Teste Final: Curso Módulo/UFCD Data Formador Formando

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Módulo/UFCD Data

Teste Final
Present simple

1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present simple (0.25x8=2pontos)

a) Everyday lots of students _____________ (go) to class to and ______ (learn) amazing

b) I ____________ (not think) Kami ____________ (be) lazy. She just _______ (need) to be
more organized.

c) When _________________ (Anna/ hang out) with her friends?

Well, she ____________ (usually/ not hang out) because she ____________ (not have) the

2. Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need
the negative: (0.25x7=1.75pontos)

believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate

a) The earth goes round the sun.

b) Rice doesn't grow in Britain.
c) The sun ____________ in the east.
d) Bees ___________ honey.
e) Vegetarians ____________ meat.
f) f) An atheist _____________in God.
g) An interpreter ____________ from one language into another.
h) Liars are people who _____________ the truth.
i) The River Amazon ____________ into the Atlantic Ocean.

Present continuous

1. Put the verb into the correct form, positive (I'm doing etc.) or negative
(I'm not doing etc.). (0.50x6=3pontos)

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a) Please don't make so much noise. ___________ (I / try) to work.
b) Let's go out now. ______________ (it / rain) any more.
c) You can turn off the radio. ___________________ (I / listen) to it.
d) Kate phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. _____________ (she /
have) a great time and doesn't want to come back.
e) I want to lose weight, so this week _________________ (I / eat) lunch.
f) Andrew has just started evening classes. _______________ (he / learn) Japanese.

Present simple or present continuous

1. Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where

necessary. (0.50x6=3 pontos)

Right Wrong
Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
The water boils. Can you turn it off.
Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.
Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?
The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days.
I must go now. It gets late.

Past simple

1. Read what Laura says about a typical working day: (0.25x12=3 pontos)

I usually get up at 7 o'clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes
me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45 . I never have lunch. I finish work at 5
o'clock. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I
don't usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o'clock, and I always sleep well.

Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura. Write what she did or didn't do

a) She got up at 7 o'clock.

b) She ________ a big breakfast.
c) She ____________ .
d) It ____________ to get to work.
e) ____________________ at 8.45.
f) _____________ lunch.

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g) ________________ at 5 o'clock.
h) _________________ tired when _______________ home.
i) ____________ a meal yesterday evening.
j) __________________ out yesterday evening.
k) _________________ at 11 o'clock.
l) ___________________ well last night.

Definite and Indefinite articles

1. Put in the where necessary. Leave the space empty if the sentence is
already complete. (0.25x7=1.75pontos)

a) Who is ___________Doctor Johnson?

b) I was ill, so I went to see ______ doctor.
c) The most powerful person in ___________ United States is __________ president.
d) ____________ President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
e) Do you know __________Wilsons? They're a very nice couple.
f) I'm looking for ____________ Professor Brown. Do you know where she is?

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

1. Which of the underlined parts of these sentences is correct? (0.25x11=2.75 pontos)

a) 'Did you hear noise / a noise just now?' 'No, I didn't hear anything.'

a noise

b) If you want to know the news, you can read paper / a paper.

a paper

c) I want to print some documents, but the printer is out of paper / papers.


d) Light / A light comes from the sun.

A light

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e) I thought there was somebody in the house because there was light / a light
on inside.

a light

f) I was in a hurry this morning. I didn't have time / a time for breakfast.

a time

g) 'Did you have a good holiday?' 'Yes, we had wonderful time / a wonderful

wonderful time
a wonderful time

h) This is nice room / a nice room. Did you decorate it yourself?

nice room
a nice room

i) Sue was very helpful. She gave us some very useful advice / advices.


j) Did you have nice weather / a nice weather when you were away?

nice weather
a nice weather

k) We were very unfortunate. We had bad luck / a bad luck.

bad luck
a bad luck

Adjectives and Prepositions

1. Put in the correct preposition. (0.25x6=1.5pontos)

a) I was surprised _____________ the way he behaved. It was completely out of

b) Some people say Kate is unfriendly, but she's always been very nice
__________ me.
c) You look bored. You don't seem interested ____________ what I'm saying.

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d) You look bored. You don't seem interested __________ what I'm saying.
e) Mark has no money of his own. He's totally dependent _______________ his
f) My home town is not a very interesting place. It's not famous _____________

Adverbs of frequency

1. Complete the sentences. Use the adverb and the correct form of the verbs
in brackets. (0.25x5=1.25pontos)

a) My brother___________(hardly ever / help) me with my homework.

b) We___________ (rarely / watch) football on TV.
c) I_______________(often / clean) my bedroom at the weekend.
d) You___________ (usually / be) at the sports centre on Sunday.
e) The school bus___________ (always / arrive) at half past eight.

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