didn’t perform play.
without any and execute
hesitation. them properly.
Participation Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated Demonstrated
and outstanding good inconsistent little effort on
Teamwork performance performance performance performance
with proper with good with less with no
and excellent synchronization synchronization synchronization
synchronizatio with the group. with the group. with the group.
n with the
Overall All in all, the All in all, the All in all, All in all, the
Performance performance performance performance performance
was was good. was okay. needs
outstanding. improvement.

V. Assignment Instructions: Create a raw video log (no editing needed) that shows the
different activities that belongs to the middle and bottom part of the
physical activity pyramid. Then, asses and identify what are of what type of
fitness it is. Example: Health-related (cardiovascular endurance)

A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation. Note: E.Which of my learning strategies
To be filled in worked well? Why did this work?
after the
result of the

B. No. of learners who require Note: F. What difficulties did I

additional activities for remediation. To be filled in encounter which my
after the principal or supervisor can
result of the help me solve?
C. Did the remedial lessons work? Note: G. What innovation or localized
No. of learners who have caught up To be filled in materials did I use/discover which I
with the lesson? after the wish to share with other
result of the teachers?
D. No. of learners who continue to Note:
require remediation. To be filled in
after the
result of the
Prepared by: AGUAS, ARJAY

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