Department of Education: Weekly Learning Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III


Quarter 1 Grade Level: Grade 10

Week: 1 Learning Area: Food and Beverages
MELCs: Conduct Psychosocial Support Name of Teacher: Celee Ann kris
Activities Mamon-Herrera
-DO no. 34, S. 2022

Classroom- Based Home- Based

Day Objectives Topics
Activities Activities
1 In this lesson you are  Class  Begin with classroom routine:
expected to: Orientation a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the classroom
1.Be educated of the Day health and safety protocol
classroom rules and c. Checking of Attendance
regulations. d. Quick Kumustahan
2.Able to introduce
him/herself in the  The teacher will post four pictures on
the board. Then, the students will
guess what do the four pictures
- 4 pics 1 word activity
- The answer is RULES

 The teacher will discuss the rules one-


 The students will introduce

themselves through drawing a symbol
or thing. Then, the students will share
their work to the class.
2 In this lesson you are  Food service  Begin with classroom routine:
expected to: in the Industry a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the classroom health
1.Recall the FOOD AND and safety protocol
Beverage 9. c. Checking of Attendance
2.Able to rememnber d. Quick Kumustahan
all in food service.
3.Make friends during  The teacher will group the class by
three members each group. Each
the activity.
member of the group will help each
other in performing the activity.

Adddress: Tulio St. tabacuhan Sta. Rita, Olongapo City

Contact No.: (047) 222-1561
Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
 The teacher will show the symbols
one-by-one, then each group will
write their answer on a piece of
paper. Give each group at least one
minute to answer.

 For the next activity, each group will

be given pieces of paper. The teacher
will show a Mathematical symbol,
then let each group translate the
given Mathematical Symbols into
Mathematical phrases within one

 The teacher will wrap up the activity

by asking some students of what they
have gain from the activities.
3 In this lesson you are  Food service  Begin with classroom routine:
expected to: Facility a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the classroom
1.Recall what is the
health and safety protocol
food service facility. c. Checking of Attendance
2.Learn something d. Quick Kumustahan
from the differences
of each other.  The teacher will post a picture on the
board. Then let the students look at
the picture. After two minutes, the
teacher will remove the picture, then
post at least five questions. Then let
the students answer each question
on their own.

 For the next activity, the class will be

having an individual activity about
familiarity. The students will write
their answer on a sheet of paper,
then they will raise their paper after a
minute to show their answers.

 The teacher will help the students

wrap up the activities.
4 In this lesson you are  Identifying  Begin with classroom routine:
expected to: Similar/Like a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the classroom
1.Recall how to identify Terms health and safety protocol
like terms.  Fundamental c. Checking of Attendance
2.Recall how to handle Operations on d. Quick Kumustahan
guest. food service
3.Be united in doing  The teacher will give each student a
the activity. TERMS bingo card for the activity.
This activity is also the same with
playing bingo. The winner will be
declared once someone gets a
diagonal, horizontal, or vertical line in
his/her TERMS bingo card.

Adddress: Tulio St. tabacuhan Sta. Rita, Olongapo City

Contact No.: (047) 222-1561
Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page:
 For the next activity, the teacher will
group the class by three members.
They will help each other in
answering the given problem in
polynomials. They have one goal
which is to reach the finish line.

 The teacher will help the students

wrap up the activities.
5 In this lesson you are  Reflection  Begin with classroom routine:
expected to: Day a. Prayer
b. Reminder of the classroom
1.Make a reflection
health and safety protocol
based on the activities c. Checking of Attendance
from Day 1 to 4. d. Quick Kumustahan
2.Showcase their
singing skills.  The whole class will create a circle
(just like in trip to Jerusalem). Then,
the students will sing the given song.
Once the teacher says STOP, the last
student singing before the stop will
be the one to share his/her thoughts
and realizations for this week.

Prepared: Checked:

Celee Ann Kris Mamon-Herrera Jesusa P. Acuna

Teacher I Head Teacher III


Principal IV

Adddress: Tulio St. tabacuhan Sta. Rita, Olongapo City

Contact No.: (047) 222-1561
Email Address: [email protected]
Facebook Page:

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