Procedure - Designer Qualification

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Dolphin Radiators &

Cooling Systems LLC

Block No.-144, Building No.-493, Road No.-244,
Sanaiya, Wadi Al Kabir,
Muscat, Oman

Procedure for Designer

Procedure No: DRCS/DES/001

Revision History

Date of Rev Revision Description

00 12.10.2021 Initial Issued for Review, Approval and Acceptance



Designation Authorized Inspector

Prepared By Reviewed & Approved By Reviewed & Accepted By

Procedure for Designer Qualification REVISION NO:00

DATE: 12.10.2021

1.0 Scope:
This section describes the requirements for Design Engineer employed or contracted by
DRCS who are for the design of pressure vessels. Engineer designated to be in responsible
for design of pressure vessel according to this procedure shall be responsible for the
pressure vessels design that are certified by DRCS as per ASME Code Sec. VIII Div. 1
Qualification, experience, training, and continual education requirements of Designer or
Engineer for the "General Pressure Vessel Design" as per Appendix 47 of Sec VIII Div-1.:

1.1 One or more persons within the company (an employee or an appointed
outside individual) shall be qualified and certified as Certifying Engineer
or Engineer or Designer and designated as Responsible Charge to
perform design work or exercise control of design work performed by
others for all the section VIII Div. 1 design activities described in Section
_ of Quality Control manual.

1.2 Requirements for this procedure shall also apply to Designers,

Engineers and Certifying Engineers that are engaged by the company by
the contract or agreement for their services to perform design activities
required for Sec VIII Div. 1 items.

1.3 The qualifications and experience required of the person in responsible

charge of design activities will depend on the design complexity of the
pressure vessel and the nature of the individual’s experience.

2.0 Responsibility

2.1 Design Coordinator is responsible to ensure compliance with

requirements of Appendix 47 of Section VIII Div.1.

2.2 Design Coordinator is responsible for maintaining qualification and

certification records of design personnel.

2.3 This procedure along with qualification and certification records shall be
made available to AI for his review.

3.0 Definitions
CERTIFYING ENGINEER: An engineer or other technically competent professional
duly accredited and qualified to practice engineering activities as required by Code.
DESIGNER OR ENGINEER: An individual who is qualified to design pressure vessels
in accordance with the rules of Code by demonstrated knowledge in Code
requirements and proficiency in selecting correct design formulas and appropriate
values to be used when preparing the design of a pressure vessel.
RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: A Designer, Engineer or Certifying Engineer, designated by
the company to perform design work or exercise control of design work performed by
others including subcontractors. Responsible Charge means the direct control and
personnel supervision of engineering work. Responsible charge is actively engaged in
the engineering process, from conception to completion. Engineering decisions must
be personally made by the Responsible Charge over which the he/she provides
supervisory direction and control authority. Reviewing drawings or documents after

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Procedure for Designer Qualification REVISION NO:00

DATE: 12.10.2021
preparation without involvement in the design and development process does not satisfy the
definition of Responsible Charge.
DESIGN COMPLEXITY: The Complexity of the work includes factors such as design
simplicity versus complexity, the types of materials and welding procedures used, the
thickness of materials, the types of non-destructive examinations applied, and
whether heat treatments are applied.


Responsible Charge shall meet one of the following requirements for Certifying
Engineer or Designer or Engineer.

4.1 The Certifying Engineer shall be Chartered, Registered or Licensed in

accordance with one or more of the following and shall have four (4) or
more years of experience in the design of pressure vessels:
- A Registered Professional Engineer in at least one state of the
United States or province of Canada.
- With the International Register of professional Engineers by an
authorized member of the International Professional Engineers
Agreement (IPEA).
- With an authorized member of the Asia Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC).
- With an authorized member of the European Federation of
national Engineering Associations (FEANI).

4.2 The Engineer shall have a degree from an accredited university or

college in engineering, science or technology (Bachelor Degree)
requiring an equivalent of four years of full time study of higher
education and shall have four (4) or more years of experience in the
design of pressure vessels

4.3 The Designer shall meet either of the following

- The Designer shall have completed an accredited engineering
technician or associate degree, requiring the equivalent of at
least 2 years of study (Engineering Diploma), plus have a
minimum of six (6) or more years of experience in the design of
pressure vessels.
- The Designer shall have a minimum of ten (10) or more years of
experience in the design of pressure vessels.


Design Coordinator ensure that Certifying Engineers, Engineers or Designers engaged
in design activity while under the Responsible Charge shall:
(a) be qualified to meet the following minimum requirements:
- knowledge of the design requirements of Section VIII Div. 1;

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Procedure for Designer Qualification REVISION NO:00

DATE: 12.10.2021

- knowledge of the Company’s Quality Manual;

-Training commensurate with the scope, complexity, criticality or special nature
of the design activities to which oversight is to be provided.

(b) maintain a documented record containing objective evidence of experience and

training obtained.

(c) be permitted to engage in any design activity required by Section VIII Div.1 or any
supplemental Design Requirements provided on user Design Requirements Forms or
equivalent document/data sheet.


The design activities listed in Table below shall require additional qualifications:

Table 47-5-1
Design Activities requiring Evidence of Additional Qualifications
Design Activities Code
Performance of numerical analysis [see ASME Section VI", Division 2, Part 2, Varies]
Fatigue assessments UG-22
(a) Elastic stress analysis (see ASME Section Vlll, Division 2, Part 5, 5.1.2 and 5.5.3-
(b) Elastic-plastic stress analysis (see ASME Section Vln, Division 2, Part 5, 55.4)

Design due to seismic reactions UG-22

(a) Linear response history procedure
(b) Nonlinear response history procedure
Quick-actuating closures UG-35.2
Design not specifically addressed in this Division U-2(g)

6.1 The Certifying Engineer may engage in or be in responsible charge of

any of the Design Activities listed in Table 47-5-1
6.2 Engineers and designers who engage in or are in responsible charge of
any of the design activities listed in Table 47-5-1 shall have evidence of
additional qualifications as follows:

Numerical Analysis
(a) two or more years of experience performing design analysis
(b) have received instruction in the use and understanding of any numerical analysis
computer program(s) from one of the following:
- the developer of the computer program (e.g. the software vendor), or
- A training course acceptable to or licensed by the developer,

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LOGO Procedure for Designer Qualification REVISION NO:00

DATE: 12.10.2021

- a Certifying Engineer with requisite knowledge of the computer program

and qualifications to train others on its use.

Fatigue Assessments
- Two (2) or more years of experience performing fatigue assessments
- The engineer or designer individual is working under the responsible
charge of a Certifying Engineer (Responsible Charge shall be qualified as
Certifying Engineer or Fatigue Assessments)

Other Design Activities

Two (2) or more years of experience performing seismic reactions, designing quick-
actuating closures or engaged in U-2(g) design activities


The Design Coordinator shall ensure that Certifying Engineer or Engineer or Designer
have met the qualifications requirements stated above.
Records of training, experience and verification of skills and body of knowledge are
Qualification of Certifying Engineer or Engineer or Designer shall expire for all Code
activities when no single activity has occurred within a continuous period of thirty-six
(36) months.
Project Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Competency to the Responsible Charge
and to the Engineers or Designers working under the supervision of Responsible

Qualification that has expired due to 8.3 may be reactivated by either of the following
- Continuity of the design activity for a six (6) month period
- Completion of eight (8) or more professional development hours (PDH’s)
consisting of one or more of the following:
(a) Taught or attended an appropriate course or training program or
seminar covering the design topic

Design Coordinator shall maintain the following records for all design personnel:
- Certificate of Competence
- For Certifying Engineer; Copy of his Chartered, Registered or Licensed
professional qualification
- Documentary evidence of experience as required by this procedure
- Record of Educational Qualification and Training
- Record of continuity is design activities as required by 8.3
- Training in company’s quality manual and procedures

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