CP English Test - 2020-21 - Módulo 1

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Curso Profissional Técnico de Ação Educativa

Ano letivo 2020/2021

Ano: 1.º Turma: A Disciplina: Inglês

Data: Ficha de Avaliação Módulo : 1


Name: ____________________________________________________________ No. _____

1. Listen to the dialogue at the hotel and fill in the gaps with the missing words. (10x2,5pts)
Receptionist: Good afternoon. a._____________________ to the Grand Woodward Hotel. How may
I help you?
Guest: Good afternoon. I’d like to check in. I have a b._____________________ for a single room.
R.: May I have your name, please?
G.: Matt Davidson.
R.: Could you spell your c._____________________ name, please?
G.: D-A-V-I-D-S-O-N.
R.: Let me check... We have your reservation for two d._______________________ starting today.
May I see your identification?
G.: Here’s my e._____________________.
R.: Thank you. Could you f._____________________ in this form, please?
G.: Sure.
R.: Thank you. Your room g._____________________ is 504. Here is the key to your room.
G.: Right. Thanks.
R.: h._____________________ will be served in the cafeteria from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. If you have any
requests, please call the i._____________________ desk.
G.: Thanks. Can I use the Internet in my room?
R.: Yes, we have a wi-fi connection in each room. Here’s the j._____________________
G.: Thanks.
R.: Enjoy your stay.

2. Listen to the job interview and say if the sentences are True (T) or False (F). (10x2,5pts)
a. David was born in Portugal.
b. He’s lived in Miami for five years.
c. He speaks English very well.
d. He speaks two other languages, Spanish and Portuguese.
e. He has attended university.
f. He studied Marketing.
g. He hasn’t worked in hotels in Europe.
h. He is not good at communicating with people.
i. David likes working with computers.
j. David plays in a band.

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1. Read the following job advertisement.

1.1 Find the equivalents for the following words. (4x3pts)

a. good ____________________________________
b. needed ___________________________________
c. housing __________________________________
d. masculine ________________________________

1.2 Say if the sentences are True (T) or False (F). (6x3pts)
a. This job offer is for joining the army.

b. All teachers are accepted.

c. The payment includes housing.

d. Candidates must send a photo with the CV.

e. You have to apply after the 7th March.

f. All CVs should be sent by email.

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1. Identify, tick and match the following vocabulary. (7+17+6pts)

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1. Circle the correct option. (5x2pts)

a. My sister has got this song on his / her Spotify playlist.
b. My friends always carry your / their mobile phones with them.
c. That pen must be Erika’s. I’m sure it’s hers / her.
d. My cat have got / has got green eyes.
e. I am / have got 17 years old.

2. Choose the right option to make correct sentences in the Present Simple. (5x2pts)

2.1 A nurse usually _____________________ in a hospital.

a. works b. not works c. work

2.2 ________________________ as a hotel manager?

a. Do your father work b. Does your father work c. Do your father works

2.3 My friend Kate and I _____________________ out together very often.

a. don’t go b. doesn’t go c. don’t goes

2.4 How _____________________ for this part-time job?

a. we apply b. do we apply c. does we apply

2.5 Sometimes a cook _____________________ the dishes.

a. wash b. washes c. washies

3. What are they doing? Choose a verb from the box and make sentences in the
Present Continuous. (5x2pts)

run read drink sleep ride

a. She _________________________ water. b. She ________________________ a


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c. He _______________________________ d. They ___________________________

e. She ________________________________.

4. Make sentences in the Present Perfect. (5x4pts)

a. you / keep a pet for three years.
b. What countries / she / visit in Europe?
c. we / not hear that song.
d. the teacher / explained it well.
e. I / not study Latin.


Write a short text describing Sarah’s daily routine on Monday. (40pts)

7.30 a.m. – get up At 7.30 a.m. Sarah gets up.
7.45 a.m. – have breakfast

8.30 a.m.-1 p.m. – have lessons From 8.30 am to 1.00 pm she has lessons.
3 p.m.-4.30 p.m. – do
homework and study

5 p.m.-6 p.m. – play tennis

7 p.m. – cook dinner with mum

10.30 p.m. – go to bed

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