Local Legends: By: Drathe

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Local Legends

Volume I

By: Drathe
A note from the authors:
"Vampires… Werewolves… The Hammer of Thor… Mount Olympus…

Throughout history, from the gods of the Ancient Greeks to the paranoia of the Salem Witch
Hunt, folklore, legends and myths have been passed down from generation to generation.
Stories to explain the mysterious happenings of nature, stories to scare children into
obedience, stories to merely entertain. But what truths actually stem from these tales?

Local Legends is a series of single group quests, related only in general theme - Quests
dealing with myths and tales throughout history, from any area of the world. Local Legends
is a great way to get in a few games of HeroQuest when an entire game group can’t get
together to enjoy the main HeroQuest saga, or for those who wish to add some extra fun
between their Quest Packs.”

"Local Legends is a HeroQuest community project. Anyone may submit a legend themed quest
through the Quest Builders Club at the HeroQuest Discussion Board forum. Approved quests will
be published with credit in one of the Local Legends three quest volumes for all HeroQuest fans
to enjoy! If you’ve been thinking of trying your hand at making some quests, a single quest for
the Local Legends series is a great way to begin! The Quest Builders Club is a fantastic place to
gain quest-building tips and suggestions from other experienced quest builders to help make
your quests the best they can be.”

- Drathe & Phoenix

Attacking with the Snake Whip Attacking with the Flanged Mace
The whip has the strength of 2 Combat Dice. A Hero The Flanged Mace allows for a unique attack. A Hero
equipped with the whip has the ability to attack wielding the Flanged Mace will strike up to three
diagonally or any adjacent target up to two squares adjacent targets in a single swing. The first target will be
away. The whip may also 'grapple' certain objects, attacked with the strength of 3 Combat Dice. The second
allowing a Hero to swing across large pits and chasms. (target to the left or right) will be attacked with the
In the example below, the Barbarian can attack any of strength of 2 Combat Dice and any target behind the
the Goblins, but would be unable to reach the Skeletons. Hero will be attacked with the strength of one combat
die. Each target may roll defense dice. In the example
below, the Dwarf could begin attacking either the Fimir
and finishing with the Goblin or beginning with the
Goblin and finishing with the Fimir.


Bottomless Shaft Water Fountain

Monster Chart
Map Movement Attack Defend Body Mind
Symbol Squares Dice Dice Points Points
Crossbowman 6 3 3 2 2

Halberdier 6 3* 3 2 2

Scout 9 2 3 2 2

Swordsman 5 4 5 2 2

Giant Bat 8 2** 2 1 1

Giant Rat 12 1 1 1 1

Giant Spider 6 3 2 2 1

Snake 8 2*** 2 1 1
* Halberdiers may attack diagonally. ***If a snake happens to roll 2 Black Shields during an attack, its
victim becomes poisoned from venom. At the beginning of each of a
** If a Giant Bat rolls a Black Shield during an attack it will 'Bite' its poisoned Hero's turn, they will lose 1 Body Point. A Venom Antidote
victim. When a Giant Bat 'Bites' it attaches itself to its victim's neck, will cure a poisoned Hero.
draining blood to the brain causing 1 Mind Point of damage for each
Black Shield rolled. 2

Group Quest

The Noble’s Treasure

“At a local pub you overhear a story about a wealthy noble who left enter in search of the loot never again see the light of day. As you head
behind a great fortune. The man named Gilles de Rais was wealthy back for your stay at the Inn, you see the mansion high on a hill top,
indeed, but he was more feared than admired. Long after his passing, eerily illuminated by a moon lit fog. The mansion beckons you and you
his mansion has been the talk of terror. Legend has it that those who cannot ignore the alluring call of treasure.”

Inside the chest is an old map scribbled onto parchment. The cupboards are locked. (Do not tell the heroes that they may unlock the cupboards with
the cabinet key from 'E'.) Inside the cupboards are 2 potions of healing that will restore up to
If a Hero searches for treasure, they see a key hanging at the back of the fireplace. The fire 4 lost Body Points. There is also a wooden bucket in the cupboards. (A Hero may take the
burns violently, as the key taunts them, remaining out of reach. (Do not explain to the heroes bucket and fill it with fresh water from the well 'G'. With a bucket filled with water they may
that they must extinguish the flames before they can obtain the key.) then extinguish the flames in the fireplace 'B' and take the key. A Hero carrying the bucket of
water is unable to attack unless they choose to dump the water.)
Hidden among the blunts and blades is the Snake Whip. See new Artifact Card for details.
This door is locked. (The Heroes require the key hidden in the back of the fireplace 'B' to
If a Hero searches for treasure in this room, Zargon may roll 1 Combat Die for each tomb. If unlock this door.)
a Skull is rolled, place a skeleton beside the tomb. If a White Shield is rolled, place a zombie.
If a Black Shield is rolled, place a mummy beside the tomb. These monsters may move and If a Hero searches for treasure, ask them if they wish to pry open the tomb. If they do, place
attack immediately. 4 Giant Bats on empty spaces surrounding the tomb. The bats immediately move and attack.
Now that the tomb is open, if a second Hero searches for treasure they will discover a
Tell the Heroes that they see a 'grapple' point above the center of the bottomless shaft. The Flanged Mace (see new Artifact card for more information).
chest contains a poison needle trap. If a Hero searches for treasure before the trap is
disarmed, they will become poisoned and lose 1 Body Point at the start of each of their turns. Once the tomb 'K' has been opened, the next time the a Hero enters the center room, Gilles
This effect can only be stopped by a poison antidote. There are no antidotes in this quest so de Rais will appear on the space marked 'L'. Use the Chaos Warlock figure to represent
unless the Heroes happened to bring one along, then they are out of luck. The chest contains Gilles. Gilles is an especially dangerous Vampire and the Heroes have discovered his
50 Gold Coins and a cabinet key. (Zargon, treat each side of the shaft as a separate room scheme. Gilles has been luring greedy victims to his mansion through local legends of
while searching for treasure.) treasure. Gilles has a dangerous attack. When a Black Shield turns up on any of his attack
rolls, he also 'bites' his victim. Gilles knows the Chaos Spell Summon Bats. Gilles' stats are
The treasure chest contains the Artifact, Elixir of Life. as follows:
This is a water well full of fresh drinking water. The well has no healing properties. Movement Attack Defend Body Mind
If a Hero searches for treasure in this room they will find a spell scroll on the table. Have the 7 5 7 8 6
Hero select a spell scroll at random.

Wandering Monster in this Quest: Giant Bat

Group Quest

The Witch in the Woods

"Mysterious disappearances have been occurring in Witch Haven, a Believed only to be a story to scare young children from venturing too
newly established community on the edge of the Mist Woods. Witch far from home, villagers thought nothing of the legend until a group of
Haven received its name from a century old tale that has spread men failed to return from hunting. Since their disappearance, Zombies
throughout the nearby farmlands. A Witch is said to dwell within the have been seen wandering about a cave deep in the Mist Woods."
wood, turning any who venture too deep into mindless Zombies.

If the Heroes search this room for treasure, a Giant Rat leaps from the Witch also knows the following Chaos Spells: Ball of Flame, Cloud of
bookcase and attacks them immediately. As this is not a trap, it cannot be Chaos, Fear, Lightning Bolt, Restore Chaos, Summon Rats and
searched for or disarmed. Summon Zombies. The Witch's Stats are as follows:

On the desk is a flask of brew. Don't tell the Heroes but if they consume Movement Attack Defend Body Mind
the liquid they must roll one Combat Die at the beginning of each turn. If a
Black Shield is rolled, they will lose one Mind Point. This effect will last 6 2 3 5 6
until the end of the quest unless the Hero drinks a Potion of Restoration
(Do not tell this to the Heroes, let them figure it out on their own).
If a Hero searches for Secret Doors, move the Throne to an unoccupied
WITCH: square and place a trap door tile in its original location. The trap door is
The Witch is a seemingly crippled old hag. Use the Chaos Warlock figure linked to another trap door marked "C" by an underground tunnel. The
to represent her. When a Hero opens the door she shrieks, "Trespassers!" tunnel is safe to travel, but too small for any character but a Dwarf.
and attacks immediately (the turn now becomes Zargon's). The Witch has
two attacks; One Physical and One Mental. She may perform both in a
single turn or exchange one for another action (such as casting a spell). If the Dwarf searches for Treasure he will discover an Elixir of Life hidden
inside the cupboard.
The Physical Attack is a basic roll of the Combat Die; One for each Attack
Point. The Mental Attack is much more aggressive. She will attack the
Mind of a Hero by rolling 1 Combat Die for each of her Mind Points. The
Hero may defend with 1 Combat Die for each of his Mind Points. The

Wandering Monster in this Quest: Zombie

Group Quest

Medusa’s Gaze
"Long ago, an evil Sorceress with serpent hair turned her victims into foot inside the temple has failed to return. The Emperor, fearing the
stone through her Chaotic magic and wicked stare. She was thwarted possible validity of the legend sent a few of his finest soldiers to
when a violent earthquake sealed her inside the Temple of Snakes. dispose of the temple's treachery. However, it has been many weeks
Recently, explorers unafraid of myths and old folk tales discovered the since they set out on their mission, and they too have not returned.”
long lost Temple of Snakes and uncovered its entry. Each who stepped

These Chaos Warriors are stone statues. They cannot move, attack or be MEDUSA:
harmed. Use the Chaos Warlock figure to represent her. She is vile and vicious.
When she attacks, she rolls 1d6 in addition to her Combat Dice. If she rolls
the same number as the current Mind Points of the Hero she's attacking,
These Mercenaries are the soldiers sent by the Emperor to deal with that Hero becomes "petrified" (the Body Point damage is applied before
Medusa. They have been petrified and cannot move, attack or be harmed. Petrify takes effect). Medusa also knows these Chaos Spells: Fear and
There is no hope in saving them. Summon Snakes. Her stats are as follows:

Movement Attack Defend Body Mind

This Mummy was once a mighty warrior. It attacks and defends with 1
extra Combat Die. 8 3 4 6 4

One of these chests contains 200 Gold Coins. The other contains a Snake Petrify:
that will immediately attack the first Hero who searches the room for If a Hero is "petrified" they cannot move, perform actions, defend, or be
treasure. As this is not a trap, it cannot be searched for or disarmed. harmed. At the beginning of a petrified Hero's turn, they may roll 1d6 for
each of their Mind Points, as well as 1 Combat Die. If a six is rolled, the
Petrify attack is broken. If a Skull is rolled on the Combat Die, they will
The cupboards house two Potions of Healing. Each will restore up to 4 lost also lose 1 Mind Point in the process.
Body Points. The chest contains 140 Gold Coins.

Wandering Monster in this Quest: Snake

Giant Rat Snake

12 1 1 1 1 8 2 2 1 1
Rolling 2 Black Shields during an attack, its victim
becomes poisoned. At the beginning of each of a
poisoned Hero's turn, they will lose 1 BP.

Giant Spider Giant Bat

New Cards I

6 3 2 2 1 8 2 2 1 1
If a Giant Bat rolls a Black Shield during an attack
it will 'Bite' its victim causing 1 Mind Point of
damage for each Black Shield rolled.

Snake Whip Summon Bats

The whip has the strength of This spell conjures up a

2 Combat Dice. A Hero number of Giant Bats to
equipped with the whip surround and protect the
has the ability to attack spell-caster. Roll 1d6:
diagonally or any adjacent
target up to 2 squares
Roll a 1 or 2 = 2 Giant Bats
away. The whip may also
'grapple' certain objects,
Roll a 3 or 4 = 3 Giant Bats
allowing a hero to swing Roll a 5 = 4 Giant Bats
across large pits Roll a 6 = 5 Giant Bats
and chasms.

Flanged Mace Summon Rats

New Cards II

The Flanged Mace allows for a unique

attack. A hero wielding the Flanged This spell conjures up a
Mace will strike up to three adjacent number of Giant Rats to
targets in a single swing. The first surround and protect the
target will be attacked with the
strength of 3 Combat Dice. The
spell-caster. Roll 1d6:
second (target to the left or right) will
be attacked with the strength of 2 Roll a 1 or 2 = 2 Giant Rats
Combat Dice and any target behind Roll a 3 or 4 = 3 Giant Rats
the hero will be attacked with the
strength of 1 Combat Die. Each target Roll a 5 or 6 = 4 Giant Rats
may roll Defense Dice.
The Flanged Mace is heavy and may
not be used by the Elf or Wizard.

Summon Zombies

This spell conjures up a group

of Zombies to surround and
protect the spell-caster.
Roll 1d6:

Roll a 1 or 2 = 2 Zombies
Roll a 3 or 4 = 3 Zombies
Roll a 5 or 6 = 3 Zombies
New Cards III & Tiles

Hero Quest and the HeroQuest logo are trademarks of the Milton Bradley Corporation, a subsidiary of Hasbro,
©2008, in association with Games Workshop ©1988-1993. All rights reserved. Use of its theme and images in
this document is not intended as a challenge or threat to their copyright. This document is made available
exclusively for private, in-home use and is not permitted to be altered or sold, in whole or part, for profit.

Maps & Icons generated with HeroScribe

Special Thanks to:
Malechi © 2008
Card backs courtesy of Malechi,
Additional icons courtesy of Derfel Link
Link, © 2008
Drathe © 2008
Quest written by Drathe,
Re-created with permission

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